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Objective: Evaluates music and music performances applying

knowledge of musical elements and styles. MU7LU-Ic-h-10.

Subject: Music

Grade Level: Grade 7

Learning across curriculum:

1. Mathematics - Students can analyze the patterns and structures in music using
mathematical concepts such as rhythm and meter.

2. History - Students can explore the historical context of different musical styles and

3. Physical Education - Students can incorporate movement and dance into their
music performances.

Review Motivation:

1. Play a popular song and ask students to identify the musical elements present in
the song.

2. Show a video clip of a live music performance and ask students to describe the
different musical styles and techniques used.

3. Share interesting facts about famous musicians and their contributions to music.

Activity 1: Musical Elements Exploration

Materials: Audio recordings of different musical genres, writing materials


1. Divide the students into small groups.

2. Provide each group with a different audio recording of a musical genre.

3. In their groups, students should listen to the recording and identify the musical
elements present (e.g., melody, rhythm, harmony).
4. Each group should discuss and write down their observations.

5. Afterward, each group will present their findings to the class.



- Accurate identification of musical elements (5 points)

- Clear and organized presentation (3 points)

- Active participation in group discussion (2 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. What are the musical elements present in the audio recording?

2. How did the musical elements contribute to the overall sound and style of the

Activity 2: Music Performance Evaluation

Materials: Musical instruments (optional), audio or video recordings of music

performances, writing materials


1. Play an audio or video recording of a music performance.

2. Provide students with a rubric that evaluates different aspects of the performance
(e.g., technique, expression, stage presence).

3. In pairs or individually, students should watch or listen to the performance and

assess it based on the provided rubric.

4. Afterward, students should write a short critique or evaluation of the performance,

highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement.


- Accurate assessment of performance aspects (5 points)

- Well-written critique with clear points (3 points)

- Use of appropriate musical vocabulary (2 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. How would you evaluate the technique of the performer?

2. What suggestions would you give to improve the stage presence of the

Activity 3: Musical Styles Comparison

Materials: Audio recordings of different musical styles, writing materials


1. Provide each student with a worksheet comparing two different musical styles
(e.g., classical and jazz, pop and rock).

2. Students should listen to audio recordings of each style and analyze their
similarities and differences in terms of musical elements, historical context, and
cultural influences.

3. After completing the worksheet individually, students can discuss their findings in
small groups.

4. Each group will then present their comparisons to the class.



- Accurate identification of similarities and differences (5 points)

- Clear and organized presentation (3 points)

- Active participation in group discussion (2 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. What are the similarities between the two musical styles?

2. How do the cultural influences impact the development of each style?


Through the activities, students will develop the ability to evaluate music and music
performances by applying their knowledge of musical elements and styles. They will
also enhance their critical thinking and analytical skills when comparing different
musical styles.


Students will understand the importance of analyzing musical elements and styles in
order to appreciate and evaluate music more effectively.


Students will apply their knowledge of musical elements and styles to evaluate
performances and analyze the cultural influences on different musical genres. They
will also apply their critical thinking skills to assess the strengths and weaknesses of
music performances.


Teachers can assess students' learning by evaluating their participation in group

discussions, their ability to accurately identify musical elements and styles, and their
written critiques or evaluations of music performances.


For homework, students can research and write a short essay analyzing the impact
of a specific musical style on contemporary music. They should include examples of
artists or songs that exemplify this influence.

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