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Case Study Rubric

Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior

2 pts 4 pts 6 pts 8 pts 10 pts

Completeness of assignment Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior

More than half of the Up to half of the Two or more assignment 1 assignment component All assignment components
components not components not components not not incorporated incorporated into submission
incorporated incorporated incorporated

Thoroughness Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior

Each topic is treated only Some topics are treated Only some topics are treated Each topic is treated Each topic is treated very
weakly in the submission somewhat weakly in the somewhat thoroughly in the somewhat thoroughly in the thoroughly in the submission
submission submission submission

Readings Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior

No evidence that readings Submission has Somewhat unclear that Somewhat clear that Very clear that readings were
were incorporated into questionable relationship readings were understood readings were understood understood and incorporated
Application of readings (case
submission to reading material through incorporation into and incorporated well into well into submission
study materials
submission submission
Accuracy and/or quality of Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior

Submission contains only Submission contains few Submission contains at least Entire content of submission Entire content of submission
unoriginal ideas and/or original ideas or some some original ideas and/or contains original ideas contains well-developed
inaccurate information accurate information some accurate information and/or accurate information original ideas and/or
precisely-worded, accurate

Surface features Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior

Lacks acceptable control of Very lax in control of Somewhat lax in control of Controls somewhat well for Controls very well for surface
surface features (i.e., surface features (i.e., surface features (i.e., surface features (i.e., features (i.e., formatting,
Surface features (e.g.,
numerous distracting flaws in formatting, spelling, formatting, spelling, formatting, spelling, spelling, grammar,
formatting, correct spelling,
formatting, spelling, grammar, typographical grammar, typographical grammar, typographical typographical errors, etc.)
grammar, complete sentences,
grammar, etc.) errors, etc.) errors, etc.) errors, etc.)
and appropriate citation of

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