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Cross-culture: know, understand and respect to other cultures.
Cultural exposure
 Build culture competence
1. Defining culture: daily life / social belief/ value/ behaviors
- Shared among groups of people
- Pass from generation to generation
- Examples:
2. Theoretical perspectives on culture (Quan điểm văn hóa)
a. Iceberg Model of culture: Edward T.Hall (1976)
b. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions (1980): So sánh văn hóa giữa các quốc gia
- Refer to conceptual framework - identify the differences in national culture globally
- Show a systematic process to compare the nations
c. Edgar Schein’s (Organization) Cultural Framework (2004)
- Artifacts: tangible, overt, verbally identifiable
- Espoused values
- Shared basis assumption
3. Aspects of culture:
- Culture - not biological - unconscious
- Learn from family, peers, institutions and media - known as enculturation
- Culture is not
4. Level of cultures
- Root of culture: living style, social religion/belief?
- Avoid stereotypes and generalization: be cautious
- All cultures agree that: humanity
HW: One-page
Chapter 1: Understanding the
Key words (2): Immense size of the US
Great ethic diversity
How ppl survive in such diverse society?
Dân châu Á ở Mỹ:
- Đa số là những người giàu
- Skilled workers
Các nước lõi công nghệ: Mỹ, TQ, Nhật, Đức.
Việt Nam nên đi theo con đường nào về giáo dục?
American immigration:
Melting pot:
- Key word: Assimilation:
- characteristics of members of immigrant groups and host societies come to resemble
one another.
Salad bowl:
- Multiculturalism
- Identity
Immigration trends:
6. Living styles
- Mỹ là đất nước không có văn hóa
- Food: mostly fast food
- Trang phục: casual
- Party: a lot parties.
- Văn hóa tiêu dùng: No savings
Để nhận biết người Mỹ cần phải nhìn vào đâu? : Passport

Chapter 2:
- Most imp value:
- Divorce rate in US: high
- Divorce rate in VN: increase - why??

Chapter 7:
Controversy of a Big Government.
- Individual freedom and the Government’s role.
+ In the Constitution
+ In practice
- How much it spends
- How much it does, and
- How many people it employs

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