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PREREQUISITE(S): TOPIC 1: The Philosophical, Biblical, and

Psychological View of self
TOPIC 2: Sociological Perspective
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is intended to
facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns TOPIC 3: Anthropological Perspective of the Self
regarding self and identity to arrive at a better
understanding of one self. It deals with the nature of TOPIC 4: Psychological Perspective
identity, as well as the factors and forces that affect the
development and maintenance of personal identity. TOPIC 5: Eastern and Western Thoughts about
It is a three-unit course that develops students’
communicative competence and enhances their cultural TOPIC 6: Physical Self
and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks
that provide them opportunities for communicating TOPIC 7: Sexual Aspect of Self
effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience
in a local or global context. It equips students with tools TOPIC 8: Material Aspect of Self
for critical evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses
on the power of language and the impact of images to TOPIC 9: Spiritual Aspect of the Self
emphasize the importance of conveying messages
responsibly. The knowledge, skills, and insights that TOPIC 10: Political Aspect of Self
students gain from this course may be used in their
other academic endeavor, their chosen discipline, and TOPIC 11: Digital Aspect of Self
their future career as they compose and produce
relevant oral, written, audio-visual and/or web-based TOPIC 12: Managing and Caring for the Self
output of various purposes.

COURSE OUTCOMES: After successful completion of the

course, as a pre-service teacher, you are expected to:
1. discuss the different representation and
conceptualizations of the self from various disciplinal
2. examine the different influences, factors, and forces
that shape the self.
3. explore the different aspects of self and identity;
4. identify the different forces and institutions that
impact the development of various aspects of self and
5. understand the theoretical underpinnings for how to
manage and care the different aspects of the self;
6. Acquire and hone new skills and learnings for better
managing of one’s self behavior

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in this life should imitate his former self; more specifically, he
WEEK NO: 2-3 should live a life of virtue in which true human perfection
The Philosophical, Biblical, and exists. Happiness, which is the fruit of virtue, is attained by
the constant imitation of the divine exemplar of virtue,
Psychological View of Self embodied in man's former perfect self.

René Descartes: "I think, therefore I am"

Descartes states that the self is a thinking entity distinct from
At the end of this topic, as a pre-service teacher, you should the body. His first famous principle was "Cogito, ergo sum,"
be able to: which means "I think, therefore I am." Although the mind and
• explain the nature, concept and meaning of the self; • the body are independent from each other and serve their
describe the nature of the self from your own point of view; own function, man must use his own mind and thinking
• Develop a pleasant and wholesome attitude towards abilities to investigate, analyze, experiment, and develop
oneself himself.

What is ‘self’? John Locke: Personal Identity

• A person's essential being that distinguishes them from John Locke holds that personal identity (the self) is a matter
others, especially considered as the object of introspection or of psychological continuity. For him, personal identity is
reflexive action. founded on consciousness (memory), and not on the
substance of either the soul or the body.
Socrates: Know Yourself Socrates is principally concerned Personal identity is the concept about oneself that evolves
with man. He considers man from the point of view of his over the course of an individual's life. It may include aspects
inner life. The famous line of Socrates, “Know yourself," tells of life that man has no control over, such as where he grew
each man to bring his inner self to light bad man is not up or the color of his skin, as well as the choices he makes,
virtuous through ignorance; the man who does not follow the like how he spends his time and what he believes.
good fails to do so because he does not recognize it.
David Hume: The Self is the Bundle Theory of Mind
The core of Socratic ethics is the concept of virtue and Hume is skeptical about the existence of the self, specifically,
knowledge. Virtue is the deepest and most basic propensity a on whether there is a simple, unified self that exists over
man. Knowing one's own virtue is necessary and can be time. For him, man has no "clear and intelligible" idea of the
learned Since virtue is innate in the mind and self-knowledge self. He posits that no single impression of the self exists;
is the source of all wisdom, an individual may gain possession rather, the self is just the thing to which all perceptions of a
of oneself and be one's own master through knowledge. man is ascribed. Moreover, even if there were such an
impression of the self, it would have to remain constant over
Immanuel Kant: Respect for Self time to constitute identity.
Man is the only creature who governs and directs himself and However, man's impressions vary and always change. Even
actions, who sets up ends for himself and his purpose, and attempts to have impressions of the self must fail for all these
who freely orders means for the attainment of his aims. Every attempts are really just occasions for one to notice
man is thus an end in himself and should never be treated perceptions.
merely as a means-as per the order of the Creator and the Put simply, a person can never observe oneself without some
natural order of things. This rule is a plain dictum of reason other perceptions. Thus, Hume asserts that what we call the
and justice: Respect others as you would respect yourself. “self” is really just "a bundle or collection of different
A person should not be used as a tool, instrument, or device perceptions which succeed each other with an inconceivable
to accomplish another's private ends. Thus, all men are rapidity."
persons gifted with the same basic rights and should treat
each other as equals. THE CHRISTIAN OR BIBLICAL VIEW

Plato: The Ideal Self, the Perfect Self According to Plato, man The Holy Bible
was omniscient or all-knowing before he came to be born God created man in His image; in the divine image He
into this world. With his separation from the paradise of created him; male and female He created them. God blessed
truth and knowledge and his long exile on earth, he forgot them, saying, "Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and
most of the knowledge he had. However, by constant subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds in
remembering through contemplation and doing good, he can the air, and all the living things that move on the earth."
regain his former perfections. Genesis 1:24-28
Man, who is now an exile on earth has a guiding star, a According to the Holy Writ, man, following his redemption by
model, or a divine exemplar which he must follow to reach the Savior from eternal bondage, now shares in the infinite
and attain his destiny. In practical terms, this means that man merits of his Redeemer and has become not only the
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inheritor of the new earth but also the heir of heavenly 3. Phallic. From the age of 3 to 6 years, the child gets
kingdom. Thus, it is appropriate to think of the "self" as the curious about his/her genitals and becomes attached
multi-bejeweled crown of creation-the many gems thereof to the parent of the opposite sex. The attraction of a
representing and radiating the glorious facets of man's self boy to his mother is called Oedipus complex, while
that include the physical, intellectual, moral, religious, social, that of a girl to her father is called Electra complex.
political, economic, emotional, sentient, aesthetic, sensual,
and sexual aspects. 4. Latency. From the age of 10 to 12 years, sexual
motivations presumably recede in importance as the
St. Augustine: Love and Justice as the Foundation of the child becomes preoccupied with developing skills
Individual Self and other activities.
St. Augustine believes that a virtuous life is a dynamism of
love. It is a constant following of and turning towards love
while a wicked life is a constant turning away from love. 5. Genital. After puberty, the deepest feelings of
Loving God means loving one's fellowmen; and loving one's pleasure presumably come from heterosexual
fellowmen denotes never doing any harm to another or, as relations.
the golden principle of justice states, doing unto others as
you would have them do unto you. Erik Erikson: The Psychosocial Stages of Self-development
Erikson was primarily concerned with how both psychological
THE PSYCHOLOGICAL VIEW OF SELF and social factors affect the development of individuals. He
has formulated eight major stages of development, each
Sigmund Freud: The Psychoanalytic Theory of Self posing a unique developmental task and simultaneously
Freud's asserts that the human psyche (personality) presenting the individual with a crisis that he/she must
structured into three parts (tripartite). These structures – the overcome . As defined by Erikson, a crisis is not "a threat of
id, ego, and superego-all develop at different stages in a catastrophe but a turning point, a crucial period of increased
person's life. vulnerability and heightened potential" (Erikson, 1968, p. 96).
Accordingly, individuals develop a healthy personality by
These three structures are systems and not physical parts of mastering "life's outer and inner dangers."
the brain. Although each part comprises unique features and
contributes to an individual’s behavior, they interact to form Freudian Stages of Psychosexual Development
a whole. Freud also argues that the development of an individual can
be divided into distinct stages characterized by sexual drives.
Parts of Personality As a person grows, certain areas become sources of pleasure,
1. Id (internal desires). Also called internal drives or frustration or both.
instinctive drives, it consists of the body's primitive biological
drives and urges which are concerned only with achieving
pleasure biological drives and self-satisfaction. Id lives Merleau-Ponty
completely in the unconscious. Maurice Jean Jacques Merleau-Ponty is a French philosopher
who is known for his works on existentialism and
2. Ego (reality). It is the “I” part of the individual that gives phenomenology. His idea of the self, regarded that the body
him/ her the sense of his/her own identity. The ego is the and mind are not separate entities, but rather those two
rational part of the personality. components is one and the same. His idea that follows the
gestalt ideation where the whole is greater than the sum of
3. Superego (conscience). It is the part of the personality its parts in which pushed his idea on the unity of the function
concerned with morals, precepts, standards, and ideas. The of the mind and body, this idea is called the Phenomenology
superego is also the critical faculty of the personality. of Perception.

1. Oral. From birth to the end of the first year, the The idea of Phenomenology of Perception according to
mouth becomes the part of the body through which Merleau-Ponty is divided into three (3) division, The Body,
gratification is secured. The Perceived World, and the People and the world.

2. Anal (expulsive phase). From the age of 2 to 3 years, The body that both receives the experience as well as
the child of 2 to 3 years, the child derives the integrates such experiences in the different perception.
feelings of pleasure or pain from defecating. It
covers the toilet-training period. The Perceived world, which are the accumulation of the
perception as integrated by the experiences of the body.

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And the People and the world that enable one to not only be the “Me” are the attitudes, and behavior of the person with
able to integrate the other objects in the world but also to be reference to their social environment.
able to experience the cultural aspect and relate to others.
Mead’s Three Role-playing Stages of Self Development
His idea of perception follows the idea of Gestalt psychology
which gives important on the whole than the sum of its part. Mead proposed that there a three stages in which a person
For him, perception guides our action based from what our has to go through for one to develop one’s self. These stages
experiences are, the body perceives while our consciousness are the Preparation/Language Stage, Play stage, and Game
provides the meaning or interprets the various perception we stage.
have in the world and the self could be established by the
perceptions we have in the world, whereas one’s action, The Preparatory Stage (Birth – 2 years Old) – According to
behavior and language used could be said to be the reflection Mead, during this stage the infant simply imitates the actions
of our united perception of the world. and behaviors of the people that the infant interacts with.
Because the child is only mimicking what he or she observes
from his or her environment their actions are only the
WEEK NO: 4-5 reflection of what they can remember without any intention
SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES or meaning behind their actions or behavior.

The Play Stage (2 – 6 years old) – for the Play stage, it is the
time where children begins to interact with other with which
Sociology, or the study of how human society is established, certain rules apply, these rules often time does not adhere to
its structure and how it works, the people’s interaction with any set or standards but rather are rules that are set by the
each other and the effects they have to one another is an children themselves. Also, this is the stage where the child
aspect in which we have to consider with regards to the practices real life situations through pretend play and is the
development of a person. It is also important to understand onset of self-consciousness. The development of the self in
that the establishment of the “Self” based on social this stage occurs through the preliminary experiences that
structures could give us a better understanding of who we are serves as practice for the child.
and provide reasons how our interactions can affect us as a
person. The Game Stage (6-9 years old) – The final stage of self-
development according to Mead where are characterized by
George Herbert Mead and the Social Self, the ability of the children to recognize the rules of the game
George Herbert Mead is an American Sociologist, he is and be able to identify their roles and the roles of the others
considered as the Father of American pragmatism, and one of that is playing with them. With this, the children at this stage
the pioneers in the field of social psychology because of his learns the implications of their actions as well as the
contributions on the development of the person relating to understanding or taking into account how one can take into
various social factors. account the view point of the society on the attitudes and
Mead rejected the idea of biological determination of the self
which proposes that an individual already has an established With the idea of Mead with regards to the establishment of
self from the moment he is born. For him, the notion of a the sense of self, socialization is a lifetime endeavor, and the
person with regards to who they are develops from one’s people one interacts with will change throughout a person’s
social interaction with other people. He reiterated that the life, as such, considering the social environment one belongs
process of establishing the self is through the construction to along with the changes on the person’s development, may
and reconstruction of the idea of who we are as a person it be at school, home, or work, the interactions and
during the process of social experience. experiences the person acquires from those people and
situations helps define a more concrete identity and sense of
The “I” and the “Me” self. That idea of “Self” may be based on the general attitudes
Mead proposes that there are two components of the self and behaviors of other people or the individuality of the
which the person have, these components are the “I” and the person that manifests as a response to those attitudes and
“Me”. The “Me” are the characteristics, behavior, and or behaviors of others.
actions done by a person that follows the “generalized
others” that person interacts with, while the “I” is the The Looking-glass Self
reaction of the individual to the attitude of others, as well as
the manifestation of the individuality of the person. Simply The looking-glass self describes the process wherein
speaking, According to Mead the concept the “I” is one’s individuals base their sense of self on how they
response to the established attitude, and behavior that a believe others view them. Using social interacti on as
person assumes in reference to their social interactions while a type of “mirror,” people use the judgments they

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receive from others to measure their own worth, Public Self
values, and behavior.
information about the self, or an integrated view of the self,
Core Assumptions that is conveyed to others in actions, self-descriptions,
the process of discovering the looking-glass self appearance, and social interactions. An individual’s public self
occurs in three steps: may vary depending on the target or audience of such
1. An individual in a social situati on imagines
how they appear to others. The public self is the view of oneself by others as conveyed
2. That individual imagines others’ judgment of through public information, public action and interaction with
that appearance. others. The public self generally depends on the public
3. The individual develops feelings about and for definition, but is also an individual's view of how he or she
responds to those perceived judgments. fits in and actions taken while in public.

Social Identity Theory The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life

Social Identity theory and self-categorization theory suggest A book that was published in the U.S. in 1959, written by
that people categorize themselves as belonging to certain sociologist Erving Goffman. In it, Goffman uses the imagery of
groups such as nationality, gender, or even sports teams. theater in order to portray the nuances and significance of
Social identity theory focuses on how group memberships face-to-face social interaction. Goffman puts forth a theory of
guide intergroup behavior and influence an individual’s self- social interaction that he refers to as the dramaturgical model
concept. Closely tied to self-categorization is an individual’s of social life.
evaluation of the group. To reach positive evaluations of
one’s group, people engage in process of social comparison. According to Goffman, social interaction may be likened to a
They derogate the out-group with the aim of increasing their theater, and people in everyday life to actors on a stage,
own self-esteem. each playing a variety of roles. The audience consists of
other individuals who observe the role-playing and react to
Private self, Public Self and Collective Self the performances. In social interaction, like in theatrical
performances, there is a 'front stage' region where the actors
The collective self consists of those aspects of the self that are on stage before an audience, and their consciousness of
are based on memberships in social groups or categories. It that audience and the audience's expectations for the role
refers to a perception of self as an interchangeable exemplar they should play influence the actor's behavior. There is also
of some social category rather than a perception of self as a a back region, or 'backstage,' where individuals can relax, be
unique person. The collective self is based on impersonal themselves, and the role or identity that they play when they
bonds to others that are derived from the shared are in front of others.
identification with a social group. Those bonds do not
necessarily require close personal relationships between Postmodern View of the Self
group members.
Postmodernism is not a philosophy but more of a report on
The collective self-concept is composed of attributes that one the mindset of western culture in the latter half of the 20 th
shares with members of the group to which one belongs (the century. In the postmodernist view, self is not the creator of
ingroup). That is, it includes those aspects of the self-concept meaning, nor the center or starting point of sociological
that differentiate ingroup members from members of inquiry. For French philosopher Michael Foucault, the self is
relevant outgroups. Commonalities with groups may be also seen as a product of modern discourse that is socially
based on stable characteristics, such as race or gender, or on and historically conditioned (David, 2002).
achieved states, such as occupation or party membership.
Anderson(1997) gives four basic postmodernist ideas about
Private self self, which address the issues of change and multiple
identities. The first is multiphrenia which refers to the many
the part of the self that is known mainly to oneself, such as different voices speaking about “who we are and what we
one’s inner feelings and self-concept. are.” In the postmodern world, you just do not get to be a
single and consistent somebody. When you are a family man,
The part of a person's awareness known only to themselves. for instance, you are a husband, a father, and an in-law at the
The private self is the only one aware of true feelings same time. When you go out of your house, you are a
and self-worth. As opposed to the outside, physical and neighbor, a “kumpare,” a “ninong”, and a citizen. When you
noticeable person the public sees. go to work, you are either a boss or an employee, or a co-

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worker and a taxpayer. Second is protean, a self capable of animal and ancient garbage provides stories about
changing constantly to fit the present conditions. You may utilization and actions.
not be at ease to talk with gays and lesbians as a teenager,
but now you are not bothered at all. You might have hated 3. Biological, or Physical Anthropology
political dynasties before, but you are amenable to them Biological, or Physical Anthropology focuses on these
now. You did not want a tattoo before, but you are special interest, human evolution as revealed by the
considering it now. The protean self is a manifestation that fossil, human genetics, human growth and development,
people do not have a true stable self. Third is de-centered, a human biological plasticity and the biology, evolution,
belief that there is no self at all. The self is constantly being behavior and social life of monkeys, apes and other
redefined or constantly undergoing change. We are what we nonhuman primates.
are described to be. Fourth is self-in-relation, which means
that humans do not live their lives in isolation but in relation 4. Linguistic Anthropology
to people and to certain cultural context. Linguistic anthropology studies language in its social and
cultural context across space and over time. Universal
Kenneth Gergen’s Saturated or Multiplicitous Self features of language are analyzed and association
between language and culture are evaluated. It also
For Kenneth Gergen, the saturated self is characterized by studies how speech changes in social situations and over
constant connection to others, a self that absorbs a time.
multitude of voices(sometimes contradictory) and takes in a
seemingly endless streams of information. This saturation The Self Embedded in the Culture
contradicts the notion of a singular, true, authentic self, and Culture refers to customary behavior and beliefs that
instead gives way to a self consisting of “multiple” selves. This are passed on through enculturation (Kottak, 2008),
is due to the splitting of the self into multitude of options, wherein enculturation is the social process which culture
which Gergen calls multiphrenia. is learned and transmitted.

Culture is a social process that is learned and passes from

WEEK NO: 6 generation to the next. Culture depends on images,
which have a specific significance and incentive for
individuals who share a culture. Cultural traditions take
SELF regular marvels, including organic desires, and
transforming them specifically headings. Everybody is
cultured. Social orders are coordinated and designed
The Self and the Person in Contemporary Anthropology through predominant monetary powers, social examples,
I. Anthropology and Its Subdisciplines key images and core values. Cultural mean of adjustment
have been urgent in human evolution. Cultures oblige
The academic discipline of anthropology, or “four-field” people, yet the activities of people can change cultures.
anthropology, studies human species and its immediate Cultural Identity refers to the identity or feeling of
ancestors includes four main sub disciplines or subfields - belongingness to a certain culture group. It is an
sociocultural, archeological, biological and linguistic individual’s perception about himself or herself anchored
anthropology. Each sub discipline studies adaptation, the on race, gender, nationality, religion, ethnicity, and
process which organisms cope with the environmental. language.
Anthropology is a systematic exploration of human
biological and cultural diversity. Identity refers to “who the person is”, or the qualities
and traits of an individual that make him or her different
The Sub disciplines of Anthropology from others.
1. Cultural Anthropology
Cultural anthropology is the study of human society and Culture defined: Culture is shared, symbolic, natural,
culture which describes, analyzes, interprets and learned, integrated, encompassing and maladaptive and
explains social and cultural similarities and differences. adaptive.
It explores the diversity of the present and the past.
Ethnography and ethnology are two different activities
which can study and interpret cultural diversity. Psychology has various ways of understanding a person and
the therapist way of helping people understand themselves.
2. Archeological Anthropology Self by definition is a reference by an individual to the same
Archeological anthropology reconstructs, describes and individual person. Having its own or single character as a
interprets human behavior and cultural patterns through person, referring to the person as same individual.
material remains. These materials remain such as plant,

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The psychology of studying self is about either the cognitive perceived person as a unified being and Gergens concept of
and affective representation of one's identity or the subject multiple “selves”
of experience. The earliest formulation of the self in modern
psychology forms the distinction between the self as I, the
person knower, and the self as Me, the person that is known.
“The Self and It Selves” PERSPECTIVE OF
William James, a psychologist, has introduced in his
document The Principles of Psychology (1890) a numerous
concepts and distinction of self. For James, his main concepts
of self are the “me-self” and the “I-self”. The “me-self” is the In Freud’s concept, he argued that mind is divided into three
phenomenal self, the experienced self or the self as known. It connected but distinct parts. The Id, Ego and Super Ego. Id as
is the self that has experience the phenomena and who had the center of primitive, animalistic impulses (sex, food &
known the situation. The “I-self” is the self-thought or the comfort) following the pleasure principle. Superego as the
self-knower. James had claimed that the understanding of center for ethical imperative. The one that reminds the self of
Self can be separated into three categories: “1. Its what is right of wrong following morality principle. And the
constituents; 2. The feeling and emotions they arouse – Self- Ego as the moderator between these two which was driven
feelings; 3. The actions to which they prompt – Self-seeking by rationality principle. And then also, Freud has stated two
and self-preservation. important division of mind, the conscious and unconscious.
Also, James wrote sub-categories of self, 1. the material self; Conscious are the thoughts that we are aware of. And
2. the social self; and 3. the spiritual self. Unconscious as thoughts that we are not aware of.

 The Material Self is constituted by our bodies, Although, Freud has argued that self has a multiple parts, he
clothes, immediate family and home. It is in this this still believed that ultimately we are a Unified beings (Atleast,
that we attached more deeply into and therefore we when we are healthy). Ego remains at the helm of mind,
are most affected by because of the investment we guiding the Id and Superego and staying at the center. Thus
give to these things. Gergen argued that having a flexible sense of self allows for
multiple “selves”. That it is up to the the self to define himself
 The Social Self is based on our interactions with as warm or cold, dominant or submissive, sexy or plain.
society and the reaction of people towards us. It is
our social self that thought to have multiple According to Kenneth Gergen, proponent of Post modern
divergence or different version of ourselves. It Psychology, The individual has many potential selves. He
varies as to how we present ourselves to a particular carries within him the capacity to identify himself, whether
social group. warm or cold, dominant or submissive, sexy or plain. How we
bring ourselves in every situation will held him get through
 The most intimate self, the spiritual self. It is the for a day. Therefore, maybe it is healthy to have many mask.
most intimate because it is more satisfying for the Multiple selfhood is part of what it means to be human, and
person that they have the ability to argue and forcing oneself to stick to one self-concept maybe unhealthy.
discriminate one’s moral sensibility, conscience and
indomitable will. True Self and Fake Self

Conception of Self True Self, as rooted from early infancy is called the simple
Carl Rogers, had come up with his conception of self through being. The sense of self based on spontaneous authentic
the intervention he used for his client, the Person-centered experience and feeling of being alive, having “real self”.
therapy. It is a non-directive intervention because it believes Example, as a baby we react base on our sense of reality. The
that all people have the potential to solve their own baby reacted spontaneously based on our instinctual sense.
problems. Rogers believe that people must be fully honest
with themselves in order to have personal discovery on Fake Self, is our defense facade. Overlaying or contradicting
oneself. In this concept of self, he had come up with three the original sense of self. Problem would be we might build
sides of a triangle. false set of relationship through concealing a barren
A. The Perceived Self (Self worth - how the person sees emptiness behind an independent-seeming façade.
self & others sees them)
B. The Real Self (Self Image - How the person really is)
C. The Ideal Self (How the person would like to be)
Concept of Unified and Multiple Self WESTERN AND EASTERN THOUGHTS ABOUT
As Daniel CW (2016) wrote in his article “Psychoanalysis vs SELF
Postmodern Psychology” he has emphasized how Freud
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object which can be desirelessness to reach nirvana;
There is a clash of civilization that is plaguing the country productively reciprocal
right now and though this is not officially and consciously studied through as
acknowledged, this war for dominance is victimizing all series of
Filipinos in one form or another. There is really no middle evanescent actions,
ground, and it is either one is rooting for the other side or self is
opposing all contentions and wisdom from another side. This multidimensional
is the battle for the dominance, and prisoners are not taken entity
and captured. This is literally, the war between the eastern Self takes form in (Theravada) detachment and
self versus the western self. communication desirelessness to reach nirvana;
reciprocal relationship;
Western culture basically is about the focus on oneself and (Mahayana)compassion to other
personal needs; Eastern culture is about focus on others and humans for belief that we are part
the feeling of others. Western culture is predicated on putting of the same ever-changing universe
egoism first while Eastern culture is about collectivism. (Buddhism)
Conceptually, there is a vast of difference between egoism Self is intimately Attainment of liberation in the
and collectivism. While egoism is focused on oneself, connected to bodily identification of Atman (the spiritual
collectivism is all about focus on others. While the Western experience both essence of all individual human
culture is inclined in more acquisition of material things, the ontogenetically and beings) and Brahman (the spiritual
Eastern culture is tilted towards less assets (thus the mantra here and now essence of the universe)
less is more). Western culture is obsessed with being awareness
successful, the eastern culture is more inclined towards long Self is both Attainment of liberation in the
life; for the Eastern culture, long life is equated with wealth. phenomenal and identification of Atman (the spiritual
nonphenomenal essence of all individual human
In the Eastern culture, wealth and poverty is the result of beings) and Brahman (the spiritual
fortune and luck, for the Western culture, wealth and poverty essence of the universe) through
is the result of enterprise and hard work. The Eastern culture the Four Yogas (Taoism)
values the wisdom of years and seniority, while the Western Self acquires Concept of Kapwa, recognition of
culture celebrates the youth and being young. substance shared identity, an inner self shared
Philosophically, the Eastern culture subscribe to concept of according to with others; Two levels or modes of
reincarnation while Western culture subscribe to the idea of semantic, syntactic social interaction – ibang-tao or
evolution. Taken as a whole, these basic and subtle and pragmatic “outsider” and hindi ibang-tao or
differences between the Eastern culture and the Western “oneof-us” (Filipino Psychology)
culture are taking its toll on Filipinos on which culture to
adopt. The dilemma is whether to follow and subscribe to the Individualism versus Collectivism
Western influences or subscribe to Eastern ideas. Individualism Collectivism
People are autonomous Interdependent within
The self: individualism and collectivism and independent from their in-groups
Individualist cultures value independence. They promote their in-groups
personal ideals, strengths, and goals, pursued in competition Give priority to their Give priority to the goals
with others, leading to individual achievement and finding a personal goals of their in- of their ingroups
unique identity. groups
Behave on their basis of In-groups primarily shape
Collectivist cultures value interdependence. They promote attitudes rather than their behavior
group and societal goals and duties, and blending in with norms Behave in a communal
group identity, with achievement attributed to mutual way
support. Concerned in maintaining
relationship with others
Concept of Self Western and Eastern Thought
Western Eastern
Self is a social A gentleman by following the moral
construction which way consisting of the virtues of love,
is symbolically and righteousness, wisdom, propriety PHYSICAL SELF
signally created and loyalty in order to promote
between and harmony in society (Confucianism)
among social beings Physical self refers to the body which we interface with our
Phenomenological (Theravada) detachment and environment and fellow being. It is a tangible aspect of the
person that can be directly observed and examined.
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Most of the times, this self-esteem are define by what
People now days are too conscious on how they look. How physical attributes they have. Beauty as define by the society,
they see themselves in the mirror, how people will look at culture or traditions, is what matter to the person.
them and what will people say about them. Our concept of An individual undergoes definite stages of development. In
our self and the perception of people around us will always each phase, the child experiences certain developmental
have big effect on how we deal in a situation, cultural or not. characteristics to prepare him/her for the next.
This discussion of Physical Self has found place on different
Schools of Psychology, like psychoanalysis, behaviorism, Achieving Physical Well-Being
humanism etc. For example: 1. Eat Healthy Foods
 William James considered body as initial source of 2. Maintain a Healthy lifestyle
sensation and necessary for the origin and 3. Follow Proper Hygiene
maintenance of personality. It is an element of 4. Engage in Daily Exercise
spiritual hygiene of supreme significance. For 5. Take Vitamins and drink fruit juices
example, a boxer during a fight, do not notice/feels 6. Avoid Stress
his wounds until the intensity of fight has subside. 7. Spend less Time in front of computers and gadgets.
 Sigmund Freud, In Psychoanalytical school,
construction of self and personality makes the
physical body the core of human experience. WEEK NO: 11-12
 Wilhelm Reich argued that mind and body are one;
all psychological processes, he postulated, are a part
Sexual Self
of physical processes, and vice versa
 According to Erik Erikson, the role of bodily organs is
As we come to understand the beauty of physical self, it
especially important in early developmental stages
of a persons life. Later in life, the development of
is also proper to learn to understand the sexual self.
physical as well as intellectual skills help determine
whether the individual will achieve a sense of As psychoanalytical theory states that physical body is the
competence and ability to choose demanding roles core of human experience as form of construction of self
in confidence when they bigger, stronger, faster and and personality. Freud maintained that nature of the
more capable of learning complex skills. conflicts among id, ego and superego changes overtime as a
 Carl Jung, argued that the physical body and the person grows from child to adult. There are psychosexual
external world can be known only as psychological stages that focus: oral, anal, phallic and genital. Thus, these
experiences. stages are directly related to different physical center of
 B.F. Skinner, says that the role of the body is of pleasure.
primary importance.
Self – Esteem To fully appreciate sexual self, it is necessary to understand
People from different culture have opted to change their human reproductive system, erogenous zone, and human
features in attempt to meet the cultural standards of beauty, sexual behavior.
as well as their religious and/or social obligations. They
modify and adorn their bodies as part of the part of complex Understanding Basic of Sexual Behavior
process of creating and re-creating their personal and social
identity to be accepted by society and to be able to accept Human Sexual behavior is complex and complicated, thus, it
them self. This includes body painting, tattooing, jewelries is not at all different from other species (Feldman, 2010). To
and adornments. Youth in present time are too conscious of illustrate; men sexual behavior can occur at any time, by
their physical attributes that they are not confident to face being arouse to certain stimuli. At puberty, the testes begin
the day without makeup. to secrete androgens (male sex hormones) which produces
secondary sex characteristics like growth of bodily hair and
As our physical self, dictates how we act in front of other change in tone of voice. Female sexual behavior starts at
people it also defines how we will manage our self-esteem. puberty where the two ovaries begin to produce estrogens
Yet, this self-esteem is vital on how we form positive and and progesterone (female sex hormones). This stage of
healthy relationships with people around us. We have puberty for female occurs in cyclical manner where also
different kinds of self-esteem; The Inflated Self-Esteem (this brought changes. While for nonhuman, period of ovulation is
people holds high regards of themselves. Better than the only when the ovulation occurs to the female specie is
other to the point of under estimating them), High Self- receptive to sex.
Esteem(this is a positive self-esteem, which make the person
be satisfied of themselves) and Low Self-Esteem (this person Human reproductive system is an organ system by which
do not value themselves and do not trust their possibilities). reproduce and bear live offspring. It requires the union
between the male and female reproductive system to which
carries out to produce another life form. Provided that all
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organs are present, human reproductive system works from dopamine causes increased energy, less need for
the released of egg cell from female reproductive organ, to food and sleep, and focused attention to one’s
the fertilization of sperm cells, to the conception, up to the desired partner.
giving birth of the baby and eventually to the return of the 3. Serotonin- is attributed to “falling in love” as this
female physical body to the original state. (Harrison, 2018) hormone makes a person think of his or her desired
partner at most times.
Physiological Aspects of Sexual Excitement
Diversity of Sexual Behavior
Erogenous Zone Sexual behavior transcends in different forms. It may be
These are part of the body that particularly sensitive to touch, influenced by not only the basic physiological aspect of
pressure and vibration which contributes to sexual arousal. sexuality but also by different expectations, attitudes, beliefs
Identifying erogenous zone (“hot spots”) gives different and state of medical and biological knowledge. It made sexual
reaction and effect to a person. For one, these could bring behavior take a more diverse forms such as heterosexuality,
sexual satisfaction, also, improves sexual health and homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality.
stimulating different spots may produce different reaction to  Heterosexuality-Is a sexual attraction and behavior
the body. Female and male erogenous zone are reproductive directed to other sex. More than male-female
organ (vagina, penis, scrotum & clitoris), mouth (lips), neck, intercourse, it involves kissing, petting, caressing,
breast (nipples) and ears. massaging and other form of sexual activities.
 Homosexuality and Bisexuality-Homosexuals is a
Phases of Sexual Response romantic and/or sexual attraction between members
Although, erogenous zone brings us to sexual arousal which is of same sex. Bisexuals are person who can be
unique to each individual, people shares same basic aspects romantically or sexually attracted to same sex and
of sexual responsiveness. According to Johnson & Master the other sex. Some male homosexuals prefer the
(1966), sexual response follows a regular pattern consisting of term Gay and some female homosexual prefer the
four (4) phases: arousal, plateau, orgasm and resolution. term Lesbian. Gays and Lesbian as preference for a
terminology refer not only to their sexual preference
1. The arousal phase is a subjective sense of sexual but also as Gender preference. These by which refer
pleasure. The physiological sign in males is penile to a broader array of attitudes and lifestyle of the
tumescence (erection) and vasocongestion to female individual than the sexuality itself.
leads to vaginal lubrication and nipple erection.  Transsexuality-These are people who believed they
2. The plateau phase is a brief period of time before were born with the body of the other gender. Men
the orgasm. It is the body’s preparation for orgasm. transsexuals believe that they are men in a women’s
3. The orgasm phase is an intense, highly pleasurable body and women transsexuals believe that they are
experience. When this phase is reached, rhythmic women in a men’s body. Transsexuals sometimes
muscular contractions occur in the genitals. In male, seek sex exchange operations, which undergo
the contractions expel semen, a fluid containing several steps such as intensive sexual counseling,
sperm, a process called ejaculation. For women and hormone injections, living as member of desired sex
men, breathing and heart rates reach maximum. for several years, surgery.
4. Last stage of sexual arousal, the resolution stage  Transgenderism-These are people who view
where the decrease of arousal (particularly in male) themselves as a third gender, they are transvestites
happens. Genitals resume their unaroused state and (who wears clothes of the other gender) or those
shape; blood pressure, breathing and heart rate who believed that traditional male-female
return to normal. classifications inadequately characterized them.
Understanding the Chemistry of Lust, Attraction, and  Masturbation- This is a sexual act of stimulating
Attachment. one’s own genitals done alone by an individual. Both
Lust- is characterized by the desire for sexual gratification men and women masturbate although some studies
which is inherent to every living organism. say that men do the act more often women do.
 Premarital Sex- This refers to the activities people
Attraction-is characterized by intense attention given to a engage in outside of marriage. For certain religions,
desired partner. this is considered unacceptable for there is a belief
Stages driven by chemicals and hormones. that it is only through marriage that man and woman
1. Adrenaline- is released by the body for “fight” or could partake in sexual activities.
“fight”. For instance, after surprisingly meeting one’s  Marital Sex- These are the sexual activities that
object of affection, this hormone will activate one’s happen within the bounds of marriage is perceived
stress response such as sweating and drying of the to be a legal and symbolic binding of two people
mouth. who agree to only be with each other.
2. Dopamine- ignites an intense rush of pleasure when
release. High level of neurotransmitter like
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 Extramarital Sex- These are sexual activities that importance of Contraception. There are two kinds of
married people engage in with people they are not contraception; the Natural Contraception and the Artificial
married to. Contraception.
 Bisexuality- This refers to sexual behavior of one
who engages in sexual acts with someone from the Natural Contraception are type of birth control that depend
opposite or same sex. with observations on woman’s body through monitoring and
recording different fertility signals during her menstrual cycle.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Through there different methods one may predict when it is
Sexually Transmitted Diseases- refer to health conditions safe or when a woman will more likely to get pregnant. These
that are passed on from a person to another through sexual may be in a form of abstinence, calendar method, basal body
contact. temperature method, cervical mucus method,
1. HIV/AIDS-a spectrum of conditions caused by being symptothermal method, ovulation detection, lactation
infected with HIV. HIV is primarily transmitted amenorrhea method and coitus interruptus.
through unprotected sex, contaminated needle
exchange and blood transfusions and during Artificial Method is diverse method of contraception using to
pregnancy. prevent conception of a woman. There are different types of
2. Gonorrhea- a bacterial infection of the mucous artificial contraception but not all types are appropriate for all
membranes including the eye, throat, genitals, and situation. Using artificial contraception depends on the
other organs. individual’s health status, age, sexual activity and/or number
3. Syphilis- an infection caused by corkscrew-shaped of partners. These are oral contraception, transdermal patch,
bacterium called Treponema pallidum that is vaginal ring, subdermal implants, hormonal injection,
transmitted through direct contact with a syphilitic Intrauterine device (IUD), chemical barriers, diaphragm,
sore on the skin. cervical cap, male and female condoms, surgical methods
4. Genital herpes- is a viral infection that causes (vasectomy and tubal ligation).
blisters on the genitals. It also causes itching and a
burning sensation on the skin. Natural Method of Contraception
5. Genital warts- are warts causes by the human
papillomavirus that grows in the genital or anal area. Abstinence-Most effective way of birth control. Done thru
6. Chancroid- is a bacterial infection that causes sores abstaining from sexual intercourse. It is also the most
ulcers on the genitals. effective way to avoid STIs.
7. Pubic Lice- are very small parasites that infest the
genital area which are primarily spread through Calendar Method-Also called as the Rhythm Method. It
sexual contact. involves avoiding coitus during the days that the woman is
8. Scabies- is a skin condition that is caused by fertile.
manifestation of tiny mites called Sarcoptes scabied.
9. Trichomoniasis-an infection caused by a parasite Basal Body Temperature-BBT is the woman’s body
called Trichomonas vaginalis- Men infected with temperature at rest. Done by monitoring the changes in the
trichomoniasis may experience itching, genital woman’s temperature every morning before any activity. A
irritation with discharge, and painful urination and slight increase and decrease in her temperature will be her
ejaculation sign of ovulation (fertile). This period the woman must
10. Molluscum contagiosum-another sexually abstain from mating for the next three days.
transmitted infection caused by molluscum
contagiosum virus. It is a skin condition Cervical Mucus Method-Here the basis is the changes in the
characterized by small lumps which are pearly-white cervical mucus during the ovulation. According to this
or slightly pink. method a woman is fertile when the cervical mucus is profuse
11. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease- it is not a sexually and watery. During this time she must avoid coitus during this
transmitted infection but a complication resulting days.
from STI’s especially Chlamydia and gonorrhea.
12. Chlamydia- a sexually transmitted infection caused Symptothermal Method-It is a combination of Basal Body
by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis that do Temperature (BBT) and Cervical Mucus Method.
significant damage to the human reproductive
system. Ovulation Detection-It is an over-the-counter kit that
requires a urine specimen to detect the Luteinizing Hormone
Natural and Artificial Method of Contraception (LH) to predict ovulation.
As overpopulation and countless cases of Sexually
Transmitted Disease (STD) such as gonorrhea, syphilis etc., Lactation Amenorrhea Method-This is exclusive for
along with the threat of Acquired Immuno Deficiency breastfeeding woman. Thus, it should be noted that the
Syndrome (AIDS), the government educates people the woman is advise to choose other method after period of
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three months or if the mother is not exclusively breastfeeding Diaphragm-Inhibits the entrance of into the vagina. It should
or is using formula drink for the baby. not be left in place for more than 24hours to avoid irritation.
It has a failure rate of 16%
Coitus Interruptus-The oldest method of contraception. This
is where the couple proceeds with coitus but the moment he Condoms-Male Condom is a synthetic rubber sheath that is
ejaculates, the men withdraw before emit spermatozoa placed in the erect penis before penetration to avoid the
outside of the vagina. sperm to enter the vagina during the ejaculation

Female Condom is also a synthetic rubber placed against the

Artificial Method of Contraception vaginal opening to prevent the sperm to enter the vaginal
during the ejaculation.
Folk Method
a. Postcoital Douche or Douching- Douching is a Surgical Methods
method used by women to flush out the vagina with Vasectomy is a procedure done to male through small
a medicinal solution to remove or destroy the incision made on each side of the scrotum to block the
sperm. passage of sperms.
b. Prolonged Lactation- This technique used by women
is done through breast feeding their baby for a Tubal Ligation is a procedure done to female through cutting,
longer period. Prolonged lactation, according to cauterizing, or blocking the fallopian tube to inhibit the
doctors, help delay ovulation. passage of both sperm and the ova.

Oral Contraception-It is known as the “Pill”. Contains

synthetic estrogen and progesterone. It is recommended to
take the pill on the first Sunday after the beginning of the
menstrual flow.

Transdermal patch-It is a patch applied in the following WEEK NO: 13

areas; upper outer arm, upper torso, abdomen or buttocks
for three weeks. Material Self
Vaginal Ring-Releases a combination of estrogen and
progesterone and surrounds the cervix. It remains in there for William James, Also known as the father of American
3 weeks. It was removed on the fourth week as menstrual Psychology identified various components of the Empirical
period flows. The woman becomes fertile as soon as the ring self, one of which is what he called a Material Self. According
is removed. to James, that Man’s “Material self” is not only consisting of
his own body but also includes the different things he possess
Subdermal Implants-It is a two rod-like implants under the from ones family, friends, as well as things such as, ones
skin of the woman during her menstruation or on the 7th day clothes, house, cars, gadgets, end even the amount of money
of her menstruation to make sure that she will not get he has in the bank.
pregnant. It contains etonogestrel, desogestrel and progestin.
Have a 1% failure In James’ idea of the Material Self, One defines themselves
and at the same time is being defined by the people they are
Hormonal Injections-This injection prevents ovulation and acquainted with along with the accumulation of objects and
cause change in the cervical mucus. It has an almost 100% achievements that a person acquired from the different
effectiveness. And one of the most popular choice for birth endeavors and experiences in life. For example, a person can
control. identify themselves as a singer not only from their own
beliefs that they can sing, we can also consider factors such
Intrauterine Device (IUD)- It is a small T-shaped object as if other people also says that he or she can sing, if he or
inserted in uterus thru vagina to prevent fertilization. It is she belongs to a family of singers, have trophies and awards
done only by a physician right after the woman’s relating to singing (winning a singing contest), or works as a
menstruation to be sure that she is not pregnant. singer in a band or in a concert hall.

Chemical Barriers-These are used to cause death of the The losing of such objects or people will render one feel that
sperm before it can enter the cervix of the woman. These are apart of him was also lost at the same time, for example, in
spermicides, vaginal gels and creams, and glycerin films. cases of death in the family, losing a business that a person
have invested for his entire life, sudden inability to play music
because of an accident. Also, the time a person died his
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possessions and associations with other people will be the
only objects that will remind the world of who that person Morals – it is the definition of what is right and wrong,
were. distinguishing the things that are acceptable for a person, the
society and at the same time the determination of the
So we represent ourselves through clothes, the gadgets we possible effects of their actions to themselves, their
wear, the friends we have and the things that we do. All of environment and other people.
these contribute to whether we are accepted or not in the
world we live in. With this in mind, the choices that we make Values – is the person’s ability to distinguish what is
in order to achieve the recognition of others depends not important and what is not. With one’s values system a
only on our own capabilities but more so on the value we and person may be able to prioritize what they think are the tasks
the other people give to what we have or can acquire. For or things that the need, what are things that should be done
example, now the things like having an iPhone, drinking or resolve immediately and what are those that they can
coffee at Starbucks, or buying branded clothes maybe used as delay without grave repercussions.
a manifestation of a good social standing it may not be similar
to owning a company, having a house at an exclusive With these in mind, the establishment of a person’s notion of
subdivision but the former are much easier to acquire and what is good, as well as, their ability to not only be able to
achieve than the latter. stand on what they think is the right thing to do but to be
able to make life decisions based on such beliefs is what
Having the ability to find the things that will define yourself William James consider as the manifestation of a person’s
that will persist through time, were your life and spiritual self.
achievements both defines who you are and what you are
capable of and at the same time provide you with the People will act according to how they feel, what they believe
direction and knowledge on what to prioritize will result to a in and what they want to do or happen, but having the
more cohesive and easier establishment of who you are as a inability to understand that there may be some difference on
person and what you want to be in life. how others perceive and conflict may arise, since Williams
also posits that if the one’s beliefs, abilities as well as
emotions are being criticized a person may feel that they are
being questioned as a whole which will result to negative
reactions. For example, people tend to criticize other people
that are different from them (religion, race, gender, etc.)
these criticisms may elevate to bigger problems such as
WEEK NO: 14 discrimination or division of groups, but if we think carefully
Spiritual Aspect of Self we cannot expect others to believe what we believe in, one
cannot expect others to have the skills that they have, and an
individual cannot expect others to be able to think exactly like
him, then we will have an easier time to create an
William James’ take on spiritual self which is included to the
environment that promotes the individuality of every
other empirical selves is defined as the inner most workings
members of the society.
of the persons mind, the behavior, beliefs and even morals
that involves every aspect of the human as a person.
The Practice of RELIGION:
Considering the will of the person, how they distinguish
Belief in Supernatural Being and Power
between right and wrong and also one’s intellect are some of
the manifestation of the spiritual self of a person. According
Religion refers to beliefs and behaviors related to
to James (1890) people will find more satisfaction in having
supernatural beings and powers.
been able to show of the spiritual self like their intelligence,
to have their wishes be done, and to act upon their
Worldview refers to the collective body of ideas that
conscience than to count or show their possession, because
members of a culture generally share concerning the ultimate
he said that the spiritual self “is the most enduring and
shape and substance of their reality.
intimate part of the self”.
Spirituality-concern with the sacred in an individual manner.
Manifestations of the Spiritual Self
Difference between Religion and Spirituality
Person’s Will – Refers to one’s wishes, these are the things
that we want to see and achieve in our lives. RELIGION SPIRITUALITY
Religion is an organized Concern with the sacred,
Intelligence and abilities – these are the perceived strengths system of ideas about as distinguished from
of a person, the things that they have confidence in doing and spiritual reality, or the material matters. In
believe to have a certain level of mastery of supernatural, along with contrast to religion,
associated beliefs and spirituality is often
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ceremonial practices individual rather than the body, the person will be awake. Dungan is also connoted
(Haviland, 2007). collective and does not as “willpower”. If a person has a strong willpower, is it said to
require a distinctive format have a strong dungan (Magos, 1986).
or traditional organization
(Haviland, 2007). Rituals and Ceremonies
Rituals in the Philippines are quite common. Visayan fishing
villages practice the offering ritual called harang. A local
shaman invokes sea-spirits. There are several stages of the
ritual purification, invocation, entreaty and feast which cover
Myth, Rituals and Supernatural community life such as harvest, operation of fishing boats and
MYTH RITUALS SUPERNATURAL cases of illnesses (Kawada, 1996).
A sacred Culturally The supernatural
narrative that prescribed is around you all General Features of Harang Ritual
explains the symbolic act or of the time, Purification of the Place
fundamentals of procedure especially in (tuob)
human existence designed to non-
—where we and guide members industrialized Invocation of Spirits
everything in our of a community societies (pagtawag)
world came in an orderly way
from, why we through personal Explanation of Motivation, Request & Entreaty
are here, and and collective (pangamuyo)
where we are transitions.
going. Offering Communion
Two types: In a lot of
calendric and cultures, health,
crisis. wealth and daily
things are
related to
supernatural. WEEK NO: 15
Functions of Religion POLITICAL ASPECT OF SELF
Cognitive Function
Enabling humans to explain the unexplainable phenomena. Developing a Filipino Identity: Values, Traits, Community and
Institutional Factors
Social Function
Social control, conflict resolution and building group solidarity Collective action, shared vision, means of sustainable future
and the link to generation has been crucial in the construction
Emotional Function of identity and sense of belonging in the democratic
Helping individuals to cope up with anxieties that often standpoint. On the other hand, in the socio psychological
accompany illness, accidents, death and other misfortunes perspective, citizenship or being a Filipino serves a cognitive
and motivational basis for ones beliefs and behavior. Thus,
The Concept of “Dungan” – Spirit or Soul enhancing the practice of citizenship and democracy is crucial
to the awareness and understanding of self and community.
Two dimensions;
(1) human body and (2)spiritual Three Major Concerns in Building an Identity
The level of individual, community and institution are primary
The Concept of “Dungan” – Spirit or Soul factors that come into play in the building an identity. At the
same time, it is essential to consider the following concerns in
Soul referred to as kaluluwa by the Tagalogs or dungan by building an identity:
the Ilonggos comes from the root word duwa, two. The
dungan is not seen by the human eye, it takes on a different 1. Instrumental - An individual act in accordance with
form. For instance, it can be in a form an insect or a small rules and identities consistent with supportive of
animal such as lizard. The Bisayans believe that the dungan democratic processes.
leaves the body while person is asleep. Travelling dungan 2. Morals - Values and beliefs embody and reinforce
outside the body must be free from accidents such as getting democratic principles.
trapped in a jar. Only when the soul has safely reunited with

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3. Transformative - Includes process of self-reflection • People’s organization
and redefinition of individuals, institutions and Macro-Factors at the Societal Level
communities. • Immediate community with which one readily
Man as Political Animal identifies one’s self
According to Aristotle, man is a ”political animal”. That refers • Less intimate grouping of which one is a member
to the intrinsic desire of every human being to lead or govern. Establishing a Democratic Culture
Sense of community and public good and empowerment of
Political Culture people are central questions to consider in the development
Political Culture is the pattern of individual attitudes and of democracy agenda. The following frameworks were used
orientation towards politics among members of a political as a guide in the development of action agenda. According to
system. Diokno 1999, in her article Becoming a Filipino Citizen,
Perspective on Citizenship and Democracy, the agenda was
Characteristics of Philippine Political Culture crafted in September 1996 conference in which perceptions
of citizenship and democracy from different standpoints were
1. Dominance of family ties or kinship system- In local discussed.
government units such as the municipality or
barangay, big clans dominate the political area. Ideal Citizen
Political dynasties usually control the government. Citizenship denotes the status of being a legal member of a
2. Euphemism- Officials and employees in lower nation-state. Anyone can easily claim that he or she is a
positions are not frank or straightforward in citizen of a nation. The most basic identification with the
criticizing officials of higher rank. They use parinig or nation and as such, is oriented towards the state and its
patutsada instead of confronting the offcials to expressions in law and policy. Possesses qualities of honesty,
immediately address the problems or issues in their loyalty to the larger community, collective pride and national
area. identity.
3. Utang na Loob- Filipinos feel obliged to repay
immediately or in the future any faor they receive Governance
from another person. Governance is defined as the traditions and institutions that
4. Sense of overdependency- Some constituents rely determine how authority is exercise in a particular country.
on an elected official or a “patron” politician for their This includes:
personal and economic needs.  The process by which governments are selected,
5. Belief that majority of politicians are corrupt- The held accountable, monitored, and replaced.
term buwaya has been used to describe corrupt  The capacity of governments to manage resources
politicians in the Philippines signifying their greed for efficiently and formulate, implement, and enforce
money and power. sound policies and regulations.
6. Lack of political maturity- People elect officials  The respect of citizens and the state for the
based on popularity and personality and not on institutions that govern economic and social
performance and platform. interactions among them.
Good Governance
ASPECTS IN DEVELOPING FILIPINO IDENTITY These principles can also be applied in the Philippine setting:
1. Selflessness- It means caring for what the people
Individual Attitudes and Traits need and want instead of promoting personal
 Dualism of Filipino Traits (negative and positive) interests. Public service is nothing else but serving
• Colonial/Accommodative Surface Values (hiya, the people.
utang na loob, pakikisama) 2. Objectivity- It means being neutral and free from
• Confrontative Surface Values (bahala na, biases in making decisions. The law must be applied
sama/lakas ng loob, pakikibaka) as it is. Decisions must be based on verifiable data
• Pivotal Interpersonal Value (pakikiramdam) and evidences for transparency and impartiality.
• Linking/Socio-Personal Value (kagandahang-loob) 3. Integrity- It means maintaining a good name and
• Associated Societal Values (karangalan, character. Public officials and employees must be the
katarungan, kalayaan) epitome of obedience to laws.
• 4. Honesty- It means telling the truth, hiding nothing,
Institutional Factors and being transparent at all times. Ex: The
• Family submission of SALN is required by law under Article
• Church XI Section 17 of the 1987 Constitution and Section 8
• School of Republic Act No. 6713, the “Code of Conduct and
• Media Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees,”
• Government 5. Accountability-It means being liable and responsible
• NGOs for one’s actions.
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6. Openness- It means being transparent with 3. Crab Mentality- It is a Filipino attitude born out of
whatever information one handles. jealousy and insecurity characterized by an attempt
7. Leadership- It means being able to lead the way for to pull down those who are ahead of them in life.
development that would benefit all. 4. Euphemistic- This is a Filipino attitude of not being
frank and straightforward so as not to offend or hurt
Filipino Values another person.
Positive Filipino Values 5. Filipino Time- This manifests among Filipinos
1. Bayanihan- As a practice of the spirit of kinship and through lack of punctuality.
camaraderie, the custom of bayanihan is observed 6. Gaya- gaya Attitude- This is a Filipino trait of copying
whenever a helping hand is extended to accomplish or imitating others’ work, product, type of business,
a task as a group. fashion, and the likes.
2. Damayan- Filipinos always extend sympathy for 7. Jackpot Mentality- This is characterized by an
people especially for those who lost their loved ones “instant millionaire” mentality of some Filipinos who
or who were victims of calamities. would rather enagage in fast ways of acquiring
3. Familism or Closed Family Ties- Filipinos are known money by betting in lottery, participating in a
to prioritize the welfare of family members above contest, and sending entries in raffle draws rather
other things. than working hard to have a better life.
4. Optimism- Filipinos have the attitude of looking all 8. Belief in Kapalaran- It is a Filipino trair of believing
ways to be happy and to maintain a positive outlook and accepting that one’s fate is already written in
even in times of calamities and other challenges in the stars.
life. 9. Manana Habit- Manana, from the phrase mamaya
5. Hospitality- Filipinos are identified to be warm, na means “I’ll do it later,” is an attitude of Filipinos
friendly, generous, and accommodating to other characterized by stalling on doing tasks instead of
people, an, fellow Filipino or not. doing the immediately.
6. Regionalism- Outside the “significant others”, 10. Ningas Kugon- This is characterized by the attitude
Filipinos have this attitude of giving more priority to of being enthusiastic only at the beginning of an
their provincemate. endeavor. This is usually observed in some
7. Flexibility- Filipinos have the ability to adapt or politicians who are only good at the start of their
conform to the expectations or will of other people term but gradually disappear when public concerns
to achieve smooth and harmonious relationships. start to pile up.
8. Religious- This is characterized by strong faith and 11. Oversensitivity- It is the inability of some Filipinos to
submission to the will of a supreme being. withstand and accept criticism or negative
9. Respect for Elders- Filipinos are thought to show comments.
courtesy towards the elderly at all times. This is 12. Pakikisama- It is a Filipino attitude of always
manifested in the act of pagmamano and saying po adhering or submitting to the will of the group they
and opo when talking to someone older as sign of are part of.
respect. 13. Lack of Sportsmanship- It is an attitude of Filipinos
10. Remedyo Attitude- Filipinos are known for being manifested in how they cannot seem to accept
creative and resourceful. This is characterized by defeat. They would rather believe that they were
their ability to find usefulness in things that may cheated on than accept that they were defeated.
already be considered as junk by others. 14. Tsamba Lang Attitude- It is an attitude characterized
11. Matiyaga- Filipinos are known for their grit and by the refusal to take the credit for one’s own
strong determination in every undertaking. accomplishments, instead owing it to charm and
12. Utang na Loob- This is a feeling of gratitude, luck.
recognition of one’s indebtedness, and obligation to
repay someone who has extended assistance to

Negative Filipino Values WEEK NO: 16

1. Bahala na Attitude- This is a Filipino trait of leaving
to fate and luck the outcome of a certain
Digital Self
undertaking, hence the expression bahala na. I, Me and Myself and My User ID online
2. Colonial Mentality or Blue-seal Mentality- It is a
Filipino value of giving high regard to foreign Digital self is a we put on to draw in the innovative world.
products and treating the local as inferior and low With the digital technologies such as web pages, online
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games, virtual worlds, social media, smart phones, Internet, has the right to brag about his or her achievement or
self-extension is extensive. Objects that one’s possess can success, it is indecent to display and inform the
truly extend the self, as when an instrument or weapon world the failure of another person. It can be
enables us to get things done of which we would somehow or damaging to people’s reputation and it can also
another be unable. Belonging can likewise emblematically impact their psychological well-being.
extend self. Sartre explained that the reason we want to have 7. Comments showing strong opposition to certain
something is to enlarge our sense of self and that the only issues- Any individual is free to express his or her
way we can know who we are is by observing what we have. ideas and opinions on a certain topic or issue but
Belk (1988) presented the concept of the extended self: (1) sometimes it may offend people or worst, it can
Dematerialization, (2) Re-embodiment, (3) Sharing, (4) Co- even lead to earning an enemy.
construction of Self, and (5) Distributed memory. 8. Comments with foul, vulgar, indecent, and
offensive words. Even if a negative comment was
This reasonable refresh looks to renew the idea, consolidate first thrown at you, it does not mean that it is
the effects of digitization, and give a comprehension of acceptable to counter attack through harsh words.
consumer feeling of self in the present innovative condition. 9. Pictures or videos revealing one’s financial status.
It is essentially a work in advance, for the computerized One must be careful in revealing anything about his
condition and our conduct inside it keep on evolving. Be that or her finances for it may put him or her at security
as it may, some vital changes are now certain. Five changes risk.
with advanced utilization are viewed as that effect the idea of 10. Pictures or videos showing family trips- Post
self and the idea of belonging. Required alterations and revealing too much information about family
increments to the extended self are laid out, and bearings for gatherings may also pose security risks for it may
future research are recommended. The advanced world attract unwanted attention from criminals.
opens a large group of new implies for self-extension utilizing 11. Pictures or videos displaying one doing good deeds.
numerous new items to come to an incomprehensibly more While doing good deeds can be a moment to be
extensive crowd. Despite the fact that this requires certain proud of, it is misleading to take photos of such
reformulations, the fundamental idea of the extended self deeds for it tends to focus more on the doer of the
stays crucial. good deed instead of the deed itself.
12. Pictures or videos in Hospitals. It is both unethical
What not to Post Online and illegal to take photos in hospitals. Whether it is
just a photo of a part of hospital or of a patient that
1. Sexy or revealing pictures- These kinds of photos is your relative, taking of photos in hospitals is
should be kept in private for security reasons. Some against the law.
people may take advantage of these photos and 13. Posts of every single thing you do. Social Media is
spread them without the knowledge of the original not a diary where you can write down every single
owner. thing that happens to you everyday. People who
2. Pictures or videos showing private moments with announce in social media every detail of their daily
loved ones- Even if sometimes people are too showy activities may show or tell the world that they lack
of their feelings towards their loved ones, kissing self-esteem.
and intimate moments and activities must be kept in
private and should not be divulged in online Dichotomies of the Self
platforms. There are three crucial domains where traditional boundaries
3. Pictures or videos showing bad habits- Some between the dichotomies of self become increasingly blurred.
examples of these are pictures showing a person These domains are producer or consumer, offline versus
drinking liquor and being intoxicated, smoking online and body versus technology.
cigarettes, and gambling.
4. Negative comments on another person’s attitudes- 1. Producer or Consumer. Do your material
It is indecent to post negative comments and possessions define who you are? There is a 16 year
announce to the world what you think of another old young lady who is very into K-pop culture. At first
person’s attitudes. It is unfair and damaging to glance, the girl may not easily be identified as a
another person’s attitudes. Filipino because from head to toe, she adapts the
5. Posts announcing conflicts with other people- As material culture of her favorite K-pop stars. To some
the saying goes, “Do not wash dirty linen in public.” people, one’s material possession define one’s
Conflicts with other people cannot be resolved by identity.
posting about them online. The best way of resolving 2. Offline versus Online. Will there be a consistency
these conflict is to face them without any screens in between what is seen online and what is perceived
between. offline.
6. Posts of the results of a particular competition with
the names of defeated participants. While everyone
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3. Body vs Technology. Technology and consumerism
allow people to easily redefine and recreate Higgins (1987) argues that there are three domains of the
themselves self: the actual self, the ideal self and the ought self.

Are you a Responsible Netizen? 1. Actual self – this refers to the narrat an individual
Here are some of the issues that one needs to address if one possesses.
to be seen as responsible netizen. 2. Ideal self – this refers to the attributes an individual
1. Sharing Fake News-As the famous saying goes, would ideally possess.
“Think before you click.” 3. Ought self – this refers to the attributes an individual
2. Cyberbullying- People bully other people online ought to possess.
because the feel that they can do so as online According to Higgins, the discrepancies between the actual
interaction is different from face-to-face or personal self and ideal self leads to feelings of dejection. Our sense of
interaction. self helps organize our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Our
3. Sharing Viruses. Some social media share viruses for overall self-evaluation influences our cognitive processes. For
fun. Usually, these viruses present themselves as instance, when people with high self-evaluation fail, they
pornographic content which makes users interested sustain their self-worth by looking at others failure.
in opening such malicious links.
Impact of Online Interaction on Self
Belk’s Summary of Digital Modification of the Extended Self
Computer-Mediated Communication
Dematerialization- Attachment to and singularization of Computer-mediated communication encompasses human
virtual possessions; almost, but not quite the same. communication involving several exchange through various
platforms such as text, audio, and/or video messages. A CMC
Re-embodiment-Avatars affect offline self; multiplicity of interaction occurs through various types of networking
selves. Attachment to avatars technology and software, including email, Internet Relay Chat
(IRC), instant messaging (IM), Usenet and mailing list servers.
Sharing- Self-revelation; loss of control. Aggregate An interesting discussion can stem from a comparison of how
possessions; sense of shared place online. we construct our identity in the “real world” versus how we
construct it in the online world. As Dutton (1996) points out,
Co-construction of self- Affirmation of self; building that technology can work two ways – open or close social
aggregate extended self; “Attachment to Virtual Possessions choices. Individuals shape the impact of technology has on
in Videogames”. their lives by choosing which technology to use and how to
use it.
Distributed memory-Narratives of self. Digital clutter; digital
cues to sense of past Boundaries of Self Online

Selective Presentation and Impression Management The line between offline and online self has become blurred.
Self-presentation is behavior that attempts to convey some Since people nowadays are becoming more connected
information about oneself or some image of oneself to other digitally, self-identity is becoming more fashioned in
people. These behaviors are activated by the evaluative transmedia paradigm. In the present culture of constant
presence of other people and by others' knowledge of one's connectivity, the Internet is coordinated into our lives with
behavior. In new situations, many people would like to the end goal that the experience of being on the web is
impress and become self-conscious. People behave in ways subjectively not quite the same as before.
designed to create a favorable impression or even to one’s
ideals. Humans are social animals and regulate our behavior
to fit in world or adjust it to impression that we desire. WEEK NO: 17
People monitor their behavior, observe how others react and MANAGING AND CARING FOR THE SELF
adjust their performance to create a desired impression.
Two Types of Self-Presentation

1. Pleasing the audience – This type of self-presentation

which try to match self to the audience's expectations and Learning to be a Better Student
preferences. As a person growth is an inevitable goal and change will
2. Self-construction – This type of self-presentation tries to always be present in what we do. As such, for students, the
match oneself to one's own encompasses. The expression of need to understand that just barely passing the different
the audience-pleasing motive varies across situations. subjects and graduating after is not necessarily the best
option for successfully landing your dream job, or becoming
Multiple Aspects of the Self successful in the world of work. It is also important to note
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that being a student does not necessarily mean that the only comprised of more than what or who are inside the
thing you have to do is to read books, go to class, or prepare class room and the people in the school from the
and answer tests, these things may be the usual things guidance office, librarian, registrar, etc. and even
expected for a student to do in school, but understanding people outside the school such as your parents and
that the preparation for real life endeavors may start in the friends or other professionals can help you as a
class room, but not necessarily end there. student to break limitations, ease the difficulties that
is brought about by the requirements of the
In terms of having freedom in the classroom, there are curriculum.
several things that needs to be noted, one of which is in the 5. Do other things
freedom of the students towards their choices of what to • The school provides co-curricular or extra-
learn as well as how they are going to use such learning in curricular activities, join clubs, or school groups to
real life situations. Aside from having a good learning widen you experiences as a student. Not only can
environment where the needs of the students are being met, you have better relationships which will translate to
the students should also understand the value of what they more help in the future, but an active body and mind
are learning and why they are learning those (Kujjpers, that may or may not necessarily related to school
Meijers, Gundy, 2011). work can also help a student to balance their
lifestyle and maintain a healthy body and mind.
To become a better student, several things are needed to be Taking Care of My Physical Self
done, aside from just listening from the discussions and Since the self is inseparable from the body, you should take
following the directions taught by the teachers a student very good care of your physical self. Whether you plan to
should be able to have a better understanding of what they lose, gain, or maintain weight, the most important thing to do
are doing, have the ability to recognize and sort the different is to keep yourself fit. To achieve this goal, a rigid plan has to
information that they are encountering, and to be able to be made.
have a certain level of understanding on the concepts that
they are studying in which could result for better application Three Domains that Dominate the Self
and appreciation of such learnings. Physical Domain- Includes coordination, strength, and well-
Tips to Become a Better Student Intellectual Domain-Includes alertness, analytical functioning,
1. Prepare Before going to school logical analysis, memory or recall, and communication.
• Always try to research or read the next lesson, do Emotional Domain-Includes creativity, sensitivity, mood,
your assignments at home or before going to school, perception, and awareness.
eat and have proper rest before going to school.
• In preparation for school not only your Personal Health Responsibility
assignments, or making sure that you have all the Personal Health Responsibility involves participation in one’s
tools you need for class ready and prepared but to own health and healing plan through education and lifestyle
also make sure to have your body prepared by changes.
making sure to have enough rest and eating as to
ensure that you as a student have enough energy to Balanced Diet To keep fit and healthy, one needs to have a
go through the entire day. balanced diet.
2. Use different Resources Eating a balanced diet means consuming the right kind of
• Aside from books provided for the class, don’t food at the right time and in the right proportion. One's food
forget to use the library, and the internet. Using intake should contain the necessary nutrients essential for
different resources will enable you as a student to growth and survival. This practice prevents malnutrition and
access more information and be able to learn the diseases. It is also important to keep mealtimes pleasant and
latest learnings and information related to the enjoyable. Thus, an individual should be encouraged and
subject matter that you are studying. motivated to eat more nutritious food. It should also be
3. Be Critical and make learning personal remembered that junk food must be avoided.
• Know what you are learning, why you are learning
and how they are important to you and your plans in Water
life. • An individual should drink at least eight glasses of water
• By being critical to the information that you every day.
acquire you will be able to appreciate more their • It allows the body to function efficiently.
value and be able to apply and relate them to your • It also washes away wastes to keep the skin clear and
situation and let these learning help you to be able healthy.
to achieve your goals. • With a high-protein diet, the body utilizes the water
4. Ask Help properly and avoids water retention.
• The school may focus on the interaction between • Liquids such as coffee, tea, or milk should not be counted as
the teachers and students but the institution is water.
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• Although they contain lots of water, there is also a build-up traumas, such as natural calamities, military
of caffeine, acid, or fat. combats, terrorist attacks, accidents, and physical
and sexual abuse.
Sleep 2. Life changes and strains- include separation of
• Sleep gives the bones, muscles, and the mind time to parents, illness in the family, change of workplace,
recover. transfer of domicile, and other circumstances that
• An individual needs eight or more hours of sleep a day. demand people to adjust.
• One very important requirement for a refreshing sleep is a 3. Chronic Problems-exist for a long period which
firm mattress. If one sleeps in a slumped, uncomfortable include circumstances such as suffering from a
position in a mattress that is too soft, body aches may serious illness, having irresponsible neighbors, and
develop. A soft and lumpy mattress should be replaced with a failure to acquire a lucrative or high-income job.
firmer one. 4. Everyday hassles- are irritations, pressures, and
• Another way to improve bed is to raise the lower part of annoyances that may not be significant stressors by
the mattress so as to elevate to elevate the feet. It is an ideal themselves but whose cumulative effect can be
position because the blood flows back to the heart and away significant.
from the feet. Coping with Stress
• Moreover, sleeping on one stomach can help prevent  Problem-focused coping method- involves an
varicose veins from developing as well as other circulatory attempts to change or lifetime sources of stress
problems.  Emotion-focused coping method is aimed at
controlling the negative emotional consequences of
Nutrients stressor.
Carbohydrates-For supplying heat and energy to the body
Starchy food, bread, rice, tuber, cereals, and their products Stress Effect on the Body
• Muscle Tension
Protein-For building and repairing broken or worn-out tissues • Tension-type headache and migraine headache
Legumes and by-products: meat, fish, poultry, and by-
products; milk and milk products. • Difficulty in breathing
• Asthma
Fats-For maintaining heat and energy for body • Increased heartrate
Margarine, nuts, oil, butter, cheese, and by products
• Stronger contraction of the heart muscle
Vitamins and Minerals-For healthy skin and hair, as well as • Elevated blood pressure
for aiding the normal functioning of the body • Heart attack
All kinds of fruits and vegetables; internal organs like liver,
• Stroke
gizzard, spleen, etc.
• Inflammation of the respiratory system
Stressors and Reponses • Elevated epinephrine and cortisol hormones
Stress is person’s response to events that threaten them. A
• Uncontrolled blood glucose level
student can experience various kinds of deadline from
deadline of projects or exam, family problem, peer pressure • Heartburn or acid reflux
to the complex stress such as ever changing environment or • Ulcer
terrorist attack. Even the pleasant events, such as preparing
• Severe stomach pain
for a party or starting a sought-after job can produce stress.
In recent years, focus on this issue has been broadened as • Diarrhea
psychology came to see stress and coping in broader context. • Constipation
Health Psychology, a newer subfield of psychology,
• Increased respiration rate
investigates the psychological factors such as stress of
different kind and in different situation. It also includes • Dilated blood vessel in the arms and legs
coping mechanism, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. • Affects testosterone production
• Sperm production
Bad Stress or distress is the opposite of eustress.
Distress occurs when there is a tension buildup which • Erectile dysfunction
becomes unbearable and difficult to cope with. • Absent or irregular menstrual cycle
A Stressor is any event that compels a person to adjust or • Difficult premenstrual symptoms
Stressors that are described unpleasant and life-threatening. The Need for Self-care and Self-compassion
1. Catastrophic events and life-threatening
experiences- are abrupt unforeseen experiences or
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Self-care refers to all activities that a person does to maintain
and improve his or her physical, psychological, emotional,
social, and spiritual well-being.
Physical self-care includes all the activities that one does to
maintain and improve his or her physical well-being like
consistently sleeping for at least eight hours, drinking eight
glasses of water, eating healthy and nutritious food, taking
vitamins, and exercising.

Stress and Filipinos: The Social and Cultural Dimension of

Stress is the irritationsspecific response of the body to any
demand placed upon it (Selye, 1926).Stress is an individual’s
physiological and/or psychological reaction to the real and
imagined demands of life. It is the way a person reacts
physically and emotionally to change.

On 70 the other hand, culture is best defined as a highly

complex, continually changing system of meaning that is
learned, shared, transmitted and altered from one generation
to another (Triandis, 1995). How does culture might influence
environmental system, personal system, transitory
conditions, cognitive appraisal and coping skills, and health
and well-being?

Stress has turned into an unavoidable truth, and for a few,

the day by day standard. However, incidental stress can help
enhance our concentration and execution, living with
incessant stress can reverse discharge by causing uneasiness,
discouragement, and serious medical issues. Stress affects the
body’s immune system.

Filipinos experience stress and results to illnesses, physical

and mental, fleeting and serious and life-threatening. This can
also lead to depression and other maladaptive behavior that
can be harmful to self and others. On the other hand, stress
can be mediated through culture. For instance, Filipinos have
various threshold and ways to cope with stressors.
Concurrently, men and women express emotion in different
patterns. Women deal with stressful situation through tiis
(endurance)and kimkim (repression). Men are less expressive
than women and prone to confront “political economy of
stress “(Tan, 2006). Thus, culture influences how people react
to stressors.

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