Specifications (2019)

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‫المركز الوطني للتقويم واالعتماد األكاديمي‬

National Center for Academic Accreditation and Evaluation



Course Specifications
Institution: Alghad college for medical sciences
Date: 1/9/2020
College/Department : Nursing

A. Course Identification and General Information

1. Course title and code: Biochemistry ( COHS 262)

2. Credit hours: 3
3. Program(s) in which the course is offered.
(If general elective available in many programs indicate this rather than list programs)
4. Name of faculty member responsible for the course:
D. Nazar Abdalazeem Osman
5. Level/year at which this course is offered: Level 3/second year
6. Pre-requisites for this course (if any): None

7. Co-requisites for this course (if any): None

8. Location if not on main campus: Main Campus / Najran

9. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply):

a. traditional classroom What percentage? 100%

% %
b. blended (traditional and online) What percentage? 0

c. e-learning What percentage? 0

d. correspondence What percentage? 0

f. other What percentage? 0


Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 2

B Objectives
1. What is the main purpose for this course?
- To know about the chemistry of living cell.
- To describe the structure and functions of living cell and its process at the molecular level
-To recognize the central role of chemical energy

2. Briefly describe any plans for developing and improving the course that are being implemented.
(e.g. increased use of IT or web based reference material, changes in content as a result of new
research in the field)
 The importance of the course can be explained in the first lecture.
 Electronic materials and computer based programs will be utilized to support the lecture
course material.

C. Course Description (Note: General description in the form used in Bulletin or handbook)
Course Description:

1. Topics to be Covered

No. of Contact
List of Topics
Weeks hours
Chemical foundation of biochemistry Week1 2 hours
Biological foundation of biochemistry Week2 2 hours
Gene expression and synthesis of protein Week3 4 hours
Metabolism Week5 4 hours
Energy generation Week7 2 hours
Protein structure - Synthesis of protein Week8
Week9 4 hours
Carbohydrate metabolism Week10 2 hours
Lipid metabolism Week11 2 hours
Nitrogen metabolism Week12 2 hours
Enzymes Week13 4 hours
Control of chemical process-signal molecules Week15 2 hours
Specialty function

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 3

2. Course components (total contact hours and credits per semester):

Lecture Tutorial Practical Other: Total
Contact Planed 30 28
Hours Actual
Planed 2 1

3. Additional private study/learning hours expected for students per week.


4. Course Learning Outcomes in NQF Domains of Learning and Alignment with Assessment
Methods and Teaching Strategy

On the table below are the five NQF Learning Domains, numbered in the left column.

First, insert the suitable and measurable course learning outcomes required in the appropriate
learning domains (see suggestions below the table). Second, insert supporting teaching
strategies that fit and align with the assessment methods and intended learning outcomes. Third,
insert appropriate assessment methods that accurately measure and evaluate the learning
outcome. Each course learning outcomes, assessment method, and teaching strategy ought to
reasonably fit and flow together as an integrated learning and teaching process. (Courses are not
required to include learning outcomes from each domain.)
Code NQF Learning Domains Course Teaching Course Assessment
# And Course Learning Outcomes Strategies Methods
1.0 Knowledge
1.1 - Theoretical and practice
class(lecture and practical )
- Homework assignments
- E-mail usage enhancement
(sending lectures, homework to - Mid-term and final
- Understanding the importance of students and receiving any exams
biochemistry in living systems student's questions ) - Quizzes
- Focus on the structure and function of -Presentation -Participation
carbohydrates ,protein ,lipid ,enzymes - Multimedia (homework and
and hormones -Questions and dialogue during group research )
the lecture to explain
-Education through the
-Review previous lecture and
linked with the new one
2.0 Cognitive Skills
2.1 Quizzes
2.2 - Ability to gathering data , analysis these data - Open discussion . -Assignments

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 4

- Workshops -Collective
and interpreting results of this analysis . - Competitive assessment of the
education business on a
- Ability to searching for special problems that - Review previous regular basis
related to clinical chemistry (1) and find lecture and linked -Tests include essay
3.0 Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility
3.1 - Whole-class
- Ability of students to act as a part of a team . - Team work
- Assessment of
- Manage time, resources and other members of the assignments
3.2 students` findings
group - Subject linked
by comparing it
- Communicate results of work to others research
with those of other

4.0 Communication, Information Technology, Numerical

4.1 - Programs designed
specifically to instruct
students on certain
- The skill of managing the variety in resources
aspects of clinical
available and learning styles used - Grading students`
chemistry (1)
- The skill of using emails for actual report
4.2 - Using e-mails to
communication with individuals around the
correspond with
students and vice
- Writing reports
5.0 Psychomotor
5.1 - The ability to run efficiently appliances
5.2 - The ability to choose the appropriate tools and -Presentations
5.3 use them right way. practical
- Estimate the appropriate measurements and Practice in Lab -The default labs
weights -Presentations
- The skill of the operation and use of computers -Laboratory work
and means of modern technology.

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 5

5. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester

Assessment task (i.e., essay, test, quizzes, group project, Proportion of

Week Due
examination, speech, oral presentation, etc.) Total Assessment
1 First exam 6th week 15%
2 Second exam 10th week 15 %
3 First Mid-lab Exam 7th week 10%
4 Second Mid-lab Exam 11th week 10%
5 Final Practice Exam 16th week 15%
6 Quizzes During semester 5%
7 Attendance During semester 5%
8 Final Exam 25%

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 6

D. Student Academic Counseling and Support
1. Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student
consultations and academic advice. (include amount of time teaching staff are expected to be
available each week)
8 hrs per wk

E Learning Resources
1. List Required Textbooks

-Principles of Biochemistry. David Nelson and Michael M. Cox. W.H. Freeman and
Company, 4th edition (2005)
2. List Essential References Materials (Journals, Reports, etc.)
- - Harber Biochemistry. Robert Murray, 26th edition (2003)
3. List Electronic Materials, Web Sites, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

- Textbook of Biochemistry with clinical correlations. Thomas M. Devlin. Wiley-Liss A John

Wiley & Sons, Inc., publication. 6th Edition (2006).
4. Other learning material such as computer-based programs/CD, professional standards or
regulations and software.
- Chem Draw program 2012

F. Facilities Required
Indicate requirements for the course including size of classrooms and laboratories (i.e. number of
seats in classrooms and laboratories, extent of computer access, etc.)
1. Accommodation (Classrooms, laboratories, demonstration rooms/labs, etc.)

- Lecture room that contains 20 seats and extent of computer access .

2. Technology resources (AV, data show, Smart Board, software, etc.)

- Data show, Smart Board and Chem draw program

3. Other resources (specify, e.g. if specific laboratory equipment is required, list requirements or
attach list)

G Course Evaluation and Improvement Processes

1. Strategies for Obtaining Student Feedback on Effectiveness of Teaching
Questionnaires, Assignments.

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 7

2. Other Strategies for Evaluation of Teaching by the Instructor or by the Department

- Departmental council discussions

- Discussions within the group of faculty teaching the same course

3. Processes for Improvement of Teaching

Using new technologies in teaching the students.

4. Processes for Verifying Standards of Student Achievement (e.g. check marking by an
independent member teaching staff of a sample of student work, periodic exchange and
remarking of tests or a sample of assignments with staff at another institution)
By re-correct the midterm exams
By evaluation the final exam
5. Describe the planning arrangements for periodically reviewing course effectiveness and
planning for improvement.
By course evaluation survey which distributed each semester
By peer observation.
- The course material and learning outcomes are periodically reviewed and the changes to be
taken are approved in the departmental and higher councils.

Name of Course Instructor: D. Nazar Abdalazeem Osman

Signature: ______________________ Date Specification Completed: ____________

Program Coordinator: ___________________________________________________

Signature: _________________________ Date Received: ________________

Course Specifications, Ramadan 1438H, June 2017. Page 8

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