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Organic Handling Plan

(for agricultural products)

1. Applicant
A. Applicant Information
1) Name 2) Contact Info (Tel.) 63 949 9142838
Rowena M
3) Date of birth or
Business Registration No.
DTI 03403677

Latangan Rd Pob. 2 Mulanay Quezon Province Phils

4) Address
5) I am applying as: □ a group (name: ) □X an individual
* Fill out and attach the Common Information Form for Producers Groups if applying as a group.

B. Application Details
1) Application Type X□ new □ certification renewal □ extension of product certification
X□ organic agricultural/forest product □ non-pesticide agricultural
2) Certification Type

* Fill in only where applicable if applying for an extension of product certification.

2. Application Details
A. Fill in the box below with all the relevant information regarding the crop field to be

Cultivated Item (for the last one year)

Location Area (㎡)
Previous Current Next

Brgy Tuhian Catanauan 100,000 Sap Sap Sap

Brgy Tuhian Catanauan 2,000 Ginger Ginger Ginger

B. Fill in the box below with all the relevant information regarding the items to be certified.

Output of the Previous Year

Item Area (㎡) Planned Output (kg)

Coconut sap/sugar 100,000 18,000 12,000

Ginger 2,000 2,000 2,000

3. Cultivation Period
A. Fill in the box below with the cultivation periods of the items to be certified.
Item Sowing Date Harvest Period Sales Period
continuous Continuous

4. Crop field, water and seed

A. Is the crop field contaminated with heavy metals or other pollutants, or are there any
sources of contamination nearby, such as metal mines and waste landfills? (If you
answered ‘Yes’, identify the sources.)

□ Yes ( )
X□ No

B. Is there any soil inspection report carried out on the soil of the crop field in the last two
X□ Yes □ No
※ If available, submit the soil inspection report.

C. If a soil inspection report finds that the soil fertility is below the optimum level or there is
an excessive accumulation of salts, provide measures for improvement in the space


D. When was the last time that chemical fertilizers and organic synthetic pesticides were
used on the crop field?
Name of Material Place of Use (location of farm) Date of Final Use Note

E. What type of water is used for farming?

□ stream water □ lake and swamp water □X underground water □ rainwater
□ tap water □ other ( )

F. If available, submit an agricultural water inspection report carried out in the last five years.
□ I am submitting the report. □X Not available
G. Fill in the box below with the relevant information regarding the use of seeds.
Name of Seed Used Amount Point of Purchase Type of seed

□ organic □ non-pesticide
□ conventional (untreated)
NA □ conventional (disinfected with

H. If you have purchased seedlings, fill in the box below with the relevant information
regarding the use of them.
Name of Seedling Used Amount Point of Purchase Type of Seedling

□ organic □ non-pesticide
NA □ conventional

I. Did you use seeds labelled as genetically modified agricultural products? (If you did,
submit the package or the supplier’s certificate.)
□ Yes X□ No

J. Is there any risk that the certified lot will be contaminated with pesticides due to factors
such as the existence of a pesticide control area near the crop field?
□ Yes X□ No
If there is such a risk, lay out prevention measures in the space below.


6. Cultivation Methods
A. (Applicable only to non-pesticide and low-pesticide) Fill in the box below with the relevant
information regarding the annual use (including plans) of chemical fertilizers.
Place of Use
Name of Ingredient Usable Date of Used Amount to
(location of
Material Content Amount Use Amount be Used


B. In the space below, lay out the measures for controlling weed.

Slash and plow

C. In the space below, lay out the measures for disease and pest control.

None required

D. In the space below, lay out the plans for providing an adequate level of nourishment.

NA Fertile sustainability

E. In the space below, describe your plans for crop rotation and how you have practiced
such plans until now.

5th year rest period

F. If you have used compost made from livestock excrements, fill in the box below with the
relevant information regarding the use. (Submit related documents if necessary.)

□ I have used such compost. X□ I have not.

Name of Compost Used Amount Point of Purchase Type of Excrements

□ organic □ non-antibiotics
□ integrated crop-livestock
NA farming
□ conventional

7. Product Quality Control, etc.

A. Fill in the box below with the relevant information regarding the post-harvest handling
process (packaging, storing, cleaning, cutting, drying, etc.).
Type Detail Place of Work On Commission
X□ packaged and shipped
□ shipped without packaging
□ stored and shipped
X□ shipped without storing
□ cleaned and shipped
□ shipped without cleaning
□ dried and shipped
□ shipped without drying
□ carried out other processes
and shipped
□ shipped without carrying
out other processes

<Other handling processes, including cutting>

B. Lay out plans for managing conventional and certified products separately.


8. Applicant
A. This application form is completed by:
□X the applicant, _Rowena M. Williams_____________ (name)
□ proxy at the request of and is confirmed by the applicant, ______________ (name).
Date of Birth
Name Address Contact Info Affiliation
(business registration no.)

B. The applicant must read the following warning carefully and sign at the bottom.
I, the applicant, hereby confirm that the information contained in this application is
true and complete and understand that any misrepresentation will result in the
cancellation of certification in line with Article 24 of the Act on Promotion of
Environment-friendly Agriculture and Fisheries, and Management and Support for
Organic Foods and penalties (a prison sentence of up to three years or a fine of up to
30 million won) in line with Article 70 of the same Act.

Date (y/m/d):
Applicant : (signature or stamp)

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