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Water is scarce and there are many people in the world who have

great difficulty in getting water to drink.

We all must save water.

Look at it again
Water is needed for life.
in the mountains we get water from streams, rivers, falls,
lakes and springs.
In the plains we get water from rivers, ponds and lakes.
We also get water from wells, tube wells and hand pumps.
Water is stored in reservoirs, water towers and dams.
We must drink clean water.
Water from rivers, ponds and lakes is not always clean.
It often contains germs that make us sick.
Tap water is mostly safe to drink.
We must save and conserve water.

Test Yourseif

1. Nane five sources of water :

a. b


2. Fill in the blanks by using the

following words :
salty dirty built germs towns sick taps
a. Pond water may contain
-g and make us
b. Sea water is not good to drink
because it is
C. We wash clothes and make the pond
d. Water from is safe to drink because it has been cleaned,
e. Factories should be
lilt away from t o s
3. Write T for true and F for false sentences:
a. Sea water is salty and unfit to drink.
b. tt is safe to drink water from rivers and ponds.
C. Tap water is safe to drink.
d. We can store drinking water for many days.
e. Wastes from factories make river water dirty.
4. Answer the following :
a. Give four uses of water.
b. Name two ways of getting underground water.
C. Give four ways by which river water is made unfit to drink.
d. How does rain water become dirty?
e. Why should factories be made away from sources of water?
f. Why do we need to save water.
1. Find out the sources of water in your school.
2. Boiling is one way to keep drinking water clean. Using a water filter is
another way. There are many kinds water filters. Ask your teacher how
Some of the water filters work.
3. Colour the picture. How does the water help the plants and animals in and
around a pond?

11 Different Forms of Water

See-and-Say Science Words

liquid ice melting solid frozen
steam cBouds rain water
watercycie gas condengation

This glass contains water.

Water is the licquicd form.
Take some cubes of ice in a plate.
Keep the plate in the sun.
What do you see after some time?
lce has melted into water.
Solid has changed to liquid.
These are piecesof ice.
lce is solid. It is hard.
Keep a tray of water in the freezer of your
What happens after some time?
Water has changed into ice.
Liquid has frozen to form a solid.
Take some water in a pan.
Keep the pan on a stove and boil.
After some time the water
The water has changed into steam.
Liquid has changedto gas.
Nowboil some water in a kettle.
When the steam is coming out
of the kettle, put a plate in front
of the spout.
Water drops form on the
cooler surface of the plate.
Steam cools and forms
drops of water.
Change of steam to water is by the process of condensation.
Water can have three forms:
Solid, liquid and gas.
lce is the solid form.
Water is the liquid form.
Steam or water vapour is the
gas form.

Water Cycle
The water cycie goes on in.
nature as well.
When the sun shines on water
in a river, lake or pond, the heat of HH
the sun changes the water to water
This happens in the same way as the water from the kettle changes to
When the water vapour rises up it cools down to form clouds.
The warm clouds rise to higher cooler areas. It is here that the water
vapour changes to water and comes down as rain.
The water comes back to the river, ponds, lakes,springs and wells.
Some of this water freezes and forms snow on mountain tops.
The water cycle in nature
When the sun shines on the snow, the heat of the sun melts
the snow
to water.
This water again gets back to the river, pond and lake.
This is how the water cycle goes on in nature.
Look at it again
Water has three forms.
lce is the solid form, water is the liquid form
and steam is the gas form.
One form of water can change into another form.
Water freezes to form ice.
lce melts to form water.
When heated, water forms steam.
Nature also has a water cycle.
Test Yourself

1. Fill in the blanks by using the following words :

ice Condenses heat water vapour gas water
a. hoat of the sun changes water to
b. Water vapour CAAseS to form water.
C. Water vapour is the form of water.
d. Water freezes to form

e. lce melts to form

2. Writie F for false and T for correct sentences:

a. Water vapour can never condense to water.

b. Water in the refrigerator freezes to ice.
C. Water vapours are present in clouds.
d. When liquid water changes to vapours, rains start faling.
e. The heat of sun melts the snow to water.


1. Take a few ice cubes in a glass tumbler. What do you see on the outer
side of the tumbler? Why does this happen?
2. Find out from your teacher, why a pressure cooker cooks the food

3. Why do we never keep ice trays filled with water upto the top in the
freezer of a refrigerator?
4. Draw the water cycle
Draw a colourful picture showing the rivers and seas,water land, grassy
plains, trees, mountains, clouds, rain, snow and of course the blue
sky. Make the picture as beautiful and natural looking as you can.
Now show the cycle by drawing arrows in a clockwise direction.


12 Rising Sun Cheers Us Up

See-and-Say Science Words

sky SUn earth gases heat
light daylight shadow day

Early morningwhen we look out of our

window, we can see the lovely
The rising sun wakes and cheers us up.
The chirping of the birds and the dew
drops on the petals of flowers
make us all very happy.
We must get up early in the morning if we
want to enjoy the beauty of
The sun is a hot ball of gases.
It is so bright that if we try to look at it we hurt our eyes.
It is very big in size.
It is much bigger than our earth.
It looks small because it is far away from us.
The sun rises inthe east.
The morning sun is not very hot.
The sun at noon is very hot.
The sun gives us heat and light.
We dry our clothes in the heat of the sun.
Heat of the sun also helps us in cooking.
When the sun rises the daylight breaks.
We can see the birds leavingtheir nests, the flowers blooming and
the bees and butterflies collecting nectar from flowers.
When the sun sets it becomes dark.
Birds and animals can be seen going back home.
Another day is over.
Plants and animals can not do without the sun.
We all need the sun.
Without the sun, there would be almost no life on earth.

Light and shadow
Shine a torch on a wooden block near a wal.
dark picture of the block is formed.
This dark picture is called a shadow.
When we walk in the sunlight our shadow is formed on the ground.
The size of the shadow changes
We form a longer shadow in the
morning and evening.
Our shadow becomes shorter at noon.

Shadow is formed in light only

When the sun sets there is no light
We do not form shadows in the dark.
When we enter our room and switch
on the lights we can see our shadows once
Which side does the shadow fall?
Take a flower.
Shine a torch at it from the right side.
You cansee a shadow on the left side
of the flower.

Nowshine the torch at the flower from

the left side.
The shadow is now formed onthe right
The shadow always falls on the other
side of light.

Look at it again
The sun is a big, hot ball of gases.
The sun gives us light and heat.
When something stops the path of light a shadow is formed.
Ashadowis a dark picture of a body.

A shadow is longer in the mornings and evenings.

Shadows become short at noon.
Shadows are not formed in the dark.
" A shadow is always formed on the opposite side of a source of light.

Test Yourself

1. Write T for correct and F for false sentences :

a. The sun is a small sphere and we can look at it.
b. The sun rises in the east.
C. Nature is most beautiful in the morning.
d. We can see shadows in the dark.
e. Shadows are shorter at noon.

2. Fill in the blanks using the correct words :

a. Sun is a hot ball of
b. Sun sets in the
C. FlowersRelesm in the daylight. (bloom/close)
d. Ashadow is formed when the path of light is stoed
by a body. (stopped/allowed to pass)
Shadow is in the morning. (shortest/longest)
Shadows always fall on the
ofoite side of the light.
3. Answer the following questions :
a. Why does the sun look small?
b. Name two things that the heat of the sun does.
C When is the shadow longest?
d. How is a shadow formed?
e. What do yOu see in nature when the sun rises?

4. Match the following pairs by joining them with a ine :

a. The sun rises. helps in cooking
b. The sun is a when the sun rises
C. The heat of the sun Nn the east
d. Birds leave their nests in the dark
e. We cannot see shadows hot ball of gases


1. Get up in the morning. Go out when the sun rises.

Make a list of five things
that you have enjoyed watching.
2. Stand, sit and lie in the sunlight. Ask a friend to
Which one is the longest? measure the shadows.

3. Place a plant in adark box with a (b) (c)
small opening. Keep the box in the light.
What do you see after a few days? What
happens to the plant?


13 Rocks and Minerals

See-and-Say Science Words

rocks soil granite sandstone
marble slate shale mica
rock salt pumice stone quartz minerals
gem stones carbon lead graphite
diamond weathering Sand

The earth is made up of rocks.

Most rocks are found deep inside the earth.
Mountains are also made up of rocks.
One can see rocks on the sea-shore.
Some houses and roads are made of rocks.
Rocks break down slowiy to form soil on the surface of the earth.
Kinds of rocks
We have many
kinds of rocks.
Some rocks are
Fine grained Red Granite Sandstone
hard and some are soft. Granite

Granite is hard. Sandstone is a soft rock.

Sandstone is usually golden and is crumbly.
Forts at Agra and Delhi are made of sandstone. Black
Can you think of other famous buildings made
of sandstone?
Sandstone is soft and it is easy to construct
buildings with it. White Marble
Rocks have different sizes, shapes and colours.
Taj Mahal is a beautiful white building.
Do you know that it is made of marble.
Marble is a smooth white rock.
Marble can also be black, green and pink. It can also be a combination
of many colours.
Some rocks are very rough and sharp.
In the stone age man used rocks for making weapons.
He killed animals with the help of these sharp stone weapons. Can
you think of other uses of rocks during the stone age?

You must have often used a slate and written on it with achalk.
Slate is also a rock.
Slate is smooth. If yougo to the hills you willfind roofs of many houses
made of slate.
Slate is found in layers and can be easily taken out.
Shale and mica are also found in layers.



Grey Slate

Rocks can be of many other colours.

Rock salt is grey in colour.
Granite is black.
Pumice stone is used for scrubbing while bathing.
Quartz is ahard rock. It is usually glassy or smoky in colour.

Pumice stone

Tin Carbon
Copper S (Cassiterite) (Graphite)

Iron Aluminium Chinese Clay

(Magnetite) (Bauxite) (Kaolinite)
We get minerals from rocks.
These minerals are useful.
Cement, glass, the pots and pans we use are all made of minerals.
Thequartz rock is made up from only one
Marble contains many minerals.
mineral, quartz.
Some rare minerals are called gem
Have youseen jewellery and ornaments
containinggems like rubies,
sapphires, topazZ or emerald? Gems are beautiful and valuable.
Do you know thatmetals like iron,
copper, aluminium and many
are got from rocks.
Rocks break down to form soil.
The soilalso contains plant and
You must have seen coal being used formaterial.
steam engine. It is carbon. cooking or being used ln a

Have you ever thought that the lead of a pencil is also a form of
The lead in pencil is made of graphite, a type of carbon.
Diamond, like graphite is a different kind of carbon. Diamond is the
hardest substance known.
It is mostly used for making jewellery.
Air, water and ice can change rocks.
This is called weathering of rocks.
The big rocks can break into smaller pieces and some of the rough
rocks have turned smooth.
Do you know that the tiny pieces of sand were once parts of the big
· rocks?

Look at it again
There are many kinds of rocks.
Rocks are of diferent shapes, sizes and colours.
Some rocks are hard, some are soft.
Some rocks are rough, some are smooth.
Coal, graphite and diamond are found inside rocks.
All rocks are made of minerals.
Test Yourself

1. Match the following pairs by joining them with a line :

Taj Mahal is red
b diamond is in layers
C. graphite marble
d. slate steam engine
shale jewellery
f. coal hard rock
granite pencil lead
h. sandstone roofs
2. Fill in the blanks by using the correct words :
slate hard grey soi! soft black red
a. Rocks break down to form
b. Granite is sandstone is
C. Sandstone is in colour.
d. Roofs of houses on the hills are made of
e. Rocksalt is in colour, granite is
3. Write the missing alphabets in the following words. Choose
your answers from the pictures given along.
a. S A E
b SL T
d. ARB N
f. R_CK S LT
4. Write T for correct and F for the
false sentences :
Granite is soft and sandstone is a hard rock.
b. Agra Fort is made of sandstone.
C. The stone age man
used weapons of rocks.
d. Marble is only white in colour.
e. Diamond is a form of carbon.
f Slate is used for
making roofs of houses.

1. Collect small pieces of rocks -and

glass top. Number them and note stones. Keep them in a box having a
down their colour and shape in you
2. Besides jewellery diamonds are also
costly watches also have diamonds. used for cutting glasses. Some Very
Discuss with vour teacher the uses
of diamonds.
3. Something to learn: coal and petroleum
Although we often speak of coal and petroleum as minerals or mineral
fuels, they are not really minerals. Coal and
Various materials which were living petroleum are formed troi
many-many years ago.

14 Framework of the Body

See-and-Say Science Words

muscles bones postures

All children are fond of playing.

Children jump, run, walk and play.
Some do regular exercise in the morning.

What makes the body move?
What gives aproper shape to the body?
Bend your arm.
Press the upper arm.
What do you feel? It feels hard.
There are muscles under the skin which
are hard and tough.
Our body has many muscles.
These muscles help our body move.
Press harder. What do you feel now?
There are bones under the muscles.
The bones of the legare among the longest
bones in our body.
Just like the body has many muscles,
it has many bones too.
Try to feel some of the bones in your
The human body is made of muscles and
Bones give a proper shape to the body.
Muscles are attached to the bones.
Bones allow movement with the help of
Our bones and muscles_work- together to
help us move.
Muscles help us to walk, run and play.

What makes our muscles strong
Games and exercise help us to keep our
muscles strong.
Strong muscles make a body strong.
Muscles become strong only when we use
them. Ifwe do not use our muscles, they become
weak and useless.
We must use our muscles and make them
The way we hold our body when we sit, stand or walk is called posture.
Good posture keeps our bones and muscles strong.
To keep Our muscles and bones in good form and shape, we must sit,
stand and walk properly.
All parts of our body can work properly if
we have good posture.
Am Istanding correctly?
Chest out, beily in, back straight, chin in.
Put the weight of your body on the feet.
Never put it on your toes or heels.
Am Isitting correctly?
Back straight against the chair.
Shoulder should not bend.
And you will never get a hunch.
Am Iwalking correctly?
Walk with shoulders straight.
Hold your head high.
Move your ankles, knees and arms freely.
Look at it again
Our body is made up of muscles and bones.
Muscles are fixed to our bones.
Bones allow the body to move with the help of musclos.
Games and exercise keep our muscles strong.
Strong muscles make our body strong.
We must have good body postures.
Good postures keep our bones and muscles healthy and in
good shape.

Test Yourself
1. Fill in the blanks by using the
following words:
musçles posture exerci_e skin bones
skim cOvers our body.
b. m2bare attached to the bones.
C. Muscles allow the body to move
d. We should do regular byl
c9i in the morning.
e. Our body works properly if we
have correct
2. Join the following pairs by drawing across lines :
a. Stand with
when the muscles get tired
b. Swimming
C. We need rest Swing arms freely
d. While walking ohest out, belly in
e. Sit back against the chair
makes all our muscles strong
2 Write T for true and F for false
a. Sweets are good for muscles,sentences
b. We can bend our back
when we read.
Morning is the best time to exercise,
d. Bones give a proper
shape to the body.
e. It is not very important to
4. Answer the following :
a. Name a game which will make your leg
muscles strong.
b. Which game will make your hand
muscles strong?
C. What do the eye muscles help us to do?
d. Ii we do not use our muscles what
happens to them?
e. What keeps our bones in good shape?


1. Find out the names of two foodstuffs which are

helpful for the growth of
bones and two which are important for muscles. Ask yOur
2. Sketch your muscles and bones. Lie down on asheet of
paper. Then ask
your friend to trace around your body. Now complete this picture by
Some of your bones. Draw some muscles also, like those of the arms.

3. Something to learn: study and exercise

It is good to study hard. But studying all day long can
make you feel dul
and inactive. Make it a point to play some outdoor game
everyday. During
examination time if you have been studying hard for a long time then try
some light exercises. Like stretching up your arms and then bending will
make your stiff back loosen up. Give rest to your eyes too.
Close them
and blink for 2-3 minutes.


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