MST, 06-Solidif Def Dir Solidified Ni Superalloys

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Solidification defects in directionally solidified

nickel base superalloys: problem solving

using electron backscattered diffraction
B. A. Shollock*
The production of high quality turbine blades from nickel base superalloys poses a challenging
problem for the aeroengine and power generation industries. The occurrence of defects in the
final single crystal component has become more common with the increasing complexity of the
components in the aerospace sector and the increasing size of the blades in industrial gas
turbines. In parallel, alloy development has improved the operating capabilities of these parts, but
these new generation alloys have encountered more casting difficulties. The defects that occur
are normally identified by metallographic and X-ray diffraction techniques. These approaches are
limited by the subjectivity of determining subtle changes in contrast and by the averaging over the
relatively large sampling volumes of the X-ray beam. Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD)
provides a direct approach for identifying the nature of the defects formed in these castings. This
paper will present an EBSD driven assessment of problems encountered in directional
solidification of nickel base superalloys: the formation of stray grains in seeded single crystals
and the effect of alloy composition on the evolution of orientation. The origins of these defects will
be considered with respect to classical grain growth theory.
Keywords: Single crystal nickel base superalloys, Solidification, Electron backscattered diffraction, Directional solidification, Solidification defects

Introduction depends greatly on casting size. The solidification rate R

must satisfy the (G/R)crit condition.
Single crystal superalloy processing provided one of the Development of complex turbine blades requires both
key advances in the application of these alloys in high engineering design advances and alloy development.
efficiency aero- and land based gas turbines. Alloy Design engineers now specify blades with specific off
development, aimed mainly at increasing the c9 volume axis n001m orientations and alloy compositions have
fraction and solvus temperature, accompanied these become more complex. Each of these factors compli-
process advances. Investment casting of superalloys cates the casting procedure, making high yield produc-
through directional solidification to single crystal tion of quality castings very difficult. Although
production resulted in increased temperature capability straightforward axial growth of single crystal turbine
and thermal fatigue resistance. Growth of single crystal blades has become a matter of routine in the aeroengine
superalloys is conducted in conditions of dendritic sector, for more complex components such as clusters of
solidification. Controlled uniaxial heat flow enables nozzle guide vanes and shrouds, for aeroengines such as
dendrites to grow parallel to the axis of the casting the Trent 900 and for larger turbine blades used in
and natural grain selection is expected to produce a near industrial gas turbines for electricity generation, control
n001m axial orientation. McLean1 reported that the of orientation and defects is proving difficult and further
solidification conditions necessary for columnar dendri- complicated by the introduction of advanced alloys.
tic growth must exceed a critical value of the ratio (G/ de Bussac and Gandin developed a strategy for the
R)crit, where G is the temperature gradient at the solid/ prediction of successful investment casting of single
liquid interface and R is the solidification rate. G and R crystals, citing stray grains as a particular problem as
also govern the scale of the dendrites; the primary alloys used for single crystal turbine blades typically lack
dendrite arm spacing is given by lp!G21/2R21/4. The additions of grain boundary strengthening elements.2
heat transfer characteristics of the system determine the This paper illustrates the application of electron back-
value of the thermal gradient G, which as a consequence scattered diffraction (EBSD) to aid the understanding of
the origin and development of solidification defects in
nickel base superalloys. Two types of defects encoun-
tered during investment casting of single crystal super-
Department of Materials, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, UK alloys will be presented to illustrate the effectiveness of
*Corresponding author, email EBSD in elucidating the defects and their origins.

ß 2006 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 13 December 2005; accepted 20 April 2006
1338 DOI 10.1179/174328406X130939 Materials Science and Technology 2006 VOL 22 NO 11
Shollock Solidification defects in directionally solidified nickel base superalloys

nucleate the desired orientation. The prefabricated seed

is placed in the mould, the entire assembly preheated
and then molten alloy is poured into the mould cavity.
During the preheating step, the top portion of the seed is
melted, producing a liquid/solid region in the seed,
referred to as the melt back mush. During casting, this
melt back region can be the origin of stray grains that
can result in defects in the final casting. Understanding
the origin of these melt back defects would help develop-
ment of an efficient transfer mechanism of orientation
from the high quality prefabricated seed directly into the
cast part. The grains originating in the melt back mush
are often invisible during conventional metallographic
a b analysis and EBSD has shown to be a valuable tool in
identifying them.3
1 a EBSD map of longitudinal section from CMSX-4 sam-
Figure 1 indicates that the stray grains near the melt
ple and b optical micrograph of longitudinal section:
back mush (within 5 mm) are confined to very near the
grain boundaries have been outlined for clarity; note
surface of the casting. Longitudinal sectioning perpen-
lower magnification in b
dicular to the cast surface was used to examine how this
depth changed with distance. An EBSD orientation map
Experimental of a CMSX-4 casting (Fig. 1a) shows that the stray
Examination of defects in castings of superalloys typically grains tend to be retained close to the casting surface
involves complex etching procedures and a subjective and persist a large distance in the casting direction. It
visual assessment of contrast and morphology to can be seen that EBSD reveals more information than
determine the nature of the defect. Metallographic and the metallographic section presented in Fig. 1b.
backscattered electron imaging in the scanning electron Defect grains were found to occur on the side where
microscopy (SEM) can also be used; however, because the primary dendrites of the seed diverge from being
optical and electron microscopy techniques are affected parallel to the mould wall. However, sectioning close to
by compositional differences inherent in the dendritic the melt back shows little bias in stray grain nucleation;
structures, the only technique able to reveal changes in rather, the nucleated grains are distributed uniformly
orientation and all defects and stray grains within the around the perimeter of the casting. The development of
microstructure is EBSD. EBSD was carried out on these grains can be seen in Fig. 2.
electropolished samples using two systems, a JEOL 840 Specifically, the side of the seed where the primary
SEM equipped with the HKL Channel 4.2 and 5.1 dendrites of the seed diverge from being parallel to the
analysis packages, and a LEO Gemini field emission gun mould wall is where these grains develop; where the
SEM equipped with Oxford Instruments crystal analysis dendrites converge on the mould wall the stray grains
and Channel 4.2 and 5.1 analysis packages. are overgrown by the seed crystal. In non-n001m seeds,
on the side where the seed dendrites converge onto the
Results and discussion mould wall, defect stray grains are quickly outgrown
by the seed dendrites. Where the seed primaries and
Stray grain nucleation the mould diverge, the stray grains are able to grow
Industrial casting of turbine blades sometimes involves secondary and tertiary arms to fill the space where the
the use of a non-n001m oriented single crystal seed to seed dendrites grow away from the mould wall.

2 Effect of casting distance on morphology and number of defect stray grains: grain length refers to length of largest grain
around the sample circumference while grain width refers to largest distance defect grains grow from edge toward centre;
only grains surrounded by high angle boundaries (.15u) have been included in the analysis; examples of transverse sec-
tions of 12 mm diameter casting analysed by EBSD used to determine these measurements are also shown

Materials Science and Technology 2006 VOL 22 NO 11 1339

Shollock Solidification defects in directionally solidified nickel base superalloys

are 5.6Al–1.0Ti–6.5Cr–9.0Co–61.7Ni–0.6Mo–6.5Ta–6.0W–
3.0Re–0.1Hf and 5.7Al–0.7Ti–6.0Cr–9.0Co–62.6Ni–0.5Mo–
3.0Ta–8.0W–3.0Re–1.4Hf–0.07C (wt-%) respectively.6,7
These two alloys were directionally solidified in a
Bridgman furnace as cylindrical ingots with a with-
drawal rate of 180 mm h21 under a temperature
gradient of 5 K mm21, further details of the experi-
mental configuration can be found elsewhere.8,9 Figure 3
presents n001m pole figures presenting the final textures
resulting from directional solidification. The CMSX-4
casting shows more pronounced scatter in the preferred
3 Comparison of n001m pole figures of directionally soli-
crystallographic n001m orientations in comparison with
dified CMSX-4 and CM186: sections are taken 22 mm
above chill
Dsouza et al. demonstrated that the efficiency of
development of a sharp solidification texture is sensitive
to the principal solidification parameters, the magnitude
Effect of alloy composition of the temperature gradient G in the liquid and the
The composition of superalloys has evolved over five growth rate V.10 In the present case, the solidification
generations, with the addition of refractory and transi- texture that develops in the casting also depends on the
tion metals becoming increasingly common in single alloy composition.
crystal alloys. As single crystal components are more EBSD has been shown to reveal important morpho-
frequently demanded for high specification applications, logical and crystallographic information on the defects
the complex geometries prove challenging for the formed during melt back and on the effects of alloy
production of high yields. The influence of alloy composition on the final orientation. In order to
composition further adds to the situation. For example, understand the mechanisms related to overgrowth in
Tin and Pollock4 and Tin et al.5 report that the superalloys, solidification of bicrystals was undertaken.
thermosolutal convection that results in defects such as Bicrystals representing converging and diverging den-
freckles depends on both primary dendrite spacing lp drites were studied. The growth of these crystals was
and alloy composition; below a certain value of lp, this conducted according to experimental procedures
convection does not occur, and tungsten and rhenium detailed elsewhere.9 Metallographic and EBSD analyses
promoted freckle formation while tantalum and carbon were conducted to elucidate the interactions between the
additions suppressed the formation of these defects. dendrites. In the EBSD maps presented in Fig. 4, the
EBSD can be used to demonstrate clearly the dif- large arrows at the bottom left indicate the orientations
ferences in solidification behaviour of the alloys. The of the primary dendrite trunks of the adjoining grains
compositions of two second generation superalloys, relative to the ingot axis, which is given by the dashed
CMSX-4 and CM186LC with similar compositions, line. The deviation of the n001m crystallographic

4 Orientation maps and n001m pole figures for diverging (left) and converging (right) boundary in bicrystals of CMSX-4: ver-
tical dotted line in orientation schematic diagrams represent the casting axis, while tilted one shows grain boundary

1340 Materials Science and Technology 2006 VOL 22 NO 11

Shollock Solidification defects in directionally solidified nickel base superalloys

observations from EBSD measurements and metallo-

graphic examination of the dendrite morphologies as
given in Fig. 5, a modified grain selection process can be
proposed. In the case of the converging grains detailed
in this paper, the impingement of the primary trunks
dominates the overgrowth process and solute rejection
by both dendrite tips inhibits the growth of secondary
arms producing a boundary parallel to the leading
dendrite with both grains experiencing suppression of
secondary arms. In the case of the diverging grains, both
grains continue to grow without competition with
secondary and tertiary dendrites filling the evolving
a b
gaps between the grains. These observations in the
bicrystal are consistent with the observations of the
5 Secondary dendrite arm formation in CMSX-4 in case emergence of stray grain at the mushy zone in off axis
of a diverging grain boundary and b converging grain seeded crystals. Where the seed primary dendrites and
boundary the mould wall diverge, stray grains are stable as they
are able to grow secondary and tertiary arms to fill the
direction of the growing grains from the ingot axis is space to the mould wall.
given above the relevant arrow and the number above The classical model of competitive growth between
the dashed line gives the inclination of the grain neighbouring dendrites proposed by Walton and
boundary to the ingot axis. Little lateral growth is Chalmers has been shown to be inappropriate to account
observed and the initial angle of inclination is preserved for grain competition in chemically complex alloys such
as the grain boundary plane. as CMSX-4. The extent of microsegregation is probably
In the case of the converging grains, the grain the most significant factor in the differences between
misaligned by 20u overgrows the more favourably CMSX-4 and CM186 during directional solidification.
oriented grain. In contrast, for the diverging grains, Detailed studies of the partitioning of elements in these
the less favourably oriented grain is overgrown by the alloys have shown that in CM186 there is a greater
near n001m grain. In both cases, the grain boundary is rejection of tantalum to the melt with the hafnium on this
parallel to the more favourably oriented grain. alloy also partitioning to the melt. In addition, the
Figure 5 clearly shows the formation of secondary partitioning of rhenium to the dendrites is greater in
dendrites in both the diverging and converging cases. CM186 than in CMXS-4. It is likely that the diffusion of
In the classical theory for competitive grain growth by rhenium, hafnium and tantalum in the melt of CM186 is
Walton and Chalmers, the grain selection mechanism is slow, reducing the solute interaction distances and
based on the principle that the n001m crystallographic inhibiting the growth of secondary dendrites by reducing
direction is the fastest growing in the cubic system.11 the size of the solute diffusion field.4,11
They rationalised that the {001} planes are the least
densely packed and as the advancement of the solidifica- Conclusions
tion front can be viewed as the attachment of liquid
atoms on the solid, these atoms are the most easily EBSD has been shown to be a powerful tool at identifying
accommodated in the least densely packed planes. A defects in directionally solidified nickel base superalloys.
dendrite growing at an angle to the direction of heat flow The use of controlled bicrystal solidification experiments
must grow faster to have a component of velocity in the of diverging and converging grains and subsequent EBSD
solidification direction to equal the velocity of a dendrite analysis has provided a vital insight into the mechanisms
of defect formation and its relationship to the existing
that is growing parallel to the direction of heat flow. The
theory of competitive grain growth.
dendrite oriented with the fast growing n001m orienta-
tion parallel to the solidification front will lead the
misoriented dendrite which requires a greater under- Acknowledgements
cooling to maintain the same component of axial The author is grateful to Dr M. Ardakani, Dr
velocity. The latent heat and rejected solute of the N. Dsouza, Dr P. Jennings, Dr N. Stanford and Dr
leading dendrite retards the growth of its slower A. Wagner and Professor M. McLean. The support of
neighbour. It is the thermal and solutal fields associated EPSRC, Rolls-Royce and Alstom are acknowledged.
with the secondary arms of the leading dendrite that
blocks the growth of the slower growing dendrite. In the
presence of a planar solidification front, Gandin and References
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