How To Register As Dental Hygienist in UK Overseas Dentist Overseas Dentist Register As Dental Hygienist in UK

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Route To Registration




Dental Care
Professional DCP - for
those who have
completed Dental
Degree from
Overseas (outside the
The information on this page is only relevant to you

you have never been registered with the GDC

before, and
you have a dental quali>cation from overseas
(non EU)

If the above is not relevant for you, please press the

button below to >nd information that is relevant to
you. This will take you directly to the General Dental
Council's Route to Registration webpage.


Dental Hygienist Therapist Registration

How to register as
a Dental Hygienist
or Dental
Therapist in the
If you hold a BDS Dental Degree from overseas, you
can apply for individual assessment to register as a
Dental Hygienist, Dental Therapist, Orthodontic
Therapist, Dental Technician and Dental Nurse, with
the GDC (General Dental Council). If your application
is successful, you will be eligible for registration.

Step 1: Request an
Application Form
from GDC.
The >rst thing you need to do is to request
the proforma from GDC.
You need to request this from GDC's website. For
your ease, you can use this external link to go to
the relevant page on GDC's website directly
Then select ‘ROUTE
REGISTER’. Please note,
you will be asked to complete the route to
registration questionnaire.
Once you have completed the online proforma
form, submit it.
The information submitted will be reviewed by
General Dental Council (GDC) and you will be
noti>ed by email of the appropriate application
form and guidance you need to submit to apply
to register with the GDC.
GDC says to allow 10 working days to assess the
details and send the assessment application pack
by return email. Even though GDC says 10
working days, we have seen they send it to you in
1-2 working days.
Please read through GDC's oYcial Frequently
Asked Questions on the Assessment Process
here. This is an external link on GDC's website:
Assessment process of DCPs

Step 2: Complete the

different forms.
You will receive 4/5 items attached in the email
from the DCP Assessment Team at General
Dental Council.
Learning Outcomes Form: The biggest
challenge in this step is the Learning Outcomes
Form. You need your full University's syllabus or
curriculum to be able to complete this form. This
form is very detailed and requires you to very
carefully ensure that all the learning outcomes
for either Therapist or Hygienist are completed
properly. You need to ensure there are no gaps in
your quali>cation, and all the training plus CPD
are also completed to overcome any of these
gaps in your course. One thing to note here is
that if you do not >ll this form properly, GDC will
most likely reject your application.
If you are struggling with the Learning Outcomes
Form, our team is available to provide expert
guidance and support. Feel free to Contact Us.
DCP Assessment Form: The second form you
would need to >ll is the Application form itself
which is called the DCP Assessment Form.
Though it contains more than 20 pages, this is a
relatively easier form to complete. The
information requested will be all personal details
from you.
Certi>cate of Good Standing Form
Form: This form
needs to be completed by your Dental Council or
Medical Council where you are registered as a
Professional Reference Form: This form
needs to be completed by a previous or current
employer relating to the relevant dental

Step 3: What
Documents will I
need to send with my
application for Dental
Hygienist/ Therapist
These are the documents you will need to send to
the General Dental Council (GDC):

a completed Application Form (this includes the

Character Reference Form)
a completed Learning Outcomes Form
a certi>ed copy of your BDS or Dental
quali>cation certi>cate
a certi>ed copy of the Syllabus / Curriculum from
the university or college
a certi>ed copy of the transcript or mark-sheets
for your course
certi>cates/ evidence of relevant training courses
and CPD
evidence that you have the required English
language standard necessary for registration (The
details on the requirements can be found on
GDC's website. This is an external link on GDC's
website: English language controls page)
references from employers referring to your
experience and knowledge as a dental care
evidence of any relevant postgraduate
quali>cations (if applicable)
a certi>ed copy of your valid passport, clearly
showing your photograph and personal details as
well as the expiry date of the document
a passport sized photograph of yourself that has
been signed on the back by your character
a certi>cate of current professional standing
(certi>cate of good standing)
a certi>ed copy of your change of name
document, if you're married
translations of documents which are not issued
in English
One photocopy of your whole application

GDC will return incomplete applications

without assessment.

Step 4: Waiting. How

long will GDC take for
DCP registration?
When the General Dental Council (GDC) receives
your application:

GDC will contact you by email to con>rm they

have received your application within >ve days.
GDC will check your application and documents
within 4-5 months of receipt of the application
GDC will contact you if there is a problem with
your application (this could include returning
your application if it is considered incomplete).
If all goes okay, GDC forwards your application to
the next available assessment panel, if it is
considered complete as per requirements.
Once the assessment panel >nishes the
assessment, GDC will inform you of their decision
on your application (in writing, so you will get a
letter by post)
The General Dental Council (GDC) has a
maximum of four months from receipt of a
complete application to inform an applicant of its
decision, however, currently these timelines are
around six-seven months

It is an ocence under section 39 of the

Dentists Act 1984 (as amended) to use a DCP
title without being registered with the GDC.

The process takes a good few weeks so please

do plan in advance.

You can either go through

the application process on
your own, or for the "peace
of mind", get support from
our expert team of Dental
Hygienist / Dental
Therapist who has gone
through the same tedious
process themselves to get
registered with the GDC
and have helped with
many applications.
We will be able to guide
you through the entire
process and try to work
with you in an attempt to
get the application
accepted in the [rst time.
Feel free to Contact Us.

Fill up the form, and we will contact
you as soon as possible.

First Name(s) 

Last Name 

Is the applicant based in the UK? (Please

select Yes or No)

Yes - based in the UK

Full Mobile Number 

E-mail 

Con>rm Full Mobile Number 

Con>rm E-mail 

(Country) Dental Degree Completed

Year of Graduation

Applicant's Current City & Country

Write a bit about the applicant - How many

years of dentistry experience - Current job -
Additional Quali>cations etc




Hygienist & Therapist Articles

Visits at the Dental Hygienist

Everything you need to know about Dental Therapists

Dental Hygienist vs Dental Therapist: Duties and role in the

Dental Team

Dental Hygienist & Dental Therapist

Overseas Dentist earn while you learn ORE / LDS.

Become a Dental Hygienist in the UK!


 Home

 Reviews/ Testimonials

 Route to Registration

 Route to Registration (for Overseas Qualified DCPs)

 Dental Hygienist Course for Overseas Dentist

 Dental Therapist Course for Overseas Dentist

 Local Anaesthesia & Pain Management Course for

Dental Hygienists

 MBA Healthcare Management (London, 2 Years)

 MSc Advanced General Dental Practice


 Frequently Asked Questions

 Can Foreign Dentist work as Dental Hygienist

while preparing for ORE / LDS in UK?

 Can I work as a dental nurse without GDC


 Can Non-UK Qualified Overseas Dental Hygienist

work as Dental Hygienist in UK?

 Can Overseas Dentist work as Dental Hygienist in


 Accepted by GDC

 EU Dental Hygienists

 GDC Rejection Experts

 Rejected by GDC

 Back to Practice Course

 ILS Course (Immediate Life Support)

 ORE Application Support

 Scope of Practice: Dental Hygienists

UK.Dental | Dental Advisory

(Formerly, Dental Hygienist Advisory Board)

Portsmouth Technopole

Kingston Crescent

Portsmouth, PO2 8FA


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The Best rated organisation in the UK, for GDC

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