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I, Nishanth M (17GAMB1005), student of third semester M.E. in Machine Design,

University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore, hereby declare that internship
report titled “Study of Linear Motion Technology and Conveyor Systems” submitted to
Bangalore University during the academic year 2018-19, is a record of original work done
by me under the guidance of Dr. Shivarudraiah, Chairman, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, UVCE, Bangalore and Mr. Partha Sarathi, Team leader, Design department,
Tektaalik Engineering Solutions, Abbigere Industrial Area, Bangalore. This internship report
is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of
Engineering in Machine Design. The results in this report have not been submitted to any
other University or Institute for the award of any degree.

Date: Nishanth M
Place: Bangalore (17GAMB1005)


The internship opportunity I had with Tektaalik Engineering Solutions, Bangalore was a great
chance for learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very
lucky individual as I was provided with an opportunity to be a part of it.

I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and a very special thanks to
Mr.Lakshmi Venkatesh, CEO, Tektaalik Engineering Solutions and to my external guide
Mr. Partha Sarathi, Team leader, Design department, Tektaalik Engineeirng Solutions for
their most valuable guidance, encouragement and support extending in successfully
completing the work.

I would express my sincere thanks to internal guide Dr. Shivarudraiah, Chairman,

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering,
Bangalore, for his constant encouragement, valuable guidance and support throughout the

Nishanth M


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