Tutorial Seven - Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies - Work and Energy Methods

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Tutorial Seven: Plane motion of Rigid Bodies: Work and Energy Methods

1. The flywheel of a punching machine has a mass of 300 kg and a radius of gyration of 600
mm. Each punching operation requires 2500 J of work. (a) Knowing that the speed of the
flywheel is 300 rpm just before a punching, determine the speed immediately after the
punching. (b) If a constant 25-Nm couple is applied to the shaft of the flywheel, determine
the number of revolutions executed before the speed is again 300 rpm. (ans: a) 293rpm, b)
15.92 rev)

2. A 240-lb block is suspended from an inextensible cable which is wrapped around a drum
of 1.25-ft radius rigidly attached to a flywheel. The drum and flywheel have a combined
centroidal moment of inertia I =10.5 lb. ft. s 2. At the instant shown, the velocity of the
block is 6 ft/s directed downward. Knowing that the bearing at A is poorly lubricated and
that the bearing friction is equivalent to a couple M of magnitude 60 lb. ft, determine the
velocity of the block after it has moved 4 ft downward.

3. Gear A has a mass of 10 kg and a radius of gyration of 200 mm; gear B has a mass of 3
kg and a radius of gyration of 80 mm. The system is at rest when a couple M of
magnitude 6 N. m is applied to gear B. Neglecting friction, determine (a) the number of
revolutions executed by gear B before its angular velocity reaches 600 rpm, (b) the
tangential force which gear B exerts on gear A.

4. Each of the gears A and B has a mass of 2.4 kg and a radius of gyration of 60 mm, while
gear C has a mass of 12 kg and a radius of gyration of 150 mm. A couple M of constant
magnitude 10 N m is applied to gear C. Determine (a) the number of revolutions of gear C
required for its angular velocity to increase from 100 to 450 rpm, (b) the corresponding
tangential force acting on gear A. ( 6.35 rev, 7.14N)
5. A sphere, a cylinder, and a hoop, each having the same mass and the same radius, are
released from rest on an incline. Determine the velocity of each body after it has rolled
through a distance corresponding to a change in elevation h.

6. The double pulley shown weighs 30 lb and has a centroidal radius of gyration of 6.5 in.
Cylinder A and block B are attached to cords that are wrapped on the pulleys as shown.
The coefficient of kinetic friction between block B and the surface is 0.25. Knowing that
the system is released from rest in the position shown, determine (a) the velocity of cylinder
A as it strikes the ground, (b) the total distance that block B moves before coming to rest.
(ans:9.73 ft/sec downwards, 7.65ft)

7. A slender rod of length l and weight W is pivoted at one end as shown. It is released from
rest in a horizontal position and swings freely. (a) Determine the angular velocity of the
rod as it passes through a vertical position and determine the corresponding reaction at the
pivot. (b) Solve part a for W = 1.8 lb and l = 3 ft. (ans: 1.732√(𝑔/𝑙), 5.67 rad/sec, 4.5 lb)

8. A 30-lb slender rod AB is 5 ft long and is pivoted about a point O which is 1 ft from end
B. The other end is pressed against a spring of constant k =1800 lb/in. until the spring is
compressed 1 in. The rod is then in a horizontal position. If the rod is released from this
position, determine its angular velocity and the reaction at the pivot O as the rod passes
through a vertical position.

9. A slender 4-kg rod shown in fig 9.1 & 9.2 can rotate in a vertical plane about a pivot at
B. A spring of constant k =400 N/m and of unstretched length 150 mm is attached to the
rod as shown. Knowing that the rod is released from rest in the position shown, determine
its angular velocity after it has rotated through 90°.

Fig 9.1 Fig 9.2

10. A 20-kg uniform cylindrical roller, initially at rest, is acted upon by a 90-N force as shown.
Knowing that the body rolls without slipping, determine (a) the velocity of its center G
after it has moved 1.5 m, (b) the friction force required to prevent slipping. (ans: 3m/sec
right, 30N left)

11. Each of the two slender rods shown is 0.75 m long and has a mass of 6 kg. If the system
is released from rest with b 5 60°, determine (a) the angular velocity of rod AB when b 5
20°, (b) the velocity of point D at the same instant.

12. The motion of the uniform rod AB is guided by small wheels of negligible mass that roll
on the surface shown. If the rod is released from rest when θ = 0, determine the velocities
of A and B when θ = 30°. (ans: 0.775√( 𝑙 ))

13. The uniform 40-lb slender bar AC shown in Fig rotates in a vertical plane about the pin at
B. The ideal spring AD has a spring constant k = 2 lb/ft and an undeformed length L0 = 3
ft. When the bar is at rest in the position θ = 0, it is given a small angular displacement
and released. Find the angular velocity of the bar when it reaches the horizontal position.
14. The 30-kg disk shown in Fig. 18-12a is pin supported at its center. Determine the number of
revolutions it must make to attain an angular velocity of 20 rad/s starting from rest. It is acted
upon by a constant force F = 10 N, which is applied to a cord wrapped around its periphery, and
a constant couple moment M = 5 N · m. Neglect the mass of the cord in the calculation.

15. he wheel shown in Fig. 18-13a weighs 40 lb and has a radius of gyration kG = 0.6 ft about its
mass center G. If it is subjected to a clockwise couple moment of 15 lb . ft and rolls from rest
without slipping, determine its angular velocity after its center G moves 0.5 ft. The spring has a
stiffness k = 10 lb/ft and is initially unstretched when the couple moment is applied.

16. The 10-kg rod shown is constrained so that its ends move along the grooved slots. The rod is
initially at rest when (θ) = 0°. If the slider block at B is acted upon by a horizontal force P = 50 N,
A determine the angular velocity of the rod at the instant (θ) = 45°. P= 50 N. Neglect friction and
the mass of blocks A and B.

17. The 10-kg rod AB shown in is confined so that its ends move in the horizontal and
vertical slots. The spring has a stiffness of k = 800 N/m and is unstretched when θ = 0°.
Determine the angular velocity of AB when θ = 0°, if the rod is released from rest when θ
= 30°. Neglect the mass of the slider blocks.

18. The assembly consists of two 8-lb bars which are pin connected to the two 10-lb disks. If
the bars are released from rest when 8 = 60°, determine their angular velocities at the
instant 8 = 30°. Assume the disks roll without slipping.

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