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Jedal Bldg., Lopez Jaena Ext., Butuan City

Philippine Popular Culture

Preliminary Examination
Name:________________________________ Year/Course:__________________________________
Date:_________________________________ Score:________________________________________
Test I- Multiple Choice ( 1 point each)
Directions: Read the question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
Don’t cheat if you don’t want to be cheated…
1. How do you define popular culture?
A. Popular culture is the set of practices, beliefs, and objects that embody the most broadly shared
meanings of a social system it includes media objects, entertainment and leisure, fashion and trends,
and linguistic conventions, among other things
B. The place at a port, airport, or frontier where officials check incoming goods, travelers, or luggage.
"arriving refugees were whisked through customs"
C. The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such
as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional
D. /Art/ the making or doing of something whose purpose is to bring pleasure to people through their
enjoyment of what is beautiful and interesting, or things often made for this purpose, such as paintings,
drawings, or sculptures: ancient/modern art. American/French/Japanese art
2. Is the set of practices, beliefs, and objects that embody the most broadly shared meanings of a social
system. It includes media objects, entertainment and leisure, fashion and trends, and linguistic
conventions, among other things.
A. Popular Culture B. Tradition C. Society D. Politics
3. What is popular culture in media?
A. Designates the most widespread cultural patterns of a society, mass media: any means of delivering
standardized messages to a broad audience. culture: can be thought of as all the beliefs, assumptions,
objects, behaviors, and processes that make up a shared way of life
B. The place at a port, airport, or frontier where officials check incoming goods, travelers, or luggage.
"arriving refugees were whisked through customs"
C. The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such
as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional
D. /Art/ the making or doing of something whose purpose is to bring pleasure to people through their
enjoyment of what is beautiful and interesting, or things often made for this purpose, such as paintings,
drawings, or sculptures: ancient/modern art. American/French/Japanese art
4.Stressed the role of rationalization in the development of society.
A. Max Weber B. Emile Durkheim C. Karl Marx D. Harriet Martineau
5. A German philosopher and revolutionary further contributed to the development of sociology ,
introduced the materialist analysis of history which discounts metaphysical explanation for historical
A. Max Weber B. Emile Durkheim C. Karl Marx D. Harriet Martineau
6. Was an English social theorist often seen as the first female sociologist. She wrote from a sociological,
holistic, religious and feminine angle, translated works by Auguste Comte, and, rarely for a woman
writer at the time, earned enough to support herself.
A. Max Weber B. Emile Durkheim C. Karl Marx D. Harriet Martineau
7. Explains that the perspective of sociology enables us to see ``general patterns in particular events’’
A. Max Weber B. Peter Berger C. Karl Marx D. Harriet Martineau
8. A physicist, strongly believed that the same method and strategy could be applied in measuring
culture and human behavior while conducting research among humans including uniqueness of their
cultures ``cultural relativism’’
A. Bronislaw Malinowski B. Franz Boas C. Wright Mills D. Alfred Kroeber
9. How do we call the Female Datu?
A. Gat/Lakan B. Lakambini C. Dayang- Dayang D. Chieftains
10. How do we call the Male Datu?
A. Gat/Lakan B. Lakambini C. Dayang- Dayang D. Chieftains
Test II- True or False
Directions: Determine whether each statement is true or false.
________1. Philippine literature reflects a diverse group of works which are mostly grounded on
traditional folktales, socio-political histories, and real-life experiences.
________2. The name has traditionally been applied to those imaginative works of poetry and prose
distinguished by the intentions of their authors and the perceived aesthetic excellence of their
________3. Derived from the Latin word literature meaning "writing formed with letters," literature
most commonly refers to works of the creative imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction,
and in some instances, journalism, and song.
________4.Customs is the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area,
especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
________5. "Lupang Hinirang", originally titled in Spanish as "Marcha Nacional Filipina", and commonly
and informally known by its incipit "Bayang Magiliw", is the national anthem of the Philippines.
________6. Legislatures are made up of people called legislators who, in democracies, are elected by
the country's population.
________7. The executive is the branch of government responsible for the overall governance of a
________8. The Judicial branch holds the power to settle controversies involving rights that are legally
demandable and enforceable.
________9. The maharlika refers to the lowest social class among the various cultures of the Philippines
before the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th and 17th centuries.
________10.Alipin is a title which denotes the rulers (variously described in historical accounts as chiefs,
sovereign princes, and monarchs) of numerous indigenous peoples throughout the Philippine
archipelago. The title is still used today, though not as much as early Philippine history.
________11. Global culture as adopted by the Spanish has been ``ordinary’’ to the point that it was a
``watering-down of Spanish-European culture in order to win over the general public to the colonial
________12. According to Lumbera, ``Popular culture is power, and anyone who uses it to control minds
is likely to have their literary and technical turned against him when the minds he has exploited discover
his power as a political tool.
________13. The first permanent settlement in Spain started to replace the native culture with a Muslim
and Middle Eastern tradition.
________14.Hauben deeply warns that the internet can be a`` source of opinion,’’ though he says
netizen should train him/her to distinguish real from fabricated knowledge .
________15. According to Turner, as reporters prefer to bend the reporting to stories they sometimes
support. Tabloidization is a clear example of this, or sensationalizing small news stories and making a big
deal of it.
________16. The word netizen, although popularly used in present times, is in fact a word from Michael
Hauben’s theory (1996) is a corrupted term from the expression ``Net Person.’’
________17. The native intelligentsia used the same types of popular culture in the 19 th century,
through the Propaganda movement, to ``undermine the influence of the oppressive friars and mobilize
the people to bring an end to colonial ``rule ‘’One example of that is Marcelo H. Del Pilar’s work.
________18. The rise of American colonization introduced to the Philippines the properly so-called,
mainstream culture.
________19. The common culture is produced by the masses...It is rather a culture generated either by
the ruling masses or by representatives of the intelligentsia in the employment of that mass, for the
consumption of the people.
________20. Forms of popular theater and literature such as ``the pasyon, sinakulo, and corido ensured
Muslim’s acceptance and spread , and the comedy and awit did the same for the monarchy.
TEST III- Choose the answer inside the box.

• Weaving • Lumbering and Shipbuilding •Mining


• Fishing • Livestock • Agriculture • Trial by ordeal

• Judicial Process • Legislation

(1) Before laws are made, the chief consults with a council of elders who approved of his plan.
__________________(2)Disputes between individuals were settled by a court made up of the village
chief and the council of elders; between barangays, a board made up of elders from neutral barangays
acted as arbiter.________________________(3) To determine the innocence of an accused, he is made
to go through a number of ordeals which he must pass.__________________(4) When the Spaniards
came to the Philippines, they noted that Cebu and Palawan were abundant in many agricultural
foodstuffs.___________________(5) Pre- colonial Filipinos raised chickens, pigs, goats, carabaos, and
small native ponies._____________________________(6) Was a thriving industry for those who live in
the coast or near rivers and lakes___________________________(7) Comparatively developed before
the coming of the Spaniards________________________(8) Filipinos were said to be proficient in
building ocean-going vessels._______________________(9)Home industry that was donated by women
using crude wooden looms, textiles such as sinamay from hemp, medrinaque from banana, cotton,
linen, and silk, were woven__________________________(10) To determined the innocence of an
accused, he is made to go through a number of ordeals which he must pass_______________________
Test IV- Enumeration, Give the answer of the following questions.
1-3 What are the social classes in the pre-colonial era.
4-5 Two types of Alipin
TEST V-Describe the early humans prior with the arrival of the foreign colonizers in our country.
1. Australopithecus
2. Taong Java
3. Taong Peking
4. Homo Sapiens
5. Nomadic Human

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