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Analytical Exposition Text

The Importance of Maining School Environment

( Pentingnya Memelihara Lingkungan Sekolah )

The school environment is a very important thing for us to pay attention to.because as
students, school and the environment are places where we have to spend most of our time
every day. From morning to evening, we do many activities within this school environment.
Comfort for students is an important factor in supporting learning so that students can absorb
lessons well. I personally believe that caring for the school environment is very important for
us as students because it will influence everything we do in it. Keeping the school
environment clean gives us a healthier atmosphere for learning and carrying out various
activities at school. By maintaining a school environment free of rubbish, we can provide a
healthier area and fresher air for teachers, students and other school residents. With these
conditions, we will definitely enjoy our learning process at school and our other activities at
schoolschool environment.
First, school cleanliness is one very important aspect of creating an optimal learning

Second, a clean and tidy environment can create a conducive learning atmosphere,
minimizing the risk of disease outbreaks, as well as increasing students’ pride in their school.

Environmental cleanliness is everyone’s responsibility. A clean environment reflects people’s
quality of life and promotes individual health.

Name : Revina Avrianti

Class : XI MPLB 1

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