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Tour report on the Sandwip Island, Bangladesh


Professor Dr. Muslem Uddin

Associate Professor
Department of Oceanography
Faculty of Marine Science & Fisheries
University of Chittagong

Umme Habiba
Student ID:20902012
Session: 2019-2020

Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries

Department of Oceanography
University of Chittagong
Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh.
Table of contents

Title Page no
Chapter one: Introduction
Aims and objectives
Study area
Chapter Two:Field methodology

Overall methods
Duration of the field Work and activities

Equipment used
Data collection
Chapter Three: Engineering Aspects

Coastal engineering
Artificial vegetation
Sea flood defense barrier:concrete blocks

Chapter Four: Discussion


I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude, sincere appreciation, immense indebtedness to our
honourable teachers of Department of Oceanography, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries,
University of Chittagong, who have taken the initiatives to make a study tour and help us in every
steps to know about Marine Spatial Planning , Pollution status, Erosion and Accretion pattern and
Potentials and Problems in the Development of Tourism in Sandwip Island as well as all Other
information related to Oceanography.

Special thanks to Dr. Mohammad Muslem Uddin, Chairman and Associate Professor, Department
of Oceanography to arrange such a pleasure tour, accompanying us and Providing guidance, moral

I would like to extent our gratitude to Md. Enamul Hoque ,Assistant Professor, Department Of
Oceanography for his expert supervision, constant guidance and inspiration during the Group task of
our group named ‘ Erosion and Accretion pattern of Sandwip Island ‘and For helping us to
understand about erosion and land status of our study area.

I am also really grateful to our honorable teacher Dr. Md Wahidul Alam,Associate Professor and
Mr. Mohammad Saydul Isalm Sarkar ,Assistant Professor, Department Of Oceanography,
University of Chittagong for giving us the opportunity to experience Such a wonderful and fruitful
field trip.

My special thanks goes to Mr. Musa ,Lab Assistant for helping us by giving valuable Information
and guiding us according to the instructions given by our respected teachers.

Heartfelt gratitude to A.H.M. Rakibul Mawla,Associate Professor,Department of Statistics,

University of Chittagong,Khoda Box Saiful, Sandwip Student Forum members,Sandwip Blood
Donors Forum and the local people whose valuable information help us to know the history of this
island and make the report easily. Without the support of them ,Our accomplishment of this field trip
wouldn’t possible. So, I am really grateful to them.

Sandwip (Bengali: সন্দ্বীপ, romanized: Shondip) is an island located along the southeastern coast of
Bangladesh in the Chittagong District.The sandwip Island was observed and sampled in the six
different sites using standard methods by four different groups.

Sandwip is one of the least explored islands of Bangladesh regarding the island-based tourism
industry.Once this Island used to be a major trade hub of this East Bengal. At Present this island is
vulnerable to coastal erosion, other natural calamities like cyclones, tsunamis,Saltwater intrusion,
etc. the department of Oceanography has conducted a field trip for studying the status of this
island’s “pollution status”; to find the potential industries like “tourism”, dairy, Fishing; to study the
“coastal erosion accretion” pattern as well as preparing plans for protecting the coastline, for
studying the possibilities of implementing of “Marine Spatial Planning”.



Coastal zones contain some of the world’s most diverse and dynamic resources. They Include
extensive areas of complex and specialized ecosystems. Coastal zones are Currently being
progressively perceived as utilitarian regions facing escalated regular and Anthropogenic unsettling
impacts including ocean level ascent, seaside disintegration and Sedimentation, and over-abuse of
resources. (Bird, 1985) The aspect of interventions to Accelerate the natural accretion processes for
reclamation of land is yet to get due Attention. Almost 2.4 billion tons of sediment passes to the deep
seas of Indian Ocean Each year through the Ganges – Brahmaputra – Meghna rivers system; via the
Meghna Estuary. The reclamation and development activities are also economically not Prohibitive.
At present about 0.9 land rises each year in the Meghna Estuary and Bangladesh coast due to
natural accretion. (Alam, et al. 2014; Hussain, 2009)

The Sandwip is an off-shore island along the south eastern coast of Bangladesh in the Chittagong
District, located in Meghna estuary, which is very dynamic and unique in Nature due to its
geographical position and hydro-geomorphic settings. The island has Been experiencing severe
morphological and hydrological changes over the time due to Combine the effects of estuary and
tidal effects of the Bay of Bengal. The island has been Declining in size for the past 200 years. The
historical data reveals that in 1780, the Island had a total area of about 480 km2, but until 1880, it
had increased to 502 km2 due To land reclamation. However, the area was 290 km2 in 1979 due to
the massive bank Erosion (Rob, 1997). The available data from 1978 to 1989 indicates that about 19
km2 Was lost and only 4.1 km2 lands accreted. About 40% of the island in the east was Eroded
during the period between 1984 and 2007 (Brammer, 2014). Different parts of Sandwip Island
exhibit cyclic accretion and erosion.

Aims And objectives

 To observe ecology and biodiversity of East Sandwip mangrove forest .
 To know the characteristics of muddy shore and its floral and faunal abundance.
 To explore the fisheries resources and fish nets of Sandwip Island and its adjacent Rivers.
 To know the shore profiling and land configuration of beach.
 To study the physio-chemical parameters of the water.
 To collect sediment from the study area.
 To learn about coastal engineering processes and both natural & artificial protections
 To identify the land use patterns of the area
 To track out local environments and their living conditions, cultures, livelihoods etc. And
find prospect of local communities.
 To learn about and observe several physical and geological features of the study area.

Study area
Sandwip is located between the 22°22’N to 22°34’N latitude and the 91°26’E to 91°34’E Longitude
in the north-east of the Bay of Bengal, near the port city of Chittagong. It is Close to the mouth of the
Meghna River in the Bay of Bengal and is separated from the Chittagong coast by Channel. It has a
population of nearly 350,000. There are fifteen Wards, 62 mahallas and 34 villages on Sandwip
Island. The island is 50 kilometers (31 mi) long and 5–15 kilometer’s (3.1–9.3 mi) wide. The island
is bounded by Companiganj on the north; the Bay of Bengal on the south; Sitakunda, Mirsharai, and
Sandwip Channel on the east; and the Noakhali Sadar, Hatiya and Meghna estuaries; on the west.


Field methodology
Methodology is the systematic and the theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study.

Overall methods






Planning and preparation: it includes the selection of a site or field, taking instruments and
Gathering information about the background of the site.

Data collection: Sample collections by using instruments, geological and physical features
identification and GPS location tracking.

Data manipulation: identification of different types of species, making map and review the

Data analysis: writing report and submission.

Duration of field works and activities

The field work has been carried out in the different parts of Sandwip Island. The field Work
continued from 24th February to 26th February.we reached the island on 24th February and
started our research from that day.First day were fixed for researching the geological
conditions and various sample collecting, measuring different parameters like pH,EC,
temperature at mangrove vegetation area of Guptachara,Sandwip.At afternoon we went to
Rahmatpur block embankment area to observe the newly formed area due to accretion.we
also cleaned the beach at Rahmatpur.
On second day, we studied the southeast Sandwip area .then we visited the fishing land at
Bangla bazar,sarikait. And at afternoon ,we went to the Kalapania Union newly accreted area
and explored the new opportunities of tourism of sandwip.Last day we organized an Ocean
Literacy campaign at Ananda pathshala, a private school of sandwip.

DAY-1 (24.02.2022)

Guptachara Ferry Ghat

Guptachara Ghat is the main port of transportation of Sandwip Island. It is

located at the eastern border of Sandwip Island. This port is used for importing
all kinds of goods And commodities as well transporting people from & to
Sandwip. The former Ghat Became inaccessible for transportation as a result of
the deposition of sediments. There Is a natural mangrove forest on both sides of
this Ghat. In this forest Excoecaria Agallocha, Sonneratia apetala, Acanthus
ilicifolius, etc. these natural mangrove vegetation are protecting as well
appropriating new lands.
Figure: Guptachara ferry ghat. Figure: Study on vegetation area of Guptachara

Rahmatpur is the middle western part of the sandwip Island.It was affected by serious Erosion
between 1995 to 2005. After 2005, accretion started and still ongoing. There can be seen about 2 km
of salt marsh area.The salt marsh area has now become the primary food source for the island’s dairy
industry.Now, to protect the Coastal area,a concrete block barrier is built along the coast line.

Figure: Rahmatpur, sandwip

Figure: Beach cleaning campaign at Rahmatpur, sandwip



Magdhara area is the south eastern part of the sandwip Island near Sholoshohor bazar .Now the
activation process is still going on this part. There can be seen the previous erosional activities over
this area of land consists of 3 km long from the coastline to the ocean. From 2004-to 2005, constant
coastal erosion occurred in this area. As a result, there is hardly any residence in this location.
Salt marsh had also been seen in this area.

Figure: south eastern part of the sandwip Island

Figure: magdhara, sandwip

Bangla bazar,sarikait

Bangla bazar is situated near is on the south western part of sandwip island.
The area is prone to severe soil erosion. This area used to be a fish landing center.Rows of fishing
trawlers are witnessed in the beaches of Sarikait. The sea is very close To this area. According to
local inhabitants, the area has been in a state of soil erosion for the last five years. However, the local
authorities were not concerned of preventing Soil erosion. The area is dominated by fishing
communities.The place is famous in Sandwip for being the fish landing centre.

Figure: fishing land, Bangla bazar

Figure: Bangla Bazar,sarikait


Kalapania is situated on the north western part of the sandwip Island. Erosion process occurred
about 10 years ago .now we can observe accretion over the area.We have seen that it is a boat
building area and salt production area too.
With the help of local governments of that area,it has now become a tourist spot also.Several
initiatives have been taken to explore the new opportunities in the sector of tourism.

Figure:boat building in Kalapania beach

Figure: knowing information about Kalapania beach


Ananda pathshala, a private school of sandwip

A seminar on the headline of ‘Ocean Literacy’ was held on 26 February in Ananda Pathshala,
Sandwip by the Department of Oceanography, University Of Chittagong.On the seminar, the chief
guest was Dr. Mohammad Moslem Uddin Munna ( Chairman,Department Of Oceanography,
University Of Chittagong). Also presented others Faculty member as special guests serially
Associate Professor Dr. Wahidul Alam, Assistant Professor Saydul Islam Sarkar, Assistant Professor
Enamul Haque.The Slogan of the seminar was: “Ocean literature is the key of the Nations
The proper extraction of resources will ensure advanced life. The seminar was Arranged for a mutual
relationship and exchanging experience with the students of Secondary school. To survive, it’s
necessary to know ocean – this headlines proclaimed To the students and local people.Attended
speaker delivered speech on micro-plastics and waste management, biodiversity and plankton, food
habitats and pollution. Among the students Taohida Islam Sumaiya from 17-18 batch and
Mohammad Ibrahim from 18-19 batch gave a short lecture about Ocean literacy.

Figure: sandwip Ananda pathshala

Equipment used

In this field trip,we used some tools and materials that are used to collect sediments, features sample
and preserve them and identify the species.
Data collected by using mentioned instruments and samples were taken by using appropriate
chemicals in plastic bottle and zipper bag.
1. GPS tracker
2. Water pH meter and soil pH meter
3. Grab sampler
4. Plankton net
5. DO bottle
6. Measuring tap
7. Ice box
8. Thermometer
9. Flow meter
10. Pipette
11. Permanent marker
12. Tape
13. Bucket
14. Measuring scale

Data and sample collection

1. Primary data collection

 Visual observation
 Group wise sample collection
 Photographs
 Interviews
 Discussion
 Map reading

2. Secondary data collection

 Book published
 Journal
 Previous works
 Newspaper
 Internet

Primary data collections

Primary data and samples are collected by group wise activities. We collect GPS location from
Different part of the island and observed the accretion and erosion of the island. We also collect
Information from the local peoples about their livelihood, cultures, habits and habitats,Educations,
populations, economy and history of the island. Data and sample collections Procedures are given

Visual observation : visiting a particular place and after observing that, we collected some data
Which is helping us to make a report.

Interview: At first we went the local tea stall and then we ask the questions step by step to know
Everything about the island and in this way be collect all types of information. By interview we
Can gather more different and much knowledge which help us to collect information and data. In
This study tour, by these types of interview we knew details about lifestyle and other phenomena.

Map Reading: We came to know about the location and area of our traveling place from map.Our
visiting stations, GPS locations were known by this procedures.

Photograph: We snapped various charming natural sceneries. These photographs helped us in

Observation and research. By this procedures we took the photo of the several areas like
Vegetation’s, fishing activities, their lifestyle, coastal engineering features, beach features etc of
the sandwip island which greatly helps us to write our report.

Secondary data collections

Secondary data are collected from already published books, journal, previous works, satellite
Image etc.By gathering all the information the field report of our study tour is made.

Data Source

The multi-temporal, Landsat-8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) data of 2017 and 2019 and
Landsat 9 OLI-2 (Operational Land Imager-2), TIRS – 2 (Thermal Infrared Sensor – 2) data of
2022were used in this study for shoreline analysis of the Sandwip Island. The Landsat images
Data used were acquired under cloud free conditions and the U.S. Geographical Survey (USGS)
( is the provider of the data and satellite images data had
Previously been georeferenced into Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system.
The spatial resolution of Landsat 8and Landsat 9 satellite images are30meters of four visible
Spectral bands, one near-infrared spectral band, three shortwave-infrared, 15 meter for one
Panchromatic band and 100 mete for two thermal bands.

I. Atmospheric Correction:The Dark Object Extraction (DOS) was used to remove
the effect of Atmospheric scattering. DOS is thesimple experiential atmospheric
correction method for satellite Images. Dark Subtraction is used to remove the
effects of atmospheric scattering that reflectance From dark objects from the
image. By this method subtracting these values from every pixel in the Band, the
unnecessary scattering is removed from the images.

II. Shoreline extraction:Iso Cluster tool is used to perform unsupervised

classification on a series Of input raster bands to extract the shoreline. Finally,
raster image converted to vector format to Obtain shoreline boundaries of
different years of study years. Then the final vector boundaries are Edited
manually and overlap all vector boundaries to understand the change of shoreline
of sandwip island.

Coastal Engineering Aspects

Coastal Engineering:
Coastal engineering is a branch of civil engineering concerned with the specific demands posed By
constructing at or near the coast, as well as the development of the coast itself. In Sandwip Island we
found several coastal engineering like as:

Artificial vegetation’s

The aerial roots of mangrove forests retain sediments and stabilize the soil in the areas between High
tide and low tide (intertidal areas) by reducing erosion during storms and floods. A total of 18
mangrove plant species under 15 genera and 12 families have been documented from the Study area
(Shaikh Bokhtear, Uddin. 2014). It has two main functions: 1) to protect the Embankment from tidal
surges 2) to protect life and property in the region by embankment. It Also enhances environmental
quality. They are mainly the Geowa, Kalilata Kalla lata, Chhagol Kuri kalmi , Hargoja,Kekanta.

Sea flood defense barrier; concrete block

Development activities in the vicinity of the shoreline, alongside erosion, marine storms and high
Waves, may lead to destructive effects on buildings, installations and beaches in close vicinity, Even
causing their collapse. Concrete Blocks are used for sludge dewatering projects of all sizes And there
is a good reason-simplicity and low cost. We observe concrete blocks barrier at the
Rahmatpur/Harishpur and South East Sandwip. They protect the beach from harmful wave Actions
and others disasters. The objective was to protect the island from storm waves and storm Surge, a
function that is typical of a dune system.

 Protecting the cliff along the shore from erosion from wave and wind damage
 Constructing breakwaters
 Constructing artificial islands

Coastal erosion has huge socio-economic consequences and causes migration of people From
affected areas. In the case of the island of Bhola, the effects of the erosion Were quite significant.
From the results shown above, it is certain that from the year 2017 to 2022, the cumulative quantity
of accretion is increasing as well as erosion, but the rate of accretion is much higher than erosion,
which could result a blessing for the local population as well as environment.

Table: change of coastal area

Interval of Erosion (km2) Accretion( km2) Net loss/gain Unchanged
Year/type (km2) area
2017-2019 23.84 4.24 -19.68 258.36
2019-2022 1.59 75.32 73.73 261.02
2017-2022 6.28 60.42 54.14 275.92

The coastline change (erosion accretion) shows that from 2017 to 2022, the northwestern shore
(Kalapania Union and South Santoshpur Unions) of the Island have Experienced severe accretion.
The coastline change (erosion-accretion) map also Indicates that from 2017 to 2022, the northern and
the north-eastern part (Santoshpur Union and Urir char) of the island have experienced accretion that
gained the extra Shoreline along the bank of these areas.
Along the Magdhara Union the eastern part of the island- left of the Sandwip channel,The water
depth decrease that means accretion has taken place,probably caused by the Sediment deposit
through backwash deposition along the eastern coastline part of the Island. The coastline change
(erosion-accretion) map also shows that from 2017 to 2022, The eastern part (Magdhara Union) of
the Sandwip has experienced accretion that gained The extra shoreline.
The sediments carried by the Sandwip channel from the Bay of Bengal cause natural Sedimentation
in the Magdhara Union. These sediments were deposited in the eastern Part of the island, where
shore had a very gentle slope, favorable for sediment deposition,Resulted extra land and mud land
tidal plain. These tidal plains and mud flat are the Recent deposits of sediments carried by the
The massive tidal pressure in the Meghna estuary, the bank configuration and Ingredient, and sand
extraction from channel are responsible for the bank erosion in the Azimpur Union.


Bangladesh being one of the highly populated countries with 1265 people living in per square
Kilometer and a riverine country, its people are vulnerable to riverbank and coastal erosion. The
Country is agricultural and very reliant on farming and fishing, causing a major part of the
Population to live in the coastal area and near the rivers. As a result when erosion or accretion
Occurs it has a great effect of the peoples live. The Island of Sandwip is an ideal representative of
This situation.

Tidal water pressure from the Meghna estuary and the Bay of Bengal, structural configuration of
The bank, weaken materials of the shore, and steep slope of the shoreline (bank) are the
Responsible for erosion. Accretion process is probably due to the backwash sediment deposition
From the Sandwip channel, relatively gentle slope of bank which facilitates natural sediment
Deposition carried by the channel and the Meghna estuary.

Different parts of the island exhibits different dynamics in hydro-morphology e.g. erosion
Processes were mostly active between 1980 to 2010 in the western (Kalapania, Harishpur,
Rahmatpur, Azimpur, and some parts of the Santoshpur Unions), the south-western (Sarikait
Union), and the south-western (Magdhara Union) part of the island whereas, accretion(decreases
In water depth from 1982 to 2006) was effective between 1980 to 2010 in the northern
(Santoshpur Union and Urir char) and the north-eastern (Magdhara Union) part of the island .But
At present we have seen accretion most of the coastal areas in 2022.

The aim of this study was to investigate coastal erosion and accretion process on Sandwip over
The recent years. In the results, it is seen that the rate of accretion is much higher erosion than
Resulting a positive effect on the inhabitants’ socio-economic condition. There is a number of
Government initiative to stop the erosion.


1. To strength monitoring of biological source and impact of climate change for Appropriate
biodiversity management.
2. To develop special and integrated coastal zone management and Marine spatial Planning
3. To establish an information system of resource of these Island.
4. To measure the adverse effects of natural calamities global warming and sea level Rise.

5. To Create public awareness about plastic pollution by using different mass media.


1. Bird, E. C. F. (1985). Coastline changes. Wiley & Sons, New York, 219 pp
2. Chowdhury TH ( 2012) Sandwip Upazila. Asiatic society of Bangladesh,
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
3. Alam, R., Islam, M. S., Hasib, M. R., & Khan, M. Z. H. (2014). Characteristics
of Hydrodynamic processes in the Meghna Estuary due to dynamic whirl action.
Journal of Engineering, 4(6), 39–50.
4. Rob, M. A. (1997). Shifting course of the Ganges in Bangladesh: A study in
fluvial morphology. Dhaka University Journal of Science, 45(2).
5. Brammer, H. (2014). Bangladesh’s dynamic coastal regions and sea-level rise.
Jr. of Climate risk Management.

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