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Practical File

Computer Networking & Internet
(Subject Code – BBAN504)

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Deepika Kalra Kunal
SNo. Topics Date Page Teacher’s
No. Signature















Question 1
What is Computer networking? Discuss its need, merits & demerits.
Answer 1:-
A Computer Network is a system that connects many devices to share resources
and communicate with each other. It enables data transmission and sharing of
information between devices. It is done within the network, regardless of their
physical location.
A computer network can be in wired or wireless mediums. They can range from
small, local networks within a home or office to global networks spanning many
countries. They are essential for businesses, organizations, and individuals to
communicate and collaborate in the digital age.
Needs of Computer Network
The applications of computer networking are as follows:
 Resource Sharing.
 Server-Client Model.
 Communication Medium.
 Ecommerce.
 Access to remote information.
 Person-to-Person communication.
 Interactive entertainment..
Advantages of Computer Networks
1. Computer Networking helps to develop more opportunities for the field
of information security.
2. Being on the cheaper side, almost every person can bear the expense of
a computer network.
3. A network provides a better-personalized experience.
4. It allows us to collaborate on projects.
5. It can ease us to send/receive large-sized files in a few blinks of the eye.

6. It is a great way to make money.
7. It also helps to save money.
8. A single internet connection can be shared in computer networking.

Disadvantages of Computer NetworksIt can lead us to lose access to information

very quickly.
1. Work-life balance gets changed due to computer
networking. The cost of computer networking is very high.
2. Computer Networking can direct us to various types of distractions.
3. It requires a specific type of setup.
4. Computer networking can result in people stopping believing in
their memory.
5. One device can create problems for the whole network.

Question 2
What are the various types of networking? Discuss in detail with proper
Answer 2:-
There are mainly five types of Computer Networks
1. Personal Area Network (PAN)
2. Local Area Network (LAN)
3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
4. Wide Area Network (WAN)
1. Personal Area Network (PAN)
PAN is the most basic type of computer network. This network is restrained to a
single person, that is, communication between the computer devices is centered
only on an individual’s workspace. PAN offers a network range of 1 to 100 meters
from person to device providing communication. Its transmission speed is very
high with very easy maintenance and very low cost.
This uses Bluetooth and IrDA as technology.
Examples of PAN are USB, computer, phone, tablet, printer, PDA, etc.

2. Local Area Network (LAN)
LAN is the most frequently used network. A LAN is a computer network that
connects computers through a common communication path, contained within a
limited area, that is, locally. A LAN encompasses two or more computers
connected over a server. The two important technologies involved in this network
are Ethernet and Wi-Fi. It ranges up to 2km & transmission speed is very high
with easy maintenance and low cost.
Examples of LAN are networking in a home, school, library, laboratory, college,
office, etc.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

A MAN is larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN. This is the type of
computer network that connects computers over a geographical distance through a
shared communication path over a city, town, or metropolitan area. This network
mainly uses FDDI, CDDI, and ATM as the technology with a range from 5km to
50km. Its transmission speed is average. It is difficult to maintain and it comes
with a high cost.
Examples of MAN are networking in towns, cities, a single large city, a large area
within multiple buildings, etc.

Wide Area Network (WAN)
WAN is a type of computer network that connects computers over a large
geographical distance through a shared communication path. It is not restrained to
a single location but extends over many locations. WAN can also be defined as a
group of local area networks that communicate with each other with a range above
Here we use Leased-Line & Dial-up technology. Its transmission speed is very low
and it comes with very high maintenance and very high cost.
The most common example of WAN is the Internet.

Question 3
Write short note on:-
 Data Communication & its modes
 Network Devices (Repeater, Hub, Bridges, Router)
 Analogue & Digital
Signals Answer 3:-
Data Communication & its modes
1. Simplex
2. Half-Duplex
3. Full Duplex
1. Simplex - Simplex is the data transmission mode in which the data can
flow only in one direction, i.e., the communication is unidirectional. In this
mode, a sender can only send data but cannot receive it. Similarly, a receiver
can only receive data but cannot send it.

2. Half-Duplex - Half-Duplex is the data transmission mode in which the data

can flow in both directions but in one direction at a time. It is also referred to as
Semi- Duplex. In other words, each station can both transmit and receive the data
but not at the same time. When one device is sending the other can only receive
and vice- versa.

3. Full-Duplex - Full-Duplex is the data transmission mode in which the data can
flow in both directions at the same time. It is bi-directional in nature. It is two-way
communication in which both the stations can transmit and receive the data
For Example, a Telephone Network, in which both the persons can talk and listen
to each other simultaneously.

Network Devices (Repeater, Hub, Bridges, Router)

1. Repeater – A repeater operates at the physical layer. Its job is to regenerate the
signal over the same network before the signal becomes too weak or corrupted to
extend the length to which the signal can be transmitted over the same network.
An important point to be noted about repeaters is that they not only amplify the
signal but also regenerate it.
2. Hub – A hub is a basically multi-port repeater. A hub connects multiple wires
coming from different branches, for example, the connector in star topology
which connects different stations. Hubs cannot filter data, so data packets are sent
to all connected devices. In other words, the collision domain of all hosts
connected through Hub remains one.
3. Bridge – A bridge operates at the data link layer. A bridge is a repeater, with
add on the functionality of filtering content by reading the MAC addresses of
the source and destination. It is also used for interconnecting two LANs working
on the same protocol. It has a single input and single output port, thus making it
a 2 port device.

4. Switch – A switch is a multiport bridge with a buffer and a design that can
boost its efficiency (a large number of ports imply less traffic) and performance. A
switch is a data link layer device. The switch can perform error checking before
forwarding data, which makes it very efficient as it does not forward packets that
have errors and forward good packets selectively to the correct port only. In other
words, the switch divides the collision domain of hosts, but the broadcast
domain remains the same.
5. Routers – A router is a device like a switch that routes data packets based on
their IP addresses. The router is mainly a Network Layer device. Routers normally
connect LANs and WANs and have a dynamically updating routing table based on
which they make decisions on routing the data packets. The router divides the
broadcast domains of hosts connected through it.

Analogue & Digital Signals

Analog Signal
A signal which is a continuous function of time and used to carry the information
is known as an analog signal. An analog signal represents a quantity analogous to
another quantity, for example, in case of an analog audio signal, the instantaneous
value of signal voltage represents the pressure of the sound wave.

Analog signals utilize the properties of medium to convey the information. All the
natural signals are the examples of analog signals. However, the analog signals are
more susceptible to the electronic noise and distortion which can degrade the
quality of the signal.

Digital Signal
A signal that is discrete function of time, i.e. which is not a continuous signal,
is known as a digital signal. The digital signals are represented in the binary
form and consist of different values of voltage at discrete instants of time.

Basically, a digital signal represents the data and information as a sequence of

separate values at any given time. The digital signal can only take on one of a finite
number of values.


Define network topology also discuss its types with the help of proper
diagram. Also mention two merits and demerits of topology ?

Answer 4 ;-

Network Topology refers to the arrangement of various elements (such as nodes,

links, devices, etc.) in a computer network. It outlines how different devices and
computers are connected and how data flows through the network. There are several
types of network topologies, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Here are some common types of network topologies along with diagrams:

1.Star Topology:

In a star topology, all devices are connected to a central hub or switch. Data traffic
flows through the central hub, and each device communicates directly with the hub.
This topology is commonly found in home networks and small office setups.


 Easy to install and manage.

 If one device fails, it doesn't affect other devices' connectivity.

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 If the central hub fails, the entire network may go down.

 Requires more cabling compared to some other topologies.

2.Bus Topology:

In a bus topology, all devices are connected to a single central cable (the "bus"). Data
travels along the cable, and each device receives the data and determines whether it is
intended for that device.

 Simple and easy to set up.
 Requires less cabling than a star topology.

 If the central cable fails, the whole network is affected.

 Performance can degrade as more devices are added.

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3.Ring Topology:

In a ring topology, devices are connected in a circular manner. Data travels in one
direction around the ring, passing through each device until it reaches its destination.


 Data transfer is efficient and predictable.

 Suitable for small to medium-sized networks.


 Failure of a single device can disrupt the entire network.

 Adding or removing devices can be complicated.

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4.Mesh Topology:

In a mesh topology, every device is connected to every other device. There are two
types of mesh topologies: full mesh (every node is connected to every other node)
and partial mesh (only some nodes are interconnected).


 Highly reliable; network remains operational even if some connections fail.

 Robust and fault-tolerant.


 Requires a large number of connections, making it complex and expensive to

 Maintenance and troubleshooting can be challenging due to numerous

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5. Tree Topology:

Tree topology combines characteristics of both star and bus topologies. It has a
central root node (often a switch or hub) from which multiple branches extend. Each
branch can have its own sub-branches. It's hierarchical in nature and provides some
level of redundancy.

Merits :

 Easier detection of error.

 Failure of a solo node will not disturb the other nodes.

Demerits :

 Difficulty in maintenance and configuration.

 Difficult to install a tree topology network.

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Question 5.

Describe OSI Model and TCP IP Model in define with diagram.

Answer 5.

OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection Model):

The OSI Model is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a

communication system or network into seven distinct layers. Each layer serves a
specific purpose and interacts with adjacent layers to ensure seamless data
communication. The model was developed by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) to promote interoperability between different network systems.

Here are the seven layers of the OSI Model, along with a diagram:

1. Physical Layer: Deals with physical connectivity, electrical signals, and

transmission media.

2. Data Link Layer: Manages data framing, error detection, and access control
to the physical medium.

3. Network Layer: Focuses on routing, logical addressing, and forwarding data

packets between different networks.

4. Transport Layer: Provides end-to-end communication, flow control, and

error correction.

5. Session Layer: Manages session establishment, maintenance, and

termination between applications.

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6. Presentation Layer: Handles data translation, encryption, compression, and
format conversion.

7. Application Layer: Offers communication services directly to end-user


Here's a simplified diagram of the OSI Model:

TCP/IP Model:

The TCP/IP Model, also known as the Internet Protocol Suite, is a more concise
networking model that corresponds closely to the actual implementation of the
Internet. It has four layers and is named after its two most important protocols:
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).

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Here are the four layers of the TCP/IP Model, along with a diagram:

1. Network Interface Layer: This layer corresponds to the combination of OSI's

Physical and Data Link Layers. It handles the physical connection and link-
level communication.

2. Internet Layer: Equivalent to OSI's Network Layer, it deals with routing,

logical addressing (IP addresses), and packet forwarding.

3. Transport Layer: Corresponds to OSI's Transport Layer. It provides end-to-

end communication, flow control, and error handling through protocols like
TCP and UDP.

4. Application Layer: This layer includes functionality from OSI's top three
layers: Application, Presentation, and Session. It provides application services
directly to end-users.

Here's a simplified diagram of the TCP/IP Model:

Question 6.
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What are Analog and Digital Signals. Explain there concept with proper
Diagram and Example.

Answer 6.

Analog Signals and Digital Signals are two fundamental types of signals used to
convey information in various communication systems. Let's explore their concepts,
diagrams, and examples.

Analog Signals:

Analog signals are continuous, time-varying signals that represent information as a

smoothly varying waveform. They can take on any value within a certain range and
are commonly used in the natural world, such as sound waves, light intensity, and
voltage in electronic circuits.

Concept: Imagine a graph where the horizontal axis represents time and the vertical
axis represents the amplitude (signal strength) of the waveform. An analog signal
would create a smooth curve that can take any value at any given point in time.


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Example: A classic example of an analog signal is a human voice. When you speak,
the sound wave produced is an analog signal that varies smoothly in amplitude and

Digital Signals:

Digital signals are discrete, non-continuous signals that represent information using
discrete values (usually binary) such as 0s and 1s. Digital signals are commonly used
in modern communication systems and digital devices.

Concept: Think of a digital signal as a sequence of discrete steps or levels. The signal
can only take on specific, quantized values, and transitions between these values are


Example: Digital signals are used in computers to represent data and instructions. A
computer's memory stores information using binary digits (bits), which are essentially
digital signals.

In summary, analog signals are continuous, smoothly varying waveforms used to

represent real-world phenomena, while digital signals are discrete, quantized values
used in modern communication and computing systems. The transition from analog
to digital signals has enabled more reliable and versatile communication and
information storage.

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