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Consumer Frequently Asked Questions

Household Energy Efficiency Scheme

November 2021

short- and medium-term financial stress for

What is the Household Energy Efficiency households experiencing hardship.
Who is eligible for the program?
The HEES is a four-year, $13 million program that
aims to alleviate cost of living pressures for The program will be available to current Synergy
10,000 households experiencing hardship by and Horizon Power customers with at least 12
identifying and supporting the implementation of months consumption history. Participating
energy saving opportunities and improving households will need to be available for a home
household energy literacy. energy assessment and regular coaching
Eligible households will receive tailored one-on-
one coaching and support from non-government Retailers in partnership with its NGO delivery
organisations (NGOs) and retailers to improve partner will be identifying and inviting eligible
their energy efficiency and energy wellbeing residential customers to participate in the pilot
(financial, mental, and physical). program.
The program is one of the actions outlined in the We are in the process of refining eligibility criteria
Western Australian Climate Policy which can be before the program is rolled out more broadly
found here: from July 2022.
How many households are included in the
climate-change-policy initial pilots?
The pilots will include up to 80 households across
How does the program relate to the Climate metropolitan Perth and Port Hedland, with other
Policy? locations to be considered in early 2022.
The Household Energy Efficiency Scheme is a Synergy’s initial pilot will involve up to 50
commitment in the Western Australian Climate households in the Perth metropolitan area.
Policy. The program seeks to enhance energy Horizon Power’s initial pilot will support up to 30
efficiency to reduce energy consumption, which households.
also reduces emissions from energy created
using fossil fuels. EPWA, Synergy and Horizon Power are working
to identify opportunities to increase the number of
What does the program aim to achieve? households reached as part of initial pilots.
For households, the program aims to: How can my household get involved?
provide tailored education to improve knowledge The small-scale pilots are invitation-only.
of energy efficient practices and encourage
behaviour changes that reduce energy Emails will be sent to eligible participants, which
consumption and costs; will provide further information on how to register
your interest.
• build resilience by providing long term cost of
living relief and help to prevent households What services will the program offer to
falling into further hardship; and eligible households?
• complement existing measures that address The program will focus on electrical energy
efficiency measures, and will involve: other major appliance upgrades?
• an in-home energy efficiency assessment; and While the primary focus of the program is on
• tailored education to improve energy efficiency energy coaching to deliver long term change,
and support behavioural change. select households may receive appliance
In the initial pilots, Synergy customers will receive upgrades and replacement of low-energy
a low-cost energy efficiency ‘kit’, while Horizon efficiency appliances, such as old refrigerators.
Power customers will receive gift vouchers after We need to make sure that appliance upgrades
completing the in-home assessment and are well targeted for those households most in
program. need. The circumstances where replacement of
The results of the in-home assessments, appliances is appropriate will be identified as part
performed by an appropriately trained NGO of learnings from the Discovery Phase. Appliance
representative, energy retailer, or other energy upgrades will begin from July 2022.
service provider, will be energy efficiency advice The customers participating in the pilots that meet
and education tailored to your household. the criteria for major appliance upgrades will be
The program offerings for Synergy and eligible for replacement appliances.
Horizon Power customers differ to match the Should you require immediate assistance in the
different needs of households in different regions purchase of a refrigerator, the WA No Interest
and circumstances. Loans Scheme provides families and individuals
How will the program be delivered to on low incomes across Western Australia with the
households? opportunity to apply for small, no interest loans
between $200 and $1,500 for the purchase of
The program will be delivered in partnership essential household items and services. Further
between NGOs and energy retailers Synergy and information about this scheme can be found at:
Horizon Power.
Initial small-scale pilots will run from November What other supports are available?
2021 to June 2022 to test and refine the program.
The program will rollout more broadly from The program will complement existing services
July 2022 up to June 2025 to reach around that Government, NGOs and energy retailers
10,000 households across the State. including:

Household participation in the program is • the Commonwealth supported No Interest

voluntary. Loan Scheme (NILS);
• the Energy Assistance Payment;
How will my consumption data be used? • the Hardship Utility Grants Scheme (HUGS);
The small-scale pilots will utilise Synergy and • financial counselling services;
Horizon Power’s digital solutions in assisting • existing NGO programs; and
customers to understand and monitor their energy
usage. • existing retailer customer support services.

This includes Horizon Power’s mobile app, and How has the program been designed?
Synergy’s online tool My Account. This will help The initial design of the program was completed
you identify small changes you can make to save by Energy Policy WA, in close consultation with
money. Synergy, Horizon Power and WACOSS and with
You will be asked to provide your consent to input from NGOs and service providers.
access your consumption data as part of the The final design of the program will evolve based
registration process for the program. on outcomes from the Discovery Phase, including
Will households receive refrigerators and learnings from small-scale pilots and further
feedback received from consultation with NGOs.

Energy Policy WA
(08) 6551 4600 | |

Disclaimer: The material provided in this information sheet is general in nature and a guide only. It does not take your
personal circumstances into account and so you cannot rely solely upon this material when deciding to act.
Additional matters or factors may be relevant to you. Where appropriate, seek professional advice. 2

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