Lesson Plan in English-Guevarra

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Lesson Plan in English VI

Elements of the Story

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a. To define the basic elements of a short story;
b. To identify the five elements of a short story, and;
c. Write a short story that includes the characters, setting, climax, and ending to
enh ance students' skills and abilities.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Elements of a Short Story
b. References: Developing, Reading Power 6, pp.
PELC I 1.4.1

c. Materials: Power Point Presentation, Box, Printed Pictures and piece of papers.
III. Procedure/Developmental Activities

Teacher’s Routine Student’s Routine

A. Preliminaries
a. Prayer Good morning class. Who can Student 1:
lead the prayer? Yes. Let us bow our head and
feel the presence of the

Lord God, we thank you for

your love and protection
today. May you help us to
focus our hearts and minds
now on what we are about
to learn. Inspire us by your
Holy Spirit as we listen and
learn today. Guide us by
your eternal light as we
discover more about the
world around us.
In Jesus name we pray,
b. Checking of Before we start our lesson for
Attendance today, let’s have first our class
attendance. Kindly raise your Yes Ma’am.
hand and state that you are
present. Copy?
B. Preparatory Activities
a. Motivation How was your day Class?
Did you eat your breakfast? Yes, Ma’am
So, okay, Who wants to play a (All)
Everyone. Who knows the
game called No one’s too old
for compliment?
Okay listen class, here’s what
we are going to do. I will be
giving each one of you a piece
of paper. Then you will write a
compliment to your classmates,
anyone in this class. Like for
example, I like Anna’s ponytail
today so I will write it down on
that piece of paper. Gets? A
simple sentence or word will do

All done class? Yes Ma’am

Kindly roll the piece of paper.
Okay, now I want you to give it
to your classmates. Then for
those who will receive a piece
of paper kindly go back to your
seats then read the letter
silently. I want you to
appreciate those simple Students will silently read
compliments from your their compliment letters.
classmates that shows you
have a better side. Because it
will serve as your fuel or
motivation to start a day.

Since we’re all energized. Let

us now proceed to our topic.
b. Presentation of the I will be showing you a pictures,
Lesson and and based on that picture you of a
Learning Objectives will guess what will be our topic
for today. Gets?

Adrian: Elements of a
Okay, who can guess? Let’s Story Ma’am

Yes, Adrian?

Very close, let’s have another

try. Darlene: Elements of a
Short Story Ma’am
Yes, Darlene?

Well done Darlene, so let’s give

Darlene a fireworks clap.

Our lesson for today is all about

The Elements of a Short Story.

c. Discussion Before we start our lesson

proper, let’s check if you have
background knowledge with our
new lesson.

Our next activity is called

“Guess Me”. We will going to
sing London Bridge is Falling
Down, then at the end of the
song, the last person will
randomly pick item from the
box then guess what being
(sing London Bridge)
So, let’s start now.
Student 1: It is the time
and place in which the story

Student 2: It is the
Continue.. sequence or series of
events and character
actions that relate to the
central conflict.

Okay, go on. Student 3: It is a struggle

between two people or
things in the short story.

Student 4: It is a person, or
sometimes even an animal,
who takes part in the action
of a short story or other
literary work.

And for our last one Student 5: It is the central

idea or belief in a short
Well done students, let’s give
your selves a Kris Aquino clap. Clap, clap, clap may tama
Elements of a Short Story

Story elements are the building

blocks needed to make a story
work. Without these blocks, a
story will break down, failing to
meet the expectations of the
readers. Simply put, these
elements remind writers what to
include in stories, and what
needs to be planned. By
understanding each element,
you increase the chances of
writing a better story or novel.

Kindly read the slide no. 1

please, anyone? Student 1:
1. Setting
Yes, thank you. The setting is all about
“when” and “where.”
Location, time of day,
and weather are all part
of a story’s setting.
The best setting
descriptions often
include details that use
at least some of the five
Next slide, yes.
Student 2:
2. Characters
A character is
simply somebody in a
story. Characters can
be humans, animals or
any creatures. Everyone
Children, there are 4 different who appears in the
types of a characters in the story is considered as
story. character.
1. Protagonist
It is the main character of
the story.
2. Antagonist
The villain of the story.
3. Static Character
When a character does not
change or develop at all.
The character remains the
same all throughout the
4. Dynamic Character
dynamic character is one who
changes over the course of the
When a character’s
qualities change according
to their experiences,
mistakes, and encounters Student 3:
with other characters. 3. Conflict
The conflict is a struggle
Next element please read between two people or
things in a short story.
The main character is
usually on one side of
the central conflict.

On the other side, the

main character may
struggle against another
important character,
against the forces of
nature, against society,
or even against
something inside
himself or herself
(feelings, emotions,

Student 4:
4. Plot
Plot is the term for the
Okay, next. events
that take place in a story
A good summary of a and
story's plot includes three main how they relate to each
elements: the conflict, which is other.
the disagreement or When we summarize a
different drives of the story
characters or forces in the we’re usually describing
story, the climax, which is the its
most exciting point of the plot. A good summary
story and there solution, of a
which is how the conflict story's plot includes three
ends. main
elements: the conflict,
There are 5 parts of a story which is
plot: the disagreement or
1. Exposition different
Introduces the reader to drives of the characters
the setting and characters. or
2. Raising Action forces in the story, the
Introduces and develops climax,
conflict/main problem which is the most
faced by the characters. exciting
3. Climax point of the story and
Shows the highest point of the
interest, suspense, and resolution, which is how
turning point of the story. the
4. Falling Action conflict ends
Shows how the characters Plot is the term for the
solve the conflict/problems events
or ties up loose ends. that take place in a story
5. Resolution and
It is how the things end up how they relate to each
in the story. other.
When we summarize a
For our last element story
we’re usually describing
plot. A good summary
of a
story's plot includes three
elements: the conflict,
which is
the disagreement or
drives of the characters
Let us now take a look at the or
common themes that you might forces in the story, the
have noticed in the stories that climax,
you read. Maybe you have which is the most
observed some of the themes exciting
there talked about the following: point of the story and
1. Hard work the
2. Courage resolution, which is how
3. Jealousy the
4. Teamwork conflict ends
5. Honesty Plot is the term for the
6. Loyalty events that take place in
7. Friendship a story and how they
8. Love relate to each other.
9. Family When we summarize
a story we’re usually
A Theme is… describing its plot.
 The lesson or the message
the author wants you to
 A real world connection
 And it must be specific
A Theme is not…
 A summary
 A message only to your

So again what are the 5

elements of the short story?

Okay, please repeat.

Do you have any questions and

clarifications? If none then we
will proceed to our activity. Student 5:
5. Theme
It is the “big idea” or the
lesson the author wants
to take away after
reading the story. This
is the main idea that
weaves the story
together, the why, the
underlying ideas of what
happen in the piece of

Student 6:
The 5 elements of the short
story are, Setting,
Characters, Conflict, Plot
and theme.

Student 7:
The 5 elements of the short
story are, Setting,
Characters, Conflict, Plot
and theme.

None Ma’am
d. Application I will flash a short story entitled
The Sick Lion by Aesop, then
later on you will going to
answer our seatwork.
Please get 1 whole sheet of
pad paper.

Directions: Read and

understand the story. Answer
the following questions.

1. Who are the characters in

the story?
2. Where and when did the
story happen?
3. Why didn't the fox enter the
4. What happened to the
animals who visited the
King Lion?
5. What is the theme of the
story The Sick Lion?
Part II:
Direction: Using a letter,
arrange the following events in
accordance with the story
you've read.

1.___ The fox went away as

fast as he could from the lion’s
cave with the decision never
come back.
2.___ All the animals in the
forest were happy because
they heard that their cruel king
was sick. The lion did not come
out of his cave as he usually
3.___ All the animals went to
see their king lion except the
4.___ “Ha! Ha!” laughed the
king lion. “They all wanted to
stay inside the cave. You will
be staying there for a long time,
if you will wait for them to come
5.___ “I really wanted to visit
you, my king” said the fox.

1. E
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B Yes Ma’am

All done?
e. Generalization Class what have you learn (students answers)
today? Anyone?

To sum up our lesson for today,

the elements of the story
serves as our building blocks in
creating our story, and making
it more arrange. A short story is
made up of five fundamental
elements: settings, characters,
conflict, plot, and theme. Each
elements contains a significant
roles in making a short story
work and be effective.

Any questions class?

f. Evaluation Kindly get a ¼ sheet of pad
paper, we will be having a short
quiz regarding to what we
discussed today.
Direction: Read the question
on the screen and write the
correct answers.

Choose the two words that

best go with setting.
1. Choose the two words that
best go with setting.
a. why, when
b. who, why
c. where, why
d. where, when
2. Which of these might be an
example of a story's theme?
a. a boy finds out he
has super powers
b. your best friend
c. staying true to
yourself is important
d. two parents get a
The people in a story are
called the ________.
3. The people in a story
are called the ________.
a. Characters
b. Personages
c. Stars
d. Actors
Which of these could be the
setting of a fairy tale?
4. Which of these could be the
setting of a fairy tale?
a. people change as they
get older
b. a king and queen
a wicked witch puts a curse
on a princess
c. a wicked witch puts a
curse on a princess
d. a faraway castle
5. All of the following are
examples of themes except:
a. Survival
b. Growing up
c. A prince
d. Friendship
II. Identify what is stated in the
1. It is the “big idea” or the
lesson the author wants to
take away after reading the
2. The _______ is all about
“when” and “where.”
3. _______ is the term for the
events that take place in a
story and how they relate to
each other.
4. It is a struggle between two
people or things in a short
5. A person, or sometimes
even an animal, who takes
part in the action of a short
story or other literary work.
g. Assignment For your assignment, I want
you to write an unforgettable
memory you’ve experience
using the elements of the story
that we discussed earlier. It can
be about your family, friends, or
love ones.

Make use of everything you've

learned today to write your own

Let’s call it a day, Good bye Good bye Ma’am!


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