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1. Ribosomes are present in :

a)SER b)RER c)Both d)None

2. -----------------------are present in mitochondria .

a)Cristae b)Cistae c)Cristernae d)All

3. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the area in a cell where __________ are synthesized.

a)Peptidoglycon b)Proteins c)Lipids d)DNA

4.Cell theory was proposed by:

a)Robert Hooke b)Schwann c)Schleiden d)Both B and C

5. Which of the following plastids have chlorophyll and help in photosynthesis?

a)Chloroplasts b)Leucoplast c)Chromoplasts d)All of these

6. Fluid mosaic model explains the structure of:

a)Cell membrane b)Cytoplasm c)Cell wall d)Mitochondria

7. Lignin is present in:

a)Primary wall d)Secondary wall c)None of above

8. Who discovered Golgi bodies?

a)Dolland b)Pasteur c)Camilla Golgi d)Theodor Schwann

9. Cytoplasm is composed of _______________water.

a)10% b)30% c)60% d)90%

10. Ribosomes are constructed in the ______.

a)Endoplasmic reticulum b)Nucleoid c)Nucleolus d)Nuclear pore

11. The membrane of vacuole is called:

a)Tonoplast b)Protoplast c) Chloroplast d)Nucleoplast

12. The mitochondrion functions in:

a)Lipid storage b)Protein synthesis c)Photosynthesis d)Cellular respiration

13. Golgi bodies consist of stacks of flattened sacs made up of membranes called ……………. .

a)Cristae b)Cistae c)Cisternae d)All

14. Scanning electron microscope gives ……………… image.

a)1D b)2D c)3D d)All

15. Ribosomes occur in groups called ……………… .

a)Nucleosomes b)Polysomes c)Dictyosomes d)All

12.Which of the following organelle is found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

a)Ribosomes b)Mitochondria c)Chloroplast d)Endoplasmic reticulum

13. Transmission electron Microscope is the type of :

a)Electron microscope b)Simple microscope c)Both a and b d)None

14. The ___________ is the membrane-enclosed structure in eukaryotic cells that contains the DNA
of the cell.

a)Mitochondrion b)Chloroplast c)Nucleolus d)Nucleus

15. Is the ability of microscope to distinguish as separate and distinct objects that lie in close

a)Magnification b)Resolution c)Both a and b d)None

16. -------------------------is the granular matrix of nucleus.

a)Protoplasm b)Nucleoplasm c)Cytoplasm d)All

17.Basically there are …………… types of microscope.

a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4

18. Who described cells first?

a)Robert Hooke b)Leeuwenhoek c)Robert Brown d)Scheiden & Schwann

19. Membrane stack is chloroplast is called:

a)Sturma b)Granum c)Both d)None

20. Magnification of electron microscope is:

a)2500 x b)250,000 x c)25000 x d)None

20. Cell wall is present in …………… cell.

a)Plant b)Animal c)Both d)None

21. Mitochondria store _______________

a)AMP b)ADP c)ATP d)None

22. Each centriole contains ……………… triplets of microtubules.

a)Five b)Seven c)Nine d)Eleven

23.are involved i protein synthesis.

a)SER b)RER c)Both d)None

24.There are _______________ chromosomes in human.

a)46 b)18 c)16 d)23

25. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is the area in a cell where _________ are synthesized.
a)Polysacchrides b)Proteins c)Lipids d)DNA

26. The most abundant and important organelle belonging to plastids are:

a)Chloroplast b)Chromoplast c)Leucoplast d)None

27. The thin extensions of the inner mitochondrial membrane are known as ______.

a)Cristae b)Matrix c)Thylakoids d)Stroma

28. Micro filaments are made of:

a)Tubulin protein b) Lipids c)Carbohydrates d)Actin protein

29.Cellulose is present in:

a)Primary wall b)Secondary lamella c)None of above

30. Which organelles have their own DNA?

a)Chloroplast b)Mitochondria c)Both d)None

31. described the nucleus as characteristics spherical body in plant cells.

a)Robert hooke b)Robert Brown c)Leeuwenhoek d)Dolland

32. Which of these material is not a component of the plasma membrane?

a)Lipids b)Carbohydrates c)Proteins d)DNA

33.Cells walls are found in these organisms, except for______.

a)Plants b)Animals c)Bacteria d)Fungi

34.Function of cell wall is:

a)Cell wall b)Plasma membrane c)Both d)None

35. …………………….is called power house of cell.

a)Mitochondria b)Cell wall c)Nucleus d)Vaculoe

36 ……………………formation occurs in SER.

a)Proteins b)Lipids c)Cellular d)All

37.Cell membrane i present in _______________ cells.

a)Plants b)Animals c)Both d)NOne

38.Concept of “Omnis cellula e cellula” was given by :

a)Robert Hooke b)Lorenz Oken c)Robert Brown d)Virchow

39. The plasma membrane does all of these except ________

a)Contains the hereditary material b)Acts as a boundary or border for the cytoplasm

c)Regulates passages of material in and out of the cell d)Functions in the recognition of cell

1. What is difference between light microscope and electron microscope

2. What are the points of cell theory
3. Cell wall of following organisms is made up of 1)bacteria 2)fungi 3)plants
4. Explain fluid mosaic model with example
5. Name organelles which are single membrane , non membrane , double membrane
6. What is difference between mitochondria and cytoplasm
7. Draw and label diagram of cytoplasm
8. What are the functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum


1. Answer the questions related to the cell organelles shown in figure.

i. Identify the organelle A. (0.5)

ii. ii. Label the steps C, D and E. (1.5)
iii. iii. Enlist the functions of organelle A. (3)

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