ESP 9 2nd Quarter Exam

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Second Quarter Examination

S.Y. 2022-2023
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao-Grade 9

Test I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is an ethic core values, one of the most desirable character traits. It means accountable, dependable and trustworthy.
a. independability b. responsibility c. dependability d. trustworthy
2. Another ethic core values that if you become a person whom others can depend upon or rely on, then you will find a
sense of accomplishment and feel more independent.
a. independability b. responsibility c. dependability d. trustworthy
3. These are responsibilities that society has toward everyone. They are not the responsibilities of individuals but ones we
share as a society.
a. social b. moral c. personal d. legal
4. Some responsibilities are upheld by law. It is against the law not to take responsibility in some cases.
a. social b. moral c. personal d. legal
5. We often believe that we are personally responsible for things, not because it is the law.
a. social b. moral c. personal d. legal
6. Sometimes we feel responsible for people or things because we believe it is the right thing to do.
a. social b. moral c. personal d. legal
7. This kind of responsibilities should follow the laws that the children in the Philippines should be able to go to school
specially living on or below the poverty line.
a. moral b. personal c. legal d. social
8. The park is being shared by everyone, which means they are not the responsible of an individual but ones we share as a
a. moral b. personal c. legal d. social
9. She is responsible for the baby that she gave birth, she needs to shower the baby with love and affection.
a. moral b. personal c. legal d. social
10. It is my job to take care and love my pet because I love my pet, what kind of responsibility is this?
a. moral b. personal c. legal d. social
11. You saw your friend throwing garbage in the sea and you feel you need to stop and tell your friend that its is bad to
throw garbage everywhere.
a. moral b. personal c. legal d. social
12. Learning is more effective when it comes from experience. This takes place when the experience is positive, but there
is instance in which this is not the case. Incorporate learning in a proactive way is key, not for the work of the team but for
individual as well.
a. accept chaos and incorporate creativity c. apprehend the mission
b. accept the mistake and learn from it d. establish a dynamic in common
13. Hand in hand with the previous point, one can achieve as positive dialog stemming from an active and acute listening.
It is useless to defend an unshakeable position if there is an ultimate goal.
a. accept chaos and incorporate creativity c. discuss more than argue
b. listen more than hear d. know the strengths and assign roles
14. identify the strengths, the preferences and skills to achieve the goals easier. All these involve a good skill, evaluation,
ang assessment skill.
15. With guidelines, coherent ways of working, respect to others, responsible, and committed and being flexible enough
so that the energy is kept.
a. accept chaos and incorporate creativity c. apprehend the mission
b. accept the mistake and learn from it d. establish a dynamic in common
16. Go beyond flexibility. A team that lets its creative energy flow may achieve great innovations that others may not.
a. accept chaos and incorporate creativity c. discuss more than argue
b. listen more than hear d. know the strengths and assign roles
17. if all the members of a team commit with the objectives, actions will come smoothly. Without this basic idea, there is
no project that can accomplish in its whole capacity.
a. accept chaos and incorporate creativity c. apprehend the mission
b. accept the mistake and learn from it d. establish a dynamic in common
18. Discussing is more interesting since it shows the quality of the arguments and the weakness of your interlocutors. The
part that proves an advantageous position will win.
a. accept chaos and incorporate creativity c. discuss more than argue
b. listen more than hear d. know the strengths and assign roles
19. It is not only the backbone of civil society organizations, social and political movements, but also of many health,
education, housing and environmental programs and a range of other civil society, public and private sector programs
a. commitment b. volunteerism c. community service d. teamwork
20. when like-minded people get together, they get are formed. After working on a volunteer project for a few weeks.
a. growth b. enrichment c. learning d. friendships
21. By volunteering with an ongoing program, volunteers see grow and change. Whether working with children who are
learning to read or adults who are developing trust with their peers, volunteers can actually watch grow among their
clients over time.
a. growth b. enrichment c. learning d. friendships
22. Volunteer opportunities often allow people to try new activities or learn new skills.
a. growth b. enrichment c. learning d. friendships
23. There’s nothing more fulfilling than realizing how much of an impact a volunteer can make. Volunteers working
together to build a children’s playground or low-cost housing for needy families can later visit these sites and see how the
project has enriched the neighborhood.
a. growth b. enrichment c. learning d. friendships
24. If you are feeling uninterested in your relationships, unmotivated at work, uninterested in school or just feeling empty
and you don’t know why.
a. empathy b. uninterested c. apathy d. emotional
25. It is the ability to sense other people’s emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be
thinking or feeling.
a. empathy b. uninterested c. apathy d. emotional

Test II. Explanation.

26.-29. Explain each of the four different Types of Responsibility.

30.-32. What kind of practices will you do to save the earth and what is your reason for your action?

33. -35. What is the meaning of this quote, “True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evil” by Baltazar

36.-38. Explain: Though ‘Team Work’ and ‘Team Building’ can offer many challenges the pay-off from a high-
performance team is well worth it.

39.-40. From the four personal benefit of volunteering in your community, choose one you will accept as a challenge for

41.-43. Interpret and explain the quotation “Today, I will make a difference”.

44.-46. What are the 3R’s and explain each R’s.

47.-50. Give a verse and explain it.

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