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Received September 25, 2019, accepted October 16, 2019, date of publication October 23, 2019,

date of current version November 4, 2019.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2949081

Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying

Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels
1 Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Hongik University, Sejong 30016, South Korea
2 Department of Software and Communications Engineering, Hongik University, Sejong 30016, South Korea

Corresponding author: Beongku An (

This work was supported in part by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF),
Ministry of Education, under Grant (No. 2016R1D1A1B03934898) and in part by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
Grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2019R1A2C1083996).

ABSTRACT In this paper, we study the end-to-end performance of multi-hop wireless powered relaying
networks cognitively operating with primary networks over Nakagami-m fading channels. Our analysis
considers multi-hop wireless powered relaying systems in which all communication nodes harvest energy
from a multiple antennas power beacon (PB) to transmit data to multiple destinations in the presence of a
multiple antennas primary receiver (PR). Aiming at improving end-to-end system performance, we propose
two relay selection schemes, namely data channel based relay selection (DbRS) and interference channel
based relay selection (IbRS), under cognitive radio approach. By taking into account the harvested energy and
the interference power constraint, we derive the exact closed-form expression for the outage probability (OP)
of the proposed schemes, which is then verified by Monte Carlo simulations over Nakagami-m fading
channels. The tractable asymptotic OP of each scheme is also provided unveiling several important insights
on system characteristics and performance trends. Moreover, we develop the asymptotic upper bounds for the
ergodic capacity and bit error rate (BER) of the considered multi-hop relaying network. Numerical results
in terms of system OP, ergodic capacity, and average BER performance are provided to demonstrate that
DbRS scheme outperforms IbRS one, which by its turn outperforms random relay selection scheme. Finally,
the influences of the number of antennas at PB and PR, number of relays in each cluster, number of hops,
the PB and PR placements, and time switching ratio on the overall system performance are examined and
discussed comprehensively.

INDEX TERMS Cognitive radio networks, energy harvesting, multi-hop networks, Nakagami-m fading
channel, outage probability, power beacon, relay selection, ergodic capacity, BER.

I. INTRODUCTION widely used as a vehicle for wireless information and energy

Energy harvesting (EH) in cognitive radio networks has transmission [5].
recently considered as a promising solution in the upcom- Recently, cooperative cognitive networks have been
ing era of the Internet of Things (IoT) due to its efficiency attracted attention by the research community to improve
both on spectrum and energy [1], [2]. In cognitive radio network performance and extend network coverage,
networks (CRNs), secondary users are allowed to operate e.g., see [6]–[9]. In particular, Duong et. al. studied the
on the same frequency spectrum of primary users at any impact of primary interference from multiple primary
time as long as interference from secondary transmitters transceivers on performance of secondary networks (SN) [6].
received at primary receivers (PRs) below the maximum By combining the direct link and cooperative links, Bao et. al.
allowable interference defined by its target quality of service proposed cognitive decode-and-forward (DF) networks to
thus improving the overall system spectral efficiency [3], [4]. improve secondary network coverage [7]. To provide full
Wireless energy harvesting offers great convenience to wire- spatial diversity, Yeoh et. al. in [8] proposed a cognitive
less users since radio frequency (RF) signals have been multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) network, where
users in primary and secondary networks are equipped with
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and multiple antennas. Very recently, a wireless energy harvesting
approving it for publication was Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Almradi . and information transfer protocol in cognitive relay networks

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
154600 VOLUME 7, 2019
T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

has been developed, where a secondary transmitter scavenges Recently, Xu et. al. in [20] proposed underlay cognitive
energy from the received primary signal and then employs multi-hop relay networks, where secondary users (SUs) can
the harvested energy to forward the resulting signals along harvest the energy from the dedicated power beacon to
with the secondary signal. The paper also analytically derived support the data transmission. As an extension of [20],
the exact expressions of the outage probabilities for both pri- the paper [21] considered an accumulate energy harvesting
mary and secondary networks [9]. For achieving high energy model applied for multi-hop network under cognitive radio
requirement and extending the propagation range of wire- paradigm. However, the sub-time slots for energy harvesting
less power transfer in large scale cognitive radio networks, and data transmission were designed unequally making it
the dedicated power beacons (PB) are usually employed difficult for synchronization and serve collisions possibly
for wireless networks with many functions such as chan- occurring in the cognitive multi-hop networks. More recently,
nel estimation, spectrum sensing and digital beam-forming the authors in [22] introduced an EH-cognitive multi-hop
techniques. In practice, the power beacon is integrated to the network based on time division multiple access (TDMA) with
dedicated base station to power mobile devices within short equal sub-time slots for data transmission in Rayleigh fading
propagation ranges [10]. The authors in [11] considered the environments. Over Nakagami-m fading channels, a novel
wireless powered communication networks (WPCNs), where multi-hop relaying network was proposed in [23], where the
the power beacon is equipped with multiple antennas and relay nodes harvest energy from external co-channel inter-
employs beamforming technique to improve the energy trans- ferences for their operation. However, the aforementioned
fer efficiency. To enhance the achievable network through- works only limited on a single cooperative relay in EH
put in WPCNs, the authors in [12] proposed ‘‘harvest then underlay cognitive multi-hop networks with inefficient data
transmit’’ protocol by jointly optimizing power allocation and transmission. To enhance the transmission reliability for EH
time-sharing among nodes to maximize the overall network multi-hop cooperative networks, the authors in [24] proposed
throughput. Since the RF signal can convey both information the various relay selection methods applied for each two-hop
and energy, the simultaneous wireless information and power in multi-hop cluster-based relay networks over Nakagami-m
transfer (SWIPT) has recently growing attention by research fading channels. In the practical perspective, the choice of
community. The practical receiver mechanism for SWIPT Nakagami-m fading channel is more general that fully pro-
systems was designed in [13] to improve the energy transfer vides the properties of channel transmission. Very recently,
and information rate. SWIPT based cooperative relay net- the performance evaluation of multi-hop cluster-based relay
works have also been extensively studied in [14], [15]. Specif- networks over Nakagami-m fading channels has been investi-
ically, Nasir et. al. in [14] introduced the time switching gated in [25], and the outage probability analysis of multi-hop
relaying (TSR) and power switching relaying (PSR) mecha- relaying scheme in cognitive radio networks has been con-
nisms for amplify-and-forward (AF) EH cooperative relaying ducted in [26], accounting for multiple antennas at both the
networks and showed that the network throughput of TSR is primary transmitter and receiver. However, the asymptotic
better than that of PSR methods at high transmission rates. analysis for the network performance were not provided in
For increasing the network diversity gain, the authors in [15] the previous works, which poses a difficulty to draw out any
analyzed EH incremental DF relaying systems employing insight into the network behaviors. Moreover, to the best of
maximal ratio combining (MRC) technique at destination. our knowledge, there is no closed-form expression for the
Beside cooperative communications, multi-hop relaying ergodic capacity and average BER in these works because
is an effective approach considered for cognitive networks. of the theoretical intractability of its analysis. In this paper,
In particular, Bao et. al. studied the effect of imperfect chan- we come up with new steps to derive the tight upper bound
nel state information (CSI) on the performance of cognitive expressions for the ergodic capacity and bit error rate of the
multi-hop networks [16]. In [17], two interference cancel- multi-hop wireless powered relaying networks, which com-
lation approaches under various MIMO schemes were pro- prehensively provides a general framework to evaluate the
posed to improve the performance of multi-hop secondary overall system performance under cognitive radio constraints.
networks. In [18], a max-min relay selection in multi-hop In this paper, we study the end-to-end performance analysis
CRNs was introduced to improve the spatial gain for the last of cognitive multi-hop wireless powered relaying networks
hop transmission. A novel underlay cognitive radio network with energy beamforming over Nakagami-m fading channels.
for short range communication was studied in [19], where a Making use of Nakagami-m fading channel can characterize
single-hop secondary network coexists with multi-hop pri- more versatile fading scenarios that accurately reflects the
mary networks. Furthermore, the system outage probabil- natures of wireless environments. Our analysis accounts for
ity (OP) of secondary and primary networks were derived cluster-based relays and multiple antennas at both the power
to show the significant influence of the number of hops beacon and primary receiver. Multiple destination nodes are
on the primary networks and the positive effect of interfer- also deployed to achieve the diversity gain as well as the
ence cancellation on the secondary networks at high average reception reliability. Relay selection is applied at each hop
signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). However, all above mentioned which not only improves the transmission reliability of sec-
research works have not focused on energy harvesting. ondary multi-hop networks but also alleviates the undesirable

VOLUME 7, 2019 154601

T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

interference to the primary networks. The random relay selec-

tion (RS) scheme is provided as a baseline scheme for com-
parison purposes. Our main contributions are as follows:
• We propose the data channel based relay selec-
tion (DbRS) and interference channel based relay selec-
tion (IbRS) schemes to improve the end-to-end outage
performance for cognitive wireless powered multi-hop
relaying networks. Specifically, DbRS scheme outper-
forms IbRS scheme, which is raised as an efficient
scheme for multi-hop transmission.
• We derive the exact closed-form expressions for the
outage probability of the proposed schemes over
Nakagami-m fading channels and validate by using
Monte-Carlo simulation. To provide further insights
about how the primary receiver positions affect the sec-
ondary multi-hop network performance, we analyze the
outage probability under two conditions which are near
and far scenarios. FIGURE 1. A cognitive multi-hop wireless powered relaying network.
• We continue to derive the ergodic capacity and average
BER from the obtained asymptotic analysis in the far
scenario which serve as the performance bound of sec-
ondary multi-hop network.
• We show through the numerical results that the system
OP can be significantly improved by increasing the
number of antennas at PB and the number of relays in
each cluster. Moreover, the system characteristics and
performance trends can be unfolded completely through
the asymptotic results of outage probability, which is
very useful for network planning and design.
The rest of the paper will be arranged as follows.
Section II-A describes the system model of proposed scheme.
The outage performance analysis is described in Section III
and the simulation results are evaluated in Section IV. Finally,
Section V concludes the paper.
Mathematical Notations and Functions: x and x are pre-
sented the scalar x and vector x, respectively. [x]i denotes FIGURE 2. The time block structure for accumulate energy harvesting and
the ith element of a vector x, k.k is the Euclidean norm, information transmission phases.

(.)H is the Hermitian operator. Pr[.] symbolizes probability,

fX (.) and FX (.) denote the probability density function (PDF) combining (MRC) technique to combine its received signals.
and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of random vari- In the secondary network, (K − 1) intermediate relay clusters
able X , respectively. 0(.) represents the Gamma function are deployed to assist N0 sources Si , i ∈ {1, . . . , N0 } to for-
[27, Eq. 8.310.1], Wu,v (.) indicates the Whittaker function ward the data to NK destinations Dj , j ∈ {1, . . . , NK } through
[28, Eq. 13.1.33], Gc,d
a,b [.|.] stands for the Meijer’s G-function multi-hop decode-and-forward relaying protocol. A relay
[27, Eq. 9.301], and Kv (.) designates the v-order modified node, Rk,n , presents the nth relay in k th cluster belonging to
Bessel function of second kind [28, Eq. 9.6.22]. a set of relays R = {Rk,n |k = 0, . . . , K , n = 1, . . . , Nk },
where Nk denotes the number of nodes in the k th cluster.
II. SYSTEM MODEL Note that R0,i ≡ Si and RK ,j ≡ Dj . We assume that
A. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION all communication nodes have limited power supply, and
We consider a cognitive multi-hop wireless powered relaying they rely on external energy charging from an M −antennas
system, where the secondary network and primary network power beacon (PB) through energy beamforming. Moreover,
share the same frequency licensed band in a geographical sources and all relay nodes are equipped with single antenna
area of interest, as illustrated in Fig. 1. An L−antennas pri- and operate on half-duplex mode. The proposed system can
mary receiver in the primary network1 employs maximal ratio be realized in many practical applications such as cellular
1 We mainly focus on the cognitive multi-hop wireless powered relaying networks, wireless sensor networks, IoT systems, vehicle
system and its performance under interference power constraint, considering tracking and roadside facilities. The channel notations used
the effect of primary interference is thus beyond the scope of this paper. in this paper are given in Table 1.

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T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

TABLE 1. Summary of main notations. the relay Rk,i can be expressed as αT + k(1 − α)T /K . The
PB is equipped with multiple antennas and employs energy
beamforming to improve energy transfer efficiency. Thus,
the harvested energy at relay Rk,i can be expressed as
Ek = η(α + k(1 − α)/K )TP|wgH
k | ,
where w , [wm ]m∈M and gk , [gm,k,i ]m∈M present the
energy beamforming vector and the channel coefficient vec-
tor from the PB to Rk,i , respectively. Based on [11], [31],
we consider w = gk /kgk k in this paper.


The information transmission phase is occurred during the
period of (1 − α)T /K . From (1), the transmit power of Rk,i
over the information transmission period can be presented as
k | = χk Pkgk k ,
PEk = χk P|wgH 2 2
where (a) is obtained by recalling w = gk /kgk k, and χk ,
η(αK /(1 − α) + k).
In cognitive underlay mode, the interference power
received at the primary receiver from secondary transmitters
must be lower than the peak interference power constraint,
i.e., Ip , to protect the primary communication [4]. Since
PR is equipped with L antennas and employs MRC tech-
nique, the maximum transmit power of relay Rk,i can be
The perfect knowledge of CSI is supposed to be available
determined as
at each receiver node. Also, all channels are assumed to expe-
rience quasi-static independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) PIk = PL 2
. (3)
Nakagami-m fading channels. As a result, the channel gains, l=1 |fk,i,l |
i.e., |gm,k,i |2 , |hk,i,j |2 and |fk,i,l |2 , follow gamma distribution From (2) and (3), the transmit power constraint at Rk,i is
with parameter, respectively, as λPB,k = L(dPB,k /d0 )β , constrained as
λR,k = L(dR,k /d0 )β and λPR,k = L(dPR,k /d0 )β . The system 

operation is divided into two consecutive phases including Pk = min χk Pkgk k , PL
. (4)
energy harvesting (EH) and information transmission phases l=1 |fk,i,l |
which will be described in detail next. The instantaneous SNR for hop k can be expressed as
B. ENERGY HARVESTING PHASE γk = min χk γ̄P kgk k2 , PL 2
|hk,i,j |2 , (5)
l=1 |fk,i,l |
In the EH phase, considering time switching (TS) architec-
ture, we propose the harvest and accumulate protocol for where γ̄P = P/σ 2 and γ̄I = Ip /σ 2 .
the energy model in cognitive multi-hop relaying networks, The relay selection strategies will be presented in the next
where the latter relays have more time for harvesting energy subsection to show how to improve the considered system
than the former ones, as illustrated in Fig. 2. In particular, performance.
all communication nodes simultaneously harvest energy from
the power beacon in the first sub-time slot of αT , wherein D. RELAY SELECTION SCHEMES
α ∈ (0, 1] is the time switching ratio and T denotes the coher- 1) RANDOM RELAY SELECTION
ent transmission block. The remaining time, i.e., (1−α)T , can We consider the random relay selection scheme as a bench-
be divided equally in K orthogonal sub-time slots for K hops mark scheme for comparison purposes. Due to the simplicity
transmission, thanks to the time-division-multiple-access in of the RS scheme, it can be easily implemented in practice.
medium access control layer [29]. The latter relay nodes con- The RS scheme randomly selects a relay in each cluster for
tinuously harvest and accumulate energy before their turns to multi-hop communication; thus, the instantaneous SNR at
transmit data, where the accumulated energy is temporarily hop k can be expressed as
stored in a super-capacitor and latter completely consumed 

for information transmission [14], [30]. The last sub-time γkRS = min χk γ̄P kgk k2 , PL 2
|hk,i∗ ,j∗ |2 , (6)
slot at each relay, i.e., (1 − α)T /K , is always preserved |f
l=1 k,i,l |
for the information transmission. Without loss of generality, It is noted that the RS scheme does not require any CSI for
the period time for harvesting and accumulating energy at selecting the next forwarder.

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T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

2) INTERFERENCE CHANNEL BASED RELAY SELECTION The corresponding instantaneous SNR received at hop k+1
At each cluster, relay selection scheme is employed, i.e., the can be expressed as
relay having the lowest interference channel gain from the
primary receiver is chosen to be the forwarder of the next
γkDbRS = max min χk γ̄P kgk k2 , PL |hk,i∗ ,j |2.
hop. The IbRS scheme aims to mitigate the effect of unwanted j=1,...,Nk+1 2
l=1|fk,i ,l |

interference to the primary receiver as well as protect the (10)
primary network operation. We denote the best relay at cluster
k + 1 as Rk+1,j∗ , the selected relay at the cluster k is chosen
by the following strategy
In this section, we analyze the performance of multi-hop

Rk,i = arg max min χk γ̄P kgk k , PL

|hk,i,j∗ |2 . relaying network in the presence of a multiple antennas PR.
l=1 |fk,i,l | In particular, the performance metrics including outage prob-
ability, ergodic capacity and average BER are derived for the
From (7), the corresponding instantaneous SNR received at
multi-hop relaying network. Moreover, the asymptotic anal-
hop k can be expressed as
ysis of cognitive multi-hop system under different scenarios

= min χk γ̄P kgk k2 , PL 2
|hk,i,j∗ |2 . are also provided to reveal some important insights into the
min l=1 |fk,i,l | network behaviors and characteristics.
3) DATA CHANNEL BASED RELAY SELECTION In this subsection, we will derive the exact and asymptotic
At each cluster, relay selection scheme is employed, i.e., the expression for the system outage probability of the proposed
relay having the highest data channel gain from the trans- system over Nakagami-m fading channels. Using DF relay-
mitter is chosen to be the forwarder of the next hop. The ing, the system outage probability can be defined as the
DbRS scheme aims to enhance the diversity data transmission probability that the information rate falls below a predefined
for multi-hop relaying networks. We denote the best relay at target data rate (Rth ), which is mathematically written as
cluster k as Rk,i∗ , the selected relay at the cluster k + 1 is follows [16], [17]:
chosen by the following strategy
Rk+1,i∗ = arg max min
Pout = Pr log2 1 + min γkSch < Rth , (11)
j=1,...,Nk+1 K k=1,...,K

× χk γ̄P kgk k , PL
|hk,i∗ ,j |2 , (9) where Sch ∈ {RS, IbRS, DbRS}, Rth bits/s/Hz is the target
l=1|f k,i∗ ,l |
data rate and the pre-factor of (1 − α)/K is accounted for the
where σ 2 is the noise variance. information transmission for K hops.

(m1 M +t)
YK  mX 2 −1
24k 2  p  mX 3 L−1
 m M +v
1  p  mX 2 −1 t
4k 2vk
Pout = 1− Km1 M −t 2 4k + 2k 2 Km1 M −v 2 2k −
t!0(m1 M ) v!0(m1 M ) t!
k=1 t=0 v=0 t=0
 m1X M −1  m L+q  p  mX 2 −1
 m1 M −v−t  p 2 3 1
× 4k + 2k 2 Km1 M −v−t 2 4k + 2k − 2k 2 Km3 L−q 2 2k −
q!0(m3 L) t!
q=0 t=0

m L  q−m3 L−t  p 
× 2k 3 4tk 4k + 2k 2 Km3 L+t−q 2 4k + 2k , (12)
m1 M −v m1 M +u
K  Nk (m 3 L−1) 2 −1
Y X 2bNk
v N
2 m1 M +v  p 24k 2  p 
Pout = 1− k
2k 2
Km1 M −v 2 Nk 2k + Km1 M −u 2 4k
0(m1 M ) u!0(m1 M )
k=1 v=0 u=0
2 −1 Nk (m
mX L−1) M −1 (Nk −1)(m
 m1X X3 L−1) bN
X 3
v 4k 2k
k u v  m1 M −u−v  p
− 4k + Nk 2k 2 Km1 M −v−u 2 4k + Nk 2k −
u!0(m1 M ) t!
u=0 v=0 t=0 v=0
2 −1 (Nk −1)(m
M −1 mX
m1X X3 L−1) Nk −1 u m3 L+v
2 2−m3 L−v+t m3 L+v+t  p  2Nk bv 4k 2k
× Nk 2 2k 2 Km3 L+v−t 2 Nk 2k +
0(m3 L) t!u!0(m3 L)
t=0 u=0 v=0
 t−m3 L−u−v  p 
× 4k + Nk 2k 2 Km3 L+v+u−t 2 4k + Nk 2k . (13)

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1) RANDOM RELAY SELECTION We now turn our attention to the calculation of the CDF of
From (6), the OP of RS scheme can be obtained by the γkIbRS which can be written as
following theorem.
Fγ RS (γth ) = Pr[χk γ̄P X < γ̄I /Zi∗ , χk γ̄P XY < γth ]
Theorem 1: The exact closed-form expression for the OP k | {z }
of RS scheme over Nakagami-m fading channels can be I3
derived as (12), as shown at the bottom of the previous page, + Pr[χk γ̄P X > γ̄I /Zi∗ , γ̄I Y /Zi∗ < γth ] . (18)
where γth = 2 1−α − 1,
| {z }
m1 λE,k m2 λD,k γth m1 λE,k m3 λI ,k γ̄I In order to obtain Fγ IbRS(γth ), we need to calculate I3 and I4 .
4k = , and 2k = .
χk γ̄P χk γ̄P k
By invoking the concepts of probability theory [32], I3 can be
Proof: The proof of Theorem 1 is in Appendix A. rewritten as
Z ∞  γ̄   γ 
I th
0 χk γ̄P x χk γ̄P x
From (8), the OP of IbRS scheme can be obtained by the
following theorem. Invoking Lemma 1, the CDF of Zi∗ can be easily obtained.
Theorem 2: The exact closed-form expression for the OP Then, plugging fX (·), FY (·), and FZi∗ (·) into (19), along with
of IbRS scheme over Nakagami-m fading channels can be the help of [27, Eq. (3.471.9)] and after some manipulations,
derived as (13), as shown at the bottom of the previous page. the closed-form expression of I3 can be obtained as
Proof: First, the OP of the IbRS scheme can be equiva- Nk (m 3 L−1)
2bN k  m λ m λ γ̄  1 m M +v
v 1 E,k 3 I ,k I
X 2
lently rewritten from (11) as I3 = 1 −
0(m1 M ) χk γ̄P
K v=0
1 − Fγ IbRS (γth ) .
Pout =1− (14)
m1 M −v  m λ m λ N γ̄ 
k 1 E,k 3 I ,k k I
k=1 × Nk 2 Km1 M −v 2
χk γ̄P
Considering the instantaneous SNR γkIbRS in (8), we denote
2 −1
PL 2  m λ m λ γ  m1 M +u
X = kgk k2, Y = |hk,i,j∗ |2 , and Zi∗ = min l=1 |fk,i,l | . 2 1 E,k 2 D,k th 2
i=1,...,Nk −
It is challenging to determine the CDF and PDF of Zi∗ since u!0(m1 M ) χk γ̄P
it is shown as a minimum of a sum of gamma distributed s
 m λ m λ γ  mX 2 −1
random variables (RVs). The following lemma is important 1 E,k 2 D,k th 2
× Km1 M −u 2 +
since it provides the closed-form expressions for the CDF and χk γ̄P u!
PDF of Zi∗ .
Lemma 1: The CDF and PDF of Zi∗ can be derived, Nk (m 3 L−1)
bN k m λ  m1 M +v+u
v 1 E,k
X 2
respectively, as ×
0(m1 M ) χk γ̄P
Nk (m v=0
3 L−1)
X (m3 λI ,k x)v Nk
FZi∗ (x) = 1 −exp(−m3 λI ,k Nk x) bv , (m3 λI ,k Nk γ̄I + m2 λD,k γth ) 2
m1 M −v−u
t! ×
(m3 λI ,k γ̄I )−v (m2 λD,k γth )−u
(Nk −1)(m
X3 L−1) m3 λI ,k Nk γ̄I + m2 λD,k γth

fZi∗ (x) = exp(−m3 λI ,k Nk x) x m3 L+v−1 × Km1 M −v−u 2 . (20)
(m1 λE,k )−1 χk γ̄P
× Nk (m3 λI ,k )m3 L+v 0(m3 L)−1 bN
k −1 , (16) We are now in a position to derive I4 , which can be
calculated as
where the coefficients bNk
v can be expressed as Z ∞h  γ̄ i γ x
I th
I4= 1 − FX FY fZi∗ (x)dx. (21)
b0Nk = 1, bNk Nk
1 = Nk , bNk (m2 −1) = [(m2 − 1)!]
, 0 χk γ̄P x γ̄I
1 X j(Nk + 1) − v Nk Recalling again Lemma 1, the PDF of Zi∗ can be easily
bvNk = bv−j , obtained. Then, substituting FX (·), fZi∗ (·) and FY (·) into (21),
v j!
j=1 along with the help of [27, Eq. (3.471.9)] and after some
J = min(v, m2 − 1), 2 ≤ v ≤ Nk (m2 − 1) − 1. (17) manipulations, I4 can be obtained as
The proof of Lemma 1 is in Appendix B. The CDF and PDF M −1 (Nk −1)(m
m1X X3 L−1)  m L+t+v
m1 λE,k m3 λI ,k γ̄I  3 2
of Zi∗ in (15) and (16) have an exponential form with recursive I4 =
Nk −1 χk γ̄P
parameters bN k
v and bv , respectively, making them become t=0 v=0
2−m3 L−v+t
mathematical tractability. We shall soon see that such forms s
 m λ m λ N γ̄ 
will play a significant role in simplifying the evaluation of 2Nk 2 1 E,k 3 I ,k k I
× 1−N Km3 L+v−t 2
system performance over Nakagami-m fading channels. bv k
0(m3 L)t! χk γ̄P

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T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

t−m3 L−u
2 −1
mX m L+u+t
(m3 λI ,k γ̄I + m2 λD,k γth ) 2  m1 λE,k  3 2 In order to obtain Fγ DbRS(γth ), we need to calculate I5 and I6 .
− k
(m3 λI ,k γ̄I )−m3 L(m2 λD,k γth )−u χk γ̄P We first consider I5 which can be expressed as
γ̄I   γ 
Z ∞ 
1  m λ γ̄ + m λ γ  I5 = FZ FYj∗ fX (x)dx, (27)
3 I ,k I 2 D,k th
× Km3 L+u−t 2 . (22) 0 χk γ̄P x χk γ̄Px
u! (m1 λE,k )−1 χk γ̄P
Then, plugging FZ (·), fX (·), and FYj∗ (·) into (27), along with
the help of [27, Eq. (3.471.9)] and after some manipulations,
Finally, by substituting I3 and I4 into (18), we can obtain the
the closed-form expression of I5 can be obtained as
desired OP as (13). The proof of Theorem 2 is concluded.
3 L−1  m λ m λ γ̄  1 m M +v
2 1 E,k 3 I ,k I 2
I5 = 1 −
From (10), the OP of DbRS scheme can be obtained by the s
 m λ m λ γ̄  X Nk  
following theorem. 1 E,k 3 I ,k I Nk
× Km1 M −v 2 + (−1)n
Theorem 3: The exact closed-form expression for the OP χk γ̄P n
of DbRS scheme over Nakagami-m fading channels can be m1 M −t
n(m 2 −1)  m λ m λ γ  m1 M +t
derived as (23), as shown at the bottom of this page. X 2bnt n 2
1 E,k 2 D,k th 2
Proof: From (11), the OP of the DbRS scheme can be 0(m1 M ) χk γ̄P
rewritten as s
 m λ nm λ γ  mX 3 L−1
1 E,k 2 D,k th
K × Km1 M −t 2 −
Y   χk γ̄P v!
Pout =1− 1 − Fγ DbRS (γth ) (24) v=0
Nk n(m2 −1)
Nk (−1)n bN
m M +v+t
k=1 k 
m1 λE,k  1 2
n 0(m1 M ) χk γ̄P
For the sake of notational convenience,
PL let X = kgk k2, n=1 t=0
Yj = max |hk,i∗ ,j | , and Z = l=1 |fk,i,l |2 . Recalling that
∗ 2
(m3 λI ,k γ̄I + nm2 λD,k γth ) 2
m1 M −v−t
× (28)
Yj∗ is the maximum of Nk i.i.d. gamma distributed RVs, thus (m3 λI ,k γ̄I )−v (m2 λD,k γth )−t
the CDF of Yj∗ can be derived by invoking Lemma 1 as  s
m3 λI ,k Nk γ̄I + m2 λD,k γth

× Km1 M −v−t 2 .
(m1 λE,k )−1 χk γ̄P
Nk n(m 2 −1)  
X X Nk n
FYj∗ (x) = (−1) n
b (m2 λD,k x)t We are now in a position to derive I6 , which can be
n t calculated as
n=0 t=0
× exp(−nm2 λD,k x)  γ̄ i γ x
Z ∞h
I th
I6= 1 − FX FYj∗ fZ (x)dx. (29)
Nk n(m 2 −1)  
0 χ γ̄
k P x γ̄I
n Nk
= 1+ (−1) bn (m2 λD,k x)t Substituting FX (·), fZ (·) and FYj∗ (·) into (29), along with the
n t
n=1 t=0 help of [27, Eq. (3.471.9)] and after some manipulations,
× exp(−nm2 λD,k x), (25) I6 can be obtained as
Nk n(m
M −1 X
m1X 2 −1) m L+v+t
where bnt denotes the recursive coefficient, as shown in (17). (−1)n Nk  m1 λE,k  3 2
I6 =
From (10), the CDF of γkDbRS can be rewritten as t! n χk γ̄P
t=0 n=0 v=0
t−m3 L−v
Fγ DbRS(γth ) = Pr[χk γ̄P X < γ̄I /Z , χk γ̄P XYj∗ < γth ] 2bnv (m3 λI ,k γ̄I + nm2 λD,k γth ) 2
k ×
0(m3 L)(m3 λI ,k γ̄I )−m3 L (m2 λD,k γth )−v
| {z }
I5 s
+ Pr[χk γ̄P X > γ̄I /Z , γ̄I Yj∗ /Z < γth ] . (26)  m λ γ̄ + nm λ γ 
3 I ,k I 2 D,k th
× Km3 L+v−t 2 . (30)
(m1 λE,k )−1 χk γ̄P
| {z }

K  mX
3 L−1 Nk n(m 2 −1)
m1 M +v
2bnt (−1)n Nk
Y 2  p  X X  p 
Pout = 1− 2k 2 Km1 M −v 2 2k + K m1 M −t 2 n4k
v!0(m1 M ) nt 0(m1 M ) n
k=1 v=0 n=1 t=0
3 L−1 XNk n(m2 −1)
2bnt (−1)n Nk
m1 M +t X  m1 M −v−t  p 
× (n4k ) 2 + 4t 2vk 2k + n4k 2 Km1 M −v−t 2 2k + n4k
v!0(m1 M ) n
v=0 n=1 t=0
m1X Nk n(m
M −1 X 2 −1)
2(−1)n bnt Nk
X m L  u−m3 L−t  p
− 4tk 2k 3 2k + n4k 2 Km3 L+t−u 2 2k + n4k . (23)
u!0(m3 L) n
u=0 n=0 t=0

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T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

Finally, by substituting I5 and I6 into (26), we can obtain the where Fγ IbRS and Fγ IbRS are given, respectively, as
k,F k,N
desired OP as (23). The proof of Theorem 3 is concluded.
Fγ IbRS = Fγ RS , (36)
k,F k,F
X3 L−1) 0(m3 L + v)bN k −1
v 1−m L−v
In this subsection, we derive the asymptotic expressions for Fγ IbRS = Nk 3
k,N 0(m3 L)
the OP of three schemes in two deployment scenarios. Specif- v=0
ically, the far scenario is consistent with the PR located very (Nk −1)(m
X3 L−1) mX
2 −1 k −1 
Nk bN
v m2 λD,k γth u
far from the secondary multi-hop relaying network corre- −
0(m3 L)u! γ̄I
sponding to Ip → ∞. The near scenario can be seen as v=0 u=0
the PR placement nearby the secondary multi-hop relaying × (m3 λI ,k )m3 L+v 0(m3 L + v + u)
network corresponding to P → ∞. Each scenario plays as a  m2 λD,k γth −m3 L−v−u
× m3 λI ,k Nk + . (37)
performance bound to the proposed cognitive system setup. γ̄I
From (4), the transmit power Pk can be rewritten as Proof: The proof of Theorem 5 is in Appendix D.
Pk,i = min χk Pkgk k , PL
l=1 |fk,i,l | Theorem 6: The asymptotic expression for the outage
χk Pkgk k2 , if Ip → ∞,
floor of DbRS scheme with near and far scenarios can be
≈ Ip (31)
PL if P → ∞. derived as
l=1 |fk,i,l | XK
F DbRS , if Ip → ∞,
k=1 γk,F

Theorem 4: The asymptotic expression for the outage
 Fγ DbRS , if P → ∞,
k=1 k,N
floor of RS scheme with near and far scenarios can be where Fγ DbRS and Fγ DbRS are given, respectively, as
derived as k,F k,N

Nk n(m 2 −1) m M +t
Nk  m1 λE,k nm2 λD,k γth  1 2
Fγ RS , if Ip → ∞,
 Fγ DbRS = 1+
Pasym ≈ Xk=1
(32) k,F n χk γ̄P
n=1 t=0
 Fγ RS , if P → ∞, s
k=1  m λ nm λ γ 
2(−1)n bnt 1 E,k 2 D,k th
× K m M −t 2 ,
where Fγ RS and Fγ RS are given, respectively, as
k,F k,N
0(m1 M )nt 1 χk γ̄P
2 −1
mX m λ m λ γ  m1 M +t
2 Nk n(m 2 −1)
Nk (−1) bt 0(m3 L + t)
n n
1 E,k 2 D,k th 2

Fγ RS = 1−
0(m1 M )t! χk γ̄P Fγ DbRS = 1 +
n 0(m3 L)(m3 λI ,k )−m3 L
t=0 k,N
s n=1 t=0
 m λ γ t  nm2 λD,k γth −m3 L−t
m1 λE,k m2 λD,k γth
2 D,k th
× Km1 M −t 2 , (33) × m3 λI ,k + .
χk γ̄P γ̄I γ̄I
2 −1
mX (40)
0(m3 L + t)(m3 λI ,k γ̄I )m3 L (m2 λD,k γth )t
Fγ RS = 1− . Proof: The proof of Theorem 6 is in Appendix E.
k,N t!0(m3 L)(m2 λD,k γth + m3 λI ,k γ̄I )m3 L+t
In this subsection, we derive close-form expressions for the
Proof: The proof of Theorem 4 is in Appendix C. ergodic capacity of the proposed schemes in far scenario
which implies that the considered system is operating on
2) INTERFERENCE CHANNEL BASED RELAY SELECTION non-cognitive radio mode. Moreover, the ergodic capacity
In IbRS scheme, when the PR is located very far from the analysis in far scenario can be seen as the upper bound
multi-hop network in far scenario, the interference links may capacity performance of the proposed cognitive system. The
disappear resulting in the inactivity of relay selection crite- ergodic capacity of the secondary multi-hop network can be
rion (7) on the far scenario. Thus, asymptotic analysis of IbRS defined as [16]
scheme in far scenario is similar to that of the RS scheme 1−α
which will be presented in the following Theorem. CSch = E[log2 (1 + γe2e )]
Theorem 5: The asymptotic expression for the OP of IbRS
Z +∞
1 − Fγe2e (x)
scheme with near and far scenarios can be derived as = dx (41)
XK K log(2) 0 1+x
 Fγ IbRS , if Ip → ∞, where Fγe2e (x) denotes the CDF of the end-to-end SNR of
Pasym ≈ Xk=1 K
(35) multi-hop network. Based on the min-cut max-flow theo-
 Fγ IbRS , if P → ∞, rem [33], [34], the end-to-end capacity of the system can not
k=1 k,N

VOLUME 7, 2019 154607

T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

be larger than that of each individual link, which can be upper 3) DATA CHANNEL BASED RELAY SELECTION
bounded as Theorem 8: The asymptotic closed-form expression for
Up 1−α the ergodic capacity of the DbRS scheme over Nakagami-m
CSch ≤ CSch = min E[log2 (1 + γkSch )], (42)
K k=1,...,K fading channels can be devised as
Up Up
where CSch is the upper bound ergodic capacity of the CDbRS = min (CkDbRS ), (49)
proposed schemes. k=1,...,K

Theorem 7: The asymptotic closed-form expression for n(m 2 −1)X
Nk (−1)n n−t−1 bnt (1 − α)
the ergodic capacity of the RS scheme over Nakagami-m CkDbRS = −
n K ln(2)0(m1 M )m1 λE,k
fading channels can be devised as t=0 n=1
χk γ̄P 1,3 χk γ̄P
−m1 M −t 0
CRS = min (CkRS ), (43) × G .
k=1,...,K m2 λD,k 3,1 m1 λE,k nm2 λD,k 0
where (50)
2 −1
(1 − α)χk γ̄P Proof: The ergodic capacity of each individual link in
CkRS =
t!K log(2)0(m1 M )m1 λE,k m2 λD,k secondary multi-hop network can be expressed as
χk γ̄P
−m1 M −t 0 1−α
Z +∞ 1 − Fγ DbRS (x)
× G1,3
3,1 m λ . (44) CkDbRS = k,F
dx. (51)
1 E,k m2 λD,k 0
K log(2) 1+x
Proof: The ergodic capacity of each individual link in
multi-hop secondary network can be expressed as Plugging (39), i.e., with respect to x, into (51), it follows that
Z +∞ 1 − F RS (x)
1−α γk,F n(m 2 −1) X
Nk 2(1 − α)bnt n−t
CkRS =
dx. (45) CkDbRS =− (−1) n
K log(2) 0 1+x n K log(2)0(m1 M )
t=0 n=1
Plugging (33), i.e., with respect to x, into (45), it follows that  m1 M +t
+∞ m1 λE,k nm2 λD,k x
1 2
mX2 −1 ×
2(1 − α)
Z +∞
1 1+x χk γ̄P
CkRS = 0
t!K log(2)0(m1 M ) 0 1+x  s
m1 λE,k nm2 λD,k x

 m1 M +t × Km1 M −t 2 dx. (52)
m1 λE,k m2 λD,k x χk γ̄P

χk γ̄P
 s By applying (47) into (52), along with the help of [27,
m1 λE,k m2 λD,k x Eq. (7.821.3)], we obtain CkDbRS as (50). The proof is

× Km1 M −t 2 dx. (46)
χk γ̄P concluded.
The integral in (46) can be solved by using the following
equation [27, Eq. (]
In this subsection, we derive closed-form expressions for the
1  0
average BER of proposed schemes over Nakagami-m fading
= G1,1
1,1 x 0 . (47)
1+x channels. Instead of using the well-know moment generating
Substituting (47) into (46) with the help of [27, Eq. (7.821.3)], function, we adopt an alternative approach for the calculation
we obtain CkRS as (44). The proof is concluded. of the average BER that shows its simplicity and tractability.
By invoking a general form of average BER from [35, Eq. 20]
2) INTERFERENCE CHANNEL BASED RELAY SELECTION for the proposed multi-hop network as follows:
In this scheme, the asymptotic expression for the OP in far √ Z
scenario is similar to that of RS scheme, as shown in (36). θ ϑ +∞ exp(−bx)
BERSch = √ √ Fe2e (x)dx, (53)
Therefore, the ergodic capacity of each individual link in 2 π 0 x
IbRS scheme is the same as RS scheme, which was calculated where θ and ϑ are modulation-specific constants. Such mod-
as (44). The end-to-end ergodic capacity of IbRS scheme and ulation parameters include binary phase-shift keying modula-
can be obtained by the following corollary. tion (BPSK) (θ = 1, ϑ = 1), or binary frequency shift keying
Corollary 1: The ergodic capacity of IbRS scheme in far (BFSK) (θ = 1, ϑ = 0.5) [35].
scenario can be expressed as
Theorem 9: The asymptotic closed-form expression for
where CkIbRS = CkRS . the average BER of the RS scheme over Nakagami-m fading

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channels can be devised as Corollary 2: The asymptotic closed-form expression for

Up the average BER of IbRS scheme in far scenario can be
BERRS expressed as
2 −1
K mX
√ K X 0(1/2 + m1 M )0(1/2 + t)

Up Up
≈θ ϑ − √ BERIbRS = BERRS , (58)
2 2t!0(m1 M ) π
k=1 t=0
 m λ m λ  m1 M +t−1 m λ m λ  where BERRS is expressed as (54).
1 E,k 2 D,k 2 1 E,k 2 D,k
× exp
χk γ̄P 2χk γ̄P
1 E,k 2 D,k
× W− m1 M +t , m1 M −t . (54) Theorem 10: The asymptotic closed-form expression for
2 2 χk γ̄P the average BER of the DbRS scheme over Nakagami-m
Up fading channels can be devised as
Proof: By using (33), we rewrite the CDF of Fe2e,RS (x)
under the following form Up
Up Nk n(m
K X 2 −1) 
Fe2e,RS (x) √ K X Nk (−1)n bnt
≈θ ϑ +
K mX2 −1 m M +t 2 n 20(m1 M )
X 2  m1 λE,k m2 λD,k x  1 2 k=1 n=1 t=0
t! χk γ̄P  m λ nm λ  m1 M +t−1
1 E,k 2 D,k 2
k=1 t=0 × 0(1/2 + m1 M )
χk γ̄P
m1 λE,k m2 λD,k x
× Km1 M −t 2 . (55)  m λ nm λ  n−t
1 E,k 2 D,k
0(m1 M ) χk γ̄P × 0(1/2 + t) exp √
2χk γ̄P π
Substituting (55) into (53), which yields  m λ nm λ  
1 E,k 2 D,k
× W− m1 M +t , m1 M −t . (59)
Up 2 2 χk γ̄P
√ K m2 −1 √ Up
Proof: By using (39), the CDF of Fe2e,DbRS (x) can be
θ ϑK X X θ ϑ
= − √ expressed under the following form
2 t!0(m1 M ) π
k=1 t=0
 m λ m λ  m1 M +t Z ∞ m1 M +t−1 K n(m 2 −1) X
Up n Nk
1 E,k 2 D,k 2
x 2 Fe2e,DbRS (x) =K+ (−1) 2bnt
χk γ̄P 0 k=1 t=0
m1 λE,k m2 λD,k x  m λ nm λ x  m1 M +t

1 E,k 2 D,k 2
× exp(−x)Km1 M −t 2 dx. (56) ×
χk γ̄P 0(m1 M ) χk γ̄P
√ m1 λE,k nm2 λD,k x

By changing variable y = x, equation (56) can be × Km1 M −t 2 . (60)
expressed as χk γ̄P
Up Substituting (60) into (53), which yields
√ K m2 −1 √ Up

θ ϑK Nk  (−1)n bnt
θ ϑK X X θ ϑ
PK Pn(m2 −1) PNk
BERDbRS = 2 + k=1 t=0 n=1 n 0(m1 M )
= − √ √
2 t!0(m1 M ) π n−t θ ϑ  m1 M +t R
m1 λE,k nm2 λD,k m1 M +t−1

k=1 t=0 2 ∞
× √ χk γ̄P x 2
 m λ m λ  m1 M +t Z ∞
1 E,k 2 D,k 2 π 0
× ym1 M +t  q 
χk γ̄P 0 × exp(−x)
m λ nm λ x
Km1 M −t 2 1 E,kχk γ̄P2 D,k dx. (61)
1 λE,k m2 λD,k

× exp(−y2 )Km1 M −t 2y dy. (57) √
χk γ̄P By changing variable y = x, equation (61) can be
expressed as
By applying [27, Eq. (6.631.3)] for the corresponding inte-
grals in (57), we can obtain the desired result as (54), and √ K m2 −1 XNk   n √
Up θ ϑK X X n Nk 2bt θ ϑ
finish the proof here. BERDbRS = + (−1)
2 n 0(m1 M )
k=1 t=0 n=1
m M +t Z ∞
×√ ym1 M +t
In this scheme, the asymptotic expression for the OP in far π χk γ̄P 0
scenario is similar to that of RS scheme resulting in the  s
m1 λE,k nm2 λD,k

same analytical result for average BER. Thus, the end-to- 2
× exp(−y )Km1 M −t 2y dy.
end average BER of IbRS scheme and can be obtained by χk γ̄P
the following corollary. (62)

VOLUME 7, 2019 154609

T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

FIGURE 3. Average transmit power versus Pk,i , and the system OP versus γ̄P and γ̄I .

By applying [27, Eq. (6.631.3)] for the corresponding inte-

grals in (62), we can obtain the desired result as (59). The
proof is concluded.


In this section, we present illustrative numerical examples
for the achievable performance of the proposed relay selec-
tion schemes. Monte-Carlo simulations results are also pro-
vided to verify the analytical expressions. We consider a
bi-dimensional plane, where the distance between sources
and destinations as 10 meters, i.e., dSD = 10 m, the reference
distance as 1 meter, i.e., d0 = 1 m, and the pathloss at d0
is L = −30 dB. The position of S, Rk,i , D, PBm and
PR are (0, 0), (k/K , 0), (10, 0), (7.0, 5.0) and (7.0, −5.0),
respectively. Unless otherwise stated, we set in all simulations
the pathloss exponent β = 3, the shape parameters m1 = 2,
m2 = 2 and m3 = 2, the energy conversion efficiency
FIGURE 4. Effects of number of antennas at PR on the system OP with
η = 0.8, the target data rate Rth = 1 bits/s/Hz, the number γ̄I = 25 dB and γ̄P = 10 dB.
of antennas at PR L = 2, the number of antennas at PB
M = 3, number of hops K = 6, and the number of relays
in each cluster Nk = 2, and the noise variance is normalized of average SNR γ̄P is varied while that of γ̄I is fixed.
as σ 2 = 1. As expected, when the average SNR γ̄P is increased, the OP
We first present the proposed harvest and accumulate of all schemes is significantly improved. The reason is that
energy model by plotting the average transmit power in mW increasing the average SNR can provide higher energy har-
for the six-hop in secondary multi-hop network as shown vested at communication nodes for supporting data trans-
in Fig. 3. As can be observed, the average transmit power mission. At the high range of γ̄P , the OP of all schemes
at each relay node is monotonically increasing indicating are converged to their error-floor levels. This results can
that the latter relay nodes have more opportunities to harvest be explained by considering the fact that when γ̄P is large
and accumulate energies to guarantee their data transmission. enough, the transmit power at each secondary node in (4) is
This results are consistent with the original intention of the the upper bounded by the peak interference power constraint
proposed energy model which is analyzed in (1). It also Ip which also confirms the accurate analytical approaches of
ensures that the relay nodes are sufficient energy to perform the near scenario in Subsection III-B. In Fig. 3c, we vary
data transmission subject to the minimum power constraint in the value of γ̄I while the average SNR γ̄I is fixed. The
cognitive wireless powered relaying networks. DbRS scheme again shows its superiority over other exist-
We now study the system outage performance of all ing schemes. At high value of γ̄I , all schemes converge to
schemes versus γ̄P in dB as shown in Fig. 3b. The value their outage floors, which correctly validates the performance

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T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

than 4, the system OP in far scenario is a function of L while

on the other hands, when L becomes large, i.e. L is greater
than 4, the system OP in near scenario is a function of L.
A similar observation can be found in RS and IbRS schemes.
These asymptotic results can reduce much complexity to
make the system simpler to implement in the practice, and
are excellently suitable for network planning and design.
A further conclusion can be confirmed in Figs. 3b, 3c, and 4
that the DbRS scheme outperforms IbRS scheme, which in
turns outperforms RS scheme. Thus, we turn our focus to
the effects of related parameters on the performance of DbRS
scheme in the following figures to provide some interesting
insights into the system characteristics and behaviors.
Fig. 5 plots the system OP as a function of the num-
ber of relays, Nk , and the number of hops, K . As can be
observed, the improvement of the system OP will be pro-
FIGURE 5. Effects of Nk and K on the OP of DbRS scheme with γ̄I = 20 dB
portional to the number of relays in each cluster since more
and γ̄P = 3 dB. relays taking part in relay selection process can improve
the end-to-end SNR. Moreover, the system OP is a con-
analysis approaches of the far scenario. It can be further vex function of K and there exists an optimal number of
noticed that DbRS and IbRS schemes require more CSI hops that minimizes the system OP. For example, the opti-
estimations than that of RS one, which causes slight com- mal number of hops is 5 for DbRS scheme with any value
plexity for implementing in practice. However, DbRS and of Nk . Specifically, the system performance is degraded when
IbRS schemes provide the better reception reliability com- the number of hops is increased due to the pathloss effect,
pared to RS scheme. In addition, Fig. 3b and Fig. 3c also as expected.
present that the theoretical and simulation results are in excel- Fig. 6a investigates the effects of the time switching α on
lent agreement confirming the correctness of our derivation the system outage performance. As can be observed, the tar-
approach. get data rate Rth impacts significantly on the system perfor-
We now shift our focus to the effect of number of antennas mance and there exists optimum values of α that minimizes
at PR, L, on the system OP as shown in Fig. 4. As can be the system OP. Specifically, when Rth are set to 0.1, 0.3, 0.6,
observed, when L is large, the OP of secondary multi-hop and 1.0 bps/Hz, the optimum values are changed approxi-
network is gradually increased and convergences to that of mately 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.37, respectively. This results can
the near scenario. An interesting observation drawn from this be explained by considering the fact that when the target data
figure is that the system performance trends and behaviors are rate is increased, the secondary multi-hop network requires
completely unfolded through the asymptotic results. Particu- more time for data transmission resulting the decrease of
larly, in DbRS scheme, when L is relatively small, i.e. L is less energy harvesting time.

FIGURE 6. Effects of related parameters on the system outage probability.

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T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

FIGURE 7. Exact ergodic capacity of three schemes and its corresponding upper bound versus γ̄P and γ̄I in dB.

FIGURE 8. Average BER of three schemes and its corresponding upper bound against γ̄P and γ̄I in dB.

We now direct our attention to the effect of number of In Fig. 6c, the PR placement also imposes considerable
antennas at PB on the system outage performance under effects on the system outage performance. As can be seen,
different PB placement scenarios as shown in Fig. 6b. As can when PR is located father away from secondary multi-hop
be observed, the enhancement of system OP is proportional network, the system OP is enhanced because the transmit
to the number of antennas at PB. Deploying more antennas at power at each relay in (4) now is the upper bounded by the
the PB can provide higher energy radiation resulting in more harvested power constraint PEk and can be increased propor-
energy harvested at communication nodes for supporting data tionally to PEk without interfering to PR. However, the system
transmission. Moreover, when the position of PB is gradually OP is converged to different outage floors in high γ̄P because
far away from multi-hop network, the system performance is the transmit power of each relay is constrained by (4) with the
degraded due to the pathloss effect. Finally, the outage floors upper bounded by the interference Ip .
occur in all PB placement scenarios because the transmit Figs. 7a and 7b show the ergodic capacity (EC) of each
power of each relay transmitter is always constrained as (4). scheme versus γ̄P and γ̄I in dB, respectively. Again, the DbRS

154612 VOLUME 7, 2019

T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

shows its superior compared to that of IbRS and RS schemes. multi-hop relaying system could be a promising scheme for
As shown in 7a, the IbRS scheme outperforms RS scheme future wireless sensor networks to enhance the system per-
in the relative high average SNRs γ̄P while they have the formance and extend the network coverage.
same EC performance at low region of γ̄P . The reason is
that the maximum transmit power at each relay node in (4) is APPENDIX A
the upper bound by γ̄P and be unaffected by the interference PROOF OF THEOREM 1
channel based relay selection in IbRS scheme resulting in the We start the proof by considering the OP of the RS scheme
same capacity performance. On the other hand, the transmit which can be rewritten from (11) as
power at each relay node is the upper bound by γ̄I and the
interference channel based relay selection in IbRS scheme K
shows its advantage compared to the RS scheme in Fig. 7b. Pout =1− 1 − Fγ RS (γth ) (63)
Moreover, the asymptotic results indicate the tightness upper k=1
bound for the ergodic capacity of each scheme in the far
scenario confirming the correctness of our approximation For
PM the sake 2of notational convenience, let XP= kgk k2 =
2 L 2
approaches. Specifically, the upper bound of DbRS gets m=1 |gm,k,i | , Y = |hk,i∗ ,j | and Z = l=1 |fk,i∗ ,l | .
tighter than that of IbRS and RS schemes. For example, From (6), the CDF of γk can be written as

in Fig. 7a, the gaps between these upper bounds in IbRS and
DbRS schemes at 15 dB are about 1.25 and 2 dB, respectively. Fγ RS(γth ) = Pr[χk γ̄P X < γ̄I /Z , χk γ̄P XY < γth ]
k | {z }
Figs. 8a and 8b sketch the average BER performance of I1
the proposed schemes for the BPSK modulation against the + Pr[χk γ̄P X > γ̄I /Z , γ̄I Y /Z < γth ] . (64)
average SNR γ̄P and γ̄I , respectively. As can be observed,
| {z }
average BER results are the counterpart of the ergodic capac-
ity results shown in Fig. 7. The asymptotic results are also In order to obtain Fγ RS(γth ), we need to calculate I1 and I2 .
plotted to validate correctly the average BER behavior of all We first consider I1 which can be rewritten as
schemes in the far scenario. As expected, when γ̄P or γ̄I is
γ̄I   γth 
Z ∞ 
increased, the average BER performance is improved. Partic-
I1 = FZ FY fX (x)dx, (65)
ularly, in Fig. 8a, at very low value of γ̄P , the transmit power 0 χk γ̄P x χk γ̄P x
in (4) is very small resulting in large BER. For example,
at γ̄P = −25 dB, the average BER values of DbRS and IbRS Recalling that X is the summation of M i.i.d. gamma
schemes are about 0.0125 and 0.08 for BPSK, respectively. distributed random variables (RVs), thus it follows the
When γ̄P is high enough, the transmit power is constrained chi-square distribution. Assuming m1 integer, the PDF and
by the minimum value in (4) resulting in the convergence of CDF of X are given, respectively, as [36]
average BER to an error-floor. A similar observation can also
be found for all schemes at high value of γ̄I in Fig. 8b, where (m1 λE,k )m1 M x m1 M −1
fX (x) = exp(−m1 λE,k x), (66)
the asymptotic results are served as the upper bounds of the 0(m1 M )
end-to-end average BER. Finally, BER performance is also a m1XM −1
(m1 λE,k x)t
function of γ̄P and γ̄I at their high regions. FX (x) = 1 − exp(−m1 λE,k x) . (67)
In this paper, we proposed the interference and data channels Similar to the distribution of X , Z is the summation of L
based relay selections to improve the end-to-end performance i.i.d. gamma distributed RVs; thus, the PDF and CDF of Z
for cognitive wireless powered multi-hop relaying networks are given, respectively, as
in terms of outage probability, ergodic capacity and average
(m3 λI ,k )m3 L x m3 L−1
BER over Nakagami-m fading channels. Particularly, the out- fZ (x) = exp(−m3 λI ,k x), (68)
age performance results were analyzed under two practical 0(m3 L)
3 L−1
scenarios such as near and far scenarios, providing simple (m3 λI ,k x)t
forms of analysis suitable for network planning and design. FZ (x) = 1 − exp(−m3 λI ,k x) . (69)
The numerical results presented that the data channel based v=0
relay selection, i.e., DbRS scheme, always outperformed
Then, plugging FZ (·), fX (·), and the CDF of Y , i.e.,
interference channel based relay selection, i.e., IbRS scheme,
which by its turn outperformed RS scheme for the same 2 −1
channel setting. Moreover, the secondary multi-hop network (m2 λD,k x)u
FY (x) = 1 − exp(−m2 λD,k x) , (70)
performance was improved by appropriately designing the u!
target data rate, time switching ratio, number of relays in
each cluster, the number of antennas at PB and PR and their into (65), along with the help of [27, Eq. (3.471.9)] and after
placements. Finally, the proposed cognitive wireless powered some manipulations, the closed-form expression of I1 can be

VOLUME 7, 2019 154613

T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

obtained as Plugging (69) into (74) which yields

Nk mX
3 L−1
2 −1
mX (m3 λI ,k x)v

2  m λ m λ γ  m1 M +u Y
I1 = 1 −
1 E,k 2 D,k th 2
FZi (x) = 1 − exp(−m3 λI ,k Nk x)
∗ .
0(m1 M )u! χk γ̄P i=1
 m λ m λ γ  mX 3 L−1
1 E,k 2 D,k th 2
× Km1 M −u 2 − By using [27, Eq. 0.314], the CDF of Zi∗ can be obtained
χk γ̄P v!
v=0 as (15). Next, we derive the PDF of Zi∗ by firstly rewriting
m M +v
m1 λE,k m3 λI ,k γ̄I  1 2

1 its CDF from (74) in the form as
0(m1 M ) χk γ̄P Nk 
γ (m3 L, m3 λI ,k x)
 m λ m λ γ̄  mX 2 −1 FZi∗ (x) = 1 − 1− (76)
× Km1 M −v 2
1 E,k 3 I ,k I

1 0(m3 L)
χk γ̄P u!
u=0 By taking the derivative of (76), we obtain the PDF of Zi∗ as
 m λ  m1 M +v+u (m λ γ̄ + m λ γ ) m1 M2−v−u
1 E,k 2 3 I ,k I 2 D,k th k −1 
γ (m3 L, m3 λI ,k x) Nk (m3 λI ,k )m3 L

χk γ̄P (m3 λI ,k γ̄I )−v (m2 λD,k γth )−u fZi∗ (x) = 1−
s 0(m3 L) 0(m3 L)
 m λ (m λ γ̄ + m λ γ )  i=1
1 E,k 3 I ,k I 2 D,k th
× Km1 M −v−u 2 . ×x m3 L−1
exp(−m3 λI ,k x)
χk γ̄P
k −1  mX
NY 3 L−1
(m3 λI ,k x)v Nk (m3 λI ,k )m3 L

v! 0(m3 L)
i=1 v=0
We are now in a position to derive I2 , which can be rewrit-
ten under the form as × x m3 L−1 exp(−m3 λI ,k Nk x). (77)
Z ∞h  γ̄ i γ x
I th
Again, we apply [27, Eq. 0.314] for (77), the PDF of Zi∗ can
I2= 1 − FX FY fZ (x)dx. (72) be obtained as (16). The proof of Lemma 1 is concluded.
0 χk γ̄P x γ̄I
Substituting FX (·), fZ (·) and FY (·) into (72), along with the APPENDIX C
help of [27, Eq. (3.471.9)] and after some manipulations, PROOF OF THEOREM 4
I2 can be obtained as We first consider the asymptotic expressions
Q for the kOP of RS
scheme by making use of the fact that K k=1 (1 − x ) ≈ 1 −
M −1
m1X m L+t PK
m1 λE,k m3 λI ,k γ̄I  3 2

2 k=1 xk for small xk . From (63), the asymptotic expression
I2 = 1 −
0(m3 L)t! χk γ̄P for the OP of RS scheme can be asymptotically expressed as
s K
 m λ m λ γ̄  mX 2 −1 X
1 E,k 3 I ,k I 1 RS
Pasym ≈ Fγ RS (γth ). (78)
× Km3 L−t 2 −
χk γ̄P
u! k=1
m λ  m3 L+u+t t−m3 L−u Next, we consider the far scenario with Ip → ∞. From (31),
(m3 λI ,k γ̄I + m2 λD,k γth ) 2
1 E,k 2
the transmit power is approximated as Pk ≈ χk Pkgk k2 ,
χk γ̄P (m3 λI ,k γ̄I )−m3 L (m2 λD,k γth )−u and the instantaneous SNR can be expressed as γk,F RS =
s PM
 m λ (m λ γ̄ + m λ γ ) 
1 E,k 3 I ,k I 2 D,k th χk γ̄P kgk k |hk,i∗ ,j∗ | . Let X = kgk k = m=1 |gm,k,i |2 and
2 2 2
× Km3 L+u−t 2 . Y = |hk,i∗ ,j |2 , the CDF of γk,FRS can be calculated as
χk γ̄P
Z ∞ 
Fγ RS (γth ) = FY fX (x)dx, (79)
0 χk γ̄P x
Finally, by substituting I1 and I2 into (64), we can obtain the
Plugging FY (·) and fX (·) into (79), along with the help of [27,
desired OP as (12). The proof of Theorem 1 is concluded.
Eq. (3.471.9)], we can obtain the desired result as (33).
For the near scenario withP P → ∞, the transmit power
is approximated as Pk ≈ γ̄I / Ll=1 |fk,i,l |2 , and the instanta-
PROOF OF LEMMA 1 RS = γ̄ |h ∗ ∗ |2 /PL |f
neous SNR is expressed as γk,N I k,i ,j
l=1 k,i,l | .
The CDF of Xi∗ can be rewritten as PL
Let Z = l=1 |fk,i∗ ,l | , the CDF of γk,N can be calculated as
2 RS
min Zi < x γth x 
Z ∞ 
FZi∗ (x) = Pr
i=1,...,Nk Fγ RS (γth ) = FY fZ (x)dx, (80)
0 γ̄I
= 1 − Pr min Zi > x
i=1,...,Nk Plugging FY (·) and fZ (·) into (80), and after some algebraic
Y manipulations, we can obtain the desired result as (34).
= 1− [1−FZi (x)]. (74) From Fγ RS (γth ) and Fγ RS (γth ) and plugging them into (78),
k,F k,N
i=1 we obtain the results as (32). The proof is concluded.

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T.-V. Nguyen, B. An: Cognitive Multihop Wireless Powered Relaying Networks Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

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154616 VOLUME 7, 2019

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