BT9402 MQP

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Model Question Paper

Subject Code: BT9402 Book ID: B1367

Subject Name: Artificial Intelligence
Credits: 4 Marks: 140

Section A (Descriptive questions) (4*10 = 40 marks)

Note: - Attempt any four questions

1. A) How did the advent of Digital Computers helped in the field of AI? [6 marks]
B) Explain how heuristics is applied for tic-tac-toe game. [4 marks]
2. A) Explain the History of Knowledge Representation. [5 marks]
B) Explain syntax and semantics of prepositional logic with an example. [5 marks]
3. A) Explain the Resolution algorithm and different Resolution strategies used for selecting
the clauses to be resolved. [6 marks]
B) Differentiate between Sets and Instances. [4 marks]
4. A) Define class? Explain how the concept of class and instances used to represent the
knowledge of problem domain? [5 marks]
B) Explain all the primitive actions of Conceptual dependency with an example. [5 marks]
5. Explain the general learning model with diagram. [3+7=10 marks]
6. Define and explain robotics and its laws. Explain the contemporary uses of robotics.
[2+2+6 = 10 marks]
Section B – One mark multiple choice questions (50x1=50 marks)

1. Mundane task: Robot Control:: Expert task: __________.

A) Perception
B) Vision
C) Speech
D) Planning
2. __________ is a summation of various traits like recognition, identification, analytical skill, speed
of response and cognition.
A) Artificial intelligence
B) Skill set requirement
C) Intelligence
D) None of the above
3. The European Common Market countries, jointly initiated a separate cooperative plan named
___________ program.
4. The term _____________ sums all emotional, linguistic and decision making abilities.
A) Intelligence
B) Cybernetics
C) Human behavior
D) Epistemology
5. ___________ studies on human decision making, led to the principle of bounded rationality.
A) Simon
B) John Saw
C) John McCarthy
D) Newell
6. ______________ is an artificial intelligence problem in equivalence to excellence.
A) Chess
B) Checkers
C) Strategy
D) City Block
7. One of the most difficult problems in AI and Computer Science is ________________.
A) Retinal Recognition
B) Speech Recognition
C) Character Recognition
D) Brain Mapping
8. The ___________ system is necessary and sufficient for intelligent action.
A) Chemical Symbol
B) Hand Symbol
C) Sign Symbol
D) Physical Symbol
9. State spaces are good representations for board games such as __________
A) Chess
B) Water Jug
C) Tic-Tac-Toe
D) Carrom Board
10. The manipulations of the ____________ is said to be actions of the productions.
A) Random Access Memory
B) Read Only Memory
C) Working Memory
D) Cache Memory
11. _____________ is performed by diving downward into a tree as quickly as possible.
A) Depth-First Search
B) Breadth-First Search
C) Binary Search
D) Sequential Search
12. ________________ is used in AI differs from traditional computer science search methods.
A) Intermediate State Search
B) State Space Search
C) Final State Search
D) Sequential State Search
13. In ____________ feedback from the test procedure is used to help the generator decide
which direction to move in the search space.
A) A* Algorithm
B) Generate and Test Strategy
C) Hill climbing
D) All the above
14. Simulated Annealing uses the ____________ function instead of heuristic.
A) Test
B) Objective
C) Cost
D) All the above
15. ______________ requires that complete solutions be generated for testing.
A) Hill Climbing
B) Generate and Test Strategy
C) Best First Search
D) None of the above
16. _______________ infers new rules from the structures found by DENDRAL.
B) Heuristic Dendral
C) OR graph
D) Admissible heuristic

17. _____________ is the highest degree of the speculative faculties, consists in the perception of
the truth of affirmative or negative propositions.
A) Reasoning
B) Attribute
C) Knowledge
D) All the above
18. Knowledge is the _______________ of aspects of some named universe of discourse.
A) Explicit objects
B) Symbolic representation
C) Assertions
D) All the above
19. _____________ is an instrument of reasoning.
A) Knowledge
B) Inferencing
C) Reasoning
D) Human activity
20. ___________ represents courses of action or reasoning that are being considered but are not
yet final.
A) Conjectures
B) Current data
C) Long-term knowledge
D) None of the above
21. ___________ is one of the most important roles in AI for the representation of knowledge.
22. A ___________ is a relation in which there is only one value for a given input.
A) Referential Integrity
B) Primary Key
C) Normalization
D) Function
23. ____________ is universal in the sense that it can express anything that can be programmed.
A) Second-order Logic
B) First-order Logic
C) Third-order Logic
D) Fourth-order Logic
24. The structure of __________ is flexible enough to permit the accurate representation of
natural language reasonably well.
25. __________ is the process of removing existential quantifiers by elimination.
A) Skolemisation
B) Unification
C) Resolution
D) None of the above
26. A ___________ is clauses have with at the most one positive literal.
A) Horn clause
B) Ground clause
C) Empty clause
D) None of the above
27. When applied to a set of clauses _____________ determines if the set is unsatisfiable.
A) Resolution
B) Skolem function
C) Substitution
D) None of the above
28. A proof by refutation if successful, then it yields the __________ clause.
A) Empty
B) Horn
C) Ground
D) Unit
29. In semantic network, the knowledge is represented in the form of a ___________.
A) Star Topology
B) Bus Topology
C) Graph
D) Ring Topology
30. Giving a predictable name for a label to the edge we can represent the edge in a ___________.
A) Binary Search Tree
B) Mnemonic Net Graph
C) Semantic Net Graph
D) Threaded Binary Search Tree
31. An _________ is used to represent nodes either an individual or class to the facts of representing
A) Argument
B) Increment
C) Entity
D) Object
32. The basic idea of ________________ is make groups of nodes and arcs to break the network.
A) Partitioned Semantic Network
B) Distributed Network
C) Centralized Network
D) Adhoc Network
33. _____________ is a method of presenting procedural language.
A) Script
B) Statistical
C) Heuristic
D) Learning
34. Cases which add meaning to the basic action types is said to be a set of _______________
A) Natural
B) Constructive
C) Conceptual
D) None of the above
35. CAUSE and BI-CAUSE are the two primary flavors of _____________ relations.
A) Case-level
B) Procedural-level
C) Object-level
D) Conceptual-level
36. A set of circumstance which are prescribed by a structure, which are expected to follow on
from one another are said to be a ______________.
A) Statistical
B) Heuristic
C) Script
D) Learning
37. _____________ is to extract and build an expert knowledge base.
A) Process Engineer
B) Knowledge Engineer
C) Knowledge Management
D) Knowledge Economy
38. _____________ is a way of storing objects and their attribute-values in a more complex way.
A) Packets
B) Hidden Units
C) Frames
D) Slots
39. _______________ sees how the system is behaving and how the rules and data are
interacting by looking at the explanations.
A) Knowledge Engineer
B) Design Engineer
C) Data Engineer
D) Senior Engineer
40. _____________ problems can be solved efficiently using Goal-Driven reasoning or
backward chaining.
A) Data mining
B) Structured selection
C) Machine learning
D) Business intelligence
41. ________________ who studies how human experts make decisions and translates the rules
into terms that a computer can understand.
A) Process Engineer
B) System Engineer
C) Knowledge Engineer
D) Network Engineer
42. MYCIN operated using a fairly simple inference engine, and a knowledge base of about
A) IF-THEN rules
B) 600 rules
C) 800 rules
D) 500 rules
43. The elements in working memory will be the case specific data for a simple ___________ rule-
based system.
A) Forward Chaining
B) Backward Chaining
44. _____________ would use the input mass and the knowledge of atomic mass numbers
and valence rules.
A) Chemical Structure
B) Mass Spectrometry
C) Spectrometry Technique
D) Heuristic Dendral
45. In contrast to advice taking, learning from _____________ experiences does not usually
involve gathering new knowledge.
A) Problem-solving
B) Theory driven discovery
C) Data driven discovery
D) Derivational analogy
46. Learning that does involve stimuli from the outside is, learning from ___________.
A) Problem-solving
B) Examples
C) Chunking
D) Macro operators
47. The name given for the construction of the class definition task is said to be ______________.
A) Concept learning
B) Domain theory
C) Frames
D) Goal concept
48. Learning from ______________ usually involves a teacher who helps us classify things
by correcting us when we are wrong.
A) Problem solving
B) Examples
C) Derivational analogy
D) Data driven discovery
49. _________________ is said to be as a man-made machine with reasoning capability.
A) Virtual Machines
B) Artificial Intelligence
C) Mechanical Machines
D) Software Machines
50. Prolog is the major example of a fourth generation programming language supporting the
________________ paradigm.
A) Object-oriented
B) Declarative programming
C) Mathematical
D) None of the above

Section B (Two marks multiple choice questions) (25*2 = 50 marks)

51. The work of Alonzo Church, Kurt Godel, helped to produce formalized methods for reasoning, the
form of logic known as ___________ and _____________ calculus.
A) Symbolic, Non-symbolic
B) Propositional, Prototype
C) Prototype, Predicate
D) Propositional, Predicate
52. 1. McCulloch & Pitts : Neural nets :: Norbert Wiener : ___________.
2. John von Neumann : Game theory :: Claude Shannon : _______.
A) LISP, Information theory
B) Frames, Freddy
C) Cybernetics, Information theory
D) Turing test, Cybernetics
53. _________ and _______ all have mechanisms which are necessary for a physical
symbol system.
A) Lisp, Prolog
B) Lisp, Mac
C) Pascal, Prolog
D) Ruby, Perl
54. _______________ and __________ of connected speech recognition was researched and
demonstrated as part of the speech understanding.
A) Disposition, Connotation
B) Syntax, Semantics
C) Feature Extraction, Classification
D) Processing, Recognition
55. A _________________ is a mechanism which provides to execute the productions for
getting proper ___________ from the system.
A) Network Systems, Input
B) Distributed Systems, Output
C) Centralized Systems, Input
D) Production System, Output
56. A solution to a _____________ instance may consist of the goal state itself, or of a path
from some __________________ to the goal state.
A) Linear Search, Intermediate State
B) Intermediate State, Combinatorial Search
C) String Search, Final State
D) Combinatorial Search, Initial State
57. 1. Determining unknown molecular structures.
2. Checking previously published structures.
3. Contributing to the science of mass spectrometry.
The above statements indicate the uses of ______________.
A) Local Maxima
B) OR graph
C) Admissible heuristic
D) Dendral
58. In a ______________ problem if no better successor node is available the progress stops, but in the
____________ the best state is selected even it has a worst value than the value of the node.
A) Generate and Test Strategy, A* Algorithm
B) Simulated Annealing, British Museum algorithm
C) Best First Search, A* Algorithm
D) Hill climber, Depth first search
59. 1. ____________ is the skill, how the required knowledge is represented.
2. ______________ is the skill to gain new knowledge whichever possible ways than relying
on the human intervention.
A) Inferential adequacy, Acquisition efficiency
B) Inferential adequacy, Inferential efficiency
C) Representational adequacy, Acquisition efficiency
D) Inferential efficiency, Representational adequacy
60. "Ask" may do ____________ when the answer is implied, but not explicit in the _____________.
A) Question, Backward inference
B) Backward inference, Knowledge base
C) Forward inference, Knowledge base
D) Fact, Forward inference
61. ___________ is appealing because it is simple to deal with and a ______________________
for it exists.
A) Propositional logic, Decision Procedure
B) Precedence Operators, Decision Procedure
C) Logical Operators, Propositional Logic
D) All of the above
62. A formula is ____________ or satisfiable if it is true under some _____________.
A) Consistent, Interpretation
B) Inconsistent, Interpretation
C) Both A & B
D) None of the above
63. The final substitution produced by the _____________ process will be used by the ____________
A) Unification, Resolution
B) Resolution, Unification
C) Skolemization, Unification
D) Resolution, Skolemization
64. Using resolution together with __________, it is possible to show that the set is unsatisfiable
by deducing a contradiction. Such a proof is called a ______________.
A) Simplifying, Proof by contradiction
B) Conjunction, Proof by resolution
C) Factoring, Proof by refutation
D) Transportation, Proof by resolution
65. The way in which the knowledge is structured, its __________ and the ___________ are
the important part of knowledge representation.
A) Data type, Validity
B) Appearance, Consistency
C) Inference rule, Clausal form
D) Data type, Appearance
66. _____________ is a process of turning a __________ into an object in knowledge
representation system.
A) Skolemisation, Predicate
B) Resolution, Predicate
C) Reification, Predicate
D) Resolution, Skolemisation
67. ______________ originally developed to represent knowledge acquired from ______________.
A) Correlation analysis, Procedural language input
B) Conceptual Dependency, Natural language input
C) Conceptual Dependency, Regular expression input
D) Correlation analysis, Formal language input
68. 1. In casual relations, an ACTION can RESULT in a ____________.
2. ______________ is conditions that will be true after events in script occur.
B) STATE, Results
C) ROLES, Props
D) STATE, Scenes
69. 1. __________ is a knowledge-based inference engine.
2. ____________ is an early general-purpose commercial backwards-chaining inference
engine used in the development of expert systems.
A) Pyke, NEXPERT Object
B) Nyke, NEXPERT Object
C) Pyke, Cocomo Object
D) Mycin, Expert Object
70. 1. The set of methods for using uncertain knowledge in combination with uncertain data in
the reasoning process is called __________________.
2. Building a knowledge base requires careful planning, accounting and organization of the
A) Reasoning with Uncertainty, Knowledge Structures
B) Knowledge Structures, Reasoning with Uncertainty
C) Data Structures, Reasoning with Certainty
D) Linear Structures, Knowledge Structure
71. ______________ of development can be greatly reduced for writing expert systems using
A) Cost and Time, Shells
B) Space and Time, Shells
C) Space and Cost, Shells
D) All of the above

72. __________________ and ______________ are the two subprograms of the Dendral System.
A) Heuristic Dendral, Meta-Dendral
B) Heuristic Dendral, Meta-Data
C) CADUCEUS, Meta-Dendral
D) Data Dendral, Hybrid Dendral
73. 1. The ________________ evaluates responses produced by the performance
component relative to an optimal response.
2. The ______________ control the search to find and build the knowledge structures.
A) Knowledge base, Feedback
B) Learner component, Performance component
C) Learning algorithms, Critic module
D) Critic module, Learning algorithms
74. 1. ___________ is a program that discovers concepts in elementary mathematics and set theory.
2. Carbonell describes a ____________ method to transform old solutions into new ones.
A) AM, Search space
B) BACON, T-space
C) AM, T-space
D) BACON, Search space
75. The _____________ and ________________ of production has been increased in automotive
industry with the help of Robots.
A) Performance, Error Rate
B) Accuracy, Error Rate
C) Efficiency, Performance
D) Efficiency, Accuracy

Answer Keys- Section B

Subject Code: BT9402 Book ID: B1367

Section– B

Q. Unit no./ Q. Unit no./ Q. Unit no./

Ans. Key Ans. Key Ans. key
No. Page no. No. Page no. No. Page no.

1 D 01/09 26 A 07/107 51 D 01/11

2 C 01/02 27 A 07/111 52 D 01/13
3 C 01/13 28 A 07/111 53 A 02/17
4 C 01/02 29 C 08/122 54 B 02/22
5 A 02/17 30 C 08/122 55 D 03/34
6 A 02/22 31 A 08/122 56 D 03/30
7 B 02/22 32 A 08/129 57 D 04/58
8 D 02/17 33 A 09/158 58 D 04/66
9 C 03/31 34 C 09/146 59 C 05/81
10 C 03/34 35 D 09/154 60 B 05/73
11 A 03/32 36 C 09/158 61 A 06/90
12 B 03/30 37 B 10/165 62 A 06/90
13 C 04/60 38 C 10/174 63 A 07/111
14 B 04/63 39 A 10/176 64 C 07/111
15 B 04/58 40 B 10/171 65 D 08/121
16 A 04/58 41 C 11/187 66 C 08/122
17 C 05/73 42 B 11/194 67 B 09/144
18 B 05/73 43 A 11/188 68 B 09/156,158
19 C 05/81 44 D 11/206 69 A 10/167
20 A 05/80 45 A 12/213 70 A
21 A 06/89 46 B 12/213 71 A 11/188
22 D 06/93 47 A 12/224 72 A
23 B 06/93 48 B 12/213 73 D
24 A 06/93 49 B 13/232 74 C
25 A 07/107 50 B 14/243 75 D 13/232

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