2-1 Organic Handling Plan For Processor

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Organic Handling Plan

(for Handler and Processor)

1. Applicant
A. Applicant Information
ENUFF Enterprise/ 2) Contact Info
1) Name 63 949 9142838
Rowena M Williams (Tel.)
3) Date of Birth or
Business Registration No.
DTI 03403677
Latangan Rd Pob.2 Mulanay Quezon Province Phils
4) Address
5) I am applying as : X□ Legal entity ENUFF Enterprise: □ an individual

B. Application Details
□X New □ Certification renewal □ Extension of product
1) Application Type
□ Handler □X Organic Processed Product □ Organic Processed
2) Certification Type

* Fill in only where applicable if applying for an extension of product certification.

2. Application Details
A. Fill in the box below with all the relevant information regarding handling and
processing facilities to be certified.
Handling and Processing facility
Type of
Location Area (㎡)

Processing Latangan Rd Mulanay 200

B. Fill in the box below with all the relevant information regarding the items to be
Output of the
Item Planned Output(kg) Origin of Ingredient
Previous Year(kg)
Coconut sugar 18,000 Coconut sap 12,000
3. Manufacturing, Processing or Handling Procedures
A. In the box below, describe the manufacturing, processing or handling procedures to
be certified.

Coconut sap is filtered and its pH tested to determine processing into sugar, syrup or
to be stored in drums to naturally ferment into aged vinegar. Sap with a pH of 6 or
above is poured into woks and thermally evaporated under temperature control using
clean fuel (LPG). The ginger is ground and pressed into juice and added to the
evaporating sap.
Once crystallization has been obtained the sugar is allowed to cool, then removed from
the wok and allowed to cool further. After 24 hours the sugar is returned to the wok and
is slow dried while being agitated. On determination of its dryness it is allowed to cool,
then stored in containers or placed in plastic sacks with a PE bag inner.
.As required for packing the sugar is sifted and placed in the appropriate packaging
sealed and placed in cartons or sacks per customer requirements.

4. Management Control
A. I am submitting management-related documents from the last three months.
□ Yes □ No

B. Fill in the box below with the relevant information, such as the name of all records
and how to record, related to warehousing and shipping management
.Name of Document Content of Record How to Record Document Manager
X□ hand-written
X□ computing

Production yield Batch Weight Digital Weighing Production clerk

Stock Record Total Weight Aggregate Production

Dispatch Record Order Quantity Manual Count Dispatch clerk

5. Handling or Processing Records and Management of Raw Materials

A. In the box below, explain how warehoused ingredients are verified as certified
ingredients, and the management methods used, such as the granting of lot numbers.
The coconut sap is delivered in sealed containers from my own controlled farm
and processed immediately upon quality acceptance in the processing facility.
The farm and sap is already certified organic by Control Union for EC, USDA
and JAS. We follow the protocols of traceability including lot numbers as
instituted as part of that certification.
B. Fill in the box below with the history of all the warehoused ingredients (including
Ingredients not certified) that have been used for handling and processing of products
within the last three months.
No. of
Date of Point of Address of Point of Certification
Item Quantity Managem
Warehousing Purchase Purchase No.

NA no
storage due to

* In the case of non-certified products, write in “not certified” in 'No. of Management.‘

C. Fill in the box below with the history of all the handled ingredients or processed
products (including ingredients or processed products not certified) that have been
shipped within the last three months.
No. of
Date of Name of Address of Certification
Item Quantity Managemen
Shipment Buyer Buyer Availability

D. Fill in the box below with the information regarding the current stock of ingredients
and products (including non-certified ingredients and processed products) that
have been handled or processed.
Item Quantity Place of Storage Certification No.

Coconut sugar Latangan Rd Mulanay

E. Fill in the box below with the information regarding all food additives and processing
aids that have been used for processed products to be certified.
Name of Use of Permitted Used Purpose of
Sort Date of Use
Material Substance Amount Use
□ Food □ permitted
additive substance
NA. Pure □ Processing □ not permitted
sap -no aid substance

Point of Location of Point Purchased

Stock Storage Place
Purchase of Purchase Amount

F. In the box below, write in percentage of organic ingredients for each processed
product (organic processed products only).
Weight of Weight of
Name Weight of Weight of Percentage
Organic Weight of Food Processed
of Non-organic Additive ()
Water and of Organic
Ingredient Product
Product Ingredient () Salt () Ingredient
() ()

Sugar 100% 0% Nil Nil 100%

* Use the following equation:

6. Management of pest and disease

A. In the box below, explain how pests and diseases are controlled.

Perimeter and ingress points with non - toxic material

B. Fill in the box below with the information regarding the substances used for cleaning
and disinfecting for the purpose of controlling pests and diseases.
Name of Applied Applied Amount Amount to Purpose of
Proof Documents
Substance Date place Used be used Use
□ material officially listed
or with quality certification
(Registration no. : )
□ to be submitted

7. Product Quality Control

A. If the products are irradiated during handling and processing, name all the
substances that are used for such a purpose.
□ Irradiated (purpose of use: ) X□ not irradiated

B. (imported agricultural products only) In the box below, describe how products that
have been fumigated are controlled during the import process.

C. If agricultural products with different types of certification or non-certified agricultural

products or processed products are being handled as well, explain the measures
used to separately manage agricultural products with different types of certification,
or non-certified agricultural or processed products during storing, handling,
packaging, processing etc..
□ Not certified products handled. X□ Only certified products are handled.
□ Agricultural products with different types of certification are handled.
□ Agricultural products with different types of certification are not handled.
Item Needed to be

Storing Stage None

Handling Stage None

Packing Stage None

Processing Stage None

Other Stages NA

D. (handler only) Lay out the labelling plan for the packaging material if agricultural
products with different types of certification are mixed.

E. Fill In the box below with all relevant information if some parts of the handling or the
processing processes are outsourced, and submit a copy of the outsourcing contract.
Process Contact
Assignee Processing Facility Certification Status of Handler
Assigned Info.

□ Certified (Cert. no.: )

None □ Not certified

Submission of contract
□ copy of the contract submitted
□ no contract submitted (Describe in the space below why it is not being submitted.)

F. Fill in the box below with the relevant registration information about the handling or
processing facility and submit proof documents.
X□ Registered as a food manufacturing business
Facility for
□ Registered as a food subdivision and retail business
□ Registered as a GHP-certified business
□ Other registered( )

Facility for □ Certified to HACCP

Livestock □ Not certified to HACCP
Products □ Other registrations ( )

□ Certified to HACCP
Facility for
□ Not certified to HACCP
X□ Registered as a food manufacturing business
□ Food manufacturing report

8. Applicant
A. This application form is completed by:
X□ the applicant, Rowena M. Williams (name)
□ proxy at the request of and is confirmed by the applicant, _____________ (name).
Date of birth
Name Address Contact Info Affiliation
B. The applicant must read the following warning carefully and sign at the bottom.

I, the applicant, hereby confirm that the information contained in this application is
true and complete and understand that any misrepresentation will result in the
cancellation of certification in line with Article 24 of the Act on Promotion of
Environment-friendly Agriculture and Fisheries, and Management and Support for
Organic Foods and penalties (a prison sentence of up to three years or a fine of up to
30 million won) in line with Article 60 of the same Act.

Date (y/m/d):

Applicant :ENUFF Enterprise per Rowena M. Williams

(signature or stamp)

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