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Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

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Research article

Assessing the preference and spatial dependence of a solid waste

management system in Nepal: A choice experiment approach☆
Mohammad Mashiur Rahman a, 1, *, Alok K. Bohara b
The W. A. Franke College of Business, Northern Arizona University, 101 E McConnell Dr, Flagstaff, AZ, 86011, USA
Department of Economics, The University of New Mexico, 1915 Roma Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87131, USA


JEL classification: This study deploys a choice experiment method to estimate the preference and willingness to pay for a better
Q53 solid waste management system in Siddharthanagar municipality in Nepal. A primary survey of 611 households
Q51 was conducted, and the results from the Generalized Multinomial Logit Model (GMNL) indicate a public pref­
Keywords: erence for a better waste management service. Significant heterogeneity in household preferences is evident after
Solid waste management accommodating each choice selection’s preference certainty in the GMNL model. On average, households prefer
Choice experiment
to pay the highest amount for constructing and maintaining a sanitary landfill, which is Nepalese Rupee (NPR)
Willingness to pay
Generalized multinomial logit model (GMNL)
158/month (USD 1.43). The geographic distribution of the marginal willingness to pay (MWTP) by hot spot
Sanitary landfill analysis from the geocoded location also indicates spatial heterogeneity across the study area. The MWTP for
Spatial analysis each waste management attribute is spatially autocorrelated, and household awareness and attitude significantly
Nepal impact this spatial dependence. Overall, both the choice models result and spatial analyses indicate the policy
should be targeted at a localized level to increase awareness concerning the proper management of solid waste.

1. Introduction (Ackerman, 2000; Rahmasary et al., 2019), this negative spillover has
adverse human health effects (Patricia et al., 2013; Ndukwe et al., 2019;
In the face of accelerating population growth, especially in devel­ Babs-Shomoye and Kabir, 2016). The collection, transportation, and
oping countries, an adequately administered solid waste management disposal of household waste in urban cities of developing countries
system is imperative for raising environmental qualities, the standard of suffer from a lack of administrative planning and waste management
living, and economic progress in urban cities. According to the United strategies (Guerrero et al., 2013). Municipalities also provide waste
Nations Habitat (UN Habitat, 2017), close to 54.0% of the global pop­ management services at a lower capacity than the accepted standard.
ulation live in urban cities, and urban growth is approximately 2.0% per Besides the under-provision of services, municipalities are often un­
year. The rapid production of household waste, a by-product of popu­ aware of the preference and opinions of the households while devising a
lation growth, creates unfavorable conditions for society and the envi­ waste management system. Hence, understanding household prefer­
ronment. According to the World Bank, by 2025, 4.3 billion urban ences can aid in developing solid waste management systems that best
residents will generate 1.42 kg of waste per day per capita (Hoornweg serve the interests of urban populations.
and Bhada-Tata, 2012). Unauthorized disposal of waste in surroundings Less than 50% of solid waste is collected in low-income countries, as
as uncollected, a shortage of municipality’s waste management re­ opposed to 98% in high-income countries (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata,
sources, and a lack of knowledge of waste management practices 2012). Nepal is a developing country facing an immense burden of
negatively impact the overall ecosystem, primarily through water and solid waste from its rising population and expanding economy. Ac­
air pollution. The landfill sites release a significant amount of methane cording to an Asian Development Bank (ADB) report, in 2013, Nepal’s
gas, which accounts for 10% of the total greenhouse gases (United States 58 municipalities generated 524,000 tons of municipal solid waste.
Environmental Protection Agency, 2018) and significantly contributes More than 75% of the municipalities practice open dumping of waste. A
to global warming. Together with other global warming impacts few municipalities use sanitary landfills but do not follow the standard

Mohammad Mashiur Rahman reports financial support was provided by South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE).
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.M. Rahman).
Mohammad Mashiur Rahman was a doctoral candidate at the department of Economics, University of New Mexico at the time of writing this manuscript.
Received 24 May 2022; Received in revised form 1 November 2022; Accepted 14 November 2022
Available online 22 December 2022
0301-4797/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

maintenance procedures. The waste management of Siddharthanagar composting, and an increase in the amount of waste collection. Using the
municipality and its neighboring regions in Western Nepal is an stated level of preference certainty in the choice analysis produces
alarming example of an improper system. This region’s population has precise estimates for MWTP. Moran’s I and the subsequent hot spot
grown more than 21% in the last 17 years. As a gateway town next to the analysis on the individual-specific MWTP reveal spatial heterogeneity
World Heritage site of Lumbini (Birthplace of Buddha), the municipality across households. Finally, the SAR model results indicate that attitude
is experiencing rising tourism pressure, especially after constructing a and awareness toward solid waste management are critical factors in
nearby international airport. The municipality operates its only landfill raising awareness about waste management and encouraging house­
site adjacent to the Danda River, which is filled far beyond its capacity. holds to participate in the proposed system.
The percentage of waste collected is significantly lower than in other
municipalities in the country. 2. Literature review
According to the Nepal Solid Waste Management Rules (2013), the
local administration is responsible for discharging solid waste from Investigating public preference for environmental management in­
households. The rule under section 6 dictates that the municipality is volves two methods in literature: stated preference (SP) and revealed
responsible for segregating organic, non-organic, and harmful or preference (RP). The SP method is extensively used to elicit the prefer­
chemical waste. Growing municipalities struggle to manage waste under ence for different environmental management strategies (Johnston
these rules due to the lack of institutional and financial resources. For et al., 2017), and the application to solid waste management services is
instance, the Siddharthahanagar Municipality had allocated only 5% of noteworthy. The choice experiment (CE) is preferred among different
the total municipal budget for waste management services (Asian variants of the SP method due to its extensive choice scenarios and
Development Bank, 2013), while effective waste management should welfare measurement. Othman (2002) investigated public preferences
comprise 20%–50% of the municipal budget (World Bank, 2019). Other from 600 households for a solid waste management system in Seremban
than resources, the salient feature of developing a better waste man­ Municipality, Malaysia, an earlier study on CE and waste management.
agement system for the local administration is the availability of infor­ The results indicated that households are willing to pay a premium per
mation on the household’s perspective and their willingness to pay for month for improvements in multiple attributes such as waste collection
improving different characteristics (recycling, composting, disposal, frequency (MYR2.46/USD 0.65), waste disposal methods (MYR3.99/­
etc.). USD 1.06), and transportation mode (MYR 3.26/USD 0.87). Cleanliness
This study investigates the prospect of a waste management service of the waste collection, location of purchasing prepaid bags, and dis­
and willingness to pay using a choice experiment method on 611 tance to the waste disposal location were critical factors associated with
households in Siddharthanagar. Additionally, the spatial distribution of public preference in a study by Ying-Chu Chen (2019) on 600 house­
willingness to pay data is visualized over the geographic area and holds in Taiwan. The MWTP of the choice scenarios in this study ranged
identifies the factors driving that spatial variation. The primary survey from USD 0.04–0.07 per trash bag. Tarfasa and Brouwer (2018) used the
collects information on multiple aspects such as waste generation, CE method and analyzed the data using the mixed logit model to derive
management, household preference, and willingness to pay. The choice the willingness to pay. The authors derived a significant premium for
experiment (CE) method has been applied extensively in waste man­ increasing waste collection frequency and separating recyclable waste.
agement to obtain the household’s preference for different attributes A similar result is also found in the studies by Woretaw et al. (2017) and
(Othman, 2002; Jin et al., 2006; Menuka Karki, 2015). However, these Jin et al. (2006) regarding the preference for segregation and recycling.
studies show the household’s willingness to pay (WTP) by averaging the Massarutto et al. (2019) in Italy found the mean willingness to pay for
entire study area. Hence, they do not indicate any geographic distribu­ separate waste collection is €77/per year per family. However, the use of
tion of attributes’ marginal willingness to pay (MWTP) over the study latent class analysis reveals the opposite direction of choices from
area. Factors related to spatial variation of the WTP for each attribute multiple groups, which leads to the discussion of adopting a more
are also not identified in the literature. Although a few studies concen­ complex set of policy instruments that target different groups of in­
trated on multiple aspects of waste management in Nepal (Karki, M., dividuals with appropriately chosen incentive schemes. Sakata (2007)
2015; Rai et al., 2019a,b; Dangi et al., 2017), they mostly centered on estimates a welfare loss of 200 yen (USD 1.74) for households in
the capital, leaving little idea about other regions. This study uses a CE Kagoshima, Japan, from an increase in the types of waste separation and
survey to examine preferences and willingness to pay alongside a novel an increase in the cost of recycling service of 53 yen (USD 0.46) for each
spatial analysis for waste management in this region, which was absent 1% increase in recycling rates. In a study by Ku et al. (2009), residents
before. This survey collected household geolocations, which are used to revealed two factors — cleanliness of the facilities and collection of
visualize spatial variations of each attribute MWTP by geographically small items — in making a payment. While the calculation of MWTP in
mapping the study area. Then, the Spatial Autoregressive Model (SAR) is these studies involves the marginal utility of attributes and income, the
employed to explain the spatial variation of the MTWP at the individual theoretical background was based on Random Utility Model (RUM), and
level. The SAR model uses attitudinal and demographic factors to exhibit the estimation procedure used a multinomial Logit Model, respectively,
the shared economic environment that drives autocorrelation among conditional logit and mixed logit.
individuals. While other studies limit the analysis of waste management The application of CE method to elicit households’ preferences for
to the average willingness to pay calculation (Tarfasa and Brouwer, waste management in the context of Nepal is not adequate. Rai et al.
2018; Rai et al., 2019a,b; Karousakis and Birol, 2008); this study con­ (2019a,b) conducted a CE survey on 420 households in Ilam Munici­
tributes to the recent literature on waste management, public prefer­ pality in Western Nepal. The result from the mixed logit model is used to
ence, and urban policy by offering regional analysis from the spatial derive the implicit price for waste collection frequency for an additional
variation of the data and providing a theoretical background of the time per month (USD 0.44), distance to the waste collection center per
contributing factors impacting spatial variation, which have not been minute walk up to 7 min (USD 0.19), and for every 10% increase in
studied previously. subsidy to waste bin (USD 0.038). The cleanliness of the street is another
The Generalized Multinomial Logit Model (GMNL) results indicate significant factor found by the same author (Rai et al., 2019a,b) in
that households exhibit significant heterogeneity and willingness to pay Nepal. Bhattarai (2015) also found the mean WTP is NRP 166 (USD
for all the proposed waste management system attributes. For instance, 1.69) per household per month for a better waste management system in
they prefer to move away from the open dumping practice, and their Banepa Municipality, Nepal, by using a contingent valuation (CV)
MWPT (158 Nepalese Rupee (NPR)/month or 1.43 USD/month) is the method. One remarkable result is that 83 percent of respondents were
highest, on average, for constructing and maintaining a sanitary landfill. willing to pay for improved solid waste management. In addition,
Households also reveal a significant preference for improving recycling, Maskey and Singh (2017) used stratified random sampling on 401

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

households in Gorkha Municipality and derived willingness to pay an of WTP (Bateman et al., 2006; Hanley et al., 2003). However, this
average amount of NRP 73.38 (USD 0.72) per month. Factors that method is inappropriate where the distance from the respondent’s
significantly influence households’ WTP for better waste management location does not provide enough insight. The aggregation approach
services are monthly household income, education of the household also fails to explore the regional heterogeneity of MWTP. To enrich the
head, environmental awareness, and waste collection service. spatial dimension of MWTP, Campbell et al. (2008) used Moran’s I to
The preference for a waste disposal method and the pricing mecha­ determine the spatial dependence of individual-specific WTP for land­
nism is also frequently studied in the literature. A CE study by Kar­ scape improvement at different spatial extents. Subsequently, the use of
ousakis and Birol (2008) estimated the preference for curbside recycling hot-spot analysis by Getis-Ord Gi* (Johnston et al., 2011) and kriging
in the city of London, UK. In the study, households indicated the will­ interpolation (Campbell et al., 2009) provides a concrete image of a
ingness to pay for the number of dry materials collected, compost geographically diverse pattern of MWTP in ecosystem service valuation.
collection, textile frequency, and collection frequency. Karousakis and As an extension of the visualization of MWTP, spatial regression is used
Birol (2008) found that incentives in the form of a deposit-refund to determine the impact of geographical and socio-demographic factors
scheme also increased households’ preference to use curbside recy­ on the individual-specific MWTP. For instance, Czajkowski et al. (2017)
cling. Bohara et al. (2007) studied the impact of pricing mechanisms on used a separate Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) model for each forest
households’ waste production. Households reduced garbage container management attribute in order to identify the spatial determinants in
size in the presence of a quantity-based pricing scheme when curbside Poland. Similarly, the inquiry of Abildtrup et al. (2013) also revealed a
recycling is offered. Caplan et al. (2002) established the equivalent significant relationship between individual welfare estimates and access
result for curbside recycling with a contingent ranking (CR) method. In a to recreation sites under a spatial framework.
study by Zhang et al. (2012), households preferred separating waste at
the source before disposal. More pointedly, if the choice to sort waste 3. Materials and methods
inside the house by themselves is offered, they revealed preference for
that choice, as evident from a study by Czajkowski et al. (2014). This study uses primary survey data collected on 611 households in
Households showed a positive willingness to pay for door-to-door waste Siddharthanagar municipality in June 2019. The standard survey pro­
collection in Dhaka Cty, Bangladesh, using a contingent valuation (CV) cedure was followed before the final survey began. The first step was
method by Afroz et al. (2009). Households aggregately valued training the enumerators by explaining each question and other survey
door-to-door waste collection by 7.6 million Taka (USD 0.1 million). details that can arise in an interview. They were rigorously trained in the
Attributes such as segregation, collection frequency, disposal technique, CE section to suppress the cognitive burden associated with the
and segregation are routinely used in designing a choice set experiment. complexity of the choice sets for the respondents. Second, a focus group
In this study, two underutilized but consequential attributes are discussion (FGD) was arranged with stakeholders from different areas,
added to enrich the choice set design dimension: composting and per­ such as solid waste management officials from the Siddharthanagar
centage of waste collection. While Karousakis and Birol (2008) incor­ Municipality, ward administrators, and a representative from a com­
porated composting in the study on London, rarely have any studies munity engagement program related to waste management. A compre­
attempted to explore the role of composting using CE methods in a hensive review of the current and proposed management was presented,
developing country, which is a viable method to manage waste. which led to an engaging discussion and helped us identify the necessary
Including composting is vital for a country like Nepal, where organic revision of the questionnaire. Third, a pre-test survey with 64 randomly
waste is a significant portion of total waste. selected households was completed as a final survey trial. Finally, after
In SP surveys, households are asked to trade money for a hypothet­ finalizing the issues in the pre-test survey, the questionnaire was revised
ical good. The trade can generate hypothetical bias (Li and Mattsson, again to prepare for the final survey.
1995); the difference between hypothetical and actual payment is an Siddharthanagar municipality has 13 administrative wards. Ward is
overwhelming concern in CE studies (Ready et al., 2010; Lusk and the smallest administrative unit in Nepal (Similar to the county in the
Schroeder, 2004). Moreover, the cognitive burden of choice selection United States). For the sampling purpose, each of the wards was treated
from long, complex, and multiple sets poses the issue of uncertainty in as a stratum. The number of populations of each stratum was available
the preference. In this case, the follow-up question can be used to from the administration. This information allowed using the weighted
mitigate hypothetical bias (Ready et al., 2010). This question is a sampling technique (Valliant et al., 2013) based on the population to
ranking about the certainty of the choice selected and utilizes the rela­ determine the sample size from each stratum (See appendix for detailed
tionship between hypothetical bias and preference uncertainty. To sampling design and selection method). Each respondent received a
calibrate the CE data with stated certainty, Lundhede et al. (2009) consent script before beginning the survey, explaining background in­
applied multiple approaches, including recoding the stated choice formation and asking for permission to continue the interview. A Global
(Kosenius, 2009) and modeling uncertainty in the scale variation across Positioning System (GPS) device also recorded the household’s
responses. While the recoding approach created ambiguity in the con­ geographical (latitude and longitude) location.
fidence interval of welfare estimates in the result of Lundhede et al. The CE section collected 611 household responses from adults (≥18
(2009), explicitly modeling the stated certainty in scale variation years of age). Each respondent was presented with three choice sets and
reduced the unexplained variance of uncertainty and offered a pur­ three alternatives in each choice set. In each choice set, two are the
poseful method to account for hypothetical bias. While the impact of the proposed alternatives (Solid Waste Management Program A and B), and
recoding approach depends on the choice of the calibration method, the one is the current management program (Status-quo). In a choice set,
scaling approach provided more robustness (Hensher et al., 2012) in each alternative has five attributes with varying levels. The respondent
dealing with uncertainty. chose one alternative from each of the choice sets. Though 611 re­
A notable portion of CE studies limits the analysis of MWTP calcu­ sponses were recorded, 593 responses were used in the analysis. These
lation at the average for the waste management services, as opposed to 593 responses generate 1779 (593 × 3) observations (eighteen re­
the individual level. Hence, previous studies barely attempted to iden­ sponses were dropped due to the missing values). Table 1 summarizes
tify the inherent spatial pattern of MWTP of multiple attributes for waste the attributes with their different levels. The DoE.base function in R was
management by exploiting individual-level welfare estimates. Although used to design the experiment, where the function constructs an
the detection of spatial heterogeneity in MWTP of waste management orthogonal array of choices from the full design. The orthogonal design
attributes is sparse in the literature, the application of spatial analysis in provided 72 choice sets. They were blocked into 12 versions with three
CE studies in other fields is considerable. The distance-decay effect is choice sets in each questionnaire (3 choice sets × two alternatives × 12
frequently used in evaluating a natural resource by an aggregate analysis versions = 72 choice sets). Figure A1 in the appendix shows a GIS map of

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

Table 1 28% of the daily waste generated (Asian Development Bank, 2013),
Attributes and their level used in the choice experiment. the most recent figure for the percent of waste collection in Sid­
Attributes Levels dharthanagar. Additionally, in the focus group discussion with mu­
nicipality personnel, the current rate found is closer to the rate
Recycling Program § Yes
§ No* provided by the ADB. The rest of the waste is uncollected and scat­
tered throughout the city streets. The municipality can increase
Composting Program § Yes waste collection efficiency by hiring more employees, purchasing
§ No* more collection vehicles, and providing more bins for waste disposal.
Type of Dumping § Sanitary Landfill
This attribute has three levels: 80%, 55%, and the current manage­
§ Open Dumping* ment level of 28%.
5. Additional monthly user fee: This attribute describes the cost of
Percent of all waste collected § 28%* implementing a waste management program paid by the households.
§ 55%
This attribute is used to measure the MWTP for each of the above­
§ 80%
mentioned attributes (Louviere et al., 2000). Currently, the munici­
Additional Monthly user fee § Rs 0*, Rs 10, Rs 50, Rs 80, Rs 100, Rs 150, Rs 250 pality does not charge any monthly fee to run the management from
the households. Like other studies, this study does not use payment
Note: * denotes the level of the current management program.
mechanisms such as an addition to monthly utility bills or taxes
because of the feasibility issues in the study area. Implementation of
the location of the households.
a tax program is futile due to institutional constraints. Similarly,
subsuming the extra charge for management into water or electricity
3.1. Attributes and their levels bills can create confusion among residents. Given these constraints,
local officials were consulted for a viable method, and a monthly user
This choice experiment uses five attributes: recycling program, fee to pay for the proposed waste management system was selected.
composting program, type of dumping, percent of waste collected, and Payment levels are 250, 150, 100, 80, 50, 10, and 0 Nepali Rupees (1
user fee. The selection of attributes is based on the recent literature, USD = 110 NPR). The current payment is 0 rupees per month. Other
current waste management practices in the municipality, debriefing, CE studies in this region also used this direct payment structure. For
FGD, and pilot survey. An example choice set (Table A2) is in appendix. instance, Kunwar et al. (2020) used a yearly direct payment system
A brief definition of each attribute follows for ecosystem attributes in Siddharthanagar. Rai et al. (2019a,b) also
used the monthly payment method to the municipality for the waste
1. Recycling program: The recycling program represents an overall management system in western Nepal.
recycling scheme for household waste. All waste (biodegradable and
non-biodegradable) is currently buried in the ground. The munici­ 4. The theoretical and empirical framework
pality does not facilitate any segregation of waste at the household
level. Under this system, the municipality will provide bins to 4.1. Discrete choice models
separate recyclables before collection and a drop-off point where
they can drop them. This attribute has two levels: ’Yes’ and ‘No.’ ‘No’ Discrete choice models assume that households maximize utility
represents the unavailability of any recycling scheme in this mu­ from the available alternatives. The conceptual framework of the choice
nicipality, which is the status-quo level. The level “Yes” represents experiment under the Random Utility Model states that utility is derived
the municipality’s starting of a recycling program. Previous studies from each attribute of the good rather than the good itself (Lancaster,
(Jin et al., 2006; Sakata, 2007) have also used this attribute. 1966). The respondent i is assumed to choose the alternative j over k (j,
2. Composting program: Bio-degradable wastes are generated mainly k ∈ J) only if the obtained utility from alternative j is greater than
from the food/kitchen. Composting is a way of turning kitchen waste alternative k, or Uij > Uik . Uij follows the following form
into organic manure, which is a fertilizer. This attribute represents ( )
Uij = V Zij + ϵij (1)
the availability of a composting program by the municipality. The
municipal authority could build a composting plant, train house­ The utility of respondent i is derived from the attributes represented
holds on composting, and provide the necessary accessories. This by the vector Zij . This study uses the Generalized Multinomial Logit
way, people can generate fertilizer from this procedure for their Model (GMNL) proposed by Fiebig et al. (2010) to estimate the CE
agricultural activities. This attribute has two levels: ’Yes’ and ‘No.’ model, denoted by Equation (1). While GMNL is the most recent esti­
‘No’ represents the unavailability of any composting scheme in this mation method for the choice data, the Conditional Logit (CL) model is
municipality under the current management program, which is the widely used as the baseline model. The transition from CL to the GMNL
status-quo level. The level “Yes” represents the availability of a model focuses on different levels of heterogeneity in choice selection.
composting program by the municipality. Karousakis and Birol The CL model treats parameters as constant across observations and fails
(2008) found a significant WTP for collecting and composting food to capture the heterogeneity of preferences by individuals. To overcome
and garden waste. this limitation, the Random Parameter Model (RPL) model allows each
3. Type of dumping: The municipality practices open dumping parameter to vary across populations randomly to capture the
currently. This method buries the collected waste in a specific place observation-specific variations on the predicted probabilities for each
next to the river. Pek and Jamal (2011) used sanitary landfill and attribute (McFadden and Train, 2000). In addition to the RPL model’s
controlled tipping as alternatives to open dumping. In this study, this consideration for preference heterogeneity, a discussion about scale
attribute represents Sanitary landfilling, which isolates the waste heterogeneity in the choice selection exists in the literature (Louviere
from the environment until it is safe. The sanitary landfill will be et al., 2002; Louviere and Eagle, 2006; and Louviere et al., 2002). This
constructed outside of the city. This attribute has two levels: ‘Sani­ heterogeneity implies choice variation in terms of the scale of the idio­
tary landfill’ and ‘Open Dumping.’ ‘Open Dumping’ is the current syncratic error across individuals, which refers to the choice behavior
management level. within alternatives being more random for some individuals than others.
4. Percent of all waste collected: Waste collection efficiency mea­ One source of ‘scale’ heterogeneity in this study could arise from the
sures the share of waste collected by the municipality out of total difficulty of choosing from different alternatives with varying levels of
waste generated. The Siddharthanagar municipality collects only

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

attributes from three choice sets. n (

n ∑ )
The GMNL model includes both preference and scale heterogeneity. wij xj − wij X
The vector of the individual-specific coefficient in the GMNL is given by * j=1
Gi = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
)2̅ (6)
√∑ 2 ∑ n
βi = σi β + {γ + σi (1 − γ)}ɳi (2) σˆx
√ wij − wij
j=1 j=1

The βi for the GMNL model depends on the constant vector β (CL n− 1

coefficients), the individual-specific scale of the idiosyncratic error σ i In Equation (6), wij denotes the spatial weight between observations i
(this parameter proportionally increases or decreases the constant β for and j, xj is the individual-specific value of MWTP of each management
each individual i), a scalar parameter γ, and a random vector ɳi , which attribute (X and ̂ σ x represent mean and the standard deviation), and n is
captures the residual taste heterogeneity and follows a distribution of the total number of observations. The values Gi* produce is distributed

MVN (0, ). To constrain the scale parameter positive, it follows an as Z-scores. A cluster of statistically significant larger (smaller) Z-scores
exponential transformation (Fiebig et al., 2010) with a standard devia­ shows spatial dependence among MWTP values, which creates a hot
tion τ and a mean σ spot (cold spot). There are several ways to define a spatial weight be­
σ i = exp(σ + τVi) Vi ∼ N (0, 1) (3) tween observations. This study uses a spatial weight matrix, W, to define
the spatial weight based on k = 8 nearest neighbors and a distance band
As τ increases, the degree of scale heterogeneity increases. Finally, it of 1500 m. Nelson and Boots (2008) showed that at least eight adjacent
is assumed that the heterogeneity at the individual level might arise neighbors are needed to achieve the normality of Gi*. Finally, the
from the stated certainty level after each choice made from each choice kriging interpolation method (Campbell et al., 2009) is adopted to
set. So, the scale parameter σ i also varies among individuals based on the project the vector of Gi* (as discrete spots are created) into a smooth
stated certainty level. This fact leads to the second GMNL model, which surface. The kriging method was used because of its ability to take into
is the GMNL with a stated certainty level and takes the form account the geospatial correlation while carrying out the interpolation
( )
Uijt = β0j + ɳ0ij + [σ i β + {γ + σ i (1 − γ)}ɳi ]Xijt + ϵijt (4) and smoothing.

σ i = exp(σ + α1 × Certain High + α2 × Certain Low + τVi) (5) 4.3. Spatial autoregressive model (SAR)

In the scale parameter function in Equation (5), two levels of certainty While Moran’s I provide a broader measure of the spatial depen­
are added, high and low. Both are treated as binary variables. In the dence, the spatial autoregressive model (SAR) (Anselin and Bera, 1998)
utility function, (β0j +ɳ0ij ) is the vector of ASC and β0j is treated as a is employed to study the impact of respondents’ awareness and attitude
random but unscaled parameter. Xijt is a vector containing all the waste on the spatial variation of the MWTP. Under the SAR model, each MWTP
management attributes and treated as random except the price. The is assumed to be of the following form
coefficient on each attribute estimated by Equation (4) measures the
′ ′ ′
MWTPij = τ + ρj W MWTPij + λ Kij + β X + ϵi
marginal utilities. These measure the welfare effect of a changed waste
management service. The marginal willingness to pay (MWTP) for an
Where j = Recycling, Composting, Dumping, Waste collection at 55%,
attribute is obtained by dividing the coefficient of that attribute by the
and Waste collection at 80%. In this specification, τ is the constant, β is a
cost attribute’s coefficient, followed by a negative sign (Louviere et al.,
vector of parameters to be estimated, ϵ is the error term, and X is a vector
2000). The GMNL models are estimated using the simulated maximum
of socio-demographic information. A spatial lag term is also added to
likelihood method using 1000 random Halton draws with replications.
account for the possible spatial autocorrelation within observations. W
is the weight matrix, and ρ is a scalar parameter that determines the
4.2. Spatial patterns of MWTP
magnitude of spatial autocorrelation. The ρW measures the amount that
the MWTP of each attribute at a point is affected by the nearby MWTP
The primary objective of this study is to measure the MWTP for each
values that the covariates in X would predict. The presence of the term
attribute of the waste management system. However, this MWTP is
W MWTPij in the right side of Equation (7) induces a nonzero correlation

estimated at an average level and does not provide adequate insight into
with the error term irrespective of the error structure (Anselin and Bera,
the individual-level variation. Hence, the MWTP at the individual level
1998). The spatial lag is not only correlated with the error term i but also
for each management attribute is estimated by applying the Bayesian
with the error term of all other locations. With this specification,
Theorem (Train, 2009; Greene, 2012).
W MWTPj contains the ϵi and all the element ϵj , i ∕= j. Consequently, the

The spatial patterns of individual-level MWTP are identified after

calculating the individual-level MWTP. The process begins by detecting following condition holds for Equation (7)
whether the individual-level MWTP exhibits spatial autocorrelation. The [( ′ ) ]
E W MWTPj i ϵi ∕ =0 (8)
autocorrelation is calculated by Moran’s I (Moran, 1950; Getis, 2008), a
broader index measuring the clustering tendency of each MWTP within This condition allows the spatial dynamics in Equation (7), and the
the spatial units. Then, the hot spot analysis is employed for each MWTP resulting covariance structure of the spatial process exhibits a correla­
to visualize the spatial patterns over the study area. The hot spot analysis tion of each unit to all other units. However, when this lagged term is
shows the spatial cluster of high or low values of each MWTP, and the ignored in the spatial data generation process context, the specification
clustering context is neighboring high or low values. A hot spot is sta­ error is omitted variable type. As a result, Equation (7) without lagged
tistically significant if higher values surround it. The lower values of terms will generate biased and inconsistent estimates. The spatial
MWTP conversely surround a cold spot for each attribute. The Getis – modeling from Czajkowski et al. (2017) is followed in this study; how­
Ord Gi* statistic is calculated (Johnston et al., 2011) to determine a hot ever, respondents’ awareness and attitude to explain the spatial distri­
spot (cold spot) for each MWTP of management attributes. The Gi* bution are used instead of geographical variables, which fulfills the
statistic produces a Z value and a corresponding P-value for each point, study objective better.
which defines where MWTP’s cluster spatially with either high or low From discrete choice model estimation to SAR analysis, the entire
values. The Getis – Ord Gi* statistic is calculated by Equation (6). method used in this study includes several steps. For convenience, a
graphical diagram below (Fig. 1) lists the steps of the estimation method

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

Table 2
Descriptive statistics of the variables.
Variables Definition Mean S.D.

ASC = 1 if the alternative is status-quo, 0.33

0 otherwise
Recycling = 1 if Yes (0 = No). ‘No’ is the level for the 0.33 0.48
current management program. The level
’Yes’ denotes the starting of a recycling
program by the municipality and is
estimated relative to the current
management program ‘No.’
Composting = 1 if Yes (0 = No). ‘No’ is the level for the 0.33 0.47
current management program. The level
’Yes’ denotes the starting of a composting
program by the municipality and is
estimated relative to the current
management program ‘No.’
Dumping = 1 if “Sanitary landfill” and = 0 if “Open 0.31 0.46
Dumping”. ‘Open Dumping’ is the level for
the current management program. The level
‘Sanitary Landfill’ denotes the starting of a
sanitary landfill by the municipality and is
estimated relative to the current
management program ‘Open Dumping.’
Waste Collected = 1 if the waste collection is 80%. This is 0.22 0.51
Fig. 1. A graphical diagram of the steps of estimation. 80 estimated to the current level of 28%
Waste Collected = 1 if the waste collection is 55%. This is 0.22 0.41
5. Results 55 estimated to the current level of 28%
5.1. Discrete choice model estimates Price Monthly fee (NRs) for the proposed solid 72.03 81.03
waste management service A or B.
The current fee is 0 Rs.
The respondents predominantly prefer the proposed waste manage­ Certain - High = 1 if the certainty level of the respondent is 0.57
ment system, as indicated by the percentage of the chosen alternatives in high regarding the choice they made after
Table A3. Only 17.7 percent of households choose the current man­ each choice sets, 0 otherwise
agement program (status-quo), whereas alternatives A and B compose Certain - Low = 1 if the certainty level of the respondent is 0.2
low regarding the choice they made after
82.3 percent. Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics of the variables
each choice sets, 0 otherwise
used in the analysis. ASC measures the effect of choosing current man­ Recycling = 1 if the respondent heard about any 0.37
agement and is set equal to one. The management attributes, such as Awareness recycling campaign in the community,
recycling, composting, landfilling, and waste collection at 55% and 0 otherwise
80%, are dummy variables where the proposed level equals one, and the Composting = 1 if the respondent heard about any 0.56
Awareness composting campaign in the community,
status-quo level is 0. The waste collection at 80% and 55% is equal to 0 otherwise
one against the current management level (=0), 28%. Price is the Sanitary landfill = 1 if the respondent is very supportive 0.05
monthly user fee treated as a continuous variable for the proposed support towards a sanitary landfill from the current
management A and B, with a mean of 72.03 in NPR. open landfill, 0 otherwise
Efficiency = 1 if the respondent is very supportive of 0.05
GMNL model analyzes the choice data, and the result is presented in
support increasing the waste collection level from
Table 3. Column 1 shows the GMNL 1 results, which do not incorporate 28%, 0 otherwise
the stated certainty in the scale heterogeneity function, whereas column Recycling = 1 if the respondents receive information 0.04
2 (GMNL 2) includes. The price attribute is negative and highly signif­ information about recycling form any public awareness
icant, and other variables’ coefficients and standard deviations are also program, 0 otherwise
Male = 1 if the respondent is male, 0 otherwise 0.58
consistent in their signs and significance across the models. As indicated Household No. Of household members 6.3 3.18
earlier, The RPL model performs better in accounting for preference Member
heterogeneity; however, this model fails to account for the scale het­ Brahmin = 1 if the respondent’s caste is brahmin, 0.1
erogeneity among respondents. The GMNL model captures the scale and 0 otherwise
Age Age of the respondent 39.06 14.73
preference heterogeneity. The scale parameter (τ) is positive and sig­
High - Education = 1, if the respondent has the education 0.11
nificant in columns 1 and 2, where column 2 incorporates the stated attainment level, is a bachelor or more,
certainty level after the choice selection. This result proves that re­ 0 otherwise
spondents do not uniformly display heterogeneity in choice selection. High-income = 1 if the respondents have an income level 0.27
While the scalar parameter (γ) is insignificant in column 1, significance of more than 20,000 (NPR), 0 otherwise
Observations 1779
is achieved after integrating certainty in column 2. According to Fiebig.
et al. (2010), γ should range between 0 and 1, as the estimate of γ follows
in this study. Moreover, the standard deviation of ɳi is proportional to = highly uncertain, 2 = moderately uncertain, 3 = Neutral, 4 =
the scale parameter (τ), as evident from the significance of both pa­ Moderately Certain, and 5 = Highly certain. There was no response in
rameters in column 2. The stated certainty level after each choice se­ categories 1 and 2 in the data, meaning the households are either certain
lection is used in column 2. The respondents were asked to rank the level or neutral. Hence, two certainty levels in the analysis are employed. The
of certainty after choice selection in each set on a scale of 1–5, where 1 base category is “Neutral.” Certain_High is a dummy variable set equal to

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

Table 3 landfill in Malaysia. Households rank the premium on the percentage of

Results of different models in choice selection. waste collection to 80% as the second highest, on average NPR 87/
Variables GMNL 1 GMNL 2 month (USD 0.79). The consistency between the payment amount and
percentage of waste collection by the municipality is noticed. House­
(W/O Certainty) (With Certainty)
ASC − 11.979*** − 15.077*** holds prefer to pay, on average, NPR 58/month (USD 0.51) to increase
(3.2) (3.777) the percentage of waste collection to 55%, while the payment is higher
Price − .086*** − .072*** for 80%. This result is similar to previous studies where households are
(0.205) (0.02) willing to pay to increase the waste collection frequency (Othman,
Recycle 0.819 0.930*
(0.664) (0.55)
Composting 1.604*** 1.491*** Regarding the recycling program, households do not seem to place a
(0.588) (0.449) high value and have the lowest WTP with NRP 13/month (USD 0.11).
Dumping 13.686*** 11.440*** The portion of recyclable waste in the total waste can explain this weak
(3.894) (3.04)
preference for recycling. A significant amount of total waste generated
Wastecollected55 4.559*** 4.193***
(1.607) (1.356) in Nepal is organic, which is evident from the national data (Asian
Wastecollected80 6.608*** 6.136*** Development Bank, 2013). This survey also finds that close to 60% of
(2.051) (1.657) household waste is organic. This fact leads to a higher WTP value for a
sd. ASC 16.387*** 20.301*** composting program, which is NRP 20/month (USD 0.18). All these
(3.781) (4.433)
sd. Recycle 4.967*** 4.371***
MWTP estimates are within the range of the cost that was offered to the
(1.471) (1.301) respondents.
sd. Composting 1.610* 1.718***
(0.901) (0.573) 5.2. Spatial pattern of MWTP estimates
sd. Dumping 9.253*** 7.896***
(2.546) (2.098)
sd. Wastecollected55 2.993*** 2.190*** The Spatial pattern of the MWTP estimates visualized by hot spot
(1.14) (0.675) analysis requires the calculation of the individual-specific welfare esti­
sd. Wastecollected80 4.255*** 4.525*** mates for each attribute. The results of Moran’s I statistic are presented
(1.525) (1.179)
in Table A4 in the appendix, which reveals the existence of significant
tau 1.525*** 1.702***
(0.165) (0.139)
spatial autocorrelation for all the attributes except composting, evident
gamma 0.058 0.080* from the P-value. While Moran’s I only measure the spatial relationships
(0.038) (0.047) within spatial units at a global scale, the analysis is extended to a hot
Certain-High 0.595*** spot analysis to identify the local clusters calculated by the Getis-Ord Gi*
statistic (Equation (6)).
Certain-Low 0.960***
(0.242) The generated values of Gi* follow a Z distribution, and the range of
N 1779 1779 Z values determines whether an individual spot is hot or cold. In a
AIC 2284.077 2278.221 distributional measurement, the Z score of − 1.65 to 1.65 is considered a
Log Likelihood − 1127 − 1122.1 statistically insignificant result. The range of 1.65 < Z < 1.96, 1.96 < Z
Note: ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1. Denote the significance level. Standard < 2.58, and 2.58 < Z follows statistical significance with p < 0.10, p <
errors are in parenthesis. 0.05, and p < 0.01, and all indicate a hot spot. Conversely, these similar
Columns 1 and 2 represent the results of GMNL 1 and GMNL 2, respectively. For ranges in the negative interval follow the same statistical significance
these two models, the standard deviation is presented at the bottom panel as and indicate a cold spot. These scores are a vector of discrete values and
they are treated randomly. Column 1 does not account for the level of certainty, do not discern a clear pattern over the surface. The kriging interpolation
whereas column 2 accounts for it. Tau and gamma are two heterogeneity pa­
method can visualize these discrete spots by smoothing on a surface by
rameters given by Equation (4). Certainty_High and Certainty_Low are two binary
predicting a surface map.
variables to capture the stated level of certainty.
The results of kriging interpolation are presented in Figs. 3–7, where
the hot spot map for each attribute is presented in Figures A2-A6 in the
one if the respondent is highly certain about the choice sets’ selection.
appendix. The red dot indicates a hot spot in the hot spot maps, while the
Similarly, Certain_Low is also a dummy variable set equal to one if the
blue dot indicates a cold spot. The statistical significance increases
respondent is moderately certain. Both the variables are significant and
(decreases) based on the points’ darker (lighter) color. The statistically
positive, explaining the variation of the scale parameter in Equation (4).
insignificant dots are white. Similarly, in the kriging maps, the red color
The attributes 95% confidence interval of the estimates from the GMNL
indicates a pattern of hot spots of high clustered values of MWTP, while
models is presented in Fig. 2. For sensitivity analysis, the baseline CL and
the blue color indicates a pattern of cold spots of low clustered values.
RPL models are also estimated, and the results were similar to GMNL
The color gets darker or lighter depending on the range of the Z scores.
models in terms of sign and significance. The Akaike Information
The maps show the presence of spatial heterogeneity for most attributes,
Criteria (AIC) is used as a benchmark for the model’s statistical quality,
indicating that the MWTP varies across samples and geographical
which is listed in both columns of Table 3. The GMNL model, with stated
certainty, has the lowest AIC score among the two models and qualifies
A closer inspection of the data reveals the reason behind the hot spot
it as the best model. The rest of the analysis uses the estimates from the
zone, especially for ward number 11, that this ward does not have any
GMNL model with certainty to derive the welfare estimates for each
access to the current pick-up service provided by the municipality. This
attribute presented in Table 4.
fact is verified and displayed in Fig. 8a (left panel). Due to the munici­
This study’s primary objective is to derive the willingness to pay for
pality’s unavailability of waste collection services in this ward, they
each attribute of the waste management system. The significant and
perform an unauthorized method of waste disposal. In the Right Panel of
negative MWTP for ASC (Table 4) refers to households’ disutility while
Fig. 8b, the households of ward 11 have the highest percentage of
paying for the current management system. Households significantly
dumping waste in the yard and burning/burying the waste. The
value each attribute. On average, they prefer to pay the highest amount
improper behavior of waste disposal can be justified by the inability to
for constructing and maintaining a sanitary landfill, which is NPR 158/
access the municipality service. The clustering of high WTP values for
month (USD 1.43). This result is consistent with Othman et al.’s (2002)
most of the attributes at ward 11 is explained by the absence of mu­
findings that the residents strongly prefer implementing a sanitary
nicipality service and improper behavior. Similarly, a portion of ward 10

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

Fig. 2. 95% confidence interval of the estimates of attributes from the GMNL models. Note: The broken red line indicates zero. The midpoint at the error-bar
indicates the estimates. The red dot indicates the estimates from GMNL 2 model, whereas the green dot indicates the GMNL 1 estimates. The GMNL 2 models
incorporate the stated level of certainty, whereas GMNL 1 does not. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
Web version of this article.)

exhibits the hot spot zone. Both the panels in Fig. 8 show a similar to model the data. Moran’s I is significant for all the attributes except for
pattern of restricted service and illicit behavior at ward 10, explaining composting. Hence, the SAR model for all the attributes except com­
the hot spot zone. posting is estimated. Table 5 shows the SAR model results for all 4 at­
tributes MWTP and OLS estimates for composing. A specific variable
that can be adhered to each MWTP attribute is used with demographic
5.3. Spatial autoregressive model of MWTP estimates
factors, explaining the awareness and attitude towards a solid waste
management system. The results indicate that the awareness and atti­
Before estimating the SAR models, the OLS regression on each MTWP
tude that are directly related to the attribute positively and significantly
at the individual level is estimated. Then, Moran’s I on the residuals of
explain each attribute’s variation and spatial autocorrelation in MWTP.
OLS results is estimated to determine the necessity of using SAR models
However, attitude and awareness factors that are not directly related to
the attribute exhibit a no-association (even an opposite relation) with
Table 4
the MWTP. The autoregressive parameter is significant for all attributes
Marginal willing to pay (MWTP) for each attribute and their CI.
indicating a positive autocorrelation of MWTP over the geographic
Attributes MWTP 95% Confidence Interval (delta Method) surface. The socio-demographic characteristics are insignificant and do
Lower limit Upper Limit not suggest any potential impact on the variation of the MWTP. The AIC
ASC*** − 208.04 − 301.13 − 114.94 scores of the SAR models are lower than the AIC of OLS, which verifies
Recycle* 12.82 0.88 24.75
the appropriateness of the SAR model to fit the data best.
Composting*** 20.57 13.27 27.86
Dumping*** 157.86 139.98 175.73 In addition, Table A5 in the appendix has used all the support and
Wastecollected55*** 57.86 44.39 71.32 attitude variables in every regression. For instance, Composting Aware­
Wastecollected80*** 84.67 71.12 98.21 ness, Sanitary landfill support, and Efficiency Support are used in the
Note: ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1. Denote the significance level. The lower recycling regression and similarly for other regressions. The result in­
dicates that using a specific variable for a specific regression achieves
limit is given by the Equation WTP
̂ k − Zα *se( WTP
̂ k ) and the upper limit is given
statistical quality better than using all the variables in a regression. The
by WTP
̂ k + Zα *se( WTP
̂ k ). All values are in Nepali Rupees per year (NPR./year). AIC score displayed in Table 5 is lower than the AIC score from the
regression with all variables of awareness and attitude for most of the
attributes in Table A5.

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

Fig. 3. Kriging interpolation of recycling.

99% confidence level are points with Z-scores > 2.58 or < -2.58 and p-value <0.01.
95% confidence level are points with Z-scores > 1.96 or < -1.96 and p-value <0.05.
90% confidence level are points with Z-scores > 1.65 or < -1.65 and p-value <0.10.
Note: Similar interpretation applies to the hot spot and kriging interpolation analysis of all the attributes below
Note: This figure shows the respondent households’ WTP hot and cold spots kriging interpolation for the recycling (Gi* z-scores, k=8 nearest neighbors, distance
band = 1500m)
Note: Hot spots are represented by the red-colored points, while cold spots are captured by the blue-colored points (figures in the appendix). In both cases, the areas
become progressively darker as the level of significance increases. The white dots are the statistically insignificant areas that displayed no spatial clustering of the
WTP value.

Fig. 4. Kriging interpolation of composting.

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

Fig. 5. Kriging interpolation of dumping.

Fig. 6. Kriging interpolation of waste collection (55%).

6. Discussion reveals the significantly negative ASC across all choice models. House­
holds strongly valued all other management attributes indicated by the
A high percentage of proposed alternatives chosen by the households GMNL models. The price coefficient is negative, explaining the likeli­
in this study signals a solid preference to move away from the current hood of choosing an alternative decreases as the monthly payment in­
management. Studies in other parts of Nepal also found that a high creases. The negative sign validates the economic relationship and the
percentage of households are moving away from the current manage­ structural foundation of a choice experiment method for valuation
ment system of solid waste (Rai et al., 2019a,b; Bhattarai, 2015). This purposes. The range of the MWTP magnitude of this study is similar to
descriptive result is strengthened when the empirical investigation the result found by Rai et al. (2019a,b), which ranges from USD

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

Fig. 7. Kriging interpolation of waste collection (80%).

a b
Fig. 8. (a) Door-to-door waste collection service provided by the municipality in each ward.
Note: The vertical axis shows the percentage of households in each ward who responded to the question of door-to-door collection service by the municipality.
(b) Mean of waste disposal by households in each ward.
Note: The vertical axis shows the percentage of households in each ward who responded to the question of dumping in the ward, riverside, and burning/burying
the waste.

0.038–0.44. The significant preference revealed in studies emphasizes to certain group than the highly certain group. The importance of certainty
the urge and necessity for better waste management across Nepal. level inclusion is evident from the significance of γ parameter. While this
The MWTP estimates are derived from the GMNL 2 model, where the parameter is not significant in column 1, it turns out to be significant
stated certainty level is integrated into the scale parameter function. after accounting for the certainty level. Furthermore, each estimate’s
This model fits the data best indicated by the lowest AIC score. The standard error is lower in the GMNL model with certainty than without
significance of heterogeneity parameters (τ and γ) and two certainty certainty. As a result, the precision of estimates increases due to the
levels (Certain_High and Certain_Low) implies that households are narrower band of the confidence interval from the smaller standard
heterogenous in choice selection. Consecutively, the MWTP estimates of error, as shown in Fig. 2. Kunwar et al. (2020) also used the certainty
this study also account for these heterogeneities and produce a robust level in estimation and produced higher precision of coefficients in a
measure of household payment transfers. Moreover, the variation in study for ecosystem services. This finding ensures the efficacy of using a
scale parameter has a relationship to some degree with a moderately follow-up question such as certainty level to mitigate the hypothetical

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

Table 5
MWTP estimates for each attribute in a SAR framework.
Variables Recycling Compostinga Dumping Waste collected 55 Waste collected 80

Recycling Awareness 0.266** – – – –

Composting Awareness – 22.549*** – – –
Sanitary landfill support – – 5.46** – –
Efficiency support – – – 53.346** 11.726**
(19.675) (6.201)
Male 0.063 4.937 − 1.166 − 14.698 − 2.813
(0.102) (5.901) (2.462) (18.791) (6.178)
Household Members − 0.005 − 0.624 0.227 2.566 0.319
(0.015) (0.914) (0.381) (2.997) (0.958)
Age 0.003 0.175 − 0.106 − 0.796 − 0.335
(0.003) (0.197) (0.083) (0.647) (0.208)
High Income − 0.05 4.121 0.08 19.759 3.949
(0.112) (6.536) (2.716) (21.252) (6.817)
High Education 0.055 0.169 0.267 12.367 − 3.536
(0.162) (9.406) (3.928) (28.288) (9.859)
Rho 0.226** 0.228** 0.285*** 0.147a
(0.074) (0.074) (0.07) (0.08)
Intercept 1.1139*** − 43.754*** − 27.756*** − 205.877*** − 79.989***
(0.22) (10.778) (5.133) (40.279) (13.579)
N 532 532 532 532 532
AIC 1668.8 5977.3 5058.8 7240.5 6036.1
Log Likelihood − 825.39 − 2520.422 − 3611.248 − 3009.061

Note: ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1. Denote the significance level. Standard errors are in parenthesis.
Columns 1,3,4 and 5 represent the results of the SAR model for each attribute: recycling, dumping, waste collection at 55%, and waste collection at 80%. Socio-
economic variables such as Male, Household Members, Age, High Income, and High Education are used in all the regressions. The awareness and attitude variables are
used in the following way: Recycling Awareness is used only at recycling regression, Composting Awareness is used only at composting regression, Sanitary landfill support
is only used in dumping regression, and Efficiency support is used for both the waste collected 55 and 80 regressions. Rho is the autoregressive parameter.
The Moran’s I on composting was not significant. So, the OLS estimate for composting in column 2 is presented.

bias (Ready et al., 2010) and enrich the statistical quality of the MWTP awareness, and perspective are intertwined. This complex nature of
estimates. Compared to the predominantly used mixed logit method in society builds up a common phenomenon that produces the spillover
discrete choice models, the GMNL approach allows more flexibility for effect from one household to another. This fact is utilized and explains
capturing the variation for each individual in the coefficients. the exhibition of the shared economic environment that drives the
The inspection of geographical heterogeneity of MWTP’s includes spatial autocorrelation of MTWP at the individual level. Previous studies
the global measure of autocorrelation, hot spot analysis, and kriging (Czajkowski et al., 2017; Abildtrup et al., 2013) have used spatial var­
interpolation. A significant global autocorrelation of all the MWTP’s iables such as distance to address the spatial characteristics of the data.
except composting is evident from the P-Value. The local clustering of Using spatial variables has been demonstrated to produce better results
the MWTP’s depicted by hot spot and kriging smoothing analysis also in these cases. However, due to the impertinence of spatial variables,
suggests a significant heterogeneity over space. There is little evidence and the hypothesis of spillover effect in a complex shared environment,
of any notable hot or cold spots for composting in Fig. 4, and this result is this study has explored the prospect of the household’s awareness and
in line with the insignificance of Moran’s I. For other attributes, hot attitude as predictive factors. The distance to the landfill site could be
spots over the region are noticeable. For both the waste collection per­ used in the dumping equation. However, using one spatial variable only
centage at 55 and 80%, the hot spots are evident in Figs. 6–7. Ward in one equation might lose the uniformity across these five equations.
number 11 shows a higher WTP clustering indicated by hot zones for Moreover, as the hypothesis concentrated on the impact of attitudinal
both these attributes. The clustering of high WTP values for waste variables on spatial variation, any spatial variable was restrained in the
collection at 55% is also observed in ward number 4, 9, and 10 at a analysis. For instance, the hypothesis is set that awareness of one indi­
moderately significant level. The map in Fig. 5 shows a significant hot vidual about recycling and composting can positively influence other
zone at ward number 11 regarding the sanitary landfill. Fig. 3 indicates individuals’ behavior; hence, they can explain the spillover effect of
that only ward number 8 has the clustering of high values of WTP for a MWTP. Due to the absence of any dumping or waste collection-related
recycling program. On the other hand, cold spots are also visible in a few campaign in the study area, household support is used as a predictive
areas across the attributes. Overall, each of the attributes MWTP shows a factor for implementing a sanitary landfill and increasing the waste
considerable amount of spatial heterogeneity over the region. The collection from 28% to the proposed levels. Both these variables strongly
application of hot spot analysis to visualize spatial heterogeneity is also predict the variation of the MWTP’s. The autoregressive parameter (ρ) is
evident in other areas of managements, such as forestry (Czajkowski positive and significant in all attributes. The socio-economic variables
et al., 2017), river restoration (Kunwar et al., 2020), etc. The study by (Male, Household Members, Age, High Income, and High Education) are
Czajkowski et al. (2017) shows that households exhibit spatial clustering used in all the regressions; however, they fail to explain any spatial
regarding access to the nearby forest. Similarly, the spatial clustering variation in MWTP’s. Chiefly, the SAR model has produced better results
found in this study depicts that households with the least access to waste (indicated by lower AIC) than the OLS estimation.
management services have the highest willingness to pay, as depicted in Regarding the reason for using a specific variable of awareness and
two panels of Fig. 8. attitude in a specific regression, two sets of results are presented in
The spatial analysis in this study extends the understanding of the Table 5 and Table A5 in the appendix. Table 5 has five regressions with a
factors that can explain spatial autocorrelation visualized by hot spot specific variable that can be adhered to the specific MWTP, whereas
analysis. Households live in a shared environment where their attitude, Table A5 uses all the support and attitude variables in every regression.

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

The coefficient and significance level of these four variables (Recycling attributes. The spatial model results ensure that the content of the
Awareness, Composting Awareness, Sanitary landfill support, and Efficiency awareness programs or campaigns should focus on a specific attribute
Support) decrease at the use of all the variables in each regression rather than providing information on every aspect of solid waste man­
compared to using a specific variable. For instance, using these four agement. These facts can guide the municipality in prioritizing the re­
variables in the MWTP of dumping Equation turns the Sanitary landfill gions for initiating waste disposal methods based on preferred attributes
support variable insignificant, with a drastic reduction of magnitude and selecting information composition in awareness programs. Open
from 5.46 to 1.43, compared to Table 5 results. Furthermore, the Effi­ dumping has always been a viable solution for disposing of waste.
ciency Support coefficient’s sign turns negative from positive with the However, this requires a significant amount of a resource which is open
loss of significance and magnitude reduction from 11.72 to − 0.80. A land. This requirement causes a significant economic burden on the
similar result is found for other equations. Hence, Table 5 indicates that municipalities due to its scarcity and cost, propelled by population in­
the MWTP of each attribute is directly and significantly related to the crease. Households indicate a significant preference for recycling and
awareness and attitude specific to that attribute. However, information composting program. Their preference urges the necessity of a well-
on awareness and attitude that is not directly related to (such as using engineered development of these programs in the municipality, which
Recycling awareness in the Composting Regression or using Sanitary can be used for a higher portion of waste disposal and reduce the
Landfill Support in the waste collection regressions) the MWTP shows pressure on land.
the insignificance or even inverse results indicated in Table A5. The
magnitude of the autoregressive parameter decreases in Table A5, even 7. Conclusion
with insignificance for Wastecollection80 Equation. All this evidence
strongly supports the specifications used in Table 5. Nepal et al. (2007) This study investigates the prospect of a solid waste management
also found a similar pattern of results for forest conservation efforts and system for Siddharthanagar Municipality, Nepal, and the associated
social networks. Though estimated without accounting for any spatial spatial variation of management attributes MWTP’s. In general,
spillover, the study by Nepal et al. (2007) derived the same direction of Households prefer the proposed management and are willing to pay for
results regarding using the specific attitudinal variable for specific all the attributes. On average, households have the highest willingness
purposes. However, using spatial models like this study allows the to pay for constructing and maintaining a sanitary landfill, which is NPR
additional benefit of understanding the inherent spillover in a shared 158/month (USD 1.43). The spatial variation is evident for the attributes
economic environment. MWTP, and the spatial model results indicate that attitude and aware­
The preliminary results from this study indicate that households of ness towards solid waste management are predictive factors explaining
Siddharthanagar Municipality, Nepal, have a significant WTP and the variation. By offering a regional analysis, this study contributes to
preference heterogeneity to move away from the current management the recent literature on waste management non-market valuation by
system. The significance of both heterogeneity and certainty parameters providing a guideline to the municipality about the relative importance
has fundamental implications for understanding the factors behind the of attributes over the geographic area. Additionally, factors identified in
choice selection for management. The significance of the scale param­ the spatial model can benefit the awareness program, promoting
eter implies that individuals vary in making a selection. This variation households to participate in the proposed system with a spillover effect.
could result from multiple factors, such as the complexity of choosing While the general results from this study indicate the preference for
from different alternatives, the perspective of necessity towards the the proposed waste management system along with spatial heteroge­
different proposed systems, the location of the individual, and access to neity and identify the factors explaining the MWTP, these findings
municipality-provided services. should still be taken with caution. Even though the maximum effort was
Moreover, the significance of the certainty parameter reduces the employed to select attributes through extensive literature review and
hypothetical bias in making selections. This finding indicates a higher focus groups, choosing a subset used in the study may still have some
probability that households would trade money for the waste manage­ issues. There are several ways to elicit uncertainty measures. The use of
ment system if this were an actual transfer. The MWTP values for most of subjective probability about their certainty level – 1 (highly uncertain)
the attributes exhibit positive spatial autocorrelation. The autocorrela­ to 5 (highly certain) - regarding their selection of the choices may be
tion implies a positive spillover of the transfer of payments from one sensitive. Furthermore, a larger sample size would be more robust
household to the neighboring households. The interconnection of the against outliers and would enhance efficiency.
households, the existence of similar households in a neighborhood, and The problem of solid waste is rising at a faster rate in developing
a sign of herd behavior (Banerjee, 1992) are the possible reasons for this countries. While the problem spills through numerous channels, health
interconnected behavior. impact is severe. The open dumping site that the Siddharthanagar Mu­
The visualization by hot spot analysis indicates that households nicipality uses is alongside the Danda River. The leachate produced from
exhibit spatial heterogeneity in MWTP for each attribute at a local scale. the decomposition of biodegradable waste seeps into the underground
Policymakers can set specific targets and formulates policy based on hot drinking water source and the river water. Pollution in the water system
or cold spots. For instance, the residents of ward number 11 show a is a significant health concern. For instance, Nepal faces a soaring rate of
higher MWTP for waste collection at both levels but a lower MWTP for a diarrhea-related morbidity incidences, and 5.9% of deaths in the coun­
recycling program. Hence, this indicates the extent of charging a try were attributed to diarrheal incidences in 2017 (Institute of Health
heterogenous price by the municipality to extend the waste collection Metrics and Evaluation, 2017). Also, respiratory infections account for
service and recycling program in this area. Moreover, on a global scale, 5% of total deaths, which can be connected to improper dumping and
awareness and attitude specific to the attributes are key factors in waste burning. An adequately designed waste management system can
describing the variation of each MWTP. This result solidifies that significantly reduce this health hazard.
households perform better in understanding the information and Besides health improvement, a rise in income is possible from a well-
participating in waste management from specific content. Using the structured waste management system. Nepal is a developing nation
information on multiple attributes can create confusion and generate where tourism contributes a significant portion of the country’s Gross
opposite results. Domestic Product (GDP). According to the World Travel and Tourism
The results provide a strong policy recommendation for the local Council’s annual report in 2019, Nepal’s tourism sector contributed
administration. The spatial autocorrelation of MWTP indicates that 7.9% to its GDP. This study area is the gateway of Lumbini, which
ensuring the participation of households can create a dynamic effect attracted over 1.55 million tourists in 2017. As evident by this research
over the entire study area. The municipality can benefit from the spatial results, a proper waste management system by the municipality with
maps in identifying the region with stronger preferences for specific support from residents can increase the environmental quality and

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

improve the municipality’s aesthetics. These improvements can help interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
attract more tourists; hence, there will be a beneficial impact on the the work reported in this paper.
income level of the local population.
Data availability
Author statement
The data that has been used is confidential.
Mohammad Mashiur Rahman, Ph.D.:Conceptualization, Method­
ology, Software, Formal analysis, Writing - Original Draft, Visualization, Acknowledgments
Funding acquisition, Writing - Review & Editing, Data Curation, Re­
sources, Alok K. Bohara, Ph. D.:Project administration, Supervision, We are grateful to Nepal Study Center (NSC); Prateema- Neema
Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation Memorial Foundation (PNMF); Prateema-Neema Health Institute
(PNMHI); and Lumbini Center for Sustainability (LCS) in Sid­
Funding dharthangar, Nepal for serving as a host institution and assisting with
the logistics during the survey.
The research leading to these results received funding from South The research leading to these results received funding from South
Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics
(SANDEE) under Grant Agreement No. CONIS00932 (SANDEE) under Grant Agreement No. CONIS00932.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial


Sampling design and selection method

The Siddharthanagar municipality is divided into 13 wards for administrative purposes. The number of households in each ward is available at the
municipality office. Each of these wards is treated as a stratum. These 13 strata comprise the population of the entire study area. However, the number
of households is not equal in each stratum. This is evident from column 2 of Table A1. Hence, this allowed using weighted or proportional sampling
techniques to find the number of households sampled from each stratum covering the entire population. As a result, the strata with a higher population
represent a higher sample, leading to a complete representation of the population in the sample. The information about the number of households has
enabled us to use the proportional sampling method. The final survey included 611 households from the municipality. For example, there are 18,763
households in the municipality, and 922 of them reside in ward number 2 (4.91% of the total households in the municipality). So, the number of
households to be sampled from ward 2:
× 611 = 30 Households
18, 763
The same technique was applied to calculate the sample for the other 12 wards. The number of households sampled from each ward is presented in
Table A1.

Table A1
Ward-wise sample selection

Ward Total HH per ward HH sampled per ward

1 2570 80
2 922 30
3 2170 68
4 1228 39
5 552 20
6 1375 47
7 625 21
8 2475 82
9 1736 60
10 636 18
11 769 27
12 2412 80
13 1293 39
Total 18,763 611
Source: Siddharthanagar Municipality, 2019

Table A2
Choice Set Example. Which solid waste management service do you prefer?
Note to the enumerator: Please show the table to the respondent while asking to choose the solid waste management package.
Below are three potential solid waste management programs to choose from: A, B, and current levels. All the three packets have the described attributes but at different
levels. Choose the solid waste management service packet you like the most. If none of the packets exactly matches your preferences, then chose the on you dislike at

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

the least. While making your own choice, please consider your current income and expenditure because the fee mentioned on your chosen packet would need to be paid
in real life.

Attributes Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Management Current Solid Waste Management
Program A Program B Program

Recycling Program No Yes No

Composting Program No No No
Type of dumping Open Dumping Open Dumping Open Dumping
Percent of all Waste Collected 55% 80% 28%
Additional Monthly user fee 100 Rupees 150 Rupees 0 Rupees
Which solid waste management program do you prefer (Single answer only)? I choose program A I choose program B I choose current program
Put a tick mark in the box)

• How certain you are about your choice in the previous question?

1 = Very uncertain 2 = Somewhat uncertain 3 = Neither certain nor uncertain (neutral) 4 = Somewhat certain 5 = Very certain

Table A3
Percentage of chosen alternatives

Chosen Alternative Percent

Solid Waste Management Program A 42.44

Solid Waste Management Program B 39.85

Current Management Program 17.7

Observations 1779

Table A4
Moran’s I of MWTP’s

Attributes Moran’s Index Z Score P value

Recycling 0.09 5.43 0.00

Composting − 0.004 − 0.136 0.89
Dumping 0.1 5.87 0.00
Waste Collection 55 0.12 7.03 0.00
Waste Collection 80 0.06 4.06 0.004

Table A5
MWTP estimates for each attribute in a SAR framework

Variables Recycling Composting* Dumping Waste collected 55 Waste collected 80

Recycling Awareness 0.242* − 9.033 − 6.250* - 25.370 − 15.420*

(0.103) (6.024) (2.502) (19.448) (6.262)
Composting Awareness − 0.119 19.937*** - 0.940 - 24.337 9.418
(0.106) (6.156) (2.558) (20.323) (6.410)
Sanitary landfill support − 0.116 10.782 1.683 − 18.307 11.330
(0.160) (9.324) (3.867) (30.788) (9.681)
Efficiency support − 0.006 − 4.804 3.864 30.717 − 0.845
(0.162) (9.459) (3.922) (30.771) (9.819)
Male 0.061 3.793 − 1.592 − 15.893 − 3.605
(continued on next page)

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

Table A5 (continued )
Variables Recycling Composting* Dumping Waste collected 55 Waste collected 80

(0.102) (5.925) (2.457) (19.472) (6.150)

Household Members − 0.004 − 0.627 0.204 2.606 0.344
(0.015) (0.915) (0.379) (2.991) (0.950)
Age 0.004 0.157 − 0.103 − 0.783 − 0.327
(0.003) (0.199) (0.082) (0.647) (0.207)
High Income − 0.047 3.914 − 0.075 12.299 3.071
(0.112) (6.531) (2.709) (21.744) (6.782)
High Education 0.045 1.040 0.444 13.115 − 3.034
(0.162) (9.413) (3.904) (33.289) (9.772)
Rho 0.192* 0.201* 0.263*** 0.099
(0.074) (0.075) (0.072) (0.081)
Intercept 1.292*** − 39.995*** − 26.744*** − 213.778*** − 83.724***
(0.232) (10.892) (5.378) (40.759 (14.259)
N 532 532 532 532 532
AIC 1671.4 5979.1 5057.1 7240.5 6031.425
Log Likelihood − 823.72 − 2516.564 − 3609.221 − 3003.712
Note: ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, * p < 0.1. Denote the significance level. Standard errors are in parenthesis.
Columns 1,3,4, and 5 represent the results of the SAR model for each attribute, respectively recycling, dumping, waste collection at 55%, and waste collection at 80%.
Socio-economic variables such as Male, Household Members, Age, High Income, and High Education are used in all the regressions. Rho is the autoregressive parameter.
Column 2 represents the OLS estimates for composting.

Fig. A1. Geographic location of the households .

Note: The dots in the figure indicate the location of the households by latitude and longitude. The river flows from the North to the south direction. The numbers in
red color indicate the ward numbers.

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

Fig. A2. Hot spot analysis for recycling .

Note: This figure shows the respondent households’ WTP hot and cold spots for the recycling(Gi* z-scores, k=8 nearest neighbors, distance band = 1500m)
Note: Hot spots are represented by the red-colored points, while cold spots are captured by the blue-colored points. In both cases, the areas become progressively
darker as the level of significance increases. The white dots are the statistically insignificant areas that displayed no spatial clustering of the WTP value.
99% confidence level are points with Z-scores > 2.58 or < -2.58 and p-value <0.01.
95% confidence level are points with Z-scores > 1.96 or < -1.96 and p-value <0.05.
90% confidence level are points with Z-scores > 1.65 or < -1.65 and p-value <0.10.
Note: Similar interpretation applies to the hot spot analysis of all the attributes below

Fig. A3. Hot spot analysis for composting .

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

Fig. A4. Hot spot analysis for dumping .

Fig. A5. Hot spot analysis for waste collected (55%)..

M.M. Rahman and A.K. Bohara Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023) 116805

Fig. A6. Hot spot analysis for waste collected (80%)..

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