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Interpersonal Perspective in Career of First Year

Customs Administration students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the factors affecting the interpersonal perspective in career path of First
Year College Students in PMI Manila. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the professional information of the respondent’s influential person?

2. What is the impact of the following factors on the respondents’ interpersonal perspective to their
chosen career:

a. Family

b. Peers

c. Society

3. Is there a significant difference among respondents’ interpersonal perspectives according to:

a. Family

b. Peers

c. Society

4. To what extent do the influential person’s professional information relate to the chosen career?
Survey Questionnaire
Dear Participants/ Respondents,

We, the Third-Year students of PMI Colleges – Manila taking up B.S in Customs Administration is
conducting this survey as part of the research entitled “Factors Affecting the Interpersonal Perspective in
Career Path of First Year Customs Administration Students in PMI Manila”.

Your cooperation in the study would be of great help. Rest assure that your response will be treated with
utmost confidentiality and will only be used for academic purposes only. Thank you very much!
__________________________________________________________________ _

Name (Optional):____________________________________ Age:__________

Preliminary Part - Career Path Influencers of Respondents

Directions: Please read and write your answer on the space provided honestly
A. Family Profession

1. Parents (Mother and Father)

o BS Customs Administration Graduate

o Customs Broker o Bureau of Customs Officer
o Bureau of Customs Employee
o Customs Related Job
o Others (kindly specify) ____________________
o Not Related to Customs Job

2. Siblings (Brother and Sister)

o BS Customs Administration Student
o BS Customs Administration Graduate
o Customs Broker
o Bureau of Customs Officer
o Bureau of Customs Employee
o Customs Related Job
o Others (kindly specify) ____________________
o Not Related to Customs Job

3. Family Relatives
o BS Customs Administration Graduate
o Customs Broker
o Bureau of Customs Officer
o Bureau of Customs Employee
o Customs Related Job
o Others (kindly specify) ____________________
o Not Related to Customs Job

B. Peer
1. Friends
o BS Customs Administration Student
o BS Customs Administration Graduate
o Customs Broker
o Bureau of Customs Officer
o Bureau of Customs Employee
o Customs Related Job
o Others (kindly specify) ____________________
o Working not Related to Customs

C. Society
1. School
o BS Customs Administration Student
o BS Customs Administration Graduate
o Customs Broker o Bureau of Customs Officer
o Bureau of Customs Employee
o Customs Related Job
o Others (kindly specify) ____________________
o Working not Related to Customs

2. Church
o BS Customs Administration Student
o BS Customs Administration Graduate
o Customs Broker
o Bureau of Customs Officer
o Bureau of Customs Employee
o Customs Related Jo
b o Others (kindly specify) ____________________
o Working not Related to Custom
Directions: Below are the lists of interpersonal perspective that might influence you in choosing your
present career. Rate them based on your personal experience. Put a check mark ( / ) in the cells that
corresponds to your response.


1 None 1.00-1.49
2 Very Mild 1.50-2.49
3 Mild 2.50- 3.49
4 Moderate 3.50-4.49
5 Extreme 4.50-5.00

A.Family 5 4 3 2 1
1.Majority of my relatives’ profession are inclined with my present course.
2. Most of the time my family members discuss topics related to my course
3. My parents advised me to take up this course
4. I supposed to shift to other course but my parents insist me to continue
this course.
5. My parents and relatives are always watching programs related to their
6. Our mini-library has a lot of books collection connected to my course.

B. Peers 5 4 3 2 1
1. My friends and I agreed to enrol in the same course
2. My friends and I enjoy a lot with our course
3. My friends help me to understand the concept and context of our course
4. Since high school my peer group and I have shown interest in this course.
5. My friends motivated me to love this course.
6. Every time we discuss matters related to our course

C. Society 5 4 3 2 1
1. My teachers always motivate us to like this course
2. I start liking this career path when I heard the proper compensation and
benefits working in this field.
3. I consider the place of my future work in choosing my course
4. I consider my choice based on the demand
5. I consider the financial status of my family in choosing my course

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