Assignemnt I, Indian Constitution

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School of Engineering and Technology

JECRC University, Jaipur

Max. Marks: 64 2023-2027 | First Semester Date: 26-08-2023
Date of Release: 29-08-2023 Last Date of Submission: 07-09-2023

Subject: Indian Constitution [DLW001A]

CO1: Be able to explore the meaning, nature and features of Indian Constitution.

Part A (2*5 = 10 Marks)

1. Write any two salient features of the Indian Constitution.
2. Write any two objectives of the Indian Constitution.
3. Define the term Sovereign.
4. Define the term Socialist.
5. Define the term Secular.
Part B (7*3 marks = 21 marks)
1. Write a short note on the lengthiest nature of the Indian Constitution.
2. Briefly discuss the concept of dominion republic.
3. Discuss briefly the concept of Fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution.
Part C (11*3 marks = 33 Marks)
1. Discuss in detail the salient features of the Indian Constitution.
2. Elaborate the various sources from which the features of the Indian Constitution have
been borrowed.
3. What do you understand by the term Rule of Law? How the constitution of India does
seek to establish it?

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