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1 Question: Define the following: Sustainability, engineering, sustainable engineering, green economy,

low carbon economy, eco efficiency, linear economy, systems thinking

1. Sustainability: Sustainability refers to the ability to meet the needs of the present generation
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves a
balance between environmental, social, and economic factors to ensure long-term well-being
and resilience.
2. Engineering: Engineering is the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design
and develop technology, systems, and products that meet human needs.
3. Sustainable engineering: Sustainable engineering is the practice of designing, developing, and
implementing engineering solutions that are environmentally, socially, and economically
sustainable. It involves integrating sustainable principles into the design process to reduce
environmental impact, enhance social equity, and promote economic viability.
4. Green economy: The green economy refers to an economic system that is based on sustainable
principles, where economic growth is achieved through investments in environmentally friendly
technologies, products, and services.
5. Low carbon economy: A low carbon economy is an economic system that is based on reducing
carbon emissions and transitioning to renewable energy sources. It involves decoupling
economic growth from carbon emissions by promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy, and
low-carbon technologies.
6. Eco-efficiency: Eco-efficiency refers to the efficient use of resources and materials in production
and consumption processes to minimize environmental impact while maximizing economic
7. Linear economy: A linear economy is a traditional economic model based on the "take-make-
dispose" approach, where resources are extracted, processed, and disposed of at the end of
their useful life. It is a linear and unsustainable model that generates waste and pollution.
8. Systems thinking: Systems thinking is an approach to problem-solving that focuses on
understanding the interconnectedness of different elements within a system. It involves
analyzing the relationships between different components of a system to identify the root
causes of problems and design solutions that address the system as a whole.

2 Question: 2. Discuss the need and importance of sustainable engineering and development by considering
examples of your choice

Sustainable engineering and development are crucial in addressing the global challenges of
environmental degradation, resource depletion, and social inequality. The need for sustainable
engineering is particularly urgent as the world population continues to grow, placing increasing
demands on the planet's resources and exacerbating environmental issues such as climate

One example of the need and importance of sustainable engineering and development is the
construction industry. The construction industry is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse
gas emissions, consuming vast amounts of energy and natural resources in the process.
Buildings account for around 40% of global energy consumption and 33% of greenhouse gas

Sustainable engineering and development can help to address these issues by designing and
constructing buildings that are energy-efficient, use renewable energy sources, and minimize
waste and environmental impact. For example, the use of green building materials, such as
recycled steel and wood, can reduce the environmental impact of construction while also
promoting sustainable forestry and waste reduction.

Another example is the use of smart building technologies, such as sensors and automation
systems, to optimize energy use and reduce waste. These technologies can help to reduce
energy consumption by up to 30% while also improving occupant comfort and productivity.

In addition to environmental benefits, sustainable engineering and development also offer

economic and social benefits. The use of sustainable building materials and technologies can
reduce operating costs and increase the value of buildings, while also promoting social equity
and improving quality of life for building occupants.

In conclusion, the need and importance of sustainable engineering and development cannot be
overstated. The construction industry is just one example where sustainable engineering can
help to address environmental, social, and economic challenges. By adopting sustainable
principles in engineering and development, we can create a more resilient and equitable world
for current and future generations.

3 Q : List the nine planetary boundaries

The planetary boundaries framework identifies nine key Earth system processes and thresholds
that, if crossed, could lead to catastrophic and irreversible environmental change. The nine
planetary boundaries are:

1. Climate Change - The boundary for climate change is a global mean temperature increase of
2°C above pre-industrial levels. This is the limit beyond which the risk of dangerous and
irreversible impacts, such as sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and ecosystem collapse,
increases significantly.
2. Biodiversity Loss - The boundary for biodiversity loss is the rate of species extinction. The
boundary is set at 10 times the natural rate of extinction, which is estimated to be 1-10 species
per million species per year.
3. Biogeochemical Cycles - The boundary for biogeochemical cycles includes the nitrogen and
phosphorus cycles, which are essential for life but can lead to environmental problems when
they become imbalanced. The boundary is set at a level that avoids perturbations to the
nitrogen and phosphorus cycles that could lead to environmental damage.
4. Ocean Acidification - The boundary for ocean acidification is a reduction in the pH of the oceans
by 0.2 units. This is the limit beyond which the risk of significant impacts on marine ecosystems,
such as coral reefs, increases.
5. Land Use Change - The boundary for land use change is the extent of human modification of
ecosystems, including deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture. The boundary is set at a level
that maintains the ecological functions of ecosystems and the services they provide.
6. Freshwater Use - The boundary for freshwater use is the rate of water consumption by humans
and the environment. The boundary is set at a level that maintains the ecological functions of
freshwater ecosystems and the services they provide.
7. Atmospheric Aerosols - The boundary for atmospheric aerosols includes small particles
suspended in the atmosphere that can have impacts on air quality and climate. The boundary is
set at a level that avoids significant impacts on human health and the environment.
8. Chemical Pollution - The boundary for chemical pollution includes synthetic chemicals that can
have negative impacts on human health and the environment. The boundary is set at a level that
avoids significant impacts on human health and the environment.
9. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion - The boundary for stratospheric ozone depletion includes the
reduction in the concentration of ozone in the stratosphere, which protects the Earth from
harmful UV radiation. The boundary is set at a level that avoids significant impacts on human
health and the environment.

4. Discuss the 17 Sustainable development goals with relevant examples:

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 interconnected goals established by
the United Nations in 2015 to address some of the world's most pressing economic, social, and
environmental challenges. Each goal has specific targets and indicators to measure progress
towards achieving a sustainable and equitable future for all. Here are the 17 SDGs with relevant

1. No Poverty - End poverty in all its forms everywhere. Example: Increase access to financial
services for people living in poverty to help them start small businesses or save for emergencies.
2. Zero Hunger - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote
sustainable agriculture. Example: Promote sustainable agriculture practices that conserve natural
resources and reduce food waste.
3. Good Health and Well-being - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Example: Improve access to affordable and quality health care, especially in rural or remote
4. Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong
learning opportunities for all. Example: Increase access to education for girls and women to
promote gender equality and reduce poverty.
5. Gender Equality - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Example: Promote
equal pay for women and men in the workplace and increase women's participation in
leadership positions.
6. Clean Water and Sanitation - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and
sanitation for all. Example: Improve access to clean water and sanitation facilities in areas
affected by water scarcity or poor water quality.
7. Affordable and Clean Energy - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern
energy for all. Example: Increase the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and
hydropower to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth - Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic
growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. Example: Increase investment
in infrastructure development to create job opportunities and support economic growth.
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and
sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation. Example: Develop sustainable and eco-
friendly transport systems to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.
10. Reduced Inequalities - Reduce inequality within and among countries. Example: Promote
policies and practices that reduce income inequality and improve social mobility.
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe,
resilient, and sustainable. Example: Promote green urban planning and design to reduce urban
heat island effects, air pollution, and energy consumption.
12. Responsible Consumption and Production - Ensure sustainable consumption and production
patterns. Example: Reduce waste generation and promote the recycling and reuse of materials
to conserve natural resources and reduce environmental impacts.
13. Climate Action - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Example:
Increase investment in renewable energy sources and energy-efficient technologies to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.
14. Life Below Water - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for
sustainable development. Example: Promote sustainable fishing practices and protect marine
ecosystems from pollution and overexploitation.
15. Life on Land - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
manage forests, combat desertification, and halt biodiversity loss. Example: Promote
agroforestry practices that improve soil quality, reduce deforestation, and support biodiversity
16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable
development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive
institutions at all levels. Example: Strengthen democratic institutions and promote human rights
to promote social justice and reduce social conflict.
17. Partnerships for the Goals - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global
partnership for sustainable development. Example: Foster cross-sectoral

5. Discuss the relation between sustainable development and engineering profession

Sustainable development and engineering are closely related because engineers play a crucial
role in designing and implementing solutions to promote sustainable development. Here are
some key points to consider in relation to the intersection between sustainable development
and engineering:
1. Sustainable development requires the integration of social, economic, and environmental
considerations. Engineers have the expertise to design and implement solutions that balance
these considerations and promote sustainable development.
2. Engineers have a responsibility to consider the long-term impacts of their designs and
technologies. Sustainable development emphasizes the need for solutions that are resilient,
adaptable, and capable of meeting the needs of present and future generations.
3. Sustainable development requires innovation and creativity to develop new technologies and
solutions. Engineers are at the forefront of innovation, and their expertise is critical for
developing sustainable solutions to complex problems.
4. Engineering education can play a role in promoting sustainable development by emphasizing
the importance of sustainability principles and practices. Engineers who are trained in
sustainable design principles can incorporate these principles into their work and promote
sustainable development in their profession.
5. Sustainable development requires collaboration across different sectors and disciplines.
Engineers can work with stakeholders from different fields to design and implement sustainable
solutions that meet the needs of diverse communities.
6. Sustainable development requires a systems thinking approach, which considers the
interconnections between different elements of a system. Engineers have the expertise to design
and implement solutions that address the complex and interrelated challenges of sustainable

In summary, the engineering profession has a critical role to play in promoting sustainable
development. Engineers have the expertise to design and implement solutions that balance
social, economic, and environmental considerations and promote sustainability. By incorporating
sustainability principles into their work, engineers can contribute to a more sustainable and
equitable future for all.

6. Discuss the key attributes of graduate engineer

Graduate engineers are individuals who have completed a formal engineering education and are
entering the workforce as professionals. Here are some key attributes that are important for a
graduate engineer to possess:

1. Strong technical skills: Graduate engineers should have a solid foundation in the technical
aspects of their field, including mathematics, physics, and engineering principles. They should be
able to apply these skills to solve complex problems and design innovative solutions.
2. Communication skills: Graduate engineers should be able to communicate technical information
clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing. They should be able to explain complex
technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders and work collaboratively with colleagues from
different disciplines.
3. Analytical and critical thinking skills: Graduate engineers should be able to analyze information,
evaluate options, and make decisions based on evidence and logical reasoning. They should be
able to think creatively and critically to solve problems and develop new ideas.
4. Teamwork and collaboration: Graduate engineers should be able to work effectively in teams,
contribute to group discussions, and collaborate with colleagues from different backgrounds
and disciplines. They should be able to communicate their ideas clearly and respectfully and be
open to constructive feedback.
5. Professionalism and ethics: Graduate engineers should demonstrate a commitment to
professional ethics and integrity. They should be accountable for their actions and decisions,
and be responsible stewards of the resources and trust placed in them by society.
6. Adaptability and lifelong learning: Graduate engineers should be adaptable and open to
learning new skills and technologies throughout their careers. They should be willing to embrace
change and continuous improvement to remain competitive and contribute to the advancement
of their field.

In summary, a successful graduate engineer should possess a combination of strong technical

skills, communication skills, analytical and critical thinking skills, teamwork and collaboration
abilities, professionalism and ethics, and adaptability and a lifelong learning mindset. By
developing these key attributes, graduate engineers can establish a strong foundation for a
successful and fulfilling career in engineering.

7. Explain factor 4 and factor 10 w.r.t sustainability

Factor 4 and Factor 10 are sustainability concepts that aim to reduce the impact of human
activities on the environment by increasing resource efficiency.

Factor 4 refers to the concept of reducing the consumption of natural resources by a factor of
four, while maintaining or increasing the standard of living. This means that the same level of
economic activity can be achieved with one-fourth of the resources that are currently being
used. The idea is to achieve a more sustainable economy by reducing waste, improving
efficiency, and using resources more wisely. For example, if a factory uses 100 units of energy to
produce a product, implementing Factor 4 would mean producing the same product using only
25 units of energy.

Factor 10, on the other hand, refers to reducing resource consumption by a factor of ten. This
means using one-tenth of the current level of resources to achieve the same level of economic
output. This is a more ambitious goal than Factor 4 and requires significant innovation and a
shift in societal values. For example, if a city currently uses 100 units of water per day per person,
implementing Factor 10 would mean using only 10 units of water per day per person.
Both Factor 4 and Factor 10 are important for achieving sustainability because they promote
resource efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of human activities. They require a shift
in thinking towards a more circular economy, where waste is minimized and resources are used
more efficiently. By reducing our consumption of natural resources, we can reduce our impact
on the environment and create a more sustainable future for all.

8. Explain the following; systems thinking, life cycle thinking

Systems thinking and life cycle thinking are two important concepts that are essential for
achieving sustainability in engineering and design.

Systems thinking is an approach to problem-solving that focuses on understanding the

interactions and relationships between different parts of a system. A system is a collection of
interconnected parts that work together to achieve a common goal. Systems thinking involves
looking at the big picture and understanding how changes in one part of the system can affect
the entire system. This approach is particularly important for addressing complex problems that
involve multiple stakeholders and factors. By understanding the system as a whole, we can
identify leverage points where small changes can have a big impact, and design more effective
and sustainable solutions.

Life cycle thinking, on the other hand, is an approach to decision-making that considers the
environmental, social, and economic impacts of a product or process throughout its entire life
cycle, from raw material extraction to disposal. This approach involves assessing the
environmental impact of each stage of a product's life cycle, including raw material acquisition,
production, distribution, use, and disposal. By considering the entire life cycle, we can identify
opportunities to reduce the environmental impact of a product or process and design more
sustainable solutions. For example, using recycled materials in a product's production stage can
reduce the impact of resource extraction, while designing products for reuse or recycling can
reduce the environmental impact of disposal.

The main difference between systems thinking and life cycle thinking is the scale at which they
operate. Systems thinking focuses on understanding the interactions between different parts of
a system, while life cycle thinking focuses on understanding the environmental impact of a
product or process throughout its entire life cycle. However, both approaches are important for
achieving sustainability, as they promote a holistic and integrated approach to problem-solving
and decision-making. By using systems thinking and life cycle thinking, engineers and designers
can develop more sustainable solutions that address the complex challenges of our times.
9. Discuss the concept of circular economy and its relevance with neat
sketches and examples
The concept of a circular economy is a regenerative and sustainable economic system that aims
to keep materials in use for as long as possible, minimizing waste and maximizing the use of
resources. In a circular economy, the traditional linear model of "take, make, use, and dispose" is
replaced with a closed-loop system where resources are kept in use for as long as possible,
creating a circular flow of materials and reducing the amount of waste produced.

There are three main principles of a circular economy, which are illustrated in the following

1. Design out waste and pollution: Products are designed for disassembly and recycling, and waste
is minimized through efficient production and distribution systems.
2. Keep products and materials in use: Products and materials are reused, refurbished, or recycled
to keep them in use for as long as possible.
3. Regenerate natural systems: Renewable energy is used to power production, and natural
systems are restored and protected to ensure the long-term health of the environment.

Examples of circular economy include:

1. Closed-loop recycling: This involves recycling materials to create new products, such as using
recycled plastic to make new packaging materials.
2. Product as a service: Instead of selling a product, companies can offer it as a service, such as
leasing or renting products, and taking back and refurbishing them at the end of their life.
3. Remanufacturing: This involves refurbishing products to extend their life, such as
remanufacturing car engines or appliances.
4. Biomimicry: This involves using nature as a model for design, such as designing buildings that
mimic the natural ventilation systems of termite mounds.
5. Sharing economy: This involves sharing resources, such as cars or bikes, to reduce the need for
individual ownership and the associated waste and resource consumption.

In conclusion, the concept of a circular economy is relevant in today's world as it offers a

sustainable and regenerative economic system that maximizes the use of resources and
minimizes waste. By adopting circular economy principles, we can create a more sustainable
future and protect the environment for future generations.

10. List the guiding principles for sustainable engineering

The guiding principles for sustainable engineering can vary depending on the specific context
and project, but some common principles include:
1. Life Cycle Thinking: Design and engineering should take into account the entire life cycle of a
product or process, from raw material extraction to disposal.
2. Systems Thinking: Engineers should take a holistic approach to problem-solving, understanding
the complex interactions and relationships between different parts of a system.
3. Renewable Energy: Engineers should prioritize the use of renewable energy sources to power
production and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
4. Material Efficiency: Engineers should design products and processes that minimize material use,
waste, and pollution.
5. Pollution Prevention: Engineers should prioritize pollution prevention and control measures to
minimize environmental impacts.
6. Stakeholder Engagement: Engineers should engage with stakeholders to understand their
perspectives and incorporate their input into decision-making.
7. Collaboration: Engineers should collaborate with other professionals and stakeholders to
develop effective and sustainable solutions.
8. Innovation: Engineers should embrace innovation and seek out new technologies and processes
to improve sustainability.
9. Transparency: Engineers should be transparent about their processes and decisions, and
communicate their sustainability performance to stakeholders.

By incorporating these guiding principles into their work, engineers can help to create more
sustainable and resilient systems that meet the needs of both present and future generations.
11. Draw neat sketch for principles of sustainable engineering and
sustainability framework for engineering
Principles of Sustainable Engineering:

1. Minimize material and energy use

2. Design for environmental sustainability
3. Design for social sustainability
4. Design for economic sustainability
5. Adopt a systems approach to engineering design and problem-solving
6. Engage in sustainable innovation and development
7. Foster collaboration and communication across disciplines and stakeholders
8. Promote lifelong learning and continuous improvement
9. Practice with integrity and ethical standards

Sustainability Framework for Engineering:

1. Define the problem or opportunity

2. Identify stakeholders and their needs
3. Establish sustainability goals and criteria
4. Conduct a sustainability analysis of options
5. Select the best option(s) based on sustainability criteria
6. Implement the solution(s)
7. Monitor and evaluate sustainability performance
8. Communicate sustainability performance and engage stakeholders
9. Continuously improve sustainability performance

12. Discuss the SCP framework in detail with a neat sketch

considering examples of your choice
The SCP (Sustainable Consumption and Production) framework is a policy and decision-making
tool that aims to promote more sustainable and efficient use of resources in the production and
consumption of goods and services. It is based on the idea that economic growth and
development can be achieved while minimizing negative environmental and social impacts.

The SCP framework is typically presented as a cyclical process consisting of four phases:
assessment, goal-setting, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Here is a detailed
description of each phase:

1. Assessment: The first phase of the SCP framework involves conducting a comprehensive
assessment of the current patterns of consumption and production in a particular sector or
system. This includes identifying the key drivers of consumption and production, as well as the
environmental and social impacts associated with these activities. The assessment phase also
involves identifying key stakeholders and their interests and needs.
2. Goal-setting: Based on the assessment, the second phase of the SCP framework involves setting
goals and targets for improving the sustainability of consumption and production patterns.
These goals and targets should be specific, measurable, and relevant to the identified
environmental and social impacts. They should also take into account the interests and needs of
3. Implementation: The third phase of the SCP framework involves implementing policies,
strategies, and measures to achieve the goals and targets set in the previous phase. This can
include measures to promote more sustainable and efficient use of resources, such as energy
and water efficiency, waste reduction, and product design for the environment. Implementation
also involves engaging stakeholders and building partnerships to support sustainable
consumption and production practices.
4. Monitoring and evaluation: The final phase of the SCP framework involves monitoring and
evaluating progress towards achieving the goals and targets set in the previous phases. This
includes collecting and analyzing data on resource use, environmental and social impacts, and
stakeholder engagement. Based on the evaluation, adjustments can be made to policies and
measures to improve their effectiveness and sustainability.

Here is a sketch representing the SCP framework:

[Assessment] -> [Goal-setting] -> [Implementation] -> [Monitoring and evaluation]

Examples of SCP framework implementation include:

1. Eco-design: Designing products with environmental sustainability in mind can reduce resource
consumption, pollution, and waste throughout the product's lifecycle. For example, a company
may design a product that uses less energy, has fewer toxic components, and can be easily
disassembled and recycled at the end of its useful life.
2. Sustainable food systems: Promoting sustainable food production and consumption can reduce
the environmental and social impacts of food production, such as greenhouse gas emissions,
deforestation, and food waste. This can include measures to promote local and organic food
production, reduce food waste, and improve the efficiency of food processing and distribution.
3. Green buildings: Designing and constructing buildings that are energy-efficient, use sustainable
materials, and reduce waste can significantly reduce the environmental impact of the built
environment. This can include measures such as using renewable energy sources, improving
insulation and ventilation, and designing buildings for long-term durability and flexibility.

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