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TN Factories Act sections & Forms

Forms & Chapters.

 Form 1 - Application for permission to construct, extend or take into use any building as a
 Form 25-B - Service Card
 Form 26 - Register of Accidents
 Form 10 - Overtime muster roll for exempted workers
 Form 2 - Application for registration and grant or renewal of licence for the year
 Form 3 - Register of Factories
 Form 3-A - Notice of change of Manager
 Form 4 - Registration and Licence to work a factory
 Form 11 - Notice of Periods of work for adult workers and children
 Form 18-B - Report of further details of accident
 Form 5 - Certificate of fitness
 Form 12 - Register of adult workers
 Form 21 - Half Yearly Return
 Form 6 - Humidity Register
 Form 7 - Record of lime-washing, painting, etc
 Form 14 - Register for young person workers
 Form 22 - Combined Annual Return
 Form 8 - Report of examination of pressure vessel or plant
 Form 15 - Register of leave with wages
 Form 25 - Muster Roll
 Form 8-A - Report of examination of water-sealed gas-holder
 Form 17 - Health Register
 Form 9 - Register of Compensatory holidays
 Form 18 - Report of Accident
 Form 25-A - Muster Roll of Adult Workers

CHAPTER II. Registration.
CHAPTER III. Duties of Employer and Employee.
CHAPTER IV. Occupational Safety and Health.
CHAPTER V. Hours of Work and Annual Leave with Wages.
CHAPTER VI. Maintenance of Registers, Records and Returns.
CHAPTER VII. Inspector-cum-Facilitator and other Authority.
CHAPTER VIII. Special Provision relating to Employment of Women.
CHAPTER IX. Contract Labour
CHAPTER X. Inter-State Migrant Worker.
CHAPTER XI. Audio-Visual Workers
CHAPTER XII. Beedi and Cigar Workers
CHAPTER XIII. Factories.
CHAPTER XIV. Plantation.
CHAPTER XV. Offences and Penalties
CHAPTER XVI. Social Security Fund.
CHAPTER XVII. Special Rules.


Section 1. Short title, extent and commencement. Contains Subordinates

Section 2. Definitions.
Section 2A. Application of Act to feed-pipes.
Section 2B. Application of Act to economisers.
Section 3. Limitation of Application.
Section 4. Power to limit extent.
Section 4A. Technical Adviser.
Section 4B. Welders certificate.
Section 4C. Conditions precedent for manufacture of boiler land boiler component
Section 4D. Inspection during manufacture.
Section 4E. Inspection during erection.
Section 4F. Conditions precedent for repairing boiler and boiler component.
Section 5. Chief Inspector, Deputy Chief Inspectors and Inspectors.
Section 6. Prohibition of use of unregistered or uncertified boiler.
Section 7. Registration.
Section 8. Renewal of certificate.
Section 9. Provisional orders.
Section 10. Use of boiler pending grant of certificate.
Section 11. Revocation of certificate or provisional order.
Section 12. Alterations and renewals to boilers.
Section 13. Alterations and renewals to steam-pipes.
Section 14. Duty of owner at examination.
Section 15. Production of certificates, etc.
Section 16. Transfer of certificates, etc.
Section 17. Powers of entry.
Section 18. Report of accidents.
Section 19. Appeals to Chief Inspector.
Section 20. Appeals to appellate authority.
Section 20A. Power of Central Government to revise order of appellate authority.
Section 21. Finality of orders.
Section 22. Minor penalties.
Section 23. Penalties for illegal use of boiler.
Section 24. Other penalties.
Section 25. Penalty for tampering with register mark.
Section 26. Limitation and previous sanction for prosecutions.
Section 27. Trial of offences.
Section 27A. Central Boilers Board.
Section 28. Power to make regulations.
Section 28A. Power of Central Government to make rules.
Section 29. Power to make rules.
Section 30. Penalty for breach of rules.
Section 31. Publication of regulations and rules.
Section 31A. Power of Central Government to give directions.
Section 32. Recovery of fees, etc.
Section 33. Applicability to the Government.
Section 34. Exemptions.
Section 35. [Repealed.].

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