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Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 1.1-A
( Science Grade 7 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What Solutions Do You Find in Your Home?

Learning Target:  Describe the observable characteristics or properties of
common solutions found at home or in stores.
 Present the data gathered in table form to show the different
properties of common solutions.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Material Module 1 ; pp. 2-4
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J. B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Products or Solutions Found at home or in store


1. Make a table similar to the one below.

Products or Solutions Found at Home or in Stores Characteristics

2. List the Common Products or Solutions Found at Home or in Stores and note all the
characteristics or properties observed in each product.


1. Based on your observations, are all solutions liquid?

Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 1.1-B
( Science Grade 7 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What Solutions Do You Find in Your Home?

Learning Target:  Identify the two components of solution.
 Classify solutions based on its occurrence.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Material Module 1; pp. 2-4.
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Based on the previous activity, you noticed that you did not see solid particles or
liquid droplets in the samples of solutions. Most of the solutions, which are in liquid phase,
are colorless.
The solutions that you have observed consist of two components called the solvent
and the solute. Generally, the component present in small amount is called the solute. The
solute and the solvent dissolve in each other. Usually the solvent is the component present
in greater amount. So in sugar solution, sugar is the solute and water is the solvent.
You observed also that solution is not always a liquid; it can be solid, liquid, or gas. In
addition, solutions may either be found in nature or are manufactured.

Examples of Naturally Occurring Solutions

 Mineral ores – Plants cannot absorb minerals from the soil unless these minerals are
in solution.
 Digested food – Components of the food that you eat go into solution during
digestion so that the nutrient particles in solution can pass through the digestive
tract and dissolve in the blood.
 Natural bodies of water -- Seawater is a solution having a higher percentage of salt
and minerals than other sources of water like ground water or rivers.
 Rainwater— It is a solution containing dissolved gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide.
 Drinking water – The water you drink contains dissolved minerals like sodium,
potassium, magnesium, and calcium and dissolved gases like oxygen and carbon
 Air – Air is a mixture of gases consists of about 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 1%
Argon, about 1% water vapor, 0.04% Carbon dioxide and traces of Argon, Helium,
Neon, Krypton, and Xenon.Wate vapour is present in different amounts depending on
the location. Air above big bodies of water contains more water vapour than air above
deserts. Humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor in air.
Division of Bohol

Examples of Manufactured/Processed Solutions

 Vinegar – Almost every household uses vinegar for cooking and cleaning purposes. It
usually contains about 5% acetic acid in water. Some of it are clear homogeneous
mixtures (solutions) while other kinds are colloidal.
 Gasoline – This solution is made up of different substances called hydrocarbons. It is
important that gasoline contains no solid particles that may clog the vehicle engine.
 Metal Alloy – A metal alloy is a solution that is made up of two or more metals or
non-metals. For example, steel is an alloy of copper and tin. Brass is an alloy of
copper and zinc.
 Other examples of solutions that are processed include: Wine and Liquor, Brewed
Coffee and Tea.


1. What are the components of solutions?

2. Give the classification of solutions based on its occurrence.

Division of Bohol
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 1.2-A
( Science Grade 7 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What are the Properties of Solutions?

Learning Target:  Compare the evidence gathered with the predictions you made.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Material Module 1;pp. 4-6.
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

 6 cups water and 6 pcs. Spoon
 12 clear bottles or cups
 Either of the following: cheesecloth (katsa), old white t-shirt, filter
 2 tablespoons each of the following: sugar, salt, mongo seeds, powdered
juice, cooking oil, vinegar
 2 pcs. each, measuring spoons (1/2 tsp. and 1 tsp.)
 2 pcs. each, measuring cups (1/2 cup and 1 cup)
 3 funnels or improvised funnel made from 500 mL plastic bottle and 1
funnel rack
1. Predict which among the given samples will dissolve in water. Write your predictions in
column 2 of Table 1.
2. Put one cup of water in each of the cups.
3. Add ½ teaspoon of each of the six samples. Use the teaspoon to dissolve as much of each
sample as possible. Use a different teaspoon for each of the cups. Describe the mixture
that resulted after mixing and note the phases. Write your answer in column 3 and 4
4. Filter the mixture with filter paper. You may use katsa, or old, white t-shirt with the
improvised funnel from plastic bottle.

Figure 1. A filtration setup. The funnel is supported on an iron ring

and the filtrate is received in another container.*
Division of Bohol

Table 1. Data table for Activity 1.2-A.

1 2 3 4 Can be Solution or
Sample solid Will dissolve Appearance Number of separated by not
or liquid in one cup Phases filtration (yes
water or no)
(yes or no)


1. In which mixture were you able to separate the components by filtration?

2. Which of the samples are solutions?

Division of Bohol
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 1.2-B
( Science Grade 7 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What are the Properties of Solutions?

Learning Target:  Describe the properties of solutions.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Material Module 1;pp. 4-6.
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

In Activity 1.2-A, you found out that a solution is formed when a solute dissolves in a
solvent to form a single phase that appears uniform throughout. A solution is clear. The
particles in a solution are too small that they cannot be seen by the unaided eye and are
smaller than the pores of the filter paper or the cheesecloth making these pass through
the filter.
Each part of a solution retains its characteristic properties. When a sugar solution is
filtered, the filtrate tastes sweet. The sweetness of the sugar is present in any part of the
sugar solution.
The following are the characteristics of Solutions.
 It is homogeneous. It is a mixture of one phase only. The components are so well
mixed that all parts of the solutions appear the same. Solutions have the same
composition and properties throughout.
 The solute cannot be separated from the solvent through filtration because these
are so small that they pass through the filter paper or cheesecloth.
 A solution is often clear and transparent.


1. How many phases does solution has?

2. Can you separate the components of solutions by filtration?

Division of Bohol
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 1.3-A
( Science Grade 7 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What is the evidence that a Solution is Saturated?

Learning Target:  Determine how much solid solute completely dissolves in a given
volume of water.
 Describe the appearance of a saturated solution.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Material Module 1;pp. 7-8.
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

 6 teaspoons sugar
 1 cup of water
 1 measuring cup ( 1 cup capacity)
 1 measuring sppon ( ½ tsp. capacity)
 2 stirrers
 1 thermometer


1. Put 20 mL (approximately 2 tablespoons) of water in a small clear transparent bottle. Add

½ teaspoon of sugar and stir.
2. To the sugar solution in step #1, add1/2 teaspoon sugar, a small portion at a time and stir
the solution to dissolve the sugar. At this point, you have added 1 teaspoon sugar.
3. Add ½ teaspoon of sugar to the sugar solution in step #2 and stir the solution. At this
point, you have added 1 and ½ teaspoons of sugar.
4. Continue adding ½ teaspoon sugar to the same cup until the sugar no longer dissolves.

Note: In this step, you will observe that there is already excess sugar which did not

1. How many teaspoons of sugar dissolved completely in 20 mL of water? What is its
2. How many teaspoons of sugar have you added until the sugar no longer dissolves? What is
its appearance?
Division of Bohol
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 1.3-B
( Science Grade 7 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What is the evidence that a Solution is Saturated?

Learning Target:  Define Solubility.
 Discuss the types of solution according to the amount of solute
dissolve in a given amount of solvent at certain temperature.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Material Module 1;pp. 9.
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

In Activity 1.3-A, you have observed that there is a maximum amount of solute that
can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a certain temperature. This is called solubility
of the solute. From your everyday experience, you also observe that there is a limit to the
amount of sugar you can dissolve in a given amount of water.

The solution that contains the maximum amount of solute dissolved by a given amount
of solvent is called a saturated solution. If you add more solute to the solvent, it will no
longer dissolve. The solution has reached its saturation point. The presence of an excess
solid which can no longer dissolve is evidence that the solution is saturated.

A solution is unsaturated when it contains less solute than the maximum amount it
can dissolve at a given temperature. It is difficult to conclude that the containers with all
solids dissolved are unsaturated simply by observing them. Some of these may already hold
the maximum amount of solute, which cannot be observed by the unaided eye. If they do,
then these are classified as saturated solutions.

A more measurable way to find out the solubility of a solute is to determine the
maximum amount that can be dissolved in 100 g of solvent at a specific temperature.
There are available data from Chemistry books that give the solubility of common solutes at
particular temperatures. Figure 2 shows the solubility of table salt at 25oC.
Division of Bohol

Figure 2. At 25oC, a saturated solution of table salt has only 36.0 g (3 tablespoons) dissolved in
100 mL of water. Any additional table salt will no longer dissolve.


1. What is solubility?

2. Differentiate Saturated from Unsaturated Solution.

Division of Bohol
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 1.3-C
( Science Grade 7 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What is the evidence that a Solution is Saturated?

Learning Target:  Define Concentration.
 Differentiate Concentrated Solution from Diluted Solution.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Material Module 1;p. 10
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

The concentration describes the relative amounts of solute and solvent in a given
volume of solution. When there is a large amount of dissolved solute for a certain volume of
solvent, the solution is concentrated. A dilute solution has a small amount of dissolved
solute in comparison to the amount of solvent.
You will be able to distinguish between concentrated and dilute solutions from a
simple demonstration your teacher will perform. You will describe the concentrations of
solutions qualitatively (by simply observing the appearance) and quantitatively (by
comparing the number of drops per volume of water).
From Activity 1.3-A , you were able to describe the solutions as having quantitative
concentrations of ½ teaspoon sugar/20 mL water and 1 and ½ teaspoons sugar/20 mL water.
Qualitatively, you were able to distinguish the bottle with 1 and ½ teaspoons sugar/20 mL
water as more concentrated (darker) than the bottle with ½ teaspoon sugar/20 mL water.


1. How is Concentrated Solution different from Diluted Solution?

Division of Bohol
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 1.3-D
( Science Grade 7 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What is the evidence that a Solution is Saturated?

Learning Target:  Expressing and calculating Concentration in terms of Percent by
Volume and Percent by Mass.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Materials Module 1; pp. 10-12.
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.A. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Concentration of Solutions can be expressed in other ways such as:

a.) Percent by Volume, which is the amount of solute in a given volume of solution expressed
as grams solute per 100 mL of solution (g/100mL)

b.) Percent by Mass, which is the amount of solute in a given mass of solvent expressed as
grams solute per 100 grams of solution.

Labels of products sold often show the concentrations of solutes expressed as

percent (%) by volume or mass. The alcohol used as a disinfectant is a solution of 70% ethyl
or isopropyl alcohol, meaning 70 mL alcohol. There are also solutions sold as 40% ethyl or
isopropyl alcohol.
Vinegar is often labelled as “5% acidity”, which means that it contains 5 grams of
acetic acid in 100 g of vinegar. The common antiseptic, agua oxinada is a 3% solution, that
is, 3 grams hydrogen peroxide in 100 mL water.
The concentration of solid solution, like gold jewelry, is expressed as karat. Pure gold
is referred to as 24 karats. Jewelry that is said to be 18 karats contains 18 grams of gold
for every 24 grams of the material, 6 grams consist of the other metal like copper or silver.
This material has a concentration of 75% gold, that is , 18/24 (100). A 14 karat (14K) gold
contains 14 grams gold and 10 grams of another metal, making it 58.3% gold.
The following sample problems show you that there is a way to know the exact ratio
of solute to solvent, which specifies the concentration of a solution.

Sample Problem 1

How many mL of Ethyl Alcohol are present in a 50 mL bottle of 70% rubbing alcohol.

Division of Bohol
Since rubbing alcohol contains 70% ethyl alcohol, it means that 100 mL of rubbing
alcohol contains 70 mL ethyl alcohol. So, the following calculations show that in 50 mL of
rubbing alcohol, there is 35 mL ethyl alcohol.

50 mL x 70 mL ethyl alcohol = 35 mL ethyl alcohol

100 mL rubbing alcohol

All portions of a solution have the same concentration. The composition of one part is
also the same as the composition of the other parts. But you can change the concentration
of solutions. This means that you can prepare different solutions of sugar in water of
different concentrations (for example: 10%,20%,30%). In the same way, you can prepare
different solutions of salt in water.

Sample Problem 2

A one peso coin has a mass of 5.4 grams. How many grams of copper are in one peso coin
containing 75% copper by mass?


75% by mass means 75 grams of copper in 100 grams of one peso. So, a 5.4 grams one
peso coin contains,

75 g copper x 5.4 g coin = 4.0 g copper

100 g coin


1. How many mL of acetic acid are present in a 80 mL of 60% solution?

2. An 18K wedding ring has a mass of 3.5 g. How many grams of gold are present in the ring?
Division of Bohol
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 1.4
( Science Grade 7 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Size Matters!-Effect of Stirring and Particle Size in Dissolving

Learning Target:  Determine which dissolves faster: granules (uncrushed) table salt
or the same amount of crushed salt.
 Demonstrate the effect of stirring in mixing a solid in water.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Material Module 1; pp. 12-13
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

 Granules or uncrushed table salt
 Crushed table salt (same amount with the uncrushed)

A. The Effect of Particle Size
1. Write a hypothesis in a testable form. Describe a test you could conduct to find out
which dissolve faster: granules (uncrushed) of table salt or the same amount of crushed
2. Identify variables (for example, amount of table salt) that you need to control in order
to have a fair test.
3. Identify the dependent and independent variables.
4. List all the materials you need, including the amount and ask these from your teacher.
5. Be sure to record your observations and tabulate them. Write everything you observed
during the dissolving test.
6. What is your conclusion? Does the size of the salt affect how fast it dissolves in
7. Does your conclusion support or reject your hypothesis?
8. Based on what you know about dissolving, try to explain your results.

B. The Effect of Stirring

1. Your teacher will demonstrate the effect of stirring in mixing a solid in water. Note all
your observations.

1. Which one dissolved faster, crushed or uncrushed salt?
2. Did the solid solute dissolve faster upon stirring?
Division of Bohol
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 1.5
( Science Grade 7 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: How Fast Does Coffee Dissolve in Hot Water? In Cold Water?
Learning Target:  Investigate how fast coffee dissolves in cold and in hot water.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Material Module 1;pp. 13-14
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Coffee Hot water Cold Water


1. Discuss with your group mates how to answer the question for investigation, “How fast
does coffee dissolve in hot water? In cold water?” Write your hypothesis in a testable
form. Describe a test you could conduct to find out how fast coffee dissolves in cold and
in hot water.

Note: Do not use 3-in-1 coffee as your sample. Use coffee granules.

2. Identify variables (for example, amount of amount of coffee) that you need to control in
order to have a fair test.

3. Identify the dependent and independent variables.

4. List all the materials you need, including the amount and ask these from your teacher.

5. Do your investigation using the proper measuring devices. Be sure to record your
observations and tabulate them. Write everything you observed during the dissolving
test. These observations are the evidence from which you can draw your conclusions.

6. What is your conclusion? Does coffee dissolve faster in cold or in hot water? Use the
observations and results you recorded to explain your answer.

7. Does your conclusion support or reject your hypothesis? Explain your results.

1. Which coffee dissolved faster? in cold or hot water?
Division of Bohol
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 1.6-A
( Science Grade 7 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Which Dissolves Faster in Hot and in Cold Water: Sugar or Salt?
Learning Target:  Investigate how the nature of solute affects the rate of
dissolving process.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Materials Module 1;pp. 14-15
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer


1. Discuss with your group mates how you will do your investigation.
2. Write your hypothesis in a testable form. Describe a test you could conduct to find out
answers to the given two questions: Does sugar dissolve faster in hot water than in cold
water? Does salt dissolve faster in hot than in cold water?
3. Identify variables (for example, amount of sugar or salt) that you need to control in
order to have a fair test.
4. Identify the dependent and independent variables.
5. List all the materials you need, including the amount and ask these from your teacher.
6. Do your investigation using the proper measuring devices. Be sure to record your
observations and tabulate them. Write everything you observed during the dissolving test.
These observations are the evidence from which you can draw your conclusions.
7. What is your conclusion? Does your conclusion support or reject your hypothesis?


1. Which is affected more by increasing the temperature of the water-how fast salt
dissolves or how fast sugar dissolves? Explain your answer.
Division of Bohol
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 1.6-B
( Science Grade 7 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Factors Affecting How Fast A Solid Solute Dissolves

Learning Target:  Discuss how Stirring, Particle Size, Nature of Solute and
Temperature affect the rate of dissolving a solid solute.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Materials Module 1;pp. 15-16
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. Amelia Mapa Chemistry Textbook .pp. 282-283
3. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

During the process of dissolving, the particles of the solute (table salt) and the
solvent (water) are constantly moving. Water particles collide everywhere along the surface
of the particles of table salt, especially on the corners and edges. This occurs at the
surface of the solid solute when it comes in contact with the solvent. The particles on the
corners and edges then break away from the crystal and become surrounded by the water
particles. So the solute particles are separated by the solvent particles.
In activity 1.4, you noticed that smaller pieces of salt (crushed) dissolved faster than
the larger ones (uncrushed) because smaller pieces has greater surface area exposed to the
action of the solvent (water particles).
When the teacher demonstrated the effect of stirring in mixing a solid in water, you
observed that stirring makes the solid dissolve faster in the solvent which eventually
increased the rate of diffusion of solute particles throughout the solvent. When the liquid
is stirred, the less concentrated portion of the liquid comes in contact with the solid solute,
while the portion which has become saturated is moved away from the solute. Thus, the
solute particles are dispersed or spread throughout the solvent at a faster rate.
Why does heating hasten the dissolving process? You learned from Activity 1.5
that in general, a solute dissolves faster in water when you increase the temperature.
Increasing the temperature of a system raises the average kinetic energy of the molecules
or ions of the solute and the molecules of the solvent.
But the effect of temperature is not that simple. The type or nature of the solute
will affect how fast it dissolves in water. You observed from Activity 1.6-A that increasing
the temperature either makes a solid dissolve faster or slower in water. For some solutes,
increasing the temperature does not have any effect on how fast the solute dissolves.

1. Enumerate the factors affecting how fast a solid solute dissolves.
Division of Bohol
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 3.1-A
( Science Grade 8 )
Name: Grade/Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
 Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Which is Matter, Which is Not?

Learning Target:  Describe common properties of matter.
 Distinguish properties of matter from those of non-matter
References: 1. Science 8 Learner’s Module, Unit 3, Module 1 ; pp172-173
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B . Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Materials Needed:
 1 teaspoon sugar in a plastic cup or small beaker
 ½ cup tap water
 1 pc. Stone or small rock
 1 pc. Ball (basketball, volleyball, or small beach ball)
 3 pcs. of leaves (from any plant or tree)
 5 small wide-mouthed bottles or cups or 150-mL or 200-mL beakers
 1 platform balance or weighing scale
 1 small air pump


1. Among the materials displayed in front of you, which do you think is classified as matter?
Put a check ( ) under the appropriate column in Table 1. You may make a table similar to
the one below. With your group mates, discuss the reason to explain your answer for each
sample. Write your answer in the last column.

Table 1. Identifying which is matter.

Is the sample matter? Reason for your Answer
Yes No Not Sure
Sugar granules
Air inside ball
Division of Bohol

2. If your group cannot agree on a common answer, you may put a check mark under “not
sure” and write all the reasons given by the members of your group.


1. What similarities do you observe among the first five given samples? Write these
common characteristics.

2. Do you think that each sample occupies space and has a measurable mass?
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 3.1-B
( Science Grade 8 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Which is Matter, Which is Not?

Learning Target:  Discuss the properties of matter.
References: 1. Science 8 Learner’s Material Unit 3 Module 1 ; p. 173
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. Amelia P. Mapa Et. Al. Chemistry Textbook p. 30
3. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Based on your observations in Activity 1.1-A, you have just describes some
characteristics of matter. As you were observing each sample of matter, you were focusing
on particular characteristics. These characteristics that describe a sample of matter are
called properties. Matter can have different properties. Below are descriptions of some
properties that may be found in different materials.

 Mass -- The mass of an object is a measure of the amount of matter the object has.
You measured the mass of each sample of matter using a balance or a weighing scale.
It is expressed in grams or kilograms.
 Volume – It is the measure of the space occupied by an object. You found out from
the previous activity that each sample of matter occupies space. It may be
expressed in millilitres or litres.
 Solubility – It is the ability of a solid to dissolve in a liquid.
 Miscibility— This refers to the ability of a solid to dissolve in another liquid.
 Hardness—This is the property of a solid to resist compression or scratching.
 Malleability – This is the ability of a metal to be flattened into sheets.
 Ductility – This refers to the ability of some materials to be drawn into wires.
 Conductivity – This is the ability of some materials to conduct heat or electricity.
 Other properties of matter include texture, color, and flexibility.


1. Enumerate the different properties of matter.

Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 3.2-A
( Science Grade 8 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What is Matter Made Of?

Learning Target:  Infer from given situations or observable events what
matter is made of.
References: 1. Science Learner’s Module Unit 3 Module 1 ;pp.174-175
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Materials Needed:
 ½ cup refined sugar
 1 cup distilled or clean tap water
 1 piece 100 mL graduated cylinder
 1 measuring cup (1 cup capacity)
 1 piece transparent bottle (can hold 1 cup of water) or 250 mL beaker
 Food coloring (blue, green, or red)
 1 dropper
 1 stirrer (plastic coffee stirrer or stirring rod)
1. Using a clean and dry graduated cylinder, pour sugar until the 20 mL mark of the graduated
2. Transfer the measured sugar into a 250 mL beaker or transparent bottle.
3. Measure 50 mL of distilled or clean tap water using graduated cylinder.
4. Add the 50 mL water to the sugar and mix thoroughly until all the sugar dissolves. Taste the
resulting solution. What is the taste of the resulting solution? (CAUTION: Do not taste anything in
the laboratory unless specifically told to do so by your teacher).
5. Transfer the sugar mixture into a graduated cylinder and note the volume.
6. Pour one cup of tap water into a transparent glass bottle.
7. Add one small drop of food coloring slowly along the side of the transparent bottle. Note what
happened after adding the food coloring.
8. Set aside the bottle with food coloring in a locker or corner of your room without disturbing the
setup. Describe the appearance of the contents of the bottle after one day. Compare it with the
appearance when you left the bottle the previous day.


1. Think about sugar and water as made up of tiny particles. Give reason (s) for your
observations in step 5. You may draw illustrations to further explain your reason (s).
Division of Bohol
2. Think about food coloring and water as made up of particles. Give reason(s) for your
observations after adding the food coloring( step 7). You may draw illustrations to further
explain your reason(s).
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 3.2-B
( Science Grade 8 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What is Matter Made Of?

Learning Target:  Discuss the different ideas about what matter is made of.
(Author, Title, Pages)

Studying about what matter is made of involves dealing with very small “particles”
beyond what your eyes can see. In fact, the ancient Greek philosophers proposed ideas
about what matter was made of. Almost 2,500 years ago, Leucippus and his disciple,
Democritus believed that nature consisted of two things, “atoms and the void that
surrounds them”. They believed that “atoms are physically, but not geometrically,
indivisible”. For Democritus, atoms are indestructible and completely full, so there is no
empty space. Both Leucippus and Democritus had the idea that there are many different
kinds of atoms and each of them had specific shape and size and that all atoms move
randomly around in space. However, they did not give an explanation for the motion of
Democritus believed that any piece of matter can be divided and sub-divided into
very small particles but that this process ended at some point when a piece is reached that
could not be further be divided. He called this particle, atomos, a Greek word which means
indivisible particle. Democritus’ ideas about the atom were later challenged by other Greek
philosophers, most strongly by Aristotle.
The idea of the atom was not further explored until a little over two centuries ago
when John Dalton presented concrete evidence that all matter is made of very small
particles called atoms. An atom is the smallest particle of an element that has all the
properties of the element. Today, we know that although atoms are very small, they are not
indivisible as Democritus thought, rather they consist of still smaller particles. Democritus
was right in one aspect of his beliefs, that is, atoms are the smallest particles of which
substances are made.
In Grade 7, you learned about elements. Atoms of most elements have the ability to
combine with other atoms. Different elements have different properties because the
combining atoms are different and the ways atoms are joined together are different.
A molecule is a particle consisting of two or more atoms combined together in a
specific arrangement. It is an electrically neutral particle. It is the smallest particle of an
element or compound that can exist independently. For example, a molecule of water
Division of Bohol
consists of an oxygen atom combined with two Hydrogen atoms. Atoms of the same element
can also combine to form a molecule. For example, Oxygen in the air consists of Oxygen
molecules which are made up of two oxygen atoms.
Atoms are too small to observe. These particles cannot be seen under the high-
powered light microscopes used in school laboratories. The size of an atom is measured in
Angstroms. One Angstrom is a unit of length equal to one ten millionth of a millimetre. The
best light microscope can magnify an image only about 1,500 times. Electron microscopes
create a highly magnified image of up to 1 million times. The scanning tunnelling microscope
(STM) allows scientists to view and scan the surface of very small particles like atoms. It
can magnify an image 10 million times. The STM creates a profile of the surface of an atom
and then a computer-generated model or contour map is produced. So, only a model of the
surface of an atom is generated by a computer when a scanning tunnelling microscope is
used. The picture of atoms generated is unlike the picture we take with our cameras.


1. What is the difference between atom and molecule?

2. State the idea of Democritus on atom.

Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 3.2-C
( Science Grade 8 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What is Matter Made Of?

Learning Target:  Explain how observed situations or events (from the previous
activity 1.2-A) give evidence that matter is made up of tiny
References: 1. Science 8 Learner’s Material Unit 3 Module 1, pp. 176-177
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

In Activity 1.2-A, when you mixed sugar and water and tasted the resulting solution,
it tasted sweet because sugar is still present, though you cannot see the sugar anymore.
The volume of the mixture is less than the sum of the volumes of the unmixed sugar and
water. Why is this so? The water is made of tiny particles, molecules, with spaces between
them. Sugar is also made up of molecules bigger than the molecules of water. The water
molecules could fit in the spaces between the sugar molecules or vise versa.
A good analogy to consider related to matter being composed of tiny particles is the
pointillist style of painting. The images in a Pointillist painting appear continuous but if one
looks closely, the images are actually made of small dots. Pointillism is a method of painting
using dots to come up with various effects. The dots are placed singly, in rows, or randomly.
These dots can also be in groups or they can be overlapping. They can be either uniform or
varied in size in the same painting. Matter is similarly assembled, with atoms of different
elements combining in various ways to give a tremendous variety of substances.


1. Why is the volume of mixture less than the sum of the volumes of the unmixed sugar and
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 3.3-A
( Science Grade 8 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Are the particles of matter moving? What is between them?
Learning Target:  Infer from observations that particles of matter move.
 Represent through a drawing/illustration what is between
particles of matter.
References: 1. Science 7 Learner’s Material Unit 3 Module 1; pp. 178-179
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Materials Needed:
 2 cups tap water
 1 piece 30 mL plastic syringe (without the needle)
 1 piece wide-mouthed transparent bottle (200 mL or 250 mL capacity)
 1 piece narrow-mouthed transparent bottle (100 mL capacity)
 1 plastic or glass dinner plate
 ½ cup rock salt (not iodized salt) or ½ cup sand
 Food coloring (blue, gree, or red)


1. Pull the plunger of the syringe until it reaches the 30 mL mark of the syringe.
2. Press your thumb on the tip of the plunger and use your other thumb to push the plunger
3. This time, push the plunger of the syringe all the way to the end of the syringe. Suck
water from the cup or container up to the 30-mL level of the syringe. Cover tightly the tip
of the syringe with your thumb. What do you feel as you push the plunger?
4. Pour ½ cup of tap water into one transparent glass bottles.
5. Pour the ½ cup of tap water in step #4 into another bottle or beaker. Observe carefully
the flow of water.
6. This time, pour the water just on the flat surface of a dinner plate.
7. Examine a single piece of bottle cap. Put it inside the bottle. Observe carefully what
happens as you transfer it by tilting the bottle into the dinner plate.
8. Pour ½ cup of rock salt or sand into the narrow-mouthed bottle. Observe carefully what
happens to rock salt as you pour it into the bottle and when all of it has been transferred.
Division of Bohol
1. Did water take the shape of the container?
2. Draw/illustrate what you observed when you pushed the plunger with the air and with the water?

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 3.3-B
( Science Grade 8 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Are the particles of matter moving? What is between them?
Learning Target:  Discuss the particle model of matter.
References: 1. Science 8 Learner’s Module, Unit 3 Module 1;pp. 179-181
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

From Activity 1.3-A, you observed that you could slightly push the plunger of the
syringe with air in it. You felt the springiness of the air inside the syringe which gives a hint
about the distance between the particles of air. In other words, air, being a gas, can be
compressed because there are large spaces between the particles so the particles can be
made to come closer to each other. However, you were not able to push the plunger of the
syringe with water in it. You felt the resistance of the water to being compressed. The
plunger could not be pushed because water is not as compressible as air. The particles of
water are closer to each other and it is difficult to push them even closer to each other.

From the idea that matter is made up of particles and the situations that you
observed, your drawings show “how you see” matter beyond what you can observe with your
unaided eyes. You were creating your own mental picture and constructing models, which are
drawings or diagrams that are representations of what is happening at a level beyond what
your eyes can see. This is what science educators call the “sub-microscopic model” of
representing an idea or concept, which you cannot observe with your senses or even aided
by a simple microscope. From your discussions, you may have also thought of ways to make
your models more consistent with the evidence you observed.

The particle model of matter shows that in gases, the particles move at a random
directions very quickly and travel in straight-line paths. In the process, they collide with
one another and with the walls of the container. They change direction only when they
rebound from the collisions. The distance between particles is large compared to the size
of the particles. The attraction between particles is negligible because of the large
distance between them. This explains why a gas spreads. Its
particles fill all the available space in the container.
Division of Bohol
Figure 2. The particle view of a gas.

Gases take the shape of the container because the particles are able to move freely
to all parts of the container. They move freely because they are far apart and there is
negligible attraction between them. This model also explains the compressibility of gases.
The distances between particles are large and so there is room for the particles to move
closer to each other.

In liquids, the particles are closer to one another, nudging one another as they move.
Since the particles are closer to one another, the attraction between particles is stronger
than those in gases. The particles move and change positions but not as freely as those in a
As you observed in the activity liquids can flow out of a container and can be poured
into another while maintaining their volume. This happens because there are attractions
among the particles of liquid which hold them together although not in fixed positions.
These attractions also make it possible for liquids to have a definite volume. This is one
major difference between liquids and gases, the particles are attracted to one another
more strongly than the particles of gases are.

When you poured water and rock salt in separate containers, you
observed that a liquid, such as water flows and it spreads out and
takes the shape of the container. If you looked closely as you
poured the rock salt, the little pieces of solid salt maintained their
shape even as the entire sample may take the shape of the

Figure 3.The particle view of a liquid

Solids have definite shapes and volume

because the particles are packed closely together in
fixed positions. They vibrate a little but in these
fixed positions. The particles cannot move around.
The particles of solids are held together by strong
forces. One common characteristic of both solids and
liquids is that the particles are in contact with their
neighbours, that is, with other particles. Thus they
are incompressible and this commonality between
solids and liquids distinguishes them from gases.

Figure 4. The particle view of a solid

Division of Bohol

So far, based on Activities 1.1-A to 1.3-A and your teacher’s explanation, you learned
that matter is anything that has mass and volume and you now have a better “picture” or
view of how the particles are arranged in the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.

Ideas of the Particle Model of Matter:

 Matter is made up of tiny particles.

 Particles of matter are moving all the time.

 These particles have spaces between them.

 The particles of matter attract each other.


1. Explain the Particle Model of Matter.

2. Differentiate the particles of gases, liquids and solids in terms of the distance and
attraction between particles.
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 3.4-A
( Science Grade 8 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What changes take place when water is left in an open container?
I in closed container?
Learning Target:  Describe what happens to water when it is left in an open
container for some time and when it is left in a closed container
for some time
 Represent through drawings/illustrations what happens to the
particles of water when it is left in an open container.
References: 1. Science 8 Learner’s Module Unit 3, Module 1; pp. 182-183
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Materials Needed:
 1 cup tap water
 3 pieces, watch glass or 2 pieces, shallow transparent plastic container with
covers (used for condiments)
 1 piece, 1 teaspoon or ½ measuring tablespoon

Procedure:Is this matter?

1. Pour 1 teaspoon or ½ tablespoon of tap water into the watch glass. This is container
No.1. You can write “No. 1” on a piece of paper and place it under the watch glass. Cover
container No.1 and set it aside.

2. Pour 1 teaspoon or ½ tablespoon of tap water into the second watch glass. This is
container No. 2. Do not cover container No. 2.

3. Put container No. 2 beside container No. 1 in an area of your laboratory or room where
these can be kept overnight.

4. During your next science class, discuss with your groupmates the results you obtained
and write the explanations in your notebook. Describe what happened to the water in
container No. 1 and container No. 2. Compare the volume of water left in container
Nos. 1 and 2.

Division of Bohol

1. Where do you think did the water go? Describe this process by writing your description
or drawing an illustration. Label the parts of your drawing. You can use “call outs” in
your drawing.
2. Would anything happen differently if you heated container No. 2? Explain your answer.

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 3.4-B
( Science Grade 8 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What changes take place when water is left in an open container?
In closed container?
Learning Target:  Explain the processes taking place at the sub-microscopic level.
References: 1. Science 8 Learner’s Module Unit 3 Module 1; pp. 183-184
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Concept Notes:

Changes between a Liquid and a Gas

In Activity 1.4-A, you observed that the volume of water from an open container
decreased after leaving it overnight. In fact, nothing of the 1/2 tablespoon of water was
left on the watch glass. How do we explain this? Based on the particle model of matter,
particles are always in motion. Note that the particles mentioned in this case are the
molecules of water. These molecules have kinetic energies that differ from each other.
Some particles are moving faster than others and therefore have higher kinetic
energy and some are moving slower. So, even at room temperature, some molecules of water
have enough kinetic energy to overcome the attraction of neighboring molecules and escape
from the surface of the liquid and eventually move into the air. To break away from the
surface of the liquid, the molecules must have at least some minimum kinetic energy. The
process by which the molecules on the surface of a liquid break away and change into gas is
called evaporation. Usually, it is described as the process where a liquid is changed into a
As evaporation takes place, the water molecules which did not escape and were left in
the liquid have a lower average kinetic energy than the molecules that escaped. The effect
of this is the decrease in the temperature of the liquid water. Evaporation is a cooling
You can feel this “cooling effect” yourself when you apply acetone on your nails or
rubbing alcohol on your arms. Acetone and rubbing alcohol are volatile liquids. They readily
evaporate. As they evaporate, the molecules get heat energy from your body leaving you
with a cool sensation. It is important to remember that the evaporation of a liquid in a
Division of Bohol
closed container is different from evaporation from an open container. In a closed
container, no particles can escape into the air outside the cover of the container.
In Activity 1.4-A, you may have observed that droplets of water formed under the
watch glass which covered the second watch glass with water. So, evaporation still happens
in a covered container. Some of the molecules of water on the surface of the liquid escape
and go into the gaseous state. These molecules may then collide with the inner surface of
the cover and as more and more of these molecules do so, some may stay on the cover,
accumulate and form droplets. This process where a gas is changed into a liquid is called
condensation. It is the reverse of evaporation.
In a closed container, the molecules of water continue to evaporate and condense,
but there is no net change in the number of molecules in the liquid or in the gas phase.
Molecules of water that previously evaporated are condensing, but other water molecules
are evaporating.
There are many other examples of condensation that you may have observed.
Condensation is responsible for ground-level fog that we see on some cold days or along the
highway leading to Baguio, for your eye glasses fogging up when you go from an air
conditioned room or vehicle to the outdoors on a hot day, and for the water that collects on
the outside of your glass of cold drink.


1. Why is evaporation considered as a “Cooling Process”?

2. What happens to the molecules during condensation?

Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.1-A
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Electronic Structure of Matter : Flame Test

Learning Target: Perform the experiment on Flame Test
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material Unit 2 module 1 ; pp. 5-7
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

0.50 grams of each of the following metal salts:
Calcium chloride 6 pcs watch glass
Sodium chloride 1 pc 10-ml graduated cylinder
Copper(II) sulfate 1 pc dropper
Potassium chloride safety matches
Boric acid
100 mL 95% Ethanol (or ethyl alcohol)
100 mL 3 M hydrochloric acid

1. Place each metal salt on a watch glass and add 2 to 3 drops of 3 M hydrochloric acid.
2. Pour about 3 - 5 mL or enough ethyl alcohol to cover the size of a 1 peso-coin in the first
watch glass. Light with a match and observe the color of the flame. (This will serve as
reference for comparison of the flame color). Wait for the flame to be extinguished or
put out on its own.
3. Repeat procedure No. 2 for each salt. Observe the color of the flame.
4. Write your observation in a table similar to the one below.

Table 1. Color of flame of metal salts

Metal salt tested Element producing Color of the flame
Boric acid boron
Division of Bohol
Calcium chloride calcium
Sodium chloride sodium
Potassium chloride potassium
Copper(II) sulfate copper

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.1-B
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Electronic Structure of Matter : Flame Test

Learning Target:  Determine the characteristic colors that metal salts
 Relate the colors emitted by metal salts to the
structure of the atom.
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material Unit 2 module 1 ; pp. 5-7
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

As early as the 17th century, knowledge about the structure of the atom
grew when scientists began to study the emission and absorption of light from
different elements. As you performed the Activity on flame test, you found
out what happens when metal salts are subjected to heat. `The colors you
observed could be related to the structure of the atom.


1. What particles in the heated compounds are responsible for the production
of the colored light?

2. How did the scientists explain the relationship between the colors observed
and the structure of the atom?
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.2-A
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Electronic Structure of Matter: Predicting the

Probable Location of an Electron
Learning Target: Illustrate the probable location of an electron in an atom
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material Unit 2 module 1 ; pp. 9-12
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

One sheet of short bond paper or half of a short folder
compass pencil or colored marker with small tip
one-foot ruler graphing paper

1. Working with your group mates, draw a dot on the center of the sheet of paper or folder.
2. Draw 5 concentric circles around the dot so that the radius of each circle is 1.0 cm, 3 cm,
5 cm, 7 cm and 9 cm from the dot
3. Tape the paper on the floor so that it will not move.
4. Stand on the opposite side of the target from your partner.(Target is the center which
represent the nucleus of an atom). Hold a pencil or marker at chest level above the center
of the circles you have drawn.
5. Take turns dropping the pencil or marker so that it will leave 100 dots on the circles
drawn on paper or folder.
6. Count the number of dots in each circle and record that number on the data table.
7. Calculate the number of dots per square centimeter (cm2).
8. Using a graphing paper, plot the average distance from the center on the x-axis and
number of dots per on the y-axis.

Data Table:
Circle Average Area of Difference Number Number Percent
Number Distance Circle, of Areas of of Dots of Dots Probability
from cm2 the Two in Circle per cm2 of Finding
Center Consecutive (E)/(D) dots,
cm (C) Circles, cm2 %
(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (G)
1 1.0 3.14 25.13 5 0.1920 19.20
2 3.0 28.27 50.27
Division of Bohol
3 5.0 78.54 75.40
4 7.0 153.94 100.53
5 9.0 254.47 125.66
Percent probability = No. of dots /cm2 X 100
= [0.1920 / 100 ] X 100 = 19.20%

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.2-B
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Electronic Structure of Matter : Predicting the

Probable Location of an Electron
Learning Target:  Describe how it is likely to find the electron in an atom by
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material Unit 2 module 1 ; pp. 9-12
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. M. B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

The way around the problem with the Bohr’s model is to know the
arrangement of electrons in atoms in terms of the probability of finding an
electron in certain locations within the atom. The activity is an analogy to show
you that it is not possible to know the exact position of the electron. So,
Bohr’s idea that electrons are found in definite orbits around the nucleus was
rejected. Three physicists led the development of a better model of the atom.
These were Louie de Broglie, Erwin Schrodinger, and Werner Karl Heisenberg.
De Broglie proposed that the electron (which is thought of as a particle) could
also be thought of as a wave. Schrodinger used this idea to develop a
mathematical equation to describe the hydrogen atom. Heisenberg discovered
that for a very small particle like the electron, its location cannot be exactly
known and how it is moving. This is called the uncertainty principle.


1. What happens to the number of dots per unit area as the distance of
the dots go farther from the center?

2. How are your results similar to the distribution of electrons in an

Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.3-A
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Electron Configurations

Learning  Write the electron configuration of the elements in the
first to third period of the Periodic Table of Elements.
 Observe the patterns in the distribution of electrons
of these elements.
References: 1. Grade 9 Science Learner’s Material, Module 1, pp. 14-15
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

pen paper Periodic Table of Elements


1. Write the electron configurations for the elements in the first to third
period of the Periodic table.

2. Compare the electron configurations of the first period, second period and
the third period elements.


1. Do you see patterns in the distribution of their electrons?

2. What are these patterns you observe?

Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.3-B
( Science Grade 9)
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Electron Configuration

Learning Target:  Determine the pattern of filling the orbitals based on the given
distribution for the first 10 elements.
 Familiarize with the rules in filling up the orbitals.
References: 1. Grade 9 Science Learner’s Material, Module 1, pp. 14-15
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Based on the prior activity, you were able to write the electron
configuration of an element using the periodic table as a guide. Recall from
Grade 8 that the elements are arranged in the Periodic Table in the order of
increasing atomic number. This also means that the elements are arranged
according to the number of electrons.
In an atom, electrons and the nucleus interact to make the most stable
arrangement possible. The way in which electrons are distributed in the
different orbitals around the nucleus of an atom is called the electron

Table 3. Arrangement of electrons in the atoms of the first 10 elements.

Chemical Electron
1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz
Symbol Configuration
1H ↑ 1s 1

2He ↑↓ 1s 2

3Li ↑↓ ↑ 1s 2s 2 1

4Be ↑↓ ↑↓ 1s 2s 2 2

5B ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ 1s 2s 2px
2 2 1

6C ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ 1s 2s 2px 2py
2 2 1 1
Division of Bohol
7N ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ 1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz
2 2 1 1 1

8O ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ 1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz

2 2 2 1 1

9F ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ 1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz

2 2 2 2 1

10Ne ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ 1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz

2 2 2 2 2

If you noticed from Table 3, both Hydrogen and Lithium have one electron in
the highest energy level. Beryllium has two, and Boron has three. So, the number of
electrons in the highest energy level of the elements is the basis of their location on
the Periodic Table. Since the experimental basis of the Periodic Table is chemical
properties of the elements, knowing the arrangement of electrons in an element will
help us understand and predict their chemical properties.


1. What do you think are some rules that apply in filling up the orbitals for the
elements from atomic number 1 to 18?
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.4-A
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Mapping the Periodic Table

Learning Target:  Identify the number of Valence electrons of atoms.
 Compare the number of valence electrons of metal, -
metals and noble gases.
References: 1. Science 9 Science Learner’s Material, Module 2, pp. 22-23
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Periodic Table of Elements Crayons


1. Locate the metals, non-metals and noble gases in the Periodic Table of

2. Observe the number that corresponds to the valence electrons of metals

and non-metals using the Periodic Table of Elements.


1. Which number will give you an idea on the number of Valence electrons?

2. What do you notice in the number of valence electrons of metals, non-

metals and noble gases?
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.4-B
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Mapping the Periodic Table

Learning Target:  Define Electronegativity and Ionization Energy of
 Compare the Electronegativity values of metals and
References: 1. Grade 9 Science Learner’s Material, Module 2 pp. 22-23
(Author, Title, Pages)
3. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

The valence electrons are the electrons directly involved in forming bonds to form
compounds. It is important that you know the number of valence electrons so that you can
illustrate how bonds are formed. It is good that you have found out that metals have low
electronegativity and non-metals have high electronegativity because this property plays an
important role in forming compounds.
Do you know what electronegativity means? Electronegativity is a measure of the
tendency of an atom to attract electron, the higher its value, the higher its tendency to
attract electron. How about ionization energy? Did you know that ionization energy is the
energy needed to pull or remove one or more electron/s from a neutral atom? The lower the
ionization energy the easier it is to remove its valence electrons.
Electronegativity is related to ionization energy. Electrons with low ionization
energies have low electronegativities because their nuclei do not exert a strong attractive
force on electrons. Elements with high ionization energies have high electronegativities due
to the strong pull exerted on electrons by the nucleus. In a group, the electronegativity
decreases as atomic number increases, as a result of increased distance between the
valence electron and nucleus (greater atomic radius).

Division of Bohol
1. Differentiate Electronegativity from Ionization Energy.

2. What kind of element has high electronegativity values? low electronegativity values?

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.5
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Lewis Symbol

Learning  Write the Lewis Symbol of the representative
 Show the relationship among the number of Valence
electrons, Electronegativity and Ionization Energy.
References: 1. Grade 9 Science Learner’s Material, Module 2 pp. 23-25
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J. B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Using the Periodic Table of Elements, determine the number of Valence

electrons and write the Lewis Symbol of the elements. You may refer to the
group number where it belongs in filling up the table below.

Table 1. Lewis Symbols of Some Elements

Element Family or Lewis Symbol Electronegativity Ionization
Group Value Energy

1. What do you notice with the number of Valence Electrons, Electronegativity
Values, and Ionization Energy of the elements?
Division of Bohol
2. What kind of element has the greatest tendency to attract electrons?

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.6
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Chemical Bonding: Bonding by Transfer of Electrons

Learning Target:  Identify the type of elements that form cations and
 Illustrate how an ionic bond is formed.
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material Unit 2 module 2 ; pp. 26-27
(Author, Title, Pages)
boundless- chemistry-textbook/basic-concepts-of-chemical-
3. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

Ionic bonding results from the transfer of an electron from a metal

to a non-metal, which results in an electrostatic attraction.

Ionic bonds are formed between cations and anions. A cation is

formed when a metal ion loses a valence electron to achieve a more stable
electronic configuration, while an anion is formed when a non-metal gains
a valence electron.

Example: The formation of sodium chloride compound

In this example, the Sodium molecule is donating its 1 valence electron to the
Chlorine molecule. This creates a Sodium cation and a Chlorine anion. Notice
that the net charge of the compound is 0.

Division of Bohol
1. What kind of element forms cation? Anion?

2. Illustrate or show the ionic bonding between Magnesium and Sulfur to form
a compound magnesium sulfide

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.7-A
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Chemical Bonding: Bonding by Sharing of Electrons

Learning Target:  Explain how covalent bonding takes place.
 Illustrate the sharing of electrons.
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material Unit 2 module 2 ; pp. 28-30
(Author, Title, Pages)
3. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

Covalent bonding is the sharing of electrons between atoms. This type of

bonding occurs between two of the same element or elements close to each
other in the periodic table. This bonding occurs primarily between nonmetals.
In covalent bonding a pair of shared electrons is equal to one (1) bond or single
bond, two pairs of shared electrons for a double bond and three pairs of
shared electrons form a triple bond. Notice that after the sharing of
electrons, each of the atoms in the compound attains a stable configuration
and a covalent compound is formed. Such compound could exist as independent
units called molecules. As a whole, the molecule does not carry a charge.
Example: Phosphorous trichloride (PCl3)

In this example, a Phosphorous molecule is sharing its 3 unpaired electrons

with 3 Chlorine atoms. In the end product, all four of these molecules have 8
valence electrons and satisfy the octet rule.

1. How do covalent bonds form between atoms?
Division of Bohol
2. Show how the sharing of electrons form covalent bond in the following
a. Ammonia (NH3) b. water (H2O)

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.7-B
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Chemical Bonding: Types of Covalent Bond

Learning Target:  Differentiate polar from a nonpolar covalent bond.
 Identify the type of covalent bond exists in a given
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material Unit 2 module 2 ; pp. 28-30
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

It is now clear to you that covalent bonds result from the sharing of
electrons. There are two types of covalent bonding:
 Nonpolar covalent bond: bonding electrons are shared equally, the
electron density is spread evenly (or essentially evenly) between the
two atoms in the bond
 Polar covalent bond: A chemical bond in which the electrons are not
shared equally due to differences in the electronegativity of the
Electronegativity:The ability of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons
towards itself.
Examples: δ+ δ-
δ δ-

Fluorine attracts electrons more strongly than hydrogen

Division of Bohol
The fluorine end of the molecule has higher electron density than the
hydrogen. So, the H – F bond is a polar covalent bond.

1. Differentiate polar covalent bond from nonpolar covalent bond.
2. What type of covalent bond exists in the following molecule?
a. H2O b. CH4
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.8
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: Chemical Bonding: Bonding Among Metals

Learning Target:  Describe metallic bond.
 Explain the properties of metals in terms of the
way metallic atoms are bonded together.
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material; Unit 2 module 2; pp.30-31
(Author, Title, Pages)
3. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

Metallic bond is the reaction between molecules within metals called alkali
reactive force. It was first discovered by K. Manishekar. It is the sharing of a
sea of delocalized electrons among a lattice of positive ions, where the
electrons act as ”glue" giving the substance a definite structure.
The electrons and the positive ions in the metal have a strong attractive
force between them. Therefore metals often have high melting or boiling
points. The principle is similar to that of ionic bonds.
The metallic bond accounts for many physical characteristics of metals, such
as strength, malleability, ductility, luster, conduction of heat and electricity.
Division of Bohol

1. How do metallic bonds form among metals?

2. Why do metals conduct electricity?

Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.15
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What’s in a Mole?-Counting by Getting the Mass of an Object

Learning  Measure and record the mass of an object with the
correct number of significant figures.
 Relate the mass of the object to the number of pieces
per item.
References: 1. Grade 9 Science Learner’s Material, Module 4 pp. 65-67
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J. B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

25 pieces paper clips of the same size and kind
Platform balance (Preferably with 0.01 precision)


1. Measure and record the mass of 25 pieces paper clip using the platform
balance. Divide the mass obtained by 25 to find the average mass of one paper
clip. Perform three (3) trials.

Table 1. Data on the Average Mass of Paper Clips

Average Mass (g) of one
Trial Mass ( 25 pieces in g)
paper clip
Division of Bohol
2. Get a handful of paper clips and measure its mass. Compute for the number
of paper clips using your date from step#1. Be sure to do it through
computation and not by counting.
3. This time count the number of paper clips in the handful of paper clips in
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 by getting a handful of paper clips. Record your
answers in Table 2.

Table 2. Data on the Number of Paper Clips

Number of Paper Number of Paper
Mass of a Handful
Trial Clips based on Clips based on the
of Paper Clips
Computation Actual Count

1. Is the number of paper clips in step 2 the same as the number of paper
clips in step 3? Why do you think so?
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.16-A
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What’s in a Mole?—Total Count vs. Mass

Learning  Measure and record the mass of a given number of
objects with the correct significant figures.
 Convert the number of items to its equivalent mass in
grams or vice versa using the equivalents taken from
the result of the activity.
References: 1. Grade 9 Science Learner’s Material, Module 4 pp. 67-69
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J. B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

Materials :
5 plastic bottle caps (must be of the same brand) 5 10-centavo coins
5 soft drink crowns of the same brand platform balance

1. Measure and record the mass in grams of the above caps, crowns, and coins
in Table 2:
2. From the data you got from step #1, compute for the mass of 1 piece and 15
pieces for each kind of material.
3. Measure approximately 25.00g of each material

Table 2. Mass of the Materials

Mass (g) 5 Mass (g) 1 Mass (g) 15 Number of
pieces piece pieces pieces in 25.00g
Plastic bottle
soft drink


Division of Bohol
1. Do the three different materials have the same masses? Explain your
2. Was your expected number of pieces per material the same as the number
of pieces equal to 25.00g?
L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.16-B
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What’s in a mole?—Avogadro’s Number

Learning  Define Avogadro’s Number.
 Convert number of moles to its equivalent amount in the
number of particles using the Avogadro’s Number.
References: 1. Grade 9 Science Learner’s Material, Module 4 pp. 66-69
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

You have just experienced how chemists determine the number of

particles by getting the mass. It is impossible to count the number of atoms
present in a gold bar or the number of molecules present in a glass of water
but by knowing their masses, computations can be done which will eventually
give the number of particles with the use of a number called Avogadro’s
Avogadro's number is the number of particles in one mole of a
substance. It is a very large number equal to 6.02 x 10 23 particles. So, a mole
(mol) of a substance is 6.02 x 10 23 representative particles of that
substance. The representative particles can be atoms, molecules, or formula
units. So, one mole of carbon-12 contains 6.02 x 1023 atoms, one mole of water
contains 6.02 x 1023 water molecules and one mole of sodium chloride (table
salt) contains 6.02 x 1023 formula units of sodium chloride.
Examine the sample substances in Table 3. You will observe that each of
the substances contains 6.02 x 10 23 particles.

Table 3. Mass of One Mole of Different Substances

Chemical Molar Mass Number of
Formula (g/mol) Particle
oxygen gas O2 32.00 6.02 x 10
Sucrose 6.02 x 10
C12H22O11 342.34
(table sugar)
Hydrogen 6.02 x 10
H2O2 34.02
Division of Bohol
Elemental 6.02 x 10
Ca 40.08

Let us then try to visualize the number of particles in a given sample.

Example: How many molecules are there in 4.0 moles of CO 2?

(Remember to consider this: 1 mole = 6.02 x 10 particles)

4.0 moles CO2 x 6.02 x 1023 molecules CO2= 2.41 x 1024 molecules CO2
1 mole CO2


1. How many moles of tomatoes are in 3.01x1023 tomatoes?

2. How many bananas are equal to 7.50 moles of bananas?

Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.17
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What’s in a Mole?-The mass of one Mole of a Substance

Learning Target:  Compute for the molar mass of common substances.
References: 1. Grade 9 Science Learner’s Materials, Module 4 pp. 69-70
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. J.B. Autor, Pandanon High School-DLP Writer

6 pcs 100 mL beaker or small jars of the same size
platform balance
Periodic Table of Elements


1. For Table 4-A, consult the Periodic Table of Elements for the atomic mass,
it has the same numerical value with its molar mass. For Table 4-B, compute
the molar mass of the compound using this formula:

(No. of atom A x Atomic Mass of A) + (No. of atom B x Atomic Mass of B)...

Example: MgCl2 (1 x 24.21 g) + ( 2 x 35.45 g) = 95.11 g

Table 4-A. Molar Mass of Some Elements

Element Symbol Mass (g) Molar Mass (g/mol)
Sulfur (Asupre)
Lead (Tinga)
Copper (Tanso)

Table 4-B. Molar Mass of Some Common Compounds.

Compound Chemical Formula Mass (g) MolarMass (g/mol)
Division of Bohol
Table Salt
Table Sugar


Determine the molar masses of the given elements and write the answers
in the table below.

Table 5. Molar Mass.

Chemical Name Chemical Formula Molar Mass (g/mol)
Iron(II) sulphate (ferrous FeSO4
Ethyl alcohol C2H5OH
Ammonia NH3
Citric Acid C6H8O6
Aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.18-A
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What’s in a Mole?: The Relationships among Number

of Moles, Mass, and Number of Particles
Learning Target:  Determine the number of moles, mass and number of
particles of the given substances.
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material; Unit 2 module 4; pp.71-72
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

Sulfur platform balance
Sugar watch glass
Salt measuring spoon
aluminum foil


1. Measure the mass of one tablespoon of each of the following

substances: sulfur; aluminum foil ; sugar; and salt.
2. Using the molar mass of each of the substances, compute the number
of moles and number of particles present in each sample substances.
3. Record your answer on a table similar to table 6 below.

Table 6. Data on Molar Relationship

Substance Sulfur Aluminum Foil Sugar Salt
Mass (g)
No. of Moles
No. of Particles

1. Is the number of particles and the mass in the sample directly related
to the number of moles?
Division of Bohol
2. Why do you say so? Explain your answer.

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.18-B
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What’s in a Mole?: The Relationships among Number

of Moles, Mass, and Number of Particles
Learning Target:  Describe the relationships among the number of moles,
mass and number of particles.
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material; Unit 2 module 4; pp.71-72
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

The number of mole is computed by dividing the mass of the substance

by its atomic mass unit (for element) and molar mass
(for compound).
We can have the formula as:
mass of substance
mole (n) = atomic mass/molar mass

The mole concept states that one mole of any substance has equal
number of particles (atoms, ions or molecules) which is 6.02 X 10 23.

1 mole of H2O molecule = 6.02 X 1023
1 mole of H atom = 6.02 X 1023
1 mole of H+ ion = 6.02 X 1023

1. State the relationship between the following properties:
a. Mass and number of moles
b. Number of moles and number of particles
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.19-A
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What’s in a Mole?:The Chemists Mole

Learning Target: Apply the mole concept in completing a given set of data.
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material, Unit 2, Module 4 pp. 71-72
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

Material: Periodic Table of Elements


Complete the table with the needed information.

Carbon 44.01 2.5
dioxide (CO2)
Gold (Au) Atom 1
Glucose 360.36 1.205 x 1024
Calcium Formula Unit 3
Nitrogen gas 28.02
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.19-B
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What’s in a Mole?: The Chemists Mole

Learning Target:  Apply the mole concept completing a given set of data.
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material, pp. 71-72
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. E. F. Soriano, Chemistry for the New Millennium, pp. 172-173

Chemists developed a concept of how to express the exact number of

atoms or particles contained in a given mass of substance called the Mole.

A mole denotes a collection of large fixed number of particles (atoms,

ions or molecules). It is defined as the amount of substance containing the
same number of atoms as 12 g of pure carbon-12. The symbol for the number
of mol is n and its unit is abbreviated as mol.

But how many atoms or molecules does a mole of any substance contain?
Amadeo Avogadro, an Italian lawyer and physicist, pioneered the studies on
counting atoms and molecules. He concluded that a mole of any substance
contains exactly 6.022 x 1023 particles.


1. When is a particle classified as an atom; a molecule or a formula unit?

2. Show how you will convert the mass of a given sample to number
of moles and vice versa.
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.20-A
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What’s in a Mole?: Mole Map

Learning Target: Complete the concept map on the mole concept.
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material; Unit 2 module 4; p.74
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

Activity Sheet


Complete the concept map below with the appropriate terms using the
following words: ions, Avogadro’s number, mole, atoms, molecules, particles,
mass, compound, g/mole
(molar mass), elements.


is made up of

which may be

whose amount may be expressed in terms of

whose mass
is expressed in
equal to
Division of Bohol

Accomplishing the concept map means that you have understood the lessons
you have gone through.

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.20-B
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What’s in a Mole?: Percentage Composition of a Compound

Learning Target:  Use the mole concept to express mass of substances.
 Determine the percentage composition of a compound
given its chemical formula.
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material; Unit 2 module 4; pp.74-76
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

The mass of each element in a compound compared to the entire mass of the
compound multiplied by 100 percent is called the percentage composition of
the compound. So, the percentage composition of a compound tells you the
percentage of the mass made up by each element in a compound.
We can have the formula as:

mass of element in the compound

% mass of element = mass of the compound X 100
Compute the percent by mass composition of each element in H 2O.
% H = 2 g H χ 100 = 11.11 %
18 g H2O

%O= 16 g H χ 100 = 88.89 %

18 g H2O


1. Glucose (C6H12O6) is a six-carbon sugar (hexose) which is also known as the

blood sugar. It is an energy source that fuels our body. How many percent of
carbon is present in glucose?
Division of Bohol

L E A R N I N G A C T I V I T Y 2.20-C
( Science Grade 9 )
Year and Section: Date:
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below.)______________________
Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill  Illustration  Informal Theme

Activity Title: What’s in a Mole?: Percentage Composition of a

Compound ( It’s Grocery Time!)
Learning Target:  Apply the concept of percentage composition in
choosing grocery items.
 Realize that the amount of substance intake can be
monitored with the use of percentage composition.
References: 1. Science Learner’s Material; Unit 2 module 4; pp.76-77
(Author, Title, Pages)
2. M.B. Aranas, Tabalong National High School-DLP Writer

Grocery items containers or package (food wrappers, can,
bottles etc)

1. Get 3 samples of containers or package of grocery items such as canned
goods, snacks and beverages.
2. List the substances written as content/ingredients on the label. Choose 2
substances from each type of grocery item.
3. Research from a chemistry book or from the internet the chemical formula
of the substances on your list.
4. Compute for the percentage composition of the substances you have listed.


1. Based on this activity, what food do you regularly consume which give your
body a lot of carbon (C) atoms and sodium (Na) ions?

2. Are these good for your body? Why?

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