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Drinking water is often considered unimportant by many people. In fact, water has an
important function for our bodies because 50 to 70 percent of the human body is water. Lack
of water intake can cause a number of health problems such as dehydration and kidney
problems. There are many reasons why drinking water is important.


First, water helps digest food and carries nutrients throughout our bodies. Body fluids
obtained from water intake are also important for regulating body temperature and producing

Second, if you don’t drink enough water, it can cause a decrease in the function of the
cardiovascular system in the body. This happens when the blood becomes thicker due to lack
of fluid, making the heart work harder to pump blood throughout the body. This can increase
the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Third, even the result of not drinking enough water and other liquids can cause the brain’s
performance to not be optimal. One of the effects is that the brain become unfocused, has
difficulty thinking, drowsiness, difficulty remembering things, and even headaches.


The latter in my opinion, however, drinking too much water is actually not good because it
can cause the ody to be over-hydrated. In fact, if you drink too much your body will
experience excess fluid. Where in this condition the kidneys are unable to remove the excess
water from the body. As a result, the level of the salt in the body decreases and hyponatremia

Based on the reasons above, it is clear that drinking water is very important. Because we
cannot live without drinking water.



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