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M.S.U -Ill
(kind-hearted) we6ofigc SET6AgmT 5TsG6pms.
NiigspsSTST LDfhgs NdpamoT
GDDaa, umbumLig

sgbusapnp ssoeomb
Daissagapns. NiADa 6ssumsLoTs an60TULGSpms.

uisssI B6OLuso (styled) LsmGsdsonpni.6mm5606T
(Metaphors) e60wsmaTb (Similies) GAsrisDoT
Sigssie ssmsulso
LwsTGos@cnpmit. BásmgunSI sshms angsEBso
6 pBDL &ss (Prose Poem)
7. Annotations
1. He hurried towards
his parents, his feet
his eyes still obedient to their call,
lingering the receding
This passage is from The Lost Child" by Mulk Raj Anand.
A ittle
boy and his parents set out froma city to pay a visit to
the village fair
held at the time of the Spring festival. He came
there in high
spirits. The boy lingered at some toy shops on the
way and asked for a toy. His father refused by his look.
Receding: getting farther and farther away.
The raining petals dropped from his forgotten hands.
A curlous look was in his parents'


This passage is from The Lost Child" by

" Mulk Raj Anand

The little boy sat with his parents near a well in a grove.

There was a banyan tree stretching out its branches in all

directions. The scent of the flowers gladdened him. He felt
their soft touch when petals rained down on him. He heard and
saw doves and a koil

raining: coming down like a
he begged that his plea would not be
3. But he half knew as

heeded because his parents would say he was greedy.


This passage is from "The Lost Child" by Mulk Raj Anand

boy. He first saw a
The shops at the fair charmed the little
display of sweets which included burfi and jalebi. Though he
wanted a burfi, he did not ask for it. His parents would not buy
it for him.
4. "Mother, fatherl" he wailed with a moist, shrill breath noOw

This line is from "The Lost Child" by Mulk Raj Anand.

At the roundabout at the fair the little boy asked his parents
to put him on it. He then suddenly discovered that they were not
near him. He began to search for them calling on them loudly
Fear made him run blindly here and there, wailing and weeping.

wailed: Cried in a loud, shrill voice.

moist: wet

5. "What sweets would you like, child?"


This line is from "The Lost Child" by Mulk Raj Anand.

inconsolable. The
The little boy was crying and he was
rescuer wanted to console the boy by buying him sweets.
the boy continued to cry and asked for his parents.
M.S.U-II1 40
8. Choose the correct
1. What is the season referred to In the story 'The Lost Child

b) summer
a) autumn

c)winter d) spring (Ans:d)

of the men and women
2. What was the colour of the dress

who were making all kinds of noise in their prayer?

a) white b) red

c)yellow d) green (Ans:c)

to enjoy
3. What were teeming out from their hiding places

a) birds b) rabits

c) little insects d) butterfies (Ans:c)

4. Jack, jaman, neem and champak are_

a) birds b) trees

c sweets d) animals (Ans:b)

he entered
5. A shower of young flowers fell upon the child as

a) grove b) garden
c) park d) forest (Ans: a)

6. Gulab-ijaman, rasgula, burfi and jelabi are called_

a) South-Indian sweets b) Bengali sweets

c) North-Indian sweets d) Nagpur sweets (Ans:c)
7 What sweet did the boy wish to have?

a) gulab-jaman b) rasgula
c) burfi d) jelabi (Ans: c)
8. The child's parents would never buy him the balloons
because they would say_

a) it will burst soon

b) it will slip and go high up in air
c) he was too old to play with it
d) his friends would seize it
9. What was the bold
request of the child?
a) He wanted to go on the merry-go-round
b) He wanted to have a beautiful garland
c)He wanted to sit and watch the juggler's tricks
d) He wanted to have a red colour balloon
10. Why did the child run hither and thither?
a) because he forgot to take his toy he had left in the
b) was playing hide and seek with his father
c) because he had lost his parents
d) a dog chased him. (Ans: c)
11 What did the child
repeatedly ask the stranger?
a) burfi b) balloon
c) his parents d) a lift on the horse (Ans:c)

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