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The greatest and most important adventure of our lives is discovering who we really are.

Yet, so
many of us walk around either not really knowing or listening to an awful inner critic that gives
us all the wrong ideas about ourselves. We mistakenly think of self-understanding as self-
indulgence, and we carry on without asking the most important question we’ll ever ask: Who am
I really? As Mary Oliver put it, “what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

I’m Shieryn Clet, a 17 year-old child of Mrs. Salvacion Clet and Mr. William Clet. I have 3
siblings and we are currently living in Cararayan Tiwi Albay. Like others, I also have hobbies in
life like doing crochets, singing, playing ukulele and sketching.

About my ambitions in life and a person I want to become, I do really like to be a successful civil
engineer someday. I also like to be a business owner. As for this work, I am sure that I’d be able
to provide all the needs and wants of my parents, siblings and my future family . One of my
dreams is to help others especially the people who need help, that’s why I need to study hard for
me to achieve all these dreams.

My genuineness, selflessness and loving person are the qualities I find most appealing on my
self. I prioritize the feelings of others more than mine and am always willing to please. But it’s
also my weakness. Sometimes, it also affectsw me and my mental health. However, my family,
friends and people around me benefit from this trait of mine, as I am most willing to lend a
helping hand to them.

I’m a very shy-introverted person that’s why I find it difficult to interact with people as much as
many do. Because of my social anxiety, I always stutter and my whole body is shaking everytime
I speak in public and talk to people I don’t know. I am sensitive and less outgoing in nature
except when I’m with my cousins and friends I’m closed with. When I’m alone, I just listen to
music and watch movies to escape and be totally free from everything.

Occationaly, I am short-tempered if I’m very irritated, then I can pour out all my anger on the
offender so that he does not a little. But I’m able to makeup because I’m not vindictive and yet, I
try to be a reliable person, have real support for friends and familt. I always try to solve any
problem, except contrived ones. Friends say that I am capable of leading when I need to give a
hand when someone is not capable to manage something.

As being an imperfect person, I also get judged and bodyshamed by others. But as Ms. Ayn
Bernos said in the interview in Miss Universe Philippines, ‘ We really need to stop calling our
features ‘ flaws’’. That quote really help me to start loving myself again and I realized that
opinions of others don’t matter, it’ll just ruin our mental health. Thus, we need to love ourselves.
We need to prioritize ourselves because at the end of the day, we just have ourselves.

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