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#73 Fernando Poe Jr. Ave. San Franciso Del Monte

Quezon City



1.) Discuss the heat treatment process for common carbon steel? What is Heat Treatment Process
in Engineering Materials? Does All Metals Does All Metals be Heated thru Heat Treatment?
What is the ideal heat temperature combined in this process? Will you consider gas welding by
acetylene and oxygen in its application in heat treatment? If Yes, Explain but If your answer is
No, explain it also?

Heat treatment is a process used to alter the physical and mechanical properties of materials, including
common carbon steel. It involves heating the material to a specific temperature, holding it at that
temperature for a certain period, and then cooling it at a controlled rate. The heat treatment process can
be used to improve the hardness, strength, toughness, and other characteristics of carbon steel.
The heat treatment process for common carbon steel typically involves the following steps:
1. Heating: The steel is heated to a specific temperature, known as the austenitizing temperature.
This temperature is typically above the transformation temperature range, which allows the steel
to transform into its austenite phase.
2. Soaking: The steel is held at the austenitizing temperature for a certain period to ensure complete
transformation and uniformity throughout the material. The soaking time depends on the size and
composition of the steel.
3. Cooling: After the soaking period, the steel is cooled rapidly to room temperature to achieve the
desired properties. The cooling rate can affect the resulting microstructure and properties of the
Common heat treatment processes for carbon steel include:
1. Annealing: The steel is heated to a temperature below its critical range and then slowly cooled.
This process helps to reduce internal stresses, improve machinability, and increase ductility.
#73 Fernando Poe Jr. Ave. San Franciso Del Monte
Quezon City
2. Normalizing: The steel is heated to a temperature above its critical range and then cooled in still
air. Normalizing refines the grain structure, improves mechanical properties, and enhances
3. Quenching: The steel is rapidly cooled by immersing it in a quenching medium such as oil,
water, or polymer. This process produces high hardness and strength by transforming the
austenite into martensite.
4. Tempering: The quenched steel is reheated to a temperature below its lower critical temperature
and then cooled. Tempering reduces the brittleness of the steel and increases its toughness and
Not all metals can be heated through heat treatment. The suitability of a metal for heat treatment
depends on its chemical composition and phase transformation characteristics. Some metals, such as
carbon steels, alloy steels, and certain non-ferrous metals, can undergo heat treatment to achieve desired
properties. However, some metals, like aluminum and copper, have limited phase transformations and
may not respond well to traditional heat treatment processes.
Gas welding using acetylene and oxygen is not typically used in the heat treatment process. Gas welding
involves joining or fusing metal parts using a flame generated by the combustion of acetylene and
oxygen. Heat treatment, on the other hand, focuses on altering the microstructure and properties of the
material itself, rather than joining or fusing separate parts. Heat treatment processes primarily involve
heating and cooling the entire material uniformly, rather than localized heating for welding purposes.

2.) What is the Modern day method of heat treatment compared to decades past? Please give
specific solutions if ever it has numerical values and mathematical integration?

Heat treatment is a process used to alter the physical and mechanical properties of materials, typically
metals and alloys, through controlled heating and cooling. While the basic principles of heat treatment
have remained relatively unchanged over the decades, advancements in technology and techniques have
led to more precise and efficient methods.

Modern-day heat treatment methods often involve the use of advanced equipment and computer-
controlled processes, which allow for greater control and repeatability. Here are some specific solutions
and advancements in modern heat treatment:
#73 Fernando Poe Jr. Ave. San Franciso Del Monte
Quezon City
Computerized Control Systems: Modern heat treatment processes often employ computerized control
systems to monitor and regulate temperature, time, atmosphere, and other parameters with a high degree
of accuracy. These systems can be programmed to follow specific heat treatment cycles and provide
real-time data for process optimization.

Induction Heating: Induction heating is a method that uses electromagnetic induction to heat the material
being treated. It offers advantages such as rapid and localized heating, precise temperature control, and
energy efficiency. Induction heating is commonly used in processes like surface hardening, annealing,
and tempering.

Vacuum Heat Treatment: Vacuum heat treatment involves heating materials in a controlled environment
with low-pressure conditions. It eliminates the presence of oxygen and other reactive gases, which can
prevent oxidation and decarburization. Vacuum heat treatment is often used for processes like brazing,
sintering, and annealing of sensitive materials.

Controlled Atmosphere Heat Treatment: In controlled atmosphere heat treatment, the material is heated
in a specific gas environment to achieve desired results. This method allows for precise control of the
atmosphere composition, such as the amount of oxygen, nitrogen, or hydrogen. Controlled atmosphere
heat treatment is commonly used for processes like carburizing, nitriding, and annealing.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA): FEA is a numerical method used to analyze the behavior of materials
under heat treatment processes. It involves dividing the material into small elements and solving
complex mathematical equations to predict temperature distribution, thermal stresses, and phase
transformations. FEA helps optimize heat treatment processes by determining the ideal heating and
cooling rates, minimizing distortion, and achieving desired material properties.

Quenching and Cooling Techniques: Advancements have been made in quenching and cooling
techniques to achieve controlled and uniform cooling rates. For example, the development of specialized
quenching media, such as polymer solutions or high-pressure gas quenching, allows for precise control
over the cooling rate and minimizes distortion.

These advancements in heat treatment methods have enabled more precise control over the material
properties, improved efficiency, and reduced processing times. However, it's important to note that the
#73 Fernando Poe Jr. Ave. San Franciso Del Monte
Quezon City
specific solutions and numerical values can vary depending on the material being treated, the desired
properties, and the equipment and processes employed.

3.) In bonding two opposite elements of Metals, is Zinc comparatively safe to integrate and blend-
in the process? Explain Why? and Why Not?

In the context of bonding two opposite elements of metals, the suitability of zinc for integration and
blending depends on several factors. Here are the reasons why zinc is often considered relatively safe in
such processes, as well as some considerations for why it might not be ideal:

Why zinc is comparatively safe to integrate and blend:

Low toxicity: Zinc is generally considered to be a relatively safe metal with low toxicity levels. It is an
essential micronutrient for humans and is commonly found in many foods. When used in industrial
processes, precautions should still be taken, but compared to other metals, zinc is less likely to pose
significant health risks.

Good corrosion resistance: Zinc has excellent corrosion resistance properties, particularly when used as
a protective coating, such as in galvanization. This resistance to corrosion helps to ensure the durability
and longevity of the bonded metal components.

Relatively low melting point: Zinc has a relatively low melting point of about 419.5°C (787°F), which
makes it easier to integrate and blend with other metals during various bonding processes, such as
casting or soldering. The lower melting point reduces the risk of damaging or altering the properties of
the other metal being bonded.

Alloying capabilities: Zinc can form alloys with many other metals, such as copper, aluminum, and
magnesium, offering a wide range of material properties and applications. These alloys often exhibit
improved mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, and other desirable characteristics.

Why zinc might not be ideal for integration and blending:

#73 Fernando Poe Jr. Ave. San Franciso Del Monte
Quezon City
Galvanic corrosion potential: When zinc comes into contact with certain metals in a corrosive
environment, it can act as a sacrificial anode, leading to galvanic corrosion. In such cases, the zinc
component may corrode more rapidly than the other metal, potentially compromising the integrity of the

Limited strength: Pure zinc has relatively low strength compared to many other metals. While zinc
alloys can offer improved mechanical properties, if high strength is a requirement, other metals might be
more suitable.

Compatibility with specific metals: Zinc may not be compatible or may have limited solubility with
certain metals, which can affect the quality of the bond. It is important to consider the specific metals
involved and their compatibility when integrating zinc into the bonding process.

Overall, while zinc is generally considered safe and versatile for integration and blending processes, the
specific requirements of the application, compatibility with other metals, and the potential for galvanic
corrosion should be carefully considered when deciding whether zinc is the most suitable choice.

4.) What is the hardest and softest Metal to be uncovered beneath the surface of the earth? What
evidence do you have that Diamond is much expensive than gold in matters of used in Engineering
Materials? Further elaborate your answers as provided.

The hardest naturally occurring metal found beneath the surface of the Earth is osmium. Osmium is an
extremely dense and brittle transition metal with a Mohs hardness of 7.0. It is primarily used in alloys to
increase hardness, especially in the production of high-strength electrical contacts, fountain pen tips, and
instrument pivots.

On the other hand, the softest metal commonly found beneath the Earth's surface is sodium. Sodium is
an alkali metal with a Mohs hardness of 0.5. It is highly reactive and soft enough to be easily cut with a
knife. Sodium is primarily used in various industrial processes, such as the production of chemicals,
soaps, and detergents.
#73 Fernando Poe Jr. Ave. San Franciso Del Monte
Quezon City
Diamond, although not a metal, is indeed significantly more expensive than gold when used in
engineering materials. Here's why:

Rarity: Diamonds are formed deep beneath the Earth's surface under high pressure and temperature
conditions. The natural occurrence of large, high-quality diamonds is relatively rare compared to gold,
which is more widely distributed. This rarity contributes to the higher price of diamonds.

Extraction and Processing: The extraction and processing of diamonds require specialized mining
techniques and equipment, which adds to the cost. Diamond mining involves both open-pit and
underground mining methods, and processing involves cutting and polishing to achieve the desired
shape and quality. These processes are labor-intensive and require skilled craftsmanship.

Industrial Applications: Diamonds possess exceptional hardness and thermal conductivity, making them
highly desirable for various industrial applications. In engineering materials, diamonds are used as
cutting tools, abrasives, and in high-precision applications where extreme hardness and durability are
required. The unique properties of diamonds and the extensive processing involved contribute to their
higher cost compared to gold.

Market Demand: The demand for diamonds, particularly in the jewelry industry, is driven by factors
such as cultural significance, perceived value, and marketing. The diamond market has been influenced
by effective advertising campaigns that have established diamonds as symbols of luxury and status. This
high demand, coupled with limited supply, further drives up the price of diamonds.

It's important to note that gold and diamonds serve different purposes in engineering materials. Gold is
valued for its excellent conductive properties, corrosion resistance, and malleability, making it ideal for
various electrical and electronic applications. Its relative abundance and ease of extraction contribute to
its comparatively lower price in engineering materials compared to diamonds.

5.) What is the most Expensive part of the Ship under the external hull of every machinery
attached that is costly enough to purchase?

The most expensive part of a ship under the external hull can vary depending on the type and purpose of
the vessel. However, one of the costliest components found in many ships is the propulsion system.
#73 Fernando Poe Jr. Ave. San Franciso Del Monte
Quezon City
In modern ships, the propulsion system typically consists of multiple components, including the main
engine(s), propellers, shafting, and associated control systems. These components work together to
generate the necessary power and thrust to move the ship through water.

The main engine(s) of a ship can be a significant expense. Large ships often use diesel engines, gas
turbines, or a combination of both. These engines are designed to deliver high power output and
efficiency over extended periods of operation.

Additionally, propellers and shafting systems can be costly, especially in large vessels. Propellers are
carefully designed to optimize efficiency and performance, and their manufacture requires precision
engineering. The shafting system connects the main engine(s) to the propellers, transmitting power from
the engine(s) to the propulsion system.

Other costly machinery attached to the ship's structure includes generators, electrical systems, auxiliary
engines, water treatment systems, and various equipment necessary for navigation, communication, and

It's important to note that the exact cost of these components can vary widely based on the size, type,
and complexity of the ship, as well as other factors such as the chosen propulsion technology and the
specific requirements of the vessel.


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