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A. Read the article “Business Leaders Explore Ways to Carry Catholic Values in the Office”
1. Create a glossary of terms by choosing 20 words and looking up for the meaning in the

1. Abounds Present in large numbers
2. Capitalist A person who has capital especially invested in business
3. Clergy A group ordained to perform pastoral functions in a Christian
4. Colleagues An associate or coworker
5. Emphasis Special consideration or stress of something
6. Flourish To grow or develop successfully
7. Foundation An underlying base or support
8. Ghetto Features that are often seen
9. Humanity The quality of being human
10. Institute An organization for the promotion of a cause
11. Liberty The state of being free
12. Manichean A believer in a syncretistic religious dualism originating in
Persia in the third century a.d.
13. Presumption An attitude or belief dictated by probability
14. Solidarity Unity or agreement of feeling or action
15. Stewards A person who looks after a thing, people, or a property
16. Subsidiarity Being subsidiary
17. Venture A risky or daring journey or undertaking
18. Virtues Behavior showing high moral standards
19. Vital Absolutely necessary or important
20. Vocation A divine call to God's service or to the Christian life

2. Answer the following:

a. How did the author able to compare business and faith (religion)? In what ways are they the
same? Different?
The author compared business and religion as both a field that a person has a
strong belief in but the difference is that in a business, career is pursued while in
religion, actions or words of God is pursued and according to the article, they both
require working or interacting with other people that creates solidarity or unity. The
difference that they have is that in religion, applying moral values are prioritized while in
business, profit-making is the priority, although for business that are operated by
Catholic entrepreneurs, business knowledge and the traditional virtues are both applied.
b. What particular Catholic values did the author suggest that should be applied in business
The particular Catholic values that the author suggest should be applied in a
business setting are solidarity and moral values. Solidarity is suggested because it
creates unity among the colleagues which helps them work together well. The moral
values are also suggested because they are the virtues that help people know what is
right and what is wrong which helps them conduct themselves in delivering their
products and services to the customers the proper way.
c. As a learner, how can you incorporate you faith values in school and community?
As a learner, I can incorporate my faith values in my school and community by
possessing the value that I am taught ever since I was a child in my home and the church
that I serve in which is respect. I will show respect towards my classmates, my
schoolmates, teachers and the people around me in my community. I will always choose
to do what is right and to show my faith, I will continue to lend my time for professing my
faith to God like going to church every Sunday, and praying before meals and every night
and I will encourage my fellow Catholics to do the same.

B. Read the article “What Does It Mean to Be a Faith-Based Business”


1. Create a glossary of terms by choosing 20 words and looking up for the meaning in the
1. Allegiance Loyalty for a group of people
2. Alliance A relationship of people, groups, or countries who agree to
work together
3. Credibility The quality of being convincing or believable
4. Endorsements An act of giving one's public approval or support to
someone or something.
5. Ethical Expressing moral approval or disapproval
6. Evangelicals Relating to, or being in agreement with the Christian
gospel especially as it is presented in the four Gospels
7. Exemplary A good role model
8. Facilitates Make something easy or easier
9. Fellowship A group of people with the same interests or area of
10. Gatekeeper People or policies that act as a go-between
11. Hardship Severe suffering
12. Justice The quality of being just, impartial, or fair
13. Mantra A statement or slogan repeated frequently
14. Optimizes Make the best or most effective use of a situation,
opportunity, or resource
15. Permeate Influence every part of something
16. Preconceived An opinion formed beforehand without true evidence
17. Realm A field or domain of activity or interest
18. Standpoint An point of view or understanding
19. Transcend To rise above or go beyond the limits
20. Unfruitful Not providing satisfaction

2. Answer the following:

a. What are the characteristics of a faith-based business?
A faith-based business is a type of enterprise that applies values into their
knowledge of business. They are businesses that give importance in traditional virtues
and morals because they believe that serving and treating customers well will be more of
a priority than making profit. They also create their mission based on the inherent belief
systems that the entrepreneurs have wherein these can be seen in some of their routines
like closing on a certain day to profess faith or include them in some bible verses on
their products.
b. What are the values which are highly regarded and practiced by a faith-based business?
The values that are highly regarded and practiced by a faith-based business are
the traditional virtues including honesty, stead-fastness, kindness, integrity, and justice
because they believe that these are the values that will help the employees work in
righteousness wherein they emphasize on the value integrity because it means that they
choose to do the right thing at all times, especially in treating their customers.
c. What is the focus of faith-based business? Is it profit-oriented or people-oriented? Explain
your answer.
The focuses of a faith-based business are to teach, reproof, correct and train in
righteousness because they prioritize more their ethics in work more than the amount of
profit that they make. It is because they see their success in the way that they serve their
customers because of how much they value the virtues that they believe in. They are
conducting their business not only with business knowledge but also with values
because they believe that if the enterprise is run without values, it would be ineffective or

C. Visit the website of Gawad Kalinga


1. How is Gawad Kalinga organized?

Gawad Kalinga is an organization that is empowered by people with faith and
patriotism who are aiming to end the existing poverty, conflict and oppression in the
country. The organization was formally established in 2003 and was formed by
consisting of mission members who lead the organization and the 4,000 volunteers who
are willing to help people in need without any hesitations. They conduct different types
of programs and activities in different places that cover a difficult living condition and
provide the help that they need voluntarily.
2. What prompted the proponent to organize this social-oriented enterprise?
What prompted the proponent to organize this social-oriented enterprise are the
issues, poverty and oppression in the country that millions of people are experiencing
today. Because they have realized how difficult some lives of people are in many places
in the Philippines, they have had the urge to create an organization that does not focus
on making money or profit, but to help these people who are struggling to cope up from
their situations.
3. What are their ongoing projects?
Gawad Kalinga continues to conduct many projects that support different aspects
of living in our country that help reduce and end poverty. To support Shelter and Land
security, the conduct projects like Land Donations, building Community infrastructures,
and Home Provisions for families. To support Child and Youth Development, they
conduct Kalinga Kusina which is a feeding program for children, child sport trainings
and Youth Leadership programs. To support Social Business and Family Productivity,
the hold projects like Bayan Anihan which gives start up packages to farmers, Balangay
which provides equipment to fishermen, and Gawa which gives trainings to Blue-collared
workers. To support Health and Well-being, they give supplements to pregnant women,
they finance healthworkers and they conduct water sanitation inspections. And lastly, to
create productive and resilient communities, they conduct seminars among community
members and leaders and they have the Disaster Response and Preparedness.
4. If you will be given the chance to join them, will you? Explain your answer.
If I will be given the chance to join them, I will because it is a very inspiring
organization that does not focus on making money or profit but focuses on helping
reduce and end poverty. They are an organization that are willing to help without
expecting anything in return because all they want is to help those who are in need. I will
want to participate in this kind of organization because at my age, I am now capable of
offering my help to those who need it and as a Filipino, it is important that we help our
fellow citizens. It also makes me happy when people feel better because of what I have
done and not only will these kinds of organizations benefit the people who are being
helped but it can also benefit the members because they are gaining experiences and
knowledge and create bonds between each other which is why I also want to join if I
would be given the chance to.

D. Read the article “Gawad Kalinga: What We Have Learned So Far”. Accordingly, there are
seven lessons learned after their 10 years of serving the people.

1. How were they able to learn these lessons?

They were able to learn these lessons through the years of serving their
organization. Because their organization has been established ever since 2003, they have
done a lot of projects wherein they traveled to many places in the country and have
encountered a lot of behaviors of people according to the situation that they are in, and
in those years of conducting programs, events and activities, challenges were normal to
go through because from this, they have learned and realized a lot and is now a stronger
organization who is willing to help more people in the future and end poverty.

2. Among the lessons learned, which do think is the most important? Explain your answer.
I think that the most important lesson among the others was “lasting and
sustainable peace is possible” because if the organization has learned this, it means that
they have succeeded in helping people. And this lesson was very inspiring because it
means that there really are people have been given help by them and will encourage the
organization members to keep doing what they are doing or to do better because they
know that it is possible to provide people the security and peace that they need.

E. Read the article “Business Operations in an EOC Firm: the experience of Bangko

1. Answer the following questions:

a. What is the economy of communion (EOC) organization? What is the vision-mission of this
Economy of Communion or EOC organization is a type of project that aims to
encourage business workers to work in a unified way with their knowledge of business
and faith values which creates a business structure that consists of a culture of giving
and generosity that does not only benefit the business by generating its profit but also
the rate of employment. Its mission is to promote a faith-based business culture wherein
values are incorporated and given importance to. They envision themselves to be T as a
link between business growth and the pursuit of values in their jobs.

b. What is the reason of the author in adopting this system of faith-based social enterprising?
The reason of the author in adopting this system of faith-based social enterprising
is because when she started the enterprise of Bangko Kabayan, they were at a low point
especially in terms of profit-making which is why she decided to not only improve their
knowledge but also their work ethics with working together and treating their clients. She
wanted to prove that values are just as important in operating a business because they
are the way of proving the clients that they are worth trusting in.

c. What are the satisfactory benefits that the author’s business is experiencing in incorporating
values with faith?
The satisfactory benefits that the author’s business experienced in incorporating
values with faith was the growth and success of Bangko Kabayan ever since she
implemented the application of values. She managed to prove that a business that
started from a poor level could succeed if they have a strong belief in themselves and
apply the values that they believe are important. The Bangko Kabayan has dealt with
major stockholders and competitors with respect and transparency, they have built an
ethical working environment because they focused on giving their best on offering their
services and of course preserving the faith and values that the owner has established.

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