Sem5 Question Paper

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ae 20+12:2092(E) OS SOMAIYA Semester: August 2022 — December 2022 Maximum Marks: 100 Examination: ESE Examination Duration:3 Hrs. Programme code: 04 : % | Proprenbeistar recs Class: TY Semester: V(SVU 2020) ‘Name of the Constituent College: c K, J. Somaiya College of Engineering | Name of the depsrtiacat: ET Course Code: 116U04C501___| Name of the Course: Theory of Computation Instructions: 1)Draw neat diagrams 2) All questions are compulsory 3) Assume suitable data Wherever necessary Que. Question Max. No. Marks Qi _| Solve any Four oe) — [i | Explain Formal Definition of &-NFA 3 Differentiate between DFA and NFA 5 Explain concept of Automata Theory with its applications 5 iv) | Explain Chomsky Hierarchy in briet 3 v) | What is regular Language? List Properties of Regular Language. 5 vi) | Write statements for Pumping Lemma for RL and CFL. 5 Que. ‘Question Max. No. Marks | Q2 4 | Solve the following 10 i) | Give state diagram for a DFA over 5 = (, b, e) accepting the strings not 5 containing “ab” followed by “cb”. ii) | Give state diagram for a DFA over = (0, 1, 2) accepting the strings containing |S every “0” followed by “1” and every “2” followed by “1” ‘OR | @A | Design aNFA over 5= (0, 1, 2) accepting strings starting and ending with same | 10 C symbol. Convert the same info equivalent DFA. (Q28 | Solve any One 10 i) | Minimize the DFA using Table Filling Method only with brief explanation 10 os ii) "| Minimize the DFA using Table Filling Method only with brief explanation = 10 Que. Question ‘Max. No. Marks Q3_| Solve any Two 20 i) _ | Derive equivalent DFA for the given Regular Expression along with its Formal [~ 10 Definition. (A * BI AC) BD) i) _ | Derive equivalent DFA for the given Regular Expression along with its Formal | 10 Definition : (HI-le) COV4119) C=) 4 (0121.19 iii) | State and prove Arden’s Theorem. Derive equivalent RE for the given DFA 10 with method using Arden’s Lemma ‘Que. Question Max. No. Marks Q4 | Solve any Two 20 i) Convert to GNF a 10 S + AS | BABC A-+Al1 | OAL | O1| e€ B+ OB /Ole ec+iclite ii) ‘Convert to GNF 10 $+ 0AO | 1B1 | BB Asc cose C+Ste Convert to GNF 10 l S= ss 1 (3) | tb | Que. Question ‘Max. No. Marks Q5__| (Write notes / Short question type) on any four 20 i) | Universal Turing Machine 3 ii) | Undecidable Problems About Turing Machine 5 iii) _| Post’s Correspondence Problem 3 iv) | Pand NP Classes | v) | Decidability a vi) _| Halting Problem 5 2)o 22---2022 (BY &* SOMAIYA Semester: August 2022 — December 2022 Maximum Marks:100_Examination: ESE Examination Duration:3 Hrs. Programme code: 04 yeaa Programme: B. Tech Information Technology | Class: TYIT | Semester: V (SVU 2020) ‘Name of the Constituent College: | Name ofthe department: K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering Information Technology Course Code: 116U04C502 | Name of the Course: Operating Systems Instructions: 1)Draw neat diagrams 2) All questions are compulsory 3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary Que. | Question Max. No. Marks [QI | Solve any Four. Differentiate between: 20 ’)__| Mono-lithic Vs Miero- lithic keel 3 ii) | Semaphore Vs Mutex 3 iti) _ | Long term, medium term and short term schedulers. | iv) _| Paging and segmentation 5 v) _| Page table and inverted page table 3 vi) [11,12 and L3 cache memory 5 Que. ‘Question Max. No. Marks Q2A | Solve the following for the following data 10 The following page sequence is given: 2342137543123123 Assume page frame size as 3. Calculate hit ratio and fault ratio. i [LRU 3 ii) [Optimal 3 OR QA | Work Queue: 23, 89, 32, 42, 12, 45 10 there are 100 cylinders numbered from 0 - 99 | the disk head stars at number 99 Solve for i) SSTF ii) LOOK And calculate seek time. Justify which algorithm is best among the two for the given sequence. Q2B | Solve any One 10 i) | Given asMain Memory Size: 41GB 10 Cache size: 1 MB | Block Size: 4 KB | Word size=1 Byte | Calculate in Cache direct mapping technique: a. Physical address b. Block Number bits and block offset c. Nooflines in cache d._No of Tag bits in cache Py VJ ii) _ | Given: 7 io | Main Memory Size: 16 GB Block Size: 16KB Word size=1 Byte Calculate in fully associative eache mapping technique: a, Physical address b. No of Blocks and block offset in main memory ©. No of lines in cache d._Noof Tag bits in cache | Que. ‘Question Max. |_No. Marks Q3_| Solve any Two 20 DT Explain fixed and dynamic partitioning with advantages and disadvantages oO each. 1D [Explath virtual memory combined with paging and sepmemtation in detail. 10 ; [TiiyLExplain placement strategies in memory management ‘with example. 10 a; J Que. Question Max. No. Marks (Q4 | Solve any Two 20 +) _| Explain in detail cache address mapping techniques. 10 ii) [Explain in detail secondary storage management techniques. 10 ] iii) Explain in detail /O buffering techniques. 10 Que. Question Max. | ‘ No. Marks Q5_| Solve any fous 20 1)_| Identify issues in concurrene} 5 7) What are principles of concurrency? 3 Ti) | Explain RTOS algorithms with suitable example. | iv)_ | Discuss hardware approaches to mutual exclusion. 5 T)_ [ Discuss classical problems of synchronization in brief without code. xs__} vi) _| Discuss PCB in detail 3 2% ate Maximum Marks: 100 Ab SOMAIYA ‘Semester: August 2022 — December 2022 Examination: ESE Examination 24-\1-2022 (&) Duration:3 Mrs. Programme code: 04 Class: TY Semester: V (SVU 2020) TI6LOSESIT | Name of the Ce Artificial Intelligence -at diagrams 2) All questions are compulsory erever necessary Instr 3) Assume suitable data Programme: B.Tech in Information Technology Name of the Constituent College: Name of the department: Information K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering _ __| Technology. # Que. Question No. Max. Marks Q1_| Solve any Four (i) | Categorize the environment of Al agent for Snakes and Ladders game (Al agent playing with human) into following environment types (Justification not | | required) a. Observable/partially Observable/Unobservable |b. Singie/Mutt-agent © | 4. le Deterministic/Stochastic 5 Sequential Static/Dynamic - 20 x ii)__| Explain an Utility Based Agent with diagram iiiy | State the steps of Uniform Cost search algorithm iv) | Discuss the advantages of logic over the propositional logic "yy | List the differences between chaining and backward chaining approach in regards to inferencing in First order Logic (any 5 points) vi) _| What is the confusion mattix in respect to how better the machine has learnt from the training data for classification problems? What is the size of this matrix? Que. | Question No. QA | Attempt the following i) | For Depth-limited search explain the terminating conditions and list any two |__| dis-advantages of this algorithm. - Give the performance measure (Time complexity, Space complexity, _| Completeness and Optimality) of lterative Deepening algorithm, R ‘What kind of evaluation funetion is used in informed search algorithms? What isa heuristic function? Explain the properties that a chosen heuristics function must satisfy in case of informed search algorithms. [2B | Solve any One 1) | Refer the tie-tac toe game intermediaie state given below. AT agent is the one who marks X and the human player marks O. The Al player has next turn to play. Assume if © wins you should return -10, if X wins you should return +10 and will be 0 if it's a draw. Complete the state space tre from the given siate below. Apply min-max Algorithm to compute the solution by indicating the | back propagated values at each and every step clearly. Identify which step is to | be taken further by the Al agent on its turn after the state indicated below, for | increasing its winning chances. 10 x — ol ix o[x/o Fig: Intermediate state of tie-tac-toe ii) | Explain Row Map colouring problem (no two adjacent regions should have same colour) is solved using Constraint Sassfaction Problem approach. Consider the following map of Australia given below and the available colours asred, green and blue. - HONsny Fig: Map ofutraia “> Que. Question No. Q3_| Solve any Two 1) | Give the PEAS Description of Wuripus World Environment. How Wumpus World problem can be represented in terms of logic? | What is Conjunctive Normal Form (CNFY? What ae the steps to conver a logic statement into CNF form? Explain inferencing using resolution refutation ‘method in propositional logic using an example. Represent the following sentences in first-order logic: i, Nome of the families are pertect ii. Everyone who studies at Somaiya Vidyavihar is smart ii, Notall non-vegetarians like both red meat and sea food iv. Some vegetable that is green is not always. spinach, whereas the spinach is always green v. A Grandparent is a Parent of one's Parents | Page 2/5 Que. No. | Macks Q4_| Atempt any Two a | a0 1) | Compare Supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Give one specilic) 10) example/application/problenv/scenario where you will use unsupervised learning and not the supervised learning. Justify your answer, ii) | What is reinforcement learning? Justify the relevance of Markov De WW Process (MDP) in the reinforcement learning. iii) | What is decision ee induction algorithm (1D3)% What according to you are) 1 benefits of using decision tree for solving a classification problem? 3 ‘Que. “Question T No. 5 __| Attempt any four i)___| List different Sources oF uncertainty, ii) _ | Explain Structure of Bayesian networks iii) | What is Conditional Independence? Give one example iv) _| Illustrate the use Bayes Rule V)__| Give one specific application where the Bayesian networks are used vi) | The Probability distribution for P(Cavity, Toothache) is given below: [| Toothache] Cavity | 0.04 [ecavity | 0.01 | 08 Obiain P(~ Toothache), P(eavity| ~ toothache) using formulae onl Page 3/3 24-)2+ 2922. (E) SS SOMAIYA ‘Semester: August 2022 — December 2022 Maximum Marks: 100 Examination: ESE Examination Duration: 3Hrs Programme code: Clas: TY | Semester: V Programme: B Tech Infromation Technology : (SVU 2020) ‘Name of the Constituent College: ‘Name of the department: IT K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering Course Code: 116U04E514 ‘Name of the Course: UI Programming (DE-1) Instructions: 1)Draw neat diagrams 2)Assume suitable data if necessary Question Max. No. Marks Qi@) | Discuss methods to collect requirements from users. 10 Oi) | List Common usability problems and discuss with examples any three common | 10 usability problems. Q2(@) | Discuss Drag and Drop principle with respect to 10 a. Events b. Actors cc. Approach to targeting drop of the dragged object, | d. Example @2(6) | Discuss with the example of different types of Inlays. 10 oR Discuss with the example of different types of Overlays. 10 Q3(@) | Discuss with the example of different types of form patterns (Any Two) 10 oR MyHealthTeams creates social networks for communities of people facing chronic conditions (everything from Lupus and multiple sclerosis to autism, breast cancer, and COPD). MyHealthTeams believes that when people facing the same chronic condition | 10 can connect with and leam from each other, ask questions, get referrals, and share tips with others who personally understand what it is like to face that condition, and health outcomes improve. Design two form patterns appropriate for connecting users of MyHealthTeams. [QS | Discuss the example of two types of patterns for social content production. 10 i Q4 (a) Discuss Patterns for Screen, Light, and Sensor to design mobile UI. OR Discuss Patterns for Labels and Indicators to design mobile UL 10 10 GO) Create BookingPro - an event booking mobile application that lets users book several events like concerts, movies, workshops, gaming events, theatre acts, stand-up comedy shows, etc. ‘The BookingPro will facilitate the following functions: 1. Users can sign up and then sign in to their accounts. 2. Users will be able to search for events. 3. Users will be able to book events that are near their location. 4, While booking, users can check the available seats. 5. On selecting multiple seats, the cost will keep increasing in the booking cart. 6, Users can view their previously booked events. BookingPro earns its revenue from advertising as well. Design mobile UI screens indicating pattems for Labels and Indicators. (Minimum 3 Patterns required) 10 Q5 (a) ‘UseText is an intelligent Al-driven product that helps businesses automate capturing and analyzing of structured and unstructured text data, UseText can perform the following functions: 1. With the help of ML-enabled text extraction tools, invoices can be converted into structured data. 2. The user uploads scanned documents for categorization. The model categorizes the input images, PDF files, or scanned documents as forms, emails, memos, resumes, etc., depending on the category. 3. The text summarization module offers the unique capability of bringing the gist/synthesis of a text to the «sey. attention. 4. A Text Redaction module can protect confidential information so that sensitive data cannot be seen in its content. Design Ul with the following patterns addressing the navigational models a. Menu Page b, Annotated Se-rolfbaw . Breadcrumb 10 Q5 (b) Discuss with the example of different types of static Invitation. OR lustrate @ minimum of two anti-patterns for the Detailed overlay. 10 10 2) 2 27-12.2012CE) ob SOMAIyA Semester: August 2022 - December 2022 Maximum Marks: 100. Examination: ESE Examination: Duration:3 Hrs. _ Programme code: 04 : | . Programme: B:Tech: z a | us vy | Semester: V See Name of the Constituent College: | 2 K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering [ane SURE ee Course Code: 116U04C503 | Name of the Course: Information and Network Security | Instructions: 1)Draw neat diagrams 2) All questions are compulsory 3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary < 7 Que. Question Max. | No. __ | Marks QI_| Solve any Four [20 i) | What is masquerade? Explain in brief with an example. Which principle of 3 security is breached because of that? ‘Are message digest and digital signature the same? Why? hs | ‘What are the advantages and disadvantages of using timestamps in an | 3 authentication protocol? [What is a race condition? Discuss one example of race condition. “| Whar is the difference between session hijacking and an IP spooling? | Why is ita bad idea to use the same RSA key pair for both signing and — L____Peneesprlon? Que. Question Q2.A_| Soive the following | Explain transposition cipher with an exainple. ‘Alice can use only additive cipher on her computer to send a message (0 a friend, She thinks that the message is more secure if she encrypts the message two times, each time with a different key. fs she right? Defend your answer, OR Q2A | Consider plain text alphabet G. Using the RSA algorithm and the values as | 3, D=11 and N=15, find out what this plain text alphabet encrypts to, and verify | [that same letter is obtained after decryption. Also eapfain FSA Key 9 Solveany One Encrypt the message “this is an exercise’ ry ising one of the following ciphers. ignore the space between words, Decrypt the message to get the original | | | plaintext {a) Additive cipher with key = 15 (b) Affine cipher with key = (15,20) i) _| What is SHA-1? Explain different steps of working of SHA-1 io Page Voge ‘What is biometric authentication? What are the two parameters defined for biometric measurement’? Que. Question Max. No. Marks Q3_| Solve any Two. 20 i)__| How does Kerberos work? Explain with example. 10 iy | What is MAC and DAC in access control? Elaborate with the help of an] 10 example, ii) 10 | Que. ‘Question Max. No. Marks: Q4_| Solve any Two 20 i) | Why is Secure Socket Layer needed? Explain how SSL works? What are the | 10 | different features provided by SSL? ‘What is Malware? Explain Salami and Linearization attacks. 10 ‘Describe different types of IDS along with their limitations. 10 Question Max. Marks Write short notes on any four CAPTCHA. Covert channel. Access control matrix Page 2 28 2

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