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The digital age also known as

the information age, computer

age, or new
media age”. It is a historic
period beginning in the late
20th century and
characterized by the rapid shift
from traditional industry that
the Industrial
Revolution brought through
industrialization to an economy
primarily based
upon information technology.
We live in the digital or
information age, which
is a period in human history
characterized by a shift from
production to information and
computerization, changing
significantly how
people interact with businesses
and each other. Below video
shows what
would be a future technology be
The digital age also known as the information age, computer age, or new media age”. It is a historic
period beginning in the late 20th century and characterized by the rapid shift from traditional industry
that the Industrial Revolution brought through industrialization to an economy primarily based upon
information technology. We live in the digital or information age, which is a period in human history
characterized by a shift from industrial production to information and computerization, changing
significantly how people interact with businesses and each other. Below video shows what would be a
future technology be like.


The latter period of vacuum tube machines is the start of the electronic period, The dawn of the Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), the first electronic and general purpose computer, marked
a revolutionary period in computing. ENIAC was a big machine that occupied an area of 167 square
meters. Aside from its big size, its processing speed was slower than those of machines used today.
In 1947, the transistor was invented. It is an electronic device with properties and functions similar to
vacuum tubes, but it is lightweight and faster. The transistor is the foundation of every electronic device
today. In fact, you can find a transistor for every electronic device. The first full transistor computer was
developed in 1957 and was faster than vacuum computers.


transistor, semiconductor device for amplifying, controlling, and

generating electrical signals. Transistors are the active components of integrated
circuits, or “microchips,” which often contain billions of these minuscule devices etched
into their shiny surfaces. Deeply embedded in almost everything electronic, transistors
have become the nerve cells of the Information Age.

There are typically three electrical leads in a transistor, called the emitter, the collector,
and the base—or, in modern switching applications, the source, the drain, and the gate.
An electrical signal applied to the base (or gate) influences the semiconductor material’s
ability to conduct electrical current, which flows between the emitter (or source) and
collector (or drain) in most applications. A voltage source such as a battery drives the
current, while the rate of current flow through the transistor at any given moment is
governed by an input signal at the gate—much as a faucet valve is used to regulate the
flow of water through a garden hose.

The first commercial applications for transistors were for hearing aids and
“pocket” radios during the 1950s. With their small size and low power consumption,
transistors were desirable substitutes for the vacuum tubes (known as “valves” in Great
Britain) then used to amplify weak electrical signals and produce audible sounds.
Transistors also began to replace vacuum tubes in the oscillator circuits used to
generate radio signals, especially after specialized structures were developed to handle
the higher frequencies and power levels involved. Low-frequency, high-power
applications, such as power-supply inverters that convert alternating current (AC)
into direct current (DC), have also been transistorized. Some power transistors can now
handle currents of hundreds of amperes at electric potentials over a thousand volts.

By far the most common application of transistors today is for computer memory chips
—including solid-state multimedia storage devices for electronic games, cameras,
and MP3 players—and microprocessors, where millions of components are embedded in
a single integrated circuit. Here the voltage applied to the gate electrode, generally a few
volts or less, determines whether current can flow from the transistor’s source to its
drain. In this case the transistor operates as a switch: if a current flows,
the circuit involved is on, and if not, it is off. These two distinct states, the only
possibilities in such a circuit, correspond respectively to the binary 1s and 0s employed
in digital computers. Similar applications of transistors occur in the complex switching
circuits used throughout modern telecommunications systems. The potential switching
speeds of these transistors now are hundreds of gigahertz, or more than 100 billion on-
and-off cycles per second.

Development of transistors
The transistor was invented in 1947–48 by three American physicists, John
Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William B. Shockley, at the American Telephone and
Telegraph Company’s Bell Laboratories. The transistor proved to be a
viable alternative to the electron tube and, by the late 1950s, supplanted the latter in
many applications. Its small size, low heat generation, high reliability, and low power
consumption made possible a breakthrough in the miniaturization of complex circuitry.
During the 1960s and ’70s, transistors were incorporated into integrated circuits, in
which a multitude of components (e.g., diodes, resistors, and capacitors) are formed on
a single “chip” of semiconductor material.

What Does Integrated Circuit Mean?

An integrated circuit (IC) is a small semiconductor-based electronic device consisting of
fabricated transistors, resistors and capacitors. Integrated circuits are the building blocks of most
electronic devices and equipment.

How Integrated Circuits Work

An integrated circuit (IC) is a microchip that contains millions of electronic components. Integrated circuits are
found in many devices, including computers, telecommunications equipment, and consumer electronics.

Integrated circuits are divided into two categories: monolithic and multipurpose. Monolithic ICs are made from
a single piece of silicon. Multipurpose ICs contain several different types of components on one chip.

An integrated circuit’s function depends on the type of component it contains and how it’s connected to other
parts of the circuit. Some common functions of integrated circuits include processing data, controlling
electronic devices, and sending signals between different parts of a system.

Each integrated circuit consists of a small number (in the millions) of electrical components called transistors.
Transistors are tiny switches that allow current to flow through them very quickly. Integrated circuits use
transistors to perform almost all their tasks.

Integrated circuits contain billions or even trillions of these tiny switches. Together, they create complex
systems that can do everything from turning lights on and off to controlling motor vehicles or aircraft.
How Integrated Circuits Are Used

Integrated circuits are used in a variety of applications, from telecommunications to computing. Here are some
of the more common uses:

Telecommunications. Integrated circuits are used in many types of telecommunications equipment, from cell
phones to satellite dishes. They’re also used in fiber optic cables that carry internet and TV signals.

. Integrated circuits are used in many types of telecommunications equipment, from cell phones to satellite
dishes. They’re also used in fiber optic cables that carry internet and TV signals. Computing. Integrated
circuits are found in almost every modern computer. They’re responsible for all the flashy lights and sounds
you see on your computer screen, as well as the underlying functionality.

. Integrated circuits are found in almost every modern computer. They’re responsible for all the flashy lights
and sounds you see on your computer screen, as well as the underlying functionality. Medical devices. Medical
devices like heart monitors and pacemakers contain integrated circuits to prevent them from malfunctioning.

. Medical devices like heart monitors and pacemakers contain integrated circuits to prevent them from
malfunctioning. Consumer electronics. Consumer electronics like televisions and video game consoles contain
integrated circuits to make them faster, more powerful, and more durable.

Integrated Circuits in the Real World

Integrated circuits are found in a wide variety of devices, from medical devices to consumer electronics. Here
are some examples:

Cell phones. A cell phone is an example of a consumer electronics device that uses integrated circuits. They
contain millions of transistors to make them fast, powerful, and durable.

A cell phone is an example of a consumer electronics device that uses integrated circuits. They contain
millions of transistors to make them fast, powerful, and durable. Computers. Computers use integrated circuits
to process data and control electronic devices. They’re often housed in sleek, shiny packages that you can see
and (usually) touch.

Computers use integrated circuits to process data and control electronic devices. They’re often housed in sleek,
shiny packages that you can see and (usually) touch. Aircraft and motor vehicles. Aircraft and motor vehicles
use integrated circuits to control their engines and other systems. Integrated circuits are also used in navigation
systems, automatic emergency braking systems, and more.

What Applications Use Integrated Circuits?

Integrated circuits are found in a wide variety of applications ranging from mobile phones to aircraft engines.
Here’s a look at some of the most popular uses for integrated circuits:

Smartphones: Smartphones are one of the most popular applications that use integrated circuits. They contain a
multitude of electronic components, including processors, memory, and sensors. These components work
together to ensure the smooth functioning of the phone.

Aircraft Engines: Aircraft engines are some of the most complex pieces of machinery on Earth. They require
high levels of performance and reliability, which is why they are typically powered by integrated circuits.
These chips contain all the necessary components to run an engine smoothly, including controllers, sensors,
and fuel injectors.

How is a microprocessor different from an integrated circuit?

An integrated circuit (IC) is a miniature device that contains thousands of individual transistors. These
transistors are interconnected on a small chip, and they allow electronics to operate more quickly and
efficiently. Microprocessors are different from us in that they are much larger and contain hundreds or even
thousands of microprocessors.

A microprocessor is made up of several cores: a central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output
controllers, and peripherals. A CPU is the core circuitry that does the actual work in an electronic device, such
as executing programs or managing data. Memory stores user data and program instructions, and input/output
controllers allow the microprocessor to access external devices. Peripherals can include video output cards,
hard drive controllers, audio processors, and more.

Microprocessors have evolved over the years in both complexity and performance. They now come in many
different shapes and sizes; some are even embedded inside other devices! The performance of a particular
microprocessor will depend on the type of application it was designed for; for instance, a high-end
microprocessor used in a gaming system might be faster than one used in a laptop computer.

Why aren’t metals used in transistors and integrated circuits?

One of the reasons that metals are not used in transistors and integrated circuits is that they are not very
efficient conductors. In order for a metal to be effective as a conductor, it needs to have a large surface area.
However, when you are trying to build a transistor or integrated circuit using metal, the size, and shape of the
metal parts can be very small, which means that there is not enough surface area to make it an effective
conductor. Instead, other materials like plastic or dielectric materials are used in these devices.

What is the primary function of integrated circuits?

Integrated circuits are electronic devices that have been miniaturized to the point where they can be placed on
a single piece of silicon. They are used in computer and telecommunications equipment, as well as other
devices. Integrated circuits consist of individual transistors and other components that are interconnected to
perform a specific task.

How to use integrated circuits

What are integrated circuits and how do they work? Integrated circuits are small, computer-controlled devices
that perform specific tasks in electronic equipment. They are made up of many tiny parts that are
interconnected with each other.

Integrated circuits use microchips to control the flow of electricity and signals within them. They play a vital
role in modern electronics by acting as the “brain” of devices such as computers, communication systems, and
automobiles. Integrated circuits can also be found in everyday objects like televisions, cameras, and toys.

Is a complex integrated circuit

A complex integrated circuit (IC) is a collection of electronic components that are designed to work together as
a single entity. I am used to a variety of devices, including computers and smartphones, and they play an
important role in modern technology.
An IC consists of many small circuits interconnected with each other, and it is these connections that make it
so complex. The circuits inside an IC are designed to work together in order to carry out specific tasks. For
example, an IC might be responsible for controlling the flow of electrical current through other parts of the
device it’s installed in.

I come in many different shapes and sizes, and they can be found almost anywhere you might find electronics
– from computers and laptops to cars and appliances. As technology becomes more advanced, there is always
room for more ICs in our devices.


Integrated circuits are a recent invention that has revolutionized the way we function both in our personal lives
and in our professional lives. By understanding how integrated circuits work, you can begin to understand their
importance and the incredible benefits they provide. Integrated circuits allow us to connect devices and
systems together so that they can do things more efficiently and effectively than ever before.

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