TONIGHT Early Draft

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written by

Vincent Barksdale

4301 California Ave.

Sibley, MO 64088
(816) 529-9718


SPECTRE approaches from O.S. He is wrapping BANDAGES around
his hands and scouting ahead from the porch. He squints and
peers straight ahead, to see a lone ARMED GUARD smoking a
cigarette. He follows the cherry of the cigarette, walking
down the dirt path, injured yet fueled by hate.
The guard notices the bandaged badass walking towards him and
he immediately tosses his cigarette to the side and takes aim
at him.
Freeze! Hands up, fuckhead!

Spectre throws his arms up, his eyes wide. Feigning fear and
confusion, he frantically STUTTERS:

Whoa, hey! The hell- I'm just
coming through!
Shut up! I know who you are. Oh,
the boss is just gonna love getting
his hands on you.

Spectre throws a RIGHT JAB, immediately hitting the guard

right in the jaw, SMACK. He stumbles and his gun CLATTERS to
the dirt. Once he gains his balance again, he charges
forward and tackles our hero to the ground with a double-leg
sweep takedown onto the ground, and he is now on top of the
skull-masked hero. He begins pummeling Spectre in the face,
with fast and hard blows that could knock an elephant on its

He takes a break, falling off of our hero and leaving him

there, his face broken and BLEEDING, thanks to the guard's
fists. He COUGHS up some BLOOD, rolls onto his stomach, then
his knees, and makes his way up to his feet, blood leaking
out of his mouth.
He wipes the blood off his mouth with his sleeve and looks
forward, to see the Armed Guard going for his gun. He
sprints after him and jumps, landing right on the guard's
hand and completing the chase with a loud SNAPPING sound.
The guard YELLS out and pulls back his bleeding, mangled
Spectre stares him down, right into his eyes. The hunted now
becoming the hunter, Spectre continues down the dark forest.

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