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UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa



ture. This proposed alteration
Day address, Prime Minister
DUHIUXLWEDWV VRXQGVIDPLOLDU" 7KHVHEDWVVKHG lighting the need to discard colo-
nial vestiges. What may elude
WDFWZLWKWKHLUH[FUHWD Sanskrit antiquity, symbolising a
:KHQ KXPDQV FRQVXPH WKHVH FRQWDPLQDWHG cultural continuum and nation-
al identity antedating the colonial
PDOV WKH\ H[SRVH WKHPVHOYHV WR FRQWUDFWLQJ WKH to 'India' marks a profound jour- the advent of British colonisa- side 'India'. The plea contend- Bharat...' in the Constitution.
YLUXV+XPDQWRKXPDQWUDQVPLVVLRQRFFXUVWKURXJK ney of cultural, political and lin- tion, 'India' gained ascendan- ed that employing 'Bharat' The National Anthem has a
GLUHFWFRQWDFWZLWKWKHERG\IOXLGVRILQIHFWHGLQGLYLGXDOVSRVLQJDVLJQLILFDQWULVN guistic evolution. cy due to its derivation from would evoke a sense of pride verse “Bharat BhagyaVidhata”,
the river Indus, a pivotal geo- in the nation's culturally rich where again we find the men-
LQKHDOWKFDUHVHWWLQJV&OLPDWHFKDQJHDQGXUEDQLVDWLRQPD\KDYHFRQWULEXWHGWRWKH Historical Origins graphical feature of the region. heritage. Although the plea tion of Bharat.
JHRJUDSKLFDOVSUHDGRIWKHYLUXVDVLWDOWHUVWKHGLVWULEXWLRQRIIUXLWEDWSRSXODWLRQV Both “India” and “Bharat” The linguistic and administra- was not granted, it ignited a The ancient Sangam Tamil
,QDRXWEUHDNLQ,QGLDLWVZLIWO\VQXIIHGRXWOLYHV)LUVWLGHQWLILHGLQ0DOD\VLD possess deep historical roots in tive sway of the British grad- nationwide discourse on the literature has also mentioned
LQ1LSDKYLUXVRXWEUHDNVKDYHVLQFHEHHQUHSRUWHGLQVHYHUDOFRXQWULHVLQFOXG the nation’s annals. The term ually propelled the widespread relevance of 'Bharat' in con- the term Bharat in its verses.
“India” finds its genesis in the adoption of 'India' in official temporary times. Advocates The Sangam literature histor-
LQJ,QGLD3KLOLSSLQHVDQG%DQJODGHVK7KHUHDUHVWDUNVLPLODULWLHVEHWZHHQWKH&RYLG Indus Valley Civilisation, a documentation, albeit never argue that using a term from ically is known as 'the poetry
DQG1LSDKYLUXVHV1LSDKLVKLJKO\IDWDOZLWKDSHUFHQWIDWDOLW\UDWHKDV sophisticated society dating back entirely erasing 'Bharat' from vernacular languages preserves of the noble ones that connotes
QRFXUHDQGVSUHDGVIDVW7KHJRRGQHZVLVWKDWWKHPRQRFORQDODQWLERG\KDVEHHQ to 3300 BCE. Conversely, "Bharat" the collective memory of the linguistic diversity and bolsters the ancient Tamil literature and
GHOLYHUHGLQ.R]KLNRGHE\WKH,QGLDQ&RXQFLORI0HGLFDO5HVHDUFK ,&05 ZKLFKFDQ finds its roots in the legendary Indian populace. the nation’s cultural tapestry. is the earliest known literature
king, Bharata, a forefather of the The name 'Bharat' encap- of South India.
KHOSLQWUHDWLQJWKRVHLQIHFWHG7KHDQWLYLUDOLVWKHRQO\RSWLRQDYDLODEOHWRWKHJRY esteemed Kuru Dynasty, from Significance of Name Change sulates a profound affinity for The Modi government's
HUQPHQWDVRIQRZWKRXJKLWVHIILFDF\KDVQRWEHHQFOLQLFDOO\SURYHQ,QWKLVVFH whom the name is believed to The contemplation of the land, culture and traditions recent decision to extend invi-
QDULRWKHRQO\VHQVLEOHDQGSUDFWLFDODSSURDFKLVFRQWDLQPHQWDQGVXUYHLOODQFHZKLOH have emanated. His reign epito- renaming “India” to “Bharat” of the Indian subcontinent. It tations to G20 summit dele-
FUHDWLQJSXEOLFDZDUHQHVVZLWKRXWFUHDWLQJSDQLF7KHVHDUFKIRUDYDFFLQHLVRQJR mised prosperity, unity and a fer- transcends a mere semantic serves as a poignant reminder gates in the name of “President
vent adherence to dharma.
The characterisation of India
alteration. For many, it embod-
ies a profound immersion into 3A0<143:0A of the age-old wisdom and
philosophies that have sculpt-
of Bharat” and “Prime Minister
of Bharat” underscores a delib-
KHDOWKFDUHZRUNHUVDQGSHRSOHOLYLQJLQRXWEUHDNSURQHUHJLRQV:HPXVWILJKWDQG as the "land of the Hindus" had India's opulent cultural and 06A443C70C ed the nation over millennia. erate choice. While not negat-
GHIHDWWKH1LSDKYLUXVPXFKWKHVDPHZD\DVZHGLGWKH&RURQDYLUXV not solely a religious connotation; historical essence. Advocates By embracing 'Bharat' as a con- ing 'India', the emphasis on
it was also linked to the Indus. contend that this change could C74A4F0B0 current identity, India pays 'Bharat' aligns with the BJP's

The term 'India' shares a similar
origin story. As per research
galvanise national unity, foster-
ing a renewed sense of pride in ;>=678BC>A820; homage to its roots and exalts
the diversity that defines its
de-colonisation endeavour,
seeking to reassert India’s
from the Pune-based Bhandarkar
Oriental Institute, the earliest
India's rich heritage. It empha-
sises the diversity that is India,
CA038C8>=C70C character. The Constituent
Assembly, convened in 1946,
Hindu heritage and sever ties
with a colonial past.
documented mention of the term unifying under a shared, 0;;D343C>C74 engaged in extensive discus- Should "Bharat" assume a
'Bharat' can be traced to the Rig
Veda and the pivotal Dasarajna
indigenous term. “Bharat” har-
monises intimately with Hindi, 4=C8A4;0=3 sions regarding the country's
nomenclature. The majority
more prominent role in offi-
cial parlance, it would signify
war, in which Sudas of the
Bharata clan emerged victorious.
projecting a more authentic
representation of the nation’s
1HC74=0<4 advocated for the original
name, Bharat.
a significant shift in India's
self-perception and interna-
The legitimacy of 'Bharat' as a diverse culture. Advocates >5²170A0C Dr Ambedkar agreed that tional representation. This
descriptor is widely acknowl- posit that this renaming could there was a long historical tra- change would resonate not
edged, and its adoption might potentially galvanise national dition that alluded to the only with a deep-rooted his-
very well become customary in unity and rekindle pride in entire land by the name torical narrative but also evoke
official protocols and foreign Indian heritage. 'Bharat'. But he also said that a sense of pride in the nation's
affairs communications. there was no reason to go so rich heritage. Ultimately, it
Official Recognition much into history to justify the encapsulates India's ongoing
Colonial Influence In 2016, an appeal was pre- name since the name Bharat journey of self-definition in a
In the epoch of Mughal sented in the Supreme Court was quite commonly used by global context.
dominion, 'Hindustan' was com- of India to amend Article 1 of people. Dr Ambedkar suggest- (The writer is a political
monly employed to denote the the Constitution, officially ed that a way out could be to activist and an advocate;
subcontinent. Nevertheless, with acknowledging 'Bharat' along- have the phrase 'India, that is the views are personal)

CWT6^[ST]CT\_[TQTX]VSTR^aPcTS^]cWTTeT^UcWTUXabc³?PaZPbW?daPQ^U6dad6aP]cWBPWXQX]0\aXcbPa ?C8 ;4CC4AB C>C

GXiYc7" Ce]]YdQ
Sir — Posters featuring former CM of MP
and the state's Congress chief Kamal
Nath as 'Corruption Ka Haiwan' (Monster ^UcWTSTPcW^UUXeTbTRdaXch_Tab^]]T[X]R[dS

of corruption) were put up across Bhopal. X]Vcf^^UUXRTabfWX[TUXVWcX]VcWTcTaa^aXbcbXb
The posters used Kamal Nath's face in the eTahbPSCWTT]cXaTR^d]cahXbR^]ST\]X]VcWXb
style of Shah Rukh Khan's film 'Jawan,' in PRc^UcTaa^aPb^]Te^XRTCaXQdcTbc^cWT\Pa
which the actor's face is covered with ban- chabCWTR^d]cahfX[[P[fPhbaT\PX]X]STQcTS
dages. Congress workers were seen remov- c^cWT\P]ScWTXaUP\X[XTb<hSTT_TbcR^]S^
the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and >] FTS]TbSPh SdaX]V P] T]R^d]cTa
ing in a war of words for the past couple 9P\\dP]S:PbW\Xab0]P]c]PVSXbcaXRccf^
n a recent turn of events at where he discussed initiatives approach. of days over the issue of corruption. It 0a\h^UUXRTabP]SP3B?^U9P\\dP]S:PbW\Xa

I the G20 summit, it was

notably Xi Jinping's
absence that caught the
to provide additional funding
to developing countries. In a
notable photo op, Biden stood
Last November, he por-
trayed himself as a statesman
seeking positive internation-
should be clarified that corruption, infla-
tion, communal riots, etc., have never been
seen as much as they have been seen in the
Pa\h _Tab^]]T[ P]S P b_TRXP[ _^[XRT ^UUXRTa

world's attention. Some spec- alongside World Bank al relations. China's negotia- recent ruling government. 'Jawan' reflects R^]S^[T cWT STPcW ^U P] 0a\h R^[^]T[ P]S aXch U^aRTb P]S d[caPb X] APY^daX SXbcaXRc ^U
ulate that his decision to skip President Ajay Banga (the first tors, by contrast, risked the current conditions of the country. \PY^aP3B?Pb^[SXTaP]SP]B?>X]cf^ 9P\\dFXcWcWXbP[[Xb]^cfT[[X]9P\\dP]S
the summit was a strategic Indian American in this role), appearing overly critical, even Therefore, they all should do something bT_PaPcTT]R^d]cTabQTcfTT]cTaa^aXbcbP]S :PbW\Xad]STacWT_aTbT]caTVX\TPccWTRT]
move to keep India from while compromise. They saw Prime Minister Modi, Brazil's raising minor issues like for public welfare instead of indulging in bTRdaXchU^aRTbP]ScWTT]cXaTR^d]cahXbR^] cTa
stealing the limelight. it as a means to strengthen Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Modi's use of a Sanskrit rhetoric. ST\]X]VcWXbPRc^UcTaa^aX]d]Xb^]CWT]Tfb 1WPVfP]CWPSP]X| <d\QPX
However, the G20 Summit India's standing as a rising South Africa's Cyril phrase and the U.S.'s bid to Tauqueer Rahmani | Mumbai
held in New Delhi showcased power capable of countering Ramaphosa—key members host the G20 in 2026. India,
how India, alongside the China's global influence. of the BRICS group, exclud- on the other hand, seized the 1C91>3E@6??D21<<@<1I5BC5<53D9?> planetary positions instead of sweating it mobile sector. This is based on the fact that
United States and Europe, President Joe Biden took ing China and Russia. This opportunity to assert its glob- Sir — Last year, in the AFC Asian Cup out on the field in the evening. The soon- 20 is on a journey of success that has not
found effective ways to chal- the lead in this effort, recog- bloc's expansion poses a chal- al leadership position. Prime qualifiers, players were selected 48 hours er this frustrated thinking is ended, the bet- been seen in other countries so far.
lenge China's global influence. nizing India as a key partner lenge to the advanced Minister Modi called it a his- before the match against Afghanistan in ter it will be for the country. India's presidency of the G20 marked
India's accomplishment at in isolating China and Russia economies of the Group of toric moment, while his chief Kolkata on the advice of an astrologer, and N Ashraf | Mumbai a significant milestone in the nation's diplo-
the summit was hailed by while reinforcing the U.S.-led Seven (G7). negotiator, Amitabh Kant, two key players were dropped at the last matic journey. As it took the helm of this
other G20 nations. They world order. This outcome The United States also referred to India as the repre- minute due to bad weather and an unfa- 9>491381=@9?>C=E<D9<1D5B1<9C= influential global forum, India embraced
managed to reach a consen- reflects Washington's increas- announced a separate agree- sentative of the entire Global vorable day. There has been a tradition of Sir — The New Delhi G20 declaration the responsibility with a commitment to
sus on a joint communique, ing awareness of the concerns ment with India, the South. The summit's out- reaching the truth through logic and adopted by leaders has demonstrated addressing pressing global challenges.
a significant achievement of the "Global South," with European Union, Saudi come showcased India's abil- debate for thousands of years in Indian India's great ability to be a champion of During its tenure, India not only played a
given the uncertainty just India playing a central role as Arabia, Israel and other ity to unite the world and society. Recently, resorting to astrology to multilateralism and bring the world togeth- pivotal role in shaping critical discussions
days before this annual diplo- its guide. Some analysts inter- Middle Eastern nations to assume leadership roles in assess a player's ability has become a ques- er on global developmental issues and con- on issues such as climate change, sustain-
matic gathering. preted the softened stance on establish an extensive rail both developmental and tion mark for civilised society. The purpose flicts like the Russia-Ukraine crisis, said able development, and economic recovery
Beyond addressing the Russia-Ukraine as a Western and maritime network in the geopolitical matters. the G20 of the match is to compare and honor the India's G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant on but also showcased its leadership on the
Russia-Ukraine conflict, the concession, but it can also be region. President Biden Summit in New Delhi under- physical abilities and skills of the compet- Wednesday. The green development pact, international stage. India's presidency was
G20 also welcomed the seen as a concerted effort to praised this as a "transforma- scored India's growing influ- ing teams. The Football Federation also a key part of the declaration, offers a great characterized by a proactive approach to
African Union as a full mem- ensure India's success. tive regional investment." ence on the global stage and paid C10 to 12 lakh to this astrologer for opportunity for the Indian automotive and fostering cooperation, inclusivity, and
ber and tackled pressing Failing to reach an agree- This move could potentially its pivotal role in challenging two months. components sector to become the global consensus among G20 member countries.
issues like climate change ment would have been a sig- reshape the dynamics of the China's dominance. It marked An official said that if a professional leader in electric and sustainable mobili- It exemplified India's aspiration to con-
and debt sustainability, partic- nificant setback for India, Middle East, emphasizing a significant shift in interna- astrologer is hired to improve the team, ty. This has demonstrated India's great abil- tribute meaningfully to the global dis-
ularly concerning emerging especially for Prime Minister economic cooperation over tional dynamics, with India what is wrong with that? The question is ity, firstly, to be a champion of multilater- course, making it a memorable and
markets. While Ukraine Narendra Modi, who had human rights concerns. Xi emerging as a key player in whether belief in an astrologer, religion, or alism, and its great ability to bring devel- impactful chapter in the country's diplo-
expressed some dissatisfac- staked much on this summit Jinping's decision to skip the shaping the future of global God is a personal choice. But if players start oping countries and all emerging markets matic history.
tion with the communique's ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha G20 summit, his first absence diplomacy and development. being identified based on planets and zodi- together. The declaration has a huge focus Mohammad Taukir | West Champaran
language regarding the con- elections. One of the summit's since taking office in 2013, (The writer is a researcher. ac signs as an institution and that too in on climate action, climate finance, and at
flict, the United States and its defining moments was marked a significant depar- The views expressed the sports field, you will find the youth of the heart of it is a green development pact, BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
allies considered it a worth- President Biden's meeting, ture from his previous are personal) the country engaged in correcting their which has a major implication for the auto- [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H kB4?C4<14A %!!"

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he spate of suicides by students of all suicides now. standards, life expectancy, literacy tings (incentivising every conceiv-

T aspiring for premium under-

graduate degrees has shocked the
nation lately. Several commenta-
tors have naturally expressed
alarm at such tragic curtailment of bright
lives in their primes. (Pioneer, September
3). To address the menace, measures have
These figures, however, tell us
only about registered suicides, as per
the National Crime Records Bureau
website and are expected to report
only about a fifth or even a tenth of
actual cases, given the stigma and
criminal implications of the act,
and awareness etc. and the expan-
sion of ‘freedoms’ in the post-
modern world (including slow
improvements in pedagogy and
teachers’ and parents; attitudes
towards students), over the past two
generations, were also expected to
able minority and victim card, and
breakdowns in the face of presumed
micro-aggression) have also played
a role in the ‘coddling’ of young
minds. Lastly, we need to reflect and
research whether soft parenting
and teaching themselves (which
also been suggested for reducing examina- according to several intensive stud- reduce stress among students and were promoted to alleviate stress
tion stress and for the expansion of career ies reported in the Indian Journal of youth in general. among pupils) could be aggravating
opportunities in diverse fields to save Psychiatry. As pointed out above, Contrary to expectations, how- mental fragility and promoting sui-
pupils from the gloom of severely limited global suicide rates have also risen ever, clear signs of rising ailments, cides for reasons our ancestors
options presently. Along with this, curbs on
coaching institutes that maximise admis-
C744=CAH>50= in most countries since the late
2000s. For example, in the USA,
mental health issues and suicides
among the young have emerged, as
would never have.

sions without taking into account the apti- 066A4BB8E4 among adolescents (15 to 19 years signalled above. This paradoxical REMEDIES
tudes and talents of half-informed parents old), the incidence of suicides rose trend has been explained often What remedial action can we
and pupils have also been rightly advocat- 2>0278=6 from 8 per lakh in 2012 to 12 per concerning the increased suffering propose in this dire context? A
These are promising but inadequate
2D;CDA44E4= lakh in
2021. (Refer brought by an explosion of expec-
tations, created by greater exposure
major strategy to try would be
revamped pedagogy or education
ZLVGRPWKDWYDOXHVWUDQTXLOOLW\KDUPRQ\EHDXW\DQGLPSHUIHFWLRQ measures for addressing the plague of 8=<>5DBB8; Thus, the problem of youth sui- to social media that enveloped that gives formal and credited stress
DQGDWWKHVDPHWLPHVWUHQJWKHQVDQLQGLYLGXDO·VUHVLOLHQFHLQWKHIDFH depression and despondence afflicting a sec- cides is only partly a consequence young lives, especially after the late on character building through med-
RIPDWHULDOLVP:DEL6DELKDVDOZD\VYDOXHGWKHDFFHSWDQFHRILPSHU tion of our bright adolescents increasing- C>F=B0=3C74 of exam stress. More significantly, 2000s, even in the countryside. itation and fitness training as well
malady of suicides is crucial to escape par-
60?8=6;02:>5 the trend of rising suicides among
Gen Z (born between 1995 and
Within India, simultaneously, the
entry of an aggressive coaching cul-
as free use of biographies and bio-
pics (self-chosen by pupils from
DQGLWVVXEOLPHGDPDJHV%\FUHDWLQJDSRZHUIXOVKLIWLQSHUVSHF tial solutions and the predicament of 3424=C9>1B 2010) and Gen Alpha (born in the ture, even in Mofussil towns, and the libraries or online) in pupils’ assess-
applying remedies that only worsen the dis- last decade) has been even worse in gaping lack of decent jobs for edu- ment and every level. Secondly,
WLYHDQLQGLYLGXDOIHHOVDWSHDFHDQGFRQWHQWLQWKHFXUUHQWPRPHQW ease inadvertently. 5>A43D20C43 the West than in emerging cated youth further added to the career guidance and counselling
H>DC75DAC74A economies. A lot is happening in
youth culture lately that is worri-
gloom around our struggling youth. (including free online consultancy
with accessible reputed profession-
ZHZLVKWKDWVRPHWKLQJVVKRXOGKDYHODVWHGORQJHUDQGRWKHUVWR To begin with, we need to acknowledge 03343C> some and demands understanding DEEPER CAUSES als) need to be made available in all
EHRYHUVRRQHU:HVXIIHUWKDWRXUSODQVGLGQ·WJRDVZHH[SHFWHG that the rise in suicides today is not con- as well as action from the govern- But anxieties spawned by social senior schools to save students
EXWSUDFWLVLQJWKHDUWRI:DEL6DELFDQKHOSXVDGDSWKHDOWKLO\WRWKH fined to students alone but appears among C746;>>< ment as well as civil society. media exposure and bleak employ- from uninformed career choices.
youngsters (aged 15-29 years) as a whole
and, at a slower rate, in our total popula-
ment prospects are not the only ills
overwhelming our youth today; the
Thirdly, reasonable curbs on anony-
mous trolls on social media plat-
tion too. Secondly, this phenomenon is not BCAD66;8=6 suicides youth graph on the out- multiplication of lethal drugs, erod- forms and reappraisal of laws and
confined to India and is being witnessed side, youngsters’ worlds seem much ing family ties and relationships, ris- customs eroding family ties also
VSHFWLYHDQGIHHODVHQVHRIDFFRPSOLVKPHQWDQGHPSRZHUPHQW,W even more alarmingly in countries like the H>DC7 more happening and comforting in ing divorces and incidence of child- need serious consideration. Lastly,
LVUHDOO\LPSRUWDQWWRJLYHORYHWRWKHVFDUVWKDWKDYHPDUNHGOLYHV USA, Russia, the UK etc., among girls and all countries now. Many advance- less couples, ailments related to junk it is worth noting that any invest-
RQHPXVWQRWIRUJHWWKDWHDFKRQHRIWKHPDGGVYDOXHWRWKHLUSHU young women. Thus, the number of student ments are striking in youths’ foods and sedentary, air conditioned ment in a culture of hope ushered
VRQDOKLVWRU\ suicides, in India, rose from 9905 to 13089 upbringing today including a rise in living and the general egotism by pending reforms in our aged
between 2017 and 2021. However, suicides welfare support from the state, the amidst receding ‘faith’ especially police, lower judiciary welfare deliv-
5HPHPEHUOHDUQLQJVKLIWVDSHUVRQIURPYLFWLPWRFUHDWRUDOORZ in our population as a whole rose from 10.5 arrival of many more gadgets and among youth, all seem to be con- ery etc. would offer a maximum
LQJWKHPWRDGDSWDQGFXOWLYDWHDUHVLOLHQWDWWLWXGHWRZDUGFKDQJH per lakh to 12 per lakh over the same peri- (The writer is an conveniences as well as greater structing increasingly fragile adoles- boost to the morale of Gen Alpha
ORVVDQGWUDQVLWLRQ:DEL6DELLVDQDUWLVWLFVHQVLWLYLW\DVPXFKDV od. Even more significantly, the proportion associate professor respect and freedom for youthful cent psyche. which is now at the cusp of serious
DWHPSRUDU\IHHOLQJRIEHDXW\ of youngsters’ suicides among all suicides (retired); views are ways across cultures. Besides this More indirectly, the rise of technological disruptions in
7KHZULWHULVDQHGXFDWRU9LHZVH[SUHVVHGDUHSHUVRQDO  rose most sharply and constitutes a third personal) general improvements in living woke ideologies in post-modern set- employment and social life.

n a recent viral sensation, In India, however, sport is lage are not encouraged to play. think, 'What will girls achieve tinue to make strides in vari-

I a captivating two-minute
video featuring the
French men's football
team took the internet
by storm. The clip showcased
the players in action, exuding
unmatched passion and
largely associated with men
and masculinity as women
struggle hard to create a space
for themselves in the field. A
report published by BBC in
2020 revealed that less than
30% of Indian women played
Even if a girl wants to excel in
sports and is good at it, she is
not allowed to play. In such
cases, family members argue
that after marriage, there will
be no time for sports, and
household chores will take
by playing? Ultimately, they
will have to prioritize marriage
and the household chores.'"
Rajni Devi, at the age of 45,
fondly reminisces about her
childhood when she and her
friends used to engage in spir-
ous fields, there remains a per-
sistent gender bias in the realm
of sports. At times, it's puzzling
how society fails to recognize
that playing sports is equally
crucial for girls. They, too, have
the right to shape their lives
boundless energy on the field. any sports. It also revealed that precedence. This is why our ited play. Whenever they according to their passions.
But here's the twist that left =55>1;8=638H0 37% of respondents said talents, identity, and aspira- would play games like "gulli- Social worker Neelam
viewers astonished: halfway female athletes are not femi- tions are suppressed because danda", onlookers made fun of Grandy from the nearby
through, it was unveiled that nine enough, and 38% said Garur block of Bageshwar dis- out. They said, 'What's the we are not given opportunities. them. This is a game for boys, Charson village emphasizes
the spirited athletes on display sports featuring women are trict in Uttarakhand, girls are point of playing? Focus on Geeta Devi, a 25-year-old girl they would taunt. This made that playing is just as essential
weren't the men's team but not as entertaining as sports still denied the opportunity to your studies.' But I believe that from Lamchula, says, "It is true Rajni question why such for staying healthy as eating
rather the immensely talented featuring men. These gender play. Even in schools, they are sports should now be consid- that just as playing is essential boundaries existed. They and education. “For girls,
women's football squad. What biases in the realm of sports discouraged from participating ered a subject within educa- for boys, it is equally important couldn't even play with the sports are just as essential as
made this revelation all the become particularly pro- in sports. Despite their inter- tion. Schools and colleges are for girls. The freedom that toys we liked. To her, it seemed they are for boys. It is the pre-
more intriguing was that the nounced in rural areas, where est in sports, girls from starting to teach sports as a boys have should also be given like an unnecessary restriction vailing gender biases that
entire montage was, in fact, a women must confront deeply Ganigaon village, like Kavita, subject, where girls can build to girls. They have the right to for girls like her, who hailed complicate girls' access to
meticulously crafted deep- (The writer is a student ingrained patriarchal norms a 12th-grade student, feel their future. However, in our live life on their own terms. If from a humble rural back- sports.” To address this issue,
fake. This creative advertise- from Ganigaon village in and challenges to secure the restricted. Kavita says, "It is village, girls are still discour- a girl wants to make her future ground. Back then, they had we must endeavour to trans-
ment served as a powerful Bageshwar, Uttarakhand. basic freedom of venturing essential for girls to play. When aged from playing." in sports, she should have little exposure to the wide form mindsets while concur-
reminder that in the world of The views expressed are beyond their homes, let alone I was in 10th grade, I had a Another 18-year-old girl that right. In our village, we world of sports, where girls rently establishing an environ-
sports, gender should never be personal. Charkha pursuing sports. strong desire to play, but my from the same village, Hema need to raise our voices for could carve their destinies just ment that provides girls with
a limiting factor. Features) In the remote villages of family didn't allow me to go Rawal, says that girls in her vil- girls to play because people as boys did. Today, as girls con- facilities to play.

Incorporating and directly descended

Graded Inequality~II A MEMBER

from THE FRIEND OF INDIA - Founded 1818
Poor and developing countries need to use their natural resources even if at ‘unsustainable’
Flying away
Lighter pockets levels, because these are the only resources available for their sustenance. Many estimates
have pointed out that nearly half of the world‘s population ekes out a living from from the nest
n a world where financial fortunes of the already
wealthy often seem unstoppable, the release of degraded resources like land and forests. In the future, these resources might not

n the ethno-national euphoria of
Altrata’s 11th edition of the World Ultra-Wealth be able to sustain productive livelihoods. But there is no alternative the triumphant community after
Report for 2023 comes as a reality check. Altrata’s data- the 16-point conspiracy, a police
driven intelligence report on the world's wealthy and officer pulled out the 14-year-
influential reveals a 5.4 per cent decline in the global young Neetu Yadav from his hiding
ultra-high net worth (UHNW) population in 2022. This place in the bushes in Janakpur, and
marks the first annual decrease in this demographic ~ shot him dead at point-blank range
comprising people with at least $30 million ~ in four as another policeman nailed the
bewildered boy to the ground.
years. This contraction is the most substantial since
After the promulgation of the
2015. One of the primary drivers behind this decline, controversial constitution, almost all
highlighted in the report, is the global economic Madhesh-dependent parties have
shockwaves triggered by the war in Ukraine. The rip- discarded their original identities and
ple effects of geopolitical conflicts are often felt have acquired different names. The
throughout the financial world. This effect decreased 9/11 in Madhesh has begun to fade
the global UHNW population’s net worth by 11 per from public memory. Were Neetu
cent to $41.8 trillion. alive today, he would be a promising
It’s a stark reminder that even the wealthiest indi- young man of 22 years. What would
he be doing had he survived the bru-
viduals are not immune to the consequences of inter-
tal bullet in the face? Perhaps the
national crises. Regionally, the impact has been dis- same thing that many of his cohort
parate. North America, the world’s largest ultra-wealth from Madhesh are doing: Queuing up
region, experienced a 4 per cent decline in its UHNW for a passport or haggling with a man-
population in 2022, the most significant annual fall in power agent for the right price to find
a decade. This can be attributed to economic un- a job in Malaysia or West Asia.
certainties, changing investment landscapes and the The compulsion to get out of the
pandemic’s lingering effects. The report suggests that country as soon and as fast as one can
the region’s recent decline deviates from its usual isn't unique to Madhesh. The scene
upward trajectory. at the Gaddachauki-Banbasa border
point in Sudurpaschim province is
Asia, on the other hand, suffered the most sig- often depressing. The trickle of men
nificant fall of any region, with a 10.9 per cent decrease lugging their worn out bags and
in ultra-wealthy individuals and a 10.6 per cent de- heading for home in the hills wear a
crease in their overall wealth. This decline can be pa- tired and discontented look. Most
rtly explained by the region’s high exposure to global out-migrants exiting the country to
economic fluctuations, along with challenges associ- get back to their jobs or in search of

ated with the pandemic’s aftermath. Europe faced its ndia is progressing eco- sources available for their sus- disability, race, ethnicity, reli- harlal Nehru had said, “Democ- some work somewhere in India
share of challenges, with an inflationary spike and an nomically. But due to this tenance. Many estimates have gion or status within society. racy has been spoken of chiefly appear equally anxious. Despite the
energy crisis stemming from the Russia-Ukraine war, progress, the number of bil- pointed out that nearly half of Social inequalities and edu- in the past as political democra- exhibitionism of Prime Minister
lionaires in the country has the world’s population ekes out cational inequalities go hand in cy, roughly represented by every Narendra Modi, of which the over
affecting the region’s wealth assets. This reduced risen from only nine in 2000 to a living from degraded resources hand. While education is seen as person having a vote. IRs41-billion G-20 extravaganza was
Europe’s ultra-wealthy population by 7.1 per cent. 101 in 2017 and to 140 in 2021. like land and forests. a great equalizer, inequality in In the past, a democracy
These events serve as a reminder that political con- In effect, inequality grows when In the future, these resour- access or quality education risks was understood as political de-
flicts and energy crises can have far-reaching conse- private individual finance ces might not be able to sustain reinforcing social and economic mocracy, where one person has
quences, transcending borders and affecting even the framework grows strongest and productive livelihoods. But there inequalities. one vote and one value. But a the latest example, the Indian econo-
most privileged. The Middle East, Latin America and wealthier than the state system. is no alternative. The report also The essential economic role vote by itself does not represent my isn't exactly booming, and even
the Caribbean saw gains in ultra-wealthy individuals This has indeed happened in mentions that wealth per capita of education implies that un- very much to a person who is the projected growth is mostly of the
and their total net worth. This divergence highlights India. has grown in low-and middle- equal education can be a driver down and out, to a person, let jobless variety. But the prospect of
the resilience and adaptability of different regions in Interestingly, a report of income countries due to an of unequal outcomes between us say, who is starving or hun- finding work anywhere in Nepal is so
the face of adversity. Oxfam shows that a daily wage increase in agricul- different groups in gry. Political democracy by itself bleak that it still makes sense to bor-
labourer working at the current tural areas and also society. What is is not enough except that it may row some money from the local loan
It suggests that, even in challenging times, oppor- minimum wage will take as in harvesting more, educational be used to obtain gradually in- shark and try one's luck in one of the
tunities for wealth creation exist and that some areas many as 941 years to earn equiv- resources like fish- inequality is at the creasing measure of economic several metropolises of India.
are better positioned to seize them. Beyond the num- alent to the annual income of a eries. But this gain root of low social democracy, equality and the The commotion at the Rupaidi-
bers, the report delves into the diverse archetypes am- Chief Executive Officer of an is also at the cost of mobility across spread of good things of life to ha-Jamunaha crossing for outbound
ong the ultra-wealthy. It showcases entrepreneurs, co- industrial organization. natural resources. generations. If others and removable of gross labour from Karnali province is worse
rporate executives and sole inheritors, each with uni- Another battle of inequality However, the cen- only the children inequality.” as daily wage earners from the other
que characteristics and strategies for wealth accumu- is fuming in the use of natural tral point is that of wealthy and su- B R Ambedkar had also side of the border add to the confu-
lation. These archetypes remind us that there is no resources or capital like forests, where the ecology ccessful parents expressed similar views, stating: sion of exiting seasonal migrants with
one-size-fits-all approach to wealth creation. It’s a lands and water. This battle is is the main econo- have access to the “On the social plane, we have in their bulging backpacks. Long queues
also related to the consumption my, prosperity best educational India a society based on the are formed as Indian security person-
complex interplay of factors, including the source of
that is at the centre of the clim- cannot be assured JAYDEV opportunities, in- principle of graded inequality, nel open plastic jars of pickled bam-
wealth, asset allocation, industry affiliation, luxury as- ate change debate. without the use of JANA equalities will be where we have a society in boo shoots and grimace at the smell.
set ownership and more. Altrata’s World Ultra-Wealth Like in the climate change natural resources. more persistent which there are some who have The Sunauli-Belahiya border is
The writer is a retired
Report, 2023 provides a glimpse into the shifting land- debate, in this case as well there So the poor and IAS officer across generations immense wealth as against slightly more streamlined as buses
scape of wealth. It reminds us that fortunes of the is a sharp division between the developing co- compared to a so- many who live in abject poverty. between New Delhi and Kathmandu
wealthiest can rise and fall with the tides of geopolitics developed and the developing untries, or those ciety where edu- In politics we will be recogniz- ply through this route. Nepali pil-
and economics. and the poor countries. whose survival and prosperity cation is less dependent on fam- ing the principle of one value. grims can be seen taking a rented car
While the developed coun- critically depend on natural ily background. Understanding We must remove this contradic- for Gorakhpur, the nearest city that
tries are obsessive consumers of resources, will be again put of nature and determinants of tion.” On the eve of departure of connects the rest of India with road,
Monsoon cricket natural resources and pump
non-comparable level of green-
under pressure to bring down educational inequality are
consumption. therefore crucial to the study of
the British, on 14 August, 1947
Jawaharlal Nehru reminded the
rail and air networks. As one goes east
from Lumbini, there are more wage
house gases (GHGs) into the Like in the case of GHGs overall economic opportunity in country that the task ahead earners coming in than going out.

houts have been going up for curators and
atmosphere, the developing and emission, consumption of nat- a society. Inequalities are included “the ending of poverty Industries on the Birgunj-Pathlaiya
groundsmen in Sri Lanka to be congratulated for the poor countries are just con- ural resources is very unequal. human-made and can be eradi- and ignorance and disease and Industrial Corridor find it cheaper to
keeping the Asia Cup going in spite of tough suming natural resources for A citizen of a rich country con- cated only through human ini- inequality of opportunity.” hire skilled and reliable labour from
weather conditions. It never rains but it pours. For survival. sumes oil and other resources tiatives. In many ways they are There is also constitutional across the border. A significant sec-
two consecutive days in recent weeks, you would have The World Bank in its report up to 30 times more than those related to individual endeavors affirmation. Article 38 (2) of the tion of the labour force from much of
read and heard of Super Four matches being shifted entitled ‘The Changing Wealth of poor countries. as well as moves taken by soci- Indian Constitution says: “The Madhesh and parts of the Koshi
from Colombo, which was mired in the monsoon rain of Nations 2021’ is unequivocally But despite excess consum- ety and governments. state shall, in particular, strive to plains have been going to West Asia
and was apprehending more of it. This was after half of clear on one aspect: wealth is ption, rich countries have repor- The countries where gov- minimize the inequalities in and Malaysia for over two decades.
India's game with Pakistan had been washed out, increasing in the world but will ted high levels of natural wealth ernments necessarily spend income, and endeavor to elimi- Many of their children have now
amid popular gripes about the competition's uncon- not be sustainable in countries because their basic survival does more on education, health, lab- nate inequalities in status, facili- joined the flight. Sadly, there has
that have degraded their natural not depend on natural resour- our welfare and social services, ties and opportunities, not only been little enhancement in the skill
genial locales which India had insisted on as the Men environment or capital. These ces as much as in poor countri- have better attributes to equali- among individuals but also of second generation out-migrants
in Blue didn't want to travel to Pakistan. They were countries are the ones who dep- es. It is the time for another equ- ty. Development Finance Inter- amongst groups of people resid- except that almost nobody these days
the originally designated hosts but were obliged to end more on natural resources ity battle, over access and use of national and Oxfam have con- ing in different areas or engaged is completely illiterate. The panoply
share the honours with Sri Lanka as the Indian cricket for income and sustenance, natural resources. ducted studies on determining in different vocations.” However, of emotions on the faces observed in
board was more equal than others. which dominantly are the poor It is widely agreed that eco- ranking of countries on equali- in today’s India most of the poli- the holding area outside the depar-
And Pakistan, thriving on India’s discomfiture, had and developing countries. This nomic prosperity alone will not ty. They inform that Norway, cies do not carry the motto of ture hall of Tribhuvan International
its administrative bigwigs, past and present, rubbing it is a cause of concern. achieve social progress. High lev- Denmark and Germany are rela- inequality reduction, nor do any Airport ignites mixed feelings. After
in, Najam Sethi saying on social media how going to The report says: “Because els of inequality risk leaving much tively best endowed with equali- political strategies. We should having lived or worked abroad for
West Asia, which he had suggested when India low-income countries have so human potential unrealized, ty across the parameters of gen- avoid the politics of communal- more than a year and completing a
few other assets, proportionate- damage social cohesion, hinder der, economics, labour, public ism, hate and monopolisation of short visit home, most returnees
favoured Sri Lanka, would have forestalled the admit- ly, renewable natural assets such economic activity and under- service and taxation system. wealth and power in the name of appear relieved. Life of a construction
tedly farcical situation the Asian Cricket Council was as ecosystems are crucial for mine democratic participation. In the words of Professor development. Because the philos- worker in West Asia is tough, but one
coping with. Zaka Ashraf, his voice heavy with sarcasm, them, comprising around 23 per Leaving no one behind is Himanshu of Jawaharlal Nehru ophy of equity never fits into such knows what to expect from everyday
wondered aloud if all the matches would at crunch cent of other total wealth.” This thus a crucial part of achieving University: “What is particularly politics. We should never forget life. In Nepal, uncertainty at every
time be played in Pakistan, which was dry as a bone. is the highest fraction of total the Sustainable Development worrying in India’s case is that what Amartya Sen said: “I believe encounter is the only certainty.
And then we got to know that Colombo would not be wealth coming from renewable Goals (SDGs). SDG 10 calls for economic inequality is being that virtually all the problems in The outbound labourers from
deserted by the continental competition. Things were natural capital among all in- progressively reducing not only added to a society that is alrea- the world come from inequality Madhesh, clutching their papers in
said to be looking up, the met office had said, and all come groups. income inequalities but also dy fractured along the lines of of one kind or another. The suc- one hand and balancing a tiny bag in
the games Sri Lanka's capital city wanted to savour the Like GHGs emissions, poor inequalities of outcome by en- caste, religion and gender”. It is cess of a society is to be evaluated the other, look completely lost in the
and developing countries need suring access to equal opportu- not that earlier policy-makers primarily by the freedoms that melee. Outbound migrants from the
glory of staging would be held there all right. The sun
to use their natural resources nities and promoting social, were not conscious of the hor- members of the society enjoy.” hills and mountains often have some-
was peeping out from behind masses of granite clouds, even if at ‘unsustainable’ levels, economic and political inclus- rific effects of inequality. one to see them off. They wear a slig-
making officials of all descriptions turn handsprings. because these are the only re- ion of all, irrespective of age, sex, On 25 February 1956, Jawa- (Concluded) htly frightened but expectant look.
But the scraps of optimistic information were
informally whispered for selective leaks, the dispensers
of these making sure they would not be asked how LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
long it would be before the seasonal gloom returned to

Jagan's move
the skies above the island nation. Obviating that, the
smart people getting the show up also stopped well dently, he desires to keep that Centre. The only hope for Naidu public mood, that possibility, too,
short of letting on that the atmospheric silver lining relation to his political and per- now is to expect a groundswell of looks remote.
sonal advantage. support that could turn the tide Yours, etc.,
had actually been seized on by television which vetoed It is also said that the arrest in his favour. Dr Ganapathi Bhat,
a move out of Colombo as it did not look forward to SIR, Apropos your brilliant the BJP in 2018 when he had of Naidu had the blessings of the But going by the present Akola, 13 September.
lugging its cumbersome paraphernalia around a coun- editorial “AP chessboard” (Sep- nothing to lose. But, of late, the
try where rain was plentiful and disruptive. Also, the tember 13), striking at an oppor- rumour mill has gone overboard
options, Dambulla or Hambantota or Pallekele, had tune moment to humiliate a rival about his joining hands with the
their little problems, hotel accommodation being a has almost become a norm in BJP again for political ends.
major factor to consider. Indian politics. This is what his bete noire
So, the decision-making, which took on the con- Whether or not Chandra- Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister
tours of a high-stake gamble, was left to fringe figures babu Naidu was complicit in the YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is hell
skill development scam is for the bent on preventing.
tutored online by executives a long way away with
courts to decide. Projecting Naidu as a jailed
cricket counting the cost. But Jay Shah went on record However, the timing of the politician is Jagan’s plan to settle
to say no one had been game for 50-over matches in arrest has raised a few eyebrows scores because he himself was
the heat and humidity of West Asia, which could entail because the state goes to polls in described similarly by Naidu
serious risks. Twenty20s are a different matter. The April next year. before. An inert Naidu is another
underlying message is simple: if it yields money, it's Naidu is a wily politician plus for Jagan.
okay, never mind how or why short games get shorter who knows how to roll the dice Moreover, Jagan is known to
as the skies open disastrously up. for positive gains. be on good terms with Prime
He switched allegiance from Minister Narendra Modi. Evi-


‘PM should visit Manipur’
The annual report of the Medical
Missionary Auxiliary of the Church Mis-
sionary Society tells of work carried on
in forty-two hospitals. Ten of these are
in Africa, nine in India, fourteen in
As the Lok Sabha elections situation? China, and the others in Persia and
approach, the National People's Party Palestine. At present there is a serious
(NPP) led by Meghalaya Chief Minis- A: Unfortunately, it may be too late as shortage of doctors and some hospitals
ter Conrad Sangma occupies a strate- much damage has already been done, have had to be closed. Most of the work
gically significant position in the polit- leading to growing mistrust between in India is concentrated on the North-
ical landscape. With alliances both at Kuki and Meitei communities after West Frontier, but one of the largest
the national level with the National prolonged violence. However, as the and busiest hospitals is at Ranaghat, in
Democratic Alliance (NDA) and head of the country, the Prime Minis- Bengal, where extensive work is being
regional considerations in states like ter should visit the state and attempt done in the treatment of malaria and
Meghalaya, the NPP's stance and to instill confidence in the people who kala-azar by the most recent methods.
actions are of importance. have been affected by the violence. One of the most interesting institutions
In an interview with Abhijit Deb, in connection with the Missions is the
the young CM talked about his rela- Q. The North East Democratic Leper Asylum at Kashmir, financed by
tionship with the BJP-led government Alliance (NEDA), a platform of the State but administered by the mis-
at the Centre and his party's position non-Congress parties, was sionaries. Its site is one of the old
on some of the key issues confronting launched to create a unified Moghul royal gardens, charmingly situ-
the North East in general, Meghalaya voice for the North East. Has it ated on a peninsula in the Dal Lake
in particular. delivered on its objectives? close to the Hari Parbat hill. It has
accommodation for over a hundred
Excerpts: A: While acknowledging NEDA's patients in twelve separate blocks sur-
potential as a platform for addressing rounded by prettily laid out gardens. In
Q. How is your alliance with regional issues and fostering coopera- connection with the Quetta Mission,
the NDA going, and what will be tion among North Eastern states, there is an annual campaign at
the NPP's stance in the upcoming there are concerns about its under- Shikarpur for about six weeks. Last year
Lok Sabha elections? utilised potential due to infrequent there was no falling off in the number
meetings. NEDA could have played a of patients or of operations. About
A: The NPP has a long-standing significant role in addressing critical 7,000 patients were seen, and 2,500
alliance with the NDA at the national issues such as the Manipur dispute operations were performed, of which
level and forms a coalition with the and the Assam-Mizoram border issue. 1,235 were for cataract.
BJP in Meghalaya. While we maintain Additionally, there was a proposal to
our historical ties, it's essential to economics. However, political issues sidised flight rates between Shillong uranium mining in Meghalaya? establish a cultural centre in Assam to NEWS ITEMS
establish our unique identity and do come up. As I said while remaining and Delhi. We have also urged the promote regional unity and develop-
presence in specific areas. We empha-
sise the importance of contesting
committed to our NDA affiliation, the
NPP remains open to the possibility
Civil Aviation Ministry to consider
upgrading Shillong to an internation-
A: Our government maintains a cau-
tious stance on uranium mining,
ment, but that has not materialised.
elections on our own terms, driven by of contesting elections independently al airport. Additionally, there have emphasising the need for compre- Q. You have been vocal on DELHI, SEPT. 15
our vision to provide a strong plat- if the situation demands it. been marked improvements in road hensive consultations with all stake- issues concerning the North East It will be recalled that political
form for the North East region. While connectivity, particularly between holders to address safety concerns. At states, such as the Citizenship diwans were prohibited by the Adminis-
we maintain a cooperative approach Q. There are rumours of Shillong and Guwahati, as well as present, we do not support uranium Amendment Act (CAA). Can we tration of Nabha within Nabha State. In
with the NDA, we are prepared to many BJP members within the enhanced interconnectivity among mining in Meghalaya. expect Conrad Sangma to take on spite of his prohibition, certain persons
assert our independence if we per- state joining NPP in Meghalaya. North Eastern states. leadership roles on issues that at Jaiton convened a political diwan. The
ceive any marginalisation. What is your response to this? Q. What are your thoughts concern the entire North East notice convening the meeting referred
Q. Regarding the resolution on the Manipur Imbroglio and region in the future? to its political objects and the Nabha
Q. You've recently met with A: In the dynamic landscape of poli- of the Coal Mining Ban in Megha- what could have been done to authorities were constrained to arrest
heads of various regional parties tics, I acknowledge that individuals laya, what is the way forward? stop the ethnic violence? A: My leadership is dedicated to some of the speakers. News has now
at the national level, including may switch parties. We believe in pro- championing North East issues and been received that the so-called passive
Telangana Chief Minister K Chan- viding space for such shifts while A: Despite challenges posed by bans A: The prolonged Manipur issue and unifying the region's voice on the resistance of the Akalis at Jaiton passed
drasekhara Rao. Is a new politi- keeping our primary focus on advanc- and legal battles, our government has the damage it has caused is immense. national stage. I see youth empower- into active violence this morning when
cal alliance shaping up? ing the North East agenda. This com- made progress toward resuming min- Decisions, including the possibility of ment, tourism promotion, and the Act the Jatha from Ferozepore attacked the
mitment extends to being willing to ing operations in four mines. The coal a leadership change or invoking Pres- East policy as potential drivers for cre- Nabha State cordon round the diwan
A: My recent meeting with Chief Min- contest elections even against the BJP, mining ban had detrimental effects ident's rule, lie with the Central gov- ating a unified North East voice in with lathis and chavis and joined the
ister KCR of Telangana was to learn if circumstances require it. on government revenue, job oppor- ernment. However, we stress the Indian politics. I have taken up issues diwan. It is understood that some of the
from successful governance models. tunities, and the local economy, high- urgency of substantial political like the CAA with the central govern- Nabha State troops were injured and six-
For that matter I keep on visiting Q. How has connectivity lighting the significance of reinstating engagement to rebuild confidence ment, even though I didn't receive teen Akalis were arrested. The principal
states like Delhi, Gujarat and Tamil improved in a remote state like mining for the state's financial stabili- and heal divisions between Kukis and support from the BJP. In politics, promoters of the diwan were also taken
Nadu to study the successful models Meghalaya? ty and the livelihoods of many fami- Meities in Manipur. numbers matter, so as we expand our into custody.
and how we can replicate them for the lies. base, I will continue to advocate for
benefit of the people of Meghalaya.
My visit was completely related to
A: We commend the success of the
UDAN scheme, advocating for sub- Q. What is your stance on
Q. Could Prime Minister
Narendra Modi’s visit heal the
the North East agenda with the Centre
for the overall benefit of the region. BURDEN OF THE

China’s real estate woes hit tourism

Addressing the Federal Council
today, Herr Hilferding, Finance Minis-
ter, announced that the food supply was
assured, but expenditure on the Ruhr
had increased extraordinarily, almost
ZHIYONG YANG since 2019, even though overall visits the whole of the population of the occu-
to Japan had rebounded to 70 per cent pied region being largely supplied from
nce upon a time – in 2019 – of pre-pandemic levels. Chinese the Imperial Exchequer. Efforts must be

O tourists from China were

among the best-travelled in
the world. They collectively
spent more than US$250 billion
abroad – nearly twice as much as their
tourism to popular European destina-
tions such as France, Switzerland,
Greece and Spain has also fallen
sharply. All in all, China’s outbound
travel spending is forecast to be down
made to solve the Ruhr conflict through
speedy negotiations. A sudden cessation
of help for the Ruhr was impossible, but
in view of the state of the currency mar-
ket, expenditure could not continue on
nearest competitors, the Americans – nearly 70 per cent this year from its the present scale. It was also indispen-
and logged more than 150 million pre-pandemic peak. sable to reduce all other expenditure
departures on international flights To be fair, tourism within China is and the nation must be told that infla-
that year. bouncing back – to a degree – as frugal tion was the heaviest form of taxation.
The Covid-19 pandemic shook the travelers increasingly opt to vacation Finally, he appealed to the nation to
Chinese travel industry, as it did the closer to home. The China Tourism hold out till a solution of the country's
world’s. But despite the easing of pan- Academy predicts that domestic external difficulties was found.
demic restrictions – and a global tourism will hit 90 per cent of pre-pan-
tourism rebound – Chinese tourists
have been slow to return to the global
demic levels in 2023. But that alone
won’t offset the impact of lower con- TARIFF BOARD
skies. The reason, interestingly enough,
could be found in the very land and
sumer confidence. Part of the reason is
that the amount of money travellers INQUIRY
houses Chinese planes fly over. are willing to spend is down. As an alternative to guaranteed
As a professor of marketing who And faced with demand chal- orders from the Government to encour-
specializes in consumer psychology, lenges as well as the effects of Covid-19 age the wagon manufacturing industry
I’m interested in how China’s strug- and geopolitical strife, Chinese travel in India, it was suggested at yesterday's
gling real estate sector is dragging agencies have been shuttering en sitting of the Tariff Board in Calcutta
down consumer spending – and hav- after it defaulted on $300 billion of control prices, the market predictably lenging for homeowners, who are bur- masse in recent years. From January that a system of bounties based on the
ing an effect on tourist destinations debt, sparking the current crisis. cooled – and has kept cooling. In July dened with shrinking wealth as housing to April 2022, some 8,500 tourism difference between English and Indian
around the world. One major – if indirect – reason 2023, new home sales from China’s prices fall. This has had a ripple effect agents and firms declared bankruptcy. prices, should be instituted. The whole
To understand the issue, first you China’s real estate industry is so shaky top 100 developers were down 33 per on spending, as cautious consumers Even assuming some reopen, that of the sitting was taken up in receiving
need to understand China’s current is that local governments are heavily cent from the previous year. Prices are increasingly prioritize their savings – churn and disruption bode ill for the further evidence from Mr. A. Cochran,
real estate crisis. Just how bad is it? dependent on tax revenue from land slumping, too. worsening the economic challenge for sector. of Burn and Company, on behalf of the
China’s largest developer, Country sales, as well as property taxes and This has had a cascade of effects businesses across the country. Global tourism has faced a chal- Indian Standard Wagon Company. Mr.
Garden, lost $7.1 billion in the first six real estate development fees. At the on the Chinese economy. Most imme- Unsurprisingly – at least to any- lenging few years, with the pandemic Cochran said the British manufacturers
months of 2023; investors concerned same time, about 70 per cent of the diately, as demand for construction one who’s paid attention to the world and increased fuel costs putting off were supplying wagons at pound 171
about potential debt default have sent general population’s assets are invest- materials and labor has fallen, hiring economy – what happens in China would-be travelers. With Chinese each. This showed a material reduction
its stock plummeting. ed in real estate. has cooled and consumers are tight- doesn’t stay in China. And the global consumers feeling down in the dumps on former prices. The President said the
Another major developer, the Those facts enticed developers ening their belts. Local governments tourism industry has been hit particu- over the economy and opting for Board wished to have actual figures as to
troubled China Evergrande Group, and local governments alike to bor- are also struggling to stay afloat with larly hard as newly budget-conscious modest vacations, a recovery will be the parts of a wagon which would show
posted a $4.5 billion loss over the row excessively to fund new develop- less revenue, with some provinces Chinese homeowners pare back their that much harder. the difference between the British prices
same period and sought bankruptcy ment. When the central government being forced to slash government spending. and those for which such parts could be
protection in the U.S. last month. It started to implement more stringent salaries and benefits. As of April 2023, Chinese tourism (The writer is Professor of Marketing, Miami made in India.
University. This article was published on
gained international attention in 2021 regulations to curb speculation and The situation is especially chal- to Japan was down some 85 per cent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ACROSS 12/3 Dodgy deal 23 Setter a good deal 2 Open University 11 Where patients
perhaps experienced curtailed after quickly securing might gather to see "Unity, both communal and polit-
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION by Ada in home of the imbibing whisky? source of funds, footballer (6,7) ical, is a vital need of the struggle for
9 10 11 1 Lover and I recently 21 24s? (9,5,2,3,8) It’s a crude tale missing nothing 13 Sadly no charms freedom, and it is to establish it that
S I H B finished early in 14 Not allowed the (9) (7) in this county resident
single-room same beat 24 Further down, 3 See 12 Across (10)
we have gathered here today." It was
COC K S COM B U S A GE in this strain that both the President
12 A O T A R M R L accommodation (5) missing second snake 4 Some thief, if 15 Activity and action
GE T B A C K I MEM I N E (6,4) 15 Scornful American (5) threatened – may around a flight? and the Chairman of the Reception
13 6 Waxing poetic put in prison by one 25 Tech expert backed invoke this? (9)
E F N U D R U M Committee spoke at the opening today
over day in US state (9) element of education (5) 17 Girl in political
14 15 S CRU B MA GG I EM A E of the Special Session of the Congress.
court at first 16 Uncovered song in study (4) 5 NB Tay here, possibly? scandal receiving
E U E N Both suggested a line of action to
(4) about Duke’s 26 Jolted the writer (It’s not far away!) new support
ON E L E T I T B E A P T 9 Put new items wild flower in regard to (9) from church (7) restore a united front, but neither
16 17 18 19 F W L F in official data (5,4) food item 7 Failure around 19 Last-ditch opening
F OO L P ROO F E A T E N Maulana Abul Kalam Azad nor Dr.
gathering processes 18 Dies following (6-4) description of wine to lose weight?
R N R O A V E U (5) underworld disposing (4-3) No time (2-2-3)
Ansari took sides with either the Swaraj
20 21 ON E S E L F UN A I R E D 10 Frequently getting of leader (5) 8 Caught fellow on 21 Bare lead ending party or the "No Change" party. Both
A D S U L T 9 G goon bumping 20 Farming staff, DOWN board any old in shock (5) emphasised that Hindu-Muslim Unity,
D I G I T SO T T OVO C E off foremost pros, shocked 1 Scales not about abandoned ship, 22 Courage shown
23 24 E O R 9
being the basis of Swaraj a national
guy in Calais? unduly about to be seen in water finding insubstantial by fool throttling king
(9) that woman (9,5) at a beach (4) stuff (10) (4)
pact should be entered into to elimi-
nate causes of friction. Maulana Abul
25 26 Kalam proposed dropping or at least,
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London) postponing the Shuddhi and Sangath-
an movements.

established in 1881 From news TV to views TV
The Opposition’s boycott of certain TV anchors is a desperate step that was long overdue
Convicted lawmakers tured these toxic anchors, there-
Plug legal loophole to cleanse electoral politics by benefiting from their popu-
larity. The best case in point is

report submitted to the Supreme Court Anna Hazare’s protest against
the UPA government over the
has raised the pitch for a lifetime ban on
Lokpal Bill. One had predicted
lawmakers from contesting elections if
in August 2011 that Hazare was
they are found guilty of an offence of offering the Sangh Parivar an
moral turpitude. The report, filed by sen- opportunity and that Ajit Doval
ior advocate Vijay Hansaria — who is assisting the would be the next National Secu-

court as an amicus curiae in the hearing of a petition rity Adviser. Of course, as a col-
seeking speedy trial of politicians in criminal cases — NDIAN news television lateral beneficiary, Arvind Kejri-
states that permitting convicted lawmakers to rejoin has been toxic for long. The wal emerged as a national
electoral politics six years after their release is ‘man- loud, hurtful, divisive political alternative, riding the
ifestly arbitrary and violative of Article 14 (equality monologues have for some wave of antipathy to the UPA,
before the law) of the Constitution.’ time made TV debates reinforced by news TV anchors
There is no quarrel with the argument that a person unwatchable. Then, the grovel- who are now being boycotted.
convicted of grave offences such as rape, murder, drug ling loyalty to the ruling dispen- Politicians never wanted gen-
trafficking, corruption and involvement in terror activ- sation turned TV channels into a uine TV news stories — long-for-
parody of what they ought to mat narrative journalism or
ities should be permanently debarred from contesting
have been. It is no exaggeration investigative stuff that digs up
elections, irrespective of when he/she is released. The
to say that news TV has lowered skeletons from their cupboards.
report has turned the spotlight on Section 8 of the Rep- the credibility of the Indian GROUND REALITY: Politicians never wanted genuine TV news stories. ISTOCK They want shouting matches that
resentation of the People Act, which stipulates that the media as a whole to such a dras- are part entertainment and part
disqualification of a convicted politician can extend tic level that every visiting for- propaganda, primarily because of
only up to six years after his/her release. This legal loop- eign diplomat has begun asking them all. One hasn’t even seen CM? The PM changed his the screen time they get and the
hole, which is a major impediment to decriminalisation whether the country’s media is most of them. Till a few years mind much later. Well, even ensuing name and face recogni-
of politics, needs to be plugged on priority. indeed free. One has to draw a ago, it was fun and a sort of an then the sophistication was tion. They also shout who stand
It’s equally important to expedite cases involving clear distinction between print evening dose of a stress-buster only skin-deep, as proved by and wait. So, INDIA cannot wash
MPs and MLAs so that the political parties they and TV for visitors to under- to watch some of these repug- the Radia tapes expose. its hands of the crime of promot-
belong to can take decisions on their candidature or stand that the Indian media is so nant TV anchors rave and rant, This writer carries a piece of ing these self-obsessed perform-
continuation in office on the basis of the court ver- vast and diverse that it’s not just demeaning themselves. But it While the BJP has no shrapnel in the abdomen as a ers peddling pet political peeves.
dicts; this will also help voters make informed choic- about a handful of anchors. has gone beyond being slapstick moral right to cry trophy of Kargil war reportage. There were UPA ministers who
But the foreign visitor cannot and is sickeningly intolerable. A multi-barrelled rocket launch- were untouchables on various
es during the elections. The amicus curiae’s report ‘Emergency’ over
be blamed for mistaking the So, if any inaccuracy creeps into er getting fired to offer visuals to channels. But then, the Congress
has rightly suggested that the special courts set up for
Indian media for its toxic TV and this critique, it is only because it INDIA’s decision, the an irresponsible TV journalist is has always been immensely tol-
such cases should be directed to furnish monthly for condemning it as a whole; for, is inadvertently dated. believed to have triggered a erant when the attack is against
reports of pendency and disposal to the respective TV is the most compelling of all As someone who had worked latter can’t wash its Pakistani artillery response, someone else, even if the target is
High Courts; the reasons for the delay must also be media. And national news chan- with a TV channel at its peak a causing death and injury to its Prime Minister. The less said
specified for long-pending cases. All these steps, if nels give the viewer an impres- decade and a half ago, one can
hands of the crime of many. The Army never investi- the better about the ruling Left
implemented in earnest, can make a significant con- sion that they are entirely owned safely say that there has been a promoting self-obsessed gated this charge against the in Kerala. It is mercilessly
tribution towards cleansing electoral politics. by the government, leaving no transition in India from news TV officer involved in the incident. hounding mainstream and
space for dissent; and worse, they to views TV. A medium best suit- performers peddling Had it been done, narcissistic YouTube journalists, isolating
constantly attack the Opposition. ed for long-format journalism pet political peeves. TV journalism would not have one of the state’s best anchors.
If journalists are supposed to be got dismantled frame by frame struck such deep roots in the This is a zero-sum game where

All lives matter the people’s watchdogs against

the government’s excesses,
national news TV anchors by and
over these years. Even Papa
Hemingway could not have com-
peted with a TV camera when it
The initial sophistication of
compromised TV journalism
country. Nor would the person-
ality cult of the anchor made the
medium suffer for the inade-
the Indian media loses its credi-
bility, the country its democratic
credentials, and the government
Jaahnavi a victim of police insensitivity, racism large become the government’s captured stunning visuals of con- had to give way to crass syco- quacies of the individual. its reputation. The only way out

Rottweiler against the Opposi- flict, disaster, accident, crime or phancy at some point in time. It While the BJP, which has is for the anchors to introspect,
HE insensitivity shown by the US police- tion. So, the Opposition’s boy- even plain old investigative jour- was bound to happen. Even repeatedly boycotted channels moderating their partisan
man investigating the death of an Indian cott of certain TV anchors does nalism. Unfortunately, instead of now, opinion is divided about and anchors at the national and attacks, and for the channel pro-
student, Jaahnavi Kandula, in a road acci- not come as a surprise. the journalist focusing the cam- the Gujarat riot coverage of cer- regional levels, has no moral moters not to continue creating
dent in Seattle is particularly disturbing It was long overdue simply era on the world, the narcissistic tain news channels. Were the right to cry ‘Emergency’ over monsters who will devour them
because the Opposition’s repre- anchor turned the camera on her- channels and the anchors sin- the INDIA group of parties’ one day. Then, the Opposition
as such behaviour is not expected of an
sentatives were losing out badly self, making her views the news. gularly harsh (for pro-establish- decision, it should also remem- parties should closely look
official responsible for law enforcement. The cop,
in the shouting matches that go This is not a new crime and the ment news outfits) on the then ber that this is a boycott by the inwards, for many of them do
Daniel Auderer, has been caught on camera laughing by the name of TV debates. To be founders of private news chan- Gujarat Chief Minister because Opposition out of desperation exactly what they accuse the
away the girl’s death with a sneering comment fair to the named and shamed nels should bear the burden of of a wink and a nudge from sec- and not an embargo by the gov- Union Government of.
smacking of racism: ‘Her life had limited value any- anchors, one should admit one’s shame. They let anchors run tions of the government, which ernment. Then, there are many Hypocrisy is no answer to oppor-
way.’ He is further seen as being dismissive about lack of competence in judging amok and also run their channels. had already decided to sack the in the Opposition who have nur- tunistic partisanship.
any probe into the fatal crash, saying that the city
authorities should ‘just write a cheque’ (for the fam- thought for the day
ily). The 23-year-old girl was studying in the US
under a student exchange programme and had a I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. —GrouchoMarx
promising career ahead. She was killed after being
hit on a crosswalk by a speeding police vehicle driv-
en by officer Kevin Dave. The family back home is
devastated by the twin blows — the loss of their
beloved daughter, who was ‘beyond any dollar value’
for them, and the cop’s callousness over her demise,
The enduring spirit Army SOPs need review
letters to the editor
Special session
which took place almost eight months ago.
The incident has sparked outrage both in India
and the US. People from various communities held a
of selflessness Refer to ‘Anantnag ambush’; India salutes
the indomitable courage and supreme sacri-
fice of Col Manpreet Singh, Major Ashish
Apropos of ‘Govt lists agenda for session:
Debate on Parl journey’; it seems that the inten-
tion of the BJP government at the Centre is to
rally in Seattle on Thursday, condemning the failure Pushpender Singh Gusain Dhonchak, DSP Humayun Bhat and an Army change the country’s name to Bharat. It is
of the police to bring the two erring cops to book. The jawan who attained martyrdom during a gun- strange that the BJP has developed so much

Biden administration has assured the Indian Ambas- N the mid-1990s, a colleague went to California for train- fight with terrorists in south Kashmir. Though hatred for the word ‘India’ that it does not want
sador to the US, Taranjit Singh Sandhu, who took up ing. He was not aware that a taxi could be hired there only there’s a visible decline in terror attacks in the it to be seen anywhere. PM Modi himself used
the matter at the highest level, of prompt action in through a phone call to a taxi stand. He waited for it at the Kashmir valley, the security forces must main- the term ‘India’ in various government pro-
the case. In a heart-warming gesture, the university roadside and gestured in vain to every passing taxi. Fortu- tain a high level of vigil and readiness. Review- grammes and initiatives, such as ‘Fit India’,
at which Jaahnavi studied has decided to award her itously, after a long wait, a cab stopped a few yards away, ing and updating standard operating proce- ‘Make in India’, ‘Stand-Up India’ and ‘Digital
a master’s degree posthumously. close to a department store. He followed it and asked the dures (SOPs) for counter-terror operations is a India’. In case of name change, the government
The killing of a Black man, George Floyd, by a driver to drop him off. The driver explained to him that it critical aspect of adapting to evolving threats will again have go in for demonetisation as all
was her day off and the taxi was not available for hire. She and ensuring the effectiveness of security currency notes and coins have ‘Reserve Bank of
White policeman in the US had led to the #black-
added that she had come for shopping at the store. Howev- forces. It’s essential to assess the prevailing India’ written on them.
livesmatter protests around the globe in 2020 against
er, she agreed to drop him off afterwards. operational tactics and strategies employed by VIDWAN SINGH SONI, PATIALA
police brutality and racial injustice. Jaahnavi She eventually drove him to his destination. He thanked terrorists and make necessary adjustments to
deserves justice too, just like Floyd got with exem- her profusely and asked about the fare. My colleague was counter them effectively. G20 enhanced PM’s stature
plary punishment for his killer. startled when she refused to charge for the ride on the plea KRISHAN KANT SOOD, NANGAL Apropos of ‘PM, nation basking in G20 glory’;
that she was off duty. He took her photo to cherish her the resounding success of the G20 summit
memory and also showed it to me. Situation not so rosy has certainly enhanced the stature of India
on this day...100 years ago I narrated this incident to another US-returned colleague. Apropos of ‘Anantnag ambush’, the killing of and the PM. This comes close on the heels of
He also had an interesting experience. After landing in San two Army officers and a police officer in Kash- ISRO’s two successful missions — Chan-
Francisco, he was scanning the charts providing details mir and a simultaneous encounter at Rajouri in drayaan-3 and Aditya-L1. Since these land-
about free bus service from the airport. A man who had come Jammu, in which two militants were killed, are mark achievements have materialised under
to pick up his friends enquired about my colleague’s desti- stark reminders that despite periods of relative the leadership of PM Modi, the BJP will ben-
lahore, sunday, september 16, 1923 nation. On being told about it, he offered to drop him off as calm and normalcy, the situation is not so rosy efit in the forthcoming elections. The G20
the place was on his route, only if he could wait for a while in the region. Two attacks within five weeks in summit drew accolades from everyone, espe-
THE QUESTION OF MANDATE as his friends’ flight was about to land. the same area suggest that there is an uptick in cially the heads of member nations. The most
WE have seen in our leading article that the President of the Spe- The colleague was hesitant to take a favour from a militant activity in the Valley. Security remains difficult part of the summit was to reach a con-
cial Congress is strongly and emphatically in favour of Council stranger. He thanked him and politely declined the offer. a paramount concern in J&K, given its history sensus on the Delhi Declaration. However,
entry. But there is one thing which clearly distinguishes him from The man understood his dilemma and told him not to wor- of militancy. Attacks like the one in Anantnag even this task was accomplished by the PM
the Swaraj party. He believes in the mandatory character of all Con- ry, while introducing himself as a Pakistani student. This underscore the need for creating a secure envi- and his team with aplomb.
gress resolutions, except those which involve questions of princi- clinched the issue and the offer was accepted. ronment for conducting elections. RAVI SHARMA, DHARIWAL
ple; and as the question of Council entry does not, in his opinion, A piquant situation arose on the arrival of the flight. The GREGORY FERNANDES, MUMBAI
belong to the latter category, he would want either party to the pres- car had a capacity of five, while the number of passengers Follow rules strictly
ent controversy to implicitly accept the decision of the Congress, was six. The way out was that one of them would have to Ban all news anchors Refer to ‘Responsible lending’; the Fair Prac-
whether that decision is in favour of or against Council entry. “I occupy the boot of the car. My colleague volunteered for it, Refer to ‘Opposition bloc to shun 14 news tices Code needs to be followed strictly. In case
wish to make it quite clear,” he said, “that there can be only one pos- but his offer was brushed aside on the plea that he was a anchors’; if all news anchors are banned, it of a business entity, the time period of 30 days
sible method of our entering the Councils. The Congress should not guest. Ultimately, one of the four men who had just land- will be so much better for our society. With the for returning the original documents related to
only issue a mandate but also undertake direction. But today, if you ed got ‘booted’. The driver then dropped off my colleague arrival of AI-generated avatars, one is not movable and immovable property is too long.
decide against entering the Councils, no single person or party, as I at a motel before taking his leave. even sure if the anchors are real or fake. It should be reduced to seven days — and to 15
have already emphasised, should advance one step further. I alto- A couple of decades ago, I, along with my wife and Detecting disinformation is becoming days in case the documents are to be returned
gether deny that the question is of such a character as to justify our one-year-old son, was returning to Chandigarh from increasingly difficult. While expressing their to legal heirs. The introduction of a penalty of
disobeying the national organisation in case of a difference of opin- Manali. Our bus stopped at a roadside dhaba near opinions, anchors should strive to maintain Rs 5,000 per day beyond the stipulated time
ion.” We need scarcely say that the weight and volume of opinion Ghanauli (Ropar) for dinner. We had meals and got milk journalistic integrity. The volume or intensi- will act as a deterrent against unwarranted
in the Swaraj party is entirely against this view. That party does filled in a bottle for the child. The dhabawala charged ty of speech does not inherently determine delay. The RBI direction of supplying a copy of
think, and in this we are entirely at one with it, that the question is reasonably for the meals, but declined to accept any the truth or accuracy of a statement or argu- the loan documents to borrowers at the time of
of such a character as to justify independent action on the part of payment for the milk. When questioned, he explained ment. Political debates and discussions are execution is not being followed by all banks.
the pro-entry party in case the Congress does not give it the requi- that he never charged for baby milk. His noble gesture vital, but sadly we are living in a time when Evergreening of loans should be stopped to
site permission. We may go farther and point out, as we have done was in stark contrast to the tendency of many dhabas civility in speech has become rare. prevent an economic catastrophe.
already, that Mahatma Gandhi himself is entirely with them in this along highways to fleece customers. HN RAMAKRISHNA, BENGALURU BHUSHAN DEV SINGLA, BATHINDA
matter. It was with particular reference to this matter that he said A big salute to all who help others and silently keep per-
in an article: “Let us not push the mandate theory to ridiculous forming selfless acts. These people bring the best of human- Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit.
extremes, and become slaves to resolutions of majorities.” ity to the fore. May God make their tribe grow! These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to:

Green corridor project raises hopes amid challenges

freight train from the UAE clean hydrogen pipelines they start coordinating to
would likely proceed to Al into the corridor. There is a meet a formidable array of
Ghweifat on the Saudi bor- strong belief that clean challenges. A starting point
der, a 605-km stretch where hydrogen could be the would be the need to
an Etihad rail track is most effective long-term address the issues of tech-
already operational. A 250- alternative to fossil fuels nology, finance and com-
km section from the Saudi- and in India, the govern- mercial viability for the
NAVDEEP SURI UAE border to Haradh is ment has already allocated physical infrastructure in
FORMER DIPLOMAT AND under construction, while $2.5 billion to promote the terms of railway links, the
DISTINGUISHED FELLOW, ORF the 1,392-km-long railway country’s emergence as a clean hydrogen pipelines

line from Haradh to Al green hydrogen hub. Sev- and the electricity and data
HE unexpected Haditha on the Saudi-Jor- eral of India’s biggest busi- cables. At the same time,
meeting between dan border is already in ness groups, including problems of soft infrastruc-
the leaders of place. That only leaves a Reliance, Adani, L&T and ture related to harmonisa-
India, the US, 300-km stretch from Al ReNew, have announced tion of standards for ports,
the UAE, Saudi Haditha to Haifa in Israel multi-billion-dollar invest- railways and customs would
Arabia, Italy, France, Ger- via Beit She’an on the Jor- ments to develop their own also have to be addressed.
many and the European dan-Israel border. A good green hydrogen projects, as Each of the four verticals
Commission on the side- chunk of the physical rail have corridor members that are integral to the corri-
lines of the G20 summit to infrastructure is, therefore, such as the UAE and Saudi dor will pose a distinct and
announce their shared already in place. Arabia. Prices of electroly- separate set of hurdles.
ambition of creating an The western leg of the corri- sers are expected to come The challenges are real,
India-Middle East-Europe dor would put the containers GAME-CHANGER: The economic corridor will take into account the growing imperative of cybersecurity. PTI down significantly as pro- and so are the opportunities
Economic Corridor back on ships in Haifa and duction is ramped up and that could emerge from a
(IMEEC) came as a surprise take them to Piraeus in strategic transport links. Europe and West Asia. green hydrogen using project that is based on
to many. US President Joe Greece for onward transmis- This was reiterated during The inclusion of electrici- renewable energy may well trendlines and projections
Biden described the signing sion by European rail net- the virtual I2U2 summit in ty grids in the framework of follow the same price curve that take us to 2030 and
of the MoU as a ‘big deal’, works to their final destina- July 2021 and fleshed out the corridor is particularly that we have seen for solar beyond. It takes advantage
one that would include tions. The attraction of the when the NSAs of India, the significant from the Indian and wind energy. of a geopolitical and geoeco-
transport, data, renewable two-way transport link lies in US, the UAE and Saudi Ara- perspective. As part of its These plans may appear nomic paradigm that sim-
electricity grids and clean reducing dependence on the bia met in Riyadh in May leadership of the Interna- futuristic right now, but ply didn’t exist a decade
hydrogen pipelines. Suez Canal and creating a 2023. Israel was an early tional Solar Alliance, India the first steps to develop ago. Without the Abraham
Going by reports, the corri- route that could be 40 per cent and enthusiastic advocate has already promoted the intercontinental green Accords, the UAE and Israel
dor would have an eastern faster because high-speed of the project. One Sun, One World, One transit corridors linking (and Saudi Arabia) would-
leg that would take contain- freight trains would travel at Some commentators have Grid initiative, an ambi- Asia with Europe are n’t have been on the same
er traffic from India to the 120 kmph — three to four compared the corridor with
If technology, capital tious attempt to connect already being taken. A page. And without the rap-
UAE on the well-established times faster than the more the Chinese Belt and Road and political resolve the world’s key regional sense of urgency is also idly falling prices of renew-
shipping routes from leisurely pace of the ships. Initiative, but there is a key grids into a common green reflected in the announce- able energy, the idea of
India’s west coast, after The genesis of this corri- difference. As an economic can combine to grid that could transfer ment in New Delhi that a green hydrogen and inter-
which the land route of the dor appears to lie in the corridor, it is not limiting its make this corridor a renewable energy from one high-level meeting of the connected electricity grids
corridor would come into Abraham Accords of 2020 scope to trade in goods. It region to another. It would participating countries would have been impossi-
the picture. The goods and the subsequent emer- takes into account the reality, the aspiration leverage different time would be convened within ble. If technology, capital
would move by rail from the gence of the I2U2 grouping, growing imperative of for a more habitable zones to maximise the use 60 days to “to develop and and political resolve can
UAE to Israel’s Haifa port which brought India into cybersecurity and proposes of solar energy and reduce commit to an action plan combine to make this green
on the Mediterranean coast, the equation with Israel, a secure, high-speed data planet may not the need for expensive with relevant timetables.” corridor a reality, the aspira-
where Adani Ports has the US and UAE in October pipeline that could poten- remain pie in the sky. energy storage systems. The political will and tion for a cleaner, more hab-
acquired a container termi- 2021 and indicated that the tially facilitate the export of Equally forward-looking resolve of the participating itable planet may not
nal for $1.2 billion. The focus areas would include India’s IT services to is the plan to incorporate countries will be tested as remain pie in the sky.

States must give panchayats administrative and financial powers

settled as per the guidelines for institutions, termed various- poojan’ (water worship cere-
the conduct of government ly as counties, councils or mony). The little village event
business. Certain standing boroughs. These elected bod- was presided over by the Dis-
orders of delegation specify ies have the authority for tax- trict Magistrate, who had
which authority — the Council ation, development and regu- helped commission the proj-
of Ministers, the Chief Minis- lation, police administration ect. A leader of the ruling par-
ter, the minister, the adminis- and even adjudication in ty complained that in serving
trative secretary or the head of respect of local laws. It is not itself without consulting him,
RAJAN KASHYAP the department concerned, so in India, except for lip the village had impaired his
FORMER CHIEF etc. — is competent to take service to a nebulous and public image. The state gov-
various decisions concerning ineffectual ‘Panchayat Raj’ ernment transferred the dis-

the affairs of the department. (rule of the panchayat). trict head after the ceremony.
HE Punjab Gov- As all records of the govern- Some remarkable examples With the spirited officer out of
ernment recently ment, including any notes on show the manner in which the way, miscreants damaged
dissolved the files, are open to public local bodies function at the the pipeline, completed over
state’s village pan- scrutiny (under the Right to ground level, abroad and in a period of nine months.
chayats (around Information Act, 2005), the India. After the tragic events In Punjab, the cavalier deci-
DEPENDENT: In Punjab, village bodies still function as poor handmaidens of state political leaders. FILE PHOTO
13,000) before the completion legal and administrative in the US on September 11, sion (since rescinded) to dis-
of their term and announced issues will no doubt be 2001, the world witnessed solve 13,000 panchayats
that fresh elections to these resolved after a due process. bodies; at that time, there orders from the ministers of Rudy Giuliani, then Mayor of demonstrated the distorted
bodies would be conducted in What deserves more atten- were 496 zila parishads (at the departments concerned. New York City, spearheading relationship between the sec-
a few months’ time. When the tion of experts and the com- the district level), 5,905 The irony of the situation emergency relief operations ond tier of India’s political
decision was challenged in mon citizens alike are the block samitis (at the block could not be more striking. from the centre stage, even as governance (the state) and the
the Punjab and Haryana High defective arrangements for level) and 2,30,762 village States often seek more finan- then President George W hapless third tier (the village
Court, the government with- the functioning of the insti- panchayats. For effective cial and administrative pow- Bush stood in the back- panchayat). Had elections to
drew the controversial order. tution of panchayats. Our empowerment, the states ers from the Central Govern- ground. In stark contrast, in any civic body been immi-
At the same time, the govern- democracy rests on effec- were expected to enact ment, but are hesitant to India, the media reported just nent, the existing bodies could
ment suspended two senior tive governance through appropriate state laws and delegate powers to their own two weeks ago that a pan- well have continued to work
officers of the Rural Develop- elected institutions at three implement them. local bodies. States ruled by chayat serving a population till their successors were elect-
ment and Panchayat Depart- levels — Parliament at the The states have shown little parties opposed to the ruling of 1,500 in Lahuria Dah vil- ed, citing the analogy of
ment on the grounds that Centre, legislative Assem- alacrity to endow the pan- party at the Centre chafe at lage of east Uttar Pradesh was Assembly and Lok Sabha
they had failed to address blies in the states and pan- chayats with administrative what they label high-handed- punished for its ‘temerity’ in polls. Instead, the elected vil-
some legal aspects before pre- chayats and municipalities and financial powers. In ness of Governors, whom they acquiring tap water for its lage bodies had been arbitrar-
senting the matter to the min- in villages and towns. The states like Punjab, the village perceive as agents of the inhabitants because a local ily dissolved months before
ister concerned and the Chief third tier — the panchayat institutions still function as
Elected village bodies Union Government. Yet, politician was upset with the their term was to end.
Minister. Opposition leaders — is the most important for poor handmaidens of state must be accorded states themselves routinely village leaders. The village The present institutional
and others chastised the gov- village dwellers. In India, political leaders, who per- supersede panchayats at will. concerned had not enjoyed relationship in governance is
ernment, alleging that officers over many centuries, the ceive them as small vote their proper place in Dissolution of any village body this basic human need during skewed. That is why the
were being made scapegoats village panchayat had been banks. The state govern- the sun. Stronger is akin to the imposition of the centuries of its existence. The recent imbroglio occurred in
for flawed decisions of the a model of self-governance. ments control the allocation President’s rule by the Union local panchayat prevailed Punjab. An ideal democracy
state government. Mahatma Gandhi’s ideal of resources, even for minor bodies at the village Government in a state. Deci- upon the district administra- entails decentralisation of
The court will duly pro- was that every village schemes such as paving of level would sions affecting elected bodies tion to deliver the water by a power. Elected village bodies
nounce its ruling on the validi- should function as a decen- streets and village drainage. must be taken with great care. pipeline from a source sever- must be accorded their prop-
ty of the order challenged tralised republic. The 73rd Instead of being self-govern- only make for Mature democratic nations al kilometres distant. When er place in the sun. Stronger
before it. The matter of respon- Amendment to the Consti- ing, the panchayats are sup- stronger states. such as the US and those in the miraculous bounty of run- bodies at the village level
sibility of the officers con- tution was passed in 1992 to plicants before petty govern- western Europe derive their ning water was delivered, the would only make for
cerned for the imbroglio will be empower the panchayat ment officials, who take strength from grassroots panchayat conducted a ‘jal stronger states.

quick crossword su do ku forecast

1 Cause trouble (4,5) 2 Unaccompanied (5)
3 Paradox (6)
1 5
8 Discover by investigation (5) Chandigarh 30 26
9 South American
country (7)
4 Estrange (8)
5 Saunter (6) 8 5 9 2
8 New Delhi 33 25
6 Previous (7) 8 6 9 4 3 5 1 2 7 Amritsar 34 25
10 Shapeless lump of food (6)
11 Moral discourse (6)
7 Prevent from coming
nearer (4,2,3)
5 1 8 3 7 6 2 3 7 2 8 1 6 9 5 4 Bathinda 34 27
4 1 8 3 5 9 6 7 2 Jalandhar 34 25
11 Coolness under
12 Wealthy (8)
pressure (4-5) 9 3 5 6 2 7 4 8 1 Ludhiana 32 26
15 Considerable
13 Fail to evoke desired 6 2 7 1 4 8 5 9 3 Bhiwani 36 28
amount (4,4)
18 Want of proper care (6) response (4,4)
14 Control the mind of (7) 3 7 4 2 8 calendar Hisar
20 Begin again (6) 16 Consumers’ desire for SEPTEMBER 16, 2023, SATURDAY
21 Feeling of antipathy (7)
22 Hedda Gabler’s creator (5)
product (6)
17 Scope (6)
9 ■ Shaka Samvat 1945
■ Bhadrapad Shaka 25
9 6 3 8 4 2 1
23 Completely impoverished (9) 19 Relatively hard to obtain (5) Shimla 25 16
■ Bhadrapad Parvishte 31 Srinagar 30 18
Jammu 31 21
4 5
■ Hijari 1445
Across: 1 Glimpse, 4 Purge, 7 Tack, 8 Ambience, 10 Present-
day, 12 Misfit, 13 Sample, 15 At variance, 18 Catapult, 19
2 ■ Shukla Paksha Tithi 1, up to 9.18 am Kargil 31 16
Leh 29 12
Limp, 20 Murky, 21 Worldly.
Down: 1 Get-up, 2 Increase, 3 Enmity, 4 Prima facie, 5 Rind, 6 9 ■ Shukla Yoga up to 4.12 am
■ Uttraphalguni Nakshatra up to 7.36 am Dehradun 29 22
Execute, 9 Devil to pay, 11 Open mind, 12 Modicum, 14 Mussoorie 22 17
■ Moon in Virgo sign
Callow, 16 Empty, 17 Star. EASY TEMPERATURE IN OC
THINK SaturDay, 16 September 2023
New Delhi 05

Is it raining meatballs in Mandi?


rified by the scale of the disaster. Mandi for almost a decade but isn’t any more, other dimensions of being a good
was probably the worst hit of all the dis- not a day goes by when I do not ques- human being and hit up the old karmic
CHEAP tricts in the state. In this context, Behera
reportedly told his students, “these are
tion my choices and think about what
it means to eat or not eat meat in our
calculus calculator. Instead, as you will
see in the (also widely circulated video),
THRILLS all effects of cruelty to animals...people particular (political) climate. I was he says to the students, “To become
eat meat.” enthusiastic about the cooking-pro- good human beings, what do you have
NISHA The landslides in Himachal Pradesh gressive-politics event recently where to do?”, and answers, “no to meat-eat-
SUSAN have many complex causes, ranging Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and ing.” He goes on to say, “Himachal Pra-
from deforestation to shifts in tectonic Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) president desh will have a significant downfall if
plates, say scientists. Did they have any- Lalu Prasad cooked the famous Cham- the innocent animals are butchered.

ecently, Himachal Pradesh’s CPM thing to do with meat-eating? paran mutton at the house of Misa, You are butchering them, the innocent
state secretary, Onkar Shad, sent Recent studies have shown that food Prasad’s daughter. Just the name animals.”
an outraged letter to Laxmidhar production systems, particularly meat, Champaran mutton is thrilling but To really get Behera’s educational
Behera, director of the Indian Institute dairy and rice production, create a dis- then there was the tadka. impetus, you only have to see what he
of Technology (IIT), Mandi, demanding astrous level of climate-heating emis- Prasad continues to be the source of does to the students from all over the
he resign. The letter said, among other sions. And there are good, solid reasons what the French call the bon mot, a country, who, whatever their specific
things, that it was finally “beyond doubt for affluent folks with great access to witty remark, and said this about the dietary cultures, for sure have not had a
that there is no guarantee that one nutritious food to eat less meat, dairy (ahem) bon mutton. Gandhi asked the decent breakfast since class VIII, given
being in an elite technology institute and rice. RJD leader (in a widely circulated video) the timings of coaching institutes. He
has scientific vision”. I have to admit Being the head of an “elite technol- how Champaran mutton is like politics. made these newly fledged adults repeat
that though I agreed with Shad, and ogy institute”, Behera could have Prasad replied, “Without mixing, raj- “no to meat-eating” three times.
even with the reasons for his outrage, quoted from several studies and talked neeti ho hi nahi sakta.” That is, politics is It is when you hear him say, “ek saath,
this bit made me giggle. It is as if Shad to students at any time about ethical impossible without mixing. dhang se bolo (Say it in unison and say it
was holding out hope despite every- choices, and even the complexity of All this is to say, we got so much meta- properly),” that you know without a
thing that you encounter in an average these ethical choices in a country where A bigger problem than meat-eating is the tendency to eat other people’s heads. phor chutney and symbolism bagar doubt what the bigger problem is. It is a
lifetime—and had never heard the sym- meat-eating has a range of social impli- (tempering) going on, but Behera in national tendency to bheja khana (in
phony of connotations behind the term cations. not vegetarian). Having to constantly recipe, which you long to eat all year, is Mandi was just being terribly literal- Hindi) or thaley thinvodu (in Kannada).
“tech bro”. When being part of a traditionally defend meat-eating sidelines the possi- now supposed to make you feel shady. minded. His assembly could have been The most extra pure vegetarian, silver-
Why was Shad outraged? The IIT meat-eating community can mark you bility of meat-eating being a deeply Or, at the very least, some vague distaste easily titled (like the old children’s spoon carrying lot of us specialise in eat-
director had recently proclaimed to the as “not pure” or easily make you the tar- honoured and beloved social tradition with slivers of self-hatred. And tiny, book) Cloudy With A Chance Of Meat- ing other people’s heads.
student body that he knew why Hima- get of social ostracism, economic margi- of your caste and community. Like eat- malnourished children in many parts of balls.
chal Pradesh had been ravaged by heavy nalisation and political violence, then ing mutton for Diwali in Tamil Nadu or India are not allowed to get one sad little Being the head of an institution that Nisha Susan is the author of The
rains and landslides in August. Around meat-eating takes on all kinds of mean- mutton for Holi in Bihar or beef for all boiled egg every day for school lunch, receives considerable funding, specifi- Women Who Forgot To Invent Face-
80 people were killed last month alone ing (I apologise for repeating what we all kinds of inchoate feelings in Kerala. just in case sin is oval shaped. cally for climate change research, per- book And Other Stories. She posts
and the larger population had been ter- know but India is largely meat-eating, Apparently, your grandmother’s best As someone who was a vegetarian haps Behera could have thought about @chasingiamb.



Dr Cyriac Abby Philips (left) and Pranav Radhakrishnan. E

Cyriac Abby Philips, the Kerala doctor ence is Dope, debunks myths about nutri-
who filed the petition in this case and a tion on YouTube and Instagram.
well-known crusader against pseudosci- “People have figured out that if you
ence, believes that the very fact that we are combine misinformation with scaremon-
having this conversation is a win. For dec- gering, you get a lot of views very quickly.
ades, he says, the systems went unques- This kind of unregulated content is dan-
tioned. They were given further legiti- gerous,” says Radhakrishnan, who
macy by the conversion of a department believes that there has been a significant
for traditional medicine, formed in 1995 leap in the amount of pseudoscientific
by the Union government, into a formal content since the covid-19 pandemic,
ministry in 2014. though there has also been a growth in the
“In my mind, the main indicator of a number of people who debunk this—
changing mindset is the multitude of peo- maybe not at the same pace. “But the good
ple directly telling me that they have thing is, you need very little rational
stopped using homoeopathy because they thought to take down a lot of irrational
now understand what medicine is and thought. Once you nudge people towards
what quackery is; are more aware of herbal logical thinking and looking for evidence,
liver injuries due to untested and unregu- it can change mindsets and habits expo-
lated Ayurvedic medicines; and have nentially,” says Radhakrishnan.
thrown away their non-beneficial dietary There is a large and growing commu-
supplements,” says Dr Philips, a specialist nity of people debunking health misinfor-
Rationalist groups have been campaigning to encourage an evidence-based approach to medicine; and (below) homoeopathic medicines are often diluted. in hepatology and liver transplant medi- mation in India today, like the Malayalam
ISTOCKPHOTO cine at The Liver Institute at the Rajagiri channel Lucy Malayalam; a pseudosci-
Although the gains Shrabonti Bagchi cine in homoeopathy’s cabinet—if pre- Hospital in Aluva, Kerala. ence-busting Telegram and Clubhouse pared in the classical way, the final prod- Dr Philips, better known as The Liver group, The Science Brigade; the Kerala-
made in promoting uct would contain exactly zero molecules Doctor on social media, has published based rationalist group Essence Global,

n July, a division bench of the of arsenic, making it about as effective as over 160 peer-reviewed scientific papers which runs a YouTube channel, Nueronz,
rational thinking over Supreme Court directed the Ker- tap water; but if prepared more, let’s say, in established medical journals, including that often features videos on pseudoscien-
legitimised quackery ala government, the Union min-
istry of Ayush (Ayurveda, Yoga,
enthusiastically, it could end up poisoning
people as the active ingredient is, indeed,
several on Ayurvedic medicines causing
liver injury. He led the 2020 hepatotoxic-
tific medical practices; the Kolkata-based
Breakthrough Science Society; and sev-
in India are small, they and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha
and Homoeopathy) and the Central Coun-
the known poison arsenic.
Traditional medicine systems like
ity study.
For five years, he managed to self-fund
eral regional-language YouTube content
creators like Mr GK in Tamil and Aastha
are gathering strength cil for Research in Homoeopathy, a Ayurveda do work with plant-based ingre- a lab that tested Ayurvedic and other tra- Mukti and Arpit Explains in Hindi.
research organisation funded by the min- dients that have formed the basis of drug ditional formulations cleared by the min- Many of them build upon the work
istry, to respond to a petition filed by a discovery over the ages, from aspirin to istry of Ayush. “We conducted large-scale done by rationalist organisations that have
Kerala doctor questioning the large-scale atropine and quinine, but there is a lack of chemical and toxicology analyses of vari- operated for decades—and while debunk-
distribution of the homoeopathic medi- certified practitioners, rigorous clinical ous Ayush formulations retrieved from ing health misinformation is not their pri-
cine Arsenicum album in the state during trials and standardised doses; “unknown patients. It was paid for from my own mary agenda, it forms a large part of their
the covid-19 pandemic. herb-herb and herb-drug interactions, pocket, for informing the public of the communication efforts.
It was a small institutional win in an adulteration of Ayurvedic drugs with dangers of untested and unregulated for- There are baby steps being taken
ongoing war that is usually fought on the other prescription medicines, and con- mulations. We voluntarily ended it this towards an institutional response as well.
slippery battleground of social media—its tamination due to poor manufacturing year but public discussion around our Dr Philips and several others from the
wins and losses measured in hesitant practices”, as a 2020 review of hepatotox- transparent results were the most signifi- community of myth-busters recently reg-
individual acknowledgements of doubt icity associated with traditional Indian cant victories. They led to people learning istered a non-profit called Mission for
about the efficacy of traditional medical Ayurvedic herbs noted. about and changing their thinking around Ethics and Science in Healthcare (MESH)
systems, or in the number of death It’s also a fact that people take it unques- alternative medicine-related misinforma- to advocate good public health practices
threats received by science communica- tioningly, as they do homoeopathy, tion,” says Dr Philips, who has a rock-star and battle health misinformation.
tors on any given day. because these traditional remedies are persona on social media—as much vener- “It is no more a battle in the shadows—it
While delivering the notice to respond widely believed to be “harmless”. “Even if ated as reviled for his no-nonsense, evi- has become an all-out, full-blown, trans-
to the government bodies, one of the it doesn’t help, it won’t cause side effects, dence-backed posts about the potential parent education of the masses through
judges on the division bench, Justice Anir- unlike allopathic medicines” is the general Dr Cyriac Abby Philips and harm of pseudoscientific remedies. instillation of scientific temperament,
uddha Bose, noted that he also “some- belief—and the reason millions of Indians Over the years, others have joined the critical thinking and rationality,” says Dr
times takes such medicines”, but contra- rely on these treatment systems every day several others from the crusade. “There is so much harmful pseu- Philips. “The machinery that we have cur-
dicted the Union ministry’s stand on the over seeing allopathic doctors for diseases community of myth-busters doscientific content out there that we rently to fight against health misinforma-
issue that it is harmless, saying it could be as grave as cardiac issues and cancer. But recently registered a non- need more and more rational thinkers to tion, pseudoscientific practices and
poisonous depending on the “level of dilu- are things changing, even if in ways almost call it out,” says Pranav Radhakrishnan, an quackery in India is small but it is strong,
tion”. as minuscule as the amount of active
profit called Mission for Ethics engineer-turned-science communicator and it is growing, because the common
Arsenicum album is a peculiar medi- ingredient in a homoeopathic remedy? and Science in Healthcare and content creator whose channel, Sci- person has entered the equation.”


Greater thrust needed for green energy transition LETTERS

T HE recently concluded Group of
20 Nations (G20) Summit has ap-
tion, floods, and wildfires will be the
norm; and, hence, a greater need for
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
warns the climate breakdown is “spin-
non-fossil fuel sources. We achieved
this target a decade ahead of the 2030
2070. It needs an estimated $160 bil-
lion annually to do this. What is need-
INDIA blind to Bharat success at G20
preciably focussed on the transition
towards green energy. Apart from
focussing on trade irritants, with the
global action to bring down energy
prices which are touching sky-high,
threatening to wreak households and
ning out of control.” The collective
response is lacking in ambition, cred-
ibility, and urgency.
timeline. Now, the country is raring to
achieve Net Zero Emissions by 2070,
in addition to attaining the short-term
ed is only adequate financing as India
is philosophically inclined to the green
energy transition. Now, the country
T HE country witnessed a mammoth show of G20 under
India’s Presidency that proved a tremendous success.
Vital deliberations were made threadbare culminating in
world’s most advanced nations in toe, economies alike. What does the green energy push targets which include: Increasing re- not only needs to spur technological a joint declaration that saw no dilution or India’s interests
the G20 group has resolved to triple The global energy crisis has made it mean for India? It benefits India im- newables capacity to 500 GW by 2030; innovations to cut the costs for more being diluted. Overall, the country won the admiration of
the global renewable energy capacity imperative to accelerate energy tran- mensely, by advancing its economic Meeting 50% of energy requirements efficient solar, hydel, and wind instal- the EU and the Western world for India’s resolution carry-
by 2030. In view of the rapidly rising sition away from fossil fuels towards development, improving energy se- from renewables; Reducing cumula- lations, but also prod the developed ing forward the roadmap in achieving self-sufficiency, in
CO2 emissions, not waiting for the renewable sources. Last year, the curity, hastening access to energy, tive emissions by one billion tonnes countries for technology transfer so terms of manufacturing, infrastructure, logistics, science
developed nations to cut down their globe added a record 300 gigawatts of and mitigating climate change. With by 2030, and Reducing emissions in- the pace of contribution of renewables & technology, defence production, poverty alleviation and
emissions, India has joined a band renewables. The International Renew- the second largest population in the tensity of India’s GDP by 45% by 2030. to the energy mix can be sped up. Ac- agriculture. But, sadly enough the Opposition deliberately
of nations aggressively pushing for able Energy Agency said that green world, India’s per capita CO2 emis- Developing countries, more so the cording to the International Energy blindfolded itself from all these deliberations and develop-
the green transition. With the Globe energy now makes up 40% of the total sions are at 1.8 tonnes per capita, Global South, has much to reap from Agency, coal use jumped by 3.3% last ments that have place at the G20 event; but, not forgetting
warming up like never before, unless installed capacity worldwide. Despite much lower than the global average India’s stellar success in this regard so year to 8.3 billion metric tonnes - a to berate and belittle the global event with usual diatribe as
there is a concerted push towards a that progress, the agency said the en- (the US accounts for 14.7 tonnes, far. India now relies on coal to fuel new record. The fuel comprises 36% Priyanka Vadra called it a washout, Lalu Prasad Yadav said
green and sustainable energy tran- ergy transition is off track: renewables China 7.6 tonnes). At COP-21 in 55% of its energy mix. It plans to se- of global electricity markets. To phase it was a waste of money while others alleged wholesale cor-
sition, systemic shocks in form of must hit 1,000 gigawatts annually to Paris in 2015, India committed to a cure 450 gigawatts of wind, solar, and down coal use, climate finance re- ruption. But, people of Bharat saw and enjoyed every bit of
extreme events such as desertifica- keep 1.5 degrees Celsius alive. The UN 40% share of power generation from hydro by 2030 and to hit net zero by mains a critical obstacle. action with an enormous pride.
K R Parvathy, Mysuru
Oppn boycott of news anchors unwise

Maligning the media is not ‘Samabhav’ A PROPOS, ‘I.N.D.I.A blacklists 14 TV anchors for
spreading hatred,’ (THI, Sept 15). The Opposition
front’s unprecedented step to boycott the news debates an-
chored by 14 hosts of the TV news channels alleging that
the hosts promote hatred stands hollow. The timing of the
The I.N.D.I.A has released a list of 14 names
are using words like “those of television news anchors whose shows of democracy and honesty? national media. If a news- decision strongly suggests that Opposition block wants to
support the ruling party are will be boycotted by the alliance’s media Targeting a group or brand- paper or TV channel works evade the inconvenient questions over the likely contradic-
anti-democratic.” Is this the representatives. The charge is “You make ing them as hate mongers is from Delhi, does it become tions and divisions over the issues of seat-sharing and lead-
inclusiveness the alliance is headlines against our leaders, make memes, the biggest example of hate national? What is the mean- ership among 28 parties formed to oppose BJP unitedly in
promising to give if it comes twist their speeches, spread fake news but politics. Only a few days ing of nation as per the Con- 2024 elections. The debates and discussion on televisions is
to power? we are ready to fight against that. If you back, Congress party said stitution of India? Nation an important event to elicit the views on the issues pertain-
If any party does not like spread hatred in the society which takes the form of violence, we don’t they believe in ‘Samabhav’. Is consists of a federation of ing to the country. However, by not participating in such
a newspaper or a news chan- want to be a part of that,” they said. Fine, if you don’t like what they say, branding few as anti-demo- states. That being the situa- debates on vital issues, the Opposition is allowing the ruling

HE Opposition bloc nel, well, it is their choice if you cannot defend your party, then don’t participate, but what right cratic Samabhav? Is this the tion how dare they call some party to establish the narratives that suits it. But, this bizarre
I.N.D.I.A (Indian Na- whether or not to partici- does this group have to call those who oppose them as anti-democratic? Mohabbat ki Dukan they are as national media and give decision certainly puts I.N.D.I.A front itself in disadvantage.
tional Developmental pate in the daily debates or Criticism is part of journalism. Only a few days back, Congress party showcasing? The I.N.D.I.A preference and discriminate N Sadhasiva Reddy, Bengaluru
Inclusive Alliance), a bloc give interviews to newspa- needs to answer. the regional media whose
of some political parties, pers whom they do not like.
said they believe in ‘Samabhav’. Is branding few as anti-democratic
The Opposition’s media readership and reach is al- Need to decarbonise shipping sector
Samabhav? Is this the Mohabbat ki Dukan they are showcasing? The
sometimes 26, sometimes
28 in number, whose ideolo-
gies and perceptions cannot
But no political party has
the right to call any media
print or electronic as anti-
I.N.D.I.A needs to answer sub-committee has also de-
cided to form a joint social
media strategy to bolster
ways very high. But things
changed for worse.
Slowly, the concept of al-
S HIPPING is one of the crucial elements of world econo-
my. It plays pivotal role in global freight transportation
by carrying 80 per cent of the traded value. But it accounts
be called as like-minded, democratic without any ba- democratic? Who are they fine keep away from them. their image and message. lurements in different forms for about 3 per cent of human made carbon emissions, with
has started their work on sis. First, they need to look to teach what is journalism? But how can anyone brand Can they assure that their depending upon what the a majority of the freight careers using fossil fuels. To decar-
a wrong narrative, wrong within and see if they are Another important factor is them as anti-democratic? social media wing will strict- party expects from them bonise the sector, it has to move beyond fossil fuels in com-
mindset. When the basic democratic or not. who is to decide what is hate This means that the concept ly follow Gandhian ideol- began. I can narrate certain pliance with the 2015 Paris climate change agreement. It can
premise is wrong, the solu- We have seen how in the and what is not? Criticism is of democracy of I.N.D.I.A is ogy and principles and will examples, but my ‘Sanskar’ use cleaner options like biofuels, LNG, Hydrogen fuel cells,
tions, too, would be wrong. last one decade, the political part of journalism. Secondly, submissiveness. see that their social media stops me from doing so. All Ammonia etc. The International Maritime Organization
The unlike-minded par- parties across the country, who is to decide what is hate Another point that needs wing will be 100% neutral that I can say is that some would like to cut greenhouse gas emissions by half by 2050
ties which have come to- irrespective of which party is speech and what is not? Cer- to be pondered over is and spread the message of allurements were given to a though not enough to contain global temperature hike of 1.5
gether, adopting the slogan in power, select the media as tainly not the politicians. whether they think that all love not hatred? If so how? handful of journalists to get degree Celsius by 2050. The efforts of IMO are not enough,
of Congress party’s ‘Bharat soft targets and act in a man- If the politicians think those who watch the chan- The coordination committee reports that the Congress every country should ratify acts to reduce emissions and use
Jodo,’ have proved that they ner where they want every they will decide what is hate nels which according to needs to answer. party would sweep polls in environment-friendly fuels to run the shipping industry.
are not willing to give up journalist to turn into a por- speech or the group of offi- them are anti-democratic are It should also delve into its 1983 elections and that NTR Arka Goswami, Durgapur
the legacy the country has ter or face discrimination. cials who work under them hardcore voters of the party past track record and indulge would bite dust.
inherited from the British The irony is the governments will decide, then that is not in power whom these chan- in deep introspection. The Again, when the army Take note of rise in Kashmir terrorism
– divide and rule. The very
first decision of the coordi-
nation committee that met
can be selective in dissemi-
nation of news, giving ad-
vertisements to select media
democracy. Hopefully, the
I.N.D.I.A is not propound-
ing this model of democracy.
nels are supporting. A large
number of people including
freedom fighters in the past
media was never so divided
till about four decades back.
Team I.N.D.I.A… please re-
had to enter Golden Temple
and the developments that
followed, some allurements
S IR, an Army Colonel, a Major and a DySP lost their
lives during an operation to flush out militants from
the Gadole area of Anantnag in Kashmir the other day. A
on Thursday started by tell- houses despite having well- They further said we have used to read Nehru’s ‘Na- call who was in power then? were there. Things started shadow group of Pakistan-based L-e-T, Resistance Front,
ing the media what Journal- laid rules and modalities but nothing against the anchors tional Herald’ newspaper but It was the Congress party deteriorating faster from has claimed responsibility for the heinous attack. This
ism is. Their understanding they feel that the journalists whom they decided to boy- it does not mean that all were which adopted the divide mid-90’s and now a stage has showcases the reality that the Indo-Pak border still remains
of Journalism unfortunately have no right to be a good cott but they love Bharat. I Congress supporters or vot- and rule policy. The genesis come where the government, porous through which Pak-trained militants continue to
is that who support the party communicator. tried to hear this statement ers. Similarly, all those who of categorising the media irrespective of which party sneak into the country, with local connivance. It is logistical
in power are democratic and The I.N.D.I.A has released more than once because it read Patriot a left paper were as “friendly media, national is in power, particularly in support militants receive from local population that needs
those who do not are anti- a list of 14 names of tel- sounded a little weird to me. not their voters. (Incidental- media, and other media” be- states, has started branding to be clamped on, without compromise.
democratic. Is the Mohabat evision news anchors whose Till Thursday, it was these ly, both are closed now.) gan during early 1980s. The each media with a tag and Dr George Jacob, Kochi
ka Bazar they are talking shows will be boycotted by very group members who So is the case with those improvisation now is party they not only discriminate
about? Apparently, for them the alliance’s media rep- had been saying that the who watch different news colors are given not only to in regard to release of adver- Kavitha cannot dodge ED probe for long
anyone who opposes them
would be anti-democratic,
not just media. How does
resentatives. The charge is
“You make headlines against
our leaders, make memes,
word ‘Bharat’ was unconsti-
tutional. It should be ‘India.’
By changing the name from
channels. The I.N.D.I.A
may say “oh we were only
referring to those 14 anchors
media houses but also those
who work there for a salary.
My contemporaries who
tisements but also indulge in
bargaining the rates.
This being the situation,
B RS, MLC Kalvakuntla Kavitha who received summons
by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the Delhi Ex-
cise Policy case said she would not be able to appear before
one look at this? Is it a warn- twist their speeches, spread ‘India’ to ‘Bharat,’ dictator- not the viewers.” But do not were on Congress beat in team I.N.D.I.A which talks the agency owing to preoccupation. It may be recalled that
ing that look if we come to fake news but we are ready ship is being imposed. The think the viewers and the 1980s would recall that of setting up ‘Mohabat ki Kavitha has been questioned several times before by the
power you better keep your to fight against that. If you word ‘Bharat’ is not secular. voters are fools and have no the party general secretar- Dukan’ should have come up ED. There is no doubt that the Liquorgate case is unmistak-
mouth shut, lest you would spread hatred in the society Then my dear leaders understanding. ies used to brand some as with a resolution to ensure ably closing in on her in the aftermath of Arun Ramachan-
be branded as anti-demo- which takes the form of vio- which ‘Bharat’ are you talk- I have a straight question friendly and others as na- conditions where the media dra Pillai turning an approver in the case. Kavitha said the
cratic? lence, we don’t want to be a ing about? What kind of for team I.N.D.I.A. Will the tional media and some as could be free and fair. But case was politically motivated; and compared the ongoing
On one hand they are part of that,” they said. Fine, maturity are these parties coordination committee take anti-Congress reporters. The the very first resolution talks ED questioning to a never-ending TV serial; but a soap op-
criticising the NDA govern- if you don’t like what they displaying? For a minute, a decision that come what regional media was looked of targeting and branding era will surely have an ending at one time or the other. As
ment led by Prime Minister say, if you cannot defend lets us agree that there are may, whether they win or down by them. There were media representatives. It has for teaching lessons to the BJP in the upcoming elections,
Narendra Modi of polarizing your party, then don’t par- certain media houses which not, they will not distribute many occasions when we, begun with 14 and if the me- this rests purely at the hands of the electorate.
the media and that some of ticipate, but what right does are pro-government. Well, if money to voters? Are they the regional media report- dia continues to be a meek K R Parvathy, Mysuru
the journalists are spreading this group have to call those that is their editorial policy ready for it? Are they willing ers, had raised serious objec- and silent observer, it will
hate and, on the other, they who oppose them as anti- and if you do not like them, to showcase the real example tion to the nomenclature of not stop here. India rightly brings focus on biofuels
I NDIA has made a commendable move towards a sustain-
able energy future with the launch of the Global Biofuel

Very few new antibiotics in the pipeline

Alliance (GBA). It involves biofuels sourced from renewa-
bles like sugarcane, grains, biomass, and agricultural waste.
It’s set to benefit agriculturally rich nations like India in
their pursuit of achieving a net-zero carbon goal by 2070,
simultaneously reducing dependence on costly oil imports
New Delhi pharmaceutical companies. more importantly, coordi- signal to companies that in- and enhancing its energy security. Additionally, cost-effec-
The assessment also covers nation and collaboration is vesting in them is not a pri- tive biofuel production will boost industry competitiveness
ACCORDING to a World incentives to support antibi- the key,” said Richard Law- ority. The way to solve this and attract investors.
Health Organization otic R&D and what needs to son of CARBX (Combating is to improve the conditions Devanshi Mehta, Hyderabad
(WHO) database, of the 297 be done further. Antibiotic Resistant Bacte- through the use of incen-
antibiotic medicines that are AMR, antibiotic resist- ria Biopharmaceutical Ac- tives, and the world’s lead-
being researched on glob- ance in particular, is a silent celerator), which supports ing economies have a role to
ally, only 77 are undergoing pandemic that is one of the small and medium antibi- play in this.”
clinical trials. This is mi-
niscule compared to over
10,000 for cancer, over 1,800
biggest public health threats
of current times. The misuse
and overuse of antibiotics in
otic developers.
Lesley Ogilvie of Global
AMR R&D Hub pointed
CSE researchers call for
critical reforms to stimu-
late the antibiotic R&D
for neuropsychiatric condi- humans, animals and crops out that “despite progress ecosystem for a sustainable
tions, and about 1,500 for is making antibiotics inef- we still have a fragmented and equitable antibiotic ac- Sir MV’s contribution to the country
endocrine, blood and im-
mune disorders. Centre for
fective due to growing re-
sistance in bacteria against
pipeline and what we are
really lacking is the predict-
cess. There is a need for
greater public financing, a
and state is unparalleled: DKS
Science and Environment This is signalling a dire public health emergency that antibiotics. About five mil- ability that would encourage coordinated response from BENGALURU: Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar on Fri-
(CSE) director general Suni- needs global coordinated action to address the growing lion deaths worldwide were the development of a more national governments and day said that Sir M. Vishweshwaraiah was the finest engineer
ta Narain says: “Antibiotics antibiotic resistance. Most antibiotics developed over associated with antibiotic sustainable and healthier striking the right balance in of the country and is eternally respected. Shivakumar along
are getting increasingly inef- the last decade are not novel enough and insufficient to resistance in 2019. pipeline. We need to build public-private partnership with Satish Jarkiholi and Ramalinga Reddy garlanded the statue
fective. This silent pandemic treat multi-drug resistant bacteria. The global antibiotic Analysis of clinical pipe- more robustness and resil- for antibiotic development. of Sir M Vishweshwaraiah at KR Circle on the occasion of his
of antimicrobial resistance line of 15 high-earning ience in funding for the an- They have highlighted that 163rd birth anniversary. Later speaking on the occasion, Shiva-
is taking lives. What is more pipeline for new antibiotics is weak, particularly against companies revealed that of tibiotic development pipe- antibiotics have attributes of kumar said people of Bangalore should reverentially remember
frightening is that not only Gram-negative priority pathogens. Short-term scenario the total 1,007 candidates, line.” Global AMR R&D is a a ‘global public good’ despite Sir MV as the engineer-statesman’s long range vision enabled
are we not conserving the is bleak and long-term scenarios lack promise. Most big only 13 are antibacterials global partnership currently not fitting into the strictest Cauvery river to reach the capital city of Bengaluru. “Sir MV’s
existing stock of medicines, pharmaceutical companies who were developing anti- which are developed by four consisting of 17 countries, definition. long range vision ensured setting up of power generation units.
the drug pipeline for new biotics earlier have left the space and are now focussing companies. CSE researchers the European Commission “These life-saving anti- His contribution to the country and state is yeoman,” Shivaku-
antibiotics is drying up.” point out that a majority of and two philanthropic foun- biotics must be conserved, mar added. Venkatashiva Reddy, President of Karnataka Engi-
“In the years to come on more profitable areas like cancer and rare diseases antibiotic developers are dations. which means careful, re- neers Federation, in his address said the Engineers are inspired
we are heading for a triple small and medium scale Acknowledging the crisis stricted use, even if less by Sir MV and are following in his footsteps. “I appeal to the
jeopardy: one, the antibiot- on Antimicrobial Resistance highlighted how the global companies. “These com- with antibiotic R&D, James money is made in sales. Ac- state government to celebrate Sir MV birth anniversary official-
ics we know today would (AMR), an independent antibiotic pipeline is weak panies are struggling and Anderson from IFPMA cess to these medicines is ly in the lines of Dr Ambedkar and Gandhi Jayanthi,” he added.
be increasingly ineffective; international advisory and across the pre-clinical and need support,” says Rajesh- (International Federation critical to be ensured: drugs K T Nagaraj, General Secretary of Karnataka Engineers Federa-
two, there would be no new advocacy body which has clinical development stag- wari Sinha of CSE. “Push of Pharmaceutical Manu- will have to be affordable, tion, Vice President D K Devaraj, KEB Engineers Association
antibiotics available; and, heads of states, ministers and es. They have analysed the incentives have challenges, facturers & Associations) which also limits the profit General Secretary T N Sudhakara Reddy, Vice President Shi-
three, there would be a criti- government officials, civil clinical pipeline of 15 high- but they are working. The said: “Currently, society and interest of pharmaceutical vanand Hoogar, Krishnamurthy, President of PWD Engineers
cal need for access to these society leaders, and repre- earning pharmaceutical main limitation of any push healthcare systems place a firms. So it is time to look at Association, Principal Secretaries and Secretaries, Chief Engi-
medicines for all,” Narain sentatives from the private companies to understand funding organisation is that low value on antibiotics de- antibiotics as a global public neers and Engineers of Read more at
all technical departments, boards and
added. Narain is a member organisations as its members. their R&D focus and the they alone can’t do the job. spite the public health risks good,” said Narain as she (Bengaluru edition)
corporations were present on the occasion.
of the Global Leaders Group CSE researchers have role of small and medium More money is required but of AMR, sending a clear concluded the webinar.

Printed and Published by K. Hanumanta Rao, on behalf of Hyderabad Media House Pvt. Limited, Flat.No.609, 6th Floor, Kirti Shikhar Building, Plot.No.11, Dist.Center, Janakpuri, New Delhi- 110058.
and Printed at M/s. Marutinandan Printers & Publishers, A-15, Bara Bagh, G.T Karnal Road, Industrial Area, New Delhi - 110033. Chief Editor: V Ramu Sarma. RNI No: DELENG/2017/74095
A different language is
a different vision of life Fellini

08 TIRUPATI, SATURDAY 16 09 2023

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LL languages were initially spo- A language is just a common set of rules. A little study ther more nor less.” One can’t do that with
ken; writing came much later. an expression like sanatana dharma. It
INDIAN EXPRESS IS NOT AN As a language, Sanskrit flows of the rules would go a long way in understanding it means eternal dharma, nothing more and
freely. It doesn’t like stops. Hence, nothing less. Dharma means something
— Ramnath Goenka words tend to combine with that holds up, and there can be no quarrel
each other and merge. Svagatam about that. Of course, there are different
does mean welcome. But it is ac-
tually Su+agatam, which means, ‘Your ar- LOST CONTEXTS contexts in which the expression occurs,
not just Shiksha Valli. Many people have


rival is good/welcome.’ Spoken fast, this written on sanatana dharma and what it
becomes Svagatam. There are grammatical means. Coincidentally, a book authored by

TAMIL NADU FOR OTHERS rules for combining words, i.e., sandhi and
samasa. The word sandhi means combina-
Partho (who is mononymic) has just been
published by Blueone Ink Publishers, titled

TO FOLLOW WITH CAUTION tion or union. The word samasa is a bit

like abbreviating.
Without boring the reader with Sanskrit
This is Sanatan Dharma. Irrespective of
the context and irrespective of who has
written, the expression means eternal

grammar, when there is sandhi, the two dharma, which is the foundation that holds
OT a largesse; it is a recognition of rights!” That is how words combined don’t lose their innate BIBEK Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to up society, with different manifestations
the Tamil Nadu government’s advertisement on the new meanings. With samasa, the meaning of the DEBROY the Prime Minister and expressions.
social welfare scheme of `1,000 monthly financial assist- combined word may be completely different It is perfectly possible for someone to
ance for women screamed from newspapers. As Chief from the meanings of the two original have a problem with the practice of the
Minister M K Stalin launched the first-of-its-kind scheme words. Every language loves to play with varna system. In the West, there has been a
words; puns are an example. In Sanskrit, long tradition of discussing logical falla-
on the birth anniversary of Dravidian icon C N Annadurai, playing with words and their meanings is cies. There was this tradition in India, too,
more than one crore women beneficiaries in the state are ec- staple fare. The conversation between Rama more so in Sanskrit, and this means
static with their newfound agency and are flashing their brand and Shurpanakha in Valmiki’s Ramayana Buddhism too. Whether West or East, there
new debit cards. It is a new benchmark in social welfare schemes is an instance. Rama never lied. But each is a fallacy known as hasty or false generali-
anywhere in the country. More than 1.06 crore eligible appli- sentence had a double meaning and what sation. Or perhaps one has in mind straw
cants have received a direct bank transfer. Stalin has said the Rama said was quite different from what men or red herrings, other examples of
Shurpanakha thought he said. faulty reasoning.
monthly honorarium scheme, a key feature of the DMK’s 2021
For both sandhi and samasa, there are The point is that unless one is Humpty
election manifesto, serves two purposes: it recognises the untir- different rules. Every student of Sanskrit Dumpty, there is no equivalence between
ing work of women and helps them live with self respect. The knows about the shloka which is a conver- sanatana dharma and the practice of var-
scheme is expected to cost more than `12,000 crore, which many sation between a king and a beggar. The na. There are many who have been critical
believe is not a big deal for TN’s growing economy. Public sector beggar tells the king, “Both you and I are of the latter but have been sufficiently
and cooperative banks are happy that lakhs of new savings ac- Lokanathas. I am bahuvrihi and you are knowledgeable about the former, to not in-
tatpurusha.” Bahuvrihi and tatpurusha are dulge in false equivalences and hasty
counts are being opened across the state.
two different types of samasa. generalisations. There is ignorance and
The other welfare scheme that has drawn national attention What does the word Lokanatha mean? there is incompetence.
is the pioneering breakfast programme for schoolchildren. The (In writing Sanskrit words in English, There is a principle known as Hanlon’s
government has rolled it out to 31,000 government primary there should be the ‘a’ at the end. If razor. Paraphrased, one shouldn’t attribute
schools to benefit 17 lakh students. Special attention has been Sanskrit is intended, one should write SOUMYADIP SINHA to malice something adequately explained
given to how the scheme is rolled out across the state and the Bharata. With Hindi, Bharat is fine.) Loka by stupidity. The opposite also stands: one
balance of nutrition given. The scheme is another big step, means ‘the world’ and natha means Subsequently, as with contemporary convo- tually means ‘the shining one’. Skipping the shouldn’t attribute to stupidity something
‘lord’. With tatpurusha, Lokanatha means cations, students took a pledge. That bit details, I can have an alternative meaning adequately explained by malice. Sometimes
along with the mid-day meal, in ensuring that hunger is not a lord of the worlds, as the king is. With ba- from the convocation address goes, Matride- of the samasa, i.e., ‘be a guest who is re- reasoning is delinked from rhetoric.
barrier to education. Though the state government is vehement- huvrihi, Lokanatha means someone for vo bhava, pitridevo bhava, acharyadevo spected’. This is contrary to the usual mean- Or perhaps one goes back to Humpty
ly opposed to the Centre’s New Education Policy, it had no whom the world is a lord. This makes sense, bhava, atithidevo bhava and so on. The ing but grammatically correct. Dumpty and the philosophy of language.
qualms about implementing the breakfast scheme the policy since the beggar has to go around seeking trick to understanding the meaning of any I don’t think too many people, except Language means we have a common set
suggested. New Delhi itself has not implemented the breakfast alms for survival. sentence—in Sanskrit more than any other those who specialise in Sanskrit, have read of rules, so that words have a common
scheme or helped others do so. Atithidevo bhava—what does this mean language—is to get a handle on the verb Shiksha Valli. It says things like Satyam meaning that everyone understands. One
and where is it from? This has become a first. In this case, the verb is bhava. This vada, dharmam chara, meaning ‘speak the can deviate from this while using ciphers,
These fund-guzzling welfare programmes enjoy tremendous
tagline for welcoming visitors and tourists, means this is an imperative instruction to truth, follow dharma’, and Esha dharma so that only those privy to the key can un-
public support and are a lure for other states to implement. But and we translate it as ‘a guest is a god’. ‘you’ in the singular. ‘You’ are being in- sanatana, which means ‘this is eternal derstand. But that’s not what one does in
they are, perhaps, exemplars only for the financially sound Tithi is a lunar day, and atithi=a+tithi. A structed to ‘be’. Be what? Be one to whom dharma’. Like a disease, if sanatana dhar- public speeches, where every person who
states, not the economically fragile ones. Even for TN, whose pre-announced and invited guest is not the mother is like a god, the father is like a ma is to be eradicated, I should treat the hears is expected to comprehend. Hence,
outstanding debt has ballooned to `7.54 lakh crore according to quite an atithi but is someone who turns god, the acharya is like a god and the atithi mother, the father, the acharya and the the message of eradication was sufficiently
its 2022-23 budget estimates, these welfare schemes may mean up unexpectedly. is like a god. guest like devils, never speak the truth and clear. Like a disease, eradicate the founda-
Few know that this is from the Shiksha In case you haven’t guessed, expressions follow adharma. tion. Reminds me of a line from the Book of
that capital expenditure would need to be lowered if revenues
Valli section of the Taittirya Upanishad. A like atithidevo are bahuvrihi samasa. But Of course, there is Humpty Dumpty, who Lamentations in the Bible: “Persecute and
do not increase. Replicating them in other states with an eye on segment from this, the 11th anuvaka, is the as in the conversation between the king and had a great fall. To quote Humpty Dumpty destroy them in anger from under the heav-
the 2024 election may prove perilous if it’s not weighed against first recorded convocation address in the the beggar, this isn’t the only meaning pos- from Lewis Carroll, “When I use a word, it ens.” There is indeed a lot to lament for.
overall financial health. world by a guru to graduating students. sible. The word deva does mean god but ac- means just what I choose it to mean—nei- (


Political mouthpieces
HE skies opened up on coastal Libya this week. Unprece- Ref: Oppn bloc blacklists 14 television news
dented rainfall claimed more than 6,000 lives in the east- anchors (Sept 15). Ever since the BJP came to
power, a section of the media has become its

ern port city of Derna. The city’s mayor said that at least
20,000 others are still missing. The week before, the same ITH two successful moonshots mouthpiece. Newsroom debates on selected
and a Mars orbiter in the bag, a channels are now chambers of vitriolic hatred
rain clouds had caused widespread floods across the Medi-
solar probe in flight and a aimed at the opposition. The INDIA bloc’s
terranean in Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey. At the same time, an manned mission on the calendar, decision is fully justified.
earthquake flattened 50,000 houses and killed 5,000 in Morocco. the Indian Space Research Or- Dr Biju C Mathew, Thiruvananthapuram
PRATIK Editor of The India Cable
Nature is in no mood to relent this El Niño season. But what ganisation (ISRO) is rebranding KANJILAL
aggravated the blows were shoddy construction, crumbling in- itself according to changing per- G20 success
frastructure like dams, and unready local governments. ceptions about India’s place in the world. Ref: One tamasha, too many agendas (Sept
Similar downpours played havoc in Himachal Pradesh earlier The coincidence of an unexpectedly suc- SPEAKEASY 15). The columnist has articulated well the
cessful G20 summit and a deservedly suc- chronological evolution of the G20. Barring
this year. More than 300 people died over three months as a di- cessful moon landing sharpened that per- the pomp and huge cost which are inevitable
rect result of rain-wrought devastations. Dozens of bridges ception. At the same time, it is also Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson are pursu- spurred by the surge in defence research for events of this sort, the G20 summit was
were washed away, scores of buildings collapsed, and sliding sharpening an irony that has dogged India ing three goals: tourism at the edge of space, and innovation during and after World War a resounding success in terms of its focus
hillsides piled tonnes of rock on highways. Hundreds of hill from the time when the first sounding rock- reusable rocket technology for high traffic, II. As the nuclear age dawned, détente en- and objective. Global acceptance of the Delhi
villages are still without the full service of roads that are their ets took off from Thumba in Kerala—it’s a and the really big one—preparing for the sured that technologically capable coun- Declaration is a case in point.
lifelines. Here, too, similar administrative failings were on dis- spacefaring nation that cannot feed, clothe peopling of the moon and the planets. But tries could not go to war with each other K Venkatasubramanian, Coimbatore
and educate its people. in space, as in all else, it is economics rather any more. They competed by signalling the
play. Roads were broadened without firming up hillsides, houses The most compelling pictures of ISRO than science which determines outcomes. threat of violence. Space technology is dual Not tamasha
were erected on untested soil, and low-slung bridges were built were shot by Henri Cartier-Bresson in 1966, Currently, making moons and planets fit for use, and during the Cold War, when a nation Kajal Basu’s One tamasha, too many agendas
without accounting for such extreme events. Several regions of showing a man wheeling the nose cone of a human habitation isn’t commercially via- sent a vehicle into space for the sake of sci- (Sept 15) lacks foresight; he points out that
Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand remain imperilled. rocket to the launch pad at Thumba on the ble for both corporates and governments. ence, it signalled its ability to drop a bomb `4,110 cr has been spent on G20 for no reason.
The next calamity is a question of when, not if. While the fight carrier of his bicycle. Until the Chan- anywhere on earth. It’s a psychologically It is worth mentioning the fraudulent manner
to slow down climate change is a global, multi-generational drayaan project began, the Indian space compelling message because the weapons in which previous governments conducted such
programme was identified with jugaad, platform could be up there anytime, like the summits. The writer has missed mentioning
grind, disaster planning and resilience testing of infrastructure
and ISRO had defined itself as the world’s Sword of Damocles. the advantages for India in the years ahead.
can be improved right away. The benchmarks they are tested cheapest provider of launch vehicle tech- After the first orbiter, Sputnik 1 of the The nation wants to be a permanent UN
against can be upgraded. Earlier this year, India led the G20 nology. The jugaad tag persists. Man- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, reached member, and several G20 countries back this.
nations in setting up a disaster risk reduction group. Its five galyaan was budgeted at $73 million and in low earth orbit in October 1957, it ran a S P Muralidhar, Davangere
action areas of early warning systems, infrastructure resilience, the US, National Public Radio marvelled sound and light show for the whole world
that it was astronomically cheaper than for three weeks before its batteries ran out. Teachers’ decorum
financing, reconstruction, and ecology-focused risk reduction
NASA’s $671-million Maven orbiter. It cost It was visible as a fast-moving point of light, Ref: Teachers must mentor, not divide
need to avoid the analysis-paralysis such multilateral efforts are
less than the Hollywood film Gravity. After and it sent out a cheerful beep on the short students (Sept 15). It is shameful that a few
prone to. We cannot just be global thought leaders on the subject, Chandrayaan 3 landed safely, ISRO chair- wave which could be received by home ra- teachers subject their students to physical
we need to lead the battle on our own ground first. In July, the man S Somanath laughed off questions dio sets. It was a cheeky public message to and mental torture, violating the Right to
Council on Energy Environment and Water, a think tank, told about the frugality of the mission, for fear the Americans, letting them know who was Education Act. That this happens along caste
us that Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka that other space projects would start emu- ahead in ballistic missile technology. The and communal lines is pathetic. Teachers’
were among 12 states that were least prepared for extreme floods. lating ISRO’s strategies. From Henri Cartier-Bresson’s power inequation was reversed in 1969 by appointments should be based on merit,
This week, the National Disaster Management Authority tested But jugaad may have little to do with IS- iconic 1966 picture of Indian rocket Apollo 11, which decisively put Americans character, attitude, and previous track
RO’s economics. The Martian and lunar scientists to Chandrayaan 3, India on the moon. records. They also shouldn’t be hand in glove
an emergency phone alert system across the country and found missions slashed costs by using the angular Now, India is doing some geopolitical sig- with politically-oriented teacher associations.
several gaps. It reminds us that as the climate changes at its momentum of the craft in the earth’s gravi- has certainly soared high nalling with its space programme. The US G Nataraja Perumal, Tenkasi
inexorable pace, we need to change faster. tational field to sling it towards its target, wants it to exert its influence against Chi-
reducing the need for fuel. This is not ju- In its moon missions, ISRO has focused na’s maritime ambitions. India is techno- Farooq’s proposal
gaad but a completely scientific idea— on a single but crucial component of the big logically and economically far behind Chi- Ref: Talks with Pak: Farooq proposes, BJP
Q U I C K TA K E Arthur C Clarke used it in 2001: A Space project, which would bring it prestige and na, but it can show off its capabilities in one disposes (Sept 15). Pakistan is in the throes
Odyssey in 1968, a year before Apollo 11 set establish it as a stakeholder: water. The de- domain: space. It explains why it is impor- of an economic chaos and is led by a caretaker
LET TEACHERS TEACH off for the moon. Apart from that, the cost
of inputs, from human resources to rivets,
tection of water on the moon was based on
ISRO data, and Chandrayaan-3 has landed
tant to put an Indian on the moon—putting
boots on the ground is a more compelling
government that is subservient to the Army.
India’s space successes and political stability

HE Bihar government recently directed district magistrates are low in India. in a polar region, where it is more likely to signal than sending out drones. Of course, rankle Pakistan. Conducting Assembly polls
not to engage state school teachers in recruitment exam du- ISRO did not set out to compete with the find water ice. A finding would make the the old irony remains, of a nation which in J&K will bring back Mehbooba Mufti or
technologically advanced nations. Vikram region, where other nations have not ven- has the wherewithal to put a citizen on the Farooq Abdullah, who are known to soft pedal
ties. That brings up a grim matter. Surveys regularly reveal
Sarabhai was focused on development, not tured before, a focus of the search for signs moon but had to screen the slums and tene- separatism and kowtow to the neighbour.
improving teacher-student ratios in state schools. However, stud- the prestige that moon missions bring— of lunar life. And if water ice is discovered ments of its capital from the disapproving India needs to be vigilant on its borders.
ies also show teachers spend only 19% of their teaching time imaging for earth sciences and weather in bulk, it would make it the obvious place gaze of G20 delegates. Parthasarathy Mandadi, Tirupati
teaching. Non-teaching activities take up the rest. The National forecasting, and geostationary satellites for to set up lunar bases. But displacement analysis (how many
Education Policy recognises the problem, disallowing teachers running TV stations for national integra- Historically, space missions have served slums could be improved for the price of a Sleep woes
to take up “non-teaching activities during school hours”. But tion. Sarabhai had no idea that anchors yet scientific purposes only incidentally. They lunar mission) has its limits. India is any- I agree with the quick take Sleep better to
they continue to do polling, census or vaccination campaigns, unborn would polarise viewers and pro- are packaged as national prestige projects way not going to be a developed nation for save the day (Sept 15). Getting around six
mote national disintegration. designed to overawe the geopolitical compe- decades. It can afford to send a citizen up and a half hours of sleep on weekdays seems
count cattle, verify Aadhaar cards, procure school supplies, and Even now, when the private sector is tak- tition and transmit polite threats. Perhaps alright for a healthy person but seven hours
there right now, and hope that the world
serve mid-day meals. Such multi-tasking initiatives shouldn’t be ing the lead in the US, Indian objectives re- that was because the development of rocket gets the message. of sleep is ideal.
at the cost of students’ learning. main different. Between them, Elon Musk, science and related technologies was (Tweets @pratik_k) K Nehru Patnaik, Visakhapatnam


Chairman of the Board: Manoj Kumar Sonthalia Editor: Santwana Bhattacharya
Resident Editor (Andhra Pradesh) T Kalyan Chakravarthy * Published by R K Jhunjhunwala on behalf of Express Publications (Madurai) Private Limited, at 4th Floor, No. V, MM Complex, Opp. More super Market, AIR Bypass Road, Tirupati - 517 502. and printed by him at Sakshi Press, Survey No.2/4, Kotha palem Village, Renigunta Mandal, Tirupati Revenue Division, Chittoor
District - 517 520 Tirupati: Vol. 09, No. 220. RNI Reg. No. APENG/2015/64463. Phone: 0877-2238202, Fax: 0877-2239005. *Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act. Copyright: Express Publications (Madurai) Private Limited. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.
Volume XXX Number 131


T N NINAN We must accept that the INDIA alliance has the right to has to be over the publication of lists like these.
Because you can be sure that this will be the first,
Being people-centric boycott anybody it wishes. But the list of TV anchors is
almost like painting a target on people’s backs
but not the last.

W ho’s a journalist, what is journalism, what’s

ndia’s governments at the Centre and in the states are not the world’s biggest good or bad are eternal debates. And it is a good
spenders. In many regions, governments have been spending more in relation to

as the Opposition alliance, INDIA, made a first time, and INDIA has not cast the first stone with thing that we are still talking about it with such pas-
their country’s GDP: The advanced economies most of all, but also Latin America, brilliantly defiant move by announcing a this boycott. The BJP has done it forever, just more sion. Here is something there is no debate about:
the economies of Central and East Europe, and those in Central and West Asia. But boycott of 14 prominent news anchors, cleverly and silently. At various points, boycotts of There is no government, irrespective of which party’s
governments in India are not slouches when it comes to spending. According to the whom they accuse of “partisanship and hate-mon- this channel or that has been announced on Twitter it is, that does not misuse power against journalists.
numbers in the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook, Indian govern- gering”? Or is it an indefensible misstep, a shot (renamed X) by its leading lights. Some use less visible methods, like denial of
ments spend about 28 per cent of GDP at the all-India level. That is more than in many of fired in anger regardless of the justification? Will it It is also known where its spokespersons and key advertising to those media institutions seen as “not
the economies in Southeast Asia, as also in Sub-Saharan Africa (which is to be expected). help their cause or that of the Bharatiya Janata functionaries will appear and where they won’t. For friendly”. You and I know what that means. Every
India also spends much more than South Asian neighbours like Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, Party (BJP) in the long run? evidence, check out NDTV before and after Adani. party, at this point, does it. This is combined with
again in relation to GDP. The first answer to all these and other such As I write this, I see Finance Minister Nirmala denial of access. Again, all parties do it. The third,
questions has to be another question: Who is a Sitharaman on my TV screen. That is some change and the most dangerous, is the misuse of the law,
What are the results of such spending? Bangladesh, for instance, has government
journalist? What is the definition of a journalist from about five years ago, prior to the Adani take- police and the “agencies”.
expenditure that is barely half India’s, at 14.5 per cent of GDP, but it has better life expec-
today, and who determines whether someone is over, when the channel was fully boycotted. While we keep listing the excesses of BJP govern-
tancy and more years of schooling. It has also more or less caught up with India on per truly a journalist or not? It is just that the BJP was more sophisticated ments, others can’t claim to be holier-than-cow. The
capita income. Southeast Asian economies like Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam also do This argument isn’t about the track record of any about it. They didn’t make a formal announcement Mamata Banerjee government’s arrest of ABP News
better on health and education despite their governments spending a smaller component of these TV anchors. As far as I am concerned, I am (barring one odd exception), nor did they say they journalist Debmalya Bagchi is only the latest exam-
of GDP. These and several other countries also have lower fiscal deficits and mostly have among the growing number of Indians who no longer wouldn’t appear on this or that anchor’s shows. But ple. Almost all other state governments have some
lower public debt; Bangladesh’s is half India’s 83.2 per cent, and Vietnam’s is even lower. see the primetime TV “debate” as a news product. everybody knew what was going on. Denial — or similar victimisation under their names. Filing police
Nor can it be said that India’s greater spending has delivered better infrastructure. How Many watch these. Some to see their favourite grant — of access is a weapon newsmakers use across cases against journalists on the flimsiest grounds,
does one explain this? anchors bash the guests from the “other” side, some the board. It isn’t limited to politicians. Film and ranging from sedition to threat to public order, has
One answer is that percentages can mislead. A higher percentage of a lower GDP per because the daily fracas is by now an addiction, but sport stars, corporate leaders and sometimes even now become a Standard Operating Procedure for
head could translate into less absolute spending per head than a lower percentage of a most others for their pure entertain- civil society activists employ this. state governments. In this environment, how is
much greater GDP, again per capita. So India could have a bigger government relative to ment value. As journalists, we will never INDIA trying to convince the uncommitted that it is
its GDP, yet spend less per head than the higher-income countries of Southeast Asia — This very Indian genre of TV endorse it. In an ideal world, all any different from the BJP, which it accuses of com-
and therefore deliver inferior outcomes on health and education. Bangladesh is the obvious debate has done more to harm jour- journalists would have fair access munalism, high-handedness and even fascism?
nalism than any politician or politi- to newsmakers, both in the ruling Liberalism is INDIA’s brand proposition as
exception for spending less per head and still delivering better outcomes.
cal party. We are in a situation where party and the Opposition. But this opposed to what it describes as the BJP’s narrow-
But it is also true that where governments in India have provided services of various the richest media groups no longer isn’t the best of all worlds, and our minded bigotry. This listing of its no-go anchors does
kinds (schooling, medical care, etc), they have invariably been sub-standard. So it is worth send out reporters to research stories wishing can’t change it. That’s why not strengthen that claim.
examining the Prime Minister’s comments on making government programmes more on the ground, where nobody plays we must accept that the Once again, this is not an argument for their “jour-
people-centric rather than government-centric (translation: Better delivery with less leak- editor on a TV show, as the star Opposition alliance is similarly nalism”. That there is hate on many of our TV chan-
age). More recently, in the context of the G20 summit, Narendra Modi also argued for a anchors are themselves their own within its “rights” to blackball any- nels is a fact. That hate sells and is TRP/market-
shift from a GDP-centric view to a human-centric view.
To his credit, Mr Modi has been doing what he now advises in terms of delivering people-
editors and the most powerful fig-
ures in their studios.
NATIONAL INTEREST body it wishes to.
They can instruct their leaders,
friendly, makes it even worse. That hate,
hate-mongering, and the popularity of hate needs
related basics: Universalising the supply of electricity and tap water, giving clean cooking Who would dare to tell them, SHEKHAR GUPTA members and spokespersons not to be fought, is an imperative. The place to fight it is
fuel to housewives at a subsidised price, accelerating government-subsidised house con- “Boss, this isn’t appropriate”. Or, to appear on certain shows. What the world of ideas and ideologies, in public and polit-
struction, providing lavatories, making available free grain and free medical insurance, and “this is inaccurate”. To tell them whether something takes this to a complicated and debatable level is the ical debate. Not by, and I repeat that line, painting a
dishing out cash to farmers. Remarkably, while doing this, he has also increased government is fair or not. Forget it. That is all the stuff that the fact that they named these anchors and published a target on the backs of your selected few.
investment, most notably in the transport infrastructure. For the future, he has launched an editor is supposed to do in a conventional news- list as well. Those things often do not end well. This Since his Bharat Jodo Yatra, Rahul Gandhi has
room. That institution has faded away in the past is almost like painting a target on people’s backs and been repositioning his party (and by implication
expansive incentive programme to encourage investment in chosen manufacturing sectors.
two decades into near extinction. The most perilous publishing their names in a list. What is to stop the INDIA, the alliance it leads) as “Mohabbat ki Dukan”,
It is too early to reach conclusions about the social and economic outcomes from this
thing that can happen to a newsroom is having the “other” side, or the many “other” sides, from doing a shop dispensing love. In the runup to the 2014 elec-
approach, in part because of the government statistical system (no census, no consumption creators of its prime content act as their own editors. something similar tomorrow? And what if those tions, he gave his first full length interview to Arnab
numbers, etc) but also because the more recent initiatives are still to play out. However, This has been the norm on news TV. That’s why other sides do not stop at merely publishing these Goswami. He said he wanted to reach out and open
one problem is already visible: General government (Centre and states) revenue as a share each show is such-and-such anchor’s show. Not lists in press releases? himself to questioning by his biggest critic first. Now,
of GDP has seen a slight drop over the last several years, while expenditure in relation to such-and-such channel’s show. That’s probably why What if they start putting up hoardings in their his party says it will do just the opposite.
GDP has gone up by about a percentage point compared to a decade ago. Consequently, INDIA is naming and boycotting anchors but not states for better “exposure”? What if some “other” Whether he was right then, or his party and its
the deficit has grown, as has public debt — some of it doubtless on account of Covid. The their owners, or even the channels. groups then say they are banning these people for allies are wiser now, is something they need to
rating agency Fitch has mentioned the fiscal situation as a key issue. On any particular channel, for example, they being thieves, thugs, anti-national? There is no limit debate internally. We can only say that this does
If both deficit and debt are to be brought down to the levels in comparable economies will boycott Ms Y. But they have no problem appear- to stupidity once you’ve unleashed it. Remember not align with the Mohabbat ki Dukan proposition.
without squeezing spending, the painless way is through rapid economic growth, which ing on the shows of Mr A or Ms B. This is a dangerous that principle we repeat often: Never knowingly set More important, it doesn’t help their cause politi-
delivers more GDP per head. And however people-centric governments want to be, more over-personalisation of journalism, for which the a bad precedent. Because once you do it, it justifies cally when all they needed to do was instruct their
money for social investment and welfare packages will become available only by refocusing greatest responsibility lies on the shoulders of the the others’ actions as mere retaliation. And the others people internally not to appear on these channels.
expenditure, or (again) through economic growth. Southeast Asian economies benefited owners who run editor-free newsrooms and the are invariably guaranteed to make it worse. They’ve chosen to make a public spectacle instead.
primetime stars themselves. Because they chose to The argument, therefore, cannot be whether One thing it won’t change, unfortunately, is the
because they did both and are better placed today. Growth matters. Governments should
keep it this way. They enjoy the limelight and the these anchors are good journalists or bad, or whether type and quality of “journalism” these 14 do.
be more human-centric but also GDP-centric. power, they also get targeted as individuals. they are hate-mongers or true nationalists, pro-BJP
First of all, this isn’t a game being played for the or merely more market-friendly. The first argument By special arrangement with ThePrint

Uncertain future for TDP was just the law taking its own course. He is
readying to act against Mr Lokesh as well in
the same case as his father. If Mr Lokesh too
The storytellers’
appointed BJP state unit chief of Andhra
Pradesh. Despite the BJP’s unwritten support
to Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, the Andhra
Many district-level TDP leaders and MLAs
have joined the YSR Congress. Arresting Mr
Naidu is like sending a signal to other TDP
is sent to prison, the TDP will have to be man-
aged by Atchen Naidu, the president of the
Andhra Pradesh unit of the party, and former
Pradesh chief minister who has put Mr Naidu leaders — that they could meet the same fate. education minister G Srinivasa Rao.
in jail, for Ms Purandeswari to criticise, albeit Meanwhile, anxiety is gnawing at the TDP. It does make you wonder. Mr Naidu was EYE CULTURE foundational ideas of heroism and
mildly, the manner in which Mr Naidu was Mr Naidu managed all the affairs of the party the raja of undivided Andhra Pradesh and good and evil drew upon a common
arrested, means something. and had designated no one except his son to he’s the one who transformed the state.
ARUNDHUTI DASGUPTA set of motifs and belief systems that

Others who have rallied in support of Mr oversee things. Who would now handle the During the first phase of his chief minister- s the tents rolled up on the G20 flowed along the trade routes.
Naidu are only a few. Pawan Kalyan of the organisation? ship (1995-2004), Microsoft Chief Mentor Bill (+1) jamboree in New Delhi ear- Similarly, folk tales and ideas
Jana Sena was at the gates of the prison One door closes and another opens. Gates invested heavily in Hyderabad. Tony lier this month, and a flurry of bounced around the world, regaling
PLAIN POLITICS where Mr Naidu has been lodged within
minutes of his arrest. This is also mildly sur-
Unknown to the mainstream media, Mr
Lokesh has done a padayatra across the
Blair and Bill Clinton had both visited him
in Hyderabad. Time magazine named him
hugs and triumphant smiles greeted
a blitzkrieg of flashing lights, a remark-
audiences everywhere, and creating a
spidery trail of analogous ideologies
ADITI PHADNIS prising. Just weeks ago, Mr Kalyan was at the state. Faced with Mr Naidu’s incarceration, “South Asian of the year”; the governor of able inter-continental trade alliance and social codes. For instance, the
meeting of the National Democratic Alliance this could be Mr Naidu’s NT Rama Rao Illinois created a Naidu Day in his honour; made its place in the world. The India- story of Sheikh Chilli from India and

t Rajamahendravaram central prison, (NDA), trying to persuade the BJP to tie up moment — the collapse of his government, and he only had to ask for money and he got Middle East-Europe Economic corri- Persia is about a young man who,
he’s just A/37 — that’s how Nara with the TDP and junk the YSR Congress as the images of NTR sleeping exhausted, it — from the Asian Development Bank, the dor, or IMEC, which was soon dubbed overjoyed with his chance possession
Chandrababu Naidu is known after its favoured partner in the state. He found stretched across benches at Hyderabad air- World Bank, the British government. His the New Spice Route, is being seen as of a jug full of oil, began dreaming
he was arrested on corruption charges and no takers for Mr Naidu in the NDA. Mr port after returning from an open heart sur- greatest regret was that Hyderabad was one of the biggest payouts of the sea- about all that he would do with the
lodged in the Rajahmundry jail. The biggest Naidu’s offer to the BJP on a three-party tie- gery to find his government had been dis- passed over for Formula One racing when a son. It has been called historic, a game money he would earn upon its sale,
issue before the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) up in the state met with a tepid response missed by Governor Ram Lal … if Mr Naidu track was to have been laid in India. changer, and the White House has only to drop it all and weep when the
now is: Who’s going to run things? And are after he met Union Home Minister Amit remains in prison longer, Mr Lokesh will From that to this? The only question now called it a project that will “usher in a castles that he had built in his mind
they ready for a leadership transition? Shah in June. Read with Ms Purandeswari’s have no option but to take the reins of the is: Is his being in jail a threat? Or an opportu- new era of connectivity”. disappeared in a flash. The same idea
Transition, because the leadership record defence of Mr Naidu, it would suggest some party and force it to respond to his signals. nity? How will the TDP capitalise on it? Or It may well live up to the hyper- emerges in a story about a daydream-
of Nara Lokesh, Mr Naidu’s son, does not kind of covert alliance. The only problem There is no doubt that current events will it succumb, imploding with nothing bole. But the negotiating heft on dis- ing son of a rich merchant in Baghdad
inspire confidence. There is support for Mr with such deals is that they never remain have demoralised the TDP. Even with the more than a sigh? play at the G20 tables is no guarantor and an old woman with broken pots
Naidu across the board — with Akhilesh covert for long. How did things come to this? bracing effect of Pawan Kalyan, it will take It could also be that the voters in of success. As accounts of old mari- of milk in several parts of Europe. The
Yadav at one end of the spectrum to D Without going into the merits or otherwise time for the cadres to bounce back (the Jana Andhra Pradesh (which is due for time corridors and land routes that lesson everywhere is: Don’t count your
Purandeswari at the other — all protesting of the case against Mr Naidu, it is important Sena and TDP will fight the 2024 Lok Sabha Assembly polls in a few months) transfer linked East to West reveal, trade is as chickens before they hatch.
at the way he was jailed. Mr Yadav is predict- to note that the politics of vendetta and ven- elections together). Mr Reddy, meanwhile, is their sympathies to Mr Naidu in the same much about deals and bargains as it Ancient networks helped people
able in his response, given that he is opposed geance is innate in the politics of Andhra moving in a slow, almost meditative manner. way they did to Jagan Mohan Reddy after is about a spirit of exchange that tran- travel, learn, inform and exchange.
to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its Pradesh, given the feudal nature of its elite. He was abroad when the arrest took place. he was put behind bars. Either way, politics scends the transactional. Algebra, the early forms of vaccination,
allies. But Ms Purandeswari (in addition to Mr Reddy has already decimated all but So voters in Andhra Pradesh can decide in Andhra Pradesh is a reminder that in Along the Silk Road, a fairly recent the numerical significance of zero
being Mr Naidu’s sister-in-law) was recently the core of the TDP’s elected leadership. whether he had anything to do with it, or it Indian politics, you never can tell. name given by a German geologist found their way West from the East,
that does not really do justice to the without compensation or copyright.
network of routes that it covers, there As did literary works such as the
was a back-and-forth of ideas, stories Panchatantra, The One Thousand and

If Mother Nature were to come calling and goods. Stories spread through the
markets of Samarkand (Uzbekistan),
Kabul and Balkh (Afghanistan),
One Nights of Scheherazade and the
Shahnameh, while epics such as the
Ramayana and the Mahabharata
causes and concerns that will make their enclosures for all our Macbooks, Apple TVs, Mother Nature asks: Where? Taklamakan (China) and several other found a million different interpreta-
brand “look good”. Apple watches … Employee: Paraguay. Brazil. bustling points of sale along the road. tions and listeners in China, Indonesia,
During one such conversation last week, A little later in the video, there is another Mother Nature: Are you trying to save Exchanges were just as energetic Malaysia and the Philippines.
I tried explaining to an over-anxious CEO interesting interaction. the Tropical Savanna? along the maritime runways that con- Merchants on the old trade routes
that with increasing global surface tempera- Mother Nature: Electricity status? Employee responds confidently. Yes. nected the ports of Masulipatnam were not just purveyors of goods, they
tures, the possibility of more droughts and Apple employee speaks up: We’re oper- And we’ve also restored the mangroves in (Machilipatnam in present-day found friends and lovers among the
increased intensity of storms is becoming a ating on 100 per cent clean electricity. Columbia. Andhra Pradesh) to the Golden people they bartered with. In Peshawar
certainty. More heat in the atmosphere and Mother Nature: What operates on 100 per Mother Nature: What else? Chersonese (the Malay peninsula) in Pakistan, its arterial street is called
warmer ocean surface temperatures can lead cent clean electricity? Apple employee: Grasslands in Kenya. and to Rome. Trade between the Quissa Khwani Bazaar or the story-
to increased wind speeds in tropical storms. Apple employee continues: Every Apple Mother Nature: Why? Indian kingdoms and the Malay pen- tellers’ market, harking back to a time
YES, BUT... We saw that happen recently in Odisha. And office, store and data centre runs on clean Apple employee: Our aim is to perma- insula date back to 200 BCE, accord- when the place buzzed with traders
we will see it re-occur in other geographies electricity, thanks to you and your powerful nently remove carbon from the atmosphere. ing to historian Barbara Watson from all parts of the world, where one
SANDEEP GOYAL too, frequently and increasingly. But the CEO wind and sun. A visit by Mother Nature to the head- Andaya (Narratives, Routes and imagines they spoke of Panchatantra
remained impervious to any such conversa- Another Apple employee adds: And quarters of most companies in India would Intersections in pre-modern Asia). and Ibn Battuta.

n average, 26 million people are dis- tion: He just wanted to “showcase” his com- Apple offices are already carbon neutral. not elicit answers that would even be The markets drew the attention of Historian Peter Frankopan writes
placed by disasters such as floods, pany to investors, analysts, and policymakers Mother Nature: This building is carbon remotely close to the Apple spunk and con- writers, explorers and cartographers. (The Silk Roads: A New History of the
rains, and storms every year in India. by talking about some groundwater and rain neutral? fidence. Most CEOs in India would rather A Chinese geographer writing two mil- World) about how trade networks
That’s one person forced to flee every second. harvesting initiatives at the company’s man- Apple employee: Yeah. We do it with a support “causes” that make for good brand lennia ago marvelled at the legendary play a central role in global history
Last year, more than 172 million people fled ufacturing locations — the understanding mix of clean energy and eliminating green- imagery and perhaps win some advertising negotiating skills of the inhabitants of while serving as conduits for religious
disasters in 125 countries and territories. of a bigger picture was completely missing. house emissions. awards. That most “causes” are vague, and Bactria (Afghanistan), while Ibn ideas. Consider, for instance, the halo,
Disasters displace three to 10 times more There is a very interesting WhatsApp The conversation then turns to trans- non-specific doesn’t seem to worry most Battuta, an Arabic explorer, wrote a common visual symbol across reli-
people than conflict and war worldwide. The video going around these days on Mother portation. head-honchos. As long as the right boxes are about Black Sea ports that were gions. While it is not clear where it
number of climate-related disasters has tri- Nature’s visit to Apple headquarters. When Apple employee: I’m proud to report that being ticked, and it all “sounds” nice, kuchh heaped with trade from steppe: Grains, originated, it is believed to have
pled in the last 30 years. Between 2006 and Mother Nature (played by Octavia Spencer) we’re shipping more products by ocean bhi chalega is the general attitude. timber, furs, salt, wax, and honey. hitchhiked its way through the world
2016, the rate of global sea-rise was 2.5 times asks about materials usage, the interaction rather than air, which reduces transportation In conversation with another corporate Trade illuminated the world, on the Silk Road. As a universal
faster than it was for almost all of the 20th goes something like this: emissions by 95 per cent. leader from the agri-tech sector recently, I through precious stones, silver, marker of divinity, the halo has found
century. According to UN estimates, the Mother Nature: Materials status? Mother Nature’s deputy is surprised and mentioned how climate change can severely spices, silk, and other items that followers in every religion and it may
developing world is already spending over Apple employee: Yes. We are in the pro- impressed. Trying to get his boss’ validation, disrupt crop cycles and cause low agricul- hopped from port to port or oasis to well be one of the most lasting trades
$150 billion every year on adapting to climate cess of eliminating all plastic from our pack- he asks: 95 per cent? Not too bad. tural yield. Agriculture, with its allied sectors, oasis and through the stories that to have ever taken place on the route.
change and coping with its damage — the aging by the end… Apple employee: I am also happy to is the largest source of livelihood in India travelled alongside. Ancient trade routes powered civ-
news gets worse, with the figure climbing to Mother Nature interjects: Let me guess, report that we’re also investing in projects and contributes significantly to the economy. For example, tales of heroes across ilisations to glory and also dragged
$300 billion by 2030. 50 years from now when someone else is around the world that protect the Earth’s soil, Low yields can hit the rural economy and cultures bear an uncanny resem- them into ruin, but the legacy they
In corporate boardrooms in India these holding the bag. plants and trees. push inflation in urban areas as well. What’s blance to each other. Be it Rustom leave behind is that of shared storytell-
days, there is more talk with the ad agency Apple employee: …by the end of next Mother Nature scoffs and rises from her your plan? “Soon”, he said noncommittally. and Sohrab in the Shahnameh or the ing and religious pluralism. The chal-
on ESG, SDGs and CSR than brand building. year actually. chair: Everyone says they’re planting trees. All I ask is, when will “soon” happen? Irish legend of Cuchulain and Conlai, lenge for IMEC would be to use its
There is an increasing desire to be instantly Another Apple employee adds: And we Apple employee takes Mother Nature on: the tragic life of a hero plays out in inheritance to empower nations in the
“woke” — by identifying with environmental are also currently using recycled aluminium We’ve planted forests. The writer is chairman of Rediffusion very similar ways. Everywhere, the new geopolitical map of the world.
6 . bl . think



Arrest this cynicism

oes the West still view
India with suspicion on its
stand on Russia oil? Or has
the West’s need for fossil
Competitive politics has touched a new low in AP fuel and Russia’s position
in the global energy space softened its
position on India?

T he charged campaign months ahead of the The changing dynamics in the global
Lok Sabha and Assembly elections, which oil space also shows consumers like
India are emerging as a voice for
are expected to be held concurrently in bringing market stability — after all if
Andhra Pradesh, has become very murky indeed. there are no buyers where will suppliers
Former chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu has go?
So, has the price cap on Russian oil
been arrested on allegations of major corruption in purchase been a success? The opinions
what has come to be known as the skill development vary. Yes, output cuts have happened but
scam. Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has wasted no parallelly in sync with the global oil
prices, there has been an upward swing

India should assert

time in mounting a counterattack, accusing in prices of Russian oil variants too.
Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP) According to Bob McNally, founder
chief and C M YS Jagan Mohan Reddy of siphoning and President of Rapidan Energy Group,
a DC­based consulting firm, and former
off ₹2.50­lakh crore from the public exchequer. White House energy policy advisor, “The
“He shouldn’t gloat (at Chandrababu
Naidu’s arrest). He should worry about his
own disqualification from politics,” said
TDP Polit Bureau member Yanamala
main goal of the price cap was to prevent
EU sanctions on Russia from
overtightening the crude market by
offering an off­ramp. In this objective,
the cap has been successful. However,
until recently, the cap's success was
itself in the oil market The dynamics of the global oil market are fast changing.
Ramakrishnudu. Jagan, with 38 cases facilitated by Urals trading below the
against him, is among the top three chief $60 capped level. Now that Urals is India must leverage its position as a major consumer
ministers in India with the longest list of above the cap, it will pose a stress test
cases against him, others being Telangana for policymakers.”
CM K Chandrashekara Rao with 64 cases “I expect soft enforcement to
continue for the time being, but should Russian oil and increasing the risk for fourths of the tanker capacity that cuts, Myllyvirta said adding China’s
and Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin with 47 US officials believe the cap was tankers that load Russian oil, driving a carries its exports. This shows that if the restocking has made this easier but that
cases. Reddy is also the richest CM in India beginning to restrict Russian exports, wedge between prices paid for oil from price cap coalition could overcome its support should have played out by now.
with ₹510 crore of movable and immovable they would move to increase it,” he said. Russia and other sources. This happened habitual timidity and implement the “Demand destruction due to high
assets. He himself was in jail for 16 months There was a time when all fingers at a time when Russia's need for tanker policy to its full potential, this would prices and triumph of EVs will make it
were being pointed at India for not capacity increased, as oil began to be have a massive impact on the revenue hard to sustain the high prices though. If
between 2012­13 following CBI’s following the G7 price cap on Russian transported longer distances, e.g., to accruing to the Russian state and to the the price cap on Russian oil was
investigation of corruption charges related crude oil and also flooding the market India instead of to Europe.” military,” he points out. successfully lowered and enforced, that
to investments made by various companies with Russian processed refined According to Myllyvirta, “It would would change the incentives for Russia
in his business, allegedly in return for petroleum products. Has that changed LAX ENFORCEMENT highly likely have made purely economic from a high prices approach to a high
now? But most agree that the enforcement of sense for India to join the price cap. volumes approach which would balance
favours granted to them during the tenure “With distillate stocks low and prices the cap has been lax. There is no way for Russia to sell its oil if the market on a lower level,” he pointed
of his father, the late YS Rajasekhara Reddy and spreads high, officials are more “However, the enforcement of the India stopped buying, so the country out.
as CM. However, the charges against Naidu worried about oil prices derailing the price cap has been very lax from the start would have very strong market power if As McNally puts it, “India’s
are equally serious. The Andhra Pradesh soft landing and therefore will likely and market participants have gradually it joined the cap rather than individual emergence as a big and growing oil
CID has alleged that Naidu is the primary continue to tolerate India's diesel learned not to expect consequences buyers trying to negotiate discounts consumer, crude oil importer and
exports even if refined with Russian from violating the policy. Russia and with Russian exporters.” product exporter coincides with a
beneficiary of a scam that involves ₹371 crude,” McNally said. OPEC have successfully gamed the oil India has become a hub for refining sea­change in global geopolitics,
crore of government funds that were Lauri Myllyvirta, Lead Analyst; market and pushed Russia's selling Russian crude oil, due to the “refining presenting novel risks and
allegedly transferred to shell companies. Co­founder Centre for Research on prices above the price cap — this is only loophole” that the US, EU and others opportunities.
The funds were meant for skill Energy and Clean Air, an independent possible when the cap is not being left in their bans on importing Russian Most importantly, after decades of
international research organisation, enforced effectively,” Myllyvirta said. oil, he said adding that “There are opening and engagement, democracies
development centres for the unemployed. feels that “Overall, Russia’s revenues The price cap has had an impact but increasing calls from Ukraine and within are turning to confront China’s
The YSRCP hopes that this rather from oil exports have dropped sharply not to the intended extent, for two western countries to close this loophole, nefarious expansion.”
well­timed arrest would confuse the TDP this year, while the invasion has driven reasons: failure to revise the level of the but as long as these governments “Other drivers include pressure to
cadre. Naidu had been attracting large up military expenses. The fall in tax cap down periodically, failure to enforce continue to allow Russian oil refined in implement stringent decarbonization
revenue from oil already helps limit the cap effectively, he added. third countries into their markets, it’s policies, the bifurcation of global oil and
crowds in his public meetings before his Russia's military spending and end the “Russia continues to rely on tankers hardly realistic for India or other gas markets due to Russia’s invasion of
arrest, and the Jagan establishment was war more quickly.” owned or insured in Europe for three countries involved in the refining trade Ukraine, and increased assertiveness
being weighed down by anti­incumbency. He also pointed out that “It's been to close the loophole for them.” and independence by Saudi Arabia and
With Naidu’s incarceration, the YSRCP hard to distinguish the effect of the EU's The price cap on Russia Are the recent decisions of the oil the UAE on the global stage,” he said.
hopes that the Opposition’s campaign oil import ban and the oil price cap on producing nations changing the Clearly, the changing dynamics in the
Russia's earnings. Our analysis has been was largely ineffective due dynamics of the global oil market? global energy space have turned the
would lose steam. TDP, on its part, banks on throughout that the import ban is by far to its lax enforcement and spotlight on consumers like India.
the arrest generating sympathy for Naidu the most impactful measure. The price OUTPUT CUTS As a major consumer, it is now up to
who has been extolling his “selfless service” cap did however contribute by limiting the West’s failure to reduce OPEC+ has successfully stayed ahead of India to leverage its position to its
and attacking politics of vendetta against the tanker capacity available to move the cap periodically softening demand with their output advantage.
him. Members of the national coalition,
INDIA, have calculated that it might be an
opportune moment to convert Naidu to
their cause, although he has been eager to
win the BJP’s favour. On Thursday, NDA
All you need to know about the Nipah outbreak
partner Pawan Kalyan of the Jana Sena
Party (JSP) announced an alliance with the With two deaths reported in Kerala, the State is now in full alert for containing the virus
TDP and hoped that the BJP too would join
them. The BJP is simultaneously being
courted by the YSRCP.
bl explainer the urine or saliva from infected fruit
bats, according to the World Health
What is the risk of the virus
spreading all over India?
Organization. Kerala has been internationally
The State sends 25 MPs to the Lok Sabha PT Jyothi Datta recognised for its adept handling and
and the BJP can take its pick between the Why is it in news now? containing of Nipah in 2018. The
What is the Nipah virus? Two deaths from Nipah have been political establishment at the State and
two competing contenders. The cynical
Nipah is a zoonotic virus, transmitted reported in India, from Kerala. About six the Centre, and work by the doctors and
exploitation of the State’s resources and when a person is in contact with an people are infected according to reports supportive healthcare ecosystem helped
enforcement agencies by each of these animal carrying the virus; consumes or on Friday. contain the infection within a month
players is obvious, but apparently of no handles food contaminated by it; or But India is no stranger to Nipah, with since it was first reported, mid­May.
political significance in the heat of the through close contact with a human recent outbreaks in 2018 and 2021. This time too, similar efforts are
carrying the infection. So healthcare KERALA STATE. In vigilant mode PTI underway. Doctors and the surveillance
campaign. In this slugfest, institutions have workers and care­givers are at risk. What is the mortality and infrastructure in the country need to be
been eroded everywhere. A known natural reservoir for the contagion risk in this virus? alert for similar symptoms, say
virus is the bat family — the Pteropus bat The Nipah virus must be contained, no primary treatment or vaccine epidemiologists, as surveillance is
species (popular as the fruit bat or flying given its high mortality rate. The available for people or animals. intensified in neighbouring States. .
fox). Epidemiologists clarify, of 1,00,000 infection can lead to acute respiratory Immunological and drug therapies are
bats only four or five could be carrying
the Nipah virus. And shedding of the
distress, encephalitis, and/or seizures,
and can progress to coma within 24 to 48
said to be under development.
But there are simple ways to prevent
What are the Centre and Kerala
government doing about it?
virus in secretions is not uniform — so it hours. and contain transmission of infection — The Centre has sent teams to Kerala to
takes a lot of things coming together for The case fatality rate is estimated at including staying away from (and not take steps required to contain the virus,
a virus to jump species. 40­ 75 per cent, the WHO said, although destroying) bat habitats; not consuming and samples have been sent to National
In the first recognised outbreak in this could vary depending on local half­bitten fruits and maintaining Institute of Virology (Pune). The Kerala
Malaysia (that also affected Singapore), capabilities for epidemiological hygiene standards — including boiling government has set up containment
the infection came from direct contact surveillance and clinical management. freshly collected date palm juice, zones in Kozhikode, where the
with sick pigs or contaminated tissue. washing and peeling these fruits before infections were first diagnosed, contact
Later infections in Bangladesh and India What are the common treatments consumption. Hygienic agricultural tracing (of people the infected may have
are said to have been from the for the infection? practices involving the handling of pigs been in touch with) has been undertaken
consumption of fruits, fruit products Those infected by the Nipah virus are and goats, for example in farms help and educational institutions have been
(raw date palm juice) contaminated with treated with supportive care, as there is keep the virus at bay. shut, as a preventive action.

LETTERS TO EDITOR Send your letters by email to or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu businessline, Kasturi Buildings, 859­860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.

Ratings impact easy but so has cheating consumers. trade across countries, is purely is a realistic and factual reflection of October 2023 and as a prelude it
The Market fluctuations reflected by There is also no licensing or ‘perception based’ and ‘narrow.’ the kind of reforms. We would like to demanded data on carbon emission
movements of Sensex and Nifty in the monitoring system for online selling. Earlier this year, India’s rank went up showcase those and it (World Bank) on products from exporting
recent past reflect by and large, Even to open a petty shop one needs by six places to 38th out of 139 should take into account these while countries with strict rules for
realities. But there's one area where it to produce documents and is countries in the seventh edition of determining our ranking, compliance.
takes longer time to absorb positive subjected to stick to laid down by a the LPI 2023. S Muthulakshmi The government must render
indicators and that is the rating of number of authorities. But one is able India wants the World Bank to take Virudhunagar ministerial help to exporters for
India and Indian institutions by to sell even medicines through online into account several measures sending the required data and help
international bodies. mode. So it is time for the taken by the government on the Carbon tax challenge them to retain their exports to EU
One could have ignored it but for its government to regulate this sector. logistics front, such as the Apropos ‘Countdown begins on EU with paying the required carbon tax.
impact on costs of external AG Rajmohan GatiShakti initiative, while carbon tax’ (September 15), the NR Nagarajan
borrowings and value of Indian Anantapur determining the logistics ranking of Carbon Border Adjustment Sivakasi
currency. It is time to for an countries. India has started Mechanism(CBAM) is a tariff imposed
India­based Global Rating Agency. Gatishakti initiative engaging with World Bank’s key on carbon intensive products Erratum
MG Warrier This is with reference to the article, officials, drawing their attention imported by the European Union. The headline of the interview with
Mumbai ‘World Bank must revisit India’s towards emphasis on The tax is intent to ensure that Gurpreet Chhatwal published in the
Logistics ranking’. The government objective­based methodology for imported goods are subject to the edition dated September 15, 2023,
Online worries believes that the biennial index — the ranking. same carbon cost as products refers to him as Managing Director,
Your editorial, 'Playing with Patterns' Logistics Performance Index (LPI) — We want our ranking to improve produced within the EU. The Crisil. Chhatwal is MD, Crisil Ratings.
is timely. Online buying has become by the World Bank, to assess ease of and it will improve only when there implementation is to start from The error is regretted.

Published by Nirmala Lakshman at No 19&21, Bhagwan Mahaveer Road, Bengaluru­560001 and Printed by C. Sridhar at Plot No. 13­D, Bommasandra­Jigani Link Road, KIADB Industrial Area, Bommasandra, Anekal Taluk, Bengaluru ­560099 on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD., Chennai­600002. Editor: Raghuvir Srinivasan (Editor responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act). ISSN 0971 ­ 7528

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SEPTEMBER 16, 2023


E STA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 24
Barkha Dutt


Yet another Media as the

virus alert
Nipah outbreak holds lessons for governments
fall guy is not
a new story
on the need to improve disease surveillance
and pharma industry to work on vaccines

uthorities in Kerala on Friday confirmed
that a sixth person has been infected with
the fatal Nipah virus. The outbreak has
brought back Covid-era curbs for the first Boycott of select journalists, as ment. But for as long as I have been a journalist,
there has been some politician or the other (in
time for any Indian district in more than 18 months, announced by INDIA, has both camps) who has at some stage or the
with parts of Kozhikode — the epicentre — being always existed. Just that it may other, refused to grant me professional access
cordoned off as a containment zone. Businesses, or even access to meeting sources under his/her
never have been declared watch. Usually, this comes from a sulk about an
schools and public places have been shut, and the officially via a press statement adverse interview or commentary. Sometimes
only people visible are health workers in personal it stems from playing to an imagined gallery —

protective equipment (PPE) suits in a stark reminder hould politicians be boycotting indi- a boss to please, a troll army to get hurrahs Has INDIA, the Opposition alliance, made a mistake by releasing the names of 14 television
vidual journalists or even entire from and so on. anchors that it will no longer fraternise with? ANI
of the year 2020. But it is more than just the spectacle media houses? Has the Indian Politicians who maintain an open channel of
of empty streets and hazmat suits: The fresh Nipah National Developmental Inclusive professional communication notwithstanding PM Narendra Modi has historically had an cancel culture) confuses me. It lists individuals
outbreak is an important reminder of looming Alliance (INDIA), the Opposition alli- critiques are the exception and not the norm. adverse view of much of the English language and not their organisations. So, is the boycott
ance, made a mistake by releasing the Personally, I can think of only two leaders who press since 2002 when he was chief minister only of that one show by that one anchor?
challenges India, and the world, became acutely names of 14 television anchors that it will no have shown that openness — LK Advani and based evidently on his belief that the liberal What about instances where the individual
aware of three years ago. longer fraternise with? Or has it taken a legiti- Manmohan Singh. As a young reporter, I media was out to get him. Since then, as PM, he named is also the editor or the promoter of the
First, it is a reminder of lurking biological threats. mate decision? Can there be any circumstance remember receiving the odd phone call from has done multiple interviews, but only with network? Will there be no interviews on that
where it is considered acceptable for a person Advani to drop by for a cup of tea to amiably journalists of his choosing, and no open, free- channel as a whole?
The Nipah virus is zoonotic, which means it can in public life to pick and choose who they speak debate and disagree over some point or the wheeling press meet. Rahul Gandhi has done Will Opposition governments withdraw
jump between species. When it was first detected in to? other. Manmohan Singh, as Prime Minister multiple open press conferences, but in recent advertising? Will young reporters who attend
1999, the outbreak was believed to have originated in In an ideal world, the answer to that ques- (PM), was at the receiving end of scathing criti- years his interviews have also been only with press conferences from that channel be asked
tion has to be a resounding no. cism. But he never blocked access to meeting journalists he considers friendly, or at least not to leave? Individuals, unless they are the bosses
bats, which passed the pathogen on to pigs, which But we do not live in a Utopia. And in the real officials in the PM’s Office and was always civil hostile to him. as well, hardly ever craft editorial policy. So, if
then infected pig farmers. The next outbreak, in world, if we were to make an appraisal of when he met you, even if he saw you as a Unlike in the United States where the First it is about accountability, why are those at the
2001, was when people in Bangladesh likely caught India’s new channels and the relationship “critic”. Amendment has made free speech almost a top of the totem pole — powerful businessmen
between media and politics, we would need a cultural value, access to public figures is not and influential owners — not being made
the virus from bat droppings and saliva, which are longer answer than a pithy yes or no. institutionally guaranteed in India. “Access answerable?
believed to have contaminated fruits. The fruit bat is No matter which side of the media boycott UNLIKE IN THE UNITED journalism” is caricatured as a pejorative. The I am not a fan of boycotts — neither de facto
known to be the reservoir for the virus and at least debate you are on, I can say this much. India’s STATES WHERE THE FIRST truth is that if reporters cannot access their nor actual. But political parties are all borrow-
broadcast media, through a series of self-in- sources and if officials or netas are too terrified ing from each other’s playbooks. And the media
two other species, pigs and humans, are susceptible flicted wounds, has ensured that no matter who
AMENDMENT HAS MADE or wary of meeting you, it interferes directly is unlikely to be able to present a united or
to it. Such zoonosis is what has worried infectious is in government, television news will find it FREE SPEECH ALMOST A with your ability to tell a story to your audience. effective counter.
diseases specialists for decades. The fear is that very difficult to retain credibility, independence CULTURAL VALUE, ACCESS It is also true that the TV media’s descent India’s channels, after all, are as polarised as
or authority going forward. into polarised political camps, banal shouting they are polarising.
similar evolutionary strides can lead to another First, some home truths for those who live
TO PUBLIC FIGURES IS NOT matches and vile hate-mongering makes it a
Covid-19 or, worse, a virus with Covid-19’s pandemic- outside the world of news and politics. Boycotts INSTITUTIONALLY medium that is tough to stand up for or get agi- Barkha Dutt is an award-winning journalist
grade infectiousness and the 25-90% fatality rate of have always existed. Just that they may never GUARANTEED IN INDIA tated over. But INDIA’s public statement (aside and author.
have been declared officially via a press state- from the fact that I am not a fan of any side’s The views expressed are personal
Ebola, another zoonotic virus.
Second, it underscores the challenge for the world
to keep monitoring such threats. Nipah’s symptoms

Kuno cheetahs offer

insights on cheetah ethology within a year, the
overlap in the early days with common influenza experience has provided valuable insights for its
(fever, respiratory trouble), but with a fatality rate of field management. Broadly, this can be high-
45-70%, it by no means is innocuous. Its later-stage lighted as below:
symptoms resemble Japanese Encephalitis, another
viral disease that involves the fatal swelling of the hope for conservation One, managing the source population of chee-
tahs in Kuno for generating a reproductive sur-
plus, in-situ prey augmentation, field protection,
state-of-the-art monitoring, use of technology,
brain. Both these traits make it hard for disease
eptember 17, 2022 is an important date in phases. Hard release of cheetahs from the boma habitat management vis-à-vis the inherent bio-
surveillance mechanisms to detect signs in time. In
this regard, Kerala — with experience of an outbreak
in 2018 — has shown how critical surveillance is. It
identified from the first couple of patients —
S India’s conservation history. This was the happened subsequently with GPS-based radio-
day when cheetahs from Namibia were telemetry monitoring. Each free-ranging chee-
released in the Kuno National Park, Mad- tah was monitored by a dedicated team of nine
hya Pradesh by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. persons along with a vehicle. Cheetahs in the
An eventful year has passed since then. wild were regular in making kills. The animals
logical carrying capacity of the habitat for the
cheetah, and related managerial themes.
Two, putting in place preventive and control
measures for addressing human-cheetah inter-
face conflicts with rapid response teams
including the index patient who died on August 30 — Over time, there has been a global preyed upon were wild species (spotted Three, building up protection infrastructure,
that this was a Nipah outbreak. In the days since, it decline of cheetahs in the wild. Hence, deer, sambar deer, chousingha, black monitoring capabilities, and improving the prey
in-situ conservation of the species buck, chinkara, nilgai, hare, and pea- base in other habitats — Nauradehi and Gandhi
has identified close to 1,000 people who may have through reintroduction in geographi- cock). The kill interval from three free- Sagar wildlife sanctuaries.
caught the disease or passed it on. Identification and cally isolated protected areas across its ranging cheetahs was around 5.6 days. Four, adopting a centrifugal landscape
contact tracing are the pillars of shoe-leather historical range is important. The Only a single instance of livestock dep- approach for cheetah management with gainful
cheetah is facing severe challenges and Rajesh redation has been reported. The cheetah exercise is successful, raising community stewardship and stakeholder
epidemiology that can make the difference between is struggling for its survival. The global A year is too short to get insights into hope for such ventures in the future ANI engagement, based on a multi-sectoral master
nipping an outbreak in the bud, or letting it snowball population is around 7,100 individuals, cheetah ethology. The life history traits plan for the cheetah landscape, with due legiti-
to epidemic proportions. Not many Indian states restricted to 9% of its historical range. of cheetahs are well documented in the southern hemisphere. Further mortality in the macy for implementation and monitoring
The cheetah’s status in Asia is South African context. Cheetahs reach context may not be ruled out for said reasons, through an administrative mechanism, based on
have the capacity to do that. alarming and the species has been extirpated sexual maturity around two years of age. The since the circadian rhythm may require consid- multi-dimensional, sustainable indicators.
Third, it brings back into view the lopsided from 98% of its historical range. A critically gestation, as typical of felids, is around 90 days erable time for getting tuned to locality factors. The landscape approach in the context needs
priorities of global medical research and response. endangered population of Asiatic cheetahs sur- with a litter size ranging from two to four cubs. In the wild, the life span ranges from 10 to 12 to focus on multi-stakeholder engagement. The
vives only in Iran. The species is “protection-reli- Post-natal care is done by the mother alone. The years. In nature, cheetahs face threats such as concerns of the cheetah, as well as other wild
Nipah has largely been a disease of the Global South. ant” and hence, needs to be fostered through diet ranges from small to medium-sized mam- habitat loss, poaching, and conflicts with human animals, need to be factored into all sectors/land
In the over 25 years since the virus was first in-situ conservation actions, in several protected mals. At times, the cheetah also preys on birds, beings. The Kuno habitat is no competing desti- uses/practices of stakeholders. The said engage-
identified as a dangerous infectious pathogen, there areas spread across its historical range globally. reptiles and rodents. nation for the South African savannas. The ment needs to be mutually gainful, based on
The cheetah initiative is based on an action Several instances of cheetah mortality have larger Kuno landscape envisaged for cheetahs in agreed actions. The cheetah reintroduction
has been little progress on test kits, therapeutics and plan, a collaborative effort of the National Tiger taken place since reintroduction owing to differ- the action plan is around 6,830 square kms. effort is ecologically significant and timely. With
vaccines for Nipah. The lack of progress — a Conservation Authority (NTCA), Wildlife Insti- ent causes, among them kidney ailment (a male which includes four forest divisions, and two more than five decades of tiger experience, India
consequence of inadequate medical research and tute of India (WII) and the state of Madhya Pra- cheetah of Namibian origin), dermatitis/skin protected areas, subsumed within two revenue is well poised in the context of managing the
desh. The Kuno landscape was chosen after infection (a female of Namibian origin and three districts (Sheopur and Shivpuri). The cheetah’s species as a surrogate, multi-dimensional indi-
funding — betrays a lack of understanding that a great diligence. Madhya Pradesh is one of the males of South African origin), courtship con- hunting strategy consists largely of initial stalk- cator of biodiversity and human well-being
biological threat in one part of the world presents a four states (Gujarat, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh flict (a female of South African origin), and cub ing and bringing down the prey through a tar- through a landscape approach. The Kuno pro-
risk to all parts of the globe. The current Nipah are the others) earmarked for cheetah reintro- mortality (three born in Kuno). geted chase. Given the heterogeneous habitat of tected area, with an “exclusive” cheetah agenda
duction. State-of-the-art infrastructure was put While lethal internecine and interspecific com- Kuno with scrubland and woodlots, the cheetah will complement the “inclusive” co-occurrence
outbreak must, therefore, be reason for all to take in place at Palpur comprising boma (enclosure) bats are not uncommon in translocated big cats, would adapt for both stalking as well as chasing agenda of the larger landscape, while addressing
notice: States, on how to improve disease facilities and a 24x7 monitoring system. Several the mortality owing to skin infection indicates a its prey, while avoiding niche clashes with the the source-sink dynamics of the cheetah.
surveillance; citizens, on how to recognise warning veterinarians and field biologists are stationed at strong probability of the biological rhythm not leopard.
the site for day-to-day monitoring. The sourcing getting synchronised with the local climatic The cheetah exercise has been successful, Rajesh Gopal is secretary general, GTF and chair,
signs; and the pharma industry, which knows best was done from Namibia (8 cheetahs) and South regime. This may be attributed to the fact that raising hope for such active ventures in the Cheetah Steering Committee
the value of products that can stop pandemics. Africa (12), and the reintroduction happened in the cheetahs were sourced from habitats of the future. While it may be too early to gather The views expressed are personal

grade 12, completed a basic computer course and support is available, many women come { EDITOR’S PICK }
{ ANOTHER DAY } and volunteers at a local NGO. forward and succeed.”
HT’s editors offer a book recommendation every Saturday, which provides history,
Enrolment rates of 96% tell of modern Since it began in 2011, Second Chance has
Namita Bhandare context, and helps understand recent news events
India’s success in getting kids into schools. enrolled over 35,000 girls and women with
The challenge now is getting them to stay. a pass rate of 80%. At Jaipur’s Shastri Nagar,
“Although secondary school enrolment many of the girls had dropped out during UNDERSTANDING THE DRAVIDIAN MODEL
Back to school, and
has been rising over time, for many reasons, Covid-19. Now they’re back and dreaming of
some girls and women are not able to finish careers ranging from lawyer to nurse, police The remarks by Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam
their 10th standard exam,” says Rukmini to even politician. (DMK) leader Udhayanidhi Stalin on Sanatana
Banerji, CEO, Pratham Education Founda- And some stories just have exceptionally Dharma has turned into a major political contro-

a new beginning tion.

So much about life makes girls vulnerable.
The secondary school to which she has to
transition might be too far from her village,
happy endings. When Alpina cleared her
board exams after having dropped out in the
9th grade due to Covid-19, her 40-year-old
mother figured, why not? She had been mar-
versy with Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself
leading the attack on the Opposition for allegedly
attacking Hinduism. Udhayanidhi’s comments, how-
ever, stem from the ideology of the Dravidian Move-
hen she was in the eighth grade, “I hadn’t entered a classroom in 16 years,” making the daily commute difficult. A ried off as a young girl and was helping sup- ment, which professed to fight the caste system.

W Afsana Khan’s grandmother

decided she had studied enough.
Married off a few years later, the
unease set in when her children began
attending an English-medium school and
Afsana laughs. And then, there was the
extended family and neighbours who scoffed
at the idea of a grown woman going to
But the idea appealed to her husband. Just
change in family circumstances—a mother
falls ill, a father loses his job—often means
she will be asked to step up with housework
or get involved with small income-supple-
menting work, leaving her with no time to go
plement the family income by making ban-
gles at home. “I used to drop Alpina for her
classes and thought: ‘Why can’t I also
And, so Alpina’s mother enrolled and
This week we recommend The Dravidian Model:
Interpreting the Political Economy of Tamil Nadu by
Kalaiyarasan A. and Vijayabaskar M, which maps
the distinct developmental trajectory the Dravidian
Movement inspired in Tamil Nadu. The DMK first
she couldn’t help them with homework. go, he said. When the results were declared, to school. passed in June. She’s now filled up the form won office in 1967 and the state has since been gov- Book Name: The Dra-
Then a friend told her about Pratham’s Afsana had passed—with 71.83%. “It silenced “Passing the class 10 board exam opens up to clear the 12th board exam. “I’m not going erned by Dravidian parties. A rights-based welfarist vidian Model: Inter-
Second Chance project, set up for women everyone and gave me a lot of status in the opportunities,” Banerji points out. “Our to make bangles forever,” she grins. approach, with special focus on public education preting the Political
and girls like her who had dropped out of family,” she says. The results changed her in experience is that when a chance to com- and health, saw a massive turnaround in Tamil Economy of Tamil
school and wanted to clear their 10th board ways she couldn’t have imagined. The plete the board exam becomes possible Namita Bhandare writes on gender. Nadu’s social indices. The authors explain how this Nadu
exams. 32-year-old has now filled out the form for locally and you find that you are not alone The views expressed are personal happened. Year: 2021

Regd. Office : HT Media Ltd. 18-20, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001 BOARD: (011)23361234 ● EDITORIAL: (011)66561234 Extn. 1254, 1268



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6 Saturday, September 16, 2023

Editorial Delhi

In diverse India, name change demands consensus

n official invitation sent out by fact, at the moment, constitutionally speaking, confusion. The official name of the country is the
Rashtrapati Bhavan in connection with there is no President of Bharat in the country. Republic of India. This is the name used in all
Misplaced mystery the G­20 summit in New Delhi under
India’s presidency which carried the
Article 52 says that there shall be a President of
India. This is the official nomenclature of the
official communication sent to foreign countries
and international bodies. Agreements and
Special session of Parliament could have nomenclature of the President of India as head of the state which cannot be changed into treaties entered into with foreign countries are in
‘President of Bharat’ set off a controversy. The anything else unless Article 52 is amended the name of the Republic of India and not
done with a lot less secrecy around it controversy is symptomatic of the present­day P.D.T. Achary suitably. Thus, it is quite obvious that the term republic of Bharat. If Bharat is used
political atmosphere, characterised by an intense ‘President of Bharat’ is not in conformity with interchangeably, the foreign governments will be

he Government appears eager to keep is former Secretary
some enigma around the five­day special distrust of each other, extreme and inexplicable General, Lok Sabha Article 52 of the Constitution. thrown into utter confusion. In some agreements
session of Parliament, set to begin from revengefulness and heightened revanchism on Article 1 says, “India, that is Bharat, shall be a with foreign governments or international bodies
September 18. Opposition parties had a point the part of the power wielders, and widespread Union of States”. These words by no means India will be shown as Republic of India and in
when they complained that the Government did anxiety about the future of the country. signify that the words ‘India’ and ‘Bharat’ are some other, as republic of Bharat. A country can
not consult them before calling the special ses­ There has been no explanation from official interchangeable and that ‘Bharat’ can be used in have only one official name. It can be either India
sion. As in the parliamentary bulletin issued on spokesmen of the government for this sudden place of ‘India’ as the official name of the country. or Bharat, not both.
September 13, only the agenda for the opening change. The abrupt change in a very formal As a matter of fact, the word ‘Bharat’ is not used A perusal of the debates of the Constituent
day is known. The Government has listed the Bill official communication from the head of the state in any of the articles of the Constitution except in Assembly shows that Article 1 in the draft
that seeks to change the appointment process of caught the nation unawares. Apologists of the the Hindi version, which was published under Constitution was worded “India shall be a union
the Chief Election Commissioner and Election powers that be came out with the proposition the authority of the President under Article 394A. of states”. The word Bharat was added later
Commissioners, which the Opposition is prepar­ that the name of the country is interchangeable If the intention of the Constitution makers was during the debate because of strong pressure
ing to corner the Government on as it gives the as Bharat (as is described in Article 1 of the to use the word ‘Bharat’ interchangeably, they from many Members to use Bharat instead of
ruling party excessive control over the appoint­ Constitution); therefore, Bharat can be used. In would have used it in some parts of the India. Many formulations were suggested by
ment process. The Government also proposes this context, someone was heard saying that all Constitution which is the authentic Constitution members such as H.V. Kamath, K.T. Shah, Seth
holding a debate on ‘Parliamentary Journey of 75­ that is required to change to Bharat is a resolution of India officially so described under Article 393. Govind Das, and Shibban Lal Saxena. But B.R.
years starting from Samvidhan Sabha – Achieve­ to that effect in Parliament. In fact, it was even In this context, let us try to understand the true Ambedkar added the words “that is Bharat” as a
ments, Experiences, Memories and Learnings’, suggested that the special session of Parliament import of the words “India, that is Bharat...”, compromise. He never once said that ‘Bharat’ can
an intriguing topic. The listed debate could well next week would do just that. It is a bit surprising used in Article 1. The words ‘that is’ are be used interchangeably in the original
be the farewell address to the present Parliament that some senior advocates of the Supreme Court clarificatory whose function is to explain or Constitution.
(circular) building which was designed by Sir of India too chimed in with their considered further clarify the preceding word ‘India’. Thus, it
Herbert Baker and Sir Edwin Lutyens, and inaug­ opinion — of course, in favour of the proposition is interpreted that Article 1 would mean India that A strange idea of a ‘colonial distancing’
urated in January 1927 by Viceroy Lord Irwin as highlighted above. is known as Bharat shall be a Union of States. The change of name of a country cannot be and
the seat of the Imperial Legislative Council. The Before the whole issue of changing the name Article 1 in the Hindi translation of the should not be done as the agenda of a political
new building, which is triangular­shaped, has of the country and the manner in which it is Constitution says “Bharat means India”, which party. In a diverse country like India there needs
been waiting to receive parliamentarians since being handled are considered, it is necessary to shows that Bharat is treated as the translation of to be a consensus on this. People in every nook
May 28 when it was inaugurated by Prime Minis­ make it clear that Parliament has the absolute India. and corner of the country must be able to
ter Narendra Modi. It was not used during the power to change the name of the country at any In other words the word ‘Bharat’ does not emotionally connect with the name. Otherwise it
monsoon session held between July 20 and Au­ time by amending the Constitution. Article 368 of stand as an independent word in the original will create a sense of alienation among some
gust 11. No official explanation has been forth­ the Constitution empowers Parliament to amend Constitution. It is to be used only in the Hindi section or the other. The weird idea of liberation
coming on why the session was not held there. any provision of the Constitution which includes translation of the Constitution. Further Article from India’s colonial past should lead us to
Viceroy Irwin had presented the circular the name of the country, as mentioned in Article 394A(2) says “the translation of this demolish all symbols of colonialism such as
building as an emblem of “permanence”. The 1. But the public has been left aghast by the Constitution…shall be construed to have the Rashtrapati Bhavan, Parliament House, the
building will be retiring at 96 years, four years general cacophony which has left them none the same meaning as the original thereof...”; this Assembly building, and completely change the
short of a century. For India’s growing popula­ wiser as far as the issue is concerned. The change of clause reinforces the point that the word Bharat is whole administrative structure that is prevalent
tion, its Parliament needs to be bigger and, con­ name of a a translation of the word ‘India’, as used in the as well as many other things. The entire railway
sequently, the building too. But democracy is not From the constitutional point of view original Constitution, and India is the authentic system in India is also a symbol of the colonial
country cannot
about buildings. Parliament, after all, is a place So, let us examine the whole issue of the change name of the country until it is legally changed. past.
of name of the country from a purely
be and should Does this newfound anti­colonial exuberance
for the Opposition to have its say though the Go­
constitutional point of view. First, the invite that not be done as Will sow confusion sit well with the idea of ‘Vasudhaiva
vernment might have its way. The Bharatiya Jana­
ta Party has an absolute majority in the Lok Sab­ went out from Rashtrapati Bhavan. This invite the agenda of a The use of ‘Bharat’ interchangeably with ‘India’ in Kutumbakam’, that was the motto of the G­20
ha and while it may not have similar numerical used the nomenclature, “President of Bharat”. In political party official communication can create a great deal of under India’s presidency?
strength in the Rajya Sabha, it remains the single
largest party; thanks to allies and sympathetic
parties, no government Bill has been stalled here
for want of a majority. Still, the Government
evades parliamentary scrutiny and gives no
priority to taking the Opposition into confidence.
A GM crop decision that cuts the mustard
The Government insists that it is going by the
book. A meeting of floor leaders of all parties is

being convened on Sunday, just 31 hours before he adoption of science­based technologies Subhra cotton was commercialised as the first GM crop in use of herbicides in herbicide tolerant (HT) crops
the session begins. There is no dialogue between for crop improvement such as genetic Chakraborty India more than 20 years ago, and has been has an advantage in terms of saving soil moisture
the Opposition and the Government to enable engineering for developing genetically viewed globally as a great success story in terms and nutrients, besides effective weed control, the
modified (GM) crops as a supplement to is Director, National of economic advantage to farmers and to the herbicide tolerance gene in GM mustard is
the smooth functioning of the Parliament. Chang­ Institute of Plant
es to Article 370 were before Parliament on Au­ conventional breeding methods has become an nation. Globally, genetic modification has primarily used for selecting genetically
Genome Research,
gust 5, 2019, without any notice or consultation. absolute necessity to address the burgeoning and expanded its reach, beyond the major four crops, transformed lines, and for hybrid seed
Department of
If the Opposition parties have needlessly specu­ complex challenge of achieving global food and Biotechnology maize, soybean, cotton and canola, to other production.
lated about the agenda and aired their concerns nutritional security under the fast­changing (Government of economically important food crops for various
about the special session, the Government is climate. According to the global Food Security India), New Delhi traits such as insect and herbicide resistance, Aiding self­reliance
partly responsible. and Nutrition Report, 2019, it is difficult to climate resilience and nutritional quality On October 25, 2022, the Genetic Engineering
achieve the ‘Zero Hunger’ target by 2030. Ashwani Pareek
improvement. Appraisal Committee (GEAC) of the Ministry of
The emphasis needs to be on accelerating the Global economic gains contributed by GM Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Pain and gain pace of improving crops genetically. In order to
increase food production and become self­reliant,
is Executive Director,
National Agri­Food
crops (1996­2018) have amounted to $224.9
billion in economic benefits to more than 16
Government of India, made a landmark decision
of approving the release of DMH­11 and its
we require superior crop varieties and hybrids Biotechnology million farmers, 95% of whom are from parental line for cultivation. This will help boost
TDP seems to have politically benefited Institute, Department
that provide enhanced yields and wide developing countries. Further, GM food crops, the vibrant genetic engineering research sector in
from its leader’s arrest adaptability across environments, and require
of Biotechnology
since adoption in 1996 globally have been proven the country and enable the generation of new
(Government of
fewer inputs of natural resources. The advent of for their biosafety for the last 25 years and more. crop varieties with improved traits. As the

he dramatic pre­dawn arrest of former India), Mohali, Punjab
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and Telu­ the Green Revolution in the 1960s­70s resulted in mustard varieties in India have a very narrow
gu Desam Party (TDP) chief N. Chandra­ enhanced food production from a mere 50 In edible oil deficit, a focus on mustard genetic base, the decision by GEAC to allow
K.C. Bansal
babu Naidu appears to have crystallised an Oppo­ million tonnes in 1950­51 to over 300 million India faces a major deficit in edible oils, with 60% barnase­barstar­based hybrid production in
sition alliance in the State. The unequivocal tonnes in 2020­21. However, new biotech/GM is Secretary, National of its demand being met by imports. Mustard is mustard paves the way for the breeding of
support for Mr. Naidu and the announcement of crops with improved traits are a must in order to Academy of one of the most important edible oil crops in mustard hybrids not only for higher yields but
the alliance by Telugu actor­turned­politician and mitigate climate change and produce Agricultural Sciences, India; however, its per hectare yield is very low also to ensure resistance to diseases and improve
nutrient­dense food. New Delhi and former when compared to the global average. Thus, oil quality.
Jana Sena Party ( JSP) chief K. Pawan Kalyan has
Director, National increasing the productivity of mustard in the This advancement will benefit farmers by
dented what has widely been viewed as a strategy Bureau of Plant
of the ruling Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress More crops under GM country is vital for the economic well­being of increasing yield per hectare, also leading to an
Genetic Resources,
Party (YSRCP) chief and Andhra Pradesh Chief Genetic modification of crops using the available Indian Council of farmers and self­sufficiency in edible oil increase in their incomes. The domestic
Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy to isolate the and vast genetic diversity in conjunction with Agricultural Research, production. consumption of edible oils is around 25 million
TDP. The arrest comes in the backdrop of fresh traditional farming has been well documented for New Delhi Using genetic engineering, extensive research tonnes, while the domestic production of
overtures by the TDP to its estranged National increased productivity, contributing to global has been carried out at the Centre for Genetic mustard oil was approximately 8.5 million tonnes
Democratic Alliance (NDA) ally, the BJP. The TDP food, feed, and fibre security. According to a Manipulation of Crop Plants (CGMCP), University in the year 2020­21. India’s edible oil imports
severed ties with the BJP in 2018 over the failure report by the International Service for the The of Delhi South Campus, to create a GM mustard were approximately 13 million tonnes, which
to deliver on a demand for Andhra Pradesh to be Acquisition of Agri­biotech Applications (ISAAA) environmental hybrid, DMH­11 with higher vigour and yield — touched ₹1.17 lakh crore in value terms.
accorded “Special Category” status, which would 2020, a total of 72 countries have adopted GM release of GM this will facilitate an increase in domestic Cultivation of these GM mustard hybrids
have meant much larger central assistance to a crops either as human food or animal feed, as mustard DMH­11 production of edible oils as well as enhanced developed indigenously could help enhance
State viewed as having foregone its crown jewel — well as for commercial cultivation (56% of the marks a new farm incomes. farmers’ income, reduce the oil­import burden
capital Hyderabad to the newly formed State of global GM crop area is in developing countries The GM mustard hybrid is based on the and help achieve much­needed self­reliance in
era in
Telangana. The YSRCP rode to power promising compared to 44% in industrial countries). GM barnase/barstar system, which works on the edible oil production. The environmental release
crops have benefited more than 1.95 billion self­reliance and principle of removing male fertility in one parent of DMH­11 marks the beginning of a new era in
to secure for Andhra its ‘rightful due’, but this is­
sue has all but faded away from public memory. people in five countries (Argentina, Brazil, sustainability in and restoring it in the offspring. The herbicide self­reliance and sustainability in agriculture.
While Mr. Jagan Mohan Reddy has been laud­ Canada, India and the United States) or 26% of agriculture tolerance gene has been deployed as a selection More improved GM food crops are needed to
ed for delivering on many welfare schemes — the the current world population of 7.6 billion. Bt in India marker for developing the GM mustard. While the boost the profitability of Indian farmers.
nine poll promises, the “Navaratanalu” — he has
also faced criticism for failing to attract industrial
investments and for the slow progress on the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
completion of the State’s tri­capital formula. This
appears to have alienated large sections of the ur­ Political tussle man has made of man’. served the political interests It is time that the other I wish the row over inland letter cards as a
ban middle class, while the YSRCP still enjoys A Prime Minister who is R. Thomas Paul, of the DMK in Tamil Nadu, it INDIA bloc leaders rein in Sanatana Dharma would litmus test of the Budget
considerable rural support. This, along with the reluctant to find time to Bengaluru is important for the party to such statements lest it stop for the time being. being people­oriented. With
TDP’s victory in the MLC elections and its better­ speak about Manipur has consider the broader affect the bloc’s prospects. India has several other the new Post Office Bill
than­expected performance in local body polls, predictably sensed an issue It is not clear what the ramifications of such N. Viswanathan, problems for debate and 2023 empowering the
is also being viewed as a sign of disenchantment of electoral dividend — by ruling regime’s ‘net gain’ remarks for the INDIA Coimbatore discussion. department head to make
with his performance. With the minorities, Dalits holding forth on Sanatana will be by alleging that the alliance, whose members S.K. Vijayan, regulations related to
and Backward Classes being the YSRCP’s main Dharma versus the INDIA INDIA bloc has some are spread across the rest of Those in the thick of the Alappuzha, Kerala activities and products
vote base, a possible alliance with the BJP to fight bloc. Manipur is battling “hidden agenda” against the country. Those who debate on Sanatana including their pricing, this
the 2024 Assembly and Lok Sabha elections is be­ inequality, segregation, and Sanatana Dharma. It would constitute the INDIA alliance Dharma must remember A sign of privatisation is a sure sign that the intent
ing considered highly unlikely, although Mr. Red­ hatred precisely as a result be better to put a full stop should exercise restraint the words of former Prime It might be the of the Centre is to either
dy has supported the BJP including during the re­ of the divisive prescription to this entire issue. and display greater Minister A.B. Vajpayee who acknowledgment of ‘reality’, corporatise or privatise the
cent Opposition­led no confidence vote. The BJP, of the caste system that has A. Venkatasubramanian, prudence with their advised a political leader to but doing away with the Postal Department, which
which was expected to ally with the JSP, is the been the bane of the Tiruchi, Tamil Nadu comments and actions if “Do your Rajdharma” as provisions in clause 4 of the will lead to its euthanasia.
party that is now isolated after the political churn country. The silence of the they wish to present a Chief Minister, which the extant Indian Post Office Act Ayyasseri Raveendranath,
set off by Mr. Naidu’s arrest. As fighting corrup­ vast majority of our It is unsurprising that the formidable challenge to the individual failed to do. If (1898) is akin to throwing Aranmula, Kerala
tion has been Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s countrymen, the cynicism ruling party at the Centre Bharatiya Janata Party. “Sanatana represents the baby out with the
agenda all along, and with the arrest of Mr. Naidu of seeing every conflict as a and the Prime Minister are Michael Jom, values”, let the political bathwater so far as the
on what appear to be serious corruption allega­ power game, robs us of our still cashing in on the Thiruvananthapuram leader in question practise Postal Department in India
tions, the possibility of the TDP’s return to the moral high ground on the Sanatana Dharma love (not hatred), equality is concerned. Not too long
NDA seems remote. Mr. Naidu’s legal troubles international stage. One can controversy presented to The controversial utterances (not discrimination against ago, the presentation of the Letters emailed to
have likely aided his political fortunes. And Mr. only rue the carnage, feeling them on a platter by a by a Minister in the DMK minorities, Dalits), and unity central Budget was keenly letters@thehindu.
Jagan Mohan Reddy, instead of isolating his main as William Wordsworth did, leader in the Dravida have given a strong (not uniformity). watched for any must carry the full postal
rival in the State, the TDP, looks to have reduced saying, ‘And much it grieved Munnetra Kazhagam. While platform for the BJP to George Mlakuzhyil, announcement on the address and the full name or
the options for minor rival, the BJP. my heart to think. What this controversy may have attack the entire INDIA bloc. New Delhi pricing of postcards and the name with initials.
Saturday, September 16, 2023 7

A health official speaks to the relative of a patient at the isolation ward of the Government Medical College, Kozhikode. THULASI KAKKAT

Nipah puts Kerala

ness, and neurological signs indicating acute en­ clear why these infections were recurring in Ker­
cephalitis may follow. The WHO says people with ala, especially in Kozhikode. “We still have no
severe infection get encephalitis and seizures and clear scientific proof about the source of the virus
may end up in coma in 24 to 48 hours. in Kerala. Our conclusion that fruit­eating bats
are the source of the infection is based on similar
‘No words to describe the loss’ episodes from other countries, and after detect­

under siege again A pall of gloom has descended on Kallad. Mo­

hammedali, from all accounts, was a socially con­
scious man. K.P. Rasheed, a resident of Kallad,
described his friend as a silent worker, the kind
who would make his presence felt even though
ing the presence of the virus in bats collected
from the affected areas,” he said. There is no evi­
dence to show how the first patient got infected
during each of these outbreaks; it is assumed that
they ate fruits contaminated with bat saliva or
While authorities are scrambling to stop the spread, questions are being asked about the frequent recurrence of he stayed in the wings. “He worked for many so­ came in contact with the body fluids of bats.
cial causes. We have no words to describe the A biodiversity expert, who did not wish to be
the virus in the State. A.S. Jayanth reports on the fourth outbreak and Kerala’s familiar feeling of foreboding loss,” he said. named, said that Janakikkad, a biodiversity hot­
Mohammedali had been working at a private spot, is close to Sooppikkada, where the infection
company in Al Ain in the United Arab Emirates was first reported in 2018, as well as Kallad. “We
sense of dread is growing in Kuttiadi, a symptoms in 2018 had been infected with the Ni­ for nearly two decades. About a year and a half need to know if the bats are coming out of their

A town located on the slopes of the

Western Ghats in Kozhikode district of
Kerala. Most shops are closed. Very
few people can be seen on the road. The masks
on their faces are reminiscent of a time not too
The main
from a
pah virus. “When I told him that this looked like
a case of unusual fever with an undiagnosed con­
dition, Dr. Kumar said that a couple of patients
with similar symptoms had sought treatment at
his hospital as well. Haris was subsequently re­
ago, he returned home to take care of his father,
who was paralysed. His house is empty now. All
his family members are under medical isolation
at a private hospital. Mohammedali’s brother E.
Ansar said they are still in shock. “Other than a
habitats in search of food. If that is the case, per­
haps there is a drop in the number of fruit plants
there. One way to stop the bats from coming to
human habitats is to plant saplings,” he said.
Studies should be done to explore whether the
long ago, when the COVID­19 pandemic gripped ferred there,” Dr. Jyothikumar said. It was soon skin allergy for which he sought treatment, Mo­ growing presence of rubber plantations is affect­
the world, and earlier, when the Nipah virus, un­ public established that Haris had visited the hospital hammedali did not suffer from any other disease ing the bats and their ecosystem, he said. “Anoth­
known and exotic, crept into Kerala society. health where E. Mohammedali had died, since his rela­ as far as I know,” he said over a phone call. er cause of concern could be the high sound le­
No one knew it then, but the crisis began on perspective tive had been undergoing treatment there. The residents of Mangalad are equally upset. vels from quarries which may be disturbing the
August 30 when a feverish E. Mohammedali, 47, is that the Late on September 11, after the death of Haris, Authorities have erected barriers on the way to bats,” he said. A buffer zone could be created
a native of Kallad in the Maruthonkara gram pan­ system the office of the State Health Minister, Veena Ge­ Haris’s house. Haris had been working in Qatar. around forest areas so that the bats don’t journey
chayat, not far from Kuttiadi, died at a private starts orge, sent out an alert for Kozhikode district. The He had come home a couple of months ago and into human habitats, he suggested.
hospital in Kozhikode. Hospital authorities de­ body fluid samples of Mohammedali were not was planning to return on September 18. Local “The main problem from a public health per­
clared that he died of pneumonia. Later, Moham­ sent for lab tests since there was no suspicion residents said he had lost his father some five spective is that the system starts thinking about a
medali’s young children, brother­in­law aged 24, about a then that he had died of the virus. The samples of years ago. An active worker of the Indian Union disease only after people are affected,” said M.
and a relative who is just 10 months old were all disease only Haris and four others in the hospital were flown Muslim League, Haris had endeared himself to Muraleedharan, national convener, anti­micro­
hospitalised with similar symptoms. after people to the National Institute of Virology, Pune, on the people of the village, said the residents. “We bial resistance committee, Indian Medical Asso­
Then, on September 11, alarm bells rang when are affected September 12. The results came that night. Ge­ ciation. “Often, we jump in to solve an issue
M. Haris, 40, of Mangalad in the Ayancheri gram M. MURALEE­ orge informed an impatient media contingent when it happens and then forget about it. The pu­
panchayat near Vadakara, died at a private hospi­ DHARAN outside the Government Guest House in Kozhi­ blic health mechanism should have details about
tal in Kozhikode. Haris had reported the same National kode that Mohammedali’s child aged nine and such diseases, their causes, the possible methods
symptoms as Mohammedali — high fever, fatigue, anti­microbial
his brother in­law had tested positive for the vi­ In Kozhikode, we are yet to identify the to avoid their outbreaks, and the steps to contain
and respiratory issues. Doctors suspected that he resistance rus; so had Haris. There was enough evidence to spillover mechanism. Only if we identify it them as and when they happen.”
had died of the deadly Nipah virus, which has a committee, Indian believe that Mohammedali, too, had been infect­ can we contain it on a long­term basis and A microbiologist working with a government
mortality rate of 40% to 75% according to the Association
ed by the virus. Mohammedali’s samples were al­ take preventive steps department said on the condition of anonymity
World Health Organization (WHO). so sent to the lab. On September 15, it was con­ that ground­level health workers need to know
The news of the infections was nothing new firmed that he had been infected. Dean, College of Climate Change and Environmental Science,
more about the initial symptoms of such infec­
for the residents of Kozhikode district, which has Kerala Agriculture University, Thrissur tious diseases so that the information can be
seen three outbreaks of the Nipah virus so far. A zoonotic illness quickly passed on to higher levels and the spread
The first instance was reported in May­June 2018. Nipah is a zoonotic illness, according to the don’t stay in the same locality. But every morn­ be stopped. If there is an ‘unusual death’ report­
Despite the government’s best efforts then, the WHO. Fruit bats of the family Pteropodidae — par­ ing, we used to meet each other. I still can’t be­ ed of a person below the age of 50, it should be
virus infected 23 people and killed 21 of them ticularly, species belonging to the Pteropus genus lieve that he is no more,” his brother M. Nasar suspected to be linked with Nipah, he added.
from the Kozhikode and Malappuram districts. In — are the natural hosts for the virus. Nipah can be said over a phone call. Dr. Muraleedharan said that when the infec­
June 2019, a lone case was reported from Ernak­ transmitted to people through infected animals, A. Surendran, ward member in Ayancheri Gra­ tion was first reported in Kozhikode in 2018,
ulam; the person recovered. On August 31, 2021, such as pigs and bats. In Malaysia, where the first ma Panchayat, regretted the circumstances in there were plans of conducting a surveillance of
Mohammad Hashim, 12, of Pazhoor village near case of the infection was reported in 1998, bats which the residents find themselves. “We cannot bats. However, this has not taken place yet. An
Chathamangalam in Kozhikode, had seizures. dropped partially eaten food near pig stalls. The even console his family members as they all are isolation block for Nipah at the Medical College
Hashim, the only child of Wahida and Vayoli virus travelled from bats to pigs and then to pig in isolation,” he said. Hospital was proposed and a sum of ₹25 crore set
Aboobacker, tested positive for Nipah and died breeders. In Bangladesh, people were infected The district administration has declared wards aside for the purpose, but nothing has come of it,
just hours later. This is the fourth outbreak in when they ate food contaminated by bats, such in at least nine gram panchayat as containment he alleged.
Kerala. So far, two people have died and four are as raw palm sap. In India, the transmission from zones. The movement of people is restricted. All Nameer pointed out that in countries such as
undergoing treatment. one person to another has taken place mainly major public events in Kozhikode have been Bangladesh and Malaysia, the health authorities
through respiratory droplets. The virus moves to banned till September 24. Schools and colleges were able to track the source of transmission of
A suspicion confirmed people who are in close contact with the patient, have been closed for a few days. On September the virus from bats to human beings. In three­
This time, it was Dr. P. Jyothikumar, a general such as caregivers or medical staff. 14, the police were seen discouraging people on four years, they were able to prevent recurrence.
practitioner in Vadakara, who noticed something While some people may remain asymptomat­ motorbikes from going to areas declared contain­ “But in Kozhikode, we are yet to identify the spil­
amiss when he was consulting patients at home ic, others may show symptoms such as fever, ment zones. lover mechanism. Only if we identify it can we
on the morning of September 11. On the CCTV muscle pain, vomiting, headaches, and sore contain it on a long­term basis and take preven­
camera, Dr. Jyothikumar saw a patient staggering throat. Dizziness, drowsiness, altered conscious­ Finding the source tive steps,” he said. “Conducting a systematic bat
towards his room. “He was visibly tired. His arms The Union government has sent a team of experts survey and putting in place a multi­disciplinary
were draped over the shoulders of two others,” to Kozhikode to assess the situation. Mobile labs team drawn from various departments such as
Dr. Jyothikumar recalled. The patient, Haris, told have been set up at the Government Medical Col­ forest, wildlife, and animal husbandry would be
the doctor that he had been suffering from high lege Hospital premises to speed up tests of sus­ useful. That would also help us identify the focus
fever for five days. Haris had sought treatment at pected patients. An isolation block too has been areas to utilise our resources effectively,” Nameer
a private clinic, at government primary health kept ready. added. The Kerala University of Health Sciences
centres, and at the Government Hospital in Va­ While applauding the Health Department for has taken preliminary steps in this regard.
dakara, but his condition had not improved. “We taking steps quickly to contain the infection yet Dr. Muraleedharan said that the State should
ruled out chances of leptospirosis, dengue fever, again, health experts and the people have also have a testing lab with Biosafety Level­IV stan­
malaria, and even leukemia. The patient’s liver raised questions about recurring outbreaks of Ni­ dards so that the samples do not have to be sent
function was normal. But I saw that his fingertips pah in Kerala, and particularly Kozhikode, when to the National Institute of Virology every time
were turning blue,” said Dr. Jyothikumar. there are virus­carrying bats elsewhere in the there is an outbreak. “Also, when infections are
Since he was unable to diagnose the patient’s country. Many also wonder why the Health De­ reported, we need to have a permanent protocol
condition, Dr. Jyothikumar contacted A.S. Anoop partment still does not have a mechanism to de­ to treat the patients in the model of the Centers
Kumar, a critical care specialist at a private hospi­ tect such cases quickly and act to prevent deaths. for Disease Control and Prevention in the United
tal in Kozhikode, for an opinion. Dr. Kumar was P.O. Nameer, dean, College of Climate Change States. We need to have a system in place that can
among the first to suspect that the patients who Barriers have been put up in the Ayanchery gram panchayat in Kozhikode and Environmental Science, Kerala Agriculture act immediately as and when infectious diseases
had been admitted to his hospital with unusual district, which has been declared a containment zone THULASI KAKKAT University, Thrissur, pointed out that it was not are reported,” he said.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Nobody made a greater mistake
than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.

Plaudits for G20, but are there too many groups?
proud of this conclave. First, it has plexity, given the latent hostility be-
been done on such a large scale, in- tween several member countries

When Opposition Spectrum

volving myriad meetings over sev-
eral months in different places,
that it has gotten representatives
from member countries to discuss
outside the Russia and China axis.
While this may sound fair
enough, often issues which are dis-
cussed within one group and are

cries ‘Enough!’ ÷Madan Sabnavis various issues. Second, by making

it a big event, unlike what was done
in the past, it sets a precedent for
contentious get left out from the
other one. This can lead to contra-
dictions. Hence countries which

his was coming for a long time. The Opposition

he G20 meeting has evoked a the next member country when the are on the other side in certain
alliance, INDIA, released a list of 14 anchors on varied response. What is un- event is hosted in 2024. Third, while groups meet as friends when it
mainstream news channels that it would equivocal is that it has been heads of two important states, Chi- comes to a larger group.
a resounding success in terms of na and Russia, were absent, the ac- The failure of the WTO did lead
boycott due to their “hate-filled” news and debates.
getting different minded countries tive participation of heads of gov- to more regional trading alliances
These include some of the marquee news channels to agree to an agenda for the future. ernments of US, UK, Germany, coming up where like-minded
with the most recognised names in the news business. It also raises India’s stature as a France etc gives the satisfaction of Like the G20 meet, group meetings are necessary to countries got together to trade fur-
This name-and-shame tactic of the media — unprece- thought leader which can drive the like-minded countries coming to keep conversations alive in a multi-polar world where ther. Smaller groups of countries
dented by any standards — by the INDIA bloc created agenda for the world economy in the table. Fourth, the fact that this work better, as the agenda is specif-
the coming years. was done with élan at a time when every country looks for self-enhancement ic and affects all the same way. But
a stir. The named anchors, their supporters, and curi- Cynics may lament the expendi- the geo-political situation is far with these groups expanding in
ously (or not) the ruling party’s followers on social me- ture involved for a developing coun- from united does credit to India’s ME-Europe corridor is probably tries which are part of different size under the umbrella of becom-
dia were loud in their condemnation that the move was try like ours. But this does not organisation power. Last, the reso- the biggest achievement or out- groups often have different ing more inclusive, which is the
“anti-democratic” and smacked of “Emergency”. really count in the larger scheme of lution to also enhance the size of come from these deliberations. By agendas to deal with. case with BRICS or G20, there will
things. There could legitimately the group to include Africa comes getting more countries on the G20 For example, when BRICS meets, be more differences and hence it
Those tired of or at the receiving end of the deliberate
have been some disappointment as a breath of fresh air as it makes platform it becomes easier to im- there is a joint agenda against becomes more challenging to bring
disinformation, biased debates, and an agenda that from the point of view of there be- the group truly global. plement such designs as it is a win- countering the economic hegemo- all to a common ground.
supports the ruling party’s narrative hailed this as a ing no effort to resolve the Ukrain- The issues on which there was win situation for the world at large. ny of developed economies as there One thing for sure is that individ-
master tactic to counter the media. ian war. But this is not a forum for consensus can be said to be no- Given the pre-eminent economic are talks of creating a strong bloc ual countries like China or Russia,
To cut through the clutter, the move deserves to be resolution of issues that the UN has brainers as it is something every- position that we occupy, it has be- to counter Western ideology. Here which have rather wayward politi-
also not managed to address. As an one is concerned with. But this is a come expedient to have such a pas- there is a decoupling from the rich cal ambitions when it comes to Tai-
read in the context of the media environment of the extension China’s aggression at our major achievement. Technology sage for augmenting trade and nations. QUAD is more a security- wan or Ukraine, would just not be
past few years in which some anchors have ceased to be borders was not put up for discus- and digitisation are something commerce which will help to create based group where the members willing to talk with any other na-
journalists — doing information and opinion work sion. But what then has exactly where India has been a forerunner the desired infrastructure which is India, USA, Japan and Australia tions on grounds of these being in-
with balance, fairness and truth — and turned into been achieved here? and hence there are templates to be involved. have an alliance. Here the goal is to ternal or bilateral issues. Hence
Like the G20 meet, group meet- followed by other nations. Similar- An interesting thought that ensure that there are checks on the possibility of political reconcil-
part-time or full-time propagandists of the ruling
ings are necessary to keep conver- ly global warming and climate comes to mind when looking at the China. But the same China is a part iation from such jamborees looks
party. By itself, a boycott is hardly anti-democratic; sations alive in a multi-polar world change is an issue where there concept of G20, considering that of BRICS and G20. And when it unlikely. It would be economic is-
even Mahatma Gandhi used it to counter injustices of where every country looks for self- needs to be regular conversations the final meetings come just after comes to G20, the entire set of sues which could work better,
the colonial British. It is a tactic that the Opposition, enhancement. It would not be in- though admittedly it would take a the meeting of BRICS, is whether countries are talking of coopera- though would admittedly take a lot
now united and in power in at least 11 states, has resort- correct to say that in the past, most long time to get everyone on the or not there are too many such tion with one another. of time as the number of countries
of these meetings which go with a same page. Financial inclusion is gatherings — each pulling in a dif- To top it all BRICS has been involved increases.
ed to after being subjected to hate, scorn and contemp- prefix of ‘G’ have been only discus- more relevant for developing or ferent direction? While the devel- widened to include also Iran and
tuousness for years on these channels. Did these an- sion forums with no firm agree- emerging countries, and getting oped nations have their G7 elite Saudi Arabia along with Egypt, The author is Chief Economist, Bank of
chors believe they could get away with it forever, secure ments. India can take credit for the rich nations into the discussion club, there are other such alliances UAE, Argentina and Ethiopia while Baroda and author of ‘Corporate
in the backing of the ruling party? If this move forces making a difference here. is always useful. like the APAC, QUAD, ASEAN, G20 will embrace the African Union Quirks: The Darker Side of the Sun’.
the news anchors to become less hate-filled and give the There are several reasons to be Talks on developing the India- G20, G77, BRICS and so on. Coun- of 55 countries. This adds to the com- Views are personal
Opposition due space on screen, it will be hailed but if

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – excluding parts of India?

it merely turns them into heroes — or victims as they
have projected themselves — then it would have back-
fired. Even then, the fact that deep-rooted bias and pro-
paganda in the media have been called out may help re-
store sanity in the country’s news environment. of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the speaks of inclusive development, not happened even as his second a square meal.

Keep Sanatana Dharma out of politics

Fearless world is one family) has been adopt-
ed from the Upanishads and the
which is essential, particularly for
India. According to the last report
term of office is coming to an end,
but the summit declaration men-
It is ironic that while the declara-
tion speaks of development with
theme was accepted by the G20 of the World Bank, India ranked tions strengthening of asset recov- protection of the environment, we
Talk member countries. lower than its neighbours Pakistan ery management to fight corrup- have been causing great irrepara-

he controversy over Sanatana Dharma, ignited
Ironically, though PM Modi spoke and China on the inclusive devel- tion. Switzerland is not part of G20, ble damage to the environment, by
by Udhyanidhi Stalin, minister in the Tamil of the world as a family, there are opment index. but has been an invitee in the past. ruthlessly chopping trees and cut-
Nadu government and son of chief minister ÷Abhay Mokashi many in the country itself who do Our ranking on the hunger index The G20 summit declaration ting hills, in the name of develop-
MK Stalin, was raging for days with a spectrum of not seem to be treated as members is also 102, something to be mentions the need to ensure reduc- ment. The environmental havoc in

opinions coming to the fore, when Prime Minister he successful organisation of the family that is India. A case in ashamed of as a nation. A UNICEF tion of food wastage, but the host Joshimath is one example of the
of the G20 Summit in India point is that of Manipur. Even as the report of 2019 had stated that 47% country is guilty of wasting damage caused by the aggressive
Narendra Modi added fuel to it with the reference he is undoubtedly an achieve- summit was being held in Delhi, of the youth in the country is not around 50 kg of food per head an- attack on ecosystems.
made while in Madhya Pradesh on Thursday. Modi and ment for the country. But it would ethnic violence in Manipur contin- on track to have education and nually, according to 2021 Food India must come out with its plan
the Bharatiya Janata Party must have delighted in how be erroneous to say, as some claim, ued. One can understand Modi’s si- to fulfil the declaration commit-
this came to fall in their lap as the state warms up to its that the G20 presidency came to In- lence on Manipur while he was host- Ironically, though PM Modi spoke of the world ment to restore at least 30% of all
dia due to the stature of Prime ing heads of governments of partic- degraded ecosystems and scale up
assembly election campaign. They have been handed
Minister Narendra Modi. ipating countries and other digni- as a family, there are many in the country itself who efforts to achieve land degradation
their strongest suit — Hindu religious references — For those not familiar with the taries during the summit. However, do not seem to be treated as members of the family neutrality by 2030.
which, in a polarised electorate and society, usually way G20 works, it should be men- even before that, but for a passing Two points in the declaration
works in their favour. The Prime Minister, who can tioned that the presidency is given reference to the situation on a that is India take the cake, one on support to
hardly be faulted for commenting with alacrity on a to each member country by rotation couple of occasions, Modi has been refugees and the other about reli-
among five groups of member silent about the Northeast state. So, gious tolerance, which need to be
range of issues from Manipur conflict and disrobing of countries. Each country from a for him the world may be a family, skills necessary for employment in Waste Index Report of United Na- seen in the light of the govern-
women to communal clashes and Chinese aggression, group becomes eligible for the pres- but with the exclusion of Manipur. 2030. Instead of preparing the tions Environment Programme ment’s stand on Rohingya and the
found the time and space to refer to Sanatana Dharma idency when it is the turn of the That is not all, he has often failed youth for better employment, there (UNEP). There have been repeated spread of religious hatred, by
in the light of Stalin’s remarks that it “must be eradi- group. The eligible countries nego- to give the support, expected from are numerous organisations, sup- reports of wastage of food stocks many members of the ruling party.
tiate and determine the group’s the head of the family, to the farm- portive of Modi, which keep the in India due to non-availability of Yet another irony is that the BJP
cated like mosquitoes, not opposed”.
presidency. The previous presiden- ers who protested for over a year in youth busy with hatred and vio- proper storage facilities. was showering flowers on Modi at
Opinions on Sanatana Dharma range from the under- cy was with Indonesia and the next support of their demands, or the lence in the name of religion and India has to take immediate the party headquarters in Delhi on
standing that it includes the caste system and therefore goes to Brazil. This time it was In- women wrestlers who were in non-productive activities; on the measures to ensure that what it Wednesday, at a time when near
has no place in Indian society, to the argument that it dia’s turn for the presidency and seeking action on their complaints contrary the youth are kept in- drafted in the declaration is imple- and dear ones were placing
comprises some timeless and eternal truths, laws and Modi, being the head of the govern- of sexual harassment by the then volved in counter-productive activ- mented in our country too — that wreaths on the bodies of four offi-
ment, has the privilege to hold the president of the Wrestling Federa- ities, which includes being glued to being to address food security chal- cers of the uniformed services who
ways of being in the world of which some shades can office till November this year. tion of India. social media platforms to either lenges and enable access to afford- died in an encounter with terror-
be found even in the Constitution of India. It is a wide Since the presidency gets the hon- This either means that some peo- consume false information or to able, safe, nutritious and healthy ists in Anantnag district of Kash-
spectrum, indeed. Sanatana Dharma as understood by our to set the agenda, Modi got the ple in India are not part of the fam- spread it. diets, “to foster the progressive re- mir. So much for the party’s talk on
rationalists and reformists — the ideological fount of opportunity of doing so and holding ily or that the head of the family Modi came to power in 2014, with alisation of the right to adequate patriotism.
as he does the dream of making In- has failed them. a promise, among other promises, food”. It cannot be denied that mil-
Stalin’s party DMK — is widely different from its con-
dia a Hindu rashtra, he declared There are some other ironies in that he would bring back the black lions in the country are deprived of The author is a senior journalist and
flation with Hinduism by the Hindutva brigade. “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” as the the G20 Summit declaration, as re- money stacked in banks in Switzer- affordable and nutritious food and media trainer. He tweets at
The debate over the literal, figurative, alluded and in- theme of the summit. The concept gards India. The declaration land, on coming to power. That has a large number of people do not get @a_mokashi
terpretative meanings of Sanatana Dharma can rage on
and on. It is best left to men and women of religion, spir- Intel-based ops Decline in tea Murky medicine
ituality and metaphysics. Politicians, when they refer to Channelling Ganesha LETTERS gone haywire exports
it, ought to invoke it with precision and within context — Ritesh Aswaney
TO THE EDITOR T his has reference to the
article, ‘Are we really ready
so that the phrase is not misinterpreted. Udhyanidhi
Anchors ostracised T his refers to the editorial
I ndia exports tea to many for generic medicines?’ (Sep

Stalin missed this in his articulation. However, whether hen the churning of also hear of a similar story ‘Chink in security in countries in the world. Assam. 15). No doubt generic
the milky ocean had where he lost his head in battle Kashmir’ (Sep 15). The recent Kerala, West Bengal and Tamil medicines are cheaper than
politicians follow Sanatana Dharma or not, they are re-
quired to follow Raj Dharma and Manav Dharma.
finished, and the nec-
tar was being distributed
amongst the gods, one of the
to his father Lord Shiva. Now
on the surface of it this may
seem a very pointless and un-
T he “India” bloc has done well to
ostracise a gaggle of anchors.
These anchors were known to play
killing of two Army officers
and a police officer in
Kashmir, and a simultaneous
Nadu mainly produce tea on a
large scale. There are reports that
India's tea exports are
branded medicines. At the
same time they are equally
effective. This has been proven
INDIA 75 YEARS AGO demons, Swarbhanu, who was kind act, but the kathas in the judge, jury and executioner as they encounter in Rajouri in continuously decreasing in the last through many experiments.
FPJ Archives cleverer by half, disguised Vedic tradition often have a pitted their own against the Jammu in which two few years. At one time, India's However, the quality of generic
SEPTEMBER 16, 1948
himself as a deva and sneaked deeper meaning that escapes “others”. One anchor in particular, militants were killed, are share in the world's tea exports drugs is always questioned.
into their queue. Just as he the untrained eye. The loss of rarely, if ever, gave a chance to signs that beneath the was as huge as 42%. This means According to the guidelines of
was about to consume the nec- the head here is a metaphor non-BJP politicians and seeming normalcy in the that almost half of the world had the World Health Organization,
tar which conferred immortal- for the loss of human arro- spokespersons to present their region, things are not so Indian tea. But today this is no care should be taken to ensure
ity, Surya and Chandra gance and ignorance, only to point of view. News anchors are rosy. A militant group like longer the case. Today India's that good-quality, safe and
noticed he wasn’t one among be replaced by the calm wis- expected to be non-partisan in LeT has been the thorn in share in world tea consumption effective generic medicines are
them and raised the alarm, dom of the elephant. Small conducting their business. If they India-Pakistan relations. The has reduced from 42% to 12%. provided to citizens across the
causing Lord Vishnu to act wonder then that when one lean towards a particular party, the outfit has carried out a Amardeep Singh Bhatia, country. India is the first to
swiftly and slice his head off feels enraged or impassioned purpose of conducting the debate number of attacks on Indian Additional Secretary of the adopt such policies. But its
with his discus. However it and forced into headless ac- or talk show is defeated. By soil, leading to great loss of Union Ministry of Commerce implementation does not seem
was already too late, a cou- tion, or one might say boycotting anchors who are lives and property and recently informed the meeting to be done seriously. Many
ple of drops of nectar Ketu’s influence, wor- reputed to be biased, the “India” derailing diplomatic efforts. of Indian Tea Association that doctors have started
had already trickled shipping Lord Gane- bloc has tried to create a level In any case, a thorough there is a huge demand for prescribing generic medicines.
down Swarbhanu’s sha is prescribed, who playing field for itself and sent out verification of intelligence Kenya and Sri Lanka tea in the But still a large section of the
throat, and his head can at once bring in- a clear message that the inputs is a must to spot the world market. Indian tea medical fraternity is of the
and torso became in- flamed tempers under Opposition also needs to be given fatal trap laid and false trails. growers use a lot of pesticides opinion that the effectiveness
dependent im- GUIDING LIGHT control and due respect in a democracy. Simply High-tech surveillance is a which has reduced the quality of generic medicines is not
mortal entities, forge a path for- wishing off the Opposition is must to weed out those who of Indian tea. guaranteed. There are reasons
which we now know as Rahu ward through mindful action. hardly an option in a democracy. are in league with terrorists. Bhatia also said in the for such a perception. It is
and Ketu. Next week will see our city Avinash Godboley, Dewas Gregory Fernandes conference that if the quality of found that objections have
Rahu and Ketu are regarded welcoming her favourite Lord tea is not improved, we will been raised from time to time
as shadow planets, which cor- Ganesha, as homes and streets not be able to stop the decline in the CAG report regarding
respond to the north and south will be buzzing with festive MIKA’S MATRIX in exports.This news was read the fact that drug
nodes of the Moon, eclipsing cheer. When all the singing recently. manufacturibg units are not
both the Sun (the Soul) and the and dancing has subsided, and This shows how dire the properly inspected by the food
Moon (the Mind) when they you are able to savour a few effects of pesticides are. Today, and drugs administration
conjunct with them. Which is moments in silence with his a huge amount of pesticides machiery of the States. The
why Ketu’s influence can divine form, perhaps attempt are used on vegetables and author has rightly raised this
bring literal headlessness to see if your energies can fruits. Its effects are happening point in the article. In India we
through pressure, causing us come into resonance with his on human health. always go by certificate. There
to slip up and force heedless calming presence and Pesticides on the tea crop are is no mechanism to ensure that
reducing its quality or quality. what is supposed to be seen is
Grip Around Secunderabad Tightened action, besides the altruism
and mysticism that it may also
wisdom, relieving you from
the temptation to react to This will result in the reduction seen while issuing the
STEADY PROGRESS OF OUR TROOPS ON THIRD DAY confer. And life today is replete
with stresses and conflicting
every impulse that life throws
at you. And you may be sur-
of our foreign exchange. This is
a big blow to economic affairs.
Ravindra Bhagwat
Poona, September 15. The two-pronged move on Secunderabad priorities, where it becomes prised to see that after he jour- It is expected that the Dear reader,
from west and south-east further tightened its grip around India's very difficult to calibrate one’s neys back to his watery abode, government should plan We are eager to know your opinions,
former military cantonment in Hyderabad today when the main response in one area, whilst he leaves you with much more properly and make all comments and suggestions. Write to
armoured column, under Major-General J. N. Chowdhury, still trying to balance the other than just a box of delectable necessary efforts to improve Using snail mail?
advanced from Rajasur to Homnabad and now stands only about Send your letters to Free Press, Free
aspects of life. modaks to feast on! Ganpati the quality. Press House, 3/54, Press Complex, AB
90 miles from its objective. Enter Ganesha, where we Bappa Morya! Shantaram Wagh Road, Indore 452008
EDITORIAL The road to gender equality
Partial respite The G20 Summit called for gender equality; where do Indian women stand?

he recently released Consumer Price Index (CPI)
data by the National Statistical Office (NSO) has omen empow- vacation to another. While
unveiled a mixed bag of inflation figures, leaving us erment is not mine may be an unpopular
with a sense of relief tempered by caution. The CPI a can-have but opinion — but if their partners
data for August indicates that India’s retail inflation eased a must-have. earn well and/or they have
to 6.83 per cent, down from the 15-month high of 7.44 per World leaders concurred with children, many women opt
cent in July. While this dip may appear comforting, it is vital this thought in the recently not to work or come back to
to remember that it still hovers above the Reserve Bank of SHUTAPA PAUL concluded G20 Summit in work. Personally, while I yearn
India’s (RBI) upper tolerance band of 6 per cent. A substan- Delhi. They pledged to pro- for a long vacation or break,
tial portion of this inflationary retreat can be attributed to the mote women-led develop- the thought of giving up work-
stabilisation of volatile prices, especially those of certain veg- ment, gender equality, halving ing completely, depresses and
etables that had hit exorbitant levels in the preceding months. the digital gender divide by scares me. There is of course a
The respite in vegetable inflation, which plummeted from 2030, and pushing for wom- clutch of other women I know
37.4 per cent in July to 26.1 per cent in August, contributed en’s role in climate action. Can who share the same ambition
around 28 basis points to the overall 61 basis point decline in India and the world afford to or drive to be financially inde-
the headline CPI. However, the broader picture of food infla- neglect the need for enhanced pendent. They are energised
tion remains disconcerting. While it has slightly dipped from participation of women in by the thought of creating or
the July figures of 11.51 per cent, food inflation still stands nation-building? The answer building, they have returned
at a staggering 9.94 per cent. In rural areas, the situation is is an emphatic and resound- to working after child birth,
even grimmer, with food inflation remaining higher at 10.4 ing, ‘No’. Our rightful place and enjoy fulfilling profes-
per cent. What’s concerning is that the prices of more stable in the world is to be working, sional and personal jour-
food items like cereals, pulses, spices, milk, eggs, meat, and Perceptions toiling, and building shoulder- neys. Much of the working
fish remain elevated. Among these, edible oils and fats are the to-shoulder with men. How- Only 24 per cent women in India (15 years of age and above) are gainfully employed and underprivileged classes
sole category in the 12-member food basket that witnessed are changing, ever, equal opportunities for also have no luxury of being
a price reduction, albeit marginal, from 16.8 per cent to 15.3 our society is women continue to be elusive 50 per cent of the population. women facing acute inequali- tion and opportunities handed permanently on party mode.
per cent. Furthermore, it’s crucial to recognise that this dip in and those who boast of creating A further division represents ties in some states. The report out to us, eventually give up on They must earn to make a liv-
headline inflation to 6.83 per cent may not be a true reflection becoming more real progress in spite of their the number of working women underlines sub-par women careers. The other day, on a rare ing and survive in an increas-
of the market but rather a consequence of quick-fix interven- accepting of gender still largely belong to a before marriage; a torn quar- empowerment in states such occasion, I was on Facebook, ingly expensive world. When
tions by the government. These interventions, including the privileged class. Democratis- ter of the half roti is the num- as Uttar Pradesh, Madhya browsing aimlessly. I came women with excellent career
imposition of a 40 per cent duty on onion exports, discounted working women, ing opportunity so as to make ber of women who drop out Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. across at least ten of my for- prospects are forced to give up
tomato sales, offloading of wheat and rice in the open market, and with the it equally accessible to women of the workforce after mar- Let’s also remember that while mer colleagues and friends — working due to cultural and
and export bans on non-basmati white rice, have temporar- of all geographic, economic, riage, yet another piece is bro- the Parliament has passed all exceptional women, highly societal pressures (I have seen
ily cushioned the inflation impact. Without these measures, growing cost and social strata would be cli- ken off for those who give up scores of bills, it’s still dragging educated and accomplished, a few of those), that’s particu-
the inflation landscape could have been far more treacherous. of living, that’s macteric. And don’t forget, in working after having their first its feet on the Women’s Reser- who were on growth trajec- larly heartbreaking.
However, it’s vital to note that such interventions cannot sub- India, we add the complexities child, one more piece denotes vation Bill that proposes that tories the last time we worked But yes, perceptions are
stitute for the long-overdue supply-side reforms required to becoming of caste and religion into the those that stop working after 33 per cent of Lok Sabha and together — who have chosen changing, our society is becom-
address the root causes of inflation. Experts are right to argue a necessity gender inequality mix. their second child. The teacher Rajya Sabha seats be mandato- to be homemakers. Without ing more accepting of working
that sustained food inflation has the potential to spill over into Quality education, health- goes on to ask her class, how rily occupied by women. Vast throwing shade on homemak- women, and with the growing
other components of the inflation basket. This ripple effect care, and jobs are dispropor- can a little piece feed an entire sections of Indian women still ers, my point being that these cost of living, that’s becoming
could disrupt the lives of ordinary citizens who are already tionately accessible by women nation? Slight use of hyper- require literacy, better health- women would have easily been a necessity. The Indian gov-
grappling with rising prices and reduced purchasing power. in India. Some social circles bole yes, but the message is care, family planning aware- in the top management of their ernment has been highlighting
Policymakers must, therefore, not just focus on curbing food still propound regressive prac- brilliantly communicated — ness, digital and financial companies by now had they Nari Shakti on Republic Day
inflation but also prepare for the impact of contingencies like tices that rob women of basic India needs her women. inclusion, and employment. persisted. And yet, their fami- tableaux and recent speeches.
deficient rainfall and volatile crude oil prices, which can fur- rights. In our developing As per the World Bank According to the Periodic ly’s primary breadwinner today Government support, women-
ther exacerbate the situation. Looking ahead, the Reserve nation, there just aren’t ade- Labour Force Participation Labour Force Survey (PLFS may just be “the man” however, focussed groups, hitherto suc-
Bank of India faces a formidable challenge in meeting its quate women participating in Report (2022), only 24 per cent July 2021-June 2022), 29.4% average and unimpressive his cessful Self-Help Groups
inflation targets. With a core inflation rate of 4.8 per cent, the workforce. Check out the women in India (15 years of of women (aged 15-59 years of professional prowess may be. (SHGs), need to play proac-
India seems to be in a relatively moderate position. However, recent advertise- age and above) are gainfully age) were part of India’s labour While we should speak tive roles in guiding India on
the risks that lie ahead must be managed with utmost care. ment released ahead of Indian employed. India ranks 127th force in 2021-22 versus 29.8% of offering all women level- the path to gender equality. No
Curbing food inflation while keeping a vigilant eye on fac- Independence Day. A school out of 146 countries on gender in 2020-21. India has histori- playing fields; there is simply doubt we have improved but
tors such as erratic precipitation patterns and unpredictable teacher explains a major prob- parity as per the Global Gen- cally had poor participation no denying that many enti- we are not there just yet. And
oil prices will require a delicate balancing act. Achieving the lem plaguing us to her class der Gap report (2023). Another in the labour force. And it’s not tled women among us just Indian women must be willing
RBI’s inflation target of 6.2 per cent for the July-September of girl children. The Indian report titled, “Indian females all due to social and familial stop working. Their mater- to play their part.
quarter, as well as the 5.4 per cent target for FY 2024, will not population is represented by a in the twenty-first century: how pressures. Look around you nity leaves become perma- The writer is an author and
be a straightforward task. To sum up, while the recent dip in roti; she tears half of it to show they have fared” published in — many of us who come from nent, their sabbaticals never media entrepreneur.
inflation may offer some temporary relief, it would be unwise women in India, who comprise GeoJournal, speaks of Indian privilege and have had educa- end, they seem to flit from one Views expressed are personal
to let our guard down. India’s inflation landscape remains vul-

Safeguarding expatriates
nerable, with food prices playing a crucial role in shaping the
overall economic scenario. Quick-fix interventions can only
provide a short-term respite; the real solution lies in address-
ing the fundamental issues that drive inflation. Policymak-
ers must adopt a holistic approach, encompassing supply-side
reforms and a vigilant eye on external factors, to steer the
Indian economy away from the looming inflationary storm.
The path ahead is fraught with challenges, but with prudent
policy measures and proactive steps, policymakers can navi-
gate this complex terrain and ensure a stable economic future Systematic compilation of data pertaining to Indian migrants and students residing abroad,
for our nation.
and subsequent addressal of the plethora of problems they face, are absolute imperatives

he absence of a mech- ports, who went abroad for istry referred to the ‘Special
anism to record the employment between Janu- Assistance to States for Capital
number of Indian ary 2019 and June 2022, were: Expenditure’ scheme launched
nationals working or 6,44,153 (2019), 1,36,314 in 2020-21, and said the
A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH studying in any country has (2020), 1,50,852 (2021) and unused funds under this head
proved to be a problem, par- 2,33,070 (till June 30, 2022). could be used for the purpose.
This is in reference to the editorial, "Ambitious endeavour". ticularly at the time of a disas- The data clearly showed an But the panel was not satisfied
The unveiling of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic ter — natural or man-made. upward trend in the number with the Ministry’s response
Corridor (IMEC), on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in The problem arises when the of Indian migrant workers and reiterated its recommen-
New Delhi, marks a major breakthrough in India’s efforts government plans to fly them going abroad for work since dation about setting up a sep-
for deeper connectivity with the world. The Memorandum back urgently from a war-torn the relaxation of covid-related arate fund for rehabilitation
of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Governments AMITABHA or disaster-struck nation, as it travel restrictions in 2021. The of those who have lost their
of India, the US, Saudi Arabia, the European Union, the is not known clearly how many committee also noted that with jobs due to a pandemic or any
UAE, France, Germany and Italy to establish IMEC is truly
ROYCHOWDHURY have to be rescued. The only the removal of covid-related other disaster abroad.
a historic moment as it helps strengthen the country’s role mechanism that exists is the health protocols and vaccina- Regarding the welfare of
as a key driver in shaping regional connectivity. Drawing Immigration Bureau, but the tion requirements, the gov- Indian workers abroad, the
its strength from the strategic and economic synergies of the data it has is collected mostly ernment made efforts towards committee observed that the
participating nations, the mega project is being envisioned as from airports and, hence, is helping the return of workers government had signed agree-
a network of transport corridors, including railway lines and limited to only one mode of and their families to Gulf coun- ments with the Gulf Cooper-
sea lanes, that is expected to aid economic growth through transport that a citizen can Proper documentation of the number of overseas migrants can help tries, and 2,26,818 emigration ation Council countries and
integration between Asia, the Arabian Gulf and Europe. take to go abroad. make their repatriation during times of crises seamless clearances were granted in the Jordan. There was also a spe-
The corridor will include a rail link as well as an electricity Keeping this in view, a last two years. cific Labour Mobility Partner-
cable, a hydrogen pipeline and a high-speed data cable. parliamentary committee has hary, asked the government later found to be either already Regarding the issue of ship Agreement between India
The ambitious initiative has multiple advantages. It would asked the government to take to expedite the setting up of a married, unemployed or not employment and livelihood and Denmark signed in 2009,
India has signed steps to encourage all Indian ‘Global Indian Students Por- as projected for marriage. The of migrant workers, includ- and with Japan on Specified
increase prosperity among the countries involved through an nationals, including migrant tal’ to provide information to government has dealt with ing ensuring that they get their Skilled Worker in 2021. A sim-
increased flow of energy and digital communications. The numerous workers and students, abroad the students and assist them more than 6,000 grievances payments regularly and are ilar Labour Mobility Agree-
project would help deal with the lack of infrastructure needed
for growth in lower- and middle-income nations. It involves agreements with to get themselves registered
with the Indian embassies or
in taking an informed deci-
sion while selecting courses in
against NRI men from 2015
to 2019. In view of the pivotal
not exploited by their foreign
employers in foreign soil, the
ment has been concluded
with Portugal. Furthermore,
the building of a railway line across the Arabian Peninsula various countries consulates in respective coun- universities abroad. The Com- role likely to be played by such panel said it viewed the matter memoranda on migration and
through the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia and for the welfare tries. Noting that since such mittee said once the portal is centres in providing timely seriously and asked the Exter- mobility were under process
developing shipping connectivity to India and Europe on registration is voluntary, 100 operationalised, cases of dup- assistance to distressed Indian nal Affairs Ministry to facili- with several countries such
either end of this corridor. of workers per cent of the diaspora may ing of students by fake univer- women abroad, the committee tate new recruitment of such as Germany, Mauritius, Por-
— KHOKAN DAS, KOLKATA via email residing abroad, not be registered with the mis- sities and fraudulent agents directed that these ‘One Stop workers, with the Indian mis- tugal, Belgium, the Nether-
sions or posts. This would be would come down. The panel Centres’ should be opened sions and posts taking up the lands, Luxembourg, Australia
but the degree of great help to all Indians asked the External Affairs immediately in the embassies issue of realisation of payments and the Russian Federation. of positive impact at times of crises like Covid- Ministry to expedite the pro- and missions abroad. due to them on a priority basis. India had also signed the
19 pandemic or wars such as cess of data collection, colla- Regarding issues relating It lamented that there was Global Compact for Migra-
Log on to write letters to the editor or send them to remains uncertain those in Ukraine or earlier in tion and operationalisation of to Indian workers, the com- “no specific scheme” for the tion as part of its partnership You can also send your comments to The Editor, Afghanistan and Kuwait. The the portal, and provision ade- mittee expressed anguish after rehabilitation of the migrant with the International Organ-
Millennium Post, Pratap Bhawan, 5 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002 Standing Committee on Exter- quate resources for the project. the External Affairs Ministry workers who lost their jobs in isation for Migration and the
nal Affairs, which comprises This recommendation came said it “does not possess over- other countries in the wake International Labour Organ-
31 MPs from both the Lok amidst past reports of some all data of migrant workers of the covid pandemic. These isation. The agreements are
Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, Indian students falling prey who returned to India in the included a “huge population of aimed at providing safe and

Tweet of the day noted that a large chunk of the

diaspora, especially migrant
workers and students, do not
to elements who dupe these
youngsters to get admission at
fake institutions abroad, espe-
wake of the Covid-19 pan-
demic.” However, the Minis-
try provided the panel with
Gulf returnees”.
The need was felt to estab-
lish a rehabilitation scheme
legal migration opportunities
to Indian workers in potential
employment destinations all
get themselves registered. It cially in the US and Canada. the number of people who to ensure livelihood secu- over the world.
It’s a shame that the SC declined to consider recommended that though Another significant issue returned from all over the rity for those workers who However, the impact of
there are various means avail- highlighted by the commit- world through flights arranged lost their jobs or could not such MoUs and agreements
this case on merits. This decision by the able for such registration to be tee was the immediate set- under the Vande Bharat Mis- return or were forced to stay and whether they have trans-
Union government-appointed Administrator done, the government would ting up of ‘One Stop Centres’ sion. And the number of such back in foreign land. Such lated into better for migrant
to remove meat from the mid-day meal have to take fresh initiatives to to help distressed women returnees was about 8,25,000. a comprehensive scheme, it workers are not known. Hence,
menu of schoolchildren in Lakshadweep carry out extensive campaigns abroad duped in the name of The committee said a very said, should be worked out in the Committee urged the Min-
in various countries to encour- marriage to a non-resident large number of Indian work- coordination with other con- istry to carry out an impact
imposes the preferences of one political THAROOR age Indians residing, working Indian or employment in for- ers had returned from dif- cerned ministries and the state assessment of the existing
party on an unwilling majority of the @ShashiTharoor or studying there to register. eign land. Though latest offi- ferent countries, having lost governments to secure means Migration and Mobility Agree-
population, interferes with freedom of This, it said, would not only cial statistics are hard to come their jobs during the Covid of livelihood for these work- ments and monitor the imple-
choice and undermines our nation’s diversity. I am surprised create a database of Indians by, a 2018 petition by eight pandemic. ers and their families. The mentation of these agreements
abroad, but also connect with such women in the Supreme As per data presented by Committee asked the Min- and ensure that the issues of
and disappointed that the SC did not find any rights violated them if and when there is a Court said there were more the Bureau of Immigration, istry to initiate consultations interest of the migrant workers
here that were deserving of their protection. (And by the way, crisis. than 40,000 wives who had the numbers of Indian nation- with all stakeholders without and their grievances are “actu-
I’m a vegetarian myself. This is about the principle involved.) The 31-member panel, been deceived into marrying als holding ECR (Emigration delay. To this recommenda- ally addressed”.
headed by BJP MP PP Chaud- NRI men. These men were Clearance Required) pass- tion, the External Affairs Min- Views expressed are personal
16.9.2023 TheOPINIONPAGE ❝ It’s hard to beat a
person who never
gives up.



BY DR. GYAN PATHAK HE‘Sanatan Dharm’ electorate why they are oppos- Central Government led by PM
controversy is the ing the present ruling estab- Modi, and the State
latest example of a lishment led by PM Narendra Governments led by the BJP.

leader of opposition Modi, who will be seeking third There are numerous records of
unwittingly walking term in Lok Sabha Election documentaryevidencesagainst
into RSS-BJP’s political turf 2024. Rather the Opposition them in the including of CAG
They are slaves who dare not be made for PM Narendra Modi
to play on with advantage over
leaders need not to lose their
temper oninconvenient issues
al and international institu-
In the right with two or three the Opposition I.N.D.I.A. brought forward by the RSS- tions, both Government and
Lowell alliance, which they are pro-
BJP clan and the agents of pow-
er. They simply need not to
private, on which actions have
been deferred or not taken at

and his associates have been allow themselves driven by all. Media may not give prop-
Nakshatra Uttarphalguni 07H 35M trying to drive the entire them into their turf, but go on er coverage to the I.N.D.I.A. NDIA has set up a
Moon Kanya (Rajandekar Panchang) Opposition leaders into their emphasizing their own point. alliance or the issues they want newbenchmarkfor
Bhadrapada Shukla Paksha Tithi Pratipada 09H 17M own turf, since they believe One must tell what is right tofocus,aprospectthathaunts the world to follow
Muslim Safar 30th Hijree 1445 theyareinvincibleontheirown and what is wrong, with great the Opposition leaders. It is byreducingitssolar
turf. I.N.D.I.A. alliance has patience, to everyone, every- here, the I.N.D.I.A. alliance importsfromChina
already noted this and has where, and to all sorts of audi- needsareliablestrategytoreach by a whopping 76 per
decided to steer clear of the ence, the hostile and the the electorate across the coun- cent. This drastic cut in

trap, while trying to make its favourable. Enabling the peo- try. Though the path will be import of solar modules
own political turf for the Lok ple to understand the issues challenging,thegroundlevelsit- and cells from China is
Sabha Election 2024, the result with more information would uationisnotatallagainstthem. the first and biggest by

of which would much depend be key to defend the Secular- Despite all the blitzkrieg of PM any country in the world,
HE decision of the media committee of the on whose turf the electoral bat- Socialist-DemocraticRepublic Modi’s campaign in Himachal most of which is still
Opposition block I.N.D.I.A. to boycott the shows tlewouldbefought–PMModi’s of India that dreams justice for Pradesh and Karnataka, BJP dependent upon
ofasmanyas14televisionanchorsisnotjustunfor- or I.N.D.I.A. alliance’s. all. Why should the I.N.D.I.A. had to face humiliating defeat, Chinese components for
tunate but also very undemocratic. The decision The latest decision of the alliance not clarify that while in the recently held by- its solar installations.
also shows the desperation of the INDI Alliance I.N.D.I.A.allianceCoordination “Hindutva”isacommunalcon- election on 7 seats I.N.D.I.A. India has sensibly
leadership over its own inability to find a narrative that can Committee in its first meeting cept, while “Hinduism” is reli- alliance won by 4:3. slashed the exports after
overshadow the one being put forward by Prime Minister on September 13 has clearly gious? And “communalism” Political narrative of finding a way towards
Mr. Narendra Modi and the National Democratic Alliance indicated this fact, and decid- and “religiosity” are distinct I.N.D.I.A.alliancesofarisbeing self-sufficiencybyboost-
ed to avoid the hounds of RSS- things, and the RSS-BJP stand taken seriously by the elec- ing domestic manufac-
led by him. So, out of frustration and helplessness, the INDI
BJP clan, and the ‘Godi Media’ for communalism? RSS-BJP torate in the country is per- turing capacity. This
Alliance leadership appears to have chosen this path -- (thesectionofmediathatisnur- clan is trying to label I.N.D.I.A. ceivable, not only in West aligns with the Centre’s
which is sure to hurt its own interest in the ultimate analy- tured by the ruling establish- alliance as conglomeration of Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, resolve to achieve self-
sis. The move, thus, demonstrates that the Opposition has ment)andthejournalistswork- anti- Hindu forces which Jharkhand, but we also see it reliance in energy. The
come to the end of the tither by which it was trying des- ingwiththemwhoactasagents I.N.D.I.A. alliance need to fight in poll bound Rajasthan, solar manufacturing
perately to hold its ground. The decision to boycott a select of the present Government led back, but without falling into Madhya Pradesh, and industry has got a major
band of anchors also shows an extreme poverty of ideas of by PM Narendra Modi. the communal trap led by Chhattisgarh. fillip under the ‘Make in
the Opposition leadership. I.N.D.I.A. alliance has decided them. However, it is easier said Campaign strategy of India’ programme as the
We condemn this decision outright and insist that the ■ to identify such journalists and than done. It would be chal- I.N.D.I.A.allianceisstillinmak- industryrealisedtheben-
INDI Alliance leadership should withdraw it post-haste. In media organisations and then lenging for Opposition leaders ing, and the first joint cam- efits of domestic pro-
a democratic polity, nothing of this sort can be expected, I.N.D.I.A. alliance needs boycott them en block. It is a to restrain themselves to their paign will be kicked off from duction instead of rely-
allowed and tolerated not just by the people in politics but a reliable strategy to significant development, own issues whatever they are Bhopal in poll bound Madhya ing heavily on imports
also the society at large. We insist that an attack on freedom reach the electorate first of its kind in India, when trying to focus on, while telling Pradesh in the first week of from Chinese compa-
of expression is an attack on free spirit and goodwill that across the country. the entire Opposition block on their face that the issues October next month. Going by nies. The imports were
act as two corner-stones of democracy. Therefore, the INDI Though the path will be has taken this hard decision – they are raising smacks pur- the recent utterings of the goingagainst thenation-
Alliance leadership must withdraw the dirty decision and wisdom of which is still ques- suanceofRSS-BJPorPMModi’s opposition leaders,corruption al policy of self-suste-
challenging, the ground tionable. agenda of communalizing the under PM Modi, favouring cer- nance and also the for-
even apologise to the media in particular and the larger level situation is not at
Indian society in general. Decision to stop sending country for political purposes. tain Corporate friends against eign policy strategy of
The14nameslisted bytheINDI Alliance media committee all against them. I.N.D.I.A. alliance leaders and Oppositionleadersalsoneed the common people, unprece- cornering China. The
belong to persons -- men and women -- who have kept up Despite all the spokespersons to participate tocounterthevilificationcam- dentedlevelofunemployment, Government needs to be
blitzkrieg of PM Modi’s in TV debates of the “hounds” paign against them run by the cost of living crisis, misuse of praised for the major
standard practices of journalism despite whatever difficul-
of the RSS-BJP has both the agents of power outside the power to against opposition strategic shift with
ties they may be facing while dis charging their duties.There campaign in Himachal pros and cons. Boycotting the Government and the Central leaders and all who happen to remarkable recent poli-
may have been some foibles in their professional conducts, Pradesh and Karnataka, hostile journalists and media Government investigating be critic of the Government, cy interventions.
all right. Yet, nothing is good enough to invite a boycott by BJP had to face humili- organizationmaysavethelead- agencies that have been destruction of democracy and Domestic production of
any political party or bloc.
Boycott does not mean shunning the shows of just a few
ating defeat, while in ers of opposition from many allegedly unleashed by the rul- federalism to make Prime components used in
the recently held by- inconveniences in answering ing establishment. They not Minister all powerful for strategic assets must be
television anchors. In actual terms, it suggests a sick mind- thedifficultquestions,butthen onlyneedtodefendthemselves, authoritarian rule etc are like- the top priority of the
set that seeks to silence the voice of freedom. In a modern election on 7 seats the entire Opposition would individually and as a party or ly to be the focal points of industry, too, as it opens
democraticsociety, the mediais one of the conscience-keep- I.N.D.I.A. alliance won also lose the opportunity to alliance,butalsoneedtoexpose I.N.D.I.A. alliance campaign. up a win-win situation
ers of the people -- in power and in the streets. Some anchors by 4:3. drive home their point to the the corruption within the (IPA) for both the industry and
may have appeared occasionally tough on the Opposition, the country. The solar
all right. They may have asked questions and raised issues installations now must

English has no enmity with Hindi

that were very inconvenient to the Opposition way of doing keep pace with the
politics. On occasions, some anchors may have snubbed NationalElectricity Plan.
the Opposition leaders point-blank with a view to correct-
ing a wrong being foisted upon the unsuspecting common
people. Yet, none of those actions of the anchors calls for

an extreme step such as that of a boycott. In other words,

the decision demonstrates an absence of belief in demo- HE other day I was tolearntoread,writeandspeak Hindiloversforthosewhowrite has always stood like a friend
cratic value-system on the part of the I.N.D.I.A. leadership. reading a news item aparticularsubjectorlanguage or speak in English.Those who with Hindi. Leave aside other HE ongoing
which signified that that is English. It is the duty of know and speak English nev- countries outside India, in our Asia Cup tour-
Hearing the news, a political leader rightly likened the
a student was beat- the school and its teachers to er oppose Hindi, instead they own country when we are nament has
decision to the mindset that once imposed Emergency on en in an English make them proficient in are spreading Hindi to each unable to convey our ideas to put India in a
the country 48 years ago. The most important plank of that medium school in our town English. Learning language is and every corner of this globe a companion belonging to happyspaceas
move was abrogation of freedom of expression. as a result, because he was talking in a matter of atmosphere. We and only because of that Hindi some other state of India it is the team is working well
hundreds of journalists were put behind the bars along with Hindi. No doubt the news was have no particular formula to has become the second known the English that come to help to tick the boxes needed
leaders of Opposition parties that held views contrary to exasperating. The news item teach English or any language and third spoken language of usjustlike afriend.Eveninnon for its campaign in the
those in power. Among those arrested also were people from created quite an uproar in our for that matter. If we live in a the world. There were only a Hindi speaking states of south ICC World Cup. As the
non-political oragnisations whose ideologies did not match local media because nobody country or a state for a certain few outsiders who knew any- India we cannot read the sign top-order batsmen gave
those of the people in power. The news about the decision likeditincludingmyself.Noone period we learn the lingo of thingaboutHindidecadesago. boards of shops or what they a fine account of them-
to boycott 14 television anchors and their shows reminds has any right to beat the stu- that place; It is only are selling if these boards are selves in crucial match-

many of those dark days of Emergency. dents. But the news has made in other because not printed in English. In fact es, the most heartening
The biggest paradox is that even when the INDI Alliance one of my friends so mad that words, a of those thegreatestopponentsofHindi news for Team India is
media committee announced the decision of boycott, he was vulgar enough to abuse s o c i a l convent- are those whom we think are the return of Jasprit
Congress leader Mr. Rahul Gandhi was complaining to his everyone around for he pro- milieu is BY PROF. ANIL JAIN goersthat our real sisters. Hindi lovers Bumrah to competitive
friends at a European destination that freedom of expres- claimed himself to be a great important Hindi has seemafraidthatconvent-goers cricket. The pacer was
sion was in danger in India. devotee of Hindi. Why doesn’t tobecomeskilledinalanguage. got such a status. Hindi and do not know anything about away from the game for
These details apart, we again insist that the decision be the Government make Hindi a In such circumstances the Sanskrit became known lan- their mother tongue. It is very a long time but the reha-
withdrawn most urgently so that the media remains free to national language, so on and schools are bound to create an guages of the world only after difficult to agree with. I have bilitation seems to have
conduct its duties unhindered in the country. so forth, were his comments. atmosphere. When the stu- Englishmen discovered it and observed there is not a single gone really well for him.
Somehow I cooled him down. dents fail to learn, the school Indians learnt English. childin theworldwhodoesnot Bumrah is now back to
However his remarks were so and its teachers are blamed So far as the national lan- knowhismothertongue.Ihave hispositionasspearhead
unpleasantandunjustifiedthat and even the reputation of the guage is concerned the great- seen many convent educated of the first-choice Indian

Inspiration I lost my sympathies for the

poor student. It had set my
school is at stake. In such a sit-
uation the school administra-
est enemies of Hindi are her
own real sisters who we may
children speaking in their
mother tongue when they
attack with Mohammad
Shami and Mohammad

mind on fire to think a little tion is in dilemma or rather in call regional languages. They come out of the schools and Siraj to his support.
HAT you expect is what you work toward. deeper and to again read the pressure and has to be rigid. always create an obstacle in they speak in their local dialect Hardik Pandya, too, has
What you work toward determines what you news item between the lines. I am unable to understand the path of Hindi to become it so well that it can put their eld- emerged as the reliable
end up creating and experiencing in your In fact we send our children the enmity of these so-called the national language. English erly native speakers to shame. bowler with the new ball
life. Your expectations for the future guide making it a happy
and energize your efforts in the present. So headache for the think
your best option is to make those expectations positive and
desirable. Expect the most favorable outcome. Then
Every Man in his Humour Letters to the EditorEvery Man i tank. Bowling coach
Paras Mhambrey has
You cannot know with certainty if or when your positive at the situation as India

World Ozone Day: Not a layer but a protector

expectations will all be realized. Yet you can benefit from take four fit bowlers to
them no matter what. the World Cup. With
Although not all of your efforts will bear fruit, you’re much Shardul Thakur as the
better off making those efforts than doing nothing. And your Sir, surprise package in the
expectations provide a driving force to power those efforts. World Ozone Day, celebrated on September 16th every year, serves as a reminder of the critical role played by the ozone layer in middle-order, the pace
Set your expectations high, and set yourself to work in protecting life on Earth. This day provides an opportunity to reflect on the importance of preserving the ozone layer and the impact attack looks stinging for
their direction. Enjoy the benefits of knowing where you’re it has on our environment and well-being. The ozone layer is not merely a layer; it is a protector, and its significance cannot be over- the WorldCuphosts.The
going, and of going where you choose. stated. The ozone layer is a region of the Earth’s stratosphere, approximately 10 to 30 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, where the think-tank needs to per-
Perhaps today would be a good day for a second look, a concentration of ozone (O3) molecules is relatively high. It is often referred to as the “ozone shield” because of its ability to absorb fect its combinations as
good time to revisit old thoughts and ideas you may have and block the majority of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The primary role of the ozone layer is to act as a shield against per the need of the day
wandered away from. Your perspective is always changing, the Sun’s ultraviolet rays. The ozone molecules in this layer absorb and dissipate UV-B and UV-C radiation, preventing these harm- so that all the fit bowlers
and something that didn’t make sense a year ago may very ful rays from reaching the Earth’s surface in large quantities. UV radiation, if unchecked, can cause numerous health problems in are utilised to the best of
well be a brilliant idea today. humans, including skin cancer, cataracts, and immune system suppression. It can also harm animals, damage crops, and have adverse their abilities. Kuldeep
Sometimes the best ideas arrive way ahead of their time. effects on aquatic ecosystems. Despite its critical role, the ozone layer has been under threat due to human activities. As we cele- Yadav has already solved
Soholdontothoseideas,andthoughts,andintuitions,because brate World Ozone Day, let us commit ourselves to continued efforts in preserving and restoring the ozone layer. Let us also draw the spin question so the
eventually you may be able to use them. inspiration from the success of the Montreal Protocol, knowing that through international cooperation and responsible actions, we focus now needs to be on
Go back regularly to look at the things you’ve considered can overcome environmental threats and create a healthier, safer, and more sustainable world. Vasavi Raju Barde the pacers.
before, but never acted upon. There was a reason you had
those thoughts, and maybe now you’ll be able to see their
value more clearly. Readers please note the change in e-mail address. TheHitavada welcomes Middles (upto 550 words), letters for this page, and contributions to other sections
ATTENTION also by e-mail at:; The editors may rephrase letters for clarity of thought and constraints of space.
Jaipur, Saturday | September 16, 2023 thefirstindia thefirstindia thefirstindia





he Sanatan Dharma row started by Udhaya-
T nidhi Stalin is turning out to be advantageous
for the BJP which is using it as a battle cry

...after Terrific Wins over Pakistan and Lanka! for the 2024 elections. The I.N.D.I.A. alliance of op-
position parties will find it difficult to deflect the
attack by the BJP as Prime Minister Narendra Modi
himself is leading the charge. His strong statement
accusing the Opposition of trying to crush Sanatan
Dharma, and thereby the BJP, across the country will
find resonance with the Hindus. The mood that it may
create will be somewhat akin to the one before the
demolition of Babri Masjid.
The masses will respond to a call from the PM
much more effectively than to an appeal from any
leader belonging to the I.N.D.I.A. group which is yet
to emerge as a cohesive bloc. Udhayanidhi’s remark
could have been for DMK’s benefit but for the Op-
position bloc it can prove disastrous. Yet, being part
of I.N.D.I.A. the DMK cannot be restrained.



e are so used to using the Global Positioning

W System (GPS) to track locations and find our
ways that the idea of another navigation sys-
tem never crossed our minds. The need for a home-
eam India is Then came the spin grown navigation system was felt after the Americans

T all set for the

Asia Cup fi-
nals on Sun-
day after an
magic of Kuldeep! The last
year has seen a total turna-
round for him after a not so
good 2021 after which he
refused to share GPS data with India during the Kar-
gil war in 1999. The Navigation with Indian Constel-
lation (NavIC) was thus born out of necessity to cut
dependence on the GPS. The Indian Space Research
intense and fulfilling week was dropped from the na- Organisation put a constellation of eight navigation
in Colombo. They will face Looking to the crucial World Cup challenge ahead, tional side as well. Against satellites with the provision of two additional satel-
the home team after Sri India is now in a sweet spot as most of the team’s Pakistan he displayed why lites after the project’s approval in 2006. It took 12
Lanka upset the fancied Pa- major concerns have been addressed during the he is a changed bowler who years to become op-
kistan side in a virtual semi- Asia Cup. A reassuring factor for the team is the now has confidence in his erational. The project
Siddhaarth final on a thrilling Thursday
night. India’s match against
return to form and fitness for KL Rahul and Jasprit
Bumrah. In addition, Hardik Pandya’s form and
skills. He bamboozled the
Pakistani batsmen who are
involved complete
indigenisation of
Mahan Bangladesh had no bearing
on who would play the final
Kuldeep Yadav’s revival are also a huge morale-
booster for the team not just for the Sunday final
good players of spin and
took 5 wickets for 25 as
space and ground
segments and user re-
The writer is a specialist encounter of the competi- but also the upcoming ODI World Cup which is India won with the biggest ceivers. An important We are so used to
on Sports and Cinema tion and so the team man- now just 2 weeks away. margin ever of 228 runs use could be in mis- using the Global
who works as an actor in agement made 5 changes to against their arch rivals. sile tracking. Positioning System
the Hindi film industry their line-up. At the time of After their game against The NavIC (sailor) (GPS) to track
writing this, India has been Nepal, Indian bowlers have is compulsorily in use locations and find
Virat Kohli as well who hit managed to bowl out both our ways that the
put under some pressure by now just 2 weeks away. in commercial vehi-
idea of another
the Bangladeshi team with After a not-so-great start his 47th ODI ton. As India Pakistan and Sri Lanka in cles in India and the
navigation system
a total of 265 on board. The to their Asia Cup, Team In- put up a mammoth score on their next 2 matches and Union Government is
never crossed our
CHANGE match will serve as a good
practice for the final against
dia has had a much-im-
proved campaign. In their
the board, the onus was on
the bowlers who hadn’t
have fully backed their
batsmen in the journey to
considering making
installation of NavIC
minds. The need for
a home-grown
Looking to the crucial
World Cup challenge
very first match against Pa-
kistan, the top order was
rocked by Shaheen Shah
been at their best till then in
the tournament. The first
match was rained off and
the finals. On a raging turn-
er where the ball was grip-
ping, Indian batsmen strug-
technology mandato-
ry for all smart phones
sold, and later manu-
navigation system
was felt after the
Americans refused
ahead, India is now in a Afridi and India didn’t man- Indian bowlers didn’t get gled to put up a strong total. factured, in India. Ap- to share GPS data
Currently, Iyer’s fitness is still sweet spot as most of the age to bat their entire 50 tested on the night but they But Indian bowlers ensured ple has included this with India during the
a concern and in such a case team’s major concerns overs. But in the Super did against Nepal in their that there were no hiccups technology in its new Kargil war in 1999
Tilak Verma can be a useful have been addressed dur- Fours, Indian batsmen dom- next match and it was a be- as they won by 41 runs. It iPhone. NavIC will,
addition given his ability to ing the Asia Cup. A reas- inated the Pakistani pacers low par bowling perfor- was Bumrah who got the however, not be in-
also bowl off spin. India’s
last match in the Super Four suring factor for the team and posted a massive total mance against them. Against initial breakthroughs in the cluded, at the expense
against Bangladesh is only is the return to form and of 356 losing just the open- Pakistan, however, it was a first few overs and put Lan- of the existing navigation system. The problem which
of academic interest but the fitness for KL Rahul and ers who both hit classy and brilliant show of fast bowl- ka on the backfoot from the the government is trying to address is the use of Qual-
experiments in the playing XI Jasprit Bumrah. In addi- aggressive half centuries. ing and then throttling the start chasing a small total. comm chip sets by urging companies to design or
might be useful for the final. tion, Hardik Pandya’s form Importantly, K.L.Rahul, opposition with spin. Bum- All the bowlers were clini- make chips for NavIC in India. After the development
If Rohit and Co beat Lanka
on Sunday, it’ll be their first
and Kuldeep Yadav’s re- drafted in the playing 11 be- rah looked like he was back cal but Kuldeep again took of NavIC an indigenous chip to support the navigation
Asia Cup win after 2018 and vival are also a huge mo- cause of Iyer’s shaky fit- at his best and Pandya too the honours as he cleaned system should not be a challenge.
a complete turnaround from rale-booster for the team ness, hit an unbeaten cen- swung the ball and scalped up the Lankan tail with 4 While the GPS route planner may sometimes mis-
the dismal show in the same not just for the Sunday fi- tury and even kept wickets the critical wicket of opposi- key wickets. direct, the NavIC system is believed to be far more
tournament last year! nal but also the upcoming in the second innings. tion skipper, Babar Azam in THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY accurate. The Standard Positioning Service has an
ODI World Cup which is It was a stellar show by his very first over. THE AUTHOR ARE PERSONAL accuracy of about 5 to 10 metres throughout India.

Shana Tova! Warmest I pay obeisance to the legendary

TOP greetings on Rosh Hashanah engineer, Sir M Visvesvaraya Ji, on SPIRITUAL SPEAK
TWEETS to my friend Prime Minister
@netanyahu, the friendly people
his birth anniversary. Visvesvaraya Ji
powered our civilization with his inimitable
of Israel and the Jewish community engineering genius, designing and shaping Be on your guard; stand
across the world. May the New
Year bring good health, peace and
a vast range of structures. His contributions
will continue to inspire dreams in the minds
firm in the faith; be
prosperity in everyone’s life. of our new generations. courageous; be strong.
Narendra Modi @narendramodi Amit Shah @AmitShah BIBLE
 Vol 5  Issue No. 101  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor,
City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504.  Editor-In-Chief: Dr Jagdeesh Chandra  Managing Editor: Pawan Arora  Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
t h e da ily gua r dia n r eview
sat u r day | 1 6 se p t e m b e r 2 0 2 3
new de l h i comment & analysis 7
mental well-being

Addressing overcrowding and

The J-14 list

I.N.D.I.A allies

mental health in Indian prisons report for 2020 revealed sised in the Indian Journal of
strategy of boycotting
journalists is flawed
overcrowding at a stagger- Social Psychiatry (2018) the The decision by the Indian National Developmental
ing 118%, surpassing the in- importance of establishing Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) to boycott 14 Journalists

opinion tended prison capacity.

It is equally imperative to
underscore that India has
mental health clinics within
prisons for early detection
and intervention. They pro-
and Anchors, as also four TV channels, is clearly
flawed. The journalists whose list was released of-
ficially, are perceived by the INDIA constituents, to
one of the highest under-trial posed regular visits by men- be politically inclined towards the ruling dispensa-
Pyali Chatterjee populations globally. Even tal health professionals and tion, and therefore have not been objective in their
many are not aware of Sec- prompt transfers of prison- shows. These journalists and Channels have been de-
tion 436A of CRPC. Section ers to psychiatric facilities. scribed as part of the Godi Media, and the meeting of
436A of the CRPC (Code of To address these conditions, the INDIA coordination committee named them for
tries. Prisoners are at a higher Criminal Procedure) plays an prioritising the recruitment allegedly distorting facts, and presenting a one-sided
risk of mental disorders com- important role in the release of psychiatrists, psycholo- picture of any development. What needs to be under-
pared to the general popula- of undertrial prisoners, stat- gists, and psychiatric nurses stood is that journalists by and large work as per the
tion. Overcrowding in pris- ing that an undertrial pos- is crucial. However, the cur- policies of their media organisations, and have limited
ons is one of the reasons for sesses the right to seek bail rent situation reveals a stark or no role in determining the guidelines. Yes, some of
the increase in mental disor- after serving half of the maxi- contrast between the number them may have gone overboard in carrying out the
ders among prisoners. mum potential sentence. De- of prisoners and the limited instructions, but it is inaccurate to blame them, if the
Responding to this concern, tention in prison cannot ex- number of psychiatric pro- perception war is being lost by the Opposition on most
a panel comprising Justices ceed the maximum potential fessionals appointed to jails. occasions. The J-14 list has perhaps left out many oth-
S Abdul Nazeer and V Ra- sentence duration. However, At present, there is only one ers, who may be wondering where they went wrong
masubramanian has issued this provision doesn’t apply wealth Human Rights Ini- As per the Mental Healthcare psychiatrist for every 16,503 in implementing the will of the owners, and thus find
notices to the Central Gov- to those facing charges pun- tiative (CHRI). The World Act (MHCA) of 2017, prison prisoners. This data clearly their names missing from this august grouping. Some
ernment, state administra- ishable by death. Questions Health Organisation and medical officers are man- indicates the need for an in- of the INDIA representatives who influenced the de-
tions, and Union Territories arise here about how many the International Red Cross dated to report mentally ill creased number of psychiat- cision, have claimed that these journalists have been

he World Health Or- in response to a PIL filed by undertrial prisoners have recognise that factors such prisoners to Mental Health ric professionals in prisons. virtually put on notice, and unless they stop being
ganisation (WHO) de- Kush Kalra. Kalra employed benefited from this provision. as inadequate healthcare, Review Boards (MHRBs) Data convergence empha- unfair to the Opposition, their boycott would con-
fines mental health as RTI applications to expose Despite these provisions, the overcrowding, and violence quarterly. These boards have sises urgent action to counter tinue. In the event, they relent, this decision against
a state of well-being that en- insufficient mental health- current data related to under- amplify prisoners’ vulner- the authority to visit correc- overcrowding’s role in pris- them would be revoked after some time. The BJP has
ables individuals to navigate care infrastructure in 56 state trial prisoners tells a different ability to mental health is- tional facilities and transfer oner mental health issues. described this action as an attack on the freedom of
life’s challenges, utilise their prisons, as mandated by the story. Even the Probation of sues. According to the Tata prisoners to mental health Government responsibility the press. However, it is unfortunate and avoidable
skills, learn, work, and con- Mental Health Act of 2017, Offenders Act, 1958, whose Trusts’ India Justice Report facilities. However, as of Oc- is paramount, with Sections that in this fight and confrontation between the ruling
tribute to their community. specifically Section 103(6). primary motive was to pro- (2020), Indian prisons lack tober 2020, only three states 436A and 360 of the Code of dispensation and the Opposition, journalists are being
Ensuring mental well-being Even in court, Jyotika Kalra, vide a chance for offenders 41% of the required medi- had established MHRBs. Criminal Procedure offering targeted, and that too in the election year. Yes, many of
is integral to overall health. representing Kush Kalra, to rehabilitate themselves in- cal staff, and in 35 out of 36 Certain high courts, like tools for effective overcrowd- the anchors do at times get carried away and appear
With the growing popula- emphasised that the harsh stead of becoming entrenched states and union territories, those in Delhi, Karnataka, ing mitigation. The courts ac- to be siding with the spokespersons of the BJP. But
tion in India, the number of conditions within prisons in criminal behaviour, seems inmate populations exceed and Kerala, have intervened knowledgment of prisoners’ there are other methods by which the Opposition can
prisoners has also increased lead to mental illness among to have failed in controlling 50% of capacity. Kumar and in this matter. The practi- mental health rights reinforc- protest or make its voice heard, particularly when the
over time. While the gov- inmates due to isolation and the prisoner population. Daria (2013) stress that pris- cal implementation of this es the need for prompt inter- social media platforms are immensely popular, and
ernment has taken steps to overcrowding. The petitioner Section 360 of the Code of oners suffer from elevated recommendation remains vention. Collaborative efforts play a part in influencing public opinion. Boycotting
meet the needs of the general highlighted the violation of Criminal Procedure states rates of psychiatric disorders uncertain without the pres- are key: mental health review shows is not an answer. It means that the Opposi-
public, including their over- the Mental Healthcare Act, that individuals above the age due to these circumstances. ence of these authorities. boards, increased psychiatric tion is not utilizing forums which it construes to be
all health issues, many basic 2017, and called for Supreme of twenty-one who have not Furthermore, the criminal Recent studies have shown staff, and AI integration aid hostile in giving their perspective. It would have been
rights of prisoners related to Court intervention through been previously convicted of justice system falls short in that AI can be used to iden- in identifying and address- wiser for the INDIA constituents to be on the shows,
the right to life under Article training and awareness pro- crimes resulting in imprison- addressing a range of mental tify patients at risk of suicide ing mental health concerns. and even if they felt that they were being denied a
21 of the Indian Constitution grammes for prison staff, as ment exceeding seven years illnesses, leading to a larger or mental disorders. Even This goes beyond legal obliga- chance to express themselves, they could have made
have been found to be vio- required by various sec- or death can be granted pro- number of mentally ill pris- the jail administration can tions, reflecting a moral duty use of the limited time to push through their views.
lated and one of this right is tions of the Act. According bation based on their good oners being incarcerated. use this technology to iden- to safeguard fundamental The viewers are not unintelligent and they can always
related to mental health of the to NCRB (National Crime conduct. Research is needed To address these concerns, tify mental health disorders rights. By prioritising men- make out what is going on, and thus can reach their
prisoners. Records Bureau) data, Delhi to find the actual data on how an advisory recommends among prisoners. tal well-being and reforming own conclusions, which could be at variance with
In comparison to the gen- ranked third in terms of jail many accused persons have enhanced identification of In 2019, a PIL was filed in overcrowding, India can re- those of the concerned anchor. The boycott could turn
eral population, prisoners suicides. Unnatural deaths, benefited from this Act. prisoners with mental health the Madras High Court call- shape its correctional system out to be case of a missed opportunity to present the
face an elevated risk of both including suicides, within Tragically, prisoners in problems and improved ac- ing for a dedicated medical to foster rehabilitation and Opposition’s angle on any major issue. The decision
mental and physical health Indian prisons escalated by India are twice as likely to cess to authorities for those wing in the Central Prison respect human dignity. of what to show or how to put across the narrative is
issues, a reality extensively over 10% in 2019, with the die by suicide compared to with psychological issues. to provide specialised men- Dr. Pyali Chatterjee is the HOD, taken by the owners or those who help in approving
documented through re- PIL documenting 165 such the general population, as However, current mecha- tal healthcare. Even Dr. Rabia Faculty of Law, ICFAI Univer- the policies. The journos simply carry out instructions
search across various coun- deaths. The prison statistics reported by the Common- nisms often prove ineffective. and Dr. Raghavan empha- sity, Raipur Chhattisgarh. most of the time and thus should not be targeted. A
counter argument is that many anchors have been
``parked’’ at TV channels by the ruling party for
forwarding its overall agenda. They were being paid

Exploring alternative dispute resolution

huge salaries to safeguard the BJP’s interests. This
could be true in some cases, but then the ``parking
space’’ is provided by the management, and journos
are not occupying it illegally. The more serious way of
tackling this alleged prejudice against the Opposition
specialized expertise, swift it is paramount to uphold would have been to stop advertisements to certain TV
timelines, and confidential- Beyond mediation and arbitration, the concept the principles of fairness, channels instead of targeting journalists. This way

opinion ity, arbitration is particu-

larly attractive to industries
that demand precise under-
of collaborative law has gained traction as an
innovative approach to conflict resolution.
justice, and accountability
that form the bedrock of our
legal systems. The future of
the message would reach the management which
may be forced to review its policies. Each of the State
governments run by the INDIA partners give crores
standing and quick resolu- dispute resolution prom- of rupees to media houses to highlight their achieve-
Abhinav Pandey tion. Recent innovations, Collaborative law involves attorneys, clients, ises a harmonious blend of ments. In case of both the ruling dispensation and the
such as fast-track arbitration innovation and tradition, Opposition, the money spent on the advertisements is
and online arbitration, have
and experts working together to achieve where technology enhances sometimes excessive. The BJP often accuses the Aam
revolutionized the process comprehensive and tailored solutions. human capabilities, and Aadmi Party in Delhi of being relevant only because
by streamlining procedures conflict resolution becomes of their media projections through advertisements.
In today’s rapidly changing and mutual understanding. and making it more acces- more accessible,efficient, Such accusations are made also against many other
legal landscape, the tradi- The mediator acts as a fa- sible. This has drawn the platforms, as well as harmo- online platforms is crucial and equitable for all. state governments and the Centre as well. However,
tional courtroom approach cilitator, guiding the parties attention of multinational nizing ODR systems with to ensure that parties have As we reflect on the shift- if the ads are stopped, there would be revenue loss,
to dispute resolution is fac- towards a voluntary agree- corporations seeking to nav- existing legal frameworks, confidence in the resolu- ing landscape of dispute res- and the channels and the newspapers would be forced
ing competition from inno- ment that accommodates igate complex cross-border remain areas of concern. tion process. Cross-border olution, it’s evident that the to think twice while enunciating their policies. Every
vative methods that promise their unique needs and in- disputes. However, the rise Beyond mediation and enforceability of decisions, future lies in the hands of regime has its own favourites so far as journalists go.
swifter, cost-effective, and terests. This approach not of arbitration also brings arbitration, the concept of privacy concerns, and is- adaptable and open-mind- There were many journos who thrived when the UPA
more collaborative solutions. only expedites the resolution forth questions concern- collaborative law has gained sues related to due process ed legal professionals. The was in power. However, for some reason, these jour-
Mediation and arbitration process but also preserves ing transparency, enforce- traction as an innovative ap- rights also need careful con- integration of technology, nos have been relegated to side lines. Some of them
have emerged as frontrun- relationships and promotes ability, and the potential for proach to conflict resolution. sideration. Striking the right such as virtual platforms run their own Youtube channels and their dedicated
ners in this paradigm shift, win-win outcomes. The evo- conflicts of interest. Collaborative law involves balance between innovation and AI-driven insights, will viewers continue to watch their programmes. Even
offering parties involved in lution of mediation has led The convergence of ADR attorneys, clients, and ex- and preserving the funda- undoubtedly continue to before the electronic media and social platforms
conflicts an alternative path to the emergence of online and technology has given perts working together to mental principles of justice influence the ADR space. became popular, in the print era as well, there were
to resolution. As we explore mediation platforms, mak- birth to Online Dispute achieve comprehensive and remains a delicate task. However, it’s vital that we journalists who were patronized by those in power.
the evolving landscape of ing geographical barriers Resolution (ODR) systems, tailored solutions. This ap- The landscape of alter- remember that innovation It happened both during the Congress rule and also
alternative dispute resolu- obsolete and enabling par- redefining how disputes are proach is particularly effec- native dispute resolution should always complement when the BJP headed the government. During the
tion (ADR), it becomes evi- ties to engage in discussions managed and resolved in the tive in emotionally charged is undergoing a transfor- the principles of fairness, Janata Party time, when LK Advani was the Informa-
dent that these methods are irrespective of their location. digital age. These platforms cases, such as family law mative evolution, driven transparency, and respect tion and Broadcasting Minister, there were allegations
not only reshaping the way Furthermore, the integra- leverage digital tools such disputes, where parties seek by technological advance- for individual rights. The that he had succeeded in placing journalists close to
disputes are settled but also tion of technology has paved as video conferencing, se- more personalized resolu- ments, changing societal dynamic nature of this field the RSS ideology in certain prominent papers. In the
fostering a culture of open the way for Artificial Intel- cure document sharing, and tions. Collaborative law fos- expectations, and the desire calls for ongoing research West, newspapers and periodicals pursue their own
communication and mutual ligence powered mediation AI algorithms to facilitate ters an environment where for more efficient and col- and dialogue to ensure that lines with some favouring those in power and others
understanding. tools, suggesting exciting transparent and efficient all parties are heard, allow- laborative solutions. Me- the benefits of these innova- opposing it. In America the Republican press and the
Mediation, a process fa- possibilities for enhancing resolution processes. ODR ing for creative solutions diation, arbitration, online tions are maximized, while Democratic press can easily be distinguished. There-
cilitated by a neutral third the mediation process’s ef- offers a convenient and cost- that transcend traditional dispute resolution, and potential pitfalls are mitigat- fore, the INDIA partners must review their decision,
party, has garnered increas- ficiency and effectiveness. effective way to engage in legal boundaries. collaborative law are at the ed. By embracing the evolv- and considering that it could be counter-productive
ing attention for its potential Arbitration, an ADR dispute resolution, making While the innovations in forefront of this revolu- ing landscape of ADR and withdraw this banor what they describe as ``non-
to redefine the way disputes method where a neutral ar- it particularly appealing to alternative dispute resolu- tion, offering a plethora championing its responsi- cooperation’’. It would help them to utilize platforms
are settled. Unlike adversar- bitrator delivers a binding individuals and businesses tion hold immense prom- of options to parties seek- ble implementation, we can which in their perception are hostile. There is no point
ial courtroom proceedings, decision, offers a compelling alike. However, the chal- ise, they are not without ing resolution beyond the usher in an era where con- in blaming journalists.
mediation places an empha- alternative to the courtroom lenges of ensuring the neu- challenges. Maintaining the courtroom. However, as we flict resolution truly serves Pankaj Vohra
sis on dialogue, cooperation, model. With its emphasis on trality and security of online integrity and credibility of embrace these innovations, justice for all.

Editorial Director: Prof. M.D. Nalapat; Managing Editor: Pankaj Vohra; Editor: Joyeeta Basu. Printed and Published by Rakesh Sharma for and on behalf of Good Morning India Media Pvt. Ltd.; Printed at: Good Morning India Media Pvt. Ltd, Khasra No. 39, Village Basai Brahuddin Nagar, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Noida, Uttar
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8 legally speaking the daily guardian review
saturday | 16 s ep tember 2023
new delhi

in court in court

SC Grants Relief To 8 Civil Services UK HC Seeks State

Response on Landholding

Aspirants, Asks UPSC To Issue Admit Cards

tdg network and Sushil Kumar to ap- 19, 2023, fixed by the UPSC.
Rights PIL for Jawahar Jyoti
Damuvadunga Residents
tdg network and is home to more
new delhi pear in the examination. Agrawal stated that in the new delhi than 7,000 f amilies.
Similarly, in the 2nd peti- 2nd set of aspirants, the Initially categorized as

he Supreme Court tion, where the aspirants UPSC pointed out that The Uttarakhand High reserved forest land,
has recently come were denied admit cards by there were minor errors Court sought a response this area was reclassi-
to the rescue of 8 the UPSC owing to an error such as overwriting in their from the state govern- fied as unreserved land
civil services aspirants by in their certificate speci- EWS certificate and hence, ment within four weeks in December 2015. Sub-
directing the Union Pub- fying their Economically denied them the admit card on a Public Interest sequently, in Decem-
lic Service Commission to Weaker Section status, the for the mains examination. Litigation (PIL) seeking ber 2016, the governor
issue admit cards to them bench asked UPSC to grant The advocate stated, the landholding rights for g r a nt e d ap p r ova l t o
for the mains examination admit cards to 6 aspirants. issue happened due to mis- the residents of Jawa- establish it as a distinct
scheduled on September 15. During the hearing, advo- take committed by tehsildar. har Jyoti Damuvadunga revenue village, as stated
However, the top court, cate Gaurav Agrawal, who “The error was however area near Haldwani. in the PIL.
made it clear that the in- argued on behalf of both rectified by these aspi- Additionally, the court Following this devel-
terim relief permitting sets of aspirants stated that rants,” he said but the can- has directed the Mu- opment, a sur vey of
the aspirants to take up in the case of Deepanshu didature of these aspirants nicipal Corporation of Jawahar Jyoti Damu-
the mains examination and Kumar, there was de- got cancelled by the UPSC. Haldwani to be includ- vadunga was initiated.
will subject to the final lay in furnishing the cer- Both sets of aspirants ed as a party to the PIL. However, the PIL con-
outcome of their petition. tificate as academic session cleared the prelims ex- A d iv i s i o n b e n ch o f tends that the state gov-
A bench of Justices AS Bo- and was delayed due to a m i n a t i o n . T h e y a p - Chief Justice Vipin Sang- ernment, without valid
panna and Prashant Kumar the COVID-19 pandemic. proached the top court as hi and Justice Rakesh j u st i f i c at i o n , h a l t e d
Mishra, which was hear- He stated, “As a result they they could have lost an Thapliyal presided over the process through
ing two separate petitions, could not submit their attempt for clearing the the hearing of the plea. a notification issued
granted interim relief to 8 proper certificate for avail- fact that the Civil Services it subject to the final result certificates in time to the civil service examination, The PIL was filed in May 2020. Conse-
aspirants, who were denied ing the EWS quota benefits. Mains Exam is scheduled of this petition, we direct UPSC,” adding that the Agrawal told the bench. by Deepak Balutia, a quently, the PIL seeks
admit cards by the UPSC Therefore, while dealing to be held on September 15, the respondent (UPSC) to results of their final year He added that according to resident of Haldwani, the removal of the ban
on the grounds of non- with the 1st petition in which the interest of the petitioners issue the necessary admis- examination of their gradu- rules, whether a candidate who emphasized that on the settlement pro-
submissions of provisional provisional certificates were will be affected if they aren’t sion ticket to appear for the ation course were declared appears for the mains exam- Jawahar Jyoti Damuva- cess and the granting
certificates supporting not submitted, the bench allowed to appear for the test. exam,” and allowed Hary- by their respective universi- ination or not, his attempt is dunga encompasses an of landholding rights
their qualification and im- stated that in view of the The bench ordered “Making ana residents Deepanshu ties after the cut-off date July counted. area of over 650 acres to the local residents.

in court in court

Pakistan Bar Council MHA Tells Delhi HC, Lawful Interception

Invites Indian Lawyers Data is Destroyed after Six Months
for friendly Cricket Match tdg network
new delhi
tdg network
new delhi The Ministry of Home Af-
fairs (MHA) has informed
The Pakistan Bar Coun- the Delhi High Court that
cil (PBC) has extended an records related to lawful
invitation to men’s and interception are highly clas-
women’s cricket teams sified documents, and mini-
of lawyers from India for mal data is maintained for
friendly matches to be held such classified information.
in Pakistan in October. This response comes in con-
These matches will be fol- nection with a petition seek-
lowed by reciprocal match- ing disclosure of state-spon-
es in India, as informed sored electronic surveillance
by Adish C Aggarwala, information under the Right
Chairman of the All-India to Information (RTI) Act.
Bar Association (AIBA). The union ministry, while
Hassan Raza Pasha, Chair- seeking the dismissal of
man of the Executive Com- the petition, stated that the
mittee of the Pakistan Bar share insights and experi- perience and ultimately pro- Cyber and Information Se-
Council, sent an invitation ences, fostering a better mote goodwill and fraternity curity (CIS) Division does monitoring are carried out dation (IFF), had filed RTI zation is sought under the Gupta’s counsel had pre-
letter to Aggarwala on Tues- understanding of the legal between India and Pakistan. not maintain statistical data by authorized law enforce- applications in December law, are submitted to the viously clarified that they
day. systems in India and Paki- The AIBA Chairman also concerning lawful intercep- ment agencies with the 2018 seeking details on the competent authority by were only seeking statisti-
The letter expressed the stan. Additionally, it is seen noted that cricket holds a tion and monitoring, as such required permission from number of orders passed authorized security and cal data on the frequency
intention to promote har- as a means to enhance legal special place in the hearts of records are not necessary the competent authority, under Section 69 of the law enforcement agencies. of interceptions and noth-
mony and strengthen cor- knowledge and reinforce people from both nations, for functional purposes. It primarily in the interest of Information Technology The matter is sched- ing more. The petition
dial relations among law- the relationship between the transcending the boundar- further explained that these the country’s sovereignty Act, granting permission uled for further hear- highlights the absence
yers from both countries. bar councils of both nations. ies of a mere sport to become records are destroyed every and integrity, state secu- for electronic surveillance ing on October 16, 2023. of rules or practices for
The proposed cricket match- Aggarwala welcomed this ini- a deeply emotional con- six months by the MHA rity, public order, or the during a specific period. Gupta’s petition challeng- preserving information
es are scheduled to take place tiative, considering it a posi- nection. He believes that after a review by the re- prevention of an offense, The ministry’s affidavit also es a Central Information sought in RTI proceedings,
in Karachi and Rawalpindi, tive step that will contribute to these proposed matches view committee, provided as per legal provisions. mentioned that monthly re- Commission (CIC) order and it seeks guidelines and
Pakistan. The letter empha- improved relations between will evoke fond memories they are not needed for any Th e p e t it i o n e r, Ap a r ports containing sensitive that refused to direct the directions to prevent the
sized that this exchange will the two countries. He believes and camaraderie among functional requirement. Gupta, co-founder and information about ongoing disclosure of certain data destruction of such infor-
provide an opportunity for that such visits will enable cricket-loving lawyers The MHA clarified that executive director of the investigations and opera- related to state-sponsored mation during the pen-
lawyers from both sides to lawyers to gain valuable ex- from India and Pakistan. lawful interception and Internet Freedom Foun- tions, for which authori- electronic surveillance. dency of RTI proceedings.

in court in court

Orissa High Court Rejects

Defamation Case: Delhi Court Grants Plea for Habeas Corpus in
Exemption to Wrestler Bajrang Punia Punia had made defamatory driven by malicious intent
Missing Girl Case
tdg network
new delhi remarks against him during and not made in good faith, tdg network
a press conference at Jantar leading to the summoning new delhi
The Patiala House Court Mantar on May 10, 2023. of Bajrang Punia under Sec-
in Delhi has granted an The court had previously tion 499 read with Section The Orissa High Court
exemption to Wrestler Ba- noted that the accused, Ba- 500 of the Indian Penal Code. has recently turned down
jrang Punia through his jrang Punia, had mentioned The court clarified that at a man’s plea to trace her
lawyer, allowing him to an ongoing rape case against the summoning stage, it is daughter who went missing
skip a summons in a defa- Naresh Dahiya in his re- not required to analyze the about a year ago from the
mation case. Punia, who Olympic medalist wrestler The wrestling events at the marks. However, during the possible defenses that may Bidanasi area of Cuttack.
is currently in Kyrgyzstan Bajrang Punia in a defa- Aslan Games are scheduled witness recording, Naresh be raised by the accused. Nimananda Biswal ap-
for the upcoming Asian mation case filed by Wres- to take place from October Dahiya had clarified that he Advocates Sudhir Nagar, proached the high court, al-
Games and training sessions, tling coach Naresh Dahiya. 4th to October 7th, 2023. had been acquitted in the Ashish Tanwar, Rajesh Rex- leging that although a case
was issued the summons. During the recent hear- It’s worth noting that dur- said rape case in 2019, a fact wal, and Ravinder Singh, was lodged in October last titioner’s daughter had been a writ of habeas corpus.
Metropolitan Magistrate ing, Bajrang Punia’s law- ing the previous court known to the accused as well. representing complainant year, but the police didn’t illegally detained by anyone. It cannot be issued in re-
Yashdeep Chahal acknowl- yer presented a letter from hearing, Bajrang Punia Metropolitan Magistrate Naresh Dahiya, argued that take any efficacious step to It stated, “Writ of habeas spect of any and every
edged the submission and the Sports Authority of was also absent due to Yashdeep Chahal, when issu- Bajrang Punia’s attack on trace his missing daughter. corpus can’t be issued in a missing person, more so,
exempted Bajrang Punia India (SAI) confirming health reasons, and the ing the summons for Bajrang the complainant’s reputa- Hearing the matter, a divi- casual and routine manner. when no named person is
from appearing in person. that Punia and his coach court had granted him ex- Punia, expressed a prima fa- tion and credibility was sion bench of Justice SK Sa- Though it is a writ of right, alleged to be responsible
The court scheduled the next Sujeet Maan had been sent emption for that day only. cie view that the elements of malicious and intended to hoo and Justice SS Mishra it is not a writ of course.” for the illegal detention.”
hearing for October 17, 2023. to Kyrgyzstan for a train- The complainant and coach, defamation had been estab- discourage him from sup- termed it a “missing per- The court stated last week, The bench suggested Bisw-
Earlier, on August 3, 2023, ing camp on September 13, Naresh Dahiya, had filed a lished. The court believed porting the then WFI Presi- son” case and observed that disposing of the petition, al to pursue other effective
the Patiala House Court 2023, in preparation for the criminal defamation com- that the statement made in dent Brij Bhushan Sharan no material was produced “Illegal confinement is a remedies to trace his miss-
had issued a summons to upcoming Asian Games. plaint, alleging that Bajrang the press conference was Singh during a protest. before the court that the pe- precondition to issuing ing daughter.
t h e da ily gua r dia n r eview
sat u r day | 16 se p t e m b e r 2 0 2 3
n ew de l h i policy & politics 9
in court in court

Delhi Minister Gopal Rai Moves NIA Court Seizes Assets

of Pakistan Based
Khalistani Terrorist Rinda
Delhi HC Over Centre’s Refusal tdg network
new delhi

In a pioneering move as
ammunition, explosives,
and narcotics across India.
The Haryana Police had

To Attend New York Event

part of a new strategy to dis- seized three Improvised Ex-
rupt the financial operations plosive Devices (IEDs), one
of terrorist organizations, a pistol with two magazines,
specialized NIA court has 31 rounds of ammunition,
seized the assets of four as- and Rs 1.30 lakh in cash from
tradicted by these actions. sociates of Pakistan-based the four accused—Gurpreet
new delhi The petition stated, “It listed ‘Khalistani’ terrorist Singh alias Gopi, Amandeep
is also not out of place Harwinder Singh Sand- Singh alias Deepa, Parmind-

elhi Environment to mention that Arvind hu, also known as Rinda. er Singh alias Pinder, and
Minister Gopal Rai Kumar, Special Chief The decision was made by the Bhupinder Singh—on May
on Thursday ap- Secretary, Municipal Ad- special National Investigation 5, 2022. They were en route
proached the Delhi High ministration and Urban Agency (NIA) court in Panch- to deliver the consignment to
Court seeking quashing Development, Telangana kula, Haryana. This marks Adilabad, Telangana, in the
order of the central govern- Government is also a part the first instance where the Innova car, which had a hid-
ment denying him political of the programme and has NIA has proactively pursued den compartment designed
clearance to travel to New been selected as a speaker the forfeiture of terrorists’ for concealing arms and cash.
York to attend Columbia to speak on the issue of bal- properties under section 26 of A case was registered at
India Energy Dialogue. ancing energy, security and the Unlawful Activities (Pre- Madhubhan Police Station
The Ministry of External energy transition priorities vention) Act, classifying them in Haryana under various
Affairs has stated in its in India. ”This is demon- as proceeds of terrorism. sections of the Unlawful Ac-
September 12 letter that it strated by the fact that the The NIA stated, “Forfei- tivities (Prevention) Act 1967,
has examined the propos- impugned order cites rea- ture of properties is a major sections 4 and 5 of the Explo-
al and declined political sons that are contradicted new tool in NIA’s strategy sive Substance Act 1908, and
clearance as the “visit from by other actions taken to dismantle the terrorist section 25 of the Arms Act.
Government of NCT of by the respondents. This ecosystem in the country.” On May 24, 2022, the NIA
Delhi that would not be ap- clearly demonstrates that This strategy aims to restrict took over the investigation
propriate as India is being the impugned order is a co- the financial resources of in the case, revealing that the
represented at the Colum- lourable exercise of power.” terrorist groups and their four men had received mul-
bia-India Energy Dialogue It said that,Delhi, as a ma- members and affiliates. tiple consignments of arms,
by Shri Suman Kumar jor urban city, plays a key The investigating agency has ammunition, explosives, and
Bery, Vice Chairman, NITI role in transition to clean already taken action to attach narcotics sent via drones from
Aayog (Ministerial-rank)”. energy and how national several properties linked to Pakistan by wanted terrorist
Rai sought permission to tend the event has been re- the country, therefore the by all the stakeholders, neither intended nor policies impact everyday terrorism, with the forfeiture Harwinder Singh Sandhu.
travel to the US city from jected assigning “arbitrary reason cited herein above along with “Indian Think desired by the Global activities of the public. The process underway in various These supplies were delivered
September 15 – 21 to at- and malafide” reasons. is nothing but a colour- Tanks” for addressing the Energy Policy, the organ- petition stated the denial courts. to predetermined locations
tend the programme be- The petition stated, “The able exercise of power and essential issues of energy isation holding the dialogue. letter which has been is- In this specific case, the near the Indo-Pak border.
ing held on September 18. invitation is specific for accordingly bad in law.” consumption expected The plea said the Centre sued in haste, without any NIA special court has ap- The anti-terror agency
Rai, in his petition filed different persons repre- Rai said that he received to grow about 1.5 times has permitted other offi- application of mind, and proved the agency’s request stated, “Further investiga-
through Delhi government senting different stake- the invitation on August in the coming decades. cers from different states in sheer violation of the to forfeit property, which in- tions showed that Gurpreet
standing counsel Santosh holders and does not in- 13 for attending and speak- Therefore, citing the to attend the event, and principles of natural justice. cludes Rs 7,80,000 in cash Singh alias Gopi had earned
Kumar Tripathi and advo- tend to confine delegates at ing at the event. He said reason that India is rep- the reasons given in the Justice Subramonium and a Toyota Innova Car a lot of money by smug-
cate Arun Panwar, stated national level only for the is clear from the invita- r e s e nt e d by m i n i st e - order denying permission Prasad listed the plea for (DL1VB-7869) used by the ac- gling arms, ammunition,
his official request to at- formal representation of tion that it is a dialogue rial bureaucrat level is to Rai are completely con- hearing on Friday. cused for transporting arms, explosives, and narcotics.”

in court in court

Maharashtra Court Sentences K’taka HC Rejects Woman’s Plea for

Man to 20 Yrs in Prison for Compassionate Job after Brother’s Demise
Raping Minor Relative tdg network
new delhi
that “compassionate appoint-
ment is an exception to the
rule of equality in the matter
Act 1956 and Companies Act
2013, which BESCOM fol-
lows, the High Court noted
tdg network The Karnataka High Court of public employment. There- that “a sister does not figure in
new delhi
recently rejected a woman’s fore, the scheme providing for the definition.” The court also
Latur District Court in Ma- request for a job on compas- the same needs to be strictly pointed out that there was no
harashtra has sentenced a sionate grounds following construed. If so construed, evidence to demonstrate that
32-year-old man to 20 years’ her brother’s demise, stating the appellant, who is admit- she was dependent on her
rigorous imprisonment that a sister is not included in tedly a sister of the deceased brother at the time of his death.
for raping a minor relative the definition of ‘family’ for employee, is not entitled to any Consequently, the appeal
Additional and Sessions her brother in this context. compassionate appointment.” was dismissed, with the High
Judge B C Kamble also im- A bench of Chief Justice ily of an employee, we can- sionate grounds. Her broth- The High Court agreed with Court stating, “The above
posed a fine of Rs 1,000 Prasanna B Varale and not add one to or delete one er, employed in BESCOM, BESCOM’s argument in its apart, absolutely no material
on the accused, who hails Justice Krishna S Dixit, from the definition of family. the State power transmis- judgment and stated, “It has is placed on record by the ap-
from Nilanga in the district. heard an appeal from Pal- An argument to the contrary, sion company, had passed been a long-settled position pellant to show that she was
As per the prosecution, in scooty, allegedly engaging Subsequently, the accused lavi G M, a 29-year-old if accepted, would amount away while in ser vice. of law that only a member dependent on the income of
2019, the accused and his in inappropriate touching. allegedly raped her on nu- resident of Tumakur u. to rewriting the Rule, and Her counsel argued that of the family of the deceased her brother at the time of his
wife came to reside at the vic- When the girl resisted his merous occasions when “Courts through the process therefore, cannot be coun- she was financially depen- employee alone can stake his/ death in harness nor there is
tim’s home in Latur for work. advances, he would threat- there was no one else present of interpretation cannot ex- tenanced,” the bench stated. dent on her brother and, her claim for appointment on any material to assume that
During that time, the victim en her by claiming that he in her home and also threat- pand the contours of a statu- Pallavi had challenged the therefore, should be con- compassionate grounds, that the family of the deceased is
was 14 years old and in the could speak to her parents, ened to harm her parents. tory definition. When the rule March 30, 2023, order of a sidered a member of his too by producing material to in financial distress as would
ninth grade. The accused whom he stated trusted him, Later, the accused’s wife was maker in so many words has single judge bench, which family and eligible for com- vouch dependence on the em- justify the claim for appoint-
would drop the victim off at and that he could prevent transferred to Nilanga, and specified the persons as be- had rejected her petition for passionate appointment. ployee who died in harness.” ment on compassionate
school and pick her up on his her from attending school. he relocated there as well. ing the members of the fam- appointment on compas- BESCOM’s counsel contended According to the Companies grounds.”

in court in court

2008 Malegaon Blasts: NIA Informs Court Illegal Call Center: ED

of Completion of Evidence Recording Arrests Director Of
Met Technologies
tdg network of their case, they can make being recorded. It’s impor- In April, a Special NIA Supreme Court upheld the
new delhi a request to the court dur- tant to note that the officer court issued a bailable war- High Court’s decision, stat-
ing the CrPC 313 procedure. did not turn hostile, but rant of Rs 10,000 against ing that the sanction was not
The National Investigation In April of this year, the state- his relevance as a witness an ATS officer who repeat- required for his prosecution
Agency (NIA) has submitted ments of two officers were in the trial had diminished, edly failed to appear to re- as the alleged conduct did not tdg network serious offences, includ- agency stated that posing
new delhi
an application to the Special scheduled to be recorded in as his investigative state- cord his statement in the pertain to his official duties. ing forgery, cheating, and as representatives of le-
NIA Court, stating that it the Malegaon 2008 blasts ments were corroborated trial. This officer had been The Maharashtra ATS made The Enforcement Direc- criminal conspiracy under gitimate businesses, they
has concluded the process case. However, due to legal by the concerned witnesses. part of the initial ATS in- its first arrest in connection torate has recently arrest- various sections of the IPC, defrauded individuals
of recording evidence in the and technical issues, these The prosecution also en- vestigation team and had with the Malegaon 2008 ed the owner and Direc- against Met Technologies through bogus tech support
2008 Malegaon blasts case. statements could not be re- countered technical issues recorded statements from blasts case on October 23, tor of Met Technologies Pvt. Ltd and its associates. offers, deceptive website
As a result, the NIA does not corded. that prevented another wit- several witnesses in the case. 2008, when BJP MP Sadhvi Pvt Ltd, Kunal Gupta in ED stated, “The ensuing sales, and sham loan offers
require any additional wit- One of the retired NIA of- ness, who was an ATS of- In March, the Supreme Court Pragya Singh Thakur was connection with alleg- investigation unearthed through counterfeit mo-
nesses to provide statements. ficers had previously pro- ficer, from deposing on the rejected a petition by Lt Col apprehended. Subsequently, edly running an illegal call an illegal call centre run bile apps, coercing victims
Throughout the trial, the vided statements when the scheduled date. This witness Prasad Purohit, challenging other individuals, including center under section 19 of by the company in Salt into substantial payments.
NIA has recorded statements case was transferred from will be summoned to record the Bombay High Court’s Sameer Kulkarni, retired the Prevention of Money Lake, Kolkata, engaging in The agency stated, “Kunal
from 323 witnesses, and nota- Maharashtra ATS to the his statement on a later date. decision to dismiss his pe- Major Ramesh Upadhyay, Laundering Act, 2002. fraudulent activities both Gupta is also suspected to
bly, 37 witnesses turned hos- NIA. On April 15, he was The Malegaon 2008 blasts tition seeking discharge Sudhakar Chaturvedi, Ajay Kolkata’s Special PMLA domestically and interna- be involved in illegal bet-
tile during the proceedings. supposed to record a fresh case pertains to an incident from the Malegaon 2008 Rahilkar, and Sudhakar Court has remanded Kunal tionally, which was subse- ting and online gambling
Starting from tomorrow, the statement, but since all wit- on September 29, 2008, in blast case. Purohit’s plea Chaturvedi, were also arrest- Gupta who was arrested quently sealed by Police.” activities.”
Special Court will initiate the nesses had reaffirmed their which six people were killed was based on the argument ed in connection with the case. on September 10 to ED ED investigation revealed Additionally, “It is also
process of recording state- statements in court, there and more than 100 others that he lacked the neces- The ATS filed a chargesheet custody till September 22. that the representatives of revealed that he has estab-
ments from the accused un- was no need to cross-exam- were injured when an ex- sary sanction under section in January 2009, and in April ED initiated the investi- the stated company target- lished companies in the UK,
der CrPC 313. If any accused ine the officer. Consequently, plosive device planted on 197(2) of the CrPC from the 2011, the central government gation on the basis of an ed gullible residents in the US, and Australia. Two of
wishes to have a witness pro- he was removed as a wit- a motorcycle exploded in Indian Army to be prosecut- transferred the case’s investi- FIR registered by Bid- UK, USA, and Australia. his UK-based companies
vide a statement in support ness without his statement Malegaon city, Maharashtra. ed in the case. However, the gation to the NIA. hannagar Police alleging Furthermore, the probe have been levied h
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log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) Saturday September 16, 2023

Can India traverse back into medieval era?

History shows us that unsolicited governmental interference in prescriptively
To the artist there is never anything ugly in nature independent administrative tasks usually does more harm than good
Auguste Rodin
>The writer
is a Doctoral

Sort out the more

Researcher working
under the Alliance
of European
Universities and

pressing issues in
has presented his
research works at
various Academic

shack business

ith the recent strategic move of
he government relented to pressure from the shack own- the Modi Government during
ers and �nally rolled back the licence restrictions put- the G20 Summit to introduce
our country as the Republic of Bharat in
ting an age bracket of 18 to 60 years. The decision means the o�cial documents being presented
shack owners above 60 can apply under the new poli- to world leaders who were attending the
cy. The tourism department has explained that the move Summit, the boldness of governmental
swi�ness deserves a realignment with greater from the rebranding of an en- Southeast Asia, East Asia and Central
was initiated to ensure the youth’s transition into this business the moral compass of patriotism. tire country using a sanskrit term that Asia in the early medieval era, it be-
from their older generation. Of course there are times when au- was only previously used during the came a language of religion and high
tonomy in leadership is a commendable medieval occupation of South East culture, and of the political elites in
While the decision to roll back the restriction is welcome, the and appreciable trait to be found in the Asia when predominantly Hindu civ- some of these regions.”
change the tourism department envisaged is intriguing if the ob- independence of the Union. ilizations populated the lands. A rather more compelling hypoth-
jective was to �nd a family successor to the shack business. Firstly, However, International Political His- It would appear as though the mul- esis behind the replacement of the
tory has also demonstrated that unso- tiple Colonisations of India since the term “India” with the sanskrit termi-
to arrive at such a conclusion, the pre-requisite would be compre- licited governmental interference in onset of the bronze age does not �nd nology: “Bharat” could in fact be de-
hensive data indicating the unemployed youth in shack owners’ prescriptively independent administra- historical relevance in the rationale of tected in the ongoing rivalry between
families and whether they are genuinely interested in pursuing tive tasks usually does more harm than the present Union Government. the two behemoth olitical factions in
good. To a�ord clearer perspective, the the country.
the shack business. It appeared that there was a concerted move Take for example the inciteful speech word “Bharat” is a sanskrit term which Interestingly, the newly formed
to keep out the majority of the traditional shack owners under the made by former US President Donald J has been described by Roshen Dalal I.N.D.I.A. Alliance which has the helm
‘successor’ jargon. The motive does not match the language the Trump on the eve of the Capitol Hill ri- in the 2010 Book titled: “The Religions of its alliance, the goodwill and initia-
ots on the 5th and 6th of January, 2021. of India: A Concise Guide to Nine Ma- tive betrothed by the Indian National
tourism department has been talking about, nor does it justify the It was the disbelief of the outgoing Pres- jor Faiths” : “Bharat”, the name for Congress (INC), the acronym BJP ab-
change. Debarring those above 60 from ident that he had conceded the elec- India in several Indian languages, is breviates as the Bharatiya Janata Par-
tions to the President-Elect Joe Biden mainly derived from the name of the ty with the word “Bharat” being en-
If the department is shack licences and allowing a new gen- that had induced hysteria in the mind of Vedic tribe of Bharatas who are men- capsulated in the nomenclature of the
genuinely keen on eration of operators to take over are log- Trump’s supporters to storm the Capitol tioned in the Rigveda as one of the political party that currently enjoys
protecting traditional ically di�erent arguments. on the 6th of January, 2021. principal kingdoms of the Aryavarta. the majority support of the electoral
shack owners, it must Inquisitively, and without the inten- It is also variously said to be derived representatives in the country.
If the department is genuinely keen on tion of o�ering any insinuation to the from the name of either Dushyanta’s While paying due respect to the
tighten protocols to protecting traditional shack owners, it reader could it also be perceived that son Bharata of Mahabharata. historical background of the origins
eradicate subletting to must tighten protocols to eradicate sub- the Prime Minister of India in the pres- Moreover, from an etymological of the Indian Freedom struggle that
‘outsiders’ completely letting to ‘outsiders’ completely. Under
ent term is also prone to believe that his perspective: began with Mohandas Karamchand
electoral victory in the upcoming 18th The Sanskrit word Bharata de- Gandhi (fondly known as Bapu) and
the current regime, despite the penalties Lok Sabha elections could be guaran- scribes Agni. This term has Sanskrit his miniscule army of 79 volunteers
teed by inducing theatrics in the minds To a�ord root bhr means “to bear/ to carry” i.e. who set out on foot from the Sabar-
prescribed in the rules, there are no deterrents set, and several op- of the electorate that are calculated to clearer “to be maintained” (of �re). It also mati Ashram to the shores of Dandi on
erators continue to sublet, giving a di�erent �avour to the busi- invoke a narrow creed of hindu nation- perspective, means “One who is engaged in search the 12th of March, 1930 in order to per-
ness. alism that could threaten the secular
the word of Knowledge”. suade the British Colonists to abolish
fabric imbibed in our Country’s Consti- The etymological considerations the Salt Tax.
Interestingly, the department has put the onus on respective vil- tution. “Bharat” is a behind the deliberate naming of The Dandi March represented the
lage panchayats to treat the sewage generated by the shacks. The From a Constitutional Perspective, sanskrit term the country could also be perceived culmination of the Indian Swadeshi
panchayats are required to have their mechanisms in place to take the Preamble in our Constitution be- which is mainly through the socio-cultural origins of Movement and the Civil Disobedi-
gins with the words: “WE, THE PEOPLE the Sanskrit language. ence Movement in India against the
care of the sewage generated by shacks in their jurisdiction. This OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to derived from According to Michael C. Howard in British Raj. Now to perceive the same
issue has been stoking controversy for the past several years, and constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SO- the name of the his 2010 Book titled, ‘Transnational- ‘Salt March’, also known as the ‘Salt
several shacks were sealed a�er it was found that sewage was be- CIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC RE- Vedic tribe of ism in Ancient and Medieval Socie- Satyagraha’, ‘Dandi March’ and the
PUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens” Bharatas who ties: The Role of Cross-Border Trade ‘Dandi Satyagraha’, which was histor-
ing released in illegal soak pits and some in the open sea. Hence, when the term “Secular” is and Travel’: ically known as act of nonviolent ‘civil
The decision to shi� responsibility to panchayats is surpris- well documented in the Preamble of our are mentioned “Sanskrit is the sacred language of disobedience in India’, and to rebrand
ing because of issues faced by local bodies themselves. While Constitution, it becomes a far fetched in the Rigveda Hinduism, the language of classical all of Bapu’s e�orts into this novel ter-
tale of idealism that the leader from one as one of Hindu philosophy, and of historical minology such as the ‘Salt March of
Panchayats along Candolim, Calangute and Baga tackled the sew- political party who brazenly supports texts of Buddhism and Jainism. It was Bharat’, the ‘Bharatiya Dandi March’,
the agenda of promoting Nationalism
the principal a link language in ancient and medi- and even the ‘Civil Disobedience
age in their jurisdiction, other panchayats don’t have the where- kingdoms of
through the propagation of the Hindut- eval South Asia, and upon transmis- Movement of Bharat’ would amount
withal to deal with the sewage generated even in their own back- va morals could intend to gain anything the Aryavarta sion of Hindu and Buddhist culture to to acts of historical misappropriation.
yard. Panchayats who do not have the logistical support to handle
sewage will be helpless.
In the absence of a proper mechanism, several shacks have been THE INBOX >> I
violating rules and digging illegal soak pits and bore wells. The
proposal of installing a portable sewage treatment plant remains Unhealthy development In fact, the long absence of political

in North Goa Services at GMC lacking? process in the region has created
elusive, and the cost of installing green toilets is high. Moreover, Goa Health Minister has advocated the need of private medical
a vacuum which has bene�ted the
troublemakers. The Anantnag attack
direct road access to shacks is going to throw challenges of a dif- Now that the political power base has college hospital for better service as per the press reports. He comes days a�er the Centre informed
shi�ed from South Goa (in previous has admitted the fact that Goa Medical College and Hospital and
ferent kind. governments) to North Goa, it appears SC about its readiness to conduct
other government-run centers are not rendering proper service to elections in J&K and the attacks cast a
While the cabinet has cleared the shack policy, there are a lot of that the destruction has also moved the public so the need has arisen for private stake.
from South to North, with beautiful shadow over the run-up for the forth-
grey areas le� unattended that need to be addressed by authori- He is right if one sees present a�airs going on there. Just by coming panchayat and urban local
areas in North Goa being gradually making surprise visits and suspending a nurse or two or simply
ties. Operating beyond permissible hours, violating noise regula- destroyed. making tall statements before the media will not improve prevail-
body election there. Nonetheless, the
tions, violating stipulations on beach beds and maintaining hy- Pernem Taluka is a classic example of process for all elections including As-
ing conditions. sembly must go on.
giene are some segments that have been consistently ignored; call how, under the false guise of jobs and Even though an appointment is obtained on the phone it be-
development, Goan ruling politicians GREGORY FERNANDES, Mumbai
comes a herculean task to see the Doctor a�er spending the
it problem areas or errors of omission and commission.
Instead of showing concern for the kin of shack operators or tra-
are in a hurry to sell o� and destroy as
much as they can. It is high time that
whole day. The plight of seniors is beyond description. The
so called security personnel are literally harassing the public
India and Bharat: The two
ditional shack owners, there are more serious that need to be ad-
Goans, irrespective of caste, creed, instead of assisting them, by rude behavior. It is surprising that names are indispensable
or religion, realize that they are being none including opposition MLAs are interested in exposing the It is childish that 77 years a�er Inde-
dressed. If the focus is streamlining the shack business, the tour- fooled by the politicians. pathetic situation faced by the public, job scam for voters from pendence, we are still �ghting over the
ism department still has miles to go. ARWIN MESQUITA, Colva speci�c areas, other contracts awarded etc. It seems all prefer name of our country. The name “India”
CM should heed Goa not to do any �eld work but issue statements sitting in A/C
cabins. Are we going to get better service only through private
has been accepted by the citizens of
our country since Independence, and
Cong chief’s advice agencies?
nobody has rejected it.
Goa Pradesh Congress Committee The only reason why some people feel
(GPCC) President Amit Patkar has re- that the name should be changed is
OPEN SPACE >> portedly advised Chief Minister Pramod because they are scared of the “INDIA”
alliance formed by the opposition. The
Goa needs to be vigilant
Sawant to �rst talk about the rising
crime in the State and then to accuse aiding terrorists ruling dispensation’s internal surveys
the Congress for insulting Sanatan The recent killing of two Army o�cers may also have shown that their popu-

against Nipah virus Dharma.

Well, it should be noted that CM
and a police o�cer in Kashmir and a
simultaneous encounter in Rajouri in
larity is declining rapidly, so they are
trying to change the name from “India”
to “Bharat”.

Pramod Sawant whilst addressing a Jammu in which two militants were
ith six con�rmed cases of Nipah virus, Kerala has stepped up control Both names are indispensable, and they
public meeting in Madhya Pradesh killed, are signs that beneath the seem-
measures to contain the deadly outbreak. The Indian Council of Medi- are both recognized as o�cial names of
has accused the Congress for insult- ing normalcy in the region, things are
cal Research (ICMR) on Thursday reportedly delivered the antibody re- the country in Article 1 of the Constitu-
ing Sanatan Dharma by not condemn- not rosy as it seems to be.
quested by the state to combat the virus. With two deaths reported due to Nipah, tion of India, which was framed by Dr
ing the recent controversial statement The two attacks within �ve weeks in
Kerala is battling its fourth outbreak of the deadly virus. Babasaheb Ambedkar. It is absurd and
by Udhayanidhi Stalin. Now, how the same area indicates the Valley
In 2018, an outbreak in Kerala claimed 21 lives, with other outbreaks in 2019 districts which were a hotbed of new unacceptable for educated people to
much does the BJP condemn the
and 2021. Nipah is a zoonotic virus transmitted from animals to humans, ac- criticize those who support the name
cording to the World Health Organization (WHO). The virus strain seen in the
statements of its own leaders when wave of militancy from 2015, but had Send your “India” as terrorists.
they are in the wrong? This selective lessened a�er the 2019 constitutional letters to us
state was the Bangladesh variant that spreads from human to human and has a approach may not be in the country’s changes, are being stirred up again. Article 1 of the Constitution clearly
high mortality rate, though it is less infectious. There are no vaccines to prevent best interest. The incident has put the spotlight at editor@ states that “India, that is Bharat, shall
or cure the infection. The usual treatment is to provide supportive care. Infected I think that CM Sawant should condemn on the Pir Panjal forest range and be a Union of States.” The opposition
people initially develop symptoms that include fever, respiratory distress, head- parties allege that the government
aches, and vomiting.
any form of hate speech, irrespective of the areas around them. Authorities Letters must may remove the name “India” and rec-
who is making it. A one-sided approach have found an increasing number of
It can also cause acute respiratory syndrome where the lungs cannot get may not be the best for the current polit- terrorists are in�ltrating the region and be 150-200 ognise “Bharat” as the o�cial name
enough oxygen to the body and fatal encephalitis, an in�ammation of the ical climate. using it as a hideout. words and of the country. They believe that this
brain, and seizures can also occur leading to coma. Goa needs to be on the alert is only a scare tactic to distract from
against the virus.
JERRY FERNANDES, Saligao Security forces need to rethink about mention the the ruling dispensation’s declining
the wrong approach they make while writer’s name
ADELMO FERNANDES, Vasco Pir Panjal forest is conducting the dreadful operations.
and location

RNI: GOAENG/2015/65729. Printed and Published by: Kishor Naik Gaonkar on behalf of Prudent Media (Goa) Pvt. Ltd. Printed at: Elegant O�set Printers Pvt Ltd, Plot No 2/3/4, Thivim Industrial Estate, Karaswada, Mapusa, Goa. Published at: Third Floor, Fourth Estate (Kamat Metropolis), St Inez,
Panaji 403 001. Editor: Joel Afonso (Responsible for selection of News under PRB Act). All Rights Reserved. Ph: (0832) 240 5950 or mail us at
Disclaimer: Except for the editorials above, all columns and letters represent the views of the concerned authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of The Goan Everyday’s Editor, Publisher and Owners.

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