1968 Chem. Rev., Chemicals in Tobacco and Smoke

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Eastern Utilization Research and Development Division, Agricultural Research Service, United States
Department of Agriculture, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118
Received October 18, 1967
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... 153
11. Tobacco Processing and Physicochemical Properties of Tobacco ke.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
111. Chemical Composition of Tobacco Leaf and Smoke. ............................... -. 155
A. Alkanes ................................... ............................. 155
B. Alkenes and Alkynes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... 156
1. Isoprenoid Hydrocarbons. . . . . . . . . . . . .................... 156
2. Other Alkenes and Alkynes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
C. Aromatic Hydrocar .................... 158
D. Sterols and Oxygen n d s . . ............................... 161
1. Sterols. . . . . . . . ................................................. 161
2. Oxygenated Isop onstituents ..............................
E. Alcohols and Esters.. ................................ ._........................
F. Aldehydes, Ketones, and Quinones. .......................................
G. Nitriles, Cyclic Ethers, and Sulfur Compounds. ................................. 169
H. Acids.. . . . . .._. . . . . -. . . ................................................ 169
I. Phenols and Phenolic Ethers.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
1. Chlorogenic Acids. .. ................................................. 172
2. Other Polyphenols. , ......................... 173
3. Other Phenols and Pheno ...................
J. Alkaloids and Other Bases.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... ..........
K. Brown Pigments. . . . . . . . . . . ......................... 178
L. Carbohydrates. . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... 180
M. Amino Acids, Proteins, and Related Compounds.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
N. Miscellaneous Components, ,


.................... 188

B. Sterols.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

VI. Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
VII. Addendum ..................................................................... 197
VIII. References ...................................................................... 198

I. INTRODUCTION some information on chemical carcinogens, ciliostatic

The last comprehensive review of the constituents of agents, and irritants (307). Two other books have
tobacco and tobacco smoke appeared in 1959 (263). appeared on the biological effects of tobacco and smoke,
Since then, numerous reports linking smoking and one having two short chapters on the chemistry of
health (527) have contributed greatly to increased effort smoke (254) and the other including information on
in this field, and several books and reviews have been alkaloids (595). A tabulation of known components of
published dealing with selected chemical aspects of cigarette smoke has been published which is supple-
smoking and health relationships. A comprehensive mented periodically (38) ; however, no critical evalua-
review with more than 6000 literature citations is avail- tion of the cited reports is given therein. An extensive
able dealing mostly with medical aspects but containing Russian work on the chemistry of tobacco has been

translated into English, but much of the data must be ing, all tobacco is subjected to a curing process which is
regarded as historical (513). Two reviews dealing with basically a dehydration accompanied by certain chem-
the general composition of tobacco and smoke have ical changes resulting in the development of desired
been published, but coverage of the subject is not com- color and other properties. The major curing processes
plete in both cases (437, 554). However, an exhaus- are flue-curing, in which heat is provided to effect the
tive survey has appeared on the relationships between drying, and air-curing, in which ambient temperatures
the chemical composition and experimental carcino- are employed. Following curing, tobacco is treated in a
genic effects of tobacco (644); an expanded version of series of industrial processes, including moisture adjust-
this work will be published as a book in late 1967 (648). ment, aging or fermentation, blending, and addition of
Several surveys with varying degrees of age and humectants and flavors (117,164,165,213). The exact
thoroughness are available covering selected groups of treatment will vary with the ultimate form of the
leaf or smoke constituents : polynuclear aromatic smoking product and the particular manufacturer’s
hydrocarbons (l52), terpenes (47), phenols (223, 628), practice. Fermentation is a vigorous process involving
and alkaloids (399,492). storage at elevated temperatures with relatively high
None of these works can be considered an adequate moisture levels in the tobacco and is employed with
sequel to the comprehensive survey on composition cigar and snuff tobaccos. Aging is a relatively mild
published in 1959. The present work is intended to fill prolonged (up to 3 years) storage at ambient tempera-
this role. The procedure followed herein is to provide ture and relatively low moisture levels and is used for
information which supplements the 1959 review or cigarette tobaccos. On the basis of sparse information,
other surveys for which coverage is considered adequate. the chemical changes occurring during aging are more
In listing the known constituents of tobacco leaf and subtle than those of fermentation (134, 165,166).
smoke, literature citations are given for every compo- For research and development purposes, cigarettes,
nent; for some compounds, the citations are to the 1959 cigars, and pipes are smoked mechanically in machines
survey or to other reviews which, in turn, list the orig- which superficially simulate the act of smoking by
inal references. However, original publications were humans. Most smoking machines operate on a con-
consulted in making the lists. The inclusion of refer- stant-volume or constant-pressure principle, but other
ences to components was deemed necessary to facilitate designs have been reported including a “pressure
procedure” which is claimed to reduce the aging effects
the location of original reports which was difficult in the
1959 review since compounds were listed merely as being of smoke (371). Many different machines have been
absent or present. Except for certain trivial names proposed for research purposes (151,332,490,644), and
which are widely used in the field, the nomenclature of fully automatic models are commercially available with
Chemical Abstracts is employed herein. daily smoking capacities as high as 1000 cigarettes
Many of the newly reported constituents of leaf and (151). Whole smoke is collected in a variety of ways
smoke occur in trace amounts; in some instances, the depending on the end use, but, for large-scale composi-
isolated quantities have been much less than 1 mg. tional work, condensation a t low temperature is usually
Application of classical methods to identify the isolates employed. Other methods include collection of partic-
has not been possible in such cases, and identification ulate matter on Cambridge filters or condensation of
has been based on chromatographic and spectrometric smoke by electrostatic precipitation, both of which give
comparisons with authentic compounds. Under the essentially the same yields as low-temperature conden-
conditions, these procedures appear to be adequate for sation (41) although significant compositional differ-
identification provided the criteria are not limited ences may exist, e.g., free-radical contents (644).
excessively. The present survey lists those compounds Artifacts may be introduced by many systems of collec-
for which claims of identity appear to be reasonably tion and storage since smoke components in the trapped
justified. material may react to form products not in the fresh
smoke, e.g., nitrophenols (274) and cyanohydrins (361).
11. TOBACCO PROCESSING AND PHYSICOCHEMICAL To reduce the inherent variability in these systems,
PROPERTIES OF TOBACCO SMOKE standard methods of collecting and handling smoke
Most tobacco products use processed leaves of condensate have been developed for analytical (41) and
Nicotiana tabacum as their major ingredient. In biological (118) use. Although such standardizations
Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, and perhaps India, are desirable, they provide little assistance in one of the
Nicotiana rustica is used to some extent. Traditionally, current major problems involving smoke composition :
tobacco is classified into types which differ in the con- the determination of the constituents actually present
ditions of growth, processing, and eventual use; the in the particulate matter of fresh mainstream smoke
major cigarette types used in the United States and emitting from a cigarette or other smoking product.
Europe are flue-cured (“bright,” “Virginia”), burley, Little progress has been made in this area, mainly
Maryland, and Turkish (“Oriental”). After harvest- because of the inadequacies of current methodological

procedures. The solution of many pragmatic problems smoke (239). No significant differences have been ob-
involving the organoleptic properties and biological served in the particle diameters and numbers of particles
effects of tobacco smoke may lie in this direction. in smoke from the major cigarette tobacco types (281).
Cigarette smoke is an aerosol having a discontinuous Whether or not the composition of smoke particles varies
phase (about 8% of the total weight) and a continuous with particle size or charge is not known. The infrared
phase composed of vapor constituents (19%), excess spectra of negatively and positively charge particles
nitrogen (15%), and air (58%) (283). The vapor show no distinct differences (l59), but other indirect
constituents of unfiltered tobacco smoke include a measurements show some degree of heterogeneity (45,
variety of hydrocarbons, oxygenated compounds, and 112). Of course, the questions of particle-size distribu-
related constituents (411), some of which have physiolog- tion and of homogeneity of smoke particles are of great
ical activity including the ability to inhibit the motion importance in work on the development of filters for
of the cilia lining the respiratory tract, i.e., ciliostasis. cigarette smoke.
The discontinuous or particulate phase contains a large Cigarette smoke contains large numbers of free
number of identified and unidentified compounds. The radicals and certain ions which are discussed in section
physical characteristics of smoke change rapidly on IV.
emission from the cigarette tip (239) with the particles
rapidly agglomerating (281). Fresh mainstream smoke 111. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION O F TOBACCO
contains about 1 X lo9 to 5 X lo9 particles per ml LEAFAND SMOKE
(135, 281, 385), and each particle contains 0-10 charges. Since 1959, the list of known components in tobacco
Studies on the charge distributions of American ciga- and smoke has risen from about 400 to more than 1200,
rettes (385) have shown the following percentages of not including the individual components in complex
particles with the indicated numbers of charges : more substances such as the brown pigments and resins,
than 2, 1%; 2, 7%; 1, 47%; and 0, 45%. Approxi- which have not been resolved. Since most of the major
mately equal numbers of positively and negatively components of leaf and smoke are apparently known,
charged particles are present, and the proportion of recent effort has concentrated on investigating minor
charged particles increases with particle diameter. and trace components. X a n y of these compounds may
The primary mechanism of charge origin may be contribute significantly to the organoleptic and physio-
chemionization in the reaction zone of the cigarette logical properties of leaf and smoke, and brief comments
coal rather than thermionic emission or collision with on these points will be given when appropriate.
atmospheric ions (385). Chemionization results when
molecules, atoms, and radicals combine in exothermic A. (T.4BLE I)
reactions and the products collide with excited species In addition to the ubiquitous normal and isoparaffins,
producing positive ions. tobacco leaf contains significant amounts of other
Significant differences in the magnitude and sign of branched-chain alkanes, including anteiso (3-methyl)
the charges have been shown for cigarettes containing homologs. Treatment of the paraffinic fraction of
various tobaccos. British cigarettes containing all tobacco leaf wax with molecular sieve permits separa-
flue-cured tobaccos yield (9) a smoke which is strongly tion of normal and branched isomers, each of which can
positive (+2.2 X 10-l1 to $2.4 X 10-l1 coulomb), be separated by gas chromatography. Resolved is0
but American cigarettes, made of a blend of the four and anteiso compounds can then be distinguished by
major cigarette tobacco types, may be either electrically differences in mass spectral fragmentation since scission
neutral (239) or have a net negative or positive charge of occurs a t the bonds adjacent to the tertiary carbon
lower magnitude (+1.3 X 10-l1 to -1.3 X lo-" atoms, yielding ions of variable intensities for the two
coulomb) than British cigarettes (9). Alteration and classes of isomers (349). Both isomers cleave pre-
neutralization of the net charge on smoke particles by
the blending of the cigarette tobaccos has been demon- TABLE I
strated experimentally (9). Filter tips show no effect ALKANESIN TOBACCO
in altering the charge on the individual smoke particles ---Leaf --------Smoke----
Carbon Carbon
(9). Confign no. Ref no. Ref
Various ranges of particle sizes have been reported for
Normal 8-35 S4, 87,90, 1-9,12-36 78,79,84,85,
tobacco smoke, depending on the age of the aerosol and 133, 188, 205, 263,296,
the measuring technique employed. Mean diameters 263,349 378, 397,415,
of about 0.16-1.1 p have been reported for fresh smoke 531
(216, 239, 281, 385). The diameters of almost all Is0 27-34 84,263,349 4-6,27-33 79,84,205,263,
smoke particles are in the range of about 0.1-1.0 p Anteiso 28,30,32, 349 6 79,378,415
(216, 281,385), and smoke from cigarettes having filters 34
show a slightly less medial diameter than unfiltered Cyclic ... ... 5J 205,206,378,413
dominately a t the C2-C3 linkage, giving major peaks at The paraffinic hydrocarbons of leaf have been sug-
P - 43 and P - 29 for the is0 and anteiso isomers, gested as precursors of polynuclear aromatic hydro-
respectively, and this difference may be used in con- carbons in smoke (see section V). The higher alkanes
junction with gas chromatographic data to identify and show a tendency to retard the tumorigenic effect of
determine quantitatively the levels of the isomers. benzo [alpyrene in animals (644),but their contribution,
Analysis of leaf paraffins in this way has shown that the if any, to the neoplastic effect of smoke condensate in
branched-chain compounds comprise about 2445% of animals is not known.
the total and consist of approximately equal parts of is0
and anteiso compounds in the major cigarette tobaccos. B. A L K E N E S AND ALKYNES
In the normal and is0 series, the odd-numbered homo-
logs predominate, and the CSIcompounds are present in I. Isoprenoid Hydrocarbons
the largest amounts. In the anteiso series, even- The presence of the sesquiterpene farnesene (I) and
numbered compounds are exclusively found, and the the diterpene neophytadiene (11) in tobacco leaf and/
c2 hydrocarbon predominates.
3 or smoke has been established. Farnesene in smoke
Although the major paraffins in leaf are the C26-C35 may arise by pyrolysis of solanesol (see section 1II.D.-
components, small amounts of normal and is0 homologs CHz CH,
in the C8-C24 range occur therein (84, 349). Also, 11
analysis of the headspace vapors of Turkish tobacco has I
shown the possible presence of pentane, hexane, and
heptane based on gas chromatographic comparisons of I1
Kovats retention indices with known compounds and
the failure of the eluted peaks to react with functional I1
group reagents (558). 2), neophytadiene, or unidentified CIS isoprenoid
Mixtures of paraffins of indeterminate structure have alcohols (457) in leaf. Farnesiferols have also been
been isolated from flue-cured tobacco, but resolution suggested as possible leaf precursors of I, but no evi-
into single components has not been accomplished dence for the occurrence of these compounds in tobacco
despite intensive effort (552,553). Based on elemen- exists (52).
tary analyses, hydrogenation, reactivity toward selected Smoke from American cigarettes contains a series of
reagents, and infrared and mass spectral data, the com- neophytadiene isomers which have a single set of con-
ponents appear to be cyclic in nature with molecular jugated double bonds in different terminal and internal
weights of about 500-900; in general, they resemble the positions. Evidence has been obtained (452) for a t
naphthenes of petroleum, but distinctive differences are least four basic combinations of olefinic linkages within a
noted. Although the possibility that these components given isoprene unit or between adjacent units (IIIa-d).
are artifacts arising from the deposition of flue gases on
E- c = o
leaves during curing has been largely discounted, I1
confirmation of their presence as natural constituents of -c= =c ccc-
a b
tobacco is required.
The lower molecular weight saturated hydrocarbon’s C C
of cigarette smoke are present in the gaseous phase and -c- It-c = o
are easily separated and identified by a combination of
gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (205).
The cycloalkanes in smoke are cyclopentane (378), As many as 12 of these phytadienes may occur in smoke
methylcyclopentane (378,413), and cyclohexane (206, exclusive of neophytadiene and geometric isomers.
413). Branched-chain, aliphatic p a r a f i s having CIZ Also, a 1,2,4-trialkyl-1,3-butadienemay be present.
to Ca3and C6skeletons occur in smoke, but the positions In the reported isolation (452),the phytadienes were
of substitution have not been determined (78, 85, 296, separated into groups by column chromatography on
531). alumina, and the mixtures were allowed to react with
Analytical methods are available for the determina- 1,4-naphthoquinoneJ giving the Diels-Alder adducts.
tion of paraffins in tobacco leaf (429,545). The levels The resulting alkylanthraquinones were oxidized to the
vary somewhat with tobacco type and are not related to corresponding carboxylic acids, which were separated
leaf quality (546). As expected from the inert char- and found to vary in the number and position of car-
acter of these constituents, there is little or no change in boxyl groups, depending on the location of methyl
the paraffins during tobacco fermentation (429). The substituents relative to the double bonds in the original
levels of Clz to Csaparaffins in cigarette smoke are about terpene. These acids and methyl derivatives thereof
0.5-1.4 mg per cigarette, and 9-18% of the mixture is were identified by mixture melting point determinations
composed of branched-chain constituents (531). and infrared spectral analyses. The possibility of the

isomers being artifacts was considered negligible and aged burley tobacco (631, 638, 639). Identification
some experimental evidence on this point was provided. was made by standard procedures for such plant com-
Other hydrocarbons related to neophytadiene in ponents : chromatographic behavior on magnesium
smoke are norphytene (2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-l-penta- oxide and calcium hydroxide columns, selected color
decene) and a mixture of neophytadiene dimers (IV, and isomerization tests, and ultraviolet spectral ex-
R A R R aminations. I n addition to those listed in Table 11,
three partially identifled unsaturated hydrocarbons
were isolated, including one compound that resembled
isodemethylaxerophthene and two constituents that
were similar to the lycopenes.
The solanesenes in smoke are a mixture of trises-
E quiterpenes structurally related to solanesol and formed
R = 4,8,12-irimethyltridecyl). These dimers are from dehydration of solanesol or pyrolysis of its acetate
identical with the major products resulting when (463). In tobacco smoke, the major components in the
neophytadiene is heated a t 190-200” and are not be- solanesene mixture are V and VI. The structures of
lieved to be artifacts resulting from experimental CHI CHz
manipulation of cigarette smoke extracts (265). In I II
a study of British cigarettes neophytadiene was found to v
comprise more than 99% of the acyclic phytadienes of
smoke (265). Neophytadiene isomers may have been 1
present in the remainder of the fraction, but no evidence H(CHZ-C=CH-CH~)&H=
of this was presented. I n the above study describing VI
the presence of neophytadiene isomers with moieties these compounds have been revealed by sodium-
1IIa-d in American cigarettes, no quantitative yields alcohol reduction of the isolated mixture which yielded
were given so that comparisons of the two investigations a hydrocarbon, dihydrosolanesene, with an infrared
cannot be made; however, it appears that yields of these spectrum having diminished 6.25 and 11.22 p absorption
isomers were much greater than the 1%unaccounted for indicative of double-bond migration from a terminal to
above. Some of the discrepancy may have been due to an internal position (463). A quantitative study of the
compositional differences in the cigarettes. ozonization products of the solanesenes and dihydro-
Since phytadiene C is a mixture of isomers (265), the solanesene established the basic structures of V and VI.
claim of its presence in leaf is questionable (245); Confirmatory evidence for V was obtained by Diels-
instead, an artifact with a moiety similar to I I I a may Alder reaction of the isolated mixture with 1,4-naphtho-
have been isolated as a result of isomerization of neophy- quinone, yielding an alkylanthraquinone which was
tadiene on acid-washed alumina (248). This absorbent oxidized to anthraquinone-2-carboxylic acid in the same
will isomerize squalene, neophytadiene, and possibly general manner as the phytadienes. However, the
other terpenes during chromatographic separation presence of the expected product from VI, anthraquin-
(550). one-1,2-dicarboxylic acid, could not be demonstrated in
An analytical method for neophytadiene in leaf has the reaction mixture, indicating that VI was relatively
been developed (49). The levels of the terpene in the inert. A similar pattern of reactivity was observed
different tobacco types show differences, but no relation- earlier (452) with the phytadienes (IIIa-d) in Diels-
ship with leaf quality can be demonstrated. Biologi- Alder reactions. The sequence of elution from alumina
cally, the phytadienes do not produce hyperplasia or is neophytadiene isomers, neophytadiene, isomeric
sebaceous gland destruction when applied to mouse squalenes, and solanesenes (463).
epithelium (644). The isoprenoid polyolefins listed in Table I1 are a
The presence of the triterpene squalene in smoke has series of compounds (VII) found in smoke which are
been established and its occurrence in leaf has been cited
(168). The reported presence of isosqualene in smoke I

(295) may have been a result of isomerization of H( CHzCH=bCH2)s-aH

squalene by acid-washed alumina used in the separation;
however, other studies have described the isolation of probably formed by pyrolysis of leaf constituents such
“regenerated” squalene (590) and other isomeric as solanesol. These olefins have an all-trans configura-
squalenes (463) in smoke when acid-washed alumina tion and occur in levels of about 2-5 pg per cigarette.
was not employed in the separation. Conflicting reports have appeared concerning the
The tetraterpenoid hydrocarbons of tobacco leaf presence of the acyclic monoterpene, alloocimene, in
comprise the familiar colorless polyenes and carotenoid cigarette smoke. Initially (647) the terpene was
pigments which were isolated in an intensive study of claimed to be a smoke component having cocarcinogenic
Hydrocarbon Leaf Smoke Hydrocarbon Leaf Smoke
Isoprenoid 2-Butene ... 79,263,378,415
a-Carotene 631 e . .
3-Buten-1-yne ... 415
b-Carotene 133,263,631 ... 1-Butyne ... 415
2,4-Dimethyl-4-vinylcy- ... 100,264 Cyclohexene ... 205
clohexene l13-Cyclopentadiene ... 415
Dipentene ... 100, 204,205,263, Cyclopentene ... 378,415
264,395,644 I-Decene *.. 205
Farnesene ... 52 2,3-Dimethyl-l-butene *.. 413
Isomeric squalenes ... 263,296,463 3,3-Dimethyl-l-butene ... 205,413,415
Isoprene ... 79,202-206,263, Ethylene ... 79,263,378,415
378,415,621 1-Hexene ... 413
Isoprenoid polyolefins ... 116 2-Hexene ... 413
l-Rlethyl-4-isopropyl-l- ... 205 Methylacetylene ... 78,79,263,415
cyclohexene 2-Methyl-1-butene ... 78,79,378,415
Neo-@-carotene 263,631 *.. 2-Methyl-2-butene ... 78,378,415
Neophytadiene 46,187,466 85,263,461 3-Methyl-1-butene ... 79,378,415
Neophytadiene dimers ... 265 1-Methyl-1-cyclopentene ,.. 413
Norphytene ... 265 3-Methyl-l-cy clopentene ... 413
Phytadienes ... 452,461 4Methyl- I-cyclopentene *.. 413
Phytoene 631 ... 2-Methyl-1-pentene ... 413
Phytofluene 631 ... 2-Methyl-2-pentene ... 79,413
8-P’inene ... 206 3-Methyl-I-pentene ... 413
Solanesenes ... 461,463,644 4-Methyl-1-pentene . . I 378,413
Squalene ... 85,263,296,461, 4-Methyl-2-pentene ... 378,413
644 2-Methylpropene ... 79,263,415
Monoolefins ( Clo-Can) ... 155
Others l12-Pentadiene ... 79
Acetylene ... 79,263,378,415 1,3-Pentadiene ... 79,203,378,415
Allene ... 79,378,415 l14-Pentadiene ... 378,415
1,2-Butadiene ... 378,415 I-Pentene ... 78,79, 20.5, 378,415
l13-Butadiene ... 79,263,378 2-Pentene ... 78,79,378,415
I-Butene ... 79,378,415 Propene ... 78,79,378,415

activity and occurring in relatively large amounts all of the possible cis and trans isomers. The structures
(0.5%) in condensate. These findings were disputed in were determined by identification of the alkanes after
a later report (352) showing that alloocimene, if present n = 7-25
n = 9-28
at all in condensate, occurs in levels of less than O.OOG%. n = 7-26
The presence of a-pinene and myrcene in cigarette n = 6-25
n = 8-27
smoke has been indicated (G44), but details of the isola- n = 9-28
tion and identification have not been published. VI11

2. Other Alkenes and A l k y n e s hydrogenation and the methyl esters of the acids ob-
tained by oxidation of the olefins. The total yield of
The lower molecular weight alkenes and alkynes occur olefins was about 3 mg per 1000 cigarettes, and the
chiefly, if not exclusively, in the gaseous phase of smoke. compounds are not present in the leaf.
The list of known constituents in this group has grown
considerably since 1959. Many of the newly reported C. AR01114TIC HYDROCARBONS (TABLE 111)

constituents have been separated and identified by a With the possible exceptions of benzene (XIS),
combination of gas chromatography and mass spectro- toluene (55S), isomeric xylenes (555), and a few poly-
metric analysis. Although some of the constituents in nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (75, 391),
the gaseous phase of tobacco smoke show important this class of compounds is found exclusively in tobacco
physioIogica1 activity, e.g., ciliostasis, the lighter smoke. The trace amounts of benzo [alpyrene (BAP)
hydrocarbons therein are believed to be relatively and related PAH in leaf originate from atmospheric
nontoxic a t low dosage (75). pollution during growth (74) or contamination with
The C1o-C32 monoolefins listed in Table I1 are a series steam or air during curing and industrial processing
of ethylenic hydrocarbons isolated from smoke by (39,74).
several procedures including thin layer chromatography In addition to t,he usual chromatographic and spectro-
on silicic acid containing silver nitrate. Six homologous metric methods, precipitation with 1,3,5-trinitrobeiizene
series (VIII) of compounds have been found, including has been used to obtain concentrates of low molecular

Compound Ref Compound Ref
Acenaphthene 86,152,263 2,6-Dimethylnaphthalene 100,152,266
Acenaphthylene 152,263 2,7-Dimethylnaphthalene 100,152,266
Alkylbenzo [a]pyrene 152 2,5-Dimethylphenanthrene 152,263
Alkylchr ysene 152 Ethylbenzene 100,152,204-206,
Alkylfluoranthene 152 267,395
Alkylpyrene 152 Ethyltoluenes ( 0 - , m-, p - ) 100,204-206,395
Anthanthrene 86, 152, 263 Fluoranthene 16,86,100,263,449
Anthracene 16,86,152,263,449 Fluorene 152,283,449
Azulene 152,263 Indene 100
Benz[a]anthracene 16,86,152,263 Indeno [ 1,2,3-cd]fluoranthene 152
Benzene 79,100,152,202-204, Indeno [1,2,3-cd]pyrene 16,152
206,263,378,621 Ionene 148
Benzo [blfluoranthene 152,263,591 4-Isopropenyltoluene 100,152,267
Benzo [g,h,i]fluoranthene 86,152 Isopropylbenzene 152,267
Benzo [j]fluoranthene 152,263 4-Isopropyltoluene 100,205
Benzo [klfluoranthene 152,263 2-Methylanthracene 86,152,263
Benzo [m,n,o]fluoranthene 152,263 9-Methylanthracene 449
5H-Benzo[a]fluorene 152 3-Methylbenz [a]anthracene 152,263
11H-Benzo[a]fluorene 16,86,152,263 5-Methylbenz [a]anthracene 152
Benzo [blfluorene 152,263,449 11-Methyl-11H-benzo[a]fluorene 16,152
7H-Benzo [c]fluorene 152 Methylbenzo [a]pyrene 587
11H-Benzo[blfluorene 152 Methylchrysene 16,152,263
Benzo [a]naphthacene 152 8-Methylfluoranthene 152
Benzo [g,h,i]perylene 152,449 1-Methylfluorene 86,152,263
Benzo [c]phenanthrene 152,263 9-Methylfluorene 152, 263
Benzo [a]pyrene 16,86,152,263,449 1-Methylnaphthalene 100,152,266
Benzo [elpyrene 86,152,263,449 2-Methylnaphthalene 100,152,263,266
Biphenyl 86,449 1-Methylphenanthrene 86
Chrysene 16,152,263 9-Methylphenanthrene 86,152
Coronene 152,263 1-AI et hylpyr ene 86,152,263,449
Dibenz [a$] anthracene 152,263,449 ZMethylpyrene 152,263
Dibenzo [a,i] fluorene 152,263 4-Met hylpyrene 86,152,263
Dibenzo [a,c]naphthacene 152,263 Methylstyrenes (0-,m-) 206
Dibenzo [a,j]naphthacene 152 Naphthacene 86,100,152,263,449
Dibenzo [b,h]phenanthrene 152 Naphthalene 86,152,263,266
Dibenzo[a,h] pyrene 86,152,263 11H-Naphtho[2,l-a]fluorene 152,263
Dibenzo [a,i]pyrene 86,152,263 Naphtho [2,3-a] pyrene 152,263
Dibenzo [a$]pyrene 86,152,263 Perylene 86,152,263,449
Dibenzo[cd,jk]pyrene 152 Phenanthrene 16,100,152,263,449
9,lO-Dihydroanthracene 152 Phenylacetylene 152,263
5,6-Dihydro-8H-benzo [a]cyclopent [h] 152,263 Pyrene 16,86,152,263,449
anthracene Styrene 100,152,204-206,
lO111-Dihydro-9H-benzo [a]cyclopent- 152,263 267,395
[i]anthracene Toluene 79,100,202-206,
3,4-Dihydrobenzo [a]pyrene 152,263 267,395,621
16,17-Dihydro-15H-cyclopent -
[a] 152 Tribenz [a,c,h]anthracene 152,263
phenanthrene 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene 204,206
9,lO-Dimethylbenz [a]anthracene 152,263 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 100,152,204-206,395
Dimethylchrysene 16,152,263 l13,5-Trimethylbenzene 100,152,204-206
Dimethylfluoranthene 152,263 1,3,6-Trimethylnaphthalene 100,152,266
1,6-Dimethylnaphthalene 100,152,266,267 Xylenes (0-,nt-, p - ) 100, 152, 204,205,
1,8-Dimethylnaphthalene 263,266 267,395

weight aromatic hydrocarbons which were subsequently section 1II.J) and alkyl derivatives of PAH for which
identified by classical methods (100, 266). Levels of structures are not given. Details of the isolation,
benzene, naphthalene, and alkyl derivatives thereof identification, and biological importance of PAH in
vary from 0.17 to 46 pg per cigarette (100). smoke have been published elsewhere (644), and the
Great interest has been shown in the PAH of tobacco present discussion will be limited to certain salient
smoke since many of these compounds are carcinogenic. points and more recent supplementary information.
More than 60 PAH compounds having three or more The major hydrocarbon of biological significance is
rings have been isolated thus far, not including the BAP which occurs in smoke condensate in levels of
heterocyclic polynuclear aromatic compounds (see about 1-2 ppm; other biologically active PAH are

generally present in lower concentrations with the pos- perylene may be used as a substitute for radioactive
sible exception of chrysene. The trace amounts of these BAP (120).
compounds in smoke have necessitated extensive use of With the exception of arsenious oxide (312), certain
paper, thin layer and gas chromatography, and fluo- radionuclides (see section IV), and the controversial
rescence spectrometry for isolation and identification nitrosamines (see section III.J), the only known tumor
(484486, 644). The recent application of gas chroma- initiators in smoke are PAH and heterocyclic analogs
tographic capillary columns with electron-capture (see section 1II.J). By following the distribution of
detection has aided greatly in the identification and tumorigenic activity of smoke condensate during chem-
analytical determination of these compounds in smoke ical fractionation, it has been shown that the bulk of the
(86,449). Separation of the isomeric benzopyrenes has tumor-initiating material occurs in the neutral sub-
been achieved on capillary columns (77) and by gas- fractions eluted from silicic acid columns by hexane
solid chromatography on columns of larger diameter (644) or carbon tetrachloride (649). These subfractions
containing lithium chloride (92). contain many of the carcinogenic PAH of smoke, e.g.,
PAH forms complexes with nitro aromatic compounds benzo [alpyrene, but in amounts too small t o explain
and purines such as caffeine and 1,3,7,9-tetramethyluric the total tumorigenic activity of smoke condensate in
acid (TMU) (351, 588). TMU can be used to partition animals (138, 527, 641, 649). The difference between
complex mixtures of PAH on a relatively large scale by the PAH contribution and the over-all activity is usually
countercurrent distribution between cyclohexane and explained by the cocarcinogenicactivities of componects
90% methanol (351) or to obtain concentrates of PAH in the acidic fractions, e.g., phenols, which act to supple-
by elution from silicic acid with a highly polar solution ment the tumor-initiating properties of PAH without
of the complexing agent and applied voltage (465). possessing activity themselves. However, data have
Small-scale separations can be achieved by paper appeared which show that levels of benzo [alpyrene are
electrophoretic methods using the same polar solution not directly related to the tumor-initiating properties
of complexing agent (465). (311, 464). On the other hand, reduction in benzo[a]-
The fluorescence spectra of many of the PAH in pyrene has been employed as one of several criteria to
tobacco smoke are available (586). determine the relative tumorigenicity of different smoke
Conclusive identification of the minor PAH in samples (646), and biological data confirming the use of
tobacco smoke is difficult for several reasons. The such criteria have been obtained (233, 641). Thus, the
small quantities of isolated material are readily suscepti- question of what chemical compounds are responsible
ble to photodecomposition, especially on thin layer for the tumorigenic activity of smoke cannot be
plates. Isolation of a single PAH free of closely related answered categorically. Assuming that the interaction
analogs and “background” spectral absorption is of phenols and PAH are not exclusively responsible for
difficult to obtain with complete assurance. The iso- the effect, two possibilities are evident: either un-
lated quantities frequently require spectral analysis by identified tumor initiators and tumor promoters are
fluorescent methods, which may have higher absorp- present in the smoke, or, the various known biologically
tivities for PAH but may be less specific than ultra- active compounds therein interact in a complex manner
violet measurements. I n many reported cases, identifl- involving synergism, antagonism, and additive effects.
cations of PAH must be considered as tentative if not Data to show that PAH may act competitively in reduc-
questionable. ing the tumorigenic activity of pure compounds have
I n addition to the listed compounds, the possible appeared recently (160). The biological activities of
presence of several other PAH has been cited, including mixtures of PAH have not been studied extensively,
and further information in this area is required. In
picene, benzo [alfluoranthene, and dibenz [a,c]anthra-
relation to this, chrysene, a weak or “borderline”
cene (86). On capillary columns, these compounds
carcinogen, has been shown to act as a potent tumor
elute with benzo [g,h,i]perylene, benzo [blfluoranthene,
initiator in the presence of croton resin, a strong pro-
and dibenz [a,h]anthracene, respectively, all of which
moter (591). The synthesis and biological activity of
are established smoke constituents. The presence of certain dibenzopyrenes, naphthopyrenes, and indenopy-
these new PAH requires confirmation. renes have also been studied only recently (235).
Published analytical methods to determine BAP and Lists of carcinogenic polynuclear compounds found in
related PAH in smoke have been listed (120, 484486, tobacco smoke have appeared (232,312,587,644) which
644), and the obtained values for cigarette, cigar, and contain from 7 to 17 compounds, including the poly-
pipe smoke have been discussed (644). Since appreci- nuclear nitrogen-containing heterocyclics. Differences
able losses of BAP occur during isolation, the use of a in the numbers of compounds listed may be reflections of
radioactive marker is necessary to obtain accurate the authors’ interpretations of the relative importance
results, and most recent studies have employed the of compounds having borderline tumorigenic activity
C14-labeled hydrocarbon (16, 120, 449, 644) although since a paucity of biological data exists for many PAH.
Conspicuous by its absence from all lists is 2-methylchol- TABLEIV
anthrene, a highly potent carcinogen found in many STEROLS, TERPENES,
pyrolytic products but unreported in cigarette smoke.
Sterola Leaf Smoke
Campesterol 104, 146, 275
Significant progress has been made recently in eluci- 263,275
dating the nature of these leaf and smoke constituents, Cholesterol 104 ...
and several compounds not found previously in any
Ergosterol 144 ...
@-Sitosterol 83,104,133 80, 263, 275,
plant species have been isolated and identified. 296,462,480
Stigmasterol 83, 104,145, 80,263,275,
I. Sterols 162, 263, 296,462,480
The presence of free and bound stigmasterol, campes-
terol, and @-sitosterolin both leaf and smoke is well Monoterpenes
established. All of these compounds are 3-@-hydroxy-
sterols having endocyclic unsaturation a t C6 and side
Borneol 263 ..
1-Linalool 263 ..
chains at C17 which vary in carbon number and the
presence of unsaturation (XXVI). Campesterol was Diterpenes
initially found in the free form in leaf (146) and later 3,8,13-Duvatriene-l,5-diol 470 ...
as the glucoside in smoke (275) and as esters in leaf (a-1 @-I
(104). Although the isolation of free ergosterol in leaf 4,8, 13-Duvatriene-l,&diol 45 1
has been described in only one report (144), a A 6 ~ 7sterol (a-1 @-I
12c~-Hydroxy-l3-epimanoyl 182 455
having an ultraviolet spectrum similar to ergosterol has oxide
been found in the smoke of Argentinian cigarettes (SO).
A new unique tobacco sterol was reported some time ago
Levantenolide (a-, 8-)
183 ...
181 101
in tobacco leaf (144) and then erroneously cited by a-5,&0xido-3,9, 13-duvatrien- 471 457
others as chalinasterol (263). At the time, identifica- 1-01
a-5,8-0xido-3,9( 17),13-duva- 471 457
tion of this sterol was based on melting points and trien-1-01
infrared spectral characteristics of the sterol and @-5,8-0xido-3,9(17),13-duva- 471
derivatives thereof. Later, the availability of gas trien-1-01
chromatography permitted a reevaluation of these Phytol ... 392,457
findings (275), and the sterol was finally shown to be a
mixture of stigmasterol, @-sitosterol, and campesterol. Triterpenes
The possible presence of @-sitostanolin leaf has been b-Amyrin 167 167
indicated (S3), but no conclusive evidence was p r e
sented. In the earlier literature, free y-sitosterol was Tetraterpenes
reported in both leaf (263) and smoke (SO, 263, 275, Cryptoxanthin 631,638 ...
296). However, more recent work (571) has shown that
Flavoxanthin 263 ...
Lutein 263,631,638 ...
r-sitosterol is probably a mixture of @-sitosterol and Neoxanthin 263,631,638 ...
campesterol. Violaxanthin 263,631,638 ...
Recently, the presence of esterified cholesterol in Zeaxanthin 631 ...
flue-cured tobacco has been reported (104). This
occurrence is somewhat unexpected since evidence for Trisesquiterpene
the presence of this sterol in plants has only been ob- Solanesol 48,247 263, 453,461,
tained in the last few years (37). Initial separation of 46 2
esterified cholesterol and other sterols (stigmasterol,
Related Isoprenoids
0-sitosterol, and campesterol) from a crude mixture was
effected using countercurrent distribution and gel 6,8-Dihydroxy-ll-isopropyl- 288 ...
permeation chromatography. Cholesterol was identi- pentadecadienoic acid
fied mainly by mass spectrometric characteristics after Farnesylacetone ... 396
further separation of the sterol mixture by preparative Hexahydrof arnesylacetone 505 102
scale gas chromatography of the silylated and acetylated Solanochromene 467 ...
Solanone 171,262 102,392
derivatives. Tocopherols 467,551 454,461
The presence of a ketosterol in leaf has been indicated, Vitamin Kl(Zmethyl-3- 468 ...
but no structural information was provided (133). phytyl-1,Pnaphthoquinone)
In addition to campesterol, P-sitosterol, and stig- epimeric lactones related to labdanolic acid which were
masterol, tobacco grown in tissue culture contains obtained from a hexane extract of 1000 pounds of
cycloartenol, 24-methylenecycloartenol, citrostadienol, Turkish tobacco. a-Levantenolide (IX) is more stable
and 28-norcitrostadienol (42). The identification of

these sterols was made by mixture melting point de-
terminations of steryl derivatives and mass and nmr
spectrometric characteristics. In addition, a sterol
was found having a molecular weight corresponding to
cholesterol, but conclusive identification was not made.
Evidence has also been obtained for the presence of
cycloartenol in young tobacco leaves metabolizing in
C14-labeledsodium acetate solution (150).
The sterolins in leaf and smoke are glucosidated
stigmasterol, p-sitosterol, and campesterol (145, 275,
634) ; although these compounds are heat-labile, demon- and occurs in larger amounts in leaf than the p epimer,
stration of their distillation at 250" and atmospheric but both compounds are minor leaf components (about
pressure (275) has confirmed that the glucosides can 0.0034% of leaf weight). In the determination of the
pass into the smoke unchanged. Details of the com- basic structure of the epimers, hydrogenation and
position of the steryl esters of smoke leaf are given in spectral analysis indicated the presence of a monoun-
section 1II.E. saturated compound having a probable P-methylvinyl
Because of the chemurgic value of sterols as starting lactone group (181). Reduction with LiA1H4,reaction
materials in the synthesis of certain hormones, the with hydrazine, or saponification followed by lactoniza-
levels of these compounds in leaf have been studied tion yielded the same triol, pyridazone or lactone, re-
extensively. Total 3-P-hydroxysterols were determined spectively, from the two epimers and indicated the car-
by a gravimetric method based on precipitation with bon (C12)to which the lactone ring is attached. The
digitonin (544), a steroidal saponin which precipitates ease of conversion in these reactions showed that the
3-0-hydroxysteroids regardless of the confirmation of the third oxygen is also linked to the CIZ carbon and indi-
hydroxyl or presence of unsaturation. Using this cated the presence of a hemiketal or hemiacetal moiety in
reagent, the concentrations of total free and bound the structure. The basic skeleton was confirmed when
sterols in leaf were found to vary with tobacco type, treatment of the dihydropyridazone with KOH under
but the maximum levels (about 0.45% of leaf weight) WoH-Kishner conditions yielded epimeric labdanolic
were too low to consider tobacco as an economic source acids. Further evidence of the structures was obtained
of phytosterols. Also, no relationship between levels of by ozonization followed by either reductive or oxidative
total phytosterols and leaf quality was observed (546). hydrolysis to yield either polyols or a tricyclic lactone of
The sterols of tobacco may play some role in the known composition in which the original Clz had been
biological effects of smoke either through in situ au- oxidized.
toxidation to hydroperoxides and related compounds az-Levantanolide is an epimeric dihydro derivative of
during curing and aging or through pyrolysis to poly- a-levantenolide found in Turkish tobacco. The struc-
nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons during burning of the ture of this terpene was assigned after a comparative
cigarette. In this regard, a hydroperoxide of choles- study of the reduction products of a-levantenolide.
terol has been shown to be carcinogenic (162), and Catalytic hydrogenation yielded two epimers (a1 and
stigmasterol has been pyrolyzed to benzo [alpyrene at at) having greatly different ratios of P to P - 15 ions
750". Also, the pyrolysis products of a crude mixture in their respective mass spectra. Since the epimer with
of tobacco sterols have been shown to be carcinogenic in less steric hindrance of the methyl groups a t C13 would
animals (651). The pyrolytic mechanisms of sterol cleave more readily, the compound having the higher
degradation are discussed in section V. ratio was assigned the 13-(8) configuration and was
designated az. Confirmation of this designation was
2. Oxygenated Isoprenoid Constituents obtained by a sequence of reactions yielding methyl 13-
The monoterpenes borneol and l-linalool were epilabdanolate which is known to have the above config-
reported in leaf almost 25 years ago (263), but no uration.
confirmation of their presence has appeared since that 12a-Hydroxy-13-epimanoyl oxide (X) has been
time. Geraniol was initially claimed to be a constituent isolated from Turkish tobacco leaf and smoke. Hydro-
of smoke condensate (649), but later work indicated the genation, elemental and spectral analyses, and active
isolate was probably solanesol (627). hydrogen determination indicated the presence of a
Several new diterpenes have been isolated recently monounsaturated alcohol having two oxygens, one
from tobacco and smoke. The levantenolides are hydroxyl, one probable ether, and a terminal vinyl

keto alcohol which, on alkaline cleavage of the C1-C2

bond, gave a diketone. Hypoiodite oxidation of this
diketone showed the presence of two methyl keto groups
and established the partial structure CI to C3. Oxida-
tion of the C3hydroxyl of a!-XI with manganese dioxide
yielded a keto alcohol in which the carbonyl group was
conjugated with a trisubstituted ethylenic bond having
0 a single methyl group and provided further information
on fragment Cz to C4. Retroaldol reaction of this keto
X alcohol gave ring scission between C1 and C2, and ultra-
group. The nnir spectra of the isolated compound and violet and nmr spectra showed the product to be a
the known 13-epimanoyl oxide were similar except for diketone with one carbonyl conjugated with a trans
differences attributable to an a-C12 hydroxyl. Similari- double bond which in turn was adjacent to a methine
ties in mass spectra between the isolated compound and carbon. Thus, most of partial structure Cl-Cb and
certain known diterpenes (sclareol, manoyl oxide, and ClZ-Cl4 mas established. Refluxing the diketone in
manool) confirmed the basic skeleton of the isolated sodium hydroxide split off acetone and gave a new dike-
compound. Ozonization followed by oxidative hydrol- tone having one unconjugated, methyl-substituted
ysis of the ozonide gave a lactone and an acetoxy acid of carbonyl; in this case, cleavage occurred a t the CS-C~
16 and 18 carbon atoms, respectively, which were of linkage and the reaction established the position of the
known constitution and were consistent with the pos- C5 methyl group. The nmr spectrum of a-XI showed
tulated structure. Oxidation of the isolated compound the presence of methyls in an isopropyl group attached
yielded a 12-keto derivative which, on Wolff-Kishner to a methine carbon and substitution a t Cl2 was assigned,
reduction, formed the known dihydro-13-epimanoyl thus establishing all details of the partial structure
oxide. The configuration of the hydroxyl group was c1 2-
c 14 and c&. The position of the remaining
established by the nmr spectrum and stereospecific trisubstituted olefinic bond was determined by the
reduction of dihydr0-12-keto-13-epimanoyl oxide to isolation of the oxidation products, levulinic acid and
give a saturated equatorial alcohol, which was not 5-keto-2-isopropylhexanoic acid, resulting from the
similar to the product obtained from the isolated com- oxidative cleavage of the Cs and c13 double bonds.
pound, indicating an axial or a! configuration for the Similar reactions were performed with 6-XI, and the
tobacco isolate. isolation of a common product from both the a and 6
The diterpenoid duvatrienols and related ethers are a compounds in certain cases indicated the compounds
series of substituted macrocyclic olefins, which, with one were C1 epimers although epimerism a t CSalso remained
exception (cembrene), have not been found previously a possibility. The geometrical orientations of the
in natural products. The proposed structures for the double bonds vere established by spectrometric analysis
diols in this group are represented by X I and XII, and or by analogy with acyclic systems, except for As which
was assigned cis without supporting data.
The epimeric 1,S-diols (XII) gave the same saturated
hydrocarbon as the 1,3-diols on dehydration and hydro-
genation, indicating a common ring system (470).
OH Various analyses showed the presence of an allylic
XI tertiary hydroxyl, a trans-disubstituted olefinic linkage,
one C(CH,)=C group, two CH3COH groups, and a
hindered isopropyl group. Chromic acid oxidation of
Y p-XI and @-XI1yielded p-4,8,13-duvatrien-l-ol-3-one,
which confirmed the general similarity of the diols and
0 - H indicated an allylic rearrangement of p-XI1 presumably
to 6-XI during oxidation. I n addition, levulinic and
5-keto-2-isopropylhexanoic acids were isolated, con-
m firming the general similarity of XI and XI1 in respect
the C1 epimers of both diols have been isolated from to the structural fragment from Cg to C13. Although
cigarette tobaccos. In the case of the 1,a-diols (XI), both isomers of XI rearranged to the isomers of XI1 on
elemental, spectrometric, and related analyses showed a column chromatography using alumina, it was felt that
C20compound with two hydroxyls (one secondary and the 1,5-diols were not artifacts produced from 1,3-diols
one tertiary), three nonconjugated substituted double by experimental manipulation since suitable precautions
bonds, and an isopropyl group in both epimers (451). were taken throughout the work. 6-XI1 was isolated
Oxidation of the perhydro derivative of a-XI yielded a in amounts corresponding to 0.0015~oof tobacco leaf.
The duvatrienol ethers in Table IV have been isolated ingestion of solanesol-containing foods. The alcohol
initially from flue-cured, burley, and Turkish tobaccos was characterized originally as a pentaterpene, but
and later from cigarette smoke. The presence of an later work established the presence of only nine isopre-
ether linkage in these compounds was established in- noid units (157,465, 515). Solanesol has gained the
directly since an active hydrogen analysis accounted for attention of biochemists because of its value as a source
only one of the two oxygens found by elemental analysis of isoprene units for the laboratory synthesis of meta-
and molecular weight determination. In the case of bolically active quinones, e.q., ubiquinones and vitamin
XIII, the position of the ether linkage was obtained by K analogs (294,353,383,473,515).A total synthesis of
perbenzoic acid oxidation of a-XI which gave an epoxide solanesol has been reported (473,475)in which cis and
shown to be the 8,9 derivative by nmr analysis. Con- trans forms of the alcohol are obtained. The trans
version of the 8,g-epoxide to a-XI11 was then accom- compound, which is the natural isomer, occurs in two
plished under a variety of conditions. The orientation forms ( a and p ) having different melting points and
of the CI hydroxyl was established by analogy with spectral characteristics in the solid state. X-Ray
a-XI. The structure of the other oxidoduvatrienol diffraction studies have shown that the CY form is planar,
(XIV) was determined by similarities in the elemental and the form has successive isoprene units bending
analyses and dehydration and hydrogenation products against one another (474). I n tobacco leaf, solanesol is
of a-XI11 and CY-XIV. The presence of exocyclic un- accompanied by olefinic analogs or isomers (81) and
Y oxidation products (345,447, 559), and an analytical
method for “solanesol-like substances” (SLS) has been
developed (48). The levels of SLS are relatively high,
ranging from 1.9 to 2.5Oj,for the different tobacco types,
and most of this material is believed to be solanesol
itself. Although no conclusive relationship between
m XIE the levels of SLS and leaf “quality” exists (48),pyrolytic
saturation a t Ca was deduced from nmr spectral data. studies have shown that solanesol may be the source, at
Recently, further evidence of the orientation of the least in part, of dipentene in cigarette smoke (207),and
Cs olefinic bond in the duvatrienols has been obtained thereby influence smoke aroma indirectly (see sectionV).
(106). In a study on the composition of tobacco Also, solanesol and other leaf terpenes have been pos-
flowers, an all-trans Czo aldehyde (XV) was isolated tulated as primary leaf precursors of polynuclear aro-
matic hydrocarbons in smoke (179). Solanesol does not
Y produce hyperplasia or destroy sebaceous glands when
applied to mouse skin (644).
Solanesol occurs in both free and esterified forms; the
esters are described in section 1II.E.
Since the structure of the isoprenoid benzopyran,
x9: solanochromene, was determined in part by analogy to
which was identical with the product obtained by reac- solanesol (467),revision of the former structure to in-
tion of the P isomer of 4,8,13-duvatriene-l,3-diol (XI) clude one less isoprene unit has also been made (294,
with p-toluenesulfonic acid. On the basis of this 468). Solanochromene may be formed by isomerization
evidence, it was claimed that the CS double bond in a- of Kofler quinone (2,3-dimethyl-7-solanesyl-l,4-benzo-
and P-XI is trans instead of the cis originally proposed quinone) during chromatographic separation on acid-
but not actually determined. washed alumina (222).
Several esters containing either the diterpenoid Several oxidative or other degradative products of
alcohol, phytol, or the triterpenoid alcohol, P-amyrin, terpenes are present in tobacco leaf and/or smoke.
have been found recently in cigarette tobacco or smoke L-( +)-Solanone (XVII) was isolated initially from
and are discussed in section 1II.E.
Among the higher terpenes, solanesol (XVI) has been
of interest to workers in fields other than tobacco chem- m
istry. The alcohol was isolated initially from flue-cured cigarette tobaccos (262) and later from cigarette (102)
tobacco (469) and is now believed to be a relatively and cigar (392) smoke. The compound was character-
ubiquitous plant constituent. Its occurrence in rat ized by elemental analysis, functional group tests,
and human liver tissue (194)has been attributed to the oxidative degradation, nmr spectral analysis, and syn-

thesis. The L configuration was established by synthe- E. ALCOHOLS (TABLEv) AND ESTERS (TABLEVI)
sis of the D-(+) enantiomer of perhydrosolanone from Extensive compositional studies on the vapor phase of
~-3-isopropyl-6-ketoheptana1, giving a product which cigarette smoke have shown the presence of a large
was identical with the hydrogenated tobacco isolate number of organic compounds therein, including low
except for reversed optical rotation. I n a later study molecular weight alcohols (202, 203, 206). I n the most
(288) two isomers of an isoprenoid precursor (XVIII) of recent report in this series (205), a combination of gas
chromatographic separation on capillary columns fol-
-.. lowed by mass spectrometric determination of effluents
was employed to identify 84 components with certainty,
including hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones,
nitriles, heterocyclic compounds, and a mercaptan.
rn Probable identifications, empirical formulas, and molec-
solanone were isolated from tobacco leaf and char- ular weights were also obtained on an additional 84
acterized by the general methods employed for solanone. constituents. Estimates of the amounts of more than
XVIII may arise (288) by oxidative fission of the A8 35 of these constituents are available (203, 206).
bond of the duvatriene-l,3-diols (XI) during growth, Knowledge of the vapor-phase constituents of smoke is
curing, or processing of tobacco. Since a-XI is quite important in studies on cigarette smoke filtration (see
labile a t room temperature and is sensitive to acids section VI).
(451), the possibility also exists that XVIII may be The higher fatty alcohols occur in tobacco “sand,” a
produced a t least in part from a-XI during experimental mixture of small tobacco particles and soil covered with
manipulation. Farnesylacetone (XIX) was isolated in tobacco exudate (“gum”) which is separated from the
whole leaf during industrial processing. These alcohols
have been characterized by melting points and infrared
and mass spectral characteristics of the acetylated

Aliphatic Leaf Smoke
XK Butyl alcohol ... 263
cigar smoke condensate and identified by gas chromato- seoButyl alcohol ... 263
1-Docosanol 81,335 102
graphic and spectrometric comparison of the isolated 1-Eicosanol 335 103
compound and its hydrogenated product with synthetic Ethyl alcohol 263,390,558 206,263
XIX and hexahydro XIX. Hexahydrof arnesylacetone 1-Heneicosanol 335 103
has also been found in cigarette smoke (102) and char- 1-Heptadecanol 335 103
acterized by gas and spectrometric characteristics Isobutyl alcohol ... 263
Methanol 263,558 203, 204, 206,
including a similarity with the CI8ketone obtained by 263,621
ozonolysis of phytol or dihydroneophytadiene (46). 3-Methyl-1-pentanol 390 ...
A few partially characterized isopenoids have been 1-Nonadecanol 335 103
described in burley leaves including a monohydroxy 1-Octadecanol 335 103
a-carotene, p-carotene aldehyde, and possibly a-ionone Propyl alcohol ... 263
1-Tetracosanol *.. 103
(631). In a study of crude fractions of cigarette smoke 1-Tricosanol 335 103
containing phytol (457), several unsaturated alcohols of
probable isoprenoid structure have also been isolated.
Benzyl alcohol 263,390 263
On the basis of gas chromatographic behavior and spec- p-Phenethyl alcohol 263,390 263
tral characteristics of the alcohols and oxidation prod-
ucts thereof, compounds having the properties of Polyols
farnesol, dihydrofarnesol, and analogous C20, (325, and Diethylene glycol 170, 305 263
Goalcohols were found. Ethylene glycol ... 263
Glycerol 109,170,263,406 263,308,321
Approximations have been made of the levels of Propylene glycol 95,109,170,305 263,308,321,623
several isoprenoid compounds in smoke from different Triethylene glycol 629 50,263
tobacco types. The amounts of neophytadiene, phy- Cyclic
tadienes, squalene, solanesenes, a-tocopherol, and free Furfuryl alcohol 68,263 69,210
and esterified solanesol and phytosterols show signifi- Inositol 1, 263 ...
cant but not marked differences in the types (461). Menthol 319,336,390 321,336
TABLEVI tion of glycerol and the listed glycols have been pub-
IN TOBACCO lished (95, 109, 170,305, 321, 333,406,629, 640).
-Refereno- Phytin, a calcium magnesium salt of inositol, is
Compound Leaf Smoke
8-Amyrenyl esters 167 167
present in tobacco seeds (263) but has not been reported
Benzyl acetate 68,263 69,263 in leaf.
Benzyl benzoate ... 495,503 More than 300 esters have been identified in tobacco
Benzyl cinnamate ... 495,503 leaf and smoke (Table VI), and the bulk of these com-
Butyl acetate ... 206 pounds consist of sterols, terpenes, and fatty alcohols
Dibutyl phthalate 541,551 ... esterified with higher fatty acids. In most reports
Di(Zethylhexy1) phthalate 87,644 ...
Dipropyl phthalate 541,551 ... identifications have been by gas cochromatography of
Esters of higher fatty alcohols ... 460,644 known compounds with alcohols and acids released from
Ethyl acetate 263 204,206,263,378 the isolated esters after saponification. In a few in-
Ethyl butyrate 263 263 stances, mass spectral data have been obtained to sup-
Ethyl caproate 263 206,263
Ethyl formate ... 263,378
port the gas chromatographic findings. Stigmasterol
Ethyl isovalerate 263 263 and @-sitosterolesterified with lauric, myristic, palmitic,
Ethyl 8-methylvalerate 263 263 stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids have been
Ethyl propionate 263 263 found in cigarette smoke (462). More recently, choles-
Ethyl valerate 263 ... terol and campesterol esterified with an incompletely
Glycerides 104,219
Glyceryl triacetate ... 321,623
defined mixture of C14-C18 fatty acids have been re-
Hentriacontanyl hentriacon- ... 263 ported in flue-cured leaf (104). Studies on the esterified
tanoate terpenoid alcohols have generally shown a wider range of
Isopropyl formate ... 378 fatty acids therein compared to the reported steryl
Methyl acetate .*. 79,204-206,378, esters. The mixture of phytyl esters found in smoke
Methyl acrylate ... 206
contains a complex spectrum of acids: fourteen normal
Methyl and ethyl esters of (CII-C~~), two monounsaturated ( C I ~and C18), one
higher fatty acids 263,549 ... diunsaturated (C18), four triunsaturated (C,,, CU, CIB,
Methyl formate ... 202-204,206, C,,), and seven uncharacterized branched-chain, un-
378,621 saturated acids. p-Amyrin has been found in both leaf
Methyl isocyanate ... 412
and smoke esterified with octacosanoic and/or hentria-
Methyl nitrite ... 263,410,520
Methyl propionate ..* 79 contanoic acids. Solanesol occurs as the acetate (453,
Methyl salicylate 263 ... 468) and in combination with the same fatty acids as
Methyl thionitrite ... 414 stigmasterol and @-sitosterol in both leaf and smoke.
P-Phenethyl acetate 263 ... The presence of solanesyl octanoate and decanoate in
Phytyl esters ... 459
Oriental tobacco has also been claimed (247).
Solanesyl esters 87,247,468 453,461,462,644
Steryl esters 104,551, 461,462 The most thorough investigation of the higher molec-
559 ular weight esters of leaf or smoke has been performed
Undecyl acetate 87 on the waxes. These compounds were isolated as com-
Vinyl acetate ... 378 plex mixtures from smoke condensate and were char-
acterized by two experimental approaches. In the
derivatives. The major component in both smoke and first, the mixture was saponified, and the acidic fraction
‘(sand” is l-heptadecanol. A similar series of higher was methylated and separated by gas chromatography.
fatty alcohols was probably isolated from Maryland The alcoholic fraction was then oxidized to the corre-
tobacco (107, 594), but conclusive identifications were sponding acids and similarly separated. Gas chromato-
not made. graphic and mass spectral analyses of the separated
The humectants and flavoring additives used in do- components were used to identify the acidic and alco-
mestic cigarettes are frequently transferred into the holic constituents. In the second approach, the crude
smoke. The glycols, glycerol, and menthol listed in ester mixture was pyrolyzed at 475”, splitting the ester
Table V arise mostly from this source, although signifi- and dehydrating the alcoholic moieties to the corre-
cant amounts of naturally occurring glycerol are found in sponding alkenes. The alkenes were oxidized with
the leaf. The levels of total glycerol in processed cigar- permanganate to the acids, and all acids were methyl-
ette tobacco are about 3-40 times the naturally occurring ated and characterized as above. In this manner, 16
amounts (109). One report has appeared on the use of normal fatty alcohols (C12-CZ7)were found to be com-
1,3-butylene glycol as a humectant in foreign cigarettes bined with 17 known (C14-C*g, oleic, and linolenic) and
(592). Although this compound may act as a fungicide, several unidentified acids. Thus, more than 272
the more commonly used diethylene glycol and glycerine individual esters were probably present in the original
are inactive (592). Several methods for the determina- mixture. Rased on the demonstrated hyperplastic

effect of lower fatty alcohols on animal skin, the possibil- react with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine1 giving the
ity that such esters may be tumor-promoting has been corresponding substituted hydrazones from which the
suggested (644). free carbonyls were released by an exchange reaction
The presence of methyl and ethyl esters of higher with a-ketoglutaric acid and analyzed directly by gas
fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and lino- chromatography. Correlations between leaf aroma and
lenic) in flue-cured tobacco has been reported. I n one carbonyl levels were found to be positive with acetone
case (549), both methanol and ethanol were found after and 2-butanone and negative with isobutyraldehyde and
saponification of the isolated esters and were identified isovaleraldehyde. The total carbonyl levels in tobaccos
by mixture melting point determinations of the phenyl- were shown to be related indirectly to the moisture
urethan derivatives. content. In respect to curing, a direct relation between
Several aromatic esters have been found in leaf and carbonyl level and oxygen content of the atmosphere
smoke including at least three phthalates which are was demonstrated (616).
true leaf constituents and not contaminants obtained A detailed study of the composition of leaf trichomes
from plastic tubing or other extraneous sources. Sev- has been made since these structures may contain
eral esters of benzoic and cinnamic acids have been iso- organoleptically important components (87). Using an
lated from the nitromethane-soluble neutrals of smoke ingenious procedure, 20,000 green tobacco leaves were
condensate, including benzyl benzoate and benzyl individually brushed to remove the trichomes, and
cinnamate which were identified by spectral (infrared about 7 g of ether-soluble oil was obtained. Several
and mass) and gas chromatographic characteristics. previously unidentified compounds were isolated from
Evidence was also obtained for cinnamyl cinnamate and this extract and identified by the methods discussed
styryl cinnamate (495), but conclusive identification above, including 2-pentanone and 4-methyl-2-pen-
could not be claimed. Styryl cinnamate is of particular tanone. Representatives of several other chemical
interest since this compound has not been synthesized or classes were also found in the trichome extract and are
isolated from a natural source. The primary source of cited elsewhere in this report. Two special procedures
the benzoate and cinnamate esters in smoke may be the have been proposed for the collection of the vapors from
flavoring agents used in cigarette tobaccos (495). tobacco leaf without reducing the moisture content of
The relatively low molecular weight esters occur tobacco (268, 558). Using one of these methods,
mainly in the vapor phase of smoke. I n addition to the butyraldehyde, valeraldehyde, and caproaldehyde were
listed components, evidence has been obtained for the identified tentatively in Turkish tobacco (588).
presence of methyl propionate in Turkish tobacco (558). The presence of several relatively high-boiling ketones
Whether or not these esters contribute to ciliostatic in the high-vacuum distillate of tobacco leaf has been
activity or organoleptic properties has not been shown. claimed (200) : 4-methylacetophenone, 2-methyl-5-
Glycerides have been found in tobacco seeds (263) as isopropylacetophenone, 6-methyl-2-hepten-2-one1 and
well as in leaf and smoke. Saponification of the leaf 2,6-dimethyl-2,6-undecadien-lO-one.However, details
constituents yields the common higher fatty acids of the characterizations were not presented. These
(lauric, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic) ketones were claimed to enhance the flavor and aroma
and glycerol, which has been identified tentatively by of cigarette smoke when added to cigarette tobacco.
conversion to acrolein (104). Glyceryl triacetate is a Most of the low molecular weight aldehydes and
plasticizer used as an additive in cigarette filters; ketones in cigatette smoke have been isolated from the
apparently the compound volatilizes sufficiently during vapor phase and identified by mass spectral characteris-
smoking to yield detectable amounts in smoke conden- tics (205) and/or gas cochromatography with authentic
sate (623). compounds (79, 202, 378). Classical identification by
The occurrence of methyl 2-furoate in tobacco leaf has the preparation of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones or
been claimed (200), but no details of the identification related derivatives has usually been limited to the lower
were presented. The compound is believed to con- boiling constituents which occur in amounts sufficient
tribute to the aroma and flavor of cigarette smoke. to use semimicro methods. The levels of low-boiling
aldehydes and ketones in smoke are influenced markedly
F. ALDEHYDES, KETONES, AND QUINONES (TABLE VII) by the moisture content of the tobacco: fivefold in-
creases of acetaldehyde in smoke may occur on reducing
Aldehydes and ketones may contribute to the or- the moisture content by one-half (403). However,
ganoleptic properties of leaf and smoke, and extensive some reported analytical values for aldehydes and
qualitative and quantitative studies have been con- ketones may be low due to the interreaction of HCW
ducted on the carbonyl compounds in different tobacco and carbonyls during smoke collection (361). The
types, grades, and varieties (616, 617). In this work, compounds formed in these reactions have not been
the aldehydes and ketones were obtained by steam identified, but acetaldehyde cyanohydrin may be pres-
distillation, and the distilled carbonyls were allowed to ent. On the basis of limited data (621), it appears
-Referem- -Reference--------,
Compound Leaf Smoke Compound Leaf Smoke
Aldehydes Ketones
Acetaldehyde 245,263, 202-206,263,309, Acetone 87,263,511, 79,203-206,263,
511,617 340,378,403, 617 309, 340,378,
621 403
Acrolein 263 204-206,309,378, 2-Acetylf uran ... 205
p-Anisaldehyde 263
... 2,3-Butadione ... 79, 204, 205,263,
Benzaldehyde 263 263 2-Butanone 87,263,511, 79,204-206,621
Butyraldehyde 245 202-206,263,378, 617 '

403 Butenone ... 203, 205, 378

Caproaldehyde ... 204-206,378 Cyclopentanone ... 204,205
Crotonaldehyde 263 79,203,205,206, 2,4-Dimethyl-3-pentanone ... 204,205
378,621 4-Heptanone ... 204,205,263
Formaldehyde 511 378 2-Hexanone ..* 204,205
Furfural 263,511 204,205,340,448 3-Hexanone ... 204,205
Glycolaldehyde 263 ... 3-Methyl-2-butanone ... 79,202,204-206,
Glyoxal 263 328 378
263,657 51,657,658
263,511,617 79,202,204-206,
3-Methyl-3-buten-2-one ... 204-206
Methyl naphthyl ketone ... 86
2-Me thyl-3-pentanone ... 204,205
Isovaleraldehyde 87,511,617 79,203-206,340, 3-Methyl-2-pentanone ... 205
378 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 87 204,205
Mesoxaldialdehyde 263 ... Methyl a-pyrryl ketone 263
Methacrolein ... 79,203-206,378 Palmitone ... 263
2-Methylbutyraldehyde ... 205 2,3-Pentadione ... 204,205,263
5-Methylfurfural 263 196 2-Pentanone 87 202,203,205,206,
Methylglyoxal 263 263 263,378
2-Methyl-4-pentenal ... 205 3-Pentanone ... 79,204,205,378,
Methylreductone 600 ... 621
2-Methylvaleraldehyde ... 378 4-Penten-2-one ... 205
Pivaldehyde ... 204-206,378 4-Penten-3-one ... 204,205
Propionaldehyde 245,511,617 79,202-206,263
Reductic acid ... 263
Reductone 263 ... Quinones
m-Tolualdehyde 68,263 ... 9,lO-Anthraquinone 390
Valeraldehyde 245,617 79,205,206,340, 2,3,6-Trimet hyl- 1,4-naph-
378 thoquinone ... 89

that many of the low-boiling aldehydes and ketones was the reverse of the usual pattern: a strong char-
occur mostly in the vapor phase of cigarette smoke. acteristic doublet appeared a t 6.20-6.28 p but a rela-
Formaldehyde, acrolein, and crotonaldehyde have tively weak band occurred at 11.80 p. The mass
marked ciliostatic activity when tested in aqueous spectrum gave a fragment (m/e 82) indicative of -COC
solution against the cilia of the water mussel (642). (CH3)=C(CH3)- and characteristic of the 1,3 cleavage
However, anomalous results have been obtained by known to occur with quinones. Since tetrasubstituted
another technique in which smoke is separated by gas double bonds absorb in the 6.25-p region (due to C = C
chromatography and the peak containing acrolein is stretching) but not at the higher wavelengths (due to
tested directly for ciliostasis (604). the absence of C-H vibrations), the enhanced absorp-
Only one quinone has been found in cigarette smoke. tion of the unknown in the 6.20-6.28-p range resulted
An early citation (38) of the presence of 1,bbenzo- from a combination of aromaticity and tetrasubstituted
quinone in cigarette smoke is erroneous; actually, olefinic unsaturation. The nmr spectrum indicated
hydroquinone was isolated (58, 569) , and the suggestion three aromatic hydrogens, six methyl hydrogens adj a-
was offered (58) that the compound may be present in cent to an olefinic linkage, and three methyl hydrogens
smoke as the quinone. 2,3,6-Trimethyl-lJ4-naphtho- connected to an aromatic ring. The position of the
quinone has been isolated from cigarette smoke in small aromatic substituent was established through synthesis
quantities (about 1.5 mg per 50,000 cigarettes) and of the two possible isomers by chromic acid oxidation of
identified by spectrometric methods. The infrared the corresponding trimethylnaphthalenes and com-
spectrum of the isolate showed a highly conjugated parison of the spectral and chromatographic char-
carbonyl group (6.05 p ) and aromatic absorption which acteristics of the synthetic compounds with the isolate.
The leaf precursor of the quinone in smoke was pos- TABLEVI11
tulated to be 2-methyl-3-phytyl-l,4-naphthoquinone NITRILES,
(vitamin KJ, IN TOBACCO
Compound Reference
The presence of probable analogs of plastoquinone
(2,3-dimethyl-5-solanesyl-l,4-benzoquinone)in senes- Nitriles
Acetonitrile 79,202,203,205,206,378
cent tobacco leaves has been cited (572) and an un- Acrylonitrile 202,205,206,378
identified quinone amine has been reported in tobacco Butyronitrile 202,204-206
leaf (593). Phenolic aldehydes and ketones are dis- Capronitrile 202,204-206
cussed in section 111.1. Cinnamonitrile 495
Crotononitrile 205,378
(TABLEVIII) Hydrogen cyanide 205,378
Isobutyronitrile 202,204, 206
The known aliphatic nitriles and cyclic ethers occur in Isocapronitrile 204,205
the vapor phase of smoke and have been separated on Isovaleronitrile 204,205
capillary columns and identified by mass spectral com- Methacrylonitrile 79,204,205,378
3-Phenylpropionitrile 89,392
parisons and cochromatography with authentic com- Propionitrile 202-206,378
pounds (205). Cinnamonitrile and 3-phenylpropioni- Valeronitrile 202,204-206
trile have also been found in cigar (392)and/or cigarette
E t hers
smoke (89)condensates.
2,ti-Dimethylfuran 79, 100, 202, 203, 205, 206,
Methyl thionitrite (CH3SNO) and carbon disulfide 267,378,621
have been isolated from cigarette smoke and identified Furan 79,202-206,378,621
in an interesting infrared and mass spectrometric study Methylfuran 79,202-205,378,621
(414). Strong bands appear at 5.22, 6.52,7.69,and Tetrahydrofuran 206,378
15.27p for methyl thionitrite, and major fragments are Tetrahydropyran 204,206
obtained at mass 77 (parent peak) and 94, which is Sulfur Compounds
dimethyl disulfide, a product of recombination. Ap- Carbon disulfide 414
proximations of the levels of methyl thionitrite and Carbonyl sulfide 263
carbon disulfide in the gaseous phase of smoke have been Dimethyl disulfide 343
Dimethyl sulfide 388, 409
made on the basis of spectral absorption at 6.52 and Hydrogen sulfide 205,378,263
6.57p, respectively, and the obtained values were about Met.hanethio1 205,343
0.2and 8-10 ppm, respectively. Methyl thionitrite 414
Recently, dimethyl sulfide was isolated from cigarette Thiocyanic acid 263
smoke and identified in a similar fashion (409). The Thiocyanogen 263
Thiophene 206,378
mass spectrum of this compound shows a strong frag-
ment at m/e 62, a base peak at P-15, and numerous
other ions attributable to (CH2S)+, (CHS) +, (H3S)+, Sulfur-containing amino acids and oxygenated deriva-
etc. I n another study (343) dimethyl disulfide was tives of furan are discussed in sections 1II.M and F.
identified in tobacco smoke during a study of sulfur com-
pounds therein (343). Cigarette smoke was passed H. ACIDS (TABLEIX)
through mercuric chloride solution and the precipitated Both domestic (497,504) and foreign (128,246, 271)
sulfur compounds were regenerated with acid or alkali, tobaccos contain significant amounts of the C1-Clo fatty
yielding eight components of which dimethyl disulfide acids including branched-chain isomers. Turkish and
and methanethiol were identified mainly by mass flue-cured leaves contain more of the C&lo acids than
spectral characteristics. Dimethyl disulfide may be burley and Maryland (504). Characteristically, Tur-
derived from methyl thionitrite or methanethiol in the kish tobacco and smoke have a high proportion of
smoke. p-methylvaleric acid and high ratios of branched-chain
Although generally associated with undesirable organ- to normal isomers of the Cs and Ca fatty acids (539).
oleptic properties, low molecular weight sulfur com- These compositional differences apparently contribute
pounds contribute to the characteristic flavor of several to the distinct organoleptic properties of Turkish
foods, such as garlic, onion, and horseradish. Syner- tobacco smoke since a mixture of isovaleric and p-
gisms may occur in mixing individual components methylvaleric acid can be substituted for Turkish to-
which are undetectable individually, resulting in bacco in blended cigarettes (547,548). The hydroxy-
unusual organoleptic effects (362). Although present lated derivatives of valeric, 0-methylvaleric, and
in very low concentrations, the sulfur compounds in isocaproic acids are also believed to influence the aroma
cigarette smoke may act in a similar fashion to influence of Turkish tobacco smoke. The industrial practice of
flavor and aroma. blending the four tobacco types in making American
--Reference--------. Reference------.
Acid Leaf Smoke Acid Leaf Smoke
Acetic 87, 246, 255, 263, 128, 220, 263, Isobutyric 263,271,504 128,263, 538,
271, 272, 389, 498,538 539
497,504 Isocaproic 504 538,539
Adipic ... 263,499 2-Isopropylmalic 175 ...
Arachidic 263 263 Isovaleric 263,271,497,504 128,538,539
Arachidonic 263 ... a-Ketoglutaric 13,263 263
Auxin and indoleacetic acid 263,280,407 ... Lactic 14,263 263,438,499
Azelaic 174 ... Lauric 246,263 263
Benzoic 174,263,271,272 263,394,499 Levulinic *.. 263,438,499
Butyric 87,271,497,504 128, 263, 538, Linoleic 263,560 263
539 Linolenic 263,560 263
ClO-Cz3(saturated) 99,219,263,624 263 Maleic 255,263 ...
Cl0-Ca4(normal) 347 ... Malic 255,263 263,499
c1&26 (iso, anteiso) 347 ... Malonic 255,263 263,438
c16+ CIS(hydroxy)
C22-C25( cyclohexyl)
263,271,389, 263,538,539
CIOHIZOZ *.. 263 497,504
CizHi20; ... 263 Myristic 87,248,263,560 263
Caproic 246, 263, 271, 128, 263, 538, Nonanoic 504 73,263
497,504 539 Octanoic 246,497,504 263
Cerotic ... 263 Oleic 248,263,560 263
Citric 255,263 *.* Oxalacetic 13,189 ...
Crotonic 263,271 ... Oxalic 255,263 263,438,499
Decanoic 246 73 Palmitic 87,248,263,560 263,499
A fluorenecarboxylic acid 263 Palmitoleic ... 263
Formic 246, 255, 263, 128,263,498 Phenylacetic 263,271,389 394
271,272,497 a-Phenyllactic 174 ...
Fumaric 255,263 ... a-Phenylpropionic ... 394
Furoic 263,271 263,438,499 Phenylpyruvic 13 ...
Glutaric 263,499 Phthalic ... 263,499
D-Glyceric 263 ... Propionic 87,255,263,271, 128,263,538
Glycolic 14 263,438,499 497,504
Glyoxylic 13,263 263 Pyruvic 255,263 263
Heptanoic 497,504 263,538,539 Sorbic ... 394
a-Hydroxyisocaproic 173 ... Stearic 263,560 263
p-Hydroxyisocaproic 173 ... Succinic 255,263 263,438,499
a-Hydroxy-p-met hylvaleric 172 ... Terephthalic 263 ...
p-Hydroxy-p-methylvaleric 172 ... Toluic acids (m-, p - ) ... 394
Hydroxypyruvic 263 ... Valeric 248,263,271, 538,539
a-Hydroxyvaleric 173 ... 497,504

cigarettes produces unexpected quantitative changes in large differences, significant losses of compounds may
the volatile acid content of the smoke. Apparently, occur during manipulation (543), and other procedures
the inclusion of Turkish tobacco synergizes the release must be used to determine volatile fatty acids quantita-
of the C4-G acids into the smoke possibly through alter- tively, e.g., separation of the sodium salts by partition
ation of the burn rate of the cigarette (539). As a chromatography (73) or in situ methylation on ion-
group, the volatile fatty acids are believed t o contribute exchange resins (387). Using such methods, formic
to the over-all leaf aroma and smoke flavor. Indica- and acetic acids are found to comprise about 75% of the
tions of a relationship between the levels of C1-C7 acids volatile acids in cigarette (73) or cigar (498) smoke and
and organoleptic properties have been obtained (504, are the predominant components in the volatile acid
536, 538), but the relationship is influenced by the fraction of tobacco leaf (270)

amounts of simple pyridine components in the case of Although the major higher fatty acids of tobacco are
cigarette smoke (502, 538). The carbohydrates of the common Cl6-CI1 saturated or unsaturated com-
tobacco are apparently not a primary source of the pounds (560), about 15-25 minor components are found
volatile acids of tobacco smoke (438,538). in this fraction. The skeletal structures of some of
Much of the above data were obtained by gas chroma- these acids have been determined recently (347). The
tographic separations and estimations of the volatile free and bound acids extracted from tobacco were
fatty acids and methyl esters thereof. Although such saponified and converted to hydrocarbons by a reaction
methods are satisfactory for comparing samples with sequence involving methylation, reduction of the

methyl esters to the alcohols by LiA1H4,halogenation of succinic acids as low as 58% have been reported (394,
the alcohols, and reductive dehalogenation of the 435). The total isolated levels of these acids are about
resulting halides to paraffins. The normal, is0 and 20-200 pg per cigarette, and succinic, lactic, and glycolic
anteiso hydrocarbons were separated by molecular acids are the major components. In cigar smoke,
sieve and urea occlusion, and gas chromatographic and succinic, furoic, lactic, and oxalic acids are the pre-
mass spectral analyses were used to identify these and dominate constituents (499), and the amounts of total
other branched-chain components. Cyclohexyl com- nonvolatile acids are lower than those of cigarette smoke
pounds were detected by characteristic peaks a t mle on the basis of yield per gram of tobacco smoked. In
82 and 83, but cyclopentyl derivatives were absent. general, keto acids in smoke are better estimated by the
Approximately 90% of the total acids had 10-34 carbon 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone method used for leaf acids,
atoms, 4.1% were methyl- (C15-Cz6) or cyclohexyl- which gives values for pyruvic, a-ketoglutaric, and
(CZ2--C2Jsubstituted compounds, and 5.9% were more glyoxylic acids of ISS, 64, and 23 pg per cigarette,
complex in structure. The polar acids were mainly respectively (lS9). Qualitatively, the method has
hydroxylated derivatives of palmitic and stearic acids. revealed the presence of oxalacetic acid in leaf and the
Although this method provides a means of determining possible occurrence of oxalacetic, 2-ketoadipic, and
carbon skeletons, differentiation of saturated and un- 2-ketobutyric acids in cigarette smoke (189).
saturated acids is not possible. The sorbic acid reported in cigar smoke is derived
Superficial studies on differences in the free higher from the microbial inhibitor added to cigars during
fatty acids contents of various tobacco types show that manufacturing (394). No sorbic acid has been found in
air-cured and fire-cured tobaccos contain less than cigarette smoke.
flue-cured and Turkish (560). I n flue-cured tobacco, a 'The presence of phthienoic acid in cigarette smoke has
slight tendency toward lower levels of linolenic acid in been cited (649), but details of the identification mere
lower quality grades is observed, but this trend may be not given.
insignificant. A quantitative method for such deter- Formic, acetic, propionic, and butyric acids are
minations in cigarette smoke has been announced ciliostatic when tested in fresh water mussels (642), and
recently (626). the strongly acidic fraction of cigarette smoke shows
The nonvolatile acids of tobacco leaf can be isolated slight cocarcinogenic activity when painted on the backs
and determined accurately in tobacco leaf using low- of mice (645). The higher fatty acids may serve as
temperature, liquid-liquid partition chromatography on tumor promoters in the over-all activity of tobacco
silicic acid (255). The major acids in flue-, air-, and smoke condensate in animals (644).
fire-cured tobaccos are citric, malic, oxalic, and malonic, ,4mino, phenolic, and terpenoid acids are discussed in
and the proportions vary widely with tobacco type. sections III.hl.1 and D.2, respectively.
The minor nonvolatile acids are glycolic, succinic,
maleic, fumaric, and pyruvic. I n general, the differ- I. PHENOLS AND PHENOLIC ETHERS (TABLEx)
ences in the proportions of major and minor acids are Within this group are many components believed to
a reflection of widely variable cultural and curing prac- influence tobacco quality or contribute to the physio-
tices. The keto acids of tobacco leaf have been analyzed logical effects of smoke. Since 1962 three reviews on
satisfactorily by paper chromatographic separation phenols in leaf and smoke have appeared, but none gives
of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones and ultraviolet comprehensive coverage of the chemical constituents.
spectral determination of the eluted spots (189). One survey lists the components of leaf but not of smoke
The partition chromatographic method used for leaf (62'8). Another work is concerned primarily with
acids has not been applied to cigarette smoke. A smoke constituents, including quantitative data, and
favorite procedure for determining nonvolatile strong gives some details on biosynthesis of polyphenols (223) ;
acids in smoke condensate involves the following steps: in this review, the cited occurrences of the methyl
extraction of condensate with aqueous alkali; acidi- ethers of catechol, cresols, and hydroxyacetophenones in
fication of the aqueous solution followed by discontin- smoke (223) are probably erroneous since the isolated
uous or continuous ether extraction; methylation of the cornpounds were extracted initially by aqueous alkali
partitioned acids with diazomethane or boron trifluo- and then methylated for subsequent gas chromato-
ride; and gas chromatographic separation of the methyl graphic analysis (82). The third survey emphasizes
esters. A column chromatographic step may be in- the physiological effects of phenols in smoke, including
serted prior to gas chromatographic analysis (394). cocarcinogenesisand ciliostasis (644).
The major objections to this experimental approach are The present report supplements these reviews and
the poor yields obtained in the methylation and the includes details of earlier work omitted therein. Al-
inefficiency of the ether extraction due to unfavorable though original reports were consulted in developing
partition coefficients. Using these methods, recoveries Table X, the cited references in some instances are to
of lactic, glycolic, oxalic, malonic, furoic, levulinic, and the above reviews which list the earlier works. In-
-Refereno- -Refereno-
Compound Leaf Smoke Compound Leaf Smoke
4-Allylcatechol 263 ... Melilotic acid 223 *..
p-Anisaldehyde 263 ... 3-Methoxyphenol ... 223
Anisole ... 202,206 4-Methoxyphenol ... 223
Caffeic acid 223,263,656 174,223,655 Methyl salicylate 263 ...
1-0-Caff eoylglucose 665 ... 1-Naphthol ... 223,263
4-Caffeoylquinic acid 665 ... 2-Naphthol ... 223,263
Catechol 263 82, 223,263, Naringenin 186 6 . .

525,569 Naringin 186 ...

Chlorogenic acid 223,255,259, 534 Neochlorogenic acid 259,263,665 534
263,665 Phenol 263 82, 108,223,
p-Coumaric acid 656 174,223 263,398,
p-Coumarylquinic acid 223,263,665 ... 525,539
m-Cresol 263 82, 108,223, Protocatechuic acid 656 174,223
263, 398, Protocatechuic aldehyde 657 223,657,658
525,539 Quercetin methyl ethers 358,654 ...
Cresols (0-, p - ) ... 82, 108, 223, Quercimeritrin 186 ...
263, 398, Quinic acid 263,380 ...
525,539 Quinic acid y-lactone ... 360
2,6-Dimethoxyphenol ... 277 Resorcinol ... 223,263,525
Esculetin 132 52,132 Rutin 223,263,358 ...
Esculetin 7-glucoside 477 ... Salicylaldehyde 263 223
2-Ethylphenol ... 398,525 Salicylic acid ... 535
3-Ethylp hen01 . . o 223,398,525 Scopoletin 131,223, 52,223,263,
4-Ethylphenol ... 223,525 263,272 569,608
Eugenol 223,263 458 Scopoletin 7-glucoside 129,131, ...
Ferulic acid 174,223,656 223 223,263
1-0-Feruloylglucose 665 ... Scopoletin rhamnoglucoside 653 ...
3-Feruloylquinic acid 665 ... Shikimic acid 263,380 ...
Guaiacol 263 223,263,526 Sinapic acid ... 223,656
Hydrocaff eic acid 186 ... Syringaldehyde 657 657
Hydroquinone ... 223,263,525, Syringic acid 656 223
569 Thymol 9 . . 342,343
Hydroxyacetophenone (0-, m-, p-) 263 263 l12,3-Trimethoxybenzene 390 ...
Hydroxybenzaldehyde (m-, p-) 657 657 2,3,5-Trimethylphenol ... 223,525
3-Hydrobenzoic acid 656 223 2,4,6-Trimethylphenol ... 223
4-Hydroxybenzoic acid 656 174,223 Vanillic acid 656 174,223
2-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid 656 223 Vanillin 657 657
3-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid 656 223 2,3-Xylenol ... 525
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid 174,656 174,223 2,4-Xylenol ... 108, 223,263,
3-Hydroxyphenylpropionic acid 656 223 398,525
4Hydroxyphenylpropionic acid 656 223 2,5-Xylenol ... 223,398,525
Isoeugenol 223 458 2,6-Xylenol ... 108,223,525
Isoquercetrin 223,263,358 ... 3,4-Xylenol ... 223,398,525
Isovanillic acid ... 535 3,5-Xylenol ... 263,392,398,
Kaempferol3-rhamnoglucoside 223,358 ... 525

cluded in the table are certain polyfunctional phenols been made mostly by spectrometric and paper chro-
and components which are not true phenols but are matographic methods, including color reactions of
intimately related to this group, e.g., quinic and shiki- separated spots. Studies on the simple phenols have
mic acids. The polyphenolic pigments are discussed in used mostly gas chromatographic methods, although
section 1II.K. colorimetric techniques have been employed in quan-
Much of the recent work on phenols has concerned titative procedures.
the identification of minor constituents of leaf and
smoke. Because of the small quantities isolated, 1. Chlorogenic Acids
identifications have been made mainly by spectrometric The major polyphenols in tobacco leaf are chlorogenic
and paper and gas chromatographic methods. Since acid and rutin. Tobacco and other natural products
techniques for the gas chromatographic separation of also contain isomers of chlorogenic acid, and the struc-
flavonoids, aromatic aldehydes and ketones, and tures of these isomers have now been established.
depsides of quinic acid have not been available until Four possible monodepsides of quinic and caffeic acids
very recently, identifications of these compounds have are possible, including the common 3 isomer, chlorogenic

small amounts of the aglycones may also be present

(358, 628). In addition to rutin (quercetin 3-rhamno-
glucoside), quercetin linked with glucose a t the 3
position (isoquercetin) and the 7 position (quercimerici-
OH trin) have been found in leaves. Quercetin-3,3’-
dimethyl ether has also been reported (654)) and evi-
XK dence for the presence of the 3-methyl and 3,7-dimethyl
ethers in leaves has appeared (358). Kaempferol has
acid (XX). I n earlier investigations, isochlorogenic
been isolated from tobacco as the 3-rhamnoglucoside
acid was believed to be 5-caffeoylquinic acid (263), but
in several studies, and the possible occurrence of the
recently the substance has been shown to be a complex
3-methyl ether of kaempferol has been cited (654).
mixture of dicaff eoylquinic acid isomers, with linkages at
Only one report of the presence of flavanones has been
the 3,4, 3,5, and 4,5 positions, and methyl ethers there-
published : naringenin (4’,5,7-trihydroxyflavanone) and
of. The positions of substitution were established by a
naringin (the 5-rhamnoglucoside of naringenin) were
sequence of reactions culminating in periodate oxidation
isolated from leaves.
to establish the positions of hydroxyl groups (489)
Scopoletin and esculetin (XXII) are the two couma-
and by nmr data in which the presence of four ole-
finic protons and expected chemical shifts and spin-spin
couplings of other hydrogens were observed (105).
Similar approaches were used to establish the structure RO
of neochlorogenic acid as 5-caff eoylquinic acid (488,
602). Prior to this information, the isolation and
identification of isochlorogenic and neochlorogenic R = H = ESCULETIN
acids from tobacco leaf had been described, and the R = CH,= SCOPOLETIN
properties of the latter compound had been claimed
to be similar to synthetic 1-caff eoylquinic acid (260). m
Obviously, neither identity was correct, although it is
rins occurring in both leaf and smoke. The presence of
possible that one of the dicaffeoylquinic acid isomers
scopoletin 7-glucoside (scopolin) in leaf is well estab-
in the isochlorogenic acid mixture was isolated, 1-
lished, but only one report of a scopoletin rhamno-
Caffeoylquinic acid is not believed to occur naturally
glucoside (653) has appeared. Two glycosides of scopo-
(602), and its presence in leaf is questionable.
letin have been found in tobacco stems and roots but
Early studies have described the isolation of a
not in leaves: a xyloglucoside (primveroside) and a
rhamnoside (512) of chlorogenic acid and a nicotine-
gentiobioside (482). The possible occurrence of escule-
chlorogenic acid complex from leaf (599, 601), but no
tin 6-glucoside (esculin) in leaf or leaf suckers has also
confirmation of these reports has ever appeared. How-
been cited (273, 591).
ever, compounds of this type could be related biosyn-
Tobacco flowers contain a variety of polyphenolic
thetically to the recently isolated high molecular
ethers and glycosides, some of which have not been re-
weight pigments containing chlorogenic acid, rutin,
ported in leaves : astragalin (kaempferol 3-glucoside),
amino acids, silicone, and alkaloids (see Section 111.K).
the 7-glucoside of nictoflorin (kaempferol 3-rhamno-
The possible occurrence of lactones of chlorogenic
glucoside), rutin 7-glucoside, and other glucosides of
acid in tobacco leaf has been cited (259,446), but identi-
quercetin, kaempferol, ferulic acid, and p-coumaric
fications of such compounds have not been made.
acid (609, 610).
2. Other Polyphenols Tissue cultures of tobacco cells and metabolizing
leaf disks also contain compounds not found in the
The principal flavonols of tobacco leaf, quercetin and
growing plant or cured tobacco, such as glucosides,
kaempferol (XXI), occur mostly as glycosides, but
glucosamines, and glucose esters of p-coumaric, ferulic,
P and caffeic acids (44, 479).
The levels of rutin and chlorogenic acid in air-cured
and flue-cured tobaccos differ markedly. In flue-
curing a maximum temperature of about 80” is reached
which inactivates the leaf enzyme responsible for
oxidizing polyphenols, polyphenoloxidase. In air-cur-
R = O H = QUERCETIN ing, ambient temperatures are employed, and the
R = H = KAEMPFEROL enzyme is not inactivated significantly so that lower
levels of chlorogenic acid and rutin are found in these
m tobacco types. The in vitro or in vivo oxidation of

polyphenols produces a variety of products which may are present in the nonvolatile residue. Gas chroma-
condense with alkaloids or amino acids in "browning" tographic separations of the volatile phenols obtained
or analogous reactions; experimental data and postu- by in vacuo or steam distillation is easily accomplished
lated mechanisms of these reactions in tobacco and on many stationary phases, such as polyethylene
other plants have been discussed elsewhere (169, 223, glycols, silicones (398), and di-n-octyl sebacate (231) ;
224, 263, 329, 408, 445, 517, 597, 611, 628). The however, the sebacate loses resolution rapidly on aging
brown, polymeric pigments of tobacco leaf may be (528). As expected, capillary columns are more effec-
produced, at least in part, through such pathways and tive for separation of certain isomers than larger diam-
may be responsible for the deep brown color of air- eter columns and can resolve the acetates of m- and p-
cured tobaccos although there is evidence (vide infra) cresols (525).
that these concepts are oversimplifications. Intensive studies on the filtration of phenols from
Polyphenols have attracted industrial attention in cigarette smoke (see section VI) have required the
quality control and, to a lesser degree, in chemurgy. development of precise analytical methods. Colori-
A direct relationship exists between leaf quality and metric techniques for phenols have been employed
levels of chlorogenic acid and rutin (628). Rutin has using 4-aminoantipyrine (317), diazotized p-nitro-
been used therapeutically in the treatment of capillary aniline (523, 524, 526), and phenylazobenzenesulfonic
fragility and associated cardiovascular disease (199). acid (278) as reagents with coefficients of variation of
Although tobacco leaf was the initial source of rutin less than 6% in some cases. Gas chromatographic
for therapeutic testing, Eucalyptus and Sophora species methods (lOS, 231, 528) also have acceptable repro-
have been used recently. ducibilities and may be preferable to colorimetric
The polyphenols of tobacco leaf may serve as pre- methods which frequently respond to interfering sub-
cursors of smoke phenols during burning of tobacco stances. A correlation can be shown between values
(see section V). Although chlorogenic acid (54) and obtained by gas chromatography and a colorimetric
eugenol (591) are weak cocarcinogens, their role in the (4-aminoantipyrine) method (386). Analyses of com-
tumorigenic activity of tobacco leaf extracts (53, 55, mercial cigarettes by gas chromatographic techniques
591) or smoke condensates in laboratory animals is (229, 528) show the proportions of phenol: cresols
still unresolved. Rutin does not show tumorigenic (m-,p-) :o-creso1:xylenols (2,4-and 2,5-) to be 10:5:2:2;
activity in animals (644). however, larger proportions of phenol have been re-
ported using a colorimetric method (526). The total
3. Other Phenols and Phenolic Ethers levels of phenol, cresols, and related compounds in
Tobacco leaf contains small amounts of simple smoke from cigarette, cigar, and pipes may vary
phenols and phenolic aldehydes, ketones, and acids. widely (229), and an indirect relationship exists be-
During burning of a cigarette many of these compo- tween the moisture content of tobacco and the quantity
nents enter the smoke through distillation and other of phenols in the mainstream smoke (153, 370).
physical mechanisms. However, the bulk of the phe- Methods for the quantitative determination of
nols in smoke are formed by pyrolysis of cellular con- catechol in cigarette smoke have been developed
stituents (see section V). Since phenol, eugenol, and (348, 607), and values ranging from 40 to 500 pg per
related compounds in cigarette smoke may act as cigarette have been reported. In burley tobacco smoke,
ciliostats, cocarcinogens, etc., considerable attention the catechol levels in smoke condensate are inversely
has been devoted to the qualitative and quantitative proportional to the nitrate contents of the leaf (274)
composition of these smoke constituents. owing to reactions between catechol and oxides of ni-
Distillation of the steam-volatile, ether-soluble trogen forming nitrocatechols as artifacts in the smoke
weakly acidic fraction of cigarette smoke condensate collection system.
yields two fractions, bp 50-55' (2 mm) and 55-90' The pharmacologically active aromatic compound,
(2 mm), representing about 80 and 20y0 of the total, myristicin (5-allyl-2,3-methylenedioxyphenylmethyl
respectively (96). The first fraction contains almost ether), has been identified in cigarette smoke condensate
all the phenol, cresols, and related phenols. The sec- by infrared and mass spectral characteristics (501).
ond fraction has many uncharacterized constituents, This ether is a component of several natural products
including possibly tetrahydro-2-naphthol. The frac- (276) and is responsible for the well-known physiological
tion which is not steam-volatile contains complex, effects of nutmeg oil, i.e., nausea, tachycardia, cyanosis,
unidentified phenols, including possibly dihydroxypy- etc. (514, 612). The level of myristicin in smoke is at
renes. Bioassays of fractions from distillations per- least 0.64 pg per cigarette and its contribution, if any, to
formed under slightly different conditions show that the physiological effects of tobacco smoke is unknown
both the volatile and nonvolatile fractions have co- (501). Myristicin occurs in the nitromethane-soluble
carcinogenic activity in animals (644); in this case, neutral fraction of smoke and is accompanied by benzyl
oleic and lauric acids, which are tumor promoters, benzoate and benzyl cinnamate (503) which are common

components of natural oils and resins (275). Since sponding to the N-methylpyrrolidinyl ion. A major
domestic cigarettes contain flavoring additives (195, peak occurs a t m/e 133 (P - 29) which may be due to
213), it is possible that the myristicin in smoke is de- an ion formed by expulsion of Cs and Cd in the sat-
rived from this source rather than the tobacco leaf. urated ring possibly accompanied by hydrogen trans-
Another possible source is through pyrolytic fission of fer from the 2 or 4 position in the pyridyl moiety.
elemicin (5-allyl-2,3-dimethoxyphenylmethyl ether), Similar patterns of fragmentation occur with norni-
which may be present in cigarette leaf although strong cotine, anabasine, and cotinine, although the individ-
evidence is lacking (390). ual mechanisms of cleavage may differ from that of
nicotine. Myosmine splits to give a base peak a t m/e
118 (M - 28), and loss of the pyridyl moiety does not
Two reviews on the alkaloids of tobacco and its occur to any significant extent.
smoke have appeared recently (492, 595). Although Pyrocoll, harmane, and norharmane have been iso-
both works are concerned mainly with pharmacological lated from leaf and/or smoke and identified conclusively.
and metabolic properties of alkaloids, some information Isolation of pyrocoll (XXIII) was accomplished by
on structure (399), occurrence (299, 492), biogenesis 0
(399), and pyrolysis (299) was presented by various
authors therein.
Since 1959, more than 70 new alkaloids and bases
have been found in leaf and smoke. Alkaloids listed
in older studies and subsequently shown to be mix- 0
tures, e.g., obeline, sokratine, etc. (263)) are not in-
cluded in Table XI, although occasional reports on the m
presence of such components in tobacco still appear,
solvent partition of cigarette smoke condensate fol-
e.g., nicotimine (516). For the sake of convenience,
lowed by chromatography of the aqueous methanol
Table XI includes some nitrogen-containing compo-
solubles on alumina and distillation of the alkaloid
nents which are more neutral than basic, such as aro-
from the benzene eluate (346). The isolated compound
matic secondary amines. The purines and pyrimidines
was characterized by elemental analysis, ultraviolet
listed therein occur in the free state; the presence of
and infrared spectral characteristics, and/or mixture
free xanthine in leaf is doubtful and free hypoxanthine
melting point determinations of the free base and
is absent (331). Oxynicotine (nicotine N-oxide) has
its alkaline hydrolytic product, pyrrole-2-carboxylic
been claimed to occur in cigarette smoke (244) ; how-
acid, with authentic compounds. The level of
ever, this alkaloid is thermolabile and cannot be re-
pyrocoll in smoke is 1.4 pg per cigarette. Harmane
covered in the smoke from cigarettes containing added
oxynicotine (428). Levels of metanicotine in leaf
have appeared in an agronomic study but proof of
identity was not provided (405).
Relatively few studies have appeared recently on the HI CH3
basic chemistry of the alkaloids known prior to 1959.
Syntheses have been reported for nicotine (220,221,320), m
nicotine analogs (156, 613), myosmine (220),N-methyl- (XXIV) and norharmane were isolated from cigarette
myosmine (320), and anatabine (434). The autooxida- tobaccos and smoke condensates by chromatography
tion of nicotine apparently occurs through a free-radi- of the basic fraction on cellulose columns (421, 422).
cal mechanism (313) ; although hydroperoxides have Identifications of the bases were made by paper
not been isolated from the oxidative products, myos- chromatographic and ultraviolet, infrared, and fluo-
mine, nicotyrine, cotinine, nicotine K-oxide, nicotinic rescent spectral characteristics. Although the alka-
acid, and possibly high molecular weight components loids are present in both leaf and smoke, the levels in
occur therein (176, 598). The reaction between nico- smoke are about 40-100-fold greater than those in
tine and ethylene oxide (an industrial fumigant and leaf, indicating that pyrosynthesis of the bases occurs
fermentation accelerator) is mainly an alkylation during burning (see section V). The levels of harmane
yielding N-2-hydroxyethylnicotine as the major prod- and norharmane in smoke are about 10-20 pg per cig-
uct (17); the tartrate of this product has also been iso- arette. The occurrence of pyrazine, alkylpyrazines,
lated from tobacco treated with the gaseous oxide quinoxaline, benzimidazole, pyrrolo [2,3-b]pyridine, and
(17). The mass spectral fragmentation of nicotine pyrido [2,3-b]indole was reported recently in fractions
and other tobacco alkaloids has been studied using the of smoke condensate containing the harmanes. Analogs
deuterated bases (140). The principal peak in the of some of these bases may also be present, e.g., methyl-
fragmentation of nicotine occurs at m/e 84 corre- benzimidazole (565). The presence of the benzacri-
Base Leaf ref Smoke ref Base Leaf ref Smoke ref
Adenine 331 ... 2-Methylbut ylamine ... 400
Alkylcarbazoles ... 495,503 N-Methylbutylamine ... 368,400
Allylamine ... 400 Methylcarbazole ... 456,495
Ammonia 263,372 263,368 Methylethylamine ... 368,400
Amylamine ... 341,400,401 3-Methylindole ... 230,456,503,
sec-Amylamine ... 400 566-568
Anabasine 244,263 244,263,269, N-Methylmyosmine ... 192,263
368,436,502 N-Methylnicotinamide 263 ...
Anatabine 263,516 263,368,436 N-Methyl-2-phenylethylamine 372 368
' Aniline ... 368,400,401 2-Methylp yrazine ... 111,565
m-Anisidine ... 400 2-Methylp yridine ... 111,263,393,
Benzimidazole ... 565 502,652
Butylamine ... 341,368,400,401 3-Methylpyridine ... 263, 393, 502,
sec-Butylamine ... 400 565,652
Carbazole ... 449,456,495, CMethylpyridine ... 393,502
567,568,503 N-Methylpyrrole ... 205
Collidine ... 263 2-Methylp yrrolidine 659 368,373,400
Cotinine 263 263,436 N-Methylp yrrolidine 263,659
3,4-Dehydropiperidine ... 368,400 N-Methyl-3-pyrroline 419 *..
Dibenz [a&] acridine ... 589 Myosmine 263 192,263,269,368,
Dibenz [a,j]acridine ... 76,589 393,436,502
7H-Dibenzo [c,g]carbazole ... 589 1-Naphthylamine ... 400
Diethylamine ... 368,400 Nicotelline 263 263
Dihydrometanicotine ... 368 Nicotinamide 263 263
9,9-Dimethylacridan ... 334 Nicotine 244,263,335 192,244,263,
Dimethylamine ... 263,368,400 269,393,502
2,3-Dimethylaniline ... 400 Nicotine N-oxide 263,405 ...
2,4-Dimethylaniline ... 400 Nicotinic acid 244,263 244,263
2,5-Dimethylaniline ... 400 Nicotinonitrile ... 502
2,6-Dimethylaniline ... 400 Nicotyrine 244,263 2,244,263
3,5-Dimethylaniline ... 400 Norharmane 421,422 111,421,422,565
Dimethylindoles ... 230,456,495,503 Nornicotine 244; 263,335 192; 2441263,269,
2,6-Dimethylpyrazine ... 111,565 368,393,436
2,3-Dimethylpyridme ... 393 Nornicotyrine ... 263
2,4-Dimethylpyridine ... 393 l18,9-Perinaphthoxanthene ... 589
2,s-Dimethylpyridine ... 393,502 2-Phenylethylamine 372 368,400
2,6-Dimethylpyndine ... 263,393,502 N-Phenyl-4-isopropyl-
3,4-Dimethylpyridme ... 502 phenylamine ... 334
3,5-Dimethylpyridine ... 502 N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine ... 334
Diphenylamine ... 334 Piperidine 263,372 368,373,400
Dipropylamine ... 400 Propylamine ... 341,368,400
Ethylamine 372 263,341,368,400 Pyrazine ... 111,565
2-Ethylaniline ... 400 Pyridine 263 111,192,263,
CEthylaniline ... 400 269,393,502,
3-Ethylindole ... 230 565,652
3-Ethylp yridine ... 192,393,502,652 Pyridine-3-aldehyde ... 263
Guanine 331 ... 3-Pyridinol ... 500
Hexylamine ... 400,401 Pyrido [2,3-61indole ... 111,565
Harmane 421,422 111,421,422,565 3-Pyridyl ethyl ketone ... 263, 439
Indole ... 111,230,456, 3-Pyridyl methyl ketone 263 263,439,502,652
503,566-568 3-Pyridyl propyl ketone 263 263
Isoamylamine 372,659 368,400,401 Pyrocoll ... 346,456,566,567
Isobutylamine 372,659 368,400,401 Pyrrole ... 205,263,502,
N-Isobutylbutylamine ... 400 566,567
Isonicotein (2,3'-bipyridyl) 263 393,502 Pyrrolidine 263,372 368,373,400
Isopropylamine ... 400 3-Pyrroline ... 400
N-Isopropylpropylamine ... 400 Pyrrolo [2,3-b]pyridine ... 565
Isoquinoline ... 111,269,565 Quinoline ... 111,263,269,565
Metanicotine ... 368,502 Quinoxaline ... 111,565
Methylamine 372,659 263, 341, 368,
1,2,5,6-Tetrahydropyidine 372 ...
Thymine 630
3-Methylaminop yridine ...
Toluidines (e, m-, p - ) ... 400,401
Trimethylamine 263 263
N-Methylanabasine 263 2,4,6-Trimethylaniline ... 400
N-hfethylanatabine 263 ... Trimethylindoles ... 456,495
N-Methylaniline ... 400 3-Vinylpyridine ... 192,393,502,652

dines and 7H-dibenzo [c,g ]carbazole in cigarette smoke pounds have been studied extensively. Direct sep-
(589) is of special interest since these compounds are aration of the basic fraction of cigarette smoke con-
carcinogenic and may contribute to the weak tumori- densate by gas chromatography (435, 436, 502) shows
genic activity of the basic fraction in laboratory the presence of at least 35 components (502) of which
animals (644). a t least 14 can be identified conclusively by compari-
Alkylindoles and alkylcarbazoles occur in smoke sons with known compounds. The identified compo-
condensate, but the positions of substitution have not nents are pyridine, alkylpyridines, acylpyridines, 3-
been determined conclusively with the exception of vinylpyridine, pyrrole, nicotinonitrile, and alkaloids,
skatole and 3-ethylindole (230). The latter com- including metanicotine. The isolation of the low-
pound was characterized by ultraviolet, infrared, and boiling aliphatic amines by this procedure is difficult
mass spectral characteristics. The dimethylindoles owing to losses during solvent evaporation; however,
in smoke are not the 2,3, 2,5, 2,7, 3,5, or 3,7 derivatives such compounds can be separated from the crude smoke
(456) ; possibly one or more of the isolated compounds bases by reaction with 4’-nitroazobenzene-4-carboxylic
could be ethylindoles since the mass spectral molecular acid chloride, and the resulting carboxamides can be
peaks of dimethyl- and ethylindoles are identical resolved by column and thin layer chromatography
(503). Propylindoles may also occur in smoke conden- (368, 372, 373). Using this method, 27 bases in ciga-
sate (230). rette smoke have been detected of which 24 have been
Although the presence of phenylamines and naphthyl- identified, including several compounds not reported
amines as pyrolytic products in cigarette smoke has previously, e.g., 1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine and di-
been suspected for many years, the isolation of these hydrometanicotine (368). A comparable study on
components has been reported only recently. The leaf has shown that a marked qualitative similarity
four aromatic secondary amines listed in Table XI are exists between volatile bases in leaf and smoke (372).
essentially neutral in character and are found in the The presence of 3-pyridinol in cigar smoke (500) is
nitromethane-soluble neutral fraction of smoke con- of interest since this compound is amphoteric. Identi-
densate. Identification of these amines was made by fication has been made chiefly by infrared spectral
cochromatography and mass and infrared spectral interpretation and confirmed by gas and thin layer
comparisons with authentic compounds. The amines chromatography. Spectral differentiation of the three
occur in low levels (0.013-0.1 pg per cigarette) and, isomers is simple since the 2- and 4-pyridinols exhibit
with the exception of diphenylamine, have not been tautomerism and the predominating pyridone forms
tested for tumorigenic activity in animals. A report show amido bands a t 5.88 to 6.25 p characteristic of
of papilloma formation by diphenylamine may not be lactams in the solid state; in 3-pyridinol, tautomerism
reliable because of the presence of 4-aminobiphenyl does not occur but extensive intermolecular bonding
in the tested material (334). The known aromatic is present, giving a very broad hydroxyl and G H
primary amines in cigarette smoke have been reported stretching absorption centered a t about 4.11 p and no
within the past 2 years (368, 400, 401). I n two stud- absorption in the amido region.
ies, the compounds were isolated by passage of the The occurrence of putrescine in foreign grown to-
basic fraction of smoke condensate through an ion- bacco has been cited (561), but no confirmation of the
exchange column and reaction of the bases in situ report has appeared.
with trifluoracetic anhydride (400, 401). The re- The presence or absence of nitrosamines in tobacco
sulting substituted acetamides were separated on gas smoke is currently a controversial question. Interest
chromatographic capillary columns and identifications in this problem has arisen since many nitrosamines
were made by comparisons of retention times and are known to be potent carcinogens. Based on the
mass spectra of eluted peaks with known compounds. known presence of secondary amines and oxides of
I n addition to the listed components, evidence for the nitrogen in tobacco smoke, the suggestion was made in
following types of amines in cigarette smoke was also 1962 that these components could react and produce
obtained (400) : alkyl derivatives of piperidine, de- nitrosamines, which might explain the tumorigenic
hydropiperidine, pyrroline, and pyrrolidine; amino- activity of tobacco smoke in animals (136). This sug-
fluorenes; aliphatic and aromatic diamines; and higher gestion led to the development of methods for the iso-
molecular weight, aliphatic monoamines. lation and detection of trace amounts of these com-
The potent bladder carcinogen, 2-naphthylamine, pounds in smoke (367, 425) and to the synthesis of N-
cannot be detected in cigarette smoke with available nitroso derivatives of anabasine, dihydrometanicotine,
methods (400) and, if present a t all, occurs in levels metanicotine, and nornicotine (64, 367). The nitroso
of no more than 0.04 pg per cigarette (334a). derivatives of the smoke components, anabasine (64),
The relatively low-boiling bases of cigarette smoke piperidine (64,137), methylaniline (64), pyrrolidine
consist of the aliphatic amines, saturated heterocyclic (136), and nornicotine (63), were shown to be carcino-
bases, and simple pyridine derivatives, and these com- genic to laboratory animals, producing pulmonary

tumors in some cases (63). However, on addition of No valid conclusion can be reached a t this time re-
nitrosoanabasine to cigarettes, no nitrosamine could garding the presence or absence of nitrosamines in
be isolated from the mainstream smoke. smoke immediately leaving the butt end of a cigarette.
The first evidence for the presence of nitrosamines in From the pragmatic viewpoint, inhaled smoke is not
cigarette smoke was reported in 1964 (375). I n this completely expelled during the first exhalation. Com-
study, cigarette smoke condensate and smoke trapped ponents in the smoke retained in the lungs may react
in pentane were extracted with aqueous HC1 to remove and produce products not found in smoke immediately
bases. The fraction containing neutrals and acids leaving the cigarette. Whether or not this extended
was then reacted with LiAlH4, which reduced nitros- reaction time could result in a vapor-phase synthesis of
amines to hydrazines. The fraction was extracted again nitrosamines is obviously unknown. Resolution of the
with hydrochloric acid which removed the newly entire nitrosamine question requires further work.
formed hydrazines without contamination from neutral Interest in the role of nicotine and other bases in the
and acidic components. The fraction containing the physiological effects and the organoleptic properties of
hydrazines was allowed to react with 5-nitro-2-hydroxy- smoke has prompted the development of many quanti-
benzaldehyde, forming the substituted hydrazones tative methods. Nornicotine is believed to be an
which were separated and identified by thin layer chro- undesirable leaf and smoke component which produces
matographic and ultraviolet spectral comparisons with myosmine and pyridine in large amounts on pyrolysis
known compounds. I n this way, N-nitrosomethyl- and gives smoke an undesirable taste (192). New or
butylamine and two unidentified nitrosamines were improved paper chromatographic (191), colorimetric
found in the smoke of cigarette tobaccos containing (190, 193), gas chromatographic (440), and nonaqueous
high levels of nitrates and volatile bases but not in the titrimetric (110) methods for determining nornicotine,
smoke from cigarettes with normal amounts of these nicotine, myosmine, pyridines, and related bases have
leaf constituents. A later study confirmed these appeared within the past few years. Also, a chromato-
general findings and reported the probable presence graphic method for indoles has been reported (230);
of the nitrosamines of dimethylamine, diethylamine, studies on smoke condensates with this method show
and piperidine in cigarette smoke (508). However, that aging of smoke condensates causes up to a 10-fold
further work indicated that all of the isolated nitros- increase in the proportion of skatole to indole. The
amines may be artifacts formed in the smoke collection levels of certain volatile bases and alkaloids can be
train and may not actually exist in the mainstream related to the relative flavor of cigarette smoke from
smoke (374). Kinetic studies showed that the vapor- flue-cured tobaccos (502) ; however, a balance between
phase reaction between dimethylamine and nitrogen the levels of these bases and the CZ-Cs aliphatic acids is
trioxide or nitric oxide was extremely rapid, giving apparently necessary for desirable smoke flavor.
yields of nitrosamine up to 36% with a contact time
of 6 sec. Also, high yields of the nitrosamine could be
obtained by treating nitrogen trioxide or nitrogen The presence of brown, acidic substances in tobacco
dioxide with the free base in pentane a t -80”) one of leaf was reported 100 years ago, and subfractions of
the conditions used in smoke collection. A reexamina- these substances were given names such as “Tabaken-
tion of the nitrosamines found in collection trains saure (a,p, 7)”and “Kentuckinsaure” (143). In later
showed that the proportion of different nitrosamines work, constituents with similar properties were isolated
varied in different parts of the train and that the levels from cigar smoke (614). Although no reports of the
increased on standing. From all of these findings it isolation or structure of these components have ap-
was concluded that the nitric oxide present in cigarette peared in the modern literature, recent work has shown
smoke may be oxidized progressively to nitrogen the presence in leaf and smoke of certain high molecular
dioxide in the traps and the combination of oxides may weight pigments which may be related to these “brown
react with the amines to form the nitrosamines as arti- acids.”
facts. However, a subsequent report appeared giving The leaf pigments (LP) can be extracted from cured
evidence of the presence of nitrosamines in tobacco or aged cigarette tobaccos with water (270, 632, 637))
leaf (509). Large-scale extraction of burley tobacco aqueous alkali (93, 252, 253), and neutral buffer (252)
and subsequent fractionation gave on gas chromatog- in amounts up to about 6.5% of the leaf weight. The
raphy a peak which cochromatographed with authentic infrared spectra of these pigments and fractions thereof
N-nitrosopiperidine. Other components were found show no special features with broad absorption a t about
which gave color reactions for nitrosamines on thin 2.9 and 6.0 p and nonspecific absorption a t other wave-
layer and column chromatographic separation of the lengths. LP may be fractionated by solubility, dialysis,
hydrazones prepared as described above; however, and gel filtration to yield many subfractions, none of
N-nitrosopiperidine could not be detected in this which is probably a pure compound. By ultracentri-
way. fugal analysis, the two major subfractions of water-

soluble LP have molecular weights of about 4000 and TABLEXI1

20,000 to 30,000, respectively (632, 637). Subfractions VOLATILEBASESAND ALKALOIDS
of the alkaline-extractable LP range in molecular weight --Relative amounts-
Leaf Smoke
from <3000 to more than 100,000 with major com- Compound pigment pigment
ponents in the 5000-60,000 range (91). Cotinine 0.23 5.7
Prior to 1966, studies on the hydrolytic and alkaline Dihydrometanicotine ... 0.7
fusion products of LP showed slight qualitative and Metanicotine ... 4.1
2-Methylpyridine 0.10 1.4
quantitative compositional differences in the subfrac- 3-Methylpyridine 0.42 3.9
tions with all pigments containing chlorogenic acid and N-Methylp yrrolidine 0.02 2.2
amino acids and some fractions having rutin and iron. Nicotine 1.0 1.0
However, a recent demonstration of the presence of Nornicotine ... 3.2
alkaloids and a silicone in the closely related smoke Pyridine 0.50 2.0
Pyrrole 0.23 5.7
pigment (vide infra) prompted a reexamination of L P
3-Vinylp yridine 0.03 2.6
and confirmed the presence of these additional com-
ponents therein, at least in the alkaline-extractable
material (142). Although classical “browning reactions” 540). As a result of the sharp thermal gradient behind
between polyphenols (or their quinones) and amino the cigarette coal (214), cellular eruption may occur
acids may be involved in biosynthesis of these pigments, adjacent to the burning zone, expelling the cell contents,
the presence of alkaloidal and silicone moieties in some, including LP, into the aerosol stream. These cellular
if not all, of the L P subfractions shows that other reac- particles may serve as nuclei for further aerosol forma-
tions are involved. The nature of the linkages within tion or be adsorbed on preformed nuclei. In this
the molecules is unknown although chelation between transition, the leaf pigments undergo structural altera-
iron and the phenolic hydroxyl groups of chlorogenic tion and react with the volatile bases and alkaloids
acid (637) or a salt linkage (493) has been suggested. known to be present in smoke, thus increasing in molec-
The presence of a conventional salt bond as the only ular weight and acquiring higher proportions of volatile
linkage involving nicotine is unlikely since steam distil- bases :nicotine and other alkaloids.
lation from an alkaline solution of the leaf pigment One anomaly in the findings to date is the isolation of
yields no nicotine (141). pyridines substituted in the 2 position and 3-vinylpyri-
Cigarette smoke condensate contains a group of dine in LP. Except for isonicotein (2,3’-bipyridyl)
brown acidic pigments which are superficially similar to and nicotelline [2,4-di(3‘-pyridyl)pyridine],2-pyridyl
the leaf pigments. These smoke pigments (SP) occur constituents are not found in leaf. Also, 3-vinylpyri-
in relatively high concentrations (up to 4y0 of the smoke dine occurs only in smoke. However, on the basis of
condensate), and chlorogenic acid, amino acids, iron, recent work (579), it appears that biochemical trans-
silicone, and alkaloids and other bases are linked within formations of piperidine derivatives into 2-pyridyl com-
the molecule (143, 540). The major subfraction of SP pounds may occur in tobacco leaf. Although the prod-
has a higher molecular weight ($100,000) than the ucts listed in Table XI1 were obtained by alkaline
comparable subfraction of LP, and the percentage of fusion of the leaf pigments, the possibility that they are
chlorogenic acid resistant to conventional hydrolysis is artifacts formed by degradation of nicotine is excluded
higher in SP (143, 540). The relative strengths of the since fusion of nicotine under identical conditions re-
linkages are well illustrated by the recoveries of partially sults in recovery of more than 95yo of the alkaloid (142).
degraded pigments after high-temperature (260-280”), The silicone present in the pigment is a minor moiety
prolonged (1.5 hr) alkaline fusion (142). Eighty per and is similar to the component in cigar smoke (491)
cent of the SP is recovered with molecular weights of postulated to be a polymeric methylsiloxane in the
30,000-100,000, but only 20% of L P can be isolated with range of - [(CH&SiO]10-50-. This similarity was
molecular weights of <4000. Although both L P and determined by infrared spectral comparisons and by
SP contain alkaloids and related bases, important the appearance of a major fragmentation peak at m/e
qualitative and quantitative differences are noted. In 207 (XXV) in the mass spectrum (143), indicative of
comparing the nondialyzable subfraction of the alkaline- the pentamethyl-substituted cyclic structure of the
extractable S P and LP, fewer alkaloids and lower pro-
portions of volatile bases to nicotine are found in LP. I *

Table XI1 presents some representative results on this oOs’;o

point; in addition to the listed components, eight other
volatile bases with similar relative proportions have
been isolated from both pigments (142).
Based on these findings a postulation of the origin
of the smoke pigment has been suggested (142, 143, xxp

polymeric siloxanes. The silicone is actually linked TABLEXI11

within SP and is not a contaminant from experimental LEAF
manipulation since the isolation procedure involves Carbohydrate Ref Carbohydrate Ref
several steps which would remove contaminating Arabinose“ 98 Salt of gum-like 636
silicones: exhaustive extraction of SP with ether fol- Arabogalactan 263 polysaccharide
lowed by dissolution of the ether-insoluble pigment in Cellulose 94,263,481 Lignin 263
l-Deoxy-l-c 562,576 Maltose 263
aqueous buffer and prolonged dialysis of the solution
alanino-D- Mannose 338
(143). The occurrence of organic silicon compounds in fructose Pectins 60, 251,
bacteria and higher plants has been reported pre- l-Deoxy-l-(N-r- 562,576 263,430,
viously (217,218). aminobutyric 431
Pigments are found in the smoke condensates from acid )-D-fructose Pentoses 263
unblended cigarettes of the four major tobacco types l-Deoxy-l-c 562,575 Planteose 263
PrOlklO-D- RafXnose 263
(88), and the distributions of molecular weight in the fructose Rhamnose 263,338
different condensates vary with the type. In contrast, Deoxyribose 263 Ribose 98,263
the distributions of molecular weight in LP from these Erythrose 98 Rutinose 263
four tobaccos show a high degree of uniformity (91). Fructose“ 12,263,338 Sorbitol 263
Thus, the differences in SP from different tobacco types Galactan 263 Stachyose 263
Galactosamine 618 Starch 263,329aI
appear to be more related to the burning characteristics Galactose 98,338 337,420
of the tobaccos than to variations in the composition of Galacturonic 98 Sucrose 12,263
LP precursors. acid Xylan 263
A relatively low molecular weight brown pigment also Glucosamine 338 Xylose” 338
Glucosea 12,263
occurs in flue-cured tobacco (476). The pigment is
dialyzable and contains equimolecular amounts of ’These compounds (292) and lI6-anhydro-p-pyranose (263)
are also present in smoke.
rutin, chlorogenic acid, and scopolin. Based on the
stability in the presence of chelating agents and the
response to hydrolysis, the linkages of the polyphenola Three fructosamines have been identitied among the
in the pigment may not be covalent in nature. ninhydrin-positive substances which accompany pipe-
Much, if not all, of the published work on these pig- colic acid and pyrrolidine-2-acetic acid in cured tobacco
ments has been done on probable mixtures since avail- (see section IILM), and several other substances are
able methods for the separation of closely related high present, giving on hydrolysis aspartic acid, threonine,
molecular substances and criteria for purity are inade- valine, and components with positive responses to the
quate. However, some valid information can be gained phthalic acid-aniline reagent for sugars (576). The
by such studies although complete structural elucidation total content of amino acid-sugar compounds in flue-
may not be accomplished, e.g., recent studies on animal or sun-cured tobaccos may be more than 2% of
and plant melanins (418). Further progress in this the dried leaf weight, and these constituents may be
field must await the development of new or improved important contributors to smoke flavor and aroma
methods for isolation and identification. (576).
The brown leaf pigments may play some role in leaf The reported pentoses and hexoses in cigarette smoke
quality since they are believed to be responsible for the have been isolated by ion-exchange chromatography of
color of air-cured tobaccos (637), and color is one in- aqueous extracts and identified by paper chromato-
dustrial criterion for judging acceptability. The smoke graphic techniques including the use of color reagents
pigments resemble the acidic brown polymeric sub- (292). These components may enter the smoke by
stances of smoke which have been reported to act as thermal cellular eruption in a manner similar to the
cocarcinogens (57,59,365). brown pigments. The separation and identification of
In addition to the brown pigments, some tobaccos erythrose, galactose, ribose, arabinose, and galacturonic
with a high proportion of nornicotine to nicotine con- acid in “tobacco products” by thin layer chromatog-
tain a “cherry red” pigment which has not been isolated raphy and fluorescence spectral determination have
or characterized but is believed to be formed by reac- been described, but it is not clear whether these com-
tions between the quinone form of chlorogenic acid and pounds were found in the free or combined state (98).
nornicotine (408). Free and glycosidated mannose, galactose, xylose, and
fructose have been isolated from green Japanese tobacco
L. CARBOHYDRATES (TABLE XIII) (338). Plantebiose has been reported in tobacco seeds
Carbohydrates constitute a large part of the tobacco (339).
leaf, and considerable recent work on these components A few investigations have appeared recently on the
h a been done since 1959 including effort on pyrolytic polysaccharides of tobacco leaf. The level of starch
degradations which is discussed in section V. extracted from Japanese green tobacco by calcium

chloride solution is about 2.4% of fresh leaf weight less accessible positions of rhamnose in the chain.
(337). The amy1ose:amylopectin ratio shows diurnal Thus, the curing of tobacco results in major alterations
variation with values of 1:3.7 for daylight hours and in the structure of the pectins.
1:4.3 for darkness. The former ratio is in agreement Significant differences are found in the amounts and
with a previous approximation of 23 : 77 in starch from kinds of pectic substances in cigarette and cigar tobacco
American tobacco (263). Various methods of isolating stems (251). Galacturonic acid, methoxyl, and acetyl
starch have been studied to determine the resulting determinations (431) show that pectin degradation is
degree of structural alteration (329a). Chloral hydrate, directly related to the severity of curing and fermenta-
perchloric acid, and sodium hydroxide were used as tion (430). Some positive correlation may exist be-
extracting solvents, and the extracted materials were tween the uronic acid content of flue-cured tobacco and
precipitated with iodine. After splitting of the starch- the body and tensile strength of the leaf (417). How-
iodine complex with alkali, the polysaccharide fraction ever, a trend toward a negative correlation has been
was purified by dialysis or electrodialysis and analyzed claimed in other work (430).
for viscosity, approximate chain length, and hydrolytic The gum-like substance listed in Table XI11 is a
products, including components not present in starch, calcium-magnesium salt of a polysaccharide which
ie., arabinose and galactose, to determine the specificity contains glucuronic acid, galactose, arabinose, and
of the method. These data were compared with com- rhamnose. The salt can be isolated from aged burley
parative findings on starch granules obtained by leaf during separation of the brown pigments. Acidic
mechanical disruption of leaf cells. Starch obtained by hydrolysis yields the above sugars and glucuronolactone,
any of the solvent extractions was degraded, but per- which is known to be formed from glucuronic acid under
chloric acid appeared to be the most efficient solvent. A these conditions. These hydrolytic products are quali-
quantitative method has appeared in which 4 N per- tatively identical with the compounds obtained by
chloric acid is used to extract leaf starch after prior similar hydrolysis of gum arabic. Eleven amino acids
removal of sugars with ethanol (420). Spectrometric are also detectable among the hydrolytic products of
readings of the starch-iodine complex are made a t 400 the tobacco isolate although these components may be
mp and compared with an absorption-concentration contaminants accompanying the polysaccharide. The
curve obtained with potato starch. acid form of the polysaccharide has an equivalent weight
The pectins of tobacco leaf have received some atten- of 924 which would indicate a repeating unit having
tion. Both green and flue-cured leaves contain pectins molar proportions of 2 :2 :1:1 for galactose, arabinose,
which yield D-galacturonic acid, D-galactose,L-rhamnose, rhamnose, and glucuronic acid. The isolated salt
and L-arabinose as major products and D-glucose, D-XY- comprises about 0.9% of dry leaf weight.
lose, fucose, and 2-O-methylxylose as minor constituents The inclusion of the arabogalactan, galactan, and
on acidic hydrolysis (60). I n green leaves, the xylan in Table XI11 is based on a previous evaluation
yields of these major sugars and the methoxyl values of of the claimed identities (263).
the pectin are higher, but total uronic acid is lower than Cellulose can be isolated from tobacco leaf or midribs
in cured leaves. However, equivalent levels of rham- by a sequence of steps consisting of extraction with
nose can be obtained from pectin of cured leaves by water and organic solvents, digestion with hot aqueous
diborane reduction of the pectin prior to acidic hydrol- alkali, and washing with acetic acid, water, and organic
ysis. Partial enzymatic hydrolysis of the pectin from solvents (94). The isolated cellulose is obtained with a
cured leaves yields three a-1,4-linked D-galacturonic minimum of degradation or contamination with lignin
acids with degrees of polymerization of 2, 3, and 4. and other substances. Using a viscosimetric method,
Comparable hydrolysis of green leaves gives several the degree of polymerization (DP) of cellulose from leaf
oligosaccharides including the three found in cured leaf lamina varies with the tobacco type and grade (481) but
pectin and another three which contain galacturonic is generally low (about 1100-1650) compared to wood
acid and galactose with or without rhamnose. One of (-3000) and fiber (6000-8000) celluloses. A slight
the latter compounds appears to be 2-O-(~-galacto- tendency for lower DP values in flue-cured tobaccos
pyranosyl uronic acid) -L-rhamnose (aldobiouronic acid). compared to air-cured types is observed. As expected,
These hydrolytic patterns indicate a fundamental leaf midribs contain higher levels of cellulose and a
difference in the position of rhamose within the struc- larger DP (about 1600-1800) than lamina. No con-
tures of pectins from green and cured leaves. It is clusive relation between quality and cellulose charac-
known that rhamnose may be linked within the uronic teristics can be demonstrated, but some tendency for
acid chain or may exist in side chains (60) which may be higher cellulose levels and lower DP may be found in the
more accessible to acidic and enzymatic hydrolysis. lower grades (481). The cellulose in cigarette tobaccos
I n cured leaves the increased yields of rhamnose after may contribute significantly to the taste of smoke.
diborane reduction and the failure to isolate rhamnose- The addition of various concentrations and physical
containing oligosaccharides may be reflections of the forms of cellulose to cigarettes produces a wide variation

in harshness (603). The presence of noncellulosic com- TABLEXIV

ponents in cigarette tobaccos appears to modify the AMINOACIDSA N D RELATEDCOMPOUKDS
burning of cellulose and ameliorate the harshness asso-
ciated with the polysaccharide. Reference-
Compound Leaf Smoke
a-Alanine 32,258,263, 359,382, 249,250
(TABLEXIV) @-Alanine 263, 389, 382,580,618 249,250
Since 1959, the list of known amino acids and related a-Aminoadipic acid 618 ...
compounds in tobacco leaf and smoke has grown con- a-Aminobutyric acid 263,580 ...
y-Aminobutyric acid 126, 258, 263, 359, 382, 249,250
siderably. Although most of the newly reported acids 580,618
are familiar cellular constituents, two compounds are of Arginine 32,243,359,382,580, ...
special interest. In a study of unidentified ninhydrin- 618
positive substances in tobacco leaf, pyrrolidine-2-acetic Asparagine 126,258,263, 359, 382, ...
acid was isolated from a natural source for the first time Aspartic acid 32,126,243,258,263, 249,250
(562, 574). The compound was extracted from flue- 359,580,618
cured leaves with 70% methanol and separated on Betaine 263 ...
cationic exchange resin and cellulose columns. Crys- Choline 263 ...
tallization of a column eluate yielded 60 mg of acid from Citrulline 263,580 ...
16 kg of leaves. Elementary analyses and paper chro- Cysteic acid 580,618 ...
Cysteine 263,580 ...
matographic and spectrometric characteristics of the Cystine 263,580,618 ...
isolate were identical with synthetic pyrrolidine-2-acetic Glutamic acid 32,126,243,258,263, 249,250,263
acid. The compound is either absent or present in only 359,382,580,618
trace amounts in green tobacco. The second new Glutamine 243,258,263,359,580 249,250,263
amino acid is pipecolic acid (piperidine-2-carboxylic
Glutathione 263 ...
Glycine 32,126,243,263,352, 249,250
acid), which was isolated in the above separation and 382,580,618
crystallized from a chromatographic fraction eluting Histidine 126,258,263,359,382, ...
before pyrrolidine-2-acetic acid. The isolated com- 580,618
pound gave no depression of melting point and an in- Homocystine 618 ...
frared spectrum identical with synthetic L-pipecolic Homoserine 633 ...
acid, a well-known constituent of natural products.
Hydroxyproline 184,185,618 *..
Isoleucine 126,243,258,263,382, ...
This amino acid is present in easily detectable amounts 580,618
in green tobacco and is accompanied by other ninhydrin- Leucine 126, 243,258, 263,382, 249,250
positive substances (574), three of which have been 580,618
shown recently to be condensation products of amino Lysine 126,243,263,359,382, ...
acids and sugars (see section 1II.L). 580,618
Since 1959, the number of known amino acids in Methionine 32,126,243,263,382, ...
cigarette smoke has grown from 2 to 14. Isolation of Methionine sulfone 185,618 ...
the newly reported amino acids was accomplished by 1-Methylhistidine 382,662 ...
trapping of smoke in water and separation of the water- Norleucine 580 ...
soluble fraction on ion-exchange resins after removal Ornithine 382,580 249,250
of ether-soluble components (249,250). Identifications Phenylalanine 126,243,258, 263,359, 250
were established by paper cochromatographic separa- Pipecolic acid 562,574 ...
tions with authentic amino acids. a-Alanine was the Proline 126,258,263, 359,382, 249,250
major acid in the smoke from seven types of tobacco 580,618
and was present in relatively high levels, 11-268 pg per Pyrrolidine-2-acetic 562,574 ...
cigarette (250). acid
Much of the recent work on the amino acids of Serine 32, 126,243,258,263, 249,250
tobacco leaf has concerned the qualitative and quantita- Taurine 618 ...
tive differences in tobacco types and the effects of var- Threonine 32,126,243,258,263, 250
ious cultural and curing conditions on acid contents. 359,382,580
The major free amino acid in Rhodesian flue-cured leaf Tryptophan 32,258,263, 359, 580, ...
is proline, occurring in levels of 0.4-1.3% (258). 635
Among American tobaccos, some qualitative differences Tyramine 580 ...
Tyrosine 32, 126,243,258,263, ...
are noted in the free amino acids in flue-cured and air- 382,580,618
cured types, e.g., the absence in burley and presence in Valine 126,243,258,263,359, 249,250
flue-cured leaf of homocystine and hydroxyproline 382,580,618
(618). Although rapid hydrolysis of protein is known ences were determined in the proteins from tobacco
to occur during curing, 7 out of 27 amino acids decrease subjected to different methods of curing and fermenta-
in the process, showing that other reactions are proceed- tion (433).
ing which affect the acid levels markedly. These
reactions may include condensation with sugars, pro- N. MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS
ducing compounds such as 1-deoxy-l-L-prolino-D-
fructose (562, 575) and decarboxylations and oxidative 1. Inorganic Constituents (Table X V )
deaminations, yielding such products as acetaldehyde, The occurrence and agronomic influence of trace
isobutyraldehyde, glutamine, and asparagine, all of elements in tobacco leaf have been reviewed recently
which accumulate during curing (616, 618). In this (578).
regard the apparent relationship between leaf aroma and The continued trend toward replacement of arsenical
some aliphatic carbonyls (617) may be actually a reflec- sprays with other pesticides has been reflected in pro-
tion of changes in amino acid composition during curing. gressively lower arsenic contents in leaf (522) and ciga-
The observed decreases in amino acids during fermenta- rette smoke (237). The suggestion has been made that
tion of tobacco have been attributed to reactions with triphenylarsine may be present in cigarette smoke and
polyphenols yielding melanin-like compounds (243). may contribute to the tumorigenic effect of smoke
Qualitative and quantitative differences are found in the condensate in laboratory animals (237). A new analyt-
amino acid contents of leaf midribs and lamina in ical method using silver diethyldithiocarbamate has
different tobacco types (633). Homoserine occurs in been claimed to have equivalent precision and greater
the midribs but not in the lamina of flue-cured tobacco,
and burley midribs contain asparagine, glycine, and
tryptophan, which are absent in the flue-cured type. TABLEXV
Interest in the composition of midribs has been
prompted by the current commercial use of these Element Leaf Smoke
previously discarded leaf parts in homogenized tobacco Aluminum 263,578,596 263
sheet or in cigarette blends after pulverization (see sec- Arsenic 3,227,237,263,522, 263
tion VI). 578
Several investigations have been reported on the Barium 263,578,596 ...
changes in amino acid composition of tobacco leaf in
Beryllium 620 ...
Boron 263,578 ...
different stalk positions (126) and under various cultural Calcium 263, 596 263
(381,382,580,662) and curing (663) conditions. Cesium 263,578 ...
Few significant studies on the protein composition of Chlorine 578 ...
tobacco leaf have appeared in the recent literature. A Chromium 263,578 263
method for isolating “fraction I” and “fraction 11”
Cobalt 578,596 ...
Copper 263,578,596 263
proteins (263) from green leaf has been described utiliz- Fluorine 533 ...
ing ultracentrifugation through a density boundary Iodine 578 ...
followed by dialysis (404). The isolated “fraction 11” Iron 263,578,596 143,263
contains about 60% protein and has a sedimentation Lead 263,578,596 263
constant of about 3 Svedberg units, which is within the
Lithium 263,578,596 ..*
Magnesium 263,578,596 263
range of an earlier reported value (263). The proteins Manganese 263,578,596 263
of tobacco leaf grown under shade or in direct sunlight Mercury 578 ...
show differences in electrophoretic mobilities on starch Molybdenum 578,596 ...
(666). One major fraction is obtained from shade- Nickel 578,596 121,263,402,557
Polonium 426,578 161,284,330,426,
grown leaf protein, but two fractions are present in the 441,442,660
sun-grown material; however, none of the substances is Potassium 263 263
believed to be homogenous. A protein, “phytomyosin,” Radium 161,327,578,581,583 ...
has been isolated from tobacco leaf by ammonium sul- Rubidium 263,578 ...
fate precipitation and gel filtration (661). The sub- Selenium 578 ...
Silicon 142,263,578 143,491
stance was claimed to be homogenous and to have Silver 578 ...
marked adenosine triphosphatase activity. A study Sodium 263,578,596 263
has been made of the effectiveness of conventional Strontium 263,578,596 263
precipitants in removing proteins from tobacco leaf Thallium 177,178,578 ...
extracts (432). Trichloracetic acid and acetic acid Tin 578,596 *..
Titanium 263,286,596 263
were found to be preferable to cupric hydroxide, but all Uranium 578 ...
precipitants contained large amounts of nonproteinace- Vanadium 578,596 ...
ous material. Using these techniques superficial differ- Zinc 263,578,596 263

ease of performance than the Gutzeit procedure in to certain other published information (62,310). The
determining arsenic in tobacco (227). full chemical names for all cited chemicals are given in
The levels of thallium in cigars and cigarettes are the review.
relatively similar and are in the range of 24-100 ppb Most of the published work has concerned residues
(177,178). Experiments on the fate of thallium during obtained on tobacco grown under experimental condi-
smoking suggest that one-half of the quantity in cigars tions. Detection of agricultural chemicals in leaf and
and cigarettes may be transferred into the smoke (177), smoke from such samples is no assurance that the same
but thallium has not been detected therein. results will be obtained in commercial products.
The amounts of beryllium in the cigarette tobacco Marked differences in the quantitative transfer of resi-
types vary from 0.075 ppm for Maryland to 0.015 ppm dues from leaf to smoke have been noted between ex-
for flue-cured (620). Beryllium does not transfer into perimental and commercial samples; however, some
the smoke and is distributed between the ash (63%) basic characteristics of thermostability and volatility
and the butt (37%). can be determined by using experimental tobaccos.
In a preliminary report on selenium, levels of 2-4 ppm The residues of agricultural chemicals found in
in tobacco and about 10 ppm in cigarette paper have tobacco and smoke are derived from insecticides,
been described (7),but no mention was made of the fungicides, and sucker-inhibiting agents. Leaf and soil
transference of selenium into cigarette smoke. fumigants probably do not leave residues, although they
The possible presence of nickel carbonyl in tobacco may react with leaf constituents, e.g., alkylation by the
smoke has been suggested (557),but neither this com- fumigant methyl bromide. In the United States,
pound nor related volatile carbonyls, e.g., cobalt car- insecticides are used extensively, but fungicides are
bonyl, has been isolated from smoke. Analysis of the employed rarely (209).
nickel content of smoke from domestic and foreign All of the pesticides listed in Table XVI have been
cigarettes has given different results, but all reported found in both green and cured leaves except Malathion,
levels are less than 1 pg per cigarette (402,557). Esti- which was present only in green leaves.
mates of the percentage transference of nickel from leaf Substantial losses of applied insecticide are observed
to smoke have varied from less than 0.1 (121) to 20% after application to the growing plant and during curing.
(557), and part of this variation may be due to differ- Reductions of about 50430% of chlorinated compounds
ences in smoking conditions (402). Although nickel (TDE and Endrin) and 90% or greater of carbamate
carbonyl has not been found in smoke and is known to (Carbaryl) and thiophosphate (Guthion) insecticides
decompose at a temperature (ZOO0) far below the coal may occur prior to harvest, and flue-curing may result
temperature, a patent has appeared listing a series of in a further decrease of about 40 and 80%, respectively.
chemical additives for cigarette filters capable of react-
ing with nickel carbonyl (70). TABLEXVI
Gold and platinum may effect the biosynthesis of THEREOFI N TOBACCOLEAFAND SMOKE
alkaloids, but no information on the levels of these c Leaf
elements in tobacco leaf is available (578). Green
Tobacco leaf contains significant amounts of nitrates, or Cigar-
Chemical Sourod cured &tea Smoke
and analytical methods for determining this anion have
Carbaryl c, E +- + +
been published recently (97, 369, 519). Values of
0.1-570 have been obtained for cigarette and cigar
C +
+- +-
tobaccos (65,369,519). The nitrates of tobacco may be Dieldrin C + -
Dimethoate U + -
of importance as precursors of oxides of nitrogen in
Dyrene E + - +
smoke. Endosulfan E + - +
Polonium and other radionuclides of tobacco leaf and Endrin Cl E ++ +- -I-
smoke are discussed in section IV. Guthion
E ++ - +-
2. Agricultural Chemicals (Table X V I ) Maleic hydrazide
E + +- +-
Since residues of agricultural chemicals on tobacco Oxyguthion E + - -
are a source of off-flavor in smoke (154) and have been Sevin E + - ++
suggested as a possible factor in smoking-health rela- TDE Cl E +- +-
tionships (527),interest in these components has been TDEE Cl E
+ - +
stimulated markedly in the last few years. A com- Telodrin E
++ - +
prehensive review of agricultural chemicals used on Thiodan
C - +-
tobacco and residues thereon has appeared recently Trichlorfon E + - -
(209), and the present discussion will be limited to a Zineb C + + -
brief summary of the points covered in this review and C = commercial, E = experimental, U = unknown.

Losses during air-curing are much less. Aging and tion product of Guthion, appears during curing (209).
subsequent manufacturing processes do not appear to The presence of a A-keto derivative of Endrin in
reduce the amounts of residues. The levels of Endrin cigarette smoke is suspected (209). Although present
and T D E vary widely in commercial tobaccos, but in trace amounts, the use of modern chromatographic
commercial blending of various crops and types in and spectrometric techniques should expedite the iso-
making cigarettes apparently reduces this variation. lation and identification of pyrolytic products of pesti-
Values of 11-22 ppm of T D E and 0.2-1.3 ppm of Endrin cidal residues in the next few years.
have been reported from 1956 to 1966 (61). The Regarding biological activity, tumorigenic activity
following percentages of transference from leaf to has been reported for LIH-30 when the hydrazide was
mainstream smoke were obtained on smoking experi- administered parenterally in rats (130). Comparisons
mental cigarettes (62, 209): TDE, 19-22; Endrin, of carcinogenic activity of smoke from cigarettes with
18-30; Telodrin, 4-5; Endosulfan, 3; Thiodan, 3 ; or without Dimethoate (a thiophosphate) have shown no
Sevin, 1; Carbaryl, 1; and Guthion, <l. In addition, a statistical difference in tumor rates (379).
known pyrolytic product of TDE, l-chloro-2,2-bis-
(4’-chloropheny1)ethylene (TDEE) (61, 350, 495), has 3. Other Constituents (Table X V I I )
been found in smoke in amounts approximately equiva- Recent studies on the major gases of cigarette smoke
lent to the T D E levels (209). Some variation in these have concerned mainly the changes in concentration
percentages rrere found in measuring transference of which occur during smoking. I n the region of the
T D E and Endrin in smoke from commercial cigarettes. cigarette cone, large amounts of carbon monoxide and
Levels of 0.06 (Endrin), 1.6 (TDE), and 1.1 (TDEE) carbon dioxide are formed in an atmosphere which is
pg per cigarette have been reported (209), but such deficient in oxygen (377). As the smoke passes through
values may vary significantly (61). the cigarette the oxygen concentration is increased due
Little work has been done on the loss of fungicidal to dilution with air drawn through the porous cigarette
residues during growth, curing, processing, and smoking paper and around the burning cone. An increase in
(209). Levels of Dyrene (a chlorinated anilinotria- the airflow through the cigarette produces a decrease in
zine) on leaves are apparently not reduced greatly on oxygen and increases in oxides of carbon (257). I n the
storage. I n experimental cigars 1% of Dyrene was mainstream smoke, about 60% of the carbon dioxide
transferred to the mainstream smoke. Losses of and 47% of the carbon monoxide are derived from
residual Zineb and Maneb, two salts of thiocarbamic atmospheric oxidation of carbon monoxide or carbon
acid, were 43-78% during curing and industrial pro- (34). Carbon monoxide comprises 3-5% of the smoke
cessing of bright and burley tobaccos; apparently, from commercial cigarettes (357), and the level is not
Zineb is more stable than Maneb. Diclone (2,3- influenced significantly by the moisture content of the
dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone)is a fungicide which has tobacco. The carbon monoxide in smoke causes small
been used on Canadian tobacco in conjunction with increases in the carboxyhemoglobin levels in smokers
maleic hydrazide. On experimental tobaccos grown in but may not be a hazard to normal individuals (285).
the field, residues of Diclone up to 2 ppm were found in Since nitrogen dioxide is more toxic and ciliostatic
leaves (236). than nitric oxide, the proportion of these compounds in
hlaleic hydrazide (MH-30) is a commonly used
sucker-inhibiting agent which gives increased crop T.4BLE XVII
yields of leaf (215) but controversial effects on quality MISCELLANEOUS
(8, 215, 354). Variable levels of residual hIH-30 are Referenc-
found in experimental flue- and air-cured tobaccos Component Leaf Smoke
(6, S), but information on the fate of MH-30 during CioHd 263 ...
burning is sparse. Experimental cigarettes containing Carbon dioxide ... 56,205,257,263,
10 and 30 ppm MH-30 gave 0 and 4 2 ppm of unchanged Carbon monoxide ... 56,205,257,263,
MH-30 in the smoke, respectively (556). Using C14- 348,377
labeled MH-30, 23.4y0 of the added radioactivity was Chlorophyll 263 ...
found in COZ, CO, and “tars” of the smoke, and 31% Methyl chloride ... 79,205,263
was calculated or found in the butt and ash. The
Methyl isocyanate ... 412
Nitric oxide ... 56,205,212,263,
remainder was assumed to have been lost in the side- 378,384
stream smoke. Nitrous oxide ... 410
With a few exceptions, the identities of the decompo- Nucleic acids 263 ...
sition products of agricultural chemical residues on Phosphatides 263 ...
Resins 87,219,447, 447
tobacco or in the smoke are unknown. In addition to 537,559
TDEE, 2-chloroaniline has been isolated from the smoke Saponins 263 ...
of cigars containing Dyrene and oxyguthion, an oxida- Silicones 142 143,491

cigarette smoke has been investigated (56,384). Levels The total reducing substances in cigarette smoke from
of 24-54 pg of nitric oxide per puff have been obtained different tobacco types and quality grades have been
for commercial cigarettes, and nitrogen dioxide is either determined (619) and are believed to include compounds
absent or present only in trace amounts. In fact, other than reducing sugars (292).
nitrogen dioxide can only be detected if a delay occurs Microscopic examination of commercial tobaccos has
between smoke collection and analysis, thus permitting shown that large numbers of fungal spores may be
oxidation of nitric oxide (378). The nitric oxide con- present in some samples (163). By growing organisms
tent in the smoke from different tobacco types varies isolated therefrom on timothy hay and exposing animals
from 145 to 665 ppm (212). to heavy doses of the smoke from such hay, respiratory
The possible presence of ethyl chloride in the gaseous changes suggestive of emphysema have been demon-
phase of cigarette smoke has been cited (205). strated. A parallel experiment with tobacco could not
The resins are a large group of acidic and neutral be done since the organisms did not grow consistently
substances which comprise at least 3% of the dry weight on leaf. Although many questions remain unanswered
of flue-cured leaves (537) and have defied intensive in this study, the findings indicate that the presence of
effort to be identified. Although variable in properties, mycotoxins in leaf and smoke is a possibility. Thus far,
the resins are usually viscous, tacky substances having isolation of such substances from leaf or smoke has not
odor, color, high molecular weight, and large carbon to been reported. Organisms in tobacco are not trans-
hydrogen ratios. The infrared spectra are generally ferred into the smoke (521).
nondescript and show short unbroken methylene chains,
variable amounts and types of oxygenated functions,
and little or no unsaturation (559). These substances IV. SPECIAL

can be separated into “hard” and “soft” resins which

differ in solubility and paper chromatographic mobility
(219, 447). The over-all characteristics of the resins Within the past 10 years and probably as a result of
suggest they are oxidative and/or polymeric products increased emphasis on the physiological aspects of
produced from terpenes, sterols, etc. The presence of tobacco smoking, there has been a developing interest
apparent oxidation products of solanesol in aged tobacco in the radioactivity of tobacco and its smoke. Earlier
has been noted (48, 345). During smoking, leaf resins reports were concerned mainly with the @ activity of
may undergo structural changes during transference leaf and smoke. On smoking cigarette and cigar to-
into the smoke (447). baccos, the bulk of such activity is found in the ash
A silicone has been isolated from the ether-soluble (10,11,355,478, 532) and is presumed to be due mainly
neutral fraction of cigar smoke condensate (491). to the naturally occurring K40 although isotopes of ru-
Based on the infrared spectrum and X-ray diffraction bidium (10,11,355), strontium (10,11,197), and cesium
pattern, the substance appears to be a polymeric (197) are also present. The amounts of K40transferred
methylsiloxane which is generally similar to the silicone to the smoke of cigarettes (less than 1% of total leaf
isolated from the alkaline fusion products of the brown activity) were calculated to be about 10,000-fold less
pigments from cigarette leaf and smoke (see section than the dose required for tumor formation (532) and
1II.K). The silicone from cigar smoke is not a con- only slightly more than the a activity of Rn222and
taminant derived from stopcock grease or laboratory Rn220normally inhaled from the atmosphere (478).
chemicals during the isolation. Although it is possible Also, the inhaled K40may be in a “soluble” form which
that the substance originates from deposition of lubri- is readily eliminated from the lung tissue (478). A
cants or other industrial chemicals on cigars during process of steaming tobacco has been claimed to reduce
manufacturing, the presence of bound silicone in the the radioactivity of tobacco by more than threefold
brown pigments would indicate that these compounds thus producing a relatively nonradioactive smoke
occur naturally. (10, l l ) , but details are unavailable. The SrgOcontent
Except for a report on the degradation of chlorophyll of Canadian tobacco has been measured (66) and is
to phaeophytin (423), no new findings have appeared on believed to be a negligible factor in the tumorigenic
the other constituents listed in Table XVII. The activity of cigarette smoke since the nuclide is not
purines and pyrimidines isolated from the free nucleic volatile at the temperature of a burning cigarette.
acids of leaf are adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil Recently, the CY activity of tobacco has received
(263). No confirmation of a report on the occurrence considerable attention. Although the absence of
of coumarin in leaf has appeared (649). No further radioelements in the radium and thorium series in leaf
information has been published on the occurrence of was reported in early work ( l l ) , later studies have
vitamin B complex in tobacco (263); the presence of shown variable levels of a activity in green leaf and
nicotinic acid and nicotinamide in leaf was cited in tobacco products. Total CY activity amounting to
section 1II.J. 10-1100 pcuries per 100 g of tobacco has been reported

in green tobacco, cigarettes, and cigars (327, 584), specific removal of particulate matter (284, 330, 441,
and about 20-25% of this activity (584) is due to Ra226 442).
and Ra228. Other reports (161, 581) give values of Various interpretations of the biological significance
9.9-47 pcuries per 100 g for Ra226. Variations in of Po2lo in cigarette smoke have appeared. Initial
a activity of leaf are found depending on geographic estimates of the excess a activity in lung or other body
origin and growth and processing conditions (198, 325, tissue due to smoking (441) were disputed (226, 240,
581, 583). Pb2loand Po21owith half-lives of 19.4 years 326,518) and then rebutted (315,443). Most recently,
and 138.4 days, respectively, are daughter elements of analyses of tissues for Po21oand its precursor, the long-
Ra226which also occur in tobacco leaf (158, 198, 581- lived Pb210,have provided data on retention and distri-
583). In addition, bismuth-210 (half-life, 5.9 days) bution -within the body, and detailed discussions of the
may be present but cannot be detected (581). The physiological significance of these nuclides have ap-
measured levels of these daughter elements are higher peared (241, 316).
than calculated values based on the Ra226content of the
growing leaf showing that a source other than decay of B. FREE RADICALS AND IONS
Ra226contributes to the Pb2l0and Po2locontents. The
source may be direct absorption of the nuclides from the Since free radicals may play some role in the induction
soil rather than foliar intake of atmospheric Rn2Z2 of tumorigenicity, attention has been directed to the
(half-life, 3.83 days), a gaseous precursor of the lead free-radical content of tobacco smoke. The levels of
and polonium nuclides (582). An earlier report which radicals in cigarette smoke are about 101*-1016free
attributed the Po2l0content of leaf to the curing process radicals per g of smoke (242, 322, 323), which is in
(43) has not been confirmed (582). In general, con- the range found for soots and atmospheric smoke (322,
tamination with radioactive fallout is not believed to be 323). The stability of these radicals is variable (242,
a major contributor to the activity of tobacco leaf 322, 327); although the number of free radicals is
(327,582). drastically reduced when smoke condensate is warmed
The presence of a activity in leaf has led to a search from very low temperatures to room temperature or
for such activity in smoke. In earlier work, almost all higher (242, 322, 323) , free radicals can still be detected
the long-lived a activity in leaf was believed to be in flue-cured cigarette smoke even after 300 hr by
retained in the ash, and the only source in smoke could reaction with the radical scavenger, cr,a'-diphenyl-P-
be the gaseous Rn222arising from decay of Ra226in picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) (563). The retention of free
leaf (584). Calculations based on such reasoning radicals in rabbit lungs after exposure to cigarette smoke
showed that the intake of Rn222by smokers was negligi- has been demonstrated recently by esr techniques (472).
ble. However, these findings were ultimately disputed The chemical structures of the free radicals in smoke
(327) and interpreted in another way to show that may be quite diverse. Gross differences in the free
significant loss of other a emitters, such as Po2l0,may radicals of smoke condensate are readily apparent based
occur during burning of a cigarette. The controversy on solubility (322) and chromatographic behavior on
was finally resolved by the demonstration of Po2loin alumina (323). A linear relationship exists between
cigarette smoke (441) although the biological signifi- loss of fluorescence and decreased reactivity with DPPH
cance of these findings still remains questionable. when smoke solutions are irradiated (323). Thus,
PoZl0is volatile at 500" and is easily transferred from experimental handling of smoke may influence the
leaf to smoke during burning. The nuclide has been quantity and structure of the free radicals with con-
isolated from mainstream smoke using a method for current effects on the biological activity.
separating radium isotopes and identified by determina- The stability of free radicals in smoke are actually
tion of the decay pattern (441), Recovery experiments reflections of structural differences. In general, stability
on cigarette tobaccos and smoke have accounted for is determined by the potentialities for migration of the
SO-lOO% of the Po2l0in leaf (161, 426, 441) with ap- free electron throughout the strucutre, ie., movement in
proximate distribution percentages as follows : ash, a delocalized orbital. Structures containing large
10; butt, 35; mainstream smoke, 25; sidestream smoke, numbers of fused aromatic rings afford a high potential
30. The reported levels in mainstream smoke are for extensive orbital delocalization, and such structures
0.029-0.139 pcuries per cigarette (161, 284, 441, 660) may be major contributors to the stable free-radical
and are apparently dependent on the conditions of complement of cigarette smoke. Comparisons of
mechanical smoking (284). The nuclide occurs mostly free-radical concentrations in pyrolytic products of
in the particulate phase of smoke, and the ratio of organic matter and the percentage of carbon in these
particulate matter to Po2loin smoke varies over a rela- products tend to confirm this concept (242). The
tively narrow range (284). Filter cigarettes contain '(semiconductor" theory of carcinogenesis by such
smaller amounts of Po2loin mainstream smoke than hydrocarbons is based on the migration of an electron
nonfilters, but this effect is apparently due to non- from an excited protein molecule to pair with the mobile
electron in the hydrocarbon molecule a t the proper during passage through the tobacco column by a
energy level, thus resulting in what is essentially a mechanism other than filtration (287).
“free-radical” protein (242). The ionic current in sidestream smoke increases
The free radicals in smoke are derived primarily from greatly after pufEng and on removal of the accumulated
the pyrolytic reactions which occur during burning. ash. Based on spatial and kinetic considerations, it
A possible secondary source is distillation of intracellu- has been estimated (287) that the concentration of
lar free radicals produced by in situ a irradiation or by small ions in a spheroidal volume having a radius of
autooxidative processes (327). As discussed in section 25 cm from the coal of a cigarette would be 2.8 X lo5
III.N.3, leaf contains relatively large amounts of unfrac- ions per ml which is about 1000 times the ionic level in a
tionated resins which possess structural features sugges- room not containing smoke. The ionic behavior of
tive of terpenoid or steroidal oxidation products. sidestream smoke from cigarettes is much different from
Since peroxides are formed in autooxidations, the per- smoke from cigars and pipes; cigarette smoke shows a
oxides detectable in smoke (see section 1V.C) could persistent retention of ionic concentration up to 6 min
conceivably originate by distillation from tobacco after a puff, but the ionic levels of cigar or pipe smoke
during burning of a cigarette. I n general, however, decay rapidly up t o 2.5 min after puffing.
the contribution of a secondary source of free radicals I n general, the contribution of radioactive substances,
to the total content of smoke must be relatively minor free radicals, and ions to the biological effects of smoke
and probably insignificant. in animals has been relatively ignored. Such agents
Free radicals are produced by burning all types of may act in conjunction with other chemical carcinogens
organic matter, and a relationship exists between tem- and promoters in smoke, which have been studied more
perature and the yield of free radicals. One published extensively and, perhaps, overemphasbed. A funda-
example (242) shows that the rate of free-radical genera- mental link exists between chemically and physically
tion increases markedly at about 400°, peaks a t about induced carcinogenesis in that both can act by dis-
500-600”, and declines a t about 650-1000”. However, orientation of the normal electronic patterns in mole-
heating tobacco or cellulose isothermally at different cules. Much work is required to determine the relative
temperatures in this range results in a progressive in- contribution of charged particles in smoke to the tumor-
crease in free-radical-mediated pyrosynthesis of benzo- igenic effect in animals.
[alpyrene (BAP) (see section V). Considering the
complex burning pattern of a cigarette, it is obviously
not possible to predict the temperature in a cigarette a t Biological alkylating agents act by alkylation of
which free-radical generation would proceed maximally. essential cellular metabolites in producing toxic, muta-
Nevertheless, alteration of the burning characteristics genic, and/or tumorigenic effects. Some aspects of
of a cigarette to change the yields of free radicals and biological alkylation relating to tobacco and its use
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons remains an attrac- have been reviewed earlier (4).
tive hypothesis, and some effort in this area has been Although the presence of alkylating activity in
reported (see section VI). cigarette smoke has been known for several years (424,
Most of the published work on free radicals in smoke 487), details of this property have been studied only
has involved the relatively stable entities therein. The recently (542). Alkylations are primarily nucleophilic
patterns of pyrolytic generation and the general proper- reactions and a colorimetric method employing the nu-
ties of very short-lived radicals are relatively unknown cleophile 4-(4’-nitrobenzy1)pyridine has been used to de-
because of obvious experimental difficulties. Also, termine the level and distribution of activity in cigarette
other phenomena associated with the generation of smoke condensate. Unfractionated smoke condensate
smoke and subsequent biological effects of such smoke from domestic, commercial cigarettes had the alkylating
are difficult to correlate, e.g., the possibilities of free equivalent of 20 pg of 2-iodobutane per cigarette. On
radicals acting as “scavengers” for each other or of separation of the smoke condensate into twelve fractions
detoxifying effects by adsorption on carbon blacks (242). of different solubilities, alkylating activity was found in
I n addition to free radicals, cigarette smoke contains every fraction. With the possible exception of the
large amounts of structurally unidentified gaseous ions water-soluble acidic substances, the bulk of the activity
(287, 318, 615) which possess energies in the range of was found in the cyclohexane-solubleneutrals (26% of
6 eV. Small ions of this nature are known to be bac- total). The crude, weakly acidic brown pigments
tericidal in much lower doses than ultraviolet and comprised 6.8% of the condensate weight and had 8.5%
X-ray irradiation, but large ions are not believed to of the total activity. The largest specific activity
have a biological effect attributable to charge alone. was found in a precipitate which formed on addition of
Although sidestream and mainstream smoke contain hydrochloric acid to an ether solution of the bases and
large amounts of large ions, mainstream smoke shows neutrals. An accurate approximation of the alkylating
relatively low levels of small ions, indicating a loss activity of the water-soluble acidic fraction could not be

made because of artifact formation. The final step in The effect of tobacco smoke on monoamine oxidase
the isolation of these substances required evaporation of has been studied superficially (72). This enzyme acts
a 0.1 N hydrochloric acid solution containing these by oxidative deamination of a number of substrates,
acids. Apparently, some hydrohalogenation of the including serotinin, a pharmacologically active com-
unsaturated acids occurred during solvent removal, pound which occurs in many animal tissues and has an
yielding halogenated compounds with high alkylating effect on cilia. Using spermine as a substrate, the
activity and fallaciously high values for this fraction. inhibitory activity of smoke is found in both the gaseous
However, when calculated by difference, these sub- and particulate phases, but the effect is not due to
stances had the highest activity of any fraction (33% of nicotine.
total). Elucidation of a specific mechanism of inhibition by
The smoke constituents responsible for this alkylation tobacco smoke in a given enzyme system is difficult.
are not known. Methyl chloride is an obvious candi- Tobacco smoke contains several components which are
date, but this compound should not be present in the known to react noncompetitively with many enzymes,
fractions because of its volatility. Other possibilities e.g., carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and simple
are y-lactones (e.g., levantenolides, IX), nitrosamines, phenols. Depending on the enzyme, several inactivat-
and pesticides, such as halogenated hydrocarbons or ing reactions may occur simultaneously, and separation
phosphate esters which may be present in trace amounts of these effects can be a formidable task. Considering
in leaf and smoke (see section III.N.2). I n fact, the the potential physiological effects of enzyme inhibition,
presence of any alkylating agent in smoke condensate such studies comprise an important area of work for
known to contain nucleophiles, e.g., pyridines, would future investigation.
seem to be anomalous. One possible explanation is
that alkylating reactions have already occurred in V. THERMAL OF TOBACCO
smoke during collection, and the activity being mea- Since tobacco is consumed mainly by smoking,
sured is a small residual one. Another possibility is numerous investigations have been reported on the
that the pattern is a reflection of differences in the rates chemical changes during heating and burning of tobacco.
of nucleophilic reactions. I n the SN1 mechanism, rates Most of the studies have concerned the pyrolytic prod-
are related to the dielectric constant of the solvent, and ucts of tobacco constituents with particular emphasis
cooled (-79") smoke collection traps may not be on precursors of smoke components having tumorigenic
favorable in this respect. In the S N mechanism,~ or organoleptic properties. The present discussion will
alkylation is a function of the nucleophilicity of the be limited to studies related to tobacco chemistry and is
nucleophile, and the analytical reagent may be more not intended as a general review of thermal and pyro-
active than the bases occurring naturally in smoke. lytic effects on organic compounds.
Tobacco smoke inhibits the activity of several When stored in closed containers a t room temperature
enzymes including urease (483), succinic dehydrogenase, and atmospheric pressure, tobacco emits vapors which
(483), glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase can be trapped and examined compositionally (558)
(GAPD) (306), yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (306), and using subtle collection and analytical systems. These
monamine oxidase (72). The inhibition of urease vapors consist generally of low-boiling constituents
and succinic dehydrogenase is reversed by cysteine or which have been discussed in section 111. On warming
glutathione (483). With GAPD, two inhibitory factors tobacco progressively, moisture and volatile organic
are present, one of which is reversed by cysteine and compounds are lost, and changes in the carbohydrates
is not removed by inhalation (306). Addition of take place. On prolonged heating up to 60°, glucose is
catalase to smoke prior to reacting with the GAPD converted into unidentified high molecular weight con-
results in complete disappearance of the inhibitory eff ect. stituents (123), hydroxymethylfurfural (124), formic
Fresh smoke accelerates the autooxidation of cysteine acid (125), tetrahydroxyvaleric acid (125), and other
markedly but inhaled smoke has a negligible effect oxidative products (123). Differential thermal analysis
(577). Thus, a t least part of the inhibitory action of of the heating pattern shows a marked endothermic
smoke is probably due to oxidation of sulfhydryl groups reaction occurring in the 60-80" range attributable to
in enzymes. Since small amounts of peroxides can be loss of water and low-boiling volatiles (147). As the
detected in smoke (564), these compounds may be re- temperature is increased, a second endotherm is noted a t
sponsible for some of the inhibition. I n addition, the 160-170" which has been attributed to loss of water of
free radicals in smoke may contribute to the effect. hydration (71) and decomposition or melting of leaf
Transfer of electrons from free radicals to sulfhydryl constituents such as carbohydrates andpectins. Signifi-
groups is possible, yielding thio radicals which could react cant losses of alkaloids by volatilization also occur in
with oxygen to give thioperoxy radicals (577) and this temperature range (293). Further heating of
eventually disufldes or sulfinic and sulfonic acids as tobacco causes substantial weight losses (147) which are
oxidative products. somewhat different for the different tobacco types

(71, 416). Large weight losses are encountered a t studies have involved pyrolysis of tobacco constituents
temperatures approaching the ignition point which is and extracts in heated tubes in the conventional
about 400-450" (71, 573) although a value of 230" has manner.
been reported (416). At temperatures above the igni-
tion point, classical free-radical reactions of pyrolysis
are initiated and drastic changes occur in the compo-
nents of heated tobacco. From 400 to lOOO", the yields When pyrolyzed in air or nitrogen a t temperatures
of condensable pyrolysate decrease progressively but a t or near that of a burning cigarette, dotriacontane or a
the levels of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) mixture of aliphatic paraffins from tobacco leaf produces
in the condensates increase rapidly (201). The con- at least 30 PAH having three or more rings (300-303)
densates contain many constituents found in cigarette and the yield of BAP is almost 100-fold greater than that
smoke as well as compounds not occurring in smoke, obtained from glucose (201). Maximum levels of BAP
e.g., 20-methylcholanthrene and anthraquinone (297). are found at 860", and the quantities of PAH formed a t
I n a burning cigarette, cigar, or pipe, a sequential 700" are about one-third to one-tenth the amounts
pattern of thermal changes superficially similar to the obtained (301, 302, 304) at 800". At 700", significant
above events occurs. The maximum temperature in amounts of methane, ethylene, propylene, acetylene,
the cigarette cone is about 880" and variable tempera- benzene, toluene, naphthalene, and styrene are also pro-
tures in cigars and pipes have been reported (644). In duced (20,24). No aromatic compounds are formed a t
cigarettes, a sharp thermal gradient is found in a narrow or below 600" (302).
region behind the burning cone (214), and this gradient The mechanisms of these pyrosyntheses have been
may vary with the length of the remaining butt (149). studied in detail. In general, fragmentation of the
Volatilization, distillation, sublimation, pyrolysis, paraffinic hydrocarbon chain to Cz and C* units occurs,
chemical interaction, and, possibly, mechanical cellular and the units may polymerize by several routes to
eruption (540) occur chiefly within this region, and yield aromatic hydrocarbons of one to six rings. The
oxygen plays a minor role in the reactions (228). The pyrosyntheses of BAP (Scheme I, A) (18,29) and pyrene
formed aerosol proceeds rapidly down the cigarette (Scheme I, B) (18) illustrate the generalities of two
during the ('draw'' and is mixed with air which per- representative cases and are given here without regard
meates the cigarette paper. Partial deposition of the to the positions of unpaired electrons which are variable
aerosol occurs during this passage and the condensed and transitory. For BAP, the sequence involves com-
material is again subjected to heat and revolatilized as bination of Cz and C4 units to form ethylcyclohexyl,
the cone moves down the cigarette. The compositional butylphenyl, and tetralinyl radicals, the last two of
nature of the aerosol thus changes from puff to puff, which cyclize and dehydrogenate to BAP. In the
giving higher concentrations of aerosol and components pyrene synthesis, the Cz and C4 fragments combine in
therein as smoking proceeds (376). several steps to form a pair of 4-vinylcyclohexenyl
Earlier investigations on the precursors of the PAH radicals which then dimerize and produce pyrene after
were tacitly based on the concept that one or, a t most, a dehydrogenation. However, cleavage of the higher
few leaf components act as such precursors. Since aliphatic hydrocarbons to Cz and C4 fragments is not a
most, if not all, organic compounds produce PAH a t the necessity since synthesis may begin when fragmentation
temperatures of a burning cigarette, e.g., oxalic acid to Cs,Ce, or larger units has occurred (27). The effect
(180), the concept of a single precursor is obviously an of temperature on the generation of PAH from a Cla
oversimplification. However, leaf components vary compound, butylbenzene, is generally similar to the
widely in their yields of PAH on heating (93, 180) and pattern noted above for tobacco paraffins and little or no
may contribute disproportionately to the over-all PAH PAH synthesis occurs below 450" (26). Evidence for
in mainstream smoke. A major obstacle in studies on these general mechanisms has been obtained by exten-
leaf precursors has been the mechanics of designing sive studies on the yields of PAH from such precursors
pyrolytic experiments to simulate the thermal environ- as acetylene, butadiene, styrene, ethylbenzene, indene,
ment of a burning cigarette. For example, pyrolysis of benzene, toluene (18), and naphthalene (30), including
cellulose a t 880" gives a yield of benzo [alpyrene (BAP) some CI4-labeled compounds. Mechanisms super-
which is 1000-fold greater than the amount of BAP ficially similar to Scheme I have been suggested for the
produced by smoking a cigarette (450). Extrapolations pyrosynthesis of anthracene (28), phenanthrene (19,
of such pyrolytic data to the events which occur during 23, 28), chrysene (22-25), benzofluorenes (22, 25),
the burning of a cigarette are tenuous although some benzofluoranthenes (24, 25, 30), benzanthracene (28),
progress has been reported recently: by varying perylene (19,25, 30), benzoperylene (27), benzopyrenes
experimental conditions carefully, indirect correlations (19, 21, 25), dibenzopyrenes (19, 27), anthanthrene
of phenol yields from pyrolytic and smoking experiments (27), and coronene (27). Similar mechanistic schemes
can be made (15, 530). However, most published can also be used to explain the presence of the mono-


and dicyclic aromatic compounds found in cigarette amounts of substances to cigarettes to alter the smoke
smoke. composition may modify the basic burn character-
The initial demonstration of PAH generation by istics and produce compositional changes which are
pyrolysis of tobacco leaf paraffins inspired related unrelated to the chemical nature of the additive.
studies on the hexane and cyclohexane extracts of leaf. However, experimental limitations frequently make
Such extracts are extremely complex in composition the objectionable approach the only choice.
and contain many groups of components other than Higher paraffinic hydrocarbons yield phenol on
aliphatic paraffins, e.g., sterols, terpenes, esters, fatty heating in air a t temperatures greater than 500". The
acids, etc. (537). Pyrolysis of extracts a t temperatures yields are greater than those obtained from cellulose
from 560 to 880" and bioassay of the pyrolysates have and pectin and are equivalent to the levels obtained
shown a direct relationship between tumorigenic from heating tobacco (35).
activity and temperature (650), and no tumors are
observed with the 560" pyrolysate. However, attempts
to reduce the BAP content of smoke by extracting Sterols of tobacco have also been implicated as pre-
tobacco have shown conflicting results (see section VI). cursors of PAH in smoke. Since these compounds
The concept that paraffin hydrocarbons of tobacco contain the elements of a polynuclear system, they can
are major contributors to the PAH of smoke has been be easily dehydrogenated to phenanthrene-like com-
challenged (444). No significant reduction in sub- pounds using a palladium-charcoal catalyst (303) and,
stances absorbing at or near 385 mp (attributable to on pyrolysis a t 700-840" in nitrogen, can form more
PAH) were observed in the smoke from hexane-ex- than 50 hydrocarbons, including 30 PAH (20, 651).
tracted cigarette tobaccos, and no significant increase High yields of phenanthrene and chrysene are formed
was found in smoke from extracted cigarettes con- in contrast to the products from dotriacontane which
taining added CI4-tagged paraffins or hexane extract. contain toluene and styrene as major constituents (20).
However, other authors (644) have criticized these Thus, a different mechanism of formation of aromatic
findings because of the nonspecificity of the substances hydrocarbons is indicated for the sterols, a concept
absorbing a t 385 mp and other methodological factors. that would be theoretically predictable. The bond
A more general objection can be made concerning any dissociation energies of all the carbon-carbon bonds of
experiment in which leaf substances are extracted and dotriacontane are approximately similar (about 80
subsequently added to cigarettes to note the changes in kcal/mole), but the presence of tertiary carbons and
smoke composition. Such additions result in com- the relatively strained five-membered ring in the sterol
ponents occupying a position relative to the leaf cells skeleton (XXVI) give the structure a versatility of
which may be completely unlike their natural in situ lower bond energies. Scission of the c13-c17 and
location. The same substance located within a cell or Cld-Clj bonds Kith subsequent dehydration and dehy-
on a cell surface may undergo different patterns of drogenation would yield phenanthrene. Splitting off
thermal alteration. Also, the addition of significant of the c17 aliphatic chain, scission of the C14-C15 bond,
R I1

m I
A B tc
and migration of the angular methyl on C13 to the Clc
position would yield chrysene after dehydration, dehy-
drogenation, and cyclization; such migrations of
methyl groups in sterols occur frequently (20). BAP
would result from scission of the C9-C14bonds in ring C,
giving tetralin (after dehydration and dehydrogena-
tion) which could split to butylbenzene and yield BAP
via the reactions in Scheme I. The formation of

binaphthyl, benzofluoranthenes, pyrene, perylene, and
dibenzopyrenes can be illustrated similarly (20).
Significantly larger amounts of BAP are formed
from phytosterols at 850" compared to 720" (650), and
the pyrolytic products a t 800" (in nitrogen) show
tumorigenic activity of the same order of magnitude
as the pyrolysate of a hexane extract of tobacco from D E
which the paraffinic hydrocarbons are removed (651).
mechanisms of dipentene formation from the trises-
C. TERPENES quiterpenoid alcohol, solanesol (XVI), are shown in
The effect of heat on some terpenes of tobacco leaf Scheme 11. At 550°, an internal monoterpenoid unit
has been studied in detail. Experimental evidence may split in three ways. I n route A, cyclization accom-
and postulations have implicated neophytadiene, panied by scission of the remainder of the chain yields
carotene, solanesol, and cyclic diterpenes as possible dipentene (D) directly (207). Cleavage between C1
precursors of 2,4-dimethyl-4-vinylcyclohexene,dipen- and Cz is expected since this bond has the lowest dis-
tene, phytadiene dimers, naphthalenes, PAH, and sociation energy of the carbon to carbon bonds in the
aldehydes and ketones of smoke. diisoprenoid moiety (264). In route B, the Clo unit is
On heating to 180", the conjugated system of neo- fragmented into two isoprene diradicals, which may
phytadiene was initially reported (452) to migrate exist in different hybrid forms, two of which are illus-
toward the center of the chain producing isomers trated. Dimerization of the diradicals gives D (207).
similar to the phytadienes isolated from smoke (see I n route C, a Clo diradical is formed which, in one hy-
section III.B.1). Later work (265) showed that bond brid form, may cyclize to form the hydrocarbon in an
migration occurs to a limited extent and the major inert gas atmosphere. Evidence for this CIOdiradical
products are the previously discussed series of dimers is indicated by the isolation of a dimethyloctadiene (E)
(IV) which are formed through Diels-Alder conden- when pyrolysis is conducted in a hydrogen atmosphere
sation and are smoke constituents. (208). I n addition to dipentene, the pyrolysis also
An early postulation of the formation of dipentene in yields mixed dimethylvinylcyclohexenes, but these
smoke included cleavage of leaf isoprenoid com- compounds have not been resolved so that the actual
pounds to isoprene which subsequently dimerized to presence of the smoke constituent, 2,4-dimethyl-4-
p-mentha-l,&diene (dipentene) (179). However, cyclohexene, among the pyrolytic products cannot be
since dimerization of isoprene was know to yield m- and claimed. Dipentene formed in these reactions may
p-mentha-l,&dienes and a mixture of dimethylvinyl- further undergo aromatization, alkylation, and dealkyl-
cyclohexenes but tobacco smoke itself contained only ation yielding such compounds as ethyltoluenes, tri-
p-mentha-l,S-diene and one cyclohexene (see section methylbenzenes, naphthalenes, p-cymene, and PAH
III.B.l), it was apparent that a route other than (179). However, the contribution of these routes to
simple dimerization of isoprene must be operative the PAH complement of tobacco smoke is considered
(264). Later experimental evidence showed that minor since isoprene and dipentene probably volati-
terpenes may still act as precursors for dipentene lize before being exposed to a temperature sufficiently
without necessarily involving isoprene. The proposed high to produce PAH (100). .Pyrolysis of solanesol a t

650" yields unidentified aromatic compounds without of tobacco lignin are guaiacol, pyrogallol 1,3-dimethyl
concurrent formation of isoprenoid substances (208). ether, and p-creosol(4-methyl-2-methoxyphenol)(279).
Tetraterpenes and, possibly, the cyclic diterpenes When pyrolyzed in a system permitting programmed
may be important precursors of aromatic hydrocarbons heating to a maximum temperature of about 700",
in smoke. Heating @carotene at 188-300" produces glucose, sucrose, starch, cellulose, and pectin generdly
ionene (1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-l,l,6-trimethylnaphthalene) give lower percentage yields of phenol than tobacco
as a major volatile product (122, 148, 324) and itself ( 3 5 ) . Analysis of the smoke from cigarettes con-
toluene, xylenes, and 2,6-dimethylnaphthalene in taining CI4-tagged glucose have shown that the con-
small amounts (148, 324). Two basic mechanisms may version of the sugar to phenol during burning is higher
be operative in the formation of these compounds from than the expected yield based on pyrolysis of the pure
carotene: one pathway involves cyclization of a ter- carbohydrate (35). Based on this conversion, it was
minal CI3moiety to yield ionene (148, 321), and the estimated that about 40% of the total phenol of smoke
other mechanism is based on cyclization of the polyene is contributed by the carbohydrates of the leaf. The
chain to give the alkylbenzenes and alkylnaphthalenes remaining phenol may be formed by pyrolysis of chlo-
(324). However, the principal thermal product of rogenic acid, brown pigments, and other substances.
@-carotene degradation a t 240' in vacuo is a series of The formation of PAH from the following carbohy-
nonvolatile, uncharacterized substances with molecular drates and related leaf components has been demon-
weights up to 983 (324). The duvatrienols (XI-XIV), strated : xylose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, fructose,
levantenolides (IX), levantanolide, and 12a-hydroxy- starch, cellulose, xylan, pectin, and lignin (180, 201,
13-epimanoyl oxide (X) of tobacco leaf may act as pre- 450). Suggestions of a relationship between the cel-
cursors for alkylnaphthalenes and PAH, but no evi- lulose content of leaf and the PAH level of smoke (363,
dence of such relationships is available. 427) have led to detailed studies on the pyrolysis of
this polysaccharide. Two mechanisms are evident for
D. CARBOHYDRATES, LIGNIN, AND ACIDS the formation of BAP from cellulose depending on
Tobacco contains about 65% carbohydrates, lignin, whether heat is applied isothermally in a series of steps
and related substances, and much interest has been from 450 to 880" or is programmed over this range
shown recently in the effects of heat on these com- (450). The isothermal mechanism is inhibited by
ponents. iron, cobalt, and nickel, and a direct relationship b e
At temperatures under 450", avariety of products are tween BAP yield and temperature is observed. The
formed from oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. mechanism operative in programmed heating is insen-
The compounds formed from glucose on heating to- sitive to metals and gives lower amounts of BAP that
bacco a t 60" have been discussed above. At 300", vary indirectly with temperature. Comparisons of
glucose is fragmented mainly to 1,4 :3,6-dianhydro-~- BAP yields from monosaccharides (glucose and xylose),
glucopyranose, furans, aldehydes, and ketones; the disaccharides (cellobiose, maltose, and sucrose), and
furans may arise from cleavage of polymers which form polysaccharides (amylose, soluble starch, and xylan)
initially in the pyrolysis (225). Heating of sucrose related to cellulose show that the nature of the CrC4
yields mainly furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural steric configuration is not a major factor in the BAP
and the following minor products: 2-acetylfuran, @- produced from the monomers and dimers but is impor-
angelicalactone, y-butyrolactone, and two hydroxy- tant in the polymers (450). However, oxidation of the
methylcyclopentenones (261). At 375-420", cel- C6-hydroxymethylene groups in both glucose and cel-
lulose is split to low molecular weight aldehydes, ke- lulose markedly reduces the BAP yields.
tones, aliphatic acids, and levoglucosan (1,ganhydro- Malic, citric, and oxalic acids are products of car-
@-D-glucopyranose)(238,507). bohydrate metabolism that occur in substantial
Recent studies on the effect of heat on carbohydrates amounts in tobacco. Pyrolysis of these compounds a t
have been concerned mostly with the formation of 650" yields PAH although the level obtained with
phenols and PAH a t temperatures above 400". Lig- oxalic acid is quite small (180). Malic, citric, cis-
nin, pectin, cellobiose, glucose, and glucuronic and aconitic, and fumaric acids give phenol and cresols on
polygalacturonic acids give higher levels of phenol and pyrolysis a t 700" in yields smaller than the common
cresols than cellulose when hcated isothermally a t carbohydrates, but sodium lactate produces more
700" in nitrogen (494). Isoeugenol and 2-propyl- phenols than glucose and cellobiose (496).
phenol, compounds related to lignin, give very high
yields of these compounds, as expected. Under iso-
thermal conditions, the optimum temperature range Nicotine, 3-(2'-N-methylpyrrolidinyl)pyridine, is
for phenol formation from lignin is 500-600" and the probably the most unique component of tobacco and a
yields in nitrogen are higher than in air. Other prod- major precursor of the volatile bases of smoke. On
ucts identified in the thermal decomposition products heating nicotine at temperatures greater than 400°,

various patterns of fragmentation occur depending on elimination, would form the observed 3-(l13-buta-
the gaseous atmosphere and other experimental con- dieny1)pyridine and subsequently 3-vinylpyridine by
ditions; for example, the use of quartz chips, activated appropriate cleavage. Fragmentation of the pyrrol-
alumina, and metallic oxides in reactors gives a wide idine ring in the 2,3 or 1,5 positions might ultimately
range of yields of myosmine (625) and 3-cyanopyri- give 3-cyanopyridine after dealkylation of the side
dine (624) from nicotine a t 500-780'. The major chain.
identified pyrolytic products of nicotine and two other The mechanism of thermal degradation of nornico-
tobacco alkaloids a t 400-900" in a nitrogen or helium tine is generally similar to nicotine although differ-
atmosphere are shown in Table XVIII. I n addition to ences in thermostability exist (31, 293). Nornicotine
the listed components, ammonia, methylamine, nico- is less stable than nicotine and the pyrrolidine ring
tyrine, N-methylmyosmine, and pyridine-&aldehyde fragments a t <400°. At 400" and in an inert atmo-
have been found in pyrolysates of nicotine (577a, 625). sphere, myosmine and 3-methylpyridine are major
The qualitative and quantitative data in Table XVIII pyrolytic products, but a t 500" only a small amount of
myosmine is formed. Since myosmine is relatively
TABLEXVIII stable (44% unchanged) on pyrolysis at 500°, this
OF THE compound may not be an intermediate of nornicotine

I Nicotinea -
600' 700' 800' 900' 400' 500' 600' 500' 550'
pyrolysis a t higher temperatures (31). An alternative
explanation is that myosmine formed from nornicotine
may react with other pyrolytic products which are not
Pyridine 1 2 3 2 - - - + + produced when myosmine is pyrolyzed alone.
3-Methylpyridine 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 2
3-Ethylpyridine 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 Although the available evidence is sparse, it appears
3 3
2 1
- -
+- that the pyrolytic mechanism of myosmine is different
M etanicotine
Benzonitrile - - I 2 - - - - - from that of nicotine and nornicotine (31). At 500"
3-Cyanopyridine 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 2
Naphthalene - - I 2 - - - - - and in an inert atmosphere, myosmine gives lower
3-(Buta-l,3-dienyl)- yields of 3-methylpyridine and 3-ethylpyridine and
pyridine 2 1 - - - - - - -
2-Cyanopyridine - - 1 1 - - - - - higher yields of 3-cyanopyridine than nornicotine.
Quinoline 1 3 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 This pattern may indicate that a C3-C4 split is favored
Isoquinoline 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 1 2
1,7-Diaaaindene - - 1 1 - - - - - in the five-membered ring; scission of this bond might
Nicotine 3 - - - - - - - - be preferred over a Cz-C3 fragmentation adjacent to the
Nornicotine - - - - - - - - -
Nornicotyrine 1 1 1 - - - - + - relatively stable C=N bond.
Myosmine 3 - - - 3 1 + 3 + One superficial study has appeared on the pyrolytic
a Relative amounts: 1 = smallest. + = in trace or unde- products of 3-(2'-piperidiny1)pyridine (anabasine)
scribed amounts.
heated at 580-650" in a charcoal-filled reactor (139).
Exclusive of gases, the major products were reported t o
are based on several studies (31,256, 289-291) and give be pyridine, 2-methylpyridine, 2-ethylpyridine, 5-
some insight into the mechanism of fragmentation. The methylisoquinoline, and 2,3'-bipyridyl. The prepon-
arbitrary values in the table are for use only in com- derance of the 2-alkylpyridines might indicate pref-
paring relative yields of a given product from a given erential cleavage of the pyridine ring which would be
alkaloid a t the indicated temperatures and do not unexpected; evaluation of these findings is difficult
reflect the absolute yields of products at one temper- since the use of charcoal in the reactor may have pro-
ature. duced a catalytic effect and altered the pyrolytic
Nicotine is not fragmented significantly at <600° in reactions markedly.
reactors without packing. At 600°, and in an inert Many of the pyrolytic reactions of the alkaloids at
atmosphere, about two-thirds of the nicotine is split high temperatures are undoubtedly free radical al-
mainly into myosmine (1 ',2'-dehydronornicotine) and though ion-controlled mechanisms may be operative to
3-vinylpyridine. At 700°, nicotine is completely de- some extent (256). The appearance of such com-
composed, and the major products are 3-vinylpyridine, pounds as benzonitrile, naphthalene, and 1,7-diaza-
3-methylpyridine, and pyridine. At 800 and 900°, indene at these temperatures indicates that a high
extensive cleavage and combination of fragments occur degree of molecular destruction and combination of
yielding such products as quinoline, naphthalene, and fragments is occurring. Under such conditions, it is
benzonitrile. From this over-all pattern, it is evident not surprising that acridine (314) and derivatives
that dehydrogenation, demethylation, and scission of thereof, e.g., dibenz [a,jJacridine and dibenz [a,h]acri-
the pyrrolidine ring are initial steps in the pyrolysis of dine, occur in the products of nicotine and/or pyridine
nicotine. I n a C1-C2 fragmentation of this ring, dehy- on pyrolysis a t 750-850" (589). Another possible
drogenation of the resulting N-methylaminoalkyl pyrosynthetic route for the acridines in smoke might
chain would give metanicotine (256) which, on further involve cyclization of aromatic secondary amines

therein, e.g., N-phenyl-4-isopropylphenylamine(see sec- glucinol is not formed from rutin. Catechols and
tion 1II.J). If present in smoke, the ortho isomer of alkylcatechols probably originate from the caffeic acid
this compound could cyclize to form 9,9-dimethyl- moiety of chlorogenic acid and the phenyl ring of quer-
acridan, a known smoke component. Demethylation cetin and rutin. Benzoic acid is apparently formed from
and dehydrogenation of the substituted acridan would more complex reactions of fragments from the poly-
yield acridine which may further condense to form phenolic structures. I n comparative studies, phenol
benzacridines or related compounds. is formed in smaller quantities from rutin than from
Amino acids of leaf have been implicated as pre- glucose, sucrose, pectin, and cellulose (35). However,
cursors of three alkaloids in smoke. The amounts of chlorogenic acid is a potent phenol precursor, giving
harmane and norharmane in leaf account for only 1% yields 13-fold greater than those from carbohydrates
of the levels found in smoke and further quantities of and lignin (15). It is claimed that the quinic acid
these alkaloids are probably formed from tryptophan group of chlorogenic acid is primarily responsible for
during burning. The addition of C14-labeled trypto- these high yields (15), which may be unexpected since
phan to cigarettes results in recovery of radioactive the caffeic acid moiety contains a more thermostable
harmane and norharmane in yields of about 80% of the aromatic structure.
predicted values (421, 422). Pyrocoll may also be The complex brown pigments (see section 1II.K) of
derived from amino acids in leaf. Pyrolysis of gelatin leaf produce polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH),
a t about 260-290" is known to yield this alkaloid, and phenols, volatile bases, and alkaloids on pyrolysis. At
the precursor is believed to be proline or hydroxypro- 850" in an atmosphere of nitrogen, 27 PAH are formed
line. The same pattern may exist in tobacco leaf and including many known smoke constituents (93). The
smoke, although experimental evidence on this point is addition of the pigment to cigarettes produces a signifi-
lacking. cant increase in the level of benzo[a]pyrene in the
Decarboxylation of amino acids in leaf has been sug- smoke (93). The pigment is also a more potent pre-
gested as one of several reactions which could produce cursor of phenols and cresols than tobacco cellulose,
the low-boiling aliphatic bases in smoke (368). Other lignin, and pectin (494). On heating at 857" in ni-
processes might involve pyrosynthesis from alkaloids or trogen, quinoline, isoquinoline, 3-cyanopyridine1 pyri-
condensations of low molecular weight fragments from a dine, and seven alkyl- or alkenylpyridines are formed
variety of molecular scissions. from the pigment in a quantitative pattern which is
similar to that produced when tobacco is heated under
F. MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS identical conditions (493). At 700", nicotine and
Thermal effects on the polyphenolic constituents of nornicotine appear in the pyrolytic products and the
tobacco have not been studied extensively. Dry dis- level of nicotine increases progressively as the temper-
tillation of rutin, quercetin, and chlorogenic acid in air a t ature is lowered to 300" for both pigment and tobacco.
temperatures up to 600" produces (664) several phen- Apparently, a t higher pyrolytic temperatures, the
olic compounds (Table XIX). The furan derivatives nicotine, nornicotine, and other alkaloids linked in the
pigment structure are pyrolytically released and tend
TABLEXIX to fragment into the products characteristic of alka-
-Polyphenol---- With one exception, the thermal effects on simple
Chlorogenic phenols have not been studied. Vanillin produces
Product Rutin Quercetin acid
Benzoic acid - phenol and o-cresol on heating and increases slightly
the levels of these compounds in mainstream smoke
when added to cigarettes (277).
Furfural + Pyrolysis of neutral "tobacco resins" a t 600" results
5-Hydroxymethylfurfural + in the formation of large numbers of hydrocarbons,
4-Methylcatechol + + +
acids, phenols, esters, and carbonyl compounds (344).
Many of these components are known tobacco con-
Quinic acid ?-lactone - stituents, and their occurrence in such pyrolysates
Resorcinol + would be anticipated.

in the pyrolytic products of rutin may arise from the VI. TECHNOLOGY
disaccharide side chain. The phloroglucinol in the Although not a primary objective in the present
products from quercetin is probably derived from report, no comprehensive review of the chemical com-
scission of the benzopyrone moiety. Apparently, position of tobacco and its smoke would be complete
glycosidation of quercetin in the 3 position affects the without some mention of technological studies. Since
bond energy of the ethereal linkage so that phloro- surveys on some phases of this subject are available

(555, 644, 648), the present report is simply a general and hexane extracts of tobacco is a function of the
summary of current knowledge. pyrolytic temperature (650). This pattern is gener-
Most technological investigations have concerned ally similar to the relationship between free-radical
ways of altering the physiological effects of tobacco generation and temperature discussed in section IV.
smoke with special emphasis on cigarette smoke. As Therefore, the concept has been developed to lower the
indicated previously, unfiltered cigarette smoke has PAH yield by altering drastically the coal tempera-
carcinogenic, cocarcinogenic, and ciliostatic activities ture of the cigarette. Many additives have been
when tested in animals, and the major known carci- claimed to have this ability to a large extent, including
nogenic components are the polynuclear aromatic hy- aluminum foil, alumina trihydrate, and metallic sili-
drocarbons (PAH). The major cocarcinogens in cates ( 5 5 5 ) ) but most of these claims cannot be con-
smoke are believed to the phenols, but terpenes, firmed. A comprehensive study of a large number of
long-chain alcohols, higher fatty acids, certain esters, potential depressants has shown that significant alter%
and other unidentified substances may contribute to tion of coal temperature is diacult (33). One reason
the effect (365, 644); in addition, many recently iso- is that large quantities of additives are required
lated components having unknown biological activity (mostly 20-50% of cigarette weight) to produce any
may play some role in tumorigenesis. The important detectable change, and the additive cannot be uni-
ciliostatic agents are mainly volatile gases or liquids formly distributed throughout the cigarette, result-
such as hydrogen cyanide, formic acid, formaldehyde, ing in large variations in temperature and diffi-
and acrolein, but phenols (115) and other components culties in statistical evaluations of the results. HOW-
may also be involved. I n general, smoke components <
ever, moderate alterations of temperature ( 200") can
may occur in the vapor phase (e.g., hydrogen cyanide apparently be achieved with a few additives in high
and isoprene), the particulate phase (e.g., PAH), or concentrations, e.g., basic magnesium carbonate (33).
both phases (e.g., phenol), depending primarily on The incorporation of certain additives into ciga-
volatility (206, 366, 621). Substances in both phases rettes can reduce the amounts of BAP and phenol in
can be removed by filtration, and the removal of vapor- smoke and the levels of tumorigenic activity of smoke
phase constituents may be selective in some cases. condensate (233, 644) in animals. Copper nitrate and
At present, nonvolatile compounds in the particulate sodium nitrate have been especially effective in this
phase cannot be removed preferentially by filtration respect. I n the low levels employed (less than 10% of
but can be reduced or eliminated by altering the fun- cigarette weight), it is doubtful that these additives
damental burning process, a t least from a theoretical influence significantly the burn temperature of the
viewpoint. Attempts to modify the composition of cigarettes. I n the case of sodium nitrate, the mech-
smoke have involved a variety of approaches utilizing anism is believed to involve thermal decomposition of
all of these facts. nitrate to yield oxides of nitrogen which act as electron
One approach involves the extraction of tobacco or scavengers and inhibit the generation of free radicals.
tobacco substitutes (510) with solvents prior to incor- However, tobaccos with low and high nitrate contents
poration into cigarettes. Such treatment has been give BAP levels in smoke which are not significantly
claimed to reduce the PAH of tobacco smoke in some different (36). Many other types of cigarette addi-
studies (74) but not in others (606). One investigation tives have been tested for the ability to reduce the
on hexane-extracted tobacco has shown that benzo- PAH content of smoke; nitrites, glycerol, and ethylene
[ulpyrene (BAP) concentrations in smoke are not re- glycol were found to be successful to some degree (40))
duced, but a lower yield of smoke condensate is ob- but the effect of glycerol could not be confirmed (127).
tained (651). A process has been developed to di- I n general, the use of additives t o alter smoke com-
minish the PAII in smoke by extraction of tobacco with position is a worthwhile area for future work.
halogenated hydrocarbons and impregnation of the The contribution of the cigarette paper to the PAH
extracted tobacco with aluminum diethyl malonate or content of smoke has been accorded an unwarranted
other organometallic compounds (364). Attempts to degree of attention. The paper represents about 5%
confirm the chemical claims of this process have failed of the weight of a cigarette and, although it may con-
(114), and the statistical inferences supporting the tribute disproportionately to the PAH content of
biological claims have been disputed (585). I n smoke ( 5 ) , the tobacco is still the major source of these
general, selective solvent extraction of tobacco is re- compounds. Treatment of cigarette paper with am-
garded as an approach of little promise in reducing the monium sulfamate and other salts has been claimed to
tumorigenic activity of smoke in animals. reduce the PAH in smoke ( 5 ) , but these findings could
Another avenue of modifying smoke is to incor- not be confirmed (113).
porate additives into cigarettes which alter the burning By far, the modification of mainstream cigarette
process. As noted above, the tumorigenic activity of smoke by the use of filters has attracted the most atten-
pyrolytic products produced on heating tobacco sterols tion. I n general, filters may act selectively in removing

certain components from smoke, but this effect is pres- The cut of cigarette tobacco is related to the
ently limited to constituents in the vapor phase. yield of BAP obtained in the smoke (644). Increases
Claimed reductions in total particulate matter (TPM) in cigarette paper porosity accelerate the burning rate
or “tar” of smoke are mostly a reflection of nonselec- and reduce the yields of total particulate matter per
tive mechanical filtration of the aerosol and a function cigarette, but the concentration of BAP in the smoke is
of filter compactness or the degree of porosity of the not altered (646).
cigarette paper (506), both of which may be easily ACKNOWLEDGMENT.-The author acknowledges the
changed. However, cigarette tobaccos vary signifi- assistance of Irwin Schmelte in reviewing the manu-
cantly in their yields of TPM, and the blending of the script; of C. F. Woodward, W. J. Chamberlain, R. L.
proper tobaccos can also contribute to reductions in the Miller, L. Lakrite, and Mrs. P. Davis in preparing the
T P M of smoke (605). The basic filter material in manuscript; and F. E. Guthrie, North Carolina State
cigarettes is composed of cellulose or acetylated cel- University, in providing a prepublication copy of the
lulose although many polymeric and other substances review on pesticidal residues.
may be employed (555). The selective removal of
simple phenols has been studied extensively. Cellu- VII. ADDENDUM
lose diacetate or triacetate filter tows show some selec-
tivity for phenol (234, 529) and pyridine (29s). The Between May 1, 1967 and September 27, 1967, sev-
addition of glyceryl triacetate and other plasticizers to eral pertinent papers have come to the attention of the
filters increases this selectivity and impregnated filters author. The designations in parentheses below refer
can remove much of the phenol in the vapor phase to the related section in the present publication.
(119, 234, 529). To a lesser extent, nicotine may also The occurrence of 9-fluorenone and l-indanone in the
be removed selectively by filters containing polyols smoke condensate of cigarettes containing dark tobac-
(356). Another common plasticizer, di(2-methoxy- cos has been reported (1II.F) (564a). The isolated
ethyl) phthalate, and other filter additives show signifi- levels were 0.25 (9-fluorenone) and 2.3 pg (l-inda-
cant removal of isoprene, acetaldehyde, methanol, none) per cigarette. The occurrence of free P-amyrin
acetone, toluene, and related constituents from the and phytol and free and esterified cycloartenol and 24-
vapor phase (282). methylenecycloartenol has been observed in N . tab-
Activated carbon filters remove selectively many acum seedlings and tissue slices fed C14-mevalonicacid
gaseous components from smoke (378) and signifi- (III.D.l and 2) (44a). 2’-Deoxymaltose and an oli-
cantly reduce ciliostatic (643) and irritative (211) gosaccharide described as 2,2-dideoxyglucobiose have
effects. Multiple carbon-cellulose acetate filters are been isolated from tobacco plants fed 2-deoxy-~-
superior to cellulose acetate filters in removing factors glucose (1II.L) (162a), and the extraction of cyto-
which inhibit growth and interfere with protein syn- chrome f from tobacco has been reported (III.N.3)
thesis in human cells grown in tissue culture (570). (241a). A correlation between nitrate levels in cig-
However, one of the shortcomings of presently used arette tobacco and concentrations of oxides of nitrogen
carbon filters is limited adsorptive capacity for vapor- in cigarette smoke has been observed, and removal of
phase constituents. During the last few puffs of a up to 44% of oxides of nitrogen has been claimed using
cigarette, desorption may occur, resulting in higher a cellulose acetate filter with or without impregnation
concentrations of acetaldehyde and related constit- with activated carbon (III.N.3) (562a). This claim
uents compared to earlier puffs (622). The type of requires confirmation since filtration of nitric oxide
carbon and method of making the carbon filter influence from smoke by such filters has been reported previ-
significantly the degree of ciliostatic efficiency (643). ously to be unsuccessful (378).
RecentIy, an experimental filter containing an ion- DetaiIs have appeared on the method of separating
exchange resin has been described which reduces polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from smoke
markedly the PoZl0content of mainstream smoke (67). condensates (see section 1II.C) by migration of the
By mixing finely pulverized tobacco, ground mid- tetramethyluric acid-PAH complexes on chromato-
ribs, and various chemical agents, a slurry is obtained graphic columns under the influence of high electrical
which can be spread into thin sheets and dried, thus potential (1II.C) (465a).
forming the familiar homogenized tobacco “sheet” or Additional comments on the nitrosamine probIem
“reconstituted tobacco.” This product is very uni- have appeared (1II.J) (378a).
form in character and is used with ground midribs as a Further data on the levels of Poz10 in cigarette to-
substitute for cut tobacco leaf in many tobacco prod- baccos, cigarette smoke, and selected tissues and
ucts. The use of reconstituted tobacco and ground areas of the respiratory tract of smokers have been
midribs as a partial replacement for shredded tobacco published (1V.A) (443a). The ranges of concentration
reduces the yield of smoke condensate obtained from in different cigarettes and smoke therefrom are
cigarettes (646). slightly higher than previously reported values.
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