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BSA-1B-M 12-11-22

Leadership and Youth Empowerment

The webinar that was tackled today was all about Leadership and Youth Empowerment. It was
started by a short introduction about how important the youth is, what are the major roles of the
youth, and how do they contribute to the growing society. After the short introductory part, the
speaker was then introduced to the students. The speaker, Mr. Aldrin D. Dais was from the
Assumption College of Davao. Based on what I remembered, he is a forty-seven-year-old
Illonggo from Cotabato, a licensed professional teacher (LPT), an NSTP coordinator, and he
took Bachelor of Secondary Education in University of Southern Mindanao.

The main topic, which is about leadership and youth empowerment started with the first session,
which is about creating energy through teamwork. In this session he gave three activities, in
which he also gave some lessons or advice that relates to what the activity is all about. The third
activity, in which he gave a short test to measure the leadership skills of a person, was the most
remarkable for me, because through this activity, I’ve learned that I still lack a little knowledge or
skills on leadership.

The second session on the other hand, was all about “Called to Lead and Summoned to Serve:
Will the True Leader Please Stand”. In this session, he discussed leadership in a deeper
knowledge. Included here are the steps of successful planning, what makes a winning NSTP
leader, essential qualities of a team player, and many other things.

The third and last session that he discussed was all about leadership and youth. In this session
he gave some lessons about how leadership is an important factor to youth. Furthermore, he
also talked about how important NSTP campus leadership is in our school or country as a
whole. The third session then ended with a recitation of the NSTP leader’s credo.

Based on the topic, it can be concluded that youth play an important role in nation building. And
without leadership, we wouldn’t be able to go forward or move to where we are today.

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