Solofegio Frequency Blog

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Solfeggio frequencies

UT – 396 Hz

396 Hz frequency music helps in creating a very strong magnetic fell

of positive energy which helps anl gives us the power to achieve our
goals. Its Vibrations releases you from the feeling of fear anl guilt. This
solfeggio frequency is also usel for awakening anl turning grief into
joy anl help balancing our emotions.

What are the Solfeggio Frequencies

The solfeggio frequencies are six-tone scale believed to have absorbed sacred music, inclusive of
the famous and beautful Gregorian Chants and Sanskrit chants

The eccentric tones and chants are found to impart spiritual blessings when they are played
harmoniously Every solfeggio tone comprises frequencies necessary for keeping the spirit,
balancing energy, mind, and body in a perfect form of peace

Sacred Solfeggio Frequencies is the use of sol-fa syllables to note scale tones, that is, harmony
Solfeggio is also known as a singing exercise where syllables will be used other than using texts

There are two types of solfeggios

1 The movable-do
2 The fxed-do

The science behinl the Solfeggio


The scientfc community began to turn every stone for connectng the dots between the type of
music played and the variety of physical efects on the human body and mind In 1988, biochemist
Dr Glen Rein made a discovery that confrmed what the ancient spiritual traditons understood
when he tested the impact of diferent music on human DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)

Rein revels similar DNA vials to four kinds of music with diferent frequencies –

1 Gregorian chants,
2 Sanskrit chants,
3 Classical,
4 Rock

By measuring the rate of UV light absorpton, an important functon of healthy DNA, Rein was able
to evaluate the efects of each type of music And the results will make you reconsider the type of
music you listen to when you want to feel relaxed

The Gregorian and Sanskrit chants had the most positve, even healing, afermath by increasing UV
light absorpton between 5% to 9%
The classical music Healing Power Of music increased UV absorpton by small amounts And rock
music decreased UV light absorpton, harming the DNA Rein’s research supported the theory that
sound frequencies do produce serious efects, for beter or bad, on health and well-being of
human being

Since Rein’s illuminatng discovery, further research has come to light that shows Solfeggio
frequencies have profound emotonal, mental and physical efects Additonally, this
understanding has led to music therapy becoming established as a health profession to help
individuals therapeutcally using various aspects of music creaton and listening

However, to unlerstanl what’s so unique about the anl how they are
Sacrel Solfeggio Frequencies liferent from other tones, it’s frst
important to unlerstanl the Schumann resonance

396 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

The energy centre of human mind is ofen blocked by Fear, Stress, Worries, Anxiety and its efects
start refectng in every part of our lives We start becoming negatve Body starts producing more
cortsol and it starts infuencing our sleep patern and our health

396 Solfeggio hertz healing frequencies is one of the Fundamental frequencies used in Sound
Healing This frequency purifes the feeling of guilt which ofen represents one of the basic
obstructons to realizaton

396 Hz frequency Spiritual Healing Music helps in creatng a strong magnetc feld of positve
energy which helps and gives power to achieve our goals Its Vibratons let go your feeling of guilt
and fear This solfeggio frequency is also used for awakening and convertng grief into joy

solfeggio frequencies sleep 396 Hz frequency is associated with Root Chakra, our Primary Energy
Centre and being used for balancing Root Chakra
Benefts of Anngelic Healing Music 396 Hz
Solfeggio Frequency.

1 It gives power to achieve your Goals

2 It eliminates the feeling of guilt, even the guilt residing deep in subconscious mind
3 It helps you to boost your ability to fnd inner peace
4 It helps you to overcome the fear which is usually the main hindrance in realizing our
dreams and goals
5 It liberates us from subconscious negatve beliefs and thoughts
6 It helps us to balance our Root Chakra
7 It turns grief into joy and helps in atain peace



Start by fnding a quiet place away from any distracton and disturbance It can be anywhere that
you feel comfortable and peace It does not have to be 100% quit, it just needs somewhere that
you won’t be disturbed for about 15min

Then you want to fnd a comfortable place to either lie down or sit Find what works best for you
Some people like to sit on the foor or chair, while others like to lie down fnd whatever you are
comfortable in

I suggeston you to use this music as meditaton or while in a focused, relaxed state Just let the
waves of frequencies food over your mind, body, and spirit Allow your mind to be open and
awaken to the power of these healing tones If your mind wanders or gets caught up in a story,
just bring it back to the music Do what feels best intending to heal If you currently have a
meditaton practce, there is no need to create a new one just for this Have the music playing in
the background while you are doing your usual way The most important thing is to relax

The suggested listening tme is a minimum of 15 minutes If you wish to do longer, then you can
There is no magical tme for listening, but having a minimum of 15 minutes allows you to
experience the benefts over a while You can also do it any tme of the day I like meditatng to
them in the morning and evening, but fnd what works best for you Whatever tme you choose,
try to make it the same every day As consistency is the key to success for any thing so be regular
whatever you do

As we can describe 396 Hz as just a regular number lacking special signifcance over the others, but
that is not the case listening music to a specifed frequency does not unlock its cosmic powers,
neither does it improve or reduce the music sound There isn’t a set specifed rule to be used by
musicians when tuning uh=396 Hz

Musicians has to learn the alternate tunings appropriately for various viable reasons for
instruments such as build and tmber and the historical background for any compositons and their
historic demands Otherwise, music should be fun for experimentaton and creatvity Standards
should never hold anyone back from having fun

Vibraton forms part of life It is the basis for everything, and every vibraton will have its very own
frequency Exposing the body to solfeggio frequencies will ensure you achieve balance and deep
healing The frequencies will align your body with tones and rhythms, forming the universe basis
The frequencies can be chanted during meditaton as they penetrate deep into both the
subconscious and conscious mind
Where to fnd t fnd this music:

htps://www google com/url:

HS7-BzYQFnoECEcQAQ&url=htps%3A%2F%2Fopen spotfy com%2Fartst

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