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In Surah-al-Furqan we learn about many of the best qualities of Ibad-al-rahman. These are as

 These individuals are humble in everything or any work they do and speak softly to
others. They consider themselves not king but slaves of Allah. These people do not get
involved in debates with ignorant and uneducated people, and even in such
circumstances, these people do not act with anger but with patience. And by forgiving
them they move on.
 They stay awake at night bow down and worship in solitude because their hearts are
acquainted with wisdom of Allah. They seek refuge from Allah from his painful
punishment and from the day when the eyes and hearts will be turned away.
 These people show generosity and are moderate, not stingy, in spending wealth. They
keep themselves away from major sins. These people keep themselves away from lies
and wrongdoing. These individuals also meditate on the verses of Holy Quran.
 These people maintain a strong with Allah through prayer, and if they commit any sin
they immediately seek refuge of Allah. They find a balance between their spiritual
practices and act of kindness, recognizing the importance of both in leading a meaningful
life. This balanced approach helps the to navigate the world with grace and compassion.

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