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for practice
Dental team learning
outcomes for registration
(2015 revised edition)

Introduction 4

Purpose of training and education 4

Role and responsibilities of the GDC 4
Aim 5
Role and responsibilities of education and training providers 7
Role and responsibilities of the student 8
Outcomes 9
Overarching outcomes 11
Note on implementation 13
Assessment and quality assurance 13
Guidance on terminology 14
Glossary 15

Outcomes for dentists 16

Clinical 16
Communication 22
Professionalism 24
Management and Leadership 25

Outcomes for dental therapists 27

Clinical 27
Communication 32
Professionalism 33
Management and Leadership 34

Outcomes for dental hygienists 36

Clinical 36
Communication 40
Professionalism 41
Management and Leadership 43

Outcomes for dental nurses 45

Clinical 45
Communication 48
Professionalism 49
Management and Leadership 50

2 General Dental Council


Outcomes for orthodontic therapists 52

Clinical 52
Communication 55
Professionalism 57
Management and Leadership 58

Outcomes for clinical dental technicians 60

Clinical 60
Communication 64
Professionalism 66
Management and Leadership 67

Outcomes for dental technicians 69

Clinical 69
Communication 71
Professionalism 73
Management and Leadership 74

Acknowledgements 76

Bibliography 77

Summary table of learning outcomes 79

Preparing for practice 3


This document describes the outcomes that an individual must be

able to demonstrate by the end of their training, in order to register
with the General Dental Council (GDC) as a dental professional and
member of the dental team. The registered dental team comprises:
• Dentist
• Dental Therapist
• Dental Hygienist
• Dental Nurse
• Orthodontic Therapist
• Clinical Dental Technician
• Dental Technician
This is the second version of Preparing for Practice and will be used
in the GDC’s quality assurance activity from the 2015 / 2016
academic year. It replaces the first version published in 2011.

Purpose of training and education

The purpose of education and training is to produce an individual

who can demonstrate, on successful completion of an assessed
education or training programme, that they have met the outcomes
required for registration as a dental professional with the GDC.
Those in training for registration should aim, and be supported, to
attain the highest standards in terms of knowledge, skills, including
clinical and technical skills, and professional attributes, in particular
putting the interests of patients first at all times.

The role and responsibilities of the GDC

The primary role of the GDC is to protect patients. The GDC’s role in
relation to education and training is to ensure that those who join our
registers are fit to practise at the point of registration and remain so
throughout their working lives.
Our responsibility is therefore to define the outcomes required, and
to make sure they are met through the education, training and
assessment process by future registrants.
The guiding principles for the GDC’s role in relation to education and
training include:

• Safety and quality of care for patients

• Current and future oral health needs

• In defining outcomes required for registration, the GDC will take

into account equality and diversity requirements

• Outcomes should reflect the full range of knowledge, skills,

attitudes and behaviours that a student or trainee must
demonstrate to the level appropriate for registration i.e.
4 General Dental Council
professionalism, communication, clinical/technical and
management and leadership skills Introduction
• There must be a relationship between the outcomes
required at the pre-registration stage of education, and the
standards a fully registered dental professional must meet to
fulfil regulatory requirements

• Regulation of education and training provision should be fair,

impartial, consistent and evidence-based in its judgements

• The burden of regulation on the providers of education and

training should be kept to the necessary minimum, through an
approach that is targeted, proportionate, and informed by risk

• An outcomes centred approach should encourage innovation,

particularly in the development of new approaches to teaching,
learning and assessment

• The GDC should recognise the range of variables in the delivery of

education e.g. of oral health needs, service structures, learning
and teaching styles, and forms of team working

• The learning outcomes should be responsive to changes in public

expectations and evolve in the light of such changes


The learning outcomes reflect the knowledge, skills, attitudes and

behaviours a registrant must have to practise safely, effectively and
professionally in the relevant registration category. The aim is to
develop a rounded professional who, in addition to being a
competent clinician and /or technician, will have the range of
professional skills required to begin working as part of a dental
team and be well prepared for independent practice. It is
recognised that many newly qualified dentists go on to complete
further training in order to practise in the NHS. Dental professionals
also work outside the NHS, so the GDC has a responsibility to
set learning outcomes which prepare all potential registrants for safe
and independent practice, from the first day of registration.
Independent practice does not mean working alone and in isolation,
but within the context of the wider healthcare team (see glossary
on page 15).

The skills required of registrants are covered in the following domains:

• Clinical – the range of skills required to deliver direct care, where

registrants interact with patients, and also the essential technical
skills, carried out in the absence of patients which support their
care, for example, by dental technicians

• Communication – the skills involved in effectively interacting with

patients, their representatives, the public and colleagues and
recording appropriate information to inform patient care

Preparing for practice 5

• Professionalism – the knowledge, skills and attitudes/behaviours
Introduction required to practise in an ethical and appropriate way, putting
patients’ needs first and promoting confidence in the dental team

• Management and Leadership – the skills and knowledge

required to work effectively as a dental team, manage their own
time and resources and contribute to professional practices

An important element of being ready for practice is the ability of an

individual to recognise the responsibility that comes with being a
registrant and delivering patient care. Being able to judge one’s own
limitations and work within them is essential.

All dental professionals must understand the principles of evidence-

based practice and be able to make appropriate decisions on patient
care using this approach.

The learning outcomes will form the foundation upon which a

registrant will be expected to develop and maintain their knowledge
and skills throughout their professional career, and become fully
proficient. The outcomes derive from and are consistent with the
GDC’s Standards for the Dental Team and requirements for lifelong

Dental professionals are part of a wider dental and healthcare team

and should have the aim of delivering high quality patient care that
puts patients’ needs first, taking account of current and future oral
health needs.

Registration overview

• Practising within
your own limitations
• Meeting GDC standards
Pre-registration New registrant – and CPD requirements All round
training safe beginner proficiency
• Further training and


The patient is central to oral health care. This concept should be

embedded from the first day of training and demonstrated in
students’ approaches to learning and practice. Patient needs and
protection are a priority in the education and training process.

6 General Dental Council

Patients expect good quality dentistry which lasts and is delivered in
an appropriate manner. Registrants should be able to recognise and Introduction
take account of the needs of different patient groups including
children, adults, older people, and those with special care
requirements. Appropriate communication and good interpersonal
skills are crucial to being an effective registrant. Gaining patient
engagement and understanding in the delivery of their care is
fundamental. This can help give patients the confidence to make
informed decisions and manage their own oral health.

Importance of the learning environment

Education and training providers will need to take into consideration:

• The changing practice environment

• Providing an appropriate learning environment

• Recognising the students’ learning needs to support the

development of a reflective, professional registrant

Role and responsibilities of education and

training providers

It is the responsibility of education and training providers to devise

qualifications that will produce individuals who demonstrate the
outcomes the GDC requires and that meet the requirements of the
European Directive on dental training. In doing so, education and
training providers should make sure that they take account of the

• Patient needs and protection are a priority in delivering education

and training, particularly relating to direct interaction with students

• That learning opportunities and experiences prepare students

adequately for the transition to vocational practice or further training

• Developments in oral health need and the role of registrants in

promoting the health and well-being of the public

• Technological and clinical advances

• That the qualification for registration only represents the first

stage in the development of the dental professional, and
education and training must prepare students to carry out
reflective practice and self-directed learning to keep their
knowledge and skills up to date throughout their professional lives
and adhere to any regulatory requirements regarding lifelong
learning, CPD and revalidation

• The importance of dental team working, with opportunities for

students to train and work with other dental professionals

• That meaningful patient feedback is actively sought and recorded

to be used to inform student development
Preparing for practice 7
• Students now learn and are assessed in a range of environments
Introduction such as hospitals, primary care and community dental services.
The education or training provider must ensure anyone involved in
the supervision and training of students is adequately trained to
carry out the role, both clinically and as appropriate in terms of
assessment and reporting of student progress

• All staff involved in the delivery and assessment of dental and

DCP training must be familiar with and understand this document

• Students must have the opportunity to practise on a sufficient

number and a wide range of patients, or patient cases (dental
technicians) – of all ages and including those with special care
requirements, with a wide range of treatment needs, simple and
complex – in order to achieve the outcomes

• Students must have demonstrated to the education/training

provider that they are clinically competent where the outcomes
required this

• Students must be trained in accordance with appropriate

requirements in relation to dealing with medical emergencies

Equality and diversity

The GDC is committed to promoting and developing equality and

diversity in all its work. We would expect education and training
providers to adhere to current best practice, and guidance. Providers
have a responsibility to ensure they comply with the law in this area.

Role and responsibilities of the student

Student fitness to practise

The GDC puts professionalism at the heart of our agenda. The

scope of what the GDC requires of students goes beyond academic
achievement, and incorporates the attitudes, values and behaviours
needed for registration. These are described in the GDC’s Student
Fitness to Practise guidance which students are expected to follow.

The GDC expects professionalism to be embedded throughout

dental education and training. All students must have knowledge of
Standards for the Dental Team, and its associated guidance, and
demonstrate their own professionalism.

Student Fitness to Practise provides guidance for students and

education and training providers on the following:

• The types of professional behaviour and health standards

expected of dental students

• Appropriate checks to be made before prospective students are

admitted to the programme for the protection of the public

8 General Dental Council

• Principles to be followed when a student’s behaviour falls below
the standards required in relation to fitness to practise concerns. Introduction
Students must be aware that unprofessional behaviour during their
dental training can affect their ability to register with the GDC

• Where there are concerns regarding the likelihood of a student

being refused registration and how the GDC can advise

• Requirements for students being allowed to start treating patients

• Immunising dental students in relation to certain infectious diseases

• Reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities

Learning outcomes

As described in the aims on page 5, the learning outcomes are grouped

in four domains. These categories fit with those that will be required by
the GDC throughout registrants' practise:

• Clinical
• Communication
• Professionalism
• Management and leadership

The outcomes in each domain should be integrated and support

each other, with the clinical and technical skills, and underpinning
scientific knowledge forming the central core. Some outcomes appear
in more than one domain to reflect this. The clinical and technical
domain will remain crucial to developing safe practitioners and will be
a significant part of training and education programmes.

Communication Management
and leadership


Preparing for practice 9

Specific legislation, guidelines and best practice affecting oral health
Introduction care and dental team working is not always referenced. This is
because such content is liable to frequent change.

Underpinning science

The relevant sciences (biomedical, behavioural, engineering and

materials) that underpin the clinical domain are fundamental to
understanding oral conditions and how to treat them. Appropriate
emphasis should be provided on the delivery and assessment of the
sciences in the interpretation of the ‘Foundations of practice’ section
of the outcomes. The sciences taught must be relevant to the practice
of dentistry in order to understand patient conditions and behaviours
and then apply to their assessment, diagnosis, treatment and care.

Evidence-based dentistry

An approach to oral health care that involves the integration of:

• the systematic assessment of clinically relevant scientific evidence

relating to the patient’s health and history with;

• the dental professional’s clinical or technical expertise and the

patient’s treatment needs and choices

In order to effectively carry out sound evidence-based decisions

dental professionals must understand the principles of good research
practice, at the level appropriate to their registrant category.* *Competencies
for the New
The principles of an evidence-based approach and the underpinning General Dentist
(as approved by
scientific knowledge are fundamental to implementing the outcomes. the 2008 ADEA
They should be applied as relevant to the registration category, and House of
importantly, in relation to patient care. It is well recognised that Delegates)

producing registrants with good clinical and technical competence

is vital for safe practice. However, this cannot be the sole aim. It is
just as important that all registrants are developed with a full range of
skills to enable them to provide sound, evidence-based and well
delivered patient care. The learning outcomes also clearly relate to the
GDC Scope of Practice and Standards for the Dental Team
documents. Some signposting has been provided within the publication.

Look out for the which highlights specific GDC guidance you may
need to refer to. However this is not exhaustive.

Team working

All members of the dental team contribute to the patient’s experience

of dental treatment. The quality of teamwork is closely linked to the
quality of care the team provides. It is important that potential
registrants recognise the importance of this and have the opportunity
to develop in a team environment as early as possible in their training.

10 General Dental Council

The structure within each of the domains is consistent across the
registration categories, allowing for variation in scope of practice, to Introduction
facilitate opportunities for dental team integration and effective team
working. The outcomes for each registration category are numbered
and presented in a table to enable easy comparison. Where
outcomes are worded identically between registrant categories it is
expected that, as with all the other outcomes, they should be
delivered as appropriate to the category in question. It may be that
the level of complexity, for example, is greater for one group than
another. The coverage of scientific principles in the ‘Foundations of
practice’, degree of critical thinking, level and use of research, and
evaluation skills will vary across the registrant categories in relation to
their scope of practice and responsibilities.

List of overarching outcomes

There are seven overarching outcomes which should be

demonstrated throughout education and training. These form the
key principles of effective and professional practice, running through
all the domains, and apply to all of the registration categories.

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

• Practise safely and effectively, making the high quality long

term care of patients the first concern

• Recognise the role and responsibility of being a registrant and

demonstrate professionalism through their education, training
and practice in accordance with GDC guidance

• Demonstrate effective clinical decision making

• Describe the principles of good research, how to access

research and interpret it for use as part of an evidence based
approach to practice

• Apply an evidence-based approach to learning, practice,

clinical judgment and decision making and utilise critical
thinking and problem solving skills

• Accurately assess their own capabilities and limitations,

demonstrating reflective practice, in the interest of high
quality patient care and act within these boundaries

• Recognise the importance of lifelong learning and apply it

to practice

Clinical domain

Delivering safe, effective and appropriate care to patients is the focus

of developing a registrant’s clinical knowledge, competence and
decision making skills. The learning outcomes have been separated

Preparing for practice 11

into two sections – Individual patient care and Population based
Introduction health and care. The individual patient care section begins with a
section on the foundations of practice then follows the patient
journey, including the stages through assessment, diagnosis and
patient management.

Communication domain

Good communication skills are integral to successful patient care -

enabling patient assessment, patient consent, treatment and
effective team working. The learning outcomes have been separated
into three sections – Patients, their representatives and the public,
Team and wider healthcare environment, and Generic
communication skills.

Professionalism domain

The professionalism of registrants is a key focus for the GDC. It is

essential that students recognise the importance of professionalism
and are able to demonstrate the attributes of professional attitudes
and behaviour at all times from the beginning of their training. This
domain draws widely from the GDC Standards for the Dental Team
and most outcomes will be applicable to the whole dental team.

The learning outcomes have been separated into four sections –

Patients and the public, Ethical and legal, Teamwork, and
Development of self and others.

Management and leadership domain

Good management and leadership skills are vital to effective delivery

of high quality patient care. This includes management of time,
resources, and effective team working. Upon registration a
professional would not be expected to be fully competent in a
management and leadership role – this will take time and experience.
However, new registrants must be well prepared and understand the
expectations and the responsibility of their role and the role of the
rest of the dental team. Management and leadership should be
embedded in training from the outset of their career.

Many of the learning outcomes in this domain are therefore

knowledge or principle based. Where there is a requirement to
demonstrate aspects of leadership and management in the team this
may be at a limited level, related to the basic requirements of
delivering care within the dental team. There will be opportunities
during clinics and outreach placement to demonstrate and reflect on
use of these skills. Evidence may be collected in a portfolio, including
simulation where an opportunity or scenario does not arise.

12 General Dental Council

The learning outcomes have been separated into three sections –
Managing self, Working with others, and Managing the clinical and Introduction
working environment.

Note on implementation

The outcomes describe the knowledge, skills, attitudes and

behaviours the individual should be able to demonstrate and be
assessed against. The intention is to provide a balance of detail, for
consistent interpretation, and flexibility for responding to
developments in practice and encouraging innovation among
education and training providers. Providers are expected to
develop more detailed learning outcomes from these higher level
outcomes which fit and relate to their curriculum.

Assessment and quality assurance

It is for each education and training provider to design their

curriculum/programme to suit their circumstances, providing it is
consistent with these learning outcomes. Education and training
providers should design assessments so that they assess students
against all the required learning outcomes. The GDC, when it
monitors and inspects institutions will be concerned with how
students are assessed against the outcomes. The GDC needs to
know that the dental professionals joining its registers are safe to
practise independently. Therefore, we will require evidence that
trainees are assessed appropriately in all the learning outcomes set
for the relevant registrant category; this is how the GDC can be sure
that dental professionals have achieved (as opposed to covered in
their programmes) the learning outcomes. So, for the quality
assurance of standards for education and training, we will require a
mapping of assessments (including workplace based assessment,
portfolios, projects and exams) against the learning outcomes.

Assessments should be rigorous, appropriate and reliable as a

gateway for students to become qualified to practise independently.
There will be systems in place to set appropriate standards for
assessment to decide whether students have achieved the
outcomes. All the outcomes will be assessed at appropriate points
during the training programme.

The quality of dental and DCP programmes will be monitored,

reviewed and evaluated in a systematic way. The education or training
provider will have a clear framework or plan for how it organises quality
management and quality control, including who is responsible for this.

Each education and training provider is required to keep records

of the academic and clinical performance of each student. The
records should be arranged so that the extent and quality of clinical
work completed by the student across all clinical environments is
clear and auditable.

Preparing for practice 13

If the GDC considers that the programme of study or assessment does
Introduction not ensure that the student possesses the requisite knowledge, skills,
attitudes or behaviours necessary for registration with us, immediate
remedial action by the education or training provider will be required.
The GDC will not recognise a qualification for registration purposes until
it is satisfied that any identified weaknesses in a programme of study
have been satisfactorily addressed. To decide that a qualification
ceases to confer the right to apply to be registered in the GDC register:

• for DCP programmes, the GDC may decide to do this itself

through its published quality assurance policy and process

• for BDS undergraduate dentist degrees the GDC may make

representations to the Privy Council

The quality assurance process incorporates a mechanism for updating

the learning outcomes as and when the need and evidence arises.

Full guidance on the GDC quality assurance standards and process

can be found in a separate document.

Guidance on terminology

In the learning outcomes, statements using ‘must’ or ‘will’ mean

something is mandatory. Statements using ‘should’, for example, in
the roles and responsibilities section, may be taken in to account in
the quality assurance process when the GDC considers whether the
overall criteria have been met.

Taxonomy used
Key words used in the Application
learning outcomes*

Knowledge Describe, recognise, Recall or recognise

explain, discuss, information, explain or
interpret, identify, interpret meaning from
evaluate a given scenario or

Skills Use, apply, manage, Use or apply

produce, implement, knowledge and skills
perform, record,
extract, modify, refer
Attitudes/ Participate, contribute, Receive and respond
behaviours act, take responsibility, to information, react
respect and participate actively,
prioritise and display

* The examples provided are not an exhaustive list and some may be
applicable to more than one category

14 General Dental Council

Use of the term ‘manage’ in the clinical context: this refers to all
actions performed by a healthcare provider that are designed to alter Introduction
the course of a patient’s condition; these may include providing
education, advice, treatment by the dental professional, treatment by
the dentist, treatment by the dentist after consultation with another
healthcare professional, referral of a patient to another healthcare
professional, and monitoring the treatment provided; it may also
*Competencies include preventative action, observation or providing no treatment.*
for the New
General Dentist
(as approved by
the 2008 ADEA
House of
Safe beginner - a rounded professional who, in addition to being
a competent clinician and /or technician, will have the range of
professional skills required to begin working as part of a dental team
and be well prepared for independent practice. They will be able to
assess their own capabilities and limitations, act within these
boundaries and will know when to request support and advice.

Independent practice – working with autonomy within the GDC

Scope of Practice, and own competence, once registered.
Independent practice does not mean working alone and in isolation,
but within the context of the wider dental and healthcare team,
and may be under supervision if newly qualified.

Preparing for practice 15

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to
demonstrate the outcomes as relevant to the practice of dentistry
Dentists and patient care.

therapists 1 Individual patient care

1.1 Foundations of practice

hygienists The registrant will be able to apply to the practice of
dentistry principles that derive from the biomedical,
Dental behavioural and materials sciences.
The registrant will recognise and take account of the needs
of different patient groups including children, adults, older
people, and those with special care requirements
throughout the patient care process.
Clinical 1.1.1 Explain, evaluate and apply the principles of an evidence-
dental based approach to learning, clinical and professional
technicians practice and decision making

Dental 1.1.2 Critically appraise approaches to dental research and

technicians integrate with patient care

1.1.3 Identify oral diseases and explain their relevance to

prevention, diagnosis and treatment

1.1.4 Identify general and systemic disease and explain their

relevance to oral health and their impact on clinical

1.1.5 Explain the aetiology and pathogenesis of oral disease

1.1.6 Identify relevant and appropriate dental, oral, craniofacial

and general anatomy and explain their application to patient

1.1.7 Describe relevant physiology and discuss its application to

patient management

1.1.8 Explain the potential routes of transmission of infectious

agents in dental practice, mechanisms for the prevention of
infection, the scientific principles of decontamination and
disinfection and their relevance to health and safety

1.1.9 Describe the properties of relevant medicines and

therapeutic agents and discuss their application to patient

1.1.10 Recognise the scientific principles underpinning the use of

materials and biomaterials and evaluate their limitations and
selection, with emphasis on those used in dentistry

16 General Dental Council

1.1.11 Explain and apply the scientific principles of medical ionizing
radiation and statutory regulations Outcomes
1.1.12 Explain the principles of epidemiology and critically evaluate
their application to patient management
1.1.13 Explain, evaluate, and apply to clinical practice psychological
and sociological concepts and theoretical frameworks of
health, illness, behavioural change and disease

1.2 Comprehensive patient assessment hygienists
1.2.1 Obtain, record, and interpret a comprehensive and
contemporaneous patient history Dental
1.2.2 Undertake an appropriate systematic intra- and extra-oral
clinical examination Orthodontic
1.2.3 Manage appropriate clinical and laboratory investigations

1.2.4 Undertake relevant special investigations and diagnostic Clinical

procedures, including radiography dental
1.2.5 Assess patients’ levels of anxiety, experience and
expectations in respect of dental care
1.2.6 Discuss the importance of each component of the patient technicians
assessment process

1.2.7 Identify where medicines may cause adverse effects in

patients and initiate action to manage and report
Section 1.3 does
not apply to this
registrant group
1.4 Diagnosis

1.4.1 Synthesise the full results of the patient’s assessment and

make clinical judgments as appropriate

1.4.2 Formulate a differential diagnosis or diagnoses and from

there a definitive diagnosis

1.5 Treatment planning

1.5.1 Formulate an appropriate treatment plan, synthesising

patient assessment and diagnosis data

1.5.2 Describe the range of orthodox complementary and

alternative therapies that may impact on patient management

1.5.3 Explain the principles of obtaining valid patient consent

Standards for the 1.5.4 Obtain valid consent from the patient before starting treatment,
Dental Team, explaining all the relevant options and possible costs
Principle 3 Obtain
valid consent,
GDC 2013 1.5.5 Refer patients for treatment or advice when and where

1.5.6 Critically evaluate the treatment planning process

Preparing for practice 17
1.7 Patient management Section 1.6 does
not apply to this
Outcomes 1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality, respect and dignity registrant group

1.7.2 Identify, explain and manage the impact of medical and

Dentists psychological conditions in the patient

1.7.3 Monitor and review treatment outcomes

therapists 1.7.4 Prevent, diagnose and manage patient anxiety
appropriately, effectively and safely
Dental 1.7.5 Prevent, diagnose and manage pain appropriately,
hygienists effectively and safely

Dental 1.7.6 Evaluate the risks and benefits of treatment under general
nurses anaesthesia and make appropriate referrals

1.7.7 Evaluate the risks and benefits of treatment under

Orthodontic conscious sedation and make appropriate referrals
1.7.8 Safely and appropriately prescribe and administer
Clinical medicines and therapeutic agents
1.7.9 Explain the role and organisation of referral networks,
clinical guidelines and policies and local variation

Dental 1.7.10 Explain the need to take responsibility for establishing

technicians personal networks with local dental and medical colleagues,
specialists and other relevant individuals and organisations

1.7.11 Critically evaluate all components of patient management

1.8 Patient and public safety

1.8.1 Identify and explain the risks around the clinical environment
and manage these in a safe and efficient manner

1.8.2 Implement, perform and manage effective decontamination

and infection control procedures according to current

1.8.3 Recognise and take responsibility for the quality of services

and devices provided to the patient

1.8.4 Explain the responsibilities and limitations of delegating to

other members of the dental team

1.8.5 Comply with current best practice guidelines

1.8.6 Identify, assess and manage medical emergencies

1.8.7 Explain the importance of and maintain contemporaneous,

complete and accurate patient records in accordance with
legal requirements and best practice

18 General Dental Council

1.8.8 Identify the signs of abuse or neglect, explain local and
national systems that safeguard welfare and understand Outcomes
how to raise concerns and act accordingly

1.9 Treatment of acute oral conditions

1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients’ acute oro-facial and Dental

dental pain therapists

1.9.2 Recognise and manage acute dento-alveolar and Dental

mucosal infection hygienists
1.9.3 Recognise and manage dento-alveolar and mucosal trauma
1.9.4 Identify the need for and make arrangements for nurses
follow-up care
1.10 Health promotion and disease prevention
1.10.1 Recognise the responsibilities of the dental team as an dental
access point to and from wider healthcare technicians
1.10.2 Provide patients with comprehensive and accurate
preventive education and instruction in a manner which Dental
encourages self-care and motivation technicians

1.10.3 Explain the principles of preventive care and apply as part

of a comprehensive treatment plan

1.10.4 Underpin all patient care with a preventive approach that

contributes to the patient’s long-term oral and general

1.10.5 Manage the application of preventive treatments

1.10.6 Assess the results of treatment and provide aftercare and

ongoing preventive advice

1.10.7 Evaluate the health risks of diet, drugs and substance

misuse, and substances such as tobacco and alcohol on
oral and general health and provide appropriate advice
and support

1.11 Management and treatment of periodontal disease

1.11.1 Assess and manage the health of periodontal and soft

tissues taking into account risk and lifestyle factors

1.11.2 Describe, take account of and explain to the patient the

impact of the patient’s periodontal health on the overall
treatment plan and outcomes

Preparing for practice 19

1.11.3 Undertake non-surgical treatments to remove hard and soft
Outcomes deposits and stains using a range of methods and refer as

1.11.4 Monitor and record changes in periodontal health on a

regular basis using appropriate methods

1.11.5 Evaluate the need for, and prescribe, adjunctive

chemotherapeutic agents for the management of
periodontal conditions in individual patients
Dental 1.11.6 Evaluate, for individual patients, the need for more complex
hygienists treatment and refer appropriately

nurses 1.12 Hard and soft tissue disease

Orthodontic 1.12.1 Describe the aetiology and pathogenesis of diseases of the

therapists oral and maxillofacial complex

1.12.2 Identify oral mucosal diseases and refer where appropriate

dental 1.12.3 Identify all stages of malignancy, the aetiology and
technicians development of tumours and the importance of early referral
for investigation and biopsy
1.12.4 Identify and explain appropriately to patients the risks,
benefits, complications of and contra-indications to surgical

1.12.5 Undertake pre-operative assessment, implement

appropriate management techniques, including referral, and
carry out appropriate post-operative care

1.12.6 Carry out simple oral surgery of hard and soft tissues

1.12.7 Extract erupted teeth and roots in the permanent and

deciduous dentition

1.12.8 Identify and manage unerupted teeth and retained roots

1.13 Management of the developing and developed


1.13.1 Identify normal and abnormal facial growth, physical, mental

and dental development and explain their significance

1.13.2 Undertake an orthodontic assessment, including an

indication of treatment need

1.13.3 Identify and explain developmental or acquired occlusal


1.13.4 Identify and explain the principles of interceptive treatment,

including timely interception and interceptive orthodontics,
and refer when and where appropriate

20 General Dental Council

1.13.5 Identify and explain when and how to refer patients for
specialist treatment and apply to practice Outcomes
1.13.6 Recognise and explain to patients the range of
contemporary orthodontic treatment options, their impact,
outcomes, limitations and risks

1.13.7 Undertake limited orthodontic appliance emergency


1.14 Restoration and replacement of teeth hygienists
1.14.1 Assess and manage caries, occlusion, and tooth wear
1.14.2 Recognise and manage temporomandibular joint disorders nurses
1.14.3 Create an oral environment where restoration or
replacement of the tooth is viable
1.14.4 Where appropriate, restore the dentition using the principle
of minimal intervention, to a standard that promotes the Clinical
longevity of the restoration or prostheses dental
1.14.5 Manage restorative procedures that preserve tooth
structure, replace missing or defective tooth structure,
maintain function, are aesthetic and long lasting, and
promote soft and hard tissue health

1.14.6 Assess, diagnose and manage the health of the dental pulp
and periradicular tissues, including treatment to prevent
pulpal and periradicular disease

1.14.7 Recognise the role of surgical management of

periradicular disease

1.14.8 Determine the prognosis and undertake appropriate non-

surgical treatments to manage pulpal and periradicular
disease for uncomplicated deciduous and uncomplicated
permanent teeth

1.14.9 Recognise the risks of non-surgical root canal treatment

and how to manage them

1.14.10 Evaluate the need for more complex treatment and

refer accordingly

1.14.11 Assess the need for, design, prescribe and provide

biomechanically sound partial and complete dentures

1.14.12 Recognise and explain to patients the range of implant

treatment options, their impact, outcomes, limitations
and risks

Preparing for practice 21

2 Population-based health and care
Outcomes 2.1 Discuss the basic principles of a population health approach
including demographic and social trends, UK and
international oral health trends, determinants of health and
Dentists inequalities in health, and the ways in which these are
measured and current patterns
Dental 2.2 Describe the dental and wider healthcare systems dental
therapists professionals work within including health policy and
organisation, delivery of healthcare and equity
hygienists 2.3 Describe and evaluate the role of health promotion in terms
of the changing environment, community and individual
Dental behaviours to deliver health gain
2.4 Evaluate evidence-based prevention and apply
therapists 2.5 Explain the principles of planning oral health care for
communities to meet needs and demands

technicians Communication
The registrant must recognise the importance of appropriate
communication in healthcare at all times and through all media

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

3 Patients, their representatives and the public

3.1 Communicate effectively and sensitively at all times with and

about patients, their representatives and the public and in
relation to:

• patients with anxious or challenging behaviour

• referring patients to colleagues, particularly where

patients are from diverse backgrounds or there are
barriers to patient communication

• difficult circumstances, such as breaking bad news, or

discussing issues such as alcohol consumption,
smoking, or diet

3.2 Recognise the importance of non-verbal communication,

including listening skills, and barriers to effective

22 General Dental Council

Standards for the 3.3 Explain and check patients’ understanding of treatments,
Dental Team,
Principle 3 Obtain options and costs to enable patients to make their choice Outcomes
valid consent, and give valid consent
GDC 2013
3.4 Obtain valid consent Dentists

4 Team and the wider healthcare environment Dental

4.1 Communicate effectively with colleagues from dental
and other healthcare professions in patients’ best Dental
interests in relation to: hygienists
• the direct care of individual patients
• oral health promotion nurses
• the day to day working of the clinical
department/practice in which the individual works Orthodontic
• the wider contribution which the department/practice
makes to dental and healthcare in the surrounding Clinical
community dental
• raising concerns when problems arise

4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, training and review of Dental

colleagues, giving and receiving effective feedback technicians
4.3 Give and receive feedback effectively to and from other
members of the team

4.4 Communicate appropriately and effectively in professional

discussions and transactions within the health and other

5 Generic communication skills

5.1 Communicate effectively and sensitively by spoken,

written and electronic methods and maintain and develop
these skills

5.2 Use appropriate methods to provide accurate, clear and

comprehensive information when referring patients to other
dental and healthcare professionals

5.3 Explain the importance of and maintain contemporaneous,

complete and accurate patient records in accordance with
legal requirements and best practice
Learning to 5.4 Recognise the use of a range of communication methods
Manage Health
Information - NHS and technologies and their appropriate application in
2012 support of clinical practice
5.5 Recognise and act within the principles of information

Preparing for practice 23

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

6 Patients and the public

6.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them
Dental 6.2 Be honest and act with integrity
6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and choices Standards for
the Dental
Dental 6.4 Maintain and protect patients’ information Team, Principle
hygienists 4 Maintain and
protect patients’
6.5 Recognise and respect the patient’s perspective and information,
Dental expectations of dental care and the role of the dental team GDC 2013
nurses taking into account current equality and diversity legislation,
noting that this may differ in England, Scotland, Wales and
Orthodontic Northern Ireland
7 Ethical and legal
Clinical 7.1 Be familiar with and act within the GDC’s standards and within
dental other professionally relevant laws, ethical guidance and Standards for
the Dental
technicians systems Team, GDC
Dental 7.2 Recognise and act upon the legal and ethical
technicians responsibilities involved in protecting and promoting the
health of individual patients

7.3 Act without discrimination and show respect for patients,

colleagues and peers and the general public

7.4 Recognise the importance of candour and effective

communication with patients when things go wrong, knowing
how and where to report any patient safety issues which arise

7.5 Take responsibility for and act to raise concerns about your
own or others’ health, behaviour or professional performance Standards for
as described in Standards for the Dental Team, Principle 8 the Dental
Raise concerns if patients are at risk Team, Principle
6 Work with
colleagues in a
8 Teamwork way that is in
patients’ best
8.1 Describe and respect the roles of dental and other healthcare interests
professionals in the context of learning and working in a Scope of
dental and wider healthcare team Practice, GDC
8.2 Ensure that any team you are involved in works together to
provide appropriate dental care for patients

8.3 Explain the contribution that team members and effective

team working makes to the delivery of safe and effective
high quality care

9 Development of self and others

9.1 Recognise and demonstrate own professional responsibility CPD for dental
in the development of self and the rest of the team GDC 2013
24 General Dental Council
9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt of effective feedback in the
professional development of self and others Outcomes
9.3 Explain the range of methods of learning and teaching
available and the importance of assessment, feedback,
critical reflection, identification of learning needs and
appraisal in personal development planning
9.4 Develop and maintain professional knowledge and
competence and demonstrate commitment to
lifelong learning
9.5 Recognise and evaluate the impact of new techniques hygienists
and technologies in clinical practice
9.6 Accurately assess their own capabilities and limitations in nurses
the interest of high quality patient care and seek advice
from supervisors or colleagues where appropriate
9.7 Explain and demonstrate the attributes of professional therapists
attitudes and behaviour in all environments and media

Management and Leadership
Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

Standards for
the Dental 10 Managing self
Team, Principle
1 Put patients’ 10.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them
interests first,
GDC 2013 10.2 Effectively manage their own time and resources

10.3 Recognise the impact of personal behaviour on the health

care environment and on wider society and manage this

10.4 Recognise the significance of their own management and

leadership role and the range of skills and knowledge
required to do this effectively

10.5 When appropriate act as an advocate for patient needs

10.6 Take responsibility for personal development planning,

recording of evidence, and reflective practice
Standards for
the Dental 10.7 Ensure that all aspects of practice comply with legal and
Team, GDC
2013 regulatory requirements

10.8 Demonstrate appropriate continuous improvement activities

Preparing for practice 25

11 Managing and working with others Standards for the
Dental Team,
Outcomes Principle 6 Work
11.1 Take a patient-centred approach to working with the dental
with colleagues in
and wider healthcare team a way that is in
patients’ best
Dentists 11.2 Recognise and respect own and others’ contribution to the interests, GDC
dental and wider healthcare team and demonstrate effective 2013

team working, including leading and being led

therapists 11.3 Recognise the importance of and demonstrate personal
accountability to patients, the regulator, the team and wider
Dental community
11.4 Where appropriate lead, manage and take professional
Dental responsibility for the actions of colleagues and other
nurses members of the team involved in patient care

11.5 Recognise and comply with the team working requirements Scope of
Orthodontic Practice, GDC
in the Scope of Practice and Standards documents 2013,
therapists Standards for the
11.6 Describe the impact of Direct Access on each registrant Dental Team,
GDC 2013
Clinical group’s scope of practice and its effect on dental team
dental working
11.7 Describe the scope of practice of the dental team and
where appropriate manage and delegate work accordingly,
Dental in line with competence and professional practice
11.8 Recognise, take responsibility for and act to raise
concerns about their own or others’ health, behaviour or
professional performance as described in Standards for Standards for the
Dental Team,
the Dental Team Principle 8 Principle 8 Raise
concerns if
11.9 Recognise the need to ensure that those who raise patients are at
concerns are protected from discrimination or other risk, GDC 2013
detrimental effects

12 Managing the clinical and working environment

12.1 Recognise and comply with systems and processes to

support safe patient care

12.2 Recognise the need for effective recorded maintenance

and testing of equipment and requirements for appropriate
storage, handling and use of materials

12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the procedures for

handling of complaints as described in Standards for
the Dental Team, Principle 5 Have a clear and effective
complaints procedure
12.4 Describe the legal, financial and ethical issues associated
with managing a dental practice
12.5 Recognise and comply with national and local clinical
governance and health and safety requirements

12.6 Describe the implications of the wider health economy and

external influences

26 General Dental Council

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to
demonstrate the outcomes as relevant to the practice of dental
therapy and patient care. Dentists

1 Individual patient care therapists
1.1 Foundations of practice
The registrant will be able to apply to the practice of dental hygienists
therapy principles that derive from the biomedical,
behavioural and materials sciences Dental
The registrant will recognise and take account of the
needs of different patient groups including children, adults,
older people, and those with special care requirements
throughout the patient care process

1.1.1 Describe the principles of an evidence-based approach to Clinical

learning, clinical and professional practice and decision making dental
1.1.2 Describe oral diseases and their relevance to prevention,
diagnosis and treatment Dental
1.1.3 Explain general and systemic disease and their relevance to technicians
oral health

1.1.4 Explain the aetiology and pathogenesis of oral disease

1.1.5 Describe relevant and appropriate dental, oral, craniofacial

and general anatomy and explain their application to patient

1.1.6 Describe relevant and appropriate physiology and explain its

application to patient management

1.1.7 Explain the potential routes of transmission of infectious

agents in dental practice, mechanisms for the prevention of
infection, the scientific principles of decontamination and
disinfection and their relevance to health and safety

1.1.8 Describe the properties of relevant medicines and

therapeutic agents and discuss their application to patient

1.1.9 Describe the scientific principles underpinning the use of

materials and biomaterials and discuss their limitations and
selection, with emphasis on those used in dentistry

1.1.10 Explain the scientific principles of medical ionizing radiation

and statutory regulations

1.1.11 Recognise psychological and sociological factors that

contribute to poor oral health, the course of diseases and the
success of treatment

Preparing for practice 27

1.2 Contribution to patient assessment
Outcomes 1.2.1 Recognise the importance of and carry out an appropriate
systematic intra- and extra-oral clinical examination

Dentists 1.2.2 Recognise the importance of and record a comprehensive

and contemporaneous patient history

Dental 1.2.3 Recognise the significance of changes in the patient’s

therapists reported oral health status and take appropriate action

Dental 1.2.4 Recognise abnormalities of the oral cavity and the rest of
hygienists the patient and raise concerns where appropriate

1.2.5 Undertake relevant special investigations and diagnostic

Dental procedures, including radiography
1.2.6 Assess patients’ levels of anxiety, experience and
Orthodontic expectations in respect of dental care
therapists 1.2.7 Discuss the importance of each component of the patient
assessment process
Clinical Sections 1.3, 1.4
dental and 1.6 do not
technicians apply to this
1.5 Responding to the treatment plan registrant group

Dental 1.5.1 Explain the principles of obtaining valid consent

Standards for the
technicians Dental Team,
1.5.2 Obtain valid consent from the patient before starting Principle 3 Obtain
treatment, explaining all the relevant options and possible valid consent,
costs GDC 2013

1.5.3 Plan the delivery of, and carry out, care in the best
interests of the patient

1.5.4 Identify where patients’ needs may differ from the treatment
plan and refer patients for advice when and where

1.5.5 Discuss the role of the dental therapist and other members
of the dental team in the treatment plan

1.7 Patient management

1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality, respect and dignity

1.7.2 Explain the impact of medical and psychological conditions

in the patient

1.7.3 Recognise the need to monitor and review treatment


1.7.4 Manage patient anxiety and pain through effective

communication, reassurance and relevant behavioural

1.7.5 Manage patient pain through the appropriate use

of analgesia
28 General Dental Council
1.7.6 Explain the risks and benefits of treatment under general
anaesthesia and conscious sedation Outcomes
1.7.7 Refer to other members of the dental team or other
health professionals
1.7.8 Recognise the need for and make arrangements for
appropriate follow-up care
1.7.9 Recognise local referral networks, local clinical guidelines therapists
and policies
1.7.10 Discuss the role of the dental therapist and other members hygienists
of the dental team in the patient management process
1.8 Patient and public safety
1.8.1 Recognise the risks around the clinical environment and
manage these in a safe and efficient manner

1.8.2 Implement and perform effective decontamination Clinical

and infection control procedures according to dental
current guidelines technicians
1.8.3 Recognise and take responsibility for the quality of care
provided to the patient
1.8.4 Take responsibility for ensuring compliance with current
best practice guidelines

1.8.5 Recognise and manage medical emergencies

1.8.6 Explain the importance of and maintain

contemporaneous, complete and accurate patient
records in accordance with legal requirements and best

1.8.7 Recognise the signs of abuse or neglect, describe local and

national systems that safeguard welfare and understand how
to raise concerns and act accordingly

1.9 Treatment of acute oral conditions

1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients with acute oral conditions

ensuring involvement of appropriate dental team members

1.10 Health promotion and disease prevention

1.10.1 Recognise the responsibilities of the dental team as an

access point to and from wider healthcare

1.10.2 Provide patients with comprehensive and accurate

preventive education and instruction in a manner which
encourages self-care and motivation

Preparing for practice 29

1.10.3 Underpin all patient care with a preventive approach that
Outcomes contributes to the patient’s long-term oral health and
general health

1.10.4 Advise on and apply a range of preventive materials and

treatment as appropriate

1.10.5 Assess the results of treatment and provide appropriate

aftercare and ongoing preventive advice
1.10.6 Describe the health risks of diet, drugs and substance
Dental misuse, and substances such as tobacco and alcohol on
hygienists oral and general health and provide appropriate advice,
referral and support
1.11 Periodontal therapy
therapists 1.11.1 Assess and manage the health of periodontal and soft
tissues taking into account risk and lifestyle factors
Clinical 1.11.2 Explain and take account of the impact of the patient’s
dental periodontal and general health on the overall treatment plan
technicians and outcomes

Dental 1.11.3 Undertake non-surgical treatments, under prescription

technicians where appropriate, to remove hard and soft deposits and
stains using a range of methods

1.11.4 Monitor and record changes in periodontal health as

necessary using appropriate indices

1.11.5 Place temporary dressings and re-cement crowns with a

temporary cement

1.11.6 Recognise and appropriately manage the complications

associated with periodontal therapy

1.11.7 Recognise the role of surgical management of periodontal

diseases, apply antimicrobials, and provide appropriate
patient care

1.11.8 Describe the risks related to dental implant therapy and

manage the health of peri-implant tissues

1.12 Extraction of teeth

1.12.1 Explain the risks, indications and complications of


1.12.2 Extract erupted deciduous teeth under local anaesthetic

30 General Dental Council

1.13 Management of the developing and developed
dentition Outcomes
1.13.1 Identify normal and abnormal facial growth, physical,
mental and dental development and explain their
significance Dentists

1.14 Restoration of teeth therapists
1.14.1 Assess and manage caries, occlusion, and tooth wear, Dental
and, where appropriate, restore the dentition using the hygienists
principle of minimal intervention, maintaining function
and aesthetics
1.14.2 Restore teeth using a wide range of treatments and nurses
materials appropriate to the patient including permanent
and temporary direct restorations, maintaining function Orthodontic
and aesthetics therapists
1.14.3 Provide pulp treatment for deciduous teeth Clinical
1.14.4 Restore deciduous teeth using preformed crowns dental
1.14.5 Explain the role of the dental therapist in the restoration
of teeth Dental

2 Population-based health and care

2.1 Describe the basic principles of a population health

approach including demographic and social trends, UK and
international oral health trends, determinants of health and
inequalities in health, the ways in which these are measured
and current patterns

2.2 Explain the dental and wider healthcare systems dental

professionals work within including health policy and
organisation, delivery of healthcare and equity

2.3 Describe and evaluate the role of health promotion in terms

of the changing environment, community and individual
behaviours to deliver health gain

2.4 Explain evidence-based prevention and apply appropriately

2.5 Describe the principles of planning oral health care for

communities to meet needs and demands

Preparing for practice 31

The registrant must recognise the importance of appropriate
communication in healthcare at all times and through all media
Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

3 Patients, their representatives and the public
Dental 3.1 Communicate effectively and sensitively at all times with
hygienists and about patients, their representatives and the general
public and in relation to:
nurses • patients with anxious or challenging behaviour

• referring patients to colleagues, particularly where

Orthodontic patients are from diverse backgrounds or there are
therapists barriers to patient communication

Clinical • difficult circumstances, such as when breaking bad

dental news, and when discussing issues, such as alcohol
technicians consumption, smoking or diet

3.2 Recognise the importance of non-verbal communication,

Dental including listening skills, and barriers to effective
technicians communication
Standards for the
3.3 Explain and check patients’ understanding of treatments, Dental Team,
Principle 3 Obtain
options, costs and valid consent valid consent, GDC
3.4 Obtain valid consent

4 Team and the wider healthcare environment

4.1 Communicate effectively with colleagues from dental and

other healthcare professions in relation to the direct care
of individual patients, including oral health promotion

4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, training and review of

colleagues, giving and receiving effective feedback

4.3 Give and receive feedback effectively to and from other

members of the team

5 Generic communication skills

5.1 Communicate effectively and sensitively by spoken,

written and electronic methods and maintain and develop
these skills

5.2 Explain the importance of and maintain contemporaneous,

complete and accurate patient records in accordance with
legal requirements and best practice

32 General Dental Council

5.3 Recognise the use of a range of communication
methods and technologies and their appropriate Outcomes
application in support of clinical practice
Learning to
Manage Health 5.4 Recognise and act within the principles of information
Information - Dentists
NHS 2012 governance


Professionalism Dental
Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:
6 Patients and the public nurses
6.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them
6.2 Be honest and act with integrity therapists
6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and choice Clinical
Standards for
the Dental dental
Team, Principle 6.4 Maintain and protect patients’ information
4 Maintain and
protect patients' 6.5 Recognise and respect the patient’s perspective and
information, expectations of dental care and the role of the dental team Dental
GDC 2013
taking into account current equality and diversity legislation, technicians
noting that this may differ in England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland

7 Ethical and legal

7.1 Be familiar with and act within the GDC’s standards and
within other professionally relevant laws, ethical guidance
Standards for
the Dental and systems
Team, GDC
2013 7.2 Recognise and act upon the legal and ethical
responsibilities involved in protecting and promoting the
health of individual patients

7.3 Act without discrimination and show respect for patients,

colleagues and peers and the general public

7.4 Recognise the importance of candour and effective

communication with patients when things go wrong,
knowing how and where to report any patient safety
issues which arise

7.5 Take responsibility for and act to raise concerns about

your own or others’ health, behaviour or professional
performance as described in Standards for the Dental
Team, Principle 8 Raise concerns if patients are at risk


Preparing for practice 33

8 Teamwork Standards for
the Dental
Outcomes Team, Principle
8.1 Describe and respect the roles of dental and other
6 Work with
healthcare professionals in the context of learning colleagues in a
way that is in
Dentists and working in a dental and wider healthcare team patients’ best
8.2 Ensure that any team you are involved in works together interests, GDC
to provide appropriate dental care for patients
Dental Scope of
therapists 8.3 Explain the contribution that team members and effective Practice, GDC
team working makes to the delivery of safe and effective
Dental high quality care

Dental 9 Development of self and others

9.1 Recognise and demonstrate own professional responsibility CPD for dental
Orthodontic in the development of self and the rest of the team professionals,
GDC 2013
therapists 9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt of effective feedback in the
professional development of self and others
dental 9.3 Explain the range of learning and teaching methods and the
technicians importance of assessment, feedback, critical reflection,
identification of learning needs and appraisal in personal
Dental development planning
9.4 Develop and maintain professional knowledge and
competence and demonstrate commitment to
lifelong learning

9.5 Recognise and evaluate the impact of new techniques and

technologies in clinical practice

9.6 Accurately assess own capabilities and limitations in the

interest of high quality patient care and seek advice from
supervisors or colleagues where appropriate

9.7 Describe and demonstrate the attributes of professional

attitudes and behaviour in all environments and media

Management and Leadership

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

10 Managing self
10.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them

10.2 Effectively manage their own time and resources

34 General Dental Council

10.3 Recognise the impact of personal behaviour and manage
this professionally Outcomes
10.4 Recognise the range of skills and knowledge that contribute
to effective management and leadership
10.5 When appropriate act as an advocate for patient/carer needs

10.6 Take responsibility for personal development planning, Dental

recording of evidence, and reflective practice therapists
Standards for
the Dental
Team, GDC
10.7 Ensure that all aspects of practice comply with legal and Dental
2013 regulatory requirements hygienists
10.8 Demonstrate appropriate continuous improvement activities
Standards for Dental
the Dental
Team, Principle
6 Work with 11 Working with others
colleagues in a Orthodontic
way that is in 11.1 Take a patient-centred approach to working with the dental
patients’ best therapists
interests, GDC
and wider healthcare team
11.2 Recognise and respect own and others’ contribution to the Clinical
dental and wider healthcare team and demonstrate effective dental
team working technicians

11.3 Recognise and demonstrate personal accountability to Dental

patients, the regulator, the team and wider community technicians
Scope of
Practice, GDC
11.4 Recognise and comply with the team working requirements
Standards for in the Scope of Practice and Standards documents
the Dental
Team, GDC 11.5 Describe the impact of Direct Access on each registrant
group’s scope of practice and its effect on dental team
Standards for
the Dental 11.6 Recognise, take responsibility for and act to raise concerns
Team, Principle about their own or others’ health, behaviour or
8 Raise
concerns if professional performance as described in Standards for the
patients are at Dental Team Principle 8
risk, GDC 2013

12 Managing the clinical and working environment

12.1 Recognise and comply with systems and processes to

support safe patient care

12.2 Recognise the need for effective recorded maintenance and

testing of equipment and requirements for appropriate
storage, handling and use of materials

12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the procedures for

handling complaints as described in Standards for
the Dental Team, Principle 5 Have a clear and
effective complaints procedure
12.4 Describe the legal, financial and ethical issues associated
with managing a dental practice
12.5 Recognise and comply with national and local clinical
governance and health and safety requirements
Preparing for practice 35
Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to
demonstrate the outcomes as relevant to the practice of dental
Dentists hygiene and patient care.

therapists 1 Individual patient care

1.1 Foundations of practice

hygienists The registrant will be able to apply to the practice of
dental hygiene principles that derive from the biomedical,
Dental behavioural and materials sciences
The registrant will recognise and take account of the needs
of different patient groups including children, adults, older
people, and those with special care requirements
throughout the patient care process
Clinical 1.1.1 Describe the principles of an evidence-based approach
dental to learning, clinical and professional practice and decision
technicians making

Dental 1.1.2 Describe oral diseases and their relevance to prevention,

technicians diagnosis and treatment

1.1.3 Explain general and systemic disease and their relevance

to oral health

1.1.4 Explain the aetiology and pathogenesis of oral disease

1.1.5 Describe relevant and appropriate dental, oral, craniofacial

and general anatomy and explain their application to patient

1.1.6 Describe relevant and appropriate physiology and explain

its application to patient management

1.1.7 Explain the potential routes of transmission of infectious

agents in dental practice, mechanisms for the prevention of
infection, the scientific principles of decontamination and
disinfection and their relevance to health and safety

1.1.8 Describe the properties of relevant medicines and

therapeutic agents and discuss their application to patient

1.1.9 Describe the scientific principles underpinning the use of

materials and biomaterials and discuss their limitations and
selection, with emphasis on those used in dentistry

1.1.10 Explain the scientific principles of medical ionizing radiation

and statutory regulations

36 General Dental Council

1.1.11 Recognise psychological and sociological factors that
contribute to poor oral health, the course of diseases and Outcomes
the success of treatment

1.2 Contribution to patient assessment

1.2.1 Recognise the importance of and carry out an appropriate Dental

systematic intra- and extra-oral clinical examination therapists

1.2.2 Recognise the importance of and record a comprehensive Dental

and contemporaneous patient history hygienists
1.2.3 Recognise the significance of changes in the patient’s
reported oral health status and take appropriate action Dental
1.2.4 Recognise abnormalities of the oral cavity and the rest of
the patient and raise concerns where appropriate Orthodontic
1.2.5 Undertake relevant special investigations and diagnostic
procedures, including radiography
1.2.6 Assess patients’ levels of anxiety, experience and dental
expectations in respect of dental care technicians
1.2.7 Discuss the importance of each component of the patient
assessment process
Sections 1.3, 1.4. technicians
and 1.6 do not
apply to this
registrant group
1.5 Responding to the treatment plan

1.5.1 Explain the principles of obtaining valid patient consent

Standards for the
Dental Team, 1.5.2 Obtain valid consent from the patient before starting
Principle 3 Obtain treatment, explaining all the relevant options and possible
valid consent,
GDC 2013 costs

1.5.3 Plan the delivery of, and carry out, care in the best
interests of the patient

1.5.4 Identify where patients’ needs may differ from the treatment
plan and refer patients for advice when and where

1.5.5 Discuss the role of the dental hygienist and other members
of the dental team in the treatment plan

1.7 Patient management

1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality, respect and dignity

1.7.2 Explain the impact of medical and psychological conditions

in the patient

1.7.3 Recognise the need to monitor and review treatment


Preparing for practice 37

1.7.4 Manage patient anxiety and pain through effective
Outcomes communication, reassurance and relevant
behavioural techniques

1.7.5 Manage patient pain through the appropriate use

of analgesia

1.7.6 Explain the risks and benefits of treatment under general

anaesthesia and conscious sedation
1.7.7 Refer to other members of the dental team or other
Dental health professionals
1.7.8 Recognise the need for and make arrangements for
Dental appropriate follow-up care
nurses 1.7.9 Recognise local referral networks, local clinical guidelines
and policies
therapists 1.7.10 Discuss the role of the dental hygienist and other members
of the dental team in the patient management process
technicians 1.8 Patient and public safety

1.8.1 Recognise the risks around the clinical environment and

manage these in a safe and efficient manner
1.8.2 Implement and perform effective decontamination and
infection control procedures according to current guidelines

1.8.3 Recognise and take responsibility for the quality of care

provided to the patient

1.8.4 Take responsibility for ensuring compliance with current

best practice guidelines

1.8.5 Recognise and manage medical emergencies

1.8.6 Explain the importance of and maintain

contemporaneous, complete and accurate patient
records in accordance with legal requirements and best

1.8.7 Recognise the signs of abuse or neglect, describe local and

national systems that safeguard welfare and understand how
to raise concerns and act accordingly

1.9 Treatment of acute oral conditions

1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients with acute oral conditions

ensuring involvement of appropriate dental team members

38 General Dental Council

1.10 Health promotion and disease prevention

1.10.1 Recognise the responsibilities of the dental team as an Outcomes

access point to and from wider healthcare

1.10.2 Provide patients with comprehensive and accurate Dentists

preventive education and instruction in a manner which
encourages self-care and motivation
1.10.3 Underpin all patient care with a preventive approach that therapists
contributes to the patient’s long-term oral health and
general health Dental
1.10.4 Advise on and apply a range of preventive materials and
1.10.5 Assess the results of treatment and provide appropriate nurses
aftercare and ongoing preventive advice
1.10.6 Describe the health risks of diet, drugs and substance
misuse, and substances such as tobacco and alcohol on
oral and general health and provide appropriate advice,
referral and support

1.11 Periodontal therapy Dental

1.11.1 Assess and manage the health of periodontal and soft technicians
tissues taking into account risk and lifestyle factors

1.11.2 Explain and take account of the impact of the patient’s

periodontal and general health on the overall treatment plan
and outcomes

1.11.3 Undertake non-surgical treatments, under prescription

where appropriate, to remove hard and soft deposits and
stains using a range of methods

1.11.4 Monitor and record changes in periodontal health as

necessary using appropriate indices

1.11.5 Recognise and appropriately manage the complications

associated with periodontal therapy

1.11.6 Place temporary dressings and re-cement crowns with a

temporary cement

1.11.7 Recognise the role of surgical management of periodontal

diseases, apply antimicrobials, and provide appropriate
patient care

1.11.8 Describe the risks related to dental implant therapy and

manage the health of peri-implant tissues
1.13 Management of the developing and developed dentition
1.13.1 Identify normal and abnormal facial growth, physical, mental
and dental development and explain their significance

Preparing for practice 39

2 Population-based health and care
Outcomes 2.1 Describe the basic principles of a population health
approach including demographic and social trends, UK and
international oral health trends, determinants of health and
Dentists inequalities in health, the ways in which these are measured
and current patterns
Dental 2.2 Explain the dental and wider healthcare systems dental
therapists professionals work within including health policy and
organisation, delivery of healthcare and equity
hygienists 2.3 Describe and evaluate the role of health promotion in terms
of the changing environment, community and individual
Dental behaviours to deliver health gain
2.4 Explain evidence-based prevention and apply appropriately

Orthodontic 2.5 Describe the principles of planning oral health care for
therapists communities to meet needs and demands


Dental Communication
The registrant must recognise the importance of appropriate
communication in healthcare at all times and through all media

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

3 Patients, their representatives and the public

3.1 Communicate effectively and sensitively at all times with

and about patients, their representatives and the general
public and in relation to:

• patients with anxious or challenging behaviour

• referring patients to colleagues, particularly where

patients are from diverse backgrounds or there are
barriers to patient communication

• difficult circumstances, such as when breaking bad

news, and when discussing issues, such as alcohol
consumption, smoking or diet

3.2 Recognise the importance of non-verbal communication,

including listening skills, and barriers to effective

40 General Dental Council

Standards for the 3.3 Explain and check patients’ understanding of treatments,
Dental Team,
Principle 3 Obtain options, costs and valid consent Outcomes
valid consent,
GDC 2013 3.4 Obtain valid consent

4 Team and the wider healthcare environment

4.1 Communicate effectively with colleagues from dental and therapists
other healthcare professions in relation to the direct care
of individual patients, including oral health promotion Dental
4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, training and review of
colleagues, giving and receiving effective feedback
4.3 Give and receive feedback effectively to and from other nurses
members of the team
5 Generic communication skills
5.1 Communicate effectively and sensitively by spoken, dental
written and electronic methods and maintain and develop technicians
these skills

5.2 Explain the importance of and maintain Dental

contemporaneous, complete and accurate patient technicians
records in accordance with legal requirements and best
Learning to 5.3 Recognise the use of a range of communication methods
Manage Health
Information - NHS
and technologies and their appropriate application in
2012 support of clinical practice
5.4 Recognise and act within the principles of information

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

6 Patients and the public

6.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them

6.2 Be honest and act with integrity

6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and choices

Preparing for practice 41

6.4 Maintain and protect patients’ information Standards for
the Dental
Outcomes Team, Principle
6.5 Recognise and respect the patient’s perspective and 4 Maintain and
expectations of dental care and the role of the dental team protect patients’
Dentists taking into account current equality and diversity legislation, GDC 2013
noting that this may differ in England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland
therapists 7 Ethical and legal

7.1 Be familiar with and act within the GDC’s standards and
Dental within other professionally relevant laws, ethical guidance Standards for
hygienists the Dental
and systems Team, GDC
Dental 7.2 Recognise and act upon the legal and ethical
nurses responsibilities involved in protecting and promoting the
health of individual patients
7.3 Act without discrimination and show respect for patients,
colleagues and peers and the general public
Clinical 7.4 Recognise the importance of candour and effective
dental communication with patients when things go wrong, knowing
technicians how and where to report any patient safety issues which arise

Dental 7.5 Take responsibility for and act to raise concerns about your Standards for
own or others’ health, behaviour or professional performance the Dental
technicians Team, Principle
as described in Standards for the Dental Team, Principle 8 6 Work with
Raise concerns if patients are at risk colleagues in a
way that is in
patients’ best
8 Teamwork
interests, GDC
8.1 Describe and respect the roles of dental and other
healthcare professionals in the context of learning Scope of
Practice, GDC
and working in a dental and wider healthcare team 2013

8.2 Ensure that any team you are involved in works together
to provide appropriate dental care for patients

8.3 Explain the contribution that team members and effective

team working makes to the delivery of safe and effective
high quality care

9 Development of self and others

CPD for dental
9.1 Recognise and demonstrate own professional responsibility professionals,
in the development of self and the rest of the team GDC 2013

9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt of effective feedback in the

professional development of self and others

9.3 Explain the range of learning and teaching methods and the
importance of assessment, feedback, critical reflection,
identification of learning needs and appraisal in personal
development planning

9.4 Develop and maintain professional knowledge and

competence and demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning

42 General Dental Council

9.5 Recognise and evaluate the impact of new techniques and
technologies in clinical practice Outcomes
9.6 Accurately assess own capabilities and limitations in the
interest of high quality patient care and seek advice from
supervisors or colleagues where appropriate

9.7 Describe and demonstrate the attributes of professional

attitudes and behaviour in all environments and media


Management and Leadership Dental

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:
10 Managing self
10.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them dental
10.2 Effectively manage their own time and resources

10.3 Recognise the impact of personal behaviour and manage Dental

this professionally technicians
10.4 Recognise the range of skills and knowledge that contribute
to effective management and leadership

10.5 When appropriate act as an advocate for patient needs

10.6 Take responsibility for personal development planning,

recording of evidence and reflective practice
Standards for 10.7 Ensure that all aspects of practice comply with legal and
the Dental
Team, GDC regulatory requirements
10.8 Demonstrate appropriate continuous improvement activities
Standards for
the Dental
Team, Principle
6 Work with 11 Working with others
colleagues in a
way that is in
patients’ best
11.1 Take a patient-centred approach to working with the dental
interests, GDC and wider healthcare team
11.2 Recognise and respect own and others’ contribution to the
dental and wider healthcare team and demonstrate effective
team working.
Scope of
Practice, GDC 11.3 Recognise and demonstrate personal accountability to
2013 patients, the regulator, the team and wider community
Standards for
the Dental 11.4 Recognise and comply with the team working requirements
Team, GDC in the Scope of Practice and Standards documents

Preparing for practice 43

11.5 Describe the impact of Direct Access on each registrant
Outcomes group’s scope of practice and its effect on dental team

11.6 Recognise, take responsibility for and act to raise

Dentists concerns about their own or others’ health, behaviour or
Standards for the
Dental Team,
professional performance as described in Standards for Principle 8 Raise
concerns if
Dental the Dental Team, Principle 8 Raise concerns if patients patients are at
therapists are at risk risk, GDC 2013

hygienists 12 Managing the clinical and working environment

Dental 12.1 Recognise and comply with systems and processes to

nurses support safe patient care

12.2 Recognise the need for effective recorded maintenance and

Orthodontic testing of equipment and requirements for appropriate
therapists storage, handling and use of materials

Clinical 12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the procedures for

dental handling complaints as described in Standards for the
Dental Team, Principle 5 Have a clear and effective
complaints procedure
Dental 12.4 Describe the legal, financial and ethical issues associated
technicians with managing a dental practice
12.5 Recognise and comply with national and local clinical
governance and health and safety requirements

44 General Dental Council

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to
demonstrate the outcomes as relevant to the practice of dental
nursing and patient care. Dentists

1 Individual patient care therapists
1.1 Foundations of practice
The registrant will be able to apply to the practice of dental hygienists
nursing principles that derive from the biomedical and
behavioural sciences Dental
The registrant will recognise and take account of the needs
of different patient groups including children, adults, older
people, and those with special care requirements Orthodontic
throughout the patient care process therapists

1.1.1 Describe the principles of an evidence-based Clinical

approach to learning, clinical and professional practice dental
and decision making technicians
1.1.2 Recognise the range of normal human structures and
functions with particular reference to oral disease and

1.1.3 Recognise abnormalities of the oral cavity and the rest of

the patient and raise concerns where appropriate

1.1.4 Explain the aetiology and pathogenesis of caries and

periodontal disease

1.1.5 Describe relevant dental and oral anatomy and their

application to patient management

1.1.6 Describe relevant and appropriate physiology and its

application to patient management

1.1.7 Explain the potential routes of transmission of infectious

agents in dental practice, mechanisms for the prevention of
infection, the scientific principles of decontamination and
disinfection and their relevance to health and safety

1.1.8 Describe commonly used dental biomaterials and

their application

1.1.9 Describe psychological and sociological aspects of

health, illness, behavioural change and disease

1.2 Contribution to patient assessment

1.2.1 Explain the need for and record an accurate and

contemporaneous patient history

Preparing for practice 45

1.2.2 Accurately describe and record an oral health assessment
1.2.3 Accurately record dental charting as carried out by other
appropriate registrants
Dentists 1.2.4 Recognise the significance of changes in the patient’s
reported oral health status and take appropriate action
Dental 1.2.5 Prepare records, images, equipment and materials for
therapists clinical assessment

Dental 1.2.6 Recognise and describe the varying levels of patient anxiety,
hygienists experience and expectations in respect of dental care

1.2.7 Discuss the importance of each component of the patient

Dental assessment process Sections 1.3, 1.4
and 1.6 do not
nurses apply to this
registrant group
Orthodontic 1.5 Responding to the treatment plan
therapists Standards for the
1.5.1 Explain the principles of obtaining valid patient consent Dental Team,
Principle 3 Obtain
Clinical valid consent,
dental 1.5.2 Discuss the role of the dental nurse and other members of GDC 2013
technicians the dental team in the treatment plan

technicians 1.7 Patient management

1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality, respect and dignity

1.7.2 Explain the impact of medical and psychological conditions

in the patient

1.7.3 Monitor, support and reassure patients through effective

communication and behavioural techniques

1.7.4 Advise patients on oral health maintenance

1.7.5 Recognise the need for and make arrangements for follow-
up care as prescribed by the operator

1.7.6 Describe the role of the dental nurse and other members of
the dental team in the patient management process

1.8 Patient and public safety

1.8.1 Use the working and clinical environment in a safe and

efficient manner

1.8.2 Perform effective decontamination and infection control


1.8.3 Comply with current best practice guidelines

1.8.4 Recognise and manage medical emergencies

46 General Dental Council

1.8.5 Explain the importance of contemporaneous, complete and
accurate patient records in accordance with legal Outcomes
requirements and best practice

1.8.6 Recognise the signs of abuse or neglect and describe local

and national systems and raise concerns where appropriate

1.9 Treatment of acute oral conditions therapists

1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients with acute oral conditions Dental
ensuring involvement of appropriate dental team members hygienists

1.10 Health promotion and disease prevention nurses
1.10.1 Describe the principles of preventive care
1.10.2 Provide patients with accurate and effective preventive therapists
information in a manner which encourages self-care and
motivation Clinical
1.10.3 Discuss the health risks of diet, drugs and substance technicians
misuse, and substances such as tobacco, alcohol and
drugs on oral and general health

1.11 Contributing to treatment

1.11.1 Prepare and maintain the clinical environment including the

instruments and equipment

1.11.2 Provide chairside support to the operator during treatment

1.11.3 Prepare, mix and handle dental materials

1.11.4 Process and manage dental radiographs

2 Population-based health and care

2.1 Describe the basic principles of a population health

approach including demographic and social trends, UK and
international oral health trends, determinants of health and
inequalities in health, the ways in which these are measured
and current patterns

2.2 Describe the dental and wider healthcare systems dental

professionals work within including health policy and
organisation, delivery of healthcare and equity

2.3 Describe and evaluate the role of health promotion in terms

of the changing environment, community and individual
behaviours to deliver health gain

Preparing for practice 47

2.4 Describe evidence-based prevention and apply
Outcomes appropriately

2.5 Describe the principles of planning oral health care for

communities to meet needs and demands


Dental Communication
The registrant must recognise the importance of appropriate
communication in healthcare at all times and through all media
Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:
3 Patients, their representatives and the public
dental 3.1 Communicate effectively and sensitively with and about
technicians patients, their representatives and the general public

3.2 Communicate effectively and sensitively to provide

Dental reassurance and information on oral hygiene to patients
technicians and their representatives
Standards for the
Dental Team,
3.3 Explain the purpose and process of valid consent Principle 3 Obtain
valid consent, GDC

4 Team and the wider healthcare environment

4.1 Communicate effectively with colleagues from dental and

other healthcare professions in relation to the direct care
of individual patients, including oral health promotion

4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, training and review of

colleagues, and giving and receiving effective feedback

4.3 Give and receive feedback effectively to and from other

members of the team

5 Generic communication skills

5.1 Communicate effectively and sensitively by spoken,

written and electronic methods and maintain and develop
these skills

5.2 Explain the importance of and maintain contemporaneous,

complete and accurate patient records in accordance with
legal requirements and best practice

48 General Dental Council

Learning to 5.3 Recognise the use of a range of communication methods
Manage Health
Information - and technologies and their appropriate application in Outcomes
NHS 2012 support of clinical practice
5.4 Recognise and act within the principles of information Dentists


Professionalism Dental
Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:
6 Patients and the public nurses

6.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them Orthodontic
6.2 Be honest and act with integrity therapists
Standards for 6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and choices
the Dental Clinical
Team, Principle dental
4 Maintain and 6.4 Maintain and protect patients’ information
protect patients’
information, 6.5 Recognise and respect the patient’s perspective and
GDC 2013 Dental
expectations of dental care and the role of the dental team
taking into account current equality and diversity legislation, technicians
noting that this may differ in England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland

7 Ethical and legal

7.1 Be familiar with and act within the GDC’s standards and
Standards for
the Dental within other professionally relevant laws, ethical guidance
Team, GDC and systems
7.2 Recognise and act upon the legal and ethical
responsibilities involved in protecting and promoting the
health of individual patients

7.3 Act without discrimination and show respect for patients,

colleagues and peers and the general public

7.4 Recognise the importance of candour and effective

communication with patients when things go wrong, knowing
how and where to report any patient safety issues which
Standards for 7.5 Take responsibility for and act to raise concerns about your
the Dental
own of others’ health, behaviour or professional performance
Team, Principle
6, Work with as described in Standards for the Dental Team, Principle 8
colleagues in a Raise concerns if patients are at risk
way that is in
patients’ best
interests, GDC 8 Teamwork
8.1 Describe and respect the roles of dental and other
Scope of healthcare professionals in the context of learning and
Practice, GDC
2013 working in a dental and wider healthcare team
Preparing for practice 49
8.2 Ensure that any team you are involved in works together to
Outcomes provide appropriate dental care for patients

8.3 Explain the contribution that team members and effective

team working makes to the delivery of safe and effective
high quality care

therapists 9 Development of self and others

Dental 9.1 Recognise and demonstrate own professional responsibility CPD for
hygienists in the development of self and the rest of the team dental
9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt of effective feedback in the GDC 2013
Dental professional development of self and others
9.3 Develop and maintain professional knowledge and
Orthodontic competence and demonstrate commitment to lifelong
therapists learning

9.4 Recognise the impact of new techniques and technologies in

clinical practice
technicians 9.5 Accurately assess own capabilities and limitations in the
interest of high quality patient care and seek advice from
Dental supervisors or colleagues where appropriate
9.6 Describe and demonstrate the attributes of professional
attitudes and behaviour in all environments and media

Management and leadership

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

10 Managing self
10.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them

10.2 Effectively manage their own time and resources

10.3 Recognise the impact of personal behaviour and manage this


10.4 When appropriate act as an advocate for patient needs

10.5 Take responsibility for personal development planning,

recording of evidence, and reflective practice

10.6 Ensure that all aspects of practice comply with legal and Standards for
the Dental
regulatory requirements Team, GDC
10.7 Demonstrate appropriate continuous improvement activities

50 General Dental Council

Standards for the 11 Working with others
Dental Team,
Principle 6 Work 11.1 Take a patient-centred approach to working with the dental Outcomes
with colleagues in
a way that is in and wider healthcare team
patients’ best
interests, GDC 11.2 Recognise and respect own and other team members’ Dentists
2013 contribution to the dental and wider healthcare team and
demonstrate effective team working.
Scope of Practice, Dental
GDC 2013, 11.3 Recognise and comply with the team working requirements therapists
Standards for the
Dental Team, in the Scope of Practice and Standards documents
GDC 2013 Dental
11.4 Describe the impact of Direct Access on each registrant hygienists
group’s scope of practice and its effect on dental team
11.5 Recognise, take responsibility for and act to raise concerns nurses
Standards for the about your own or others’ health, behaviour or
Dental Team,
Principle 8 Raise professional performance as described in Standards for the Orthodontic
concerns if Dental Team, Principle 8 therapists
patients are at
risk, GDC 2013
12 Managing the clinical and working environment dental
12.1 Recognise and comply with systems and processes to
support safe patient care Dental
12.2 Recognise the need for effective recorded maintenance and
testing of equipment and requirements for appropriate
storage, handling and use of materials
Standards for the
Dental Team,
12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the procedures for
Principle 5 Have a handling of complaints as described in Standards for
clear and effective the Dental Team, Principle 5
procedure, GDC
2013 12.4 Describe the legal, financial and ethical issues associated
with managing a dental practice
12.5 Recognise and comply with national and local clinical
governance and health and safety requirements

Preparing for practice 51

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to
demonstrate the outcomes as relevant to the practice of orthodontic
Dentists therapy and patient care.

therapists 1 Individual patient care

1.1 Foundations of practice

hygienists The registrant will be able to apply to the practice of
orthodontic therapy principles that derive from the
Dental biomedical, behavioural and materials sciences
The registrant will recognise and take account of the needs
of different patient groups including children, adults, older
people, and those with special care requirements
throughout the patient care process
Clinical 1.1.1 Describe the principles of an evidence-based approach
dental to learning, clinical and professional practice and
technicians decision making

Dental 1.1.2 Explain the range of normal human structures and functions
technicians with particular reference to oral disease and treatment

1.1.3 Explain the aetiology and pathogenesis of oral disease

1.1.4 Describe relevant dental, craniofacial and oral anatomy and

explain their application to patient management

1.1.5 Describe relevant physiology and explain its application to

patient management

1.1.6 Explain the potential routes of transmission of infectious

agents in dental practice, mechanisms for the prevention of
infection, the scientific principles of decontamination and
disinfection and their relevance to health and safety

1.1.7 Describe the scientific principles underpinning the use of

biomaterials and discuss their limitations with emphasis on
those used in dentistry

1.1.8 Explain the scientific principles of medical ionizing radiation

and statutory regulations

1.1.9 Describe psychological and sociological aspects of health,

illness, behavioural change and disease

1.2 Contribution to patient assessment

1.2.1 Explain the need for an accurate and contemporaneous

patient history

52 General Dental Council

1.2.2 Recognise the significance of changes in the patient’s
reported oral health status and take appropriate action Outcomes
1.2.3 Recognise the early stages of mucosal abnormality and the
importance of appropriate and timely referral
1.2.4 Assess patients’ levels of anxiety, experience and
expectations in respect of dental care
1.2.5 Contribute to relevant special investigations and therapists
diagnostic procedures, including radiography
1.2.6 Discuss the importance of each component of the patient hygienists
assessment process
Sections 1.3,
1.4 and 1.6 do Dental
not apply to this
registrant group
1.5 Responding to the treatment plan
1.5.1 Explain the principles of obtaining valid consent
1.5.2 Obtain valid consent from the patient before starting
treatment, explaining all the relevant options and possible costs Clinical
1.5.3 Carry out care as prescribed by the dentist and plan the
delivery in the most appropriate way for the patient

1.5.4 Identify where patients’ needs may differ from the treatment Dental
plan or prescription and refer patients for advice where technicians

1.5.5 Discuss the role of the orthodontic therapist and other

members of the dental team in the treatment plan

1.7 Patient management

1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality, respect and dignity

1.7.2 Explain the impact of medical and psychological conditions

in the patient

1.7.3 Recognise the need to monitor and review treatment


1.7.4 Manage patient anxiety through effective communication,

reassurance and relevant behavioural techniques

1.7.5 Recognise the need for appropriate follow-up care

1.7.6 Recognise the management and organisation of local

referral networks, local clinical guidelines and policies

1.7.7 Describe the role of the orthodontic therapist and other

members of the dental team in the patient management

Preparing for practice 53

1.8 Patient and public safety
Outcomes 1.8.1 Recognise the risks around the clinical environment and
manage these in a safe and efficient manner

Dentists 1.8.2 Implement and perform effective decontamination and

infection control procedures

Dental 1.8.3 Take responsibility for ensuring compliance with current

therapists best practice guidelines

Dental 1.8.4 Recognise and manage medical emergencies

hygienists 1.8.5 Explain the importance of and maintain
contemporaneous, complete and accurate patient
Dental records in accordance with legal requirements and best
nurses practice

Orthodontic 1.8.6 Recognise the signs of abuse or neglect and describe local
therapists and national systems and raise concerns where appropriate

dental 1.9 Treatment of acute oral conditions
1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients with acute oral conditions
ensuring involvement of appropriate dental team members
1.10 Health promotion and disease prevention

1.10.1 Describe the principles of preventive care

1.10.2 Provide patients with comprehensive and accurate

preventive education and instruction in a manner which
encourages self-care and motivation

1.10.3 Underpin all patient care with a preventive approach that

contributes to the patient’s long-term oral and general health

1.10.4 Describe the health risks of diet, drugs and substance

misuse, and substances such as tobacco and alcohol on
oral and general health and provide appropriate advice,
referral and support
Sections 1.11
and 1.12 do not
apply to this
registrant group
1.13 Management of the developing and developed

1.13.1 Identify normal and abnormal facial growth, physical, mental

and dental development and explain their significance

1.13.2 Explain the aetiology of malocclusion

1.13.3 Describe how to undertake an orthodontic assessment and

explain how treatment need is assessed

54 General Dental Council

1.13.4 Recognise and explain to patients the range of
contemporary orthodontic treatment options, their impact, Outcomes
outcomes, limitations and risks

1.13.5 Recognise common problems related to orthodontic

treatment and take appropriate action

1.13.6 Undertake orthodontic procedures as prescribed by the

referring practitioner

2 Population-based health and care hygienists
2.1 Describe the basic principles of a population health
approach including demographic and social trends, UK and Dental
international oral health trends, determinants of health and nurses
inequalities in health, the ways in which these are measured
and current patterns Orthodontic
2.2 Describe the dental and wider healthcare systems dental
professionals work within including health policy and Clinical
organisation, delivery of healthcare and equity dental
2.3 Describe and evaluate the role of health promotion in terms
of the changing environment and community and individual
behaviours to deliver health gain Dental
2.4 Describe evidence-based prevention and apply

2.5 Describe the principles of planning oral health care for

communities to meet needs and demands

The registrant must recognise the importance of appropriate
communication in healthcare at all times and through all media

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

3 Patients, their representatives and the public

3.1 Communicate appropriately, effectively and sensitively at all

times with and about patients, their representatives and the
general public and in relation to:

• patients with anxious or challenging behaviour

Preparing for practice 55

• referring patients to colleagues, particularly where
Outcomes patients are from diverse backgrounds or there are
barriers to patient communication

• difficult circumstances, such as when breaking bad

news, and when discussing issues, such as alcohol
consumption, smoking or diet
3.2 Recognise the importance of non-verbal
communication, including listening skills, and barriers
to effective communication
hygienists 3.3 Explain and check patients’ understanding of treatments, Standards for the
Dental Team,
options, costs and valid consent Principle 3 Obtain
Dental valid consent, GDC
nurses 3.4 Obtain valid consent 2013

therapists 4 Team and the wider healthcare environment

4.1 Communicate effectively with colleagues from dental and

other healthcare professions in relation to the direct care
of individual patients, including oral health promotion
4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, training and review of
Dental colleagues, and giving and receiving effective feedback
4.3 Give and receive feedback effectively to and from other
members of the team

5 Generic communication skills

5.1 Communicate effectively and sensitively by spoken,

written and electronic methods and maintain and develop
these skills

5.2 Explain the importance of and maintain contemporaneous,

complete and accurate patient records in accordance with
legal requirements and best practice

5.3 Recognise the use of a range of communication methods

and technologies and their appropriate application in
support of clinical practice Learning to Manage
Health Information -
5.4 Recognise and act within the principles of information NHS 2012

56 General Dental Council

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

6 Patients and the public
6.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them
6.2 Be honest and act with integrity
Standards for 6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and choices hygienists
the Dental
Team, Principle 6.4 Maintain and protect patients’ information
4 Maintain and Dental
protect patients’
6.5 Recognise and respect the patient’s perspective and nurses
GDC 2013 expectations of dental care and the role of the dental team
taking into account current equality and diversity legislation, Orthodontic
noting that this may differ in England, Scotland, Wales and therapists
Northern Ireland
7 Ethical and legal dental
Standards for 7.1 Be familiar with and act within the GDC’s standards and technicians
the Dental within other professionally relevant laws, ethical guidance
Team, GDC
2013 and systems Dental
7.2 Recognise and act upon the legal and ethical
responsibilities involved in protecting and promoting the
health of individual patients

7.3 Act without discrimination and show respect for patients,

colleagues and peers and the general public

7.4 Recognise the importance of candour and effective

communication with patients when things go wrong,
knowing how and where to report any patient safety
issues which arise

7.5 Take responsibility for and act to raise concerns about

Standards for
the Dental your own or others’ health, behaviour or professional
Team, Principle performance as described in Standards for the Dental
6 Work with Team, Principle 8 Raise concerns if patients are at risk
colleagues in a
way that is in
patients’ best 8 Teamwork
interests, GDC
2013 8.1 Describe and respect the roles of dental and other
healthcare professionals in the context of learning and
Scope of working in a dental and wider healthcare team
Practice, GDC
8.2 Ensure that any team you are involved in works together
to provide appropriate dental care for patients

8.3 Explain the contribution that team members and effective

team working makes to the delivery of safe and effective
high quality care

Preparing for practice 57

9 Development of self and others
Outcomes 9.1 Recognise and demonstrate own professional responsibility CPD for dental
in the development of self and the rest of the team GDC 2013
Dentists 9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt of effective feedback in the
professional development of self and others
Dental 9.3 Develop and maintain professional knowledge and
therapists competence and demonstrate commitment to
lifelong learning
hygienists 9.4 Recognise and evaluate the impact of new techniques and
technologies in clinical practice
Dental 9.5 Accurately assess own capabilities and limitations in the
nurses interest of high quality patient care and seek advice from
supervisors or colleagues where appropriate
therapists 9.6 Describe and demonstrate the attributes of professional
attitudes and behaviour in all environments and media

technicians Management and leadership
Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

10 Managing self
10.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them

10.2 Effectively manage their own time and resources

10.3 Recognise the impact of personal behaviour and manage

this professionally

10.4 Recognise the range of skills and knowledge that contribute

to effective management and leadership

10.5 When appropriate act as an advocate for patient needs

10.6 Take responsibility for personal development planning,

recording of evidence, and reflective practice

10.7 Ensure that all aspects of practice comply with legal and Standards for
regulatory requirements the Dental
Team, GDC
10.8 Demonstrate appropriate continuous improvement activities 2013

58 General Dental Council

Standards for the 11 Working with others
Dental Team,
Principle 6 Work 11.1 Take a patient-centred approach to working with the dental Outcomes
with colleagues in
a way that is in and wider healthcare team
patients’ best
interests, GDC 11.2 Recognise and respect own and others’ contribution to the Dentists
2013 dental and wider healthcare team and demonstrate effective
team working.
11.3 Recognise and demonstrate personal accountability to therapists
patients, the regulator, the team and wider community
Scope of Practice, Dental
11.4 Recognise and comply with the team working requirements
GDC 2013, hygienists
Standards for the in the Scope of Practice and Standards documents
Dental Team,
GDC 2013
11.5 Describe the impact of Direct Access on each registrant Dental
group’s scope of practice and its effect on dental team nurses
11.6 Recognise, take responsibility for and act to raise therapists
concerns about their own or others’ health, behaviour or
professional performance as described in Standards for Clinical
the Dental Team Principle 8 Raise concerns if patients dental
are at risk technicians

12 Managing the clinical and working environment technicians
12.1 Recognise and comply with systems and processes to
support safe patient care

12.2 Recognise the need for effective recorded maintenance and

testing of equipment and requirements for appropriate
storage, handling and use of materials

12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the procedures for handling

complaints as described in Standards for the Dental Team
Principle 5 Have a clear and effective complaints procedure

12.4 Describe the legal, financial and ethical issues associated

with managing a dental practice
12.5 Recognise and comply with national and local clinical
governance and health and safety requirements

Preparing for practice 59

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to
demonstrate the outcomes as relevant to the practice of clinical
Dentists dental technology and patient care.

therapists 1 Individual patient care

1.1 Foundations of practice

hygienists The registrant will be able to apply to the practice of
clinical dental technology principles that derive
Dental from the biomedical, behavioural, engineering and
nurses materials sciences

The registrant will recognise and take account of the needs

of different patient groups including children, adults, older
people, and those with special care requirements
throughout the patient care process
dental 1.1.1 Describe the principles of an evidence-based approach to
technicians learning, clinical and professional practice and decision
technicians 1.1.2 Explain the range of normal human structures and functions
with particular reference to oral disease and treatment

1.1.3 Recognise abnormalities of the oral cavity and the rest of

the patient and raise concerns where appropriate

1.1.4 Explain the aetiology and pathogenesis of oral disease

1.1.5 Describe relevant dental, oral and general anatomy and

their application to patient management

1.1.6 Describe relevant physiology and its application to patient


1.1.7 Explain the potential routes of transmission of infectious

agents in dental practice, mechanisms for the prevention of
infection, the scientific principles of decontamination and
disinfection and their relevance to health and safety

1.1.8 Describe the scientific principles underpinning the use of

materials and biomaterials and discuss their limitations and
selection, with particular emphasis on those used in

1.1.9 Explain and apply the scientific principles of medical ionizing

radiation and statutory regulations

1.1.10 Describe psychological and sociological aspects of health,

illness, behavioural change and disease

60 General Dental Council

1.2 Contribution to patient assessment

1.2.1 Recognise the importance of and carry out an appropriate Outcomes

systematic intra and extra-oral clinical examination

1.2.2 Recognise the importance of and record a comprehensive Dentists

and contemporaneous patient history

1.2.3 Recognise the significance of changes in the patient’s Dental

reported oral health status and take appropriate action therapists
1.2.4 Undertake relevant special investigations and Dental
diagnostic procedures, including radiography hygienists
1.2.5 Assess patients’ levels of anxiety, experience and
expectations in respect of dental care Dental
1.2.6 Discuss the importance of each component of the patient
assessment process Orthodontic

1.3 Patient assessment (edentulous patient) Clinical

1.3.1 Obtain, record, and interpret a comprehensive and
contemporaneous patient history

1.3.2 Undertake an appropriate systematic intra and extra-oral Dental

clinical examination technicians
1.3.3 Manage appropriate clinical and laboratory investigations

1.3.4 Undertake relevant special investigations and diagnostic

procedures, including radiography

1.4 Diagnosis (edentulous patient)

1.4.1 For the edentulous patient formulate a differential diagnosis

1.5 Treatment planning (edentulous patient)

1.5.1 For the edentulous patient formulate an appropriate

treatment plan based on the patient assessment and

Standards for the 1.6 Responding to the treatment plan

Dental Team,
Principle 3 Obtain 1.6.1 Explain the principles of obtaining valid patient consent
valid consent,
GDC 2013 1.6.2 Obtain valid consent from the patient before starting treatment,
explaining all relevant options and the possible costs

1.6.3 Provide care as outlined in a treatment plan or prescription

and plan the delivery in the most appropriate way for the

Preparing for practice 61

1.6.4 Identify where patients’ needs may differ from the treatment
Outcomes plan or prescription and refer patients for advice or
treatment where appropriate

1.6.5 Recognise abnormalities of the oral cavity and the rest of

the patient and raise concerns where appropriate

1.6.6 Discuss the role of the clinical dental technician and other
members of the dental team in the treatment plan

hygienists 1.7 Patient management

1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality, respect and dignity

nurses 1.7.2 Explain the impact of medical and psychological conditions
in the patient
Orthodontic 1.7.3 Recognise the need to monitor and review treatment
therapists outcomes
Clinical 1.7.4 Manage patient anxiety and pain through effective
dental communication, reassurance and relevant behavioural
technicians techniques and refer where appropriate

1.7.5 Recognise and take responsibility for understanding the

management and organisation of local referral networks,
local clinical guidelines and policies

1.7.6 Discuss the role of the clinical dental technician and other
members of the dental team in the patient management

1.8 Patient and public safety

1.8.1 Recognise the risks around the clinical environment and

manage these in a safe and efficient manner

1.8.2 Implement and perform effective decontamination and

infection control procedures according to current guidelines

1.8.3 Take responsibility for ensuring compliance with current

best practice guidelines and European manufacturing

1.8.4 Recognise and take responsibility for the fitness for purpose
of custom made dental devices provided

1.8.5 Recognise and manage medical emergencies

1.8.6 Explain the importance of and maintain

contemporaneous, complete and accurate patient
records in accordance with legal requirements and best

62 General Dental Council

1.8.7 Recognise the signs of abuse or neglect and describe
local and national systems and raise concerns Outcomes
where appropriate

1.9 Treatment of acute oral conditions

1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients with acute oral conditions Dental
ensuring involvement of appropriate dental team members therapists

1.10 Health promotion and disease prevention

1.10.1 Explain the principles of preventive care Dental

1.10.2 Explain how the design and manufacture of custom made
dental devices can contribute to the prevention of oral
disease and the interests of the patient’s long term oral
health, safety and well-being

1.10.3 Evaluate and apply the principles of evidence based and Clinical
appropriate design in the manufacture and provision of dental
custom made dental devices technicians
1.10.4 Provide patients with comprehensive and accurate
preventive education and instruction in a manner which
encourages self-care and motivation

1.10.5 Underpin all patient care with a preventive approach that

contributes to the patient’s long-term oral and general

1.10.6 Assess the results of treatment and provide aftercare and

ongoing preventive advice

1.10.7 Describe the health risks of diet, drugs and substance

misuse, and substances such as tobacco and alcohol on
oral and general health and provide appropriate information
Sections 1.11-
1.13 do not apply and support
to this registrant

1.14 Replacement of teeth

1.14.1 Design, manufacture, assess and provide biomechanically

sound removable devices

1.14.2 Design, manufacture, assess and provide biomechanically

sound fixed prostheses

1.14.3 Design, manufacture, assess and provide biomechanically

sound orthodontic appliances

1.14.4 Repair custom made dental devices to meet the needs of

the patient

Preparing for practice 63

1.14.5 Repair and modify custom made dental devices
1.14.6 Evaluate, for individual patients, the need for more complex
treatment and seek advice
Dentists 1.14.7 Fit devices and appliances for the oral cavity according to
Dental 1.14.8 Fit biomechanically sound complete dentures
1.14.9 Explain the role of the clinical dental technician in the
Dental replacement of teeth

Dental 2 Population-based health and care

2.1 Describe the basic principles of a population health
approach including demographic and social trends, UK and
Orthodontic international oral health trends, determinants of health and
therapists inequalities in health, the ways in which these are measured
and current patterns
dental 2.2 Explain the dental and wider healthcare systems dental
technicians professionals work within including health policy and
organisation, delivery of healthcare and equity
2.3 Describe and evaluate the role of health promotion in terms
of the changing environment, community and individual
behaviours to deliver health gain

2.4 Explain evidence-based prevention and apply appropriately

2.5 Describe the principles of planning oral health care for

communities to meet needs and demands

The registrant must recognise the importance of appropriate
communication in healthcare at all times and through all media

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

3 Patients, their representatives and the public

3.1 Communicate appropriately, effectively and sensitively at all

times with and about patients, their representatives and the
general public and in relation to:

• patients with anxious or challenging behaviour

64 General Dental Council

• referring patients to colleagues, particularly where
patients are from diverse backgrounds or there are Outcomes
barriers to patient communication

• difficult circumstances, such as when breaking bad

news, and when discussing issues, such as alcohol
consumption, smoking or diet
3.2 Recognise the importance of non-verbal communication,
including listening skills, and barriers to effective
Standards for the
Dental Team, 3.3 Explain and check patients’ understanding of treatments, hygienists
Principle 3 Obtain
valid consent, options, costs and valid consent
GDC 2013 Dental
3.4 Obtain valid consent nurses

4 Team and the wider healthcare environment therapists
4.1 Communicate effectively with colleagues from dental and
other healthcare professions in relation to the direct care
of individual patients, including oral health promotion
4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, training and review of
colleagues, and giving and receiving effective feedback Dental
4.3 Give and receive feedback effectively to and from other
members of the team

4.4 Communicate appropriately and effectively in

professional discussions and transactions within the health
and other sectors

5 Generic communication skills

5.1 Communicate effectively and sensitively by spoken,

written and electronic methods and maintain and develop
these skills

5.2 Use appropriate methods to provide accurate, clear and

comprehensive information when referring patients to other
dental and healthcare professionals

5.3 Explain the importance of and maintain

contemporaneous, complete and accurate patient
records in accordance with legal requirements and best

Learning to 5.4 Recognise the use of a range of communication methods

Manage Health and technologies and their appropriate application in
Information - NHS
2012 support of clinical practice
5.5 Recognise and act within the principles of information

Preparing for practice 65

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

6 Patients and the public

Dental 6.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them
6.2 Be honest and act with integrity
Dental 6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and choices Standards for
hygienists the Dental
6.4 Maintain and protect patients’ information Team, Principle
4 Maintain and
Dental 6.5 Recognise and respect the patient’s perspective and protect patients’
nurses expectations of dental care and the role of the dental team GDC 2013
taking into account current equality and diversity legislation,
Orthodontic noting that this may differ in England, Scotland, Wales and
therapists Northern Ireland

dental 7 Ethical and legal
technicians 7.1 Be familiar with and act within the GDC’s standards and Standards for
within other professionally relevant laws, ethical guidance the Dental
Dental Team, GDC
and systems 2013
7.2 Recognise and act upon the legal and ethical
responsibilities involved in protecting and promoting the
health of individual patients

7.3 Act without discrimination and show respect for patients,

colleagues and peers and the general public

7.4 Recognise the importance of candour and effective

communication with patients when things go wrong, knowing
how and where to report any patient safety issues which

7.5 Take responsibility for and act to raise concerns about your
own or others’ health, behaviour or professional performance Standards for
as described in Standards for the Dental Team Principle 8 the Dental
Raise concerns if patients are at risk Team, Principle
6 Work with
colleagues in a
8 Teamwork way that is in
patients’ best
interests, GDC
8.1 Describe and respect the roles of dental and other 2013
healthcare professionals in the context of learning and
Scope of
working in a dental and wider healthcare team Practice, GDC
8.2 Ensure that any team you are involved in works together
to provide appropriate dental care for patients

8.3 Explain the contribution that team members and effective

team working makes to the delivery of safe and effective
high quality care

66 General Dental Council

9 Development of self and others

9.1 Recognise and demonstrate own professional responsibility Outcomes

CPD for dental
professionals, in the development of self and the rest of the team
GDC 2013
9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt of effective feedback in the Dentists
professional development of self and others

9.3 Explain the range of learning and teaching methods and the Dental
importance of assessment, feedback, critical reflection, therapists
identification of learning needs and appraisal in personal
development planning Dental
9.4 Develop and maintain professional knowledge and
competence and demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning Dental
9.5 Recognise and evaluate the impact of new techniques and nurses
technologies in clinical practice
9.6 Accurately assess own capabilities and limitations in the therapists
interest of high quality patient care and seek advice from
supervisors or colleagues where appropriate Clinical
9.7 Describe and demonstrate the attributes of professional dental
attitudes and behaviour in all environments and media technicians


Management and leadership

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

10 Managing self
10.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them

10.2 Effectively manage their own time and resources

10.3 Recognise the impact of personal behaviour and manage

this professionally

10.4 Recognise the range of skills and knowledge that contribute

to effective management and leadership

10.5 When appropriate act as an advocate for patient needs

10.6 Take responsibility for personal development planning,

recording of evidence, and reflective practice

Standards for 10.7 Ensure that all aspects of practice comply with legal and
the Dental
Team, GDC
regulatory requirements
10.8 Demonstrate appropriate continuous improvement activities

Preparing for practice 67

11 Working with others Standards for the
Dental Team,
Outcomes Principle 6 Work
11.1 Take a patient-centred approach to working with the dental
with colleagues in
and wider healthcare team a way that is in
patients’ best
Dentists 11.2 Recognise and respect own and others’ contribution to the interests, GDC
dental and wider healthcare team and demonstrate effective 2013

team working.
therapists 11.3 Recognise and demonstrate personal accountability to
patients, the regulator, the team and wider community
Dental Scope of Practice,
hygienists 11.4 Recognise and comply with the team working requirements GDC 2013,
in the Scope of Practice and Standards documents Standards for the
Dental Team,
Dental GDC 2013
nurses 11.5 Describe the impact of Direct Access on each
registrant group’s scope of practice and its effect on
dental team working
therapists 11.6 Recognise, take responsibility for and act to raise
concerns about their own or others’ health, behaviour or Standards for the
Clinical professional performance as described in Standards for Dental Team,
dental the Dental Team, Principle 8 Principle 8 Raise
technicians concerns if
patients are at
risk, GDC 2013
11.7 Recognise the need to ensure that those who raise
concerns are protected from discrimination or other
detrimental effect

12 Managing the clinical and working environment

12.1 Recognise and comply with systems and processes to

support safe patient care

12.2 Recognise the need for effective recorded maintenance and

testing of equipment and requirements for appropriate
storage, handling and use of materials

12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the procedures for Standards for the
handling of complaints as described in Standards Dental Team,
Principle 5 Have a
for the Dental Team, Principle 5 clear and effective
12.4 Describe the legal, financial and ethical issues associated procedure, GDC
with managing a dental practice

12.5 Recognise and comply with national and local clinical

governance and health and safety requirements

68 General Dental Council

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to
demonstrate the outcomes as relevant to the practice of dental
technology and patient care. Dentists

1 Supporting individual patient care Dental

1.1 Foundations of practice

The registrant will be able to apply to the practice of dental Dental

technology principles that derive from the biomedical, hygienists
engineering, and materials sciences
The registrant will recognise and take account of the needs nurses
of different patient groups including children, adults, older
people, and those with special care requirements Orthodontic
throughout the patient care process therapists
1.1.1 Describe the principles of an evidence-based approach to
learning, professional practice and decision making Clinical
1.1.2 Describe the range of normal dental and oral anatomy technicians
and physiology
1.1.3 Recognise abnormalities of the oral cavity and their effect Dental
on dental devices technicians
1.1.4 Explain the potential routes of transmission of infectious
agents in dental practice, mechanisms for the prevention of
infection, the scientific principles of decontamination and
disinfection and their relevance to health and safety
1.1.5 Describe and evaluate the procedures used in the design
and manufacture of custom made dental devices
1.1.6 Describe and evaluate the scientific principles underpinning
the use of materials and dental biomaterials and discuss
their selection

1.5 Responding to the prescription

1.5.1 Carry out procedures to meet the prescription

1.5.2 Assess the fitness for purpose of custom made dental
devices and propose alternative solutions where required
1.5.3 Recognise and take responsibility for establishing personal
networks with dental professionals, specialists and other
relevant individuals and organisations
1.5.4 Discuss the role of the dental technician and other
members of the dental team in the treatment plan
Standards for the
Dental Team, 1.5.5 Explain the principles of obtaining valid consent
Principle 3 Obtain
valid consent, 1.5.6 Obtain valid consent from the patient before starting treatment,
GDC 2013
explaining all the relevant options and the possible costs

Preparing for practice 69

1.7 Patient management
Outcomes 1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality, respect and dignity

1.7.2 Explain the impact of medical and psychological conditions

Dentists in the patient

1.7.3 Manage patient anxiety, support and reassure patients

Dental through effective communication and behavioural
therapists techniques

Dental 1.7.4 Recognise and take responsibility for understanding the

hygienists management and organisation of local referral networks,
local clinical guidelines and policies
Dental 1.7.5 Discuss the role of the dental technician and other
nurses members of the dental team in the patient management
1.8 Patient and public safety
dental 1.8.1 Recognise the risks around the working laboratory
technicians environment and manage these in a safe and efficient
Dental 1.8.2 Perform effective decontamination and infection control
technicians procedures, taking into account their effect on materials

1.8.3 Take responsibility for ensuring compliance with current

best practice guidelines and European manufacturing

1.8.4 Recognise and take responsibility for the fitness for purpose
of custom made dental devices provided

1.8.5 Recognise and manage medical emergencies

1.8.6 Explain the importance of and maintain

contemporaneous, complete and accurate patient records
in accordance with legal requirements and best practice

1.10 Health promotion and disease prevention

1.10.1 Describe the principles of preventive care

1.10.2 Explain how the design and manufacture of custom made

dental devices can contribute to the prevention of oral
disease and the interests of the patient’s long term oral
health, safety and well-being

1.10.3 Evaluate and apply the principles of evidence based and

appropriate design in the manufacture and provision of
custom made dental devices

70 General Dental Council

1.14 Manufacture of custom made dental devices

1.14.1 Design, manufacture, assess and provide biomechanically Outcomes

sound removable devices
1.14.2 Design, manufacture, assess and provide biomechanically Dentists
sound fixed prostheses
1.14.3 Design, manufacture, assess and provide biomechanically Dental
sound orthodontic appliances therapists
1.14.4 Evaluate, for individual patients, the need for more complex
treatment and seek advice Dental

1.15 Modification and repair of custom made dental devices Dental

1.15.1 Repair custom made dental devices to meet the needs of
the patient Orthodontic
1.15.2 Repair and modify custom made dental devices therapists

2 Population-based health and care dental
2.1 Explain how social, cultural and environmental factors
contribute to general and oral health Dental
2.2 Describe the dental healthcare systems dental professionals
work within including health policy and organisation,
delivery of healthcare and equity
2.3 Recognise the impact of clinical guidelines relating to
the delivery of oral health care on laboratory practice and
their implications

The registrant must recognise the importance of appropriate
communication in healthcare at all times and through all media

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

3 Patients, their representatives and the public

3.1 Communicate appropriately, effectively and sensitively at

all times with and about patients, their representatives and the
general public where required or as directed and in relation to:

• patients with anxious or challenging behaviour

Preparing for practice 71

• where patients are from diverse backgrounds or there
Outcomes are barriers to patient communication

3.2 Recognise the importance of non-verbal communication,

including listening skills, and barriers to effective

3.3 Explain and check patients’ understanding of treatments, Standards for the
Dental Dental Team,
therapists options, costs and valid consent Principle 3 Obtain
valid consent, GDC
3.4 Obtain valid consent 2013
4 Team and the wider healthcare environment
nurses 4.1 Communicate effectively with colleagues from dental and
other healthcare professions in relation to patient care
4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, training and review of
colleagues, and giving and receiving effective feedback
Clinical 4.3 Give and receive feedback effectively to and from other
dental members of the team
4.4 Communicate appropriately and effectively in
Dental professional discussions and transactions within the health
technicians and other sectors

5 Generic communication skills

5.1 Communicate effectively and sensitively by spoken,

written and electronic methods and maintain and develop
these skills

5.2 Explain the importance of and maintain

contemporaneous, complete and accurate patient
records in accordance with legal requirements and best

5.3 Recognise the use of a range of communication methods

and technologies and their appropriate application in Learning to Manage
support of the practice of dental technology Health Information -
NHS 2012
5.4 Recognise and act within the principles of information

72 General Dental Council

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

6 Patients and the public

6.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them
6.2 Be honest and act with integrity Dental
6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and choice
Standards for
the Dental
6.4 Maintain and protect patients’ information Dental
Team, Principle
4 Maintain and hygienists
protect patients’ 6.5 Recognise and respect the patient’s perspective and
information, expectations of dental care and the role of the dental team Dental
GDC 2013
taking into account current equality and diversity legislation, nurses
noting that this may differ in England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland
7 Ethical and legal therapists

Standards for 7.1 Be familiar with and act within the GDC’s standards and Clinical
the Dental within other professionally relevant laws, ethical guidance
Team, GDC
2013 and systems technicians
7.2 Recognise and act upon the legal and ethical
responsibilities involved in protecting and promoting the
health of individual patients
7.3 Act without discrimination and show respect for patients,
colleagues and peers and the general public
7.4 Recognise the importance of candour and effective
communication with patients when things go wrong, knowing
how and where to report any patient safety issues which

7.5 Take responsibility for and act to raise concerns about your
Standards for own of others’ health, behaviour or professional performance
the Dental as described in Standards for the Dental Team, Principle 8
Team, Principle Raise concerns if patients are at risk
6 Work with
colleagues in a
way that is in 8 Teamwork
patients’ best
interests, GDC 8.1 Describe and respect the roles of dental and other
healthcare professionals in the context of learning
Scope of and working in a dental and wider healthcare team
Practice, GDC
2013 8.2 Ensure that any team you are involved in works together
to provide appropriate dental care for patients
8.3 Explain the contribution that team members and effective
team working makes to the delivery of safe and effective
high quality care

9 Development of self and others

CPD for dental
professionals, 9.1 Recognise and demonstrate own professional responsibility
GDC 2013
in the development of self and the rest of the team
Preparing for practice 73
9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt of effective feedback in the
Outcomes professional development of self and others

9.3 Explain the range of learning and teaching methods and the
importance of assessment, feedback, critical reflection,
identification of learning needs and appraisal in personal
development planning
9.4 Develop and maintain professional knowledge and
competence and demonstrate commitment to lifelong
hygienists 9.5 Recognise and evaluate the impact of new techniques and
technologies in the practice of dental technology
nurses 9.6 Accurately assess own capabilities and limitations in the
interest of high quality patient care and seek advice from
supervisors or colleagues where appropriate
therapists 9.7 Describe and demonstrate the attributes of professional
attitudes and behaviour in all environments and media

Management and leadership
Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

10 Managing self
10.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to protect them

10.2 Effectively manage their own time and resources

10.3 Recognise the impact of personal behaviour and manage

this professionally

10.4 Recognise the significance of the management and

leadership role and the range of skills and knowledge
required to do this effectively

10.5 Recognise the importance of managing the delivery of

dental technology and the range of skills and knowledge
required to do this effectively

10.6 Take responsibility for personal development planning,

recording of evidence, and reflective practice

10.7 Ensure that all aspects of practice comply with legal and Standards for
regulatory requirements the Dental
Team, GDC
10.8 Demonstrate appropriate continuous improvement activities

74 General Dental Council

Standards for 11 Working with others
the Dental
Team, Principle Outcomes
11.1 Recognise the need for a patient-centred approach when
6 Work with
colleagues in a working with the dental and wider healthcare team
way that is in
patients’ best 11.2 Recognise and respect own and others’ contribution to the Dentists
interests, GDC dental and wider healthcare team and demonstrate effective
team working.
11.3 Recognise and demonstrate personal accountability to the therapists
Scope of
regulator, the team and wider community
Practice, GDC Dental
2013 11.4 Recognise and comply with the team working requirements hygienists
Standards for in the Scope of Practice and Standards documents
the Dental
Team, GDC
11.5 Describe the impact of Direct Access on each registrant Dental
group’s scope of practice and its effect on dental team nurses
11.6 Recognise, take responsibility for and act to raise concerns
about your own or others’ health, behaviour or therapists
Standards for
the Dental professional performance as described in Standards for the
Team, Principle Clinical
Dental Team Principle 8
8 Raise dental
concerns if
patients are at
risk, GDC 2013
12 Managing the clinical and working environment
12.1 Recognise and comply with systems and processes to technicians
support safe patient care

12.2 Recognise the need for effective recorded maintenance and

testing of equipment and requirements for appropriate
storage, handling and use of materials

12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the procedures for

handling of complaints as described in Standards
for the Dental Team Principle 5 Have a clear and
effective complaints procedure
12.4 Describe the legal, financial and ethical issues associated
with managing a dental practice
12.5 Recognise and comply with national and local clinical
governance and health and safety requirements

Preparing for practice 75

The GDC would like to thank all the members of the strategic project
group for their contribution and expert advice in the development of
the new learning outcomes for registration. Also, we would like to
recognise the valuable input provided by all those that attended the
feedback workshops, responded to the public consultation and
other stakeholder discussions.

Members of the project group

Janet Clarke - Clinical Director of Salaried Dental Services, Heart of

Birmingham PCT

Helen Falcon - Postgraduate Dental Dean, Oxford and Wessex


John Langford - Consultant in Dental Public Health, NHS West

Midlands Strategic Health Authority

Eric Rooney - Consultant in Dental Public Health, Cumbria PCT

Sue Morison - Director of Centre for Excellence in Interprofessional

Education and Lecturer in Dental Education - School of Medicine,
Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen's University Belfast

Sarah Crossfield – Policy Manager, General Dental Council

76 General Dental Council

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Preparing for practice 77

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78 General Dental Council

Summary table
of learning outcomes
The structure within each of the domains is consistent across the registration categories, allowing for
variation in scope of practice, to facilitate opportunities for dental team integration and effective team
working. Where outcomes are worded identically between registrant categories it is expected that, as
with all the other outcomes, they should be delivered as appropriate to the category in question.
It may be that the level of complexity or responsibility, for example, is greater for one group than
another. The coverage of scientific principles in the ‘Foundations of practice’, degree of critical thinking,
and level and use of research will vary across the registrant categories in relation to their scope of
practice and responsibilities.

There are seven overarching outcomes which should be demonstrated throughout education and
training. These form the key principles of effective and professional practice, running through all the
domains (Clinical, Communication, Professionalism, Management and Leadership), and are the same
for all of the registration categories.

Overarching outcomes
Note: for all registration categories.

Upon registration with the GDC the registrant will be able to:

• Practise safely and effectively, making the high quality long term care of patients the first concern

• Recognise the role and responsibility of being a registrant and demonstrate professionalism throughout
education, training and practice in accordance with GDC guidance

• Demonstrate effective clinical decision making

• Describe the principles of good research, how to access research and interpret it for use as part of an
evidence based approach to practice

• Apply an evidence-based approach to learning, practice, clinical judgment and decision making and
utilise critical thinking and problem solving skills

• Accurately assess own capabilities and limitations, demonstrating reflective practice, in the interest of
high quality patient care and act within these boundaries

• Recognise the importance of lifelong learning and apply it to practice

The numbering in the table is designed to enable cross-referencing across the registrant categories.

Preparing for practice 79

Dentists Dental therapists Dental hygienists
Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the
registrant will be able to demonstrate registrant will be able to demonstrate registrant will be able to demonstrate
the outcomes as relevant to the the outcomes as relevant to the the outcomes as relevant to the
practice of dentistry and patient care. practice of dental therapy and practice of dental hygiene and
patient care. patient care.

1 Individual patient care 1 Individual patient care 1 Individual patient care

1.1 Foundations of practice 1.1 Foundations of practice 1.1 Foundations of practice

The registrant will be able to The registrant will be able to The registrant will be able to
apply to the practice of dentistry apply to the practice of dental apply to the practice of dental
principles that derive from the therapy principles that derive hygiene principles that derive
biomedical, behavioural and from the biomedical, behavioural from the biomedical, behavioural
materials sciences. and materials sciences and materials sciences
The registrant will recognise and The registrant will recognise and The registrant will recognise and
take account of the needs of take account of the needs of take account of the needs of
different patient groups including different patient groups including different patient groups including
children, adults, older people, children, adults, older people, children, adults, older people,
and those with special care and those with special care and those with special care
requirements throughout the requirements throughout the requirements throughout the
patient care process. patient care process patient care process

1.1.1 Explain, evaluate and apply the 1.1.1 Describe the principles of an 1.1.1 Describe the principles of an
principles of an evidence-based evidence-based approach to evidence-based approach to
approach to learning, clinical and learning, clinical and professional learning, clinical and professional
professional practice and practice and decision making practice and decision making
decision making
1.1.2 Critically appraise approaches to 1.1.2 Describe oral diseases and their 1.1.2 Describe oral diseases and their
dental research and integrate relevance to prevention, relevance to prevention,
with patient care diagnosis and treatment diagnosis and treatment

1.1.3 Identify oral diseases and explain 1.1.3 Explain general and systemic 1.1.3 Explain general and systemic
their relevance to prevention, disease and their relevance to disease and their relevance to
diagnosis and treatment oral health oral health

1.1.4 Identify general and systemic 1.1.4 Explain the aetiology and 1.1.4 Explain the aetiology and
disease and explain their pathogenesis of oral disease pathogenesis of oral disease
relevance to oral health and their
impact on clinical treatment

1.1.5 Explain the aetiology and 1.1.5 Describe relevant and 1.1.5 Describe relevant and
pathogenesis of oral disease appropriate dental, oral, appropriate dental, oral,
craniofacial and general anatomy craniofacial and general anatomy
and explain their application to and explain their application to
patient management patient management
1.1.6 Identify relevant and appropriate 1.1.6 Describe relevant and 1.1.6 Describe relevant and
dental, oral, craniofacial and appropriate physiology and appropriate physiology and
general anatomy and explain explain its application to patient explain its application to patient
their application to patient management management

1.1.7 Describe relevant physiology and 1.1.7 Explain the potential routes of 1.1.7 Explain the potential routes of
discuss its application to patient transmission of infectious agents transmission of infectious agents
management in dental practice, mechanisms in dental practice, mechanisms
for the prevention of infection, for the prevention of infection,
the scientific principles of the scientific principles of
decontamination and disinfection decontamination and disinfection
and their relevance to health and their relevance to health
and safety and safety
1.1.8 Explain the potential routes of 1.1.8 Describe the properties of 1.1.8 Describe the properties of
transmission of infectious agents relevant medicines and relevant medicines and
in dental practice, mechanisms therapeutic agents and discuss therapeutic agents and discuss
for the prevention of infection, the their application to patient their application to patient
scientific principles of decontam- management management
ination and disinfection and their
relevance to health and safety
1.1.9 Describe the properties of 1.1.9 Describe the scientific principles 1.1.9 Describe the scientific principles
relevant medicines and underpinning the use of underpinning the use of
therapeutic agents and discuss materials and biomaterials and materials and biomaterials and
their application to patient discuss their limitations and discuss their limitations and
management selection, with emphasis on selection, with emphasis on
those used in dentistry those used in dentistry
1.1.10 Recognise the scientific 1.1.10 Explain the scientific principles of 1.1.10 Explain the scientific principles of
principles underpinning the use medical ionizing radiation and medical ionizing radiation and
of materials and biomaterials statutory regulations statutory regulations
and evaluate their limitations and
selection, with emphasis on
those used in dentistry
1.1.11 Explain and apply the scientific 1.1.11 Recognise psychological and 1.1.11 Recognise psychological and
principles of medical ionizing sociological factors that sociological factors that
radiation and statutory contribute to poor oral health, contribute to poor oral health,
regulations the course of diseases and the the course of diseases and the
success of treatment success of treatment

80 General Dental Council

Dental nurses Orthodontic therapists Clinical dental technicians Dental technicians

Upon registration with the GDC Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the
the registrant will be able to registrant will be able to demonstrate registrant will be able to demonstrate registrant will be able to demonstrate
demonstrate the outcomes as the outcomes as relevant to the the outcomes as relevant to the the outcomes as relevant to the
relevant to the practice of dental practice of orthodontic therapy and practice of clinical dental technology practice of dental technology and
nursing and patient care. patient care. and patient care. patient care.

1 Individual patient care 1 Individual patient care 1 Individual patient care 1 Supporting individual
patient care
1.1 Foundations of practice 1.1 Foundations of practice 1.1 Foundations of practice 1.1 Foundations of practice
The registrant will be able to The registrant will be able to The registrant will be able to apply The registrant will be able to
apply to the practice of dental apply to the practice of to the practice of clinical dental apply to the practice of dental
nursing principles that derive orthodontic therapy principles technology principles that derive technology principles that derive
from the biomedical and that derive from the biomedical, from the biomedical, behavioural, from the biomedical, engineering,
behavioural sciences behavioural and materials engineering and materials and materials sciences
sciences sciences
The registrant will recognise and The registrant will recognise and
take account of the needs of The registrant will recognise and The registrant will recognise and take account of the needs of
different patient groups including take account of the needs of take account of the needs of different patient groups including
children, adults, older people, different patient groups including different patient groups including children, adults, older people,
and those with special care children, adults, older people, children, adults, older people, and those with special care
requirements throughout the and those with special care and those with special care requirements throughout the
patient care process requirements throughout the requirements throughout the patient care process
patient care process patient care process
1.1.1 Describe the principles of an 1.1.1 Describe the principles of an 1.1.1 Describe the principles of an 1.1.1 Describe the principles of an
evidence-based approach to evidence-based approach to evidence-based approach to evidence-based approach to
learning, clinical and professional learning, clinical and professional learning, clinical and professional learning, professional practice
practice and decision making practice and decision making practice and decision making and decision making

1.1.2 Recognise the range of normal 1.1.2 Explain the range of normal 1.1.2 Explain the range of normal 1.1.2 Describe the range of normal
human structures and functions human structures and functions human structures and functions dental and oral anatomy and
with particular reference to oral with particular reference to oral with particular reference to oral physiology
disease and treatment disease and treatment disease and treatment
1.1.3 Recognise abnormalities of the 1.1.3 Explain the aetiology and 1.1.3 Recognise abnormalities of the 1.1.3 Recognise abnormalities of the
oral cavity and the rest of the pathogenesis of oral disease oral cavity and the rest of the oral cavity and their effect on
patient and raise concerns patient and raise concerns dental devices
where appropriate where appropriate
1.1.4 Explain the aetiology and 1.1.4 Describe relevant dental, 1.1.4 Explain the aetiology and 1.1.4 Explain the potential routes of
pathogenesis of caries and craniofacial and oral anatomy pathogenesis of oral disease transmission of infectious agents
periodontal disease and explain their application to in dental practice, mechanisms
patient management for the prevention of infection, the
scientific principles of decontam-
ination and disinfection and their
relevance to health and safety
1.1.5 Describe relevant dental and oral 1.1.5 Describe relevant physiology and 1.1.5 Describe relevant dental, oral 1.1.5 Describe and evaluate the
anatomy and their application to explain its application to patient and general anatomy and their procedures used in the design
patient management management application to patient and manufacture of custom
management made dental devices

1.1.6 Describe relevant and 1.1.6 Explain the potential routes of 1.1.6 Describe relevant physiology and 1.1.6 Describe and evaluate the
appropriate physiology and its transmission of infectious agents its application to patient scientific principles underpinning
application to patient in dental practice, mechanisms for management the use of materials and dental
management the prevention of infection, the biomaterials and discuss their
scientific principles of decontam- selection
ination and disinfection and their
relevance to health and safety
1.1.7 Explain the potential routes of 1.1.7 Describe the scientific principles 1.1.7 Explain the potential routes of
transmission of infectious agents underpinning the use of transmission of infectious agents
in dental practice, mechanisms biomaterials and discuss their in dental practice, mechanisms
for the prevention of infection, limitations with emphasis on for the prevention of infection,
the scientific principles of those used in dentistry the scientific principles of
decontamination and disinfection decontamination and disinfection
and their relevance to health and their relevance to health
and safety and safety
1.1.8 Describe commonly used dental 1.1.8 Explain the scientific principles of 1.1.8 Describe the scientific principles
biomaterials and their application medical ionizing radiation and underpinning the use of materials
statutory regulations and biomaterials and discuss
their limitations and selection,
with particular emphasis on
those used in dentistry

1.1.9 Describe psychological and 1.1.9 Describe psychological and 1.1.9 Explain and apply the scientific
sociological aspects of sociological aspects of health, principles of medical ionizing
health,illness, behavioural illness, behavioural change radiation and statutory
change and disease and disease regulations

1.1.10 Describe psychological and

sociological aspects of health,
illness, behavioural change and

Preparing for practice 81

Dentists Dental therapists Dental hygienists
1.1.12 Explain the principles of
epidemiology and critically
evaluate their application to
patient management
1.1.13 Explain, evaluate, and apply to
clinical practice psychological and
sociological concepts and theoretical
frameworks of health, illness,
behavioural change and disease

1.2 Comprehensive patient 1.2 Contribution to patient 1.2 Contribution to patient

assessment assessment assessment
1.2.1 Obtain, record, and interpret a 1.2.1 Recognise the importance of 1.2.1 Recognise the importance of and
comprehensive and and carry out an appropriate carry out an appropriate
contemporaneous patient history systematic intra and extra-oral systematic intra and extra-oral
clinical examination clinical examination
1.2.2 Undertake an appropriate 1.2.2 Recognise the importance of 1.2.2 Recognise the importance of
systematic intra and extra-oral and record a comprehensive and record a comprehensive
clinical examination and contemporaneous patient and contemporaneous patient
history history
1.2.3 Manage appropriate clinical and 1.2.3 Recognise the significance of 1.2.3 Recognise the significance of
laboratory investigations changes in the patient’s reported changes in the patient’s reported
oral health status and take oral health status and take
appropriate action appropriate action
1.2.4 Undertake relevant special 1.2.4 Recognise abnormalities of the 1.2.4 Recognise abnormalities of the
investigations and diagnostic oral cavity and the rest of the oral cavity and the rest of the
procedures, including radiography patient and raise concerns patient and raise concerns where
where appropriate appropriate
1.2.5 Assess patients’ levels of anxiety, 1.2.5 Undertake relevant special 1.2.5 Undertake relevant special
experience and expectations in investigations and diagnostic investigations and diagnostic
respect of dental care procedures, including procedures, including
radiography radiography
1.2.6 Discuss the importance of each 1.2.6 Assess patients’ levels of anxiety, 1.2.6 Assess patients’ levels of anxiety,
component of the patient experience and expectations in experience and expectations in
assessment process respect of dental care respect of dental care

1.2.7 Identify where medicines may cause 1.2.7 Discuss the importance of each 1.2.7 Discuss the importance of each
adverse effects in patients and component of the patient component of the patient
initiate action to manage and report assessment process assessment process

Section 1.3 does not relate to this Sections 1.3 and 1.4 do not relate to Sections 1.3 and 1.4 do not relate to
registrant group this registrant group this registrant group

1.4 Diagnosis
1.4.1 Synthesise the full results of the
patient’s assessment and make
clinical judgments as appropriate
1.4.2 Formulate a differential diagnosis or
diagnoses and from there a
definitive diagnosis
1.5 Treatment planning 1.5 Responding to the 1.5 Responding to the
treatment plan treatment plan
1.5.1 Formulate an appropriate treatment 1.5.1 Explain the principles of 1.5.1 Explain the principles of obtaining
plan, synthesising patient obtaining valid patient consent valid patient consent
assessment and diagnosis data
1.5.2 Describe the range of orthodox 1.5.2 Obtain valid consent from the 1.5.2 Obtain valid consent from the
complementary and alternative patient before starting treatment, patient before starting treatment,
therapies that may impact on patient explaining all the relevant options explaining all the relevant options
management and possible costs and possible costs
1.5.3 Explain the principles of obtaining 1.5.3 Plan the delivery of, and carry 1.5.3 Plan the delivery of, and carry
valid patient consent out, care in the best interests of out, care in the best interests of
the patient. the patient.

1.5.4 Obtain valid consent from the 1.5.4 Identify where patients’ needs 1.5.4 Identify where patients’ needs
patient before starting treatment, may differ from the treatment may differ from the treatment
explaining all the relevant options plan and refer patients for advice plan and refer patients for advice
and possible costs when and where appropriate when and where appropriate

82 General Dental Council

Dental nurses Orthodontic therapists Clinical dental technicians Dental technicians

1.2 Contribution to patient 1.2 Contribution to patient 1.2 Contribution to patient Sections 1.2 to 1.4 do not relate
assessment assessment assessment to this registrant group
1.2.1 Explain the need for and record 1.2.1 Explain the need for an 1.2.1 Recognise the importance of and
an accurate and contempor- accurate and contemporaneous carry out an appropriate systematic
aneous patient history patient history intra and extra-oral clinical
1.2.2 Accurately describe and record 1.2.2 Recognise the significance of 1.2.2 Recognise the importance of and
an oral health assessment changes in the patient’s reported record a comprehensive and
oral health status and take contemporaneous patient history
appropriate action
1.2.3 Accurately record dental 1.2.3 Recognise the early stages of 1.2.3 Recognise the significance of
charting as carried out by other mucosal abnormality and the changes in the patient’s reported
appropriate registrants importance of appropriate and oral health status and take
timely referral appropriate action
1.2.4 Recognise the significance of 1.2.4 Assess patients’ levels of 1.2.4 Undertake relevant special
changes in the patient’s reported anxiety, experience and investigations and diagnostic
oral health status and take expectations in respect of procedures, including radiography
appropriate action dental care
1.2.5 Prepare records, images, 1.2.5 Contribute to relevant special 1.2.5 Assess patients’ levels of anxiety,
equipment and materials for investigations and diagnostic experience and expectations in
clinical assessment procedures, including respect of dental care
1.2.6 Recognise and describe the 1.2.6 Discuss the importance of each 1.2.6 Discuss the importance of each
varying levels of patient anxiety, component of the patient component of the patient
experience and expectations in assessment process assessment process
respect of dental care
1.2.7 Discuss the importance of
each component of the patient
assessment process

Sections 1.3 and 1.4 do not relate to Sections 1.3 and 1.4 do not relate to 1.3 Patient assessment
this registrant group this registrant group (edentulous patient)
1.3.1 Obtain, record, and interpret a
comprehensive and
contemporaneous patient history
1.3.2 Undertake an appropriate
systematic intra and extra-oral
clinical examination
1.3.3 Manage appropriate clinical and
laboratory investigations
1.3.4 Undertake relevant special
investigations and diagnostic
procedures, including radiography

1.4 Diagnosis (edentulous patient)

1.4.1 For the edentulous patient
formulate a differential diagnosis

1.5 Responding to the 1.5 Responding to the 1.5 Treatment planning 1.5 Responding to the
treatment plan treatment plan (edentulous patient) prescription
1.5.1 Explain the principles of 1.5.1 Explain the principles of 1.5.1 For the edentulous patient formulate 1.5.1 Carry out procedures to meet
obtaining valid patient consent obtaining valid patient consent an appropriate treatment plan the prescription
based on the patient assessment
and diagnosis
1.5.2 Discuss the role of the dental 1.5.2 Obtain valid consent from the 1.5.2 Assess the fitness for purpose
nurse and other members of the patient before starting treatment, of custom made dental devices
dental team in the treatment plan explaining all the relevant options and propose alternative
and possible costs solutions where required
1.5.3 Carry out care as prescribed by 1.5.3 Recognise and take
the dentist and plan the delivery responsibility for establishing
in the most appropriate way for personal networks with dental
the patient professionals, specialists and
other relevant individuals and
1.5.4 Identify where patients’ needs 1.5.4 Discuss the role of the dental
may differ from the treatment plan technician and other members
or prescription and refer patients of the dental team in the
for advice where appropriate treatment plan

Preparing for practice 83

Dentists Dental therapists Dental hygienists
1.5.5 Refer patients for treatment 1.5.5 Discuss the role of the dental 1.5.5 Discuss the role of the dental
or advice when and where therapist and other members hygienist and other members
appropriate of the dental team in the of the dental team in the
treatment plan treatment plan
1.5.6 Critically evaluate the treatment
planning process

1.7 Patient management 1.7 Patient management 1.7 Patient management

1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality, 1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality, 1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality,
respect and dignity respect and dignity respect and dignity
1.7.2 Identify, explain and manage 1.7.2 Explain the impact of medical 1.7.2 Explain the impact of medical
the impact of medical and and psychological conditions in and psychological conditions in
psychological conditions in the patient the patient
the patient
1.7.3 Monitor and review treatment 1.7.3 Recognise the need to 1.7.3 Recognise the need to
outcomes monitor and review treatment monitor and review treatment
outcomes outcomes

1.7.4 Prevent, diagnose and manage 1.7.4 Manage patient anxiety and pain 1.7.4 Manage patient anxiety and pain
patient anxiety appropriately, through effective communication, through effective communication,
effectively and safely reassurance and relevant reassurance and relevant
behavioural techniques behavioural techniques

1.7.5 Prevent, diagnose and manage 1.7.5 Manage patient pain through the 1.7.5 Manage patient pain through the
pain appropriately, effectively appropriate use of analgesia appropriate use of analgesia
and safely

1.7.6 Evaluate the risks and benefits 1.7.6 Explain the risks and benefits of 1.7.6 Explain the risks and benefits
of treatment under general treatment under general of treatment under general
anaesthesia and make anaesthesia and conscious anaesthesia and conscious
appropriate referrals sedation sedation
1.7.7 Evaluate the risks and benefits of 1.7.7 Refer to other members of the 1.7.7 Refer to other members of the
treatment under conscious dental team or other health dental team or other health
sedation and make appropriate professionals professionals
1.7.8 Safely and appropriately prescribe 1.7.8 Recognise the need for and 1.7.8 Recognise the need for and
and administer medicines and make arrangements for make arrangements for
therapeutic agents appropriate follow-up care appropriate follow-up care
1.7.9 Explain the role and organisation 1.7.9 Recognise local referral 1.7.9 Recognise local referral
of referral networks, clinical networks, local clinical guidelines networks, local clinical
guidelines and policies and and policies guidelines and policies
local variation
1.7.10 Explain the need to take 1.7.10 Discuss the role of the dental 1.7.10 Discuss the role of the dental
responsibility for establishing therapist and other members of hygienist and other members of
personal networks with local the dental team in the patient the dental team in the patient
dental and medical colleagues, management process management process
specialists and other relevant
individuals and organisations
1.7.11 Critically evaluate all components
of patient management

1.8 Patient and public safety 1.8 Patient and public safety 1.8 Patient and public safety
1.8.1 Identify and explain the risks 1.8.1 Recognise the risks around 1.8.1 Recognise the risks around
around the clinical environment the clinical environment and the clinical environment and
and manage these in a safe and manage these in a safe and manage these in a safe and
efficient manner efficient manner efficient manner

84 General Dental Council

Dental nurses Orthodontic therapists Clinical dental technicians Dental technicians

1.5.5 Discuss the role of the 1.5.5 Explain the principles of

orthodontic therapist and obtaining valid patient consent
other members of the dental
team in the treatment plan
1.5.6 Obtain valid consent from the
patient before starting treatment,
explaining all the relevant
options and possible costs
1.6 Responding to the treatment plan
1.6.1 Explain the principles of obtaining
valid patient consent
1.6.2 Obtain valid consent from the
patient before starting treatment,
explaining all the relevant options
and possible costs
1.6.3 Provide care as outlined in a
treatment plan or prescription and
plan the delivery in the most
appropriate way for the patient
1.6.4 Identify where patients’ needs may
differ from the treatment plan or
prescription and refer patients for
advice or treatment where
1.6.5 Recognise abnormalities of the oral
cavity and the rest of the patient and
raise concerns where appropriate
1.6.6 Discuss the role of the clinical dental
technician and other members of the
dental team in the treatment plan

1.7 Patient management 1.7 Patient management 1.7 Patient management 1.7 Patient management
1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality, 1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality, 1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality, 1.7.1 Treat all patients with equality,
respect and dignity respect and dignity respect and dignity respect and dignity
1.7.2 Explain the impact of medical 1.7.2 Explain the impact of medical 1.7.2 Explain the impact of medical 1.7.2 Explain the impact of medical
and psychological conditions in and psychological conditions in and psychological conditions in and psychological conditions in
the patient the patient the patient the patient

1.7.3 Monitor, support and reassure 1.7.3 Recognise the need to 1.7.3 Recognise the need to 1.7.3 Manage patient anxiety, support
patients through effective monitor and review treatment monitor and review treatment and reassure patients through
communication and behavioural outcomes outcomes effective communication and
techniques behavioural techniques
1.7.4 Advise patients on oral health 1.7.4 Manage patient anxiety through 1.7.4 Manage patient anxiety and pain 1.7.4 Recognise and take responsibility
maintenance effective communication, through effective communication, for understanding the
reassurance and relevant reassurance and relevant management and organisation
behavioural techniques behavioural techniques and refer of local referral networks, local
where appropriate clinical guidelines and policies
1.7.5 Recognise the need for and 1.7.5 Recognise the need for 1.7.5 Recognise and take responsibility 1.7.5 Discuss the role of the dental
make arrangements for appropriate follow-up care for understanding the management technician and other members
follow-up care as prescribed by and organisation of local referral of the dental team in the patient
the operator networks, local clinical guidelines management process
and policies
1.7.6 Describe the role of the dental 1.7.6 Recognise the management 1.7.6 Discuss the role of the clinical
nurse and other members of the and organisation of local referral dental technician and other
dental team in the patient networks, local clinical members of the dental team in the
management process guidelines and policies patient management process
1.7.7 Describe the role of the
orthodontic therapist and other
members of the dental team in
the patient management

1.8 Patient and public safety 1.8 Patient and public safety 1.8 Patient and public safety 1.8 Patient and public safety
1.8.1 Use the working and clinical 1.8.1 Recognise the risks around 1.8.1 Recognise the risks around 1.8.1 Recognise the risks around
environment in a safe and the clinical environment and the clinical environment and the working laboratory
efficient manner manage these in a safe and manage these in a safe and environment and manage these
efficient manner efficient manner in a safe and efficient manner

Preparing for practice 85

Dentists Dental therapists Dental hygienists
1.8.2 Implement, perform and manage 1.8.2 Implement and perform effective 1.8.2 Implement and perform effective
effective decontamination and decontamination and infection decontamination and infection
infection control procedures control procedures according to control procedures according to
according to current guidelines current guidelines current guidelines
1.8.3 Recognise and take 1.8.3 Recognise and take 1.8.3 Recognise and take
responsibility for the quality responsibility for the quality of responsibility for the quality of
of services and devices care provided to the patient care provided to the patient
provided to the patient
1.8.4 Explain the responsibilities and 1.8.4 Take responsibility for ensuring 1.8.4 Take responsibility for ensuring
limitations of delegating to other compliance with current best compliance with current best
members of the dental team practice guidelines practice guidelines

1.8.5 Comply with current best 1.8.5 Recognise and manage medical 1.8.5 Recognise and manage medical
practice guidelines emergencies emergencies

1.8.6 Identify, assess, and manage 1.8.6 Explain the importance of and 1.8.6 Explain the importance of and
medical emergencies maintain contemporaneous, maintain contemporaneous,
complete and accurate patient complete and accurate patient
records in accordance with legal records in accordance with legal
requirements and best practice requirements and best practice
1.8.7 Explain the importance of and 1.8.7 Recognise the signs of abuse 1.8.7 Recognise the signs of abuse
maintain contemporaneous, or neglect, describe local and or neglect, describe local and
complete and accurate patient national systems that safeguard national systems that safeguard
records in accordance with legal welfare and understand how to welfare and understand how to
requirements and best practice raise concerns and act raise concerns and act
accordingly accordingly
1.8.8 Identify the signs of abuse or
neglect, explain local and
national systems that safeguard
welfare and understand how to
raise concerns and act

1.9 Treatment of acute oral 1.9 Treatment of acute oral 1.9 Treatment of acute oral
conditions conditions conditions
1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients’ 1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients 1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients
acute oro-facial and dental pain with acute oral conditions with acute oral conditions
ensuring involvement of ensuring involvement of
appropriate dental team members appropriate dental team members
1.9.2 Recognise and manage acute
dento-alveolar and mucosal
1.9.3 Recognise and manage dento-
alveolar and mucosal trauma
1.9.4 Identify the need for and make
arrangements for follow-up care

1.10 Health promotion and disease 1.10 Health promotion and disease 1.10 Health promotion and disease
prevention prevention prevention
1.10.1 Recognise the responsibilities 1.10.1 Recognise the responsibilities of 1.10.1 Recognise the responsibilities of
of the dental team as an access the dental team as an access the dental team as an access
point to and from wider point to and from wider point to and from wider
healthcare healthcare healthcare
1.10.2 Provide patients with 1.10.2 Provide patients with 1.10.2 Provide patients with
comprehensive and accurate comprehensive and accurate comprehensive and accurate
preventive education and preventive education and preventive education and
instruction in a manner which instruction in a manner which instruction in a manner which
encourages self-care and encourages self-care and encourages self-care and
motivation motivation motivation

1.10.3 Explain the principles of 1.10.3 Underpin all patient care with a 1.10.3 Underpin all patient care with a
preventive care and apply as preventive approach that preventive approach that
part of a comprehensive contributes to the patient’s contributes to the patient’s
treatment plan long-term oral health and long-term oral health and
general health general health
1.10.4 Underpin all patient care with 1.10.4 Advise on and apply a range of 1.10.4 Advise on and apply a range
a preventive approach that preventive materials and of preventive materials and
contributes to the patient’s treatment as appropriate treatment
long-term oral and general health

1.10.5 Manage the application of 1.10.5 Assess the results of treatment 1.10.5 Assess the results of treatment
preventive treatments and provide appropriate and provide appropriate
aftercare and ongoing aftercare and ongoing
preventive advice preventive advice
1.10.6 Assess the results of treatment 1.10.6 Describe the health risks of diet, 1.10.6 Describe the health risks of diet,
and provide aftercare and drugs and substance misuse, drugs and substance misuse,
ongoing preventive advice and substances such as tobacco and substances such as tobacco
and alcohol on oral and general and alcohol on oral and general
health and provide appropriate health and provide appropriate
advice, referral and support advice, referral and support

86 General Dental Council

Dental nurses Orthodontic therapists Clinical dental technicians Dental technicians

1.8.2 Perform effective 1.8.2 Implement and perform effective 1.8.2 Implement and perform effective 1.8.2 Perform effective decontam-
decontamination and infection decontamination and infection decontamination and infection ination and infection control
control procedures control procedures control procedures according to procedures, taking into account
current guidelines their effect on materials
1.8.3 Comply with current best 1.8.3 Take responsibility for ensuring 1.8.3 Take responsibility for ensuring 1.8.3 Take responsibility for ensuring
practice guidelines compliance with current best compliance with current best compliance with current best
practice guidelines practice guidelines and European practice guidelines and European
manufacturing legislation manufacturing legislation
1.8.4 Recognise and manage 1.8.4 Recognise and manage medical 1.8.4 Recognise and take responsibility 1.8.4 Recognise and take
medical emergencies emergencies for the fitness for purpose of responsibility for the fitness for
custom made dental devices purpose of custom made dental
provided devices provided
1.8.5 Explain the importance of 1.8.5 Explain the importance of and 1.8.5 Recognise and manage medical 1.8.5 Recognise and manage medical
contemporaneous, complete maintain contemporaneous, emergencies emergencies
and accurate patient records in complete and accurate patient
accordance with legal records in accordance with legal
requirements and best practice requirements and best practice
1.8.6 Recognise the signs of abuse or 1.8.6 Recognise the signs of abuse or 1.8.6 Explain the importance of and 1.8.6 Explain the importance of and
neglect and describe local and neglect and describe local and maintain contemporaneous, maintain contemporaneous,
national systems and raise national systems and raise complete and accurate patient complete and accurate patient
concerns where appropriate concerns where appropriate records in accordance with legal records in accordance with legal
requirements and best practice requirements and best practice
1.8.7 Recognise the signs of abuse or
neglect and describe local and
national systems and raise
concerns where appropriate

1.9 Treatment of acute oral 1.9 Treatment of acute oral 1.9 Treatment of acute oral
conditions conditions conditions
1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients 1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients 1.9.1 Recognise and manage patients
with acute oral conditions with acute oral conditions with acute oral conditions
ensuring involvement of ensuring involvement of ensuring involvement of
appropriate dental team members appropriate dental team members appropriate dental team members

1.10 Health promotion and disease 1.10 Health promotion and disease 1.10 Health promotion and disease 1.10 Health promotion and disease
prevention prevention prevention prevention
1.10.1 Describe the principles of 1.10.1 Describe the principles of 1.10.1 Explain the principles of 1.10.1 Describe the principles of
preventive care preventive care preventive care preventive care

1.10.2 Provide patients with accurate 1.10.2 Provide patients with 1.10.2 Explain how the design and 1.10.2 Explain how the design and
and effective preventive comprehensive and accurate manufacture of custom made manufacture of custom made
information in a manner which preventive education and dental devices can contribute to dental devices can contribute to
encourages self-care and instruction in a manner which the prevention of oral disease the prevention of oral disease
motivation encourages self-care and and the interests of the patient’s and the interests of the patient’s
motivation long term oral health, safety long term oral health, safety and
and well-being well-being
1.10.3 Discuss the health risks of diet, 1.10.3 Underpin all patient care with a 1.10.3 Evaluate and apply the principles 1.10.3 Evaluate and apply the principles
drugs and substance misuse, preventive approach that of evidence based and of evidence based and
and substances such as contributes to the patient’s long- appropriate design in the appropriate design in the
tobacco, alcohol and drugs on term oral and general health manufacture and provision of manufacture and provision of
oral and general health custom made dental devices custom made dental devices
1.10.4 Describe the health risks of diet, 1.10.4 Provide patients with
drugs and substance misuse, comprehensive and accurate
and substances such as tobacco preventive education and
and alcohol on oral and general instruction in a manner
health and provide appropriate which encourages self-care
advice, referral and support and motivation
1.10.5 Underpin all patient care with a
preventive approach that
contributes to the patient’s long-
term oral and general health
1.10.6 Assess the results of treatment
and provide aftercare and
ongoing preventive advice

Preparing for practice 87

Dentists Dental therapists Dental hygienists
1.10.7 Evaluate the health risks of diet,
drugs and substance misuse,
and substances such as
tobacco and alcohol on oral and
general health and provide
appropriate advice and support

1.11 Management and treatment of 1.11 Periodontal therapy 1.11 Periodontal therapy
periodontal disease
1.11.1 Assess and manage the health 1.11.1 Assess and manage the health 1.11.1 Assess and manage the health
of periodontal and soft tissues of periodontal and soft tissues of periodontal and soft tissues
taking into account risk and taking into account risk and taking into account risk and
lifestyle factors lifestyle factors lifestyle factors
1.11.2 Describe, take account of and 1.11.2 Explain and take account of the 1.11.2 Explain and take account of the
explain to the patient the impact impact of the patient’s impact of the patient’s
of the patient’s periodontal periodontal and general health periodontal and general health
health on the overall treatment on the overall treatment plan on the overall treatment plan
plan and outcomes and outcomes and outcomes
1.11.3 Undertake non-surgical 1.11.3 Undertake non-surgical 1.11.3 Undertake non-surgical
treatments to remove hard treatments, under prescription treatments, under prescription
and soft deposits and stains where appropriate, to remove where appropriate, to remove
using a range of methods and hard and soft deposits and hard and soft deposits and
refer as appropriate stains using a range of methods stains using a range of methods
1.11.4 Monitor and record changes in 1.11.4 Monitor and record changes in 1.11.4 Monitor and record changes in
periodontal health on a regular periodontal health as necessary periodontal health as necessary
basis using appropriate methods using appropriate indices using appropriate indices
1.11.5 Evaluate the need for, and 1.11.5 Place temporary dressings and 1.11.5 Recognise and appropriately
prescribe, adjunctive re-cement crowns with a manage the complications
chemotherapeutic agents for the temporary cement associated with periodontal
management of periodontal therapy
conditions in individual patients
1.11.6 Evaluate, for individual patients, 1.11.6 Recognise and appropriately 1.11.6 Place temporary dressings and
the need for more complex manage the complications re-cement crowns with a
treatment and refer appropriately associated with periodontal temporary cement
1.11.7 Recognise the role of surgical 1.11.7 Recognise the role of surgical
management of periodontal management of periodontal
diseases, apply antimicrobials, diseases and provide
and provide appropriate appropriate patient care
patient care
1.11.8 Describe the risks related to dental 1.11.8 Describe the risks related to dental
implant therapy and manage the implant therapy and manage the
health of peri-implant tissues health of peri-implant tissues

1.12 Hard and soft tissue disease 1.12 Extraction of teeth Sections 1.12 does not apply to
1.12.1 Describe the aetiology and 1.12.1 Explain the risks, indications and this registrant group
pathogenesis of diseases of the complications of extractions
oral and maxillofacial complex
1.12.2 Identify oral mucosal diseases 1.12.2 Extract erupted deciduous teeth
and refer where appropriate under local anaesthetic
1.12.3 Identify all stages of malignancy,
the aetiology and development
of tumours and the importance
of early referral for investigation
and biopsy
1.12.4 Identify and explain appropriately
to patients the risks, benefits,
complications and
contra-indications to surgical
1.12.5 Undertake pre-operative
assessment, implement
appropriate management
techniques, including referral,
and carry out appropriate
post-operative care
1.12.6 Carry out simple oral surgery of
hard and soft tissues
1.12.7 Extract erupted teeth and roots
in the permanent and deciduous
1.12.8 Identify and manage unerupted
teeth and retained roots

1.13 Management of the developing 1.13 Management of the developing 1.13 Management of the developing
and developed dentition and developed dentition and developed dentition
1.13.1 Identify normal and abnormal 1.13.1 Identify normal and abnormal 1.13.1 Identify normal and abnormal
facial growth, physical, mental facial growth, physical, mental facial growth, physical, mental
and dental development and and dental development and and dental development and
explain their significance explain their significance explain their significance
1.13.2 Undertake an orthodontic
assessment, including an
indication of treatment need

88 General Dental Council

Dental nurses Orthodontic therapists Clinical dental technicians Dental technicians

1.10.7 Describe the health risks of diet,

drugs and substance misuse,
and substances such as tobacco
and alcohol on oral and general
health and provide appropriate
information and support

1.11 Contributing to treatment Sections 1.11 and 1.12 do not Sections 1.11 to 1.13 do not apply Sections 1.11 to 1.13 do not apply
apply to this registrant group to this registrant group to this registrant group
1.11.1 Prepare and maintain the clinical
environment including the
instruments and equipment

1.11.2 Provide chairside support to the

operator during treatment

1.11.3 Prepare, mix and handle dental


1.11.4 Process and manage dental


Sections 1.12 and 1.13 do not

apply to this registrant group

1.13 Management of the developing

and developed dentition
1.13.1 Identify normal and abnormal
facial growth, physical, mental
and dental development and
explain their significance
1.13.2 Explain the aetiology of

Preparing for practice 89

Dentists Dental therapists Dental hygienists
1.13.3 Identify and explain
developmental or acquired
occlusal abnormalities

1.13.4 Identify and explain the

principles of interceptive
treatment, including timely
interception and interceptive
orthodontics, and refer when
and where appropriate
1.13.5 Identify and explain when and
how to refer patients for
specialist treatment and apply
to practice
1.13.6 Recognise and explain to
patients the range of
contemporary orthodontic
treatment options, their impact,
outcomes, limitations and risks
1.13.7 Undertake limited orthodontic
appliance emergency
1.14 Restoration and replacement 1.14 Restoration of teeth
of teeth
1.14.1 Assess and manage caries, 1.14.1 Assess and manage caries,
occlusion, and tooth wear occlusion, and tooth wear, and,
where appropriate, restore the
dentition using the principle of
minimal intervention, maintaining
function and aesthetics
1.14.2 Recognise and manage 1.14.2 Restore teeth using a wide range
temporomandibular joint of treatments and materials
disorders appropriate to the patient
including permanent and
temporary direct restorations,
maintaining function and
1.14.3 Create an oral environment 1.14.3 Provide pulp treatment for
where restoration or replacement deciduous teeth
of the tooth is viable
1.14.4 Where appropriate, restore the 1.14.4 Restore deciduous teeth using
dentition using the principle of preformed crowns
minimal intervention, to a
standard that promotes the
longevity of the restoration or
1.14.5 Manage restorative procedures 1.14.5 Explain the role of the dental
that preserve tooth structure, therapist in the restoration of
replace missing or defective teeth
tooth structure, maintain
function, are aesthetic and long
lasting, and promote soft and
hard tissue health
1.14.6 Assess, diagnose and manage
the health of the dental pulp and
periradicular tissues, including
treatment to prevent pulpal and
periradicular disease
1.14.7 Recognise the role of
surgical management of
periradicular disease
1.14.8 Determine the prognosis and
undertake appropriate non-
surgical treatments to manage
pulpal and periradicular
disease for uncomplicated
deciduous and uncomplicated
permanent teeth
1.14.9 Recognise the risks of
non-surgical root canal treatment
and how to manage them
1.14.10 Evaluate the need for more
complex treatment and refer
1.14.11 Assess the need for, design,
prescribe and provide
biomechanically sound partial
and complete dentures
1.14.12 Recognise and explain to
patients the range of implant
treatment options, their impact,
outcomes, limitations and risks

90 General Dental Council

Dental nurses Orthodontic therapists Clinical dental technicians Dental technicians

1.13.3 Describe how to undertake an

orthodontic assessment and
explain how treatment need is

1.13.4 Recognise and explain to

patients the range of
contemporary orthodontic
treatment options, their impact,
outcomes, limitations and risks

1.13.5 Recognise common problems

related to orthodontic treatment
and take appropriate action

1.13.6 Undertake orthodontic

procedures as prescribed by
the referring practitioner

1.14 Replacement of teeth 1.14 Manufacture of custom made

dental devices
1.14.1 Design, manufacture, assess 1.14.1 Design, manufacture, assess
and provide biomechanically and provide biomechanically
sound removable devices sound removable devices

1.14.2 Design, manufacture, assess 1.14.2 Design, manufacture, assess

and provide biomechanically and provide biomechanically
sound fixed prostheses sound fixed prostheses

1.14.3 Design, manufacture, assess 1.14.3 Design, manufacture, assess

and provide biomechanically and provide biomechanically
sound orthodontic appliances sound orthodontic appliances
1.14.4 Repair custom made dental 1.14.4 Evaluate, for individual patients,
devices to meet the needs of the need for more complex
the patient treatment and seek advice

1.14.5 Repair and modify custom

made dental devices

1.14.6 Evaluate, for individual patients,

the need for more complex
treatment and seek advice

1.14.7 Fit devices and appliances for

the oral cavity according to
1.14.8 Fit biomechanically sound
complete dentures

1.14.9 Explain the role of the clinical

dental technician in the
replacement of teeth

Preparing for practice 91

Dentists Dental therapists Dental hygienists

2 Population-based health 2 Population-based health 2 Population-based health

and care and care and care
2.1 Discuss the basic principles of a 2.1 Describe the basic principles of 2.1 Describe the basic principles of
population health approach a population health approach a population health approach
including demographic and including demographic and including demographic and
social trends, UK and social trends, UK and social trends, UK and
international oral health trends, international oral health trends, international oral health trends,
determinants of health and determinants of health and determinants of health and
inequalities in health, and the inequalities in health, the ways in inequalities in health, the ways in
ways in which these are which these are measured and which these are measured and
measured and current patterns current patterns current patterns
2.2 Describe the dental and wider 2.2 Explain the dental and wider 2.2 Explain the dental and wider
healthcare systems dental healthcare systems dental healthcare systems dental
professionals work within professionals work within professionals work within
including health policy and including health policy and including health policy and
organisation, delivery of organisation, delivery of organisation, delivery of
healthcare and equity healthcare and equity healthcare and equity
2.3 Describe and evaluate the role of 2.3 Describe and evaluate the role of 2.3 Describe and evaluate the role of
health promotion in terms of the health promotion in terms of the health promotion in terms of the
changing environment, changing environment, changing environment,
community and individual community and individual community and individual
behaviours to deliver health gain behaviours to deliver health gain behaviours to deliver health gain
2.4 Evaluate evidence-based 2.4 Explain evidence-based 2.4 Explain evidence-based
prevention and apply prevention and apply prevention and apply
appropriately appropriately appropriately
2.5 Explain the principles of planning 2.5 Describe the principles of 2.5 Describe the principles of
oral health care for communities planning oral health care for planning oral health care for
to meet needs and demands communities to meet needs and communities to meet needs and
demands demands

The registrant must recognise the The registrant must recognise the The registrant must recognise the
importance of appropriate importance of appropriate importance of appropriate
communication in healthcare at communication in healthcare at communication in healthcare at all
all times and through all media all times and through all media times and through all media
Upon registration with the GDC Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the
the registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to:

3 Patients, their 3 Patients, their 3 Patients, their

representatives and the representatives and the representatives and the
public public public
3.1 Communicate effectively and 3.1 Communicate effectively and 3.1 Communicate effectively and
sensitively at all times with sensitively at all times with sensitively at all times with
and about patients, their and about patients, their and about patients, their
representatives and the public representatives and the general representatives and the general
and in relation to: public and in relation to: public and in relation to:
• patients with anxious or • patients with anxious or • patients with anxious or
challenging behaviour challenging behaviour challenging behaviour
• referring patients to • referring patients to • referring patients to
colleagues, particularly where colleagues, particularly where colleagues, particularly where
patients are from diverse patients are from diverse patients are from diverse
backgrounds or there are backgrounds or there are backgrounds or there are
barriers to patient barriers to patient barriers to patient
communication communication communication
• difficult circumstances, such • difficult circumstances, such • difficult circumstances, such
as breaking bad news, or as when breaking bad news, as when breaking bad news,
discussing issues such as and when discussing issues, and when discussing issues,
alcohol consumption, such as alcohol such as alcohol
smoking, or diet consumption, smoking consumption, smoking
or diet or diet
3.2 Recognise the importance of 3.2 Recognise the importance of 3.2 Recognise the importance of
non-verbal communication, non-verbal communication, non-verbal communication,
including listening skills, and including listening skills, and including listening skills, and
barriers to effective barriers to effective barriers to effective
communication communication communication
3.3 Explain and check patients' 3.3 Explain and check patients’ 3.3 Explain and check patients’
understanding of treatments, understanding of treatments, understanding of treatments,
options and costs to enable options, costs and valid consent options, costs and valid consent
patients to make their choice
and give valid consent
3.4 Obtain valid consent 3.4 Obtain valid consent 3.4 Obtain valid consent

92 General Dental Council

Dental nurses Orthodontic therapists Clinical dental technicians Dental technicians

1.15 Modification and repair of

custom made dental devices
1.15.1 Repair custom made dental
devices to meet the needs of
the patient
1.15.2 Repair and modify custom made
dental devices

2 Population-based health 2 Population-based health 2 Population-based health 2 Population-based health

and care and care and care and care
2.1 Describe the basic principles of 2.1 Describe the basic principles of 2.1 Describe the basic principles 2.1 Explain how social, cultural and
a population health approach a population health approach of a population health approach environmental factors contribute
including demographic and including demographic and including demographic and to general and oral health
social trends, UK and social trends, UK and social trends, UK and
international oral health trends, international oral health trends, international oral health trends,
determinants of health and determinants of health and determinants of health and
inequalities in health, the ways in inequalities in health, the ways in inequalities in health, the ways
which these are measured and which these are measured and in which these are measured
current patterns current patterns and current patterns
2.2 Describe the dental and wider 2.2 Describe the dental and wider 2.2 Explain the dental and wider 2.2 Describe the dental healthcare
healthcare systems dental healthcare systems dental healthcare systems dental systems dental professionals
professionals work within professionals work within professionals work within work within including health
including health policy and including health policy and including health policy and policy and organisation, delivery
organisation, delivery of organisation, delivery of organisation, delivery of of healthcare and equity
healthcare and equity healthcare and equity healthcare and equity
2.3 Describe and evaluate the role of 2.3 Describe and evaluate the role 2.3 Describe and evaluate the role 2.3 Recognise the impact of clinical
health promotion in terms of the of health promotion in terms of health promotion in terms guidelines relating to the delivery
changing environment, of the changing environment, of the changing environment, of oral health care on laboratory
community and individual community and individual community and individual practice and their implications
behaviours to deliver health gain behaviours to deliver health gain behaviours to deliver health gain
2.4 Describe evidence-based 2.4 Describe evidence-based 2.4 Explain evidence-based
prevention and apply prevention and apply prevention and apply
appropriately appropriately appropriately
2.5 Describe the principles of 2.5 Describe the principles of 2.5 Describe the principles of
planning oral health care for planning oral health care for planning oral health care for
communities to meet needs and communities to meet needs and communities to meet needs and
demands demands demands

The registrant must recognise the The registrant must recognise the The registrant must recognise the The registrant must recognise the
importance of appropriate importance of appropriate importance of appropriate importance of appropriate
communication in healthcare at communication in healthcare at communication in healthcare at communication in healthcare at
all times and through all media all times and through all media all times and through all media all times and through all media
Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the
registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to:

3 Patients, their 3 Patients, their 3 Patients, their 3 Patients, their

representatives and the representatives and the representatives and the representatives and the
public public public public
3.1 Communicate effectively and 3.1 Communicate effectively and 3.1 Communicate effectively and 3.1 Communicate effectively and
sensitively with and about sensitively at all times with and sensitively at all times with and sensitively at all times with and
patients, their representatives about patients, their about patients, their about patients, their
and the general public representatives and the general representatives and the general representatives and the general
public and in relation to: public and in relation to: public where required or as
• patients with anxious or • patients with anxious or directed and in relation to:
challenging behaviour challenging behaviour • patients with anxious or
• referring patients to • referring patients to challenging behaviour
colleagues, particularly where colleagues, particularly where • where patients are from
patients are from diverse patients are from diverse diverse backgrounds or there
backgrounds or there are backgrounds or there are are barriers to patient
barriers to patient barriers to patient communication
communication communication
• difficult circumstances, • difficult circumstances,
such as when breaking bad such as when breaking bad
news, and when discussing news, and when discussing
issues, such as alcohol issues, such as alcohol
consumption, smoking consumption, smoking
or diet or diet
3.2 Communicate effectively and 3.2 Recognise the importance of 3.2 Recognise the importance of 3.2 Recognise the importance of
sensitively to provide non-verbal communication, non-verbal communication, non-verbal communication,
reassurance and information including listening skills, and including listening skills, and including listening skills, and
on oral hygiene to patients and barriers to effective barriers to effective barriers to effective
their representatives communication communication communication
3.3 Explain the purpose and process 3.3 Explain and check patients’ 3.3 Explain and check patients’ 3.3 Explain and check patients’
of valid consent understanding of treatments, understanding of treatments, understanding of treatments,
options, costs and valid consent options, costs and valid consent options, costs and valid consent

3.4 Obtain valid consent 3.4 Obtain valid consent 3.4 Obtain valid consent

Preparing for practice 93

Dentists Dental therapists Dental hygienists
4 Team and the wider 4 Team and the wider 4 Team and the wider
healthcare environment healthcare environment healthcare environment
4.1 Communicate effectively with 4.1 Communicate effectively with 4.1 Communicate effectively with
colleagues from dental and other colleagues from dental and other colleagues from dental and other
healthcare professions in patients' healthcare professions in relation healthcare professions in relation
best interests in relation to: to the direct care of individual to the direct care of individual
• the direct care of individual patients, including oral health patients, including oral health
patients promotion promotion
• oral health promotion
• the day to day working of the
clinical department/practice in
which the individual works
• the wider contribution which
the department/practice
makes to dental and
healthcare in the surrounding
• raising concerns when
problems arise
4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, 4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, 4.2 Explain the role of appraisal,
training and review of training and review of training and review of
colleagues, giving and receiving colleagues, giving and receiving colleagues, giving and receiving
effective feedback effective feedback effective feedback
4.3 Give and receive feedback 4.3 Give and receive feedback 4.3 Give and receive feedback
effectively to other members of effectively to other members of effectively to other members of
the team the team the team
4.4 Communicate appropriately and
effectively in professional
discussions and transactions
within the health and other

5 Generic communication 5 Generic communication 5 Generic communication

skills skills skills
5.1 Communicate effectively and 5.1 Communicate effectively and 5.1 Communicate effectively and
sensitively by spoken, written sensitively by spoken, written sensitively by spoken, written

and electronic methods and and electronic methods and and electronic methods and
maintain and develop these skills maintain and develop these skills maintain and develop these skills
5.2 Use appropriate methods to 5.2 Explain the importance of and 5.2 Explain the importance of and
provide accurate, clear and maintain contemporaneous, maintain contemporaneous,
comprehensive information complete and accurate patient complete and accurate patient
when referring patients to other records in accordance with legal records in accordance with legal
dental and healthcare requirements and best practice requirements and best practice
5.3 Explain the importance of and 5.3 Recognise the use of a range of 5.3 Recognise the use of a range of
maintain contemporaneous, communication methods and communication methods and
complete and accurate patient technologies and their technologies and their
records in accordance with legal appropriate application in appropriate application in
requirements and best practice support of clinical practice support of clinical practice
5.4 Recognise the use of a range of 5.4 Recognise and act within the 5.4 Recognise and act within the
communication methods and principles of information principles of information
technologies and their governance governance
appropriate application in
support of clinical practice
5.5 Recognise and act within the
principles of information

Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the
registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to:

6 Patients and the public 6 Patients and the public 6 Patients and the public
6.1 Put patients’ interests first and 6.1 Put patients’ interests first and 6.1 Put patients’ interests first and
act to protect them act to protect them act to protect them
6.2 Be honest and act with integrity 6.2 Be honest and act with integrity 6.2 Be honest and act with integrity
6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and 6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and 6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and
choices choice choices
6.4 Maintain and protect patients’ 6.4 Maintain and protect patients’ 6.4 Maintain and protect patients’
information information information
6.5 Recognise and respect the 6.5 Recognise and respect the 6.5 Recognise and respect the
patient’s perspective and patient’s perspective and patient’s perspective and
expectations of dental care and expectations of dental care and expectations of dental care and
the role of the dental team, the role of the dental team, the role of the dental team,
taking into account current taking into account current taking into account current
equality and diversity legislation, equality and diversity legislation, equality and diversity legislation,
noting that this may differ in noting that this may differ in noting that this may differ in
England, Scotland, Wales and England, Scotland, Wales and England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Northern Ireland

94 General Dental Council

Dental nurses Orthodontic therapists Clinical dental technicians Dental technicians

4 Team and the wider 4 Team and the wider 4 Team and the wider 4 Team and the wider
healthcare environment healthcare environment healthcare environment healthcare environment
4.1 Communicate effectively with 4.1 Communicate effectively with 4.1 Communicate effectively with 4.1 Communicate effectively with
colleagues from dental and other colleagues from dental and other colleagues from dental and other colleagues from dental and other
healthcare professions in relation healthcare professions in relation healthcare professions in relation healthcare professions in relation
to the direct care of individual to the direct care of individual to the direct care of individual to patient care
patients, including oral health patients, including oral health patients, including oral health
promotion promotion promotion

4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, 4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, 4.2 Explain the role of appraisal, 4.2 Explain the role of appraisal,
training and review of training and review of training and review of training and review of
colleagues, and giving and colleagues, and giving and colleagues, and giving and colleagues, and giving and
receiving effective feedback receiving effective feedback receiving effective feedback receiving effective feedback
4.3 Give and receive feedback 4.3 Give and receive feedback 4.3 Give and receive feedback 4.3 Give and receive feedback
effectively to other members of effectively to other members of effectively to other members of effectively to other members of
the team the team the team the team
4.4 Communicate appropriately and 4.4 Communicate appropriately and
effectively in professional effectively in professional
discussions and transactions discussions and transactions
within the health and other within the health and other
sectors sectors

5 Generic communication 5 Generic communication 5 Generic communication 5 Generic communication

skills skills skills skills
5.1 Communicate effectively and 5.1 Communicate effectively and 5.1 Communicate effectively and 5.1 Communicate effectively and
sensitively by spoken, written sensitively by spoken, written sensitively by spoken, written sensitively by spoken, written
and electronic methods and and electronic methods and and electronic methods and and electronic methods and
maintain and develop these skills maintain and develop these skills maintain and develop these skills maintain and develop these skills
5.2 Explain the importance of and 5.2 Explain the importance of and 5.2 Use appropriate methods to 5.2 Explain the importance of and
maintain contemporaneous, maintain contemporaneous, provide accurate, clear and maintain contemporaneous,
complete and accurate patient complete and accurate patient comprehensive information when complete and accurate patient
records in accordance with legal records in accordance with legal referring patients to other dental records in accordance with legal
requirements and best practice requirements and best practice and healthcare professionals requirements and best practice

5.3 Recognise the use of a range of 5.3 Recognise the use of a range of 5.3 Explain the importance of and 5.3 Recognise the use of a range of
communication methods and communication methods and maintain contemporaneous, communication methods and
technologies and their technologies and their complete and accurate patient technologies and their appropriate
appropriate application in appropriate application in records in accordance with legal application in support of the
support of clinical practice support of clinical practice requirements and best practice practice of dental technology
5.4 Recognise and act within the 5.4 Recognise and act within the 5.4 Recognise the use of a range of 5.4 Recognise and act within the
principles of information principles of information communication methods and principles of information
governance governance technologies and their governance
appropriate application in
support of clinical practice
5.5 Recognise and act within the
principles of information

Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the
Registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to:

6 Patients and the public 6 Patients and the public 6 Patients and the public 6 Patients and the public
6.1 Put patients’ interests first and 6.1 Put patients’ interests first and 6.1 Put patients’ interests first and 6.1 Put patients’ interests first and
act to protect them act to protect them act to protect them act to protect them
6.2 Be honest and act with integrity 6.2 Be honest and act with integrity 6.2 Be honest and act with integrity 6.2 Be honest and act with integrity
6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and 6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and 6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and 6.3 Respect patients’ dignity and
choices choices choices choice
6.4 Maintain and protect patients’ 6.4 Maintain and protect patients’ 6.4 Maintain and protect patients’ 6.4 Maintain and protect patients’
information information information information
6.5 Recognise and respect the 6.5 Recognise and respect the 6.5 Recognise and respect the 6.5 Recognise and respect the
patient’s perspective and patient’s perspective and patient’s perspective and patient’s perspective and
expectations of dental care and expectations of dental care and expectations of dental care and expectations of dental care and
the role of the dental team, the role of the dental team, the role of the dental team, the role of the dental team,
taking into account current taking into account current taking into account current taking into account current
equality and diversity legislation, equality and diversity legislation, equality and diversity legislation, equality and diversity legislation,
noting that this may differ in noting that this may differ in noting that this may differ in noting that this may differ in
England, Scotland, Wales and England, Scotland, Wales and England, Scotland, Wales and England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Northern Ireland

Preparing for practice 95

Dentists Dental therapists Dental hygienists
7 Ethical and legal 7 Ethical and legal 7 Ethical and legal
7.1 Be familiar with and act within 7.1 Be familiar with and act within 7.1 Be familiar with and act within
the GDC’s standards and within the GDC’s standards and within the GDC’s standards and within
other professionally relevant other professionally relevant other professionally relevant
laws, ethical guidance and laws, ethical guidance and laws, ethical guidance and
systems systems systems
7.2 Recognise and act upon the 7.2 Recognise and act upon the 7.2 Recognise and act upon the
legal and ethical responsibilities legal and ethical responsibilities legal and ethical responsibilities
involved in protecting and involved in protecting and involved in protecting and
promoting the health of promoting the health of promoting the health of
individual patients individual patients individual patients
7.3 Act without discrimination and 7.3 Act without discrimination and 7.3 Act without discrimination and
show respect for patients, show respect for patients, show respect for patients,
colleagues and peers and the colleagues and peers and the colleagues and peers and the
general public general public general public
7.4 Recognise the importance of 7.4 Recognise the importance of 7.4 Recognise the importance of
candour and effective candour and effective candour and effective
communication with patients communication with patients communication with patients
when things go wrong, knowing when things go wrong, knowing when things go wrong, knowing
how and where to report any how and where to report any how and where to report any
patient safety issues which arise patient safety issues which arise patient safety issues which arise
7.5 Take responsibility for and act to 7.5 Take responsibility for and act to 7.5 Take responsibility for and act to
raise concerns about your own raise concerns about your own raise concerns about your own
or others’ health, behaviour or or others’ health, behaviour or or others’ health, behaviour or
professional performance as professional performance as professional performance as
described in Standards for the described in Standards for the described in Standards for the
Dental Team Principle 8 Raise Dental Team Principle 8 Raise Dental Team Principle 8 Raise
concerns if patients are at risk concerns if patients are at risk concerns if patients are at risk

8 Teamwork 8 Teamwork 8 Teamwork

8.1 Describe and respect the roles 8.1 Describe and respect the roles 8.1 Describe and respect the roles
of dental and other healthcare of dental and other healthcare of dental and other healthcare
professionals in the context of professionals in the context of professionals in the context of
learning and working in a dental learning and working in a dental learning and working in a dental
and wider healthcare team and wider healthcare team and wider healthcare team
8.2 Ensure that any team you are 8.2 Ensure that any team you are 8.2 Ensure that any team you are
involved in works together to involved in works together to involved in works together to
provide appropriate dental care provide appropriate dental care provide appropriate dental care
for patients for patients for patients
8.3 Explain the contribution that 8.3 Explain the contribution that 8.3 Explain the contribution that
team members and effective team members and effective team members and effective
team working makes to the team working makes to the team working makes to the
delivery of safe and effective high delivery of safe and effective high delivery of safe and effective high
quality care quality care quality care

9 Development of self and 9 Development of self and 9 Development of self and

others others others
9.1 Recognise and demonstrate 9.1 Recognise and demonstrate 9.1 Recognise and demonstrate
own professional responsibility in own professional responsibility in own professional responsibility in
the development of self and the the development of self and the the development of self and the
rest of the team rest of the team rest of the team
9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt 9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt 9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt
of effective feedback in the of effective feedback in the of effective feedback in the
professional development of self professional development of self professional development of self
and others and others and others
9.3 Explain the range of methods of 9.3 Explain the range of learning and 9.3 Explain the range of learning and
learning and teaching available teaching methods and the teaching methods and the
and the importance of importance of assessment, importance of assessment,
assessment, feedback, critical feedback, critical reflection, feedback, critical reflection,
reflection, identification of identification of learning needs identification of learning needs
learning needs and appraisal in and appraisal in personal and appraisal in personal
personal development planning development planning development planning
9.4 Develop and maintain 9.4 Develop and maintain 9.4 Develop and maintain
professional knowledge and professional knowledge and professional knowledge and
competence and demonstrate competence and demonstrate competence and demonstrate
commitment to commitment to commitment to
lifelong learning lifelong learning lifelong learning
9.5 Recognise and evaluate the 9.5 Recognise and evaluate the 9.5 Recognise and evaluate the
impact of new techniques and impact of new techniques and impact of new techniques and
technologies in clinical practice technologies in clinical practice technologies in clinical practice

9.6 Accurately assess their own 9.6 Accurately assess their own 9.6 Accurately assess their own
capabilities and limitations in the capabilities and limitations in the capabilities and limitations in the
interest of high quality patient interest of high quality patient interest of high quality patient
care and seek advice from care and seek advice from care and seek advice from
supervisors or colleagues supervisors or colleagues supervisors or colleagues
where appropriate where appropriate where appropriate
9.7 Explain and demonstrate the 9.7 Describe and demonstrate the 9.7 Describe and demonstrate the
attributes of professional attributes of professional attributes of professional
attitudes and behaviour in all attitudes and behaviour in all attitudes and behaviour in all
environments and media environments and media environments and media

96 General Dental Council

Dental nurses Orthodontic therapists Clinical dental technicians Dental technicians

7 Ethical and legal 7 Ethical and legal 7 Ethical and legal 7 Ethical and legal
7.1 Be familiar with and act within 7.1 Be familiar with and act within 7.1 Be familiar with and act within 7.1 Be familiar with and act within
the GDC’s standards and within the GDC’s standards and within the GDC’s standards and within the GDC’s standards and within
other professionally relevant other professionally relevant other professionally relevant other professionally relevant
laws, ethical guidance and laws, ethical guidance and laws, ethical guidance and laws, ethical guidance and
systems systems systems systems
7.2 Recognise and act upon the 7.2 Recognise and act upon the 7.2 Recognise and act upon the 7.2 Recognise and act upon the
legal and ethical responsibilities legal and ethical responsibilities legal and ethical responsibilities legal and ethical responsibilities
involved in protecting and involved in protecting and involved in protecting and involved in protecting and
promoting the health of individual promoting the health of individual promoting the health of individual promoting the health of individual
patients patients patients patients
7.3 Act without discrimination and 7.3 Act without discrimination and 7.3 Act without discrimination and 7.3 Act without discrimination and
show respect for patients, show respect for patients, show respect for patients, show respect for patients,
colleagues and peers and the colleagues and peers and the colleagues and peers and the colleagues and peers and the
general public general public general public general public
7.4 Recognise the importance of 7.4 Recognise the importance of 7.4 Recognise the importance of 7.4 Recognise the importance of
candour and effective candour and effective candour and effective candour and effective
communication with patients communication with patients communication with patients communication with patients
when things go wrong, knowing when things go wrong, knowing when things go wrong, knowing when things go wrong, knowing
how and where to report any how and where to report any how and where to report any how and where to report any
patient safety issues which arise patient safety issues which arise patient safety issues which arise patient safety issues which arise
7.5 Take responsibility for and act to 7.5 Take responsibility for and act to 7.5 Take responsibility for and act to 7.5 Take responsibility for and act to
raise concerns about your own raise concerns about your own raise concerns about your own raise concerns about your own
or others’ health, behaviour or or others’ health, behaviour or or others’ health, behaviour or or others’ health, behaviour or
professional performance as professional performance as professional performance as professional performance as
described in Standards for the described in Standards for the described in Standards for the described in Standards for the
Dental Team Principle 8 Raise Dental Team Principle 8 Raise Dental Team Principle 8 Raise Dental Team Principle 8 Raise
concerns if patients are at risk concerns if patients are at risk concerns if patients are at risk concerns if patients are at risk

8 Teamwork 8 Teamwork 8 Teamwork 8 Teamwork

8.1 Describe and respect the roles 8.1 Describe and respect the roles 8.1 Describe and respect the roles 8.1 Describe and respect the roles
of dental and other healthcare of dental and other healthcare of dental and other healthcare of dental and other healthcare
professionals in the context of professionals in the context of professionals in the context of professionals in the context of
learning and working in a dental learning and working in a dental learning and working in a dental learning and working in a dental
and wider healthcare team and wider healthcare team and wider healthcare team and wider healthcare team
8.2 Ensure that any team you are 8.2 Ensure that any team you are 8.2 Ensure that any team you are 8.2 Ensure that any team you are
involved in works together to involved in works together to involved in works together to involved in works together to
provide appropriate dental care provide appropriate dental care provide appropriate dental care provide appropriate dental care
for patients for patients for patients for patients
8.3 Explain the contribution that 8.3 Explain the contribution that 8.3 Explain the contribution that 8.3 Explain the contribution that
team members and effective team members and effective team members and effective team members and effective
team working makes to the team working makes to the team working makes to the team working makes to the
delivery of safe and effective high delivery of safe and effective high delivery of safe and effective high delivery of safe and effective high
quality care quality care quality care quality care

9 Development of self and 9 Development of self and 9 Development of self and 9 Development of self and
others others others others
9.1 Recognise and demonstrate 9.1 Recognise and demonstrate 9.1 Recognise and demonstrate own 9.1 Recognise and demonstrate
own professional responsibility in own professional responsibility in professional responsibility in the own professional responsibility in
the development of self and the the development of self and the development of self and the rest the development of self and the
rest of the team rest of the team of the team rest of the team
9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt 9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt 9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt 9.2 Utilise the provision and receipt
of effective feedback in the of effective feedback in the of effective feedback in the of effective feedback in the
professional development of self professional development of self professional development of self professional development of self
and others and others and others and others
9.3 Develop and maintain 9.3 Develop and maintain 9.3 Explain the range of learning and 9.3 Explain the range of learning and
professional knowledge and professional knowledge and teaching methods and the teaching methods and the
competence and demonstrate competence and demonstrate importance of assessment, importance of assessment,
commitment to lifelong learning commitment to feedback, critical reflection, feedback, critical reflection,
lifelong learning identification of learning needs identification of learning needs
and appraisal in personal and appraisal in personal
development planning development planning
9.4 Recognise the impact of new 9.4 Recognise and evaluate the 9.4 Develop and maintain 9.4 Develop and maintain
techniques and technologies in impact of new techniques and professional knowledge and professional knowledge and
clinical practice technologies in clinical practice competence and demonstrate competence and demonstrate
commitment to lifelong learning commitment to lifelong learning

9.5 Accurately assess their own 9.5 Accurately assess their own 9.5 Recognise and evaluate the 9.5 Recognise and evaluate the
capabilities and limitations in the capabilities and limitations in the impact of new techniques and impact of new techniques and
interest of high quality patient interest of high quality patient technologies in clinical practice technologies in the practice of
care and seek advice from care and seek advice from dental technology
supervisors or colleagues where supervisors or colleagues where
appropriate appropriate
9.6 Describe and demonstrate the 9.6 Describe and demonstrate the 9.6 Accurately assess their own 9.6 Accurately assess their own
attributes of professional attributes of professional capabilities and limitations in the capabilities and limitations in the
attitudes and behaviour in all attitudes and behaviour in all interest of high quality patient interest of high quality patient
environments and media environments and media care and seek advice from care and seek advice from
supervisors or colleagues supervisors or colleagues
where appropriate where appropriate
9.7 Describe and demonstrate the 9.7 Describe and demonstrate the
attributes of professional attributes of professional
attitudes and behaviour in all attitudes and behaviour in all
environments and media environments and media

Preparing for practice 97

Dentists Dental therapists Dental hygienists
Management and leadership
Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the
registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to:

10 Managing self 10 Managing self 10 Managing self

10.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to 10.1 Put patients’ interests first and 10.1 Put patients’ interests first and
protect them act to protect them act to protect them
10.2 Effectively manage their own time 10.2 Effectively manage their own time 10.2 Effectively manage their own time
and resources and resources and resources
10.3 Recognise the impact of personal 10.3 Recognise the impact of personal 10.3 Recognise the impact of personal
behaviour on the health care behaviour and manage this behaviour and manage this
environment and on wider society and professionally professionally
manage this professionally
10.4 Recognise the significance of their 10.4 Recognise the range of skills and 10.4 Recognise the range of skills and
own management and leadership role knowledge that contribute to knowledge that contribute to
and the range of skills and knowledge effective management and effective management and
required to do this effectively leadership leadership
10.5 When appropriate act as an advocate 10.5 When appropriate act as an 10.5 When appropriate act as an
for patient needs advocate for patient/carer needs advocate for patient needs

10.6 Take responsibility for personal 10.6 Take responsibility for personal 10.6 Take responsibility for personal
development planning, recording of development planning, development planning,
evidence, and reflective practice recording of evidence, and recording of evidence and
reflective practice reflective practice
10.7 Ensure that all aspects of practice 10.7 Ensure that all aspects of 10.7 Ensure that all aspects of practice
comply with legal and regulatory practice comply with legal and comply with legal and regulatory
requirements regulatory requirements requirements
10.8 Demonstrate appropriate continuous 10.8 Demonstrate appropriate 10.8 Demonstrate appropriate
improvement activities continuous improvement activities continuous improvement activities

11 Managing and working 11 Working with others 11 Working with others

with others
11.1 Take a patient-centred approach to 11.1 Take a patient-centred approach 11.1 Take a patient-centred approach
working with the dental and wider to working with the dental and to working with the dental and
healthcare team wider healthcare team wider healthcare team
11.2 Recognise and respect own 11.2 Recognise and respect own 11.2 Recognise and respect own
and others’ contribution to the dental and others’ contribution to the and others’ contribution to the
and wider healthcare team and dental and wider healthcare team dental and wider healthcare team
demonstrate effective team working, and demonstrate effective team and demonstrate effective team
including leading and being led. working. working.
11.3 Recognise the importance of and 11.3 Recognise and demonstrate 11.3 Recognise and demonstrate
demonstrate personal accountability personal accountability to personal accountability to
to patients, the regulator, the team patients, the regulator, the team patients, the regulator, the team
and wider community and wider community and wider community
11.4 Where appropriate lead, 11.4 Recognise and comply with the 11.4 Recognise and comply with the
manage and take professional team working requirements in the team working requirements in the
responsibility for the actions of Scope of Practice and Standards Scope of Practice and Standards
colleagues and other members of the for the Dental Team documents for the Dental Team documents
team involved in patient care
11.5 Recognise and comply with the team 11.5 Describe the impact of Direct 11.5 Describe the impact of Direct
working requirements in the Scope of Access on each registrant group’s Access on each registrant group’s
Practice and Standards for the Dental scope of practice and its effect on scope of practice and its effect on
Team documents dental team working dental team working

11.6 Describe the impact of Direct 11.6 Recognise, take responsibility for 11.6 Recognise, take responsibility for
Access on each registrant group’s and act to raise concerns about and act to raise concerns about
scope of practice and its effect on their own or others’ health, their own or others’ health,
dental team working behaviour or professional behaviour or professional
performance as described in performance as described in
Standards for the Dental Team Standards for the Dental Team
Principle 8 Raise concerns if Principle 8 Raise concerns if
patients are at risk patients are at risk
11.7 Describe the scope of practice of the
dental team and where appropriate
manage and delegate work
accordingly, in line with competence
and professional practice
11.8 Recognise, take responsibility for and
act to raise concerns about their own
or others’ health, behaviour or
professional performance as
described in Standards for the Dental
Team Principle 8 Raise concerns if
patients are at risk
11.9 Recognise the need to ensure that
those who raise concerns are
protected from discrimination or other
detrimental effects

98 General Dental Council

Dental nurses Orthodontic therapists Clinical dental technicians Dental technicians

Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the Upon registration with the GDC the
registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to: registrant will be able to:

10 Managing self 10 Managing self 10 Managing self 10 Managing self

10.1 Put patients’ interests first and act 10.1 Put patients’ interests first and 10.1 Put patients’ interests first and 10.1 Put patients’ interests first and act to
to protect them act to protect them act to protect them protect them
10.2 Effectively manage their own time 10.2 Effectively manage their own 10.2 Effectively manage their own 10.2 Effectively manage their own time
and resources time and resources time and resources and resources
10.3 Recognise the impact of personal 10.3 Recognise the impact of 10.3 Recognise the impact of 10.3 Recognise the impact of personal
behaviour and manage this personal behaviour and manage personal behaviour and manage behaviour and manage this
professionally this professionally this professionally professionally

10.4 When appropriate act as an 10.4 Recognise the range of skills and 10.4 Recognise the range of skills 10.4 Recognise the significance of the
advocate for patient needs knowledge that contribute to and knowledge that contribute management and leadership role and
effective management and to effective management and the range of skills and knowledge
leadership leadership required to do this effectively
10.5 Take responsibility for personal 10.5 When appropriate act as an 10.5 When appropriate act as an 10.5 Recognise the importance of managing
development planning, recording of advocate for patient needs advocate for patient needs the delivery of dental technology and
evidence, and reflective practice the range of skills and knowledge
required to do this effectively
10.6 Ensure that all aspects of practice 10.6 Take responsibility for personal 10.6 Take responsibility for personal 10.6 Take responsibility for personal
comply with legal and regulatory development planning, development planning, development planning, recording of
requirements recording of evidence, and recording of evidence, and evidence, and reflective practice
reflective practice reflective practice
10.7 Demonstrate appropriate 10.7 Ensure that all aspects of 10.7 Ensure that all aspects of 10.7 Ensure that all aspects of practice
continuous improvement activities practice comply with legal and practice comply with legal and comply with legal and regulatory
regulatory requirements regulatory requirements requirements
10.8 Demonstrate appropriate 10.8 Demonstrate appropriate 10.8 Demonstrate appropriate continuous
continuous improvement activities continuous improvement activities improvement activities

11 Working with others 11 Working with others 11 Working with others 11 Working with others

11.1 Take a patient-centred approach to 11.1 Take a patient-centred approach 11.1 Take a patient-centred approach 11.1 Recognise the need for a patient-
working with the dental and wider to working with the dental and to working with the dental and centred approach when working with
healthcare team wider healthcare team wider healthcare team the dental and wider healthcare team
11.2 Recognise and respect own 11.2 Recognise and respect own 11.2 Recognise and respect own 11.2 Recognise and respect own
and other team members’ and others’ contribution to the and others’ contribution to the and others’ contribution to the dental
contribution to the dental and wider dental and wider healthcare dental and wider healthcare and wider healthcare team and
healthcare team and demonstrate team and demonstrate effective team and demonstrate effective demonstrate effective team working.
effective team working. team working. team working.
11.3 Recognise and comply with the 11.3 Recognise and demonstrate 11.3 Recognise and demonstrate 11.3 Recognise and demonstrate personal
team working requirements in the personal accountability to personal accountability to accountability to the regulator, the
Scope of Practice and Standards patients, the regulator, the team patients, the regulator, the team team and wider community
for the Dental Team documents and wider community and wider community
11.4 Describe the impact of Direct 11.4 Recognise and comply with the 11.4 Recognise and comply with the 11.4 Recognise and comply with the
Access on each registrant group’s team working requirements in team working requirements in team working requirements in the
scope of practice and its effect on the Scope of Practice and the Scope of Practice and Scope of Practice and Standards for
dental team working Standards for the Dental Team Standards for the Dental Team the Dental Team documents
documents documents
11.5 Recognise, take responsibility for 11.5 Describe the impact of Direct 11.5 Describe the impact of Direct 11.5 Describe the impact of Direct
and act to raise concerns about their Access on each registrant Access on each registrant Access on each registrant group’s
own or others’ health, behaviour or group’s scope of practice and its group’s scope of practice and its scope of practice and its effect on
professional performance as effect on dental team working effect on dental team working dental team working
described in Standards for the
Dental Team Principle 8 Raise
concerns if patients are at risk
11.6 Recognise, take responsibility for 11.6 Recognise, take responsibility 11.6 Recognise, take responsibility for
and act to raise concerns about for and act to raise concerns and act to raise concerns about their
their own or others’ health, about their own or others’ own or others’ health, behaviour
behaviour or professional health, behaviour or professional or professional performance as
performance as described in performance as described in described in Standards for the
Standards for the Dental Team Standards for the Dental Team Dental Team Principle 8 Raise
Principle 8 Raise concerns if Principle 8 Raise concerns if concerns if patients are at risk
patients are at risk patients are at risk
11.7 Recognise the need to ensure
that those who raise concerns
are protected from
discrimination or other
detrimental effect

Preparing for practice 99

Dentists Dental therapists Dental hygienists
Management and leadership
12 Managing the clinical and 12 Managing the clinical and 12 Managing the clinical and
working environment working environment working environment
12.1 Recognise and comply with 12.1 Recognise and comply with 12.1 Recognise and comply with
systems and processes to systems and processes to systems and processes to
support safe patient care support safe patient care support safe patient care
12.2 Recognise the need for effective 12.2 Recognise the need for effective 12.2 Recognise the need for effective
recorded maintenance recorded maintenance and recorded maintenance and
and testing of equipment and testing of equipment and testing of equipment and
requirements for appropriate requirements for appropriate requirements for appropriate
storage, handling and use of storage, handling and use of storage, handling and use of
materials materials materials
12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the 12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the 12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the
procedures for handling of procedures for handling of procedures for handling of
complaints as described in complaints as described in complaints as described in
Standards for the Dental Team Standards for the Dental Team Standards for the Dental Team
Principle 5 Have a clear and Principle 5 Have a clear and Principle 5 Have a clear and
effective complaints procedure effective complaints procedure effective complaints procedure
12.4 Describe the legal, financial and 12.4 Describe the legal, financial and 12.4 Describe the legal, financial and
ethical issues associated with ethical issues associated with ethical issues associated with
managing a dental practice managing a dental practice managing a dental practice
12.5 Recognise and comply with 12.5 Recognise and comply with 12.5 Recognise and comply with
national and local clinical national and local clinical national and local clinical
governance and health and governance and health and governance and health and
safety requirements safety requirements safety requirements
12.6 Describe the implications of the
wider health economy and
external influences

100 General Dental Council

Dental nurses Orthodontic therapists Clinical dental technicians Dental technicians

12 Managing the clinical and 12 Managing the clinical and 12 Managing the clinical and 12 Managing the clinical and
working environment working environment working environment working environment
12.1 Recognise and comply with 12.1 Recognise and comply with 12.1 Recognise and comply with 12.1 Recognise and comply with
systems and processes to systems and processes to systems and processes to systems and processes to
support safe patient care support safe patient care support safe patient care support safe patient care
12.2 Recognise the need for effective 12.2 Recognise the need for effective 12.2 Recognise the need for effective 12.2 Recognise the need for effective
recorded maintenance and recorded maintenance and recorded maintenance and recorded maintenance and
testing of equipment and testing of equipment and testing of equipment and testing of equipment and
requirements for appropriate requirements for appropriate requirements for appropriate requirements for appropriate
storage, handling and use of storage, handling and use of storage, handling and use of storage, handling and use of
materials materials materials materials
12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the 12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the 12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the 12.3 Recognise and demonstrate the
procedures for handling of procedures for handling of procedures for handling of procedures for handling of
complaints as described in complaints as described in complaints as described in complaints as described in
Standards for the Dental Team Standards for the Dental Team Standards for the Dental Team Standards for the Dental Team
Principle 5 Have a clear and Principle 5 Have a clear and Principle 5 Have a clear and Principle 5 Have a clear and
effective complaints procedure effective complaints procedure effective complaints procedure effective complaints procedure
12.4 Describe the legal, financial and 12.4 Describe the legal, financial and 12.4 Describe the legal, financial and 12.4 Describe the legal, financial and
ethical issues associated with ethical issues associated with ethical issues associated with ethical issues associated with
managing a dental practice managing a dental practice managing a dental practice managing a dental practice
12.5 Recognise and comply with 12.5 Recognise and comply with 12.5 Recognise and comply with 12.5 Recognise and comply with
national and local clinical national and local clinical national and local clinical national and local clinical
governance and health and governance and health and governance and health and governance and health and
safety requirements safety requirements safety requirements safety requirements

Preparing for practice 101


102 General Dental Council

Preparing for practice 103

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