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Aguirre, Jo-ann


We all know that heroes nowadays is not that typical heroes like before
because now it is all that we can be hero anyone like farmers, OFW, teachers,
soldier, other profession that we take we all know that when Dr. Jose Rizal is not
that like others he is expectation in all people in our country. Heroes is defined
that we looked up and amazed with that attitude we were values and respect in
all aspects, we idolized or admired on what characteristics we love them no
matter life can be it is our choice to choose who we will defined as a hero.

For me, the OFW because like they said sacrifice for their own family and
consider the taxes that they pay and of course represent our country to the other
country. They beyond resemblance to Dr. Jose Rizal like he sacrifice his self to
the nation as well as our OFW they make a remarkable words that even in other
country they are known and amazed on what contribution they give to our nation.
And last is the soldier, for me a soldier is like Dr. Jose Rizal because even though
they given a justice through death and life they fought and fight to our enemy in
country and to expose those criminal in our nation it has honored to be served, a
warrior, a fighter and a shield.

OFW is not educated like Dr. Jose Rizal but they know how to love and look
back on what they where belong it is a love for nation, love for jesus christ, and
respect in our nation even though they are far away they never forget our country
like Dr. Jose Rizal did they died in our nation like OFW they like to die in our
country. In terms for the soldier its a big impact for Dr. Jose Rizal because they
continue to fight and give justice to pur country even though its death and life
atleast they want us to free like when Dr. Jose Rizal did he fight and give justice
to other people also they help people when they need help nor nothing it is a big
impact that even though you are going to die they are not afraid to die like Dr.
Jose Rizal they respect and love like i watched when Joshua Garcia is a soldier
he is not afraid to die because he thinks is a hero and he serve to our country
and loves so much that he is willing to die and wanted to know the people that he
is not going to die without a fight.
B. Evaluate your.professor in this subject. (Methods, delivery, deepening etc.?
- for me, the methods, delivery, deepening etc it is a good strategy to our
section because all are participating and all our listening. Those method that I
see and interact with others is a excellent way to the learners and day by day I
learned in different angle especially the sharing part what are the values you
experience or you read, heard and share it with class we may know what values
they can share and give us a lesson to do more of that sharing. So far, the
reporting on that part the individual and the others is group for me it is unfair but
good like it is 50/50 its like the 50 is unfair because why it has to be by group
when it can be individual but it doesn’t mean it is not good because it is individual
grading and it is good because others will experience by group nor individual we
learned that sometimes we can’t rely on others but yourself your the one some
day who don’t need help to excel in anything that you can do as a individual. The
strategy that will communicate others and feel that they are belong when the
recitation will go the class will participate and give opinion and will justify by
answering giving opinion and share it to others it eventually grow a communicate
and collaboration to others, the delivery on class is not that loud nor clear
because i don’t know it is because of the lapel or it is just the voice but I am just
being honest because it is the first time that we meet in person so i don’t know
how or why i can’t understand a little in voice.
Overall it is an honored to be handle of our adviser Ma’am Ravara it was a
very satisfying class even though it is not that perfect but she gathered us and
respect on different point of view, correcting our mistakes and giving us
opportunity to share our knowledge to her. Vice versa she is giving us the same
manners that we need she shares, we shares, we take she take it is a give and
take but not waiting to pay because she is a professor that educate us with those
characteristics that we need to know and to know what are the need we have to
do. So, Thank You Ma’am Ravara.

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