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The report has been released by NITI Aayog to measure India and its States’ progress
towards the SDGs for 2030.
Sustainable Development Goals 2030 or ‘2030 Agenda’ are a collection of 17 global goals
set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015.
It is the First Baseline Report for 2018 and was prepared with the support of United
Nations in India to measure progress of States and Union Territories.
The index took into account 13 out of 17 goals specified by United Nation’s as SDGs
and left out four goals because of lack of data at the state level. Each of the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals are mapped with a set of 169 targets to be achieved by 2030.

Based on SDG India Index, States and UTs were classified into 4 categories under each of
the SDGs –
• Achiever – when SDG India Index score is equal to 100
• Front Runner – when SDG India Index score is less than 100 but greater than or
equal to 65
• Performer – when SDG India Index score is less than 65 but greater than or equal to
• Aspirant – when SDG India Index score is less than 50

Facts about the Report

• No State or UT was in the Achiever Category.
• Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Chandigarh and Puducherry emerged as the
Front Runner.
• Assam, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh were the worst performing states and thus were in
the Aspirants category.
13 Sustainable Development Goals

Four Goals which are not evaluated –

• Goal 12 – Sustainable Consumption and Production
• Goal 13 – Climate Action
• Goal 14 – Life Below Water
• Goal 17 – Partnership for the Goals
Overall Performance of the States and UTs
Goal 1 – No Poverty

National Target Current

Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Percentage of population living below National
10.95% 21.92%
Poverty line
Percentage of households with any usual member
100% 28.7%
covered by any health scheme or health insurance
Persons provided employment as a percentage of
persons who demanded employment under 100% 84.75%
Proportion of the population (out of total eligible
population) receiving social protection benefits 100% 36.4%
under Maternity Benefit
Number of homeless households per 10,000
0 10

Top Performers Worst Performers

• Tamil Nadu • Jharkhand

• Puducherry • Dadra & Nagar Heveli
Goal 2 – Zero Hunger
National Target Current
Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Ratio of rural households covered under public
distribution system to rural households where monthly 1.29 1
income of highest earning member is less than Rs.5,000
Percentage of children under age 5 years who are
21.03% 38.4%
Percentage of pregnant women aged 15-49 years who
23.57% 50%
are anaemic
Rice, wheat and coarse cereals produced annually per
5,018.44 2,509
unit area (Kg/Ha)

Top Performers Worst Performers

• Goa • Jharkhand
• Delhi • Andaman & Nicobar Island
Goal 3 – Good Health and Well-being
National Target Current
Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Maternal Mortality Ratio 70 130
Under-five mortality rate per 1,000 live births 11 50
Percentage of children aged 12-23 months fully
immunized (BCG, Measles and three doses of 100% 62%
Pentavalent vaccine)
Annual notification of Tuberculosis cases per 1 lakh
0 138
Number of governmental physicians, nurses and
550 221
midwives per 1,00,000 population

Top Performers Worst Performers

•Kerala •Uttar Pradesh

•Puducherry •Chandigarh
Goal 4 – Quality Education
National Target Current
Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Adjusted Net Enrolment Ratio at Elementary (Class 1-8)
100 75.83%
and Secondary (Class 9-10) school
Percentage correct responses on Learning Outcomes in
67.89% 54.69%
Language, Mathematics and EVS for Class 5 students
Percentage correct responses on Learning Outcomes in
Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Science for 57.17% 44.58%
Class 8 students
Percentage of children in the age group of 6-13 who are
0.28% 2.97%
out of school
Average Annual Drop-out rate at secondary level 10% 17.06%
Percentage of school teachers professionally qualified 100% 81.15%
Percentage of elementary and secondary schools with
100% 70%
Pupil Teacher Ratio less than/equal to 30

Top Performers Worst Performers

•Kerala •Bihar
•Chandigarh •Daman & Diu
Goal 5 – Gender Equality
National Target Current
Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Sex Ratio at Birth (female per 1000 male) 954 898
Average female to male ratio of average wages/salaries
received per day by regular wage/salaried employees 1 7:10
of age 15-59 years for rural and urban
Percentage of ever married women aged 15-49 years
0% 33%
who have ever experienced spousal violence
Percentage of seats won by women in the general
50% 8.7%
elections to state legislative assembly
Ratio of Female Labour force participation rate to Male
1 8:25 (32%)
Labour force participation rate
Percentage of women in the age group of 15-49 years
100% 54%
using modern methods of family planning

Top Performers Worst Performers

• Kerala • Bihar
• Andaman & Nicobar Islands • Puducherry
Goal 6 – Clean Water & Sanitation
National Target Current
Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Percentage of population having safe and adequate
100% 71.8%
drinking water in rural areas
Percentage of rural households with individual
100% 82.72%
household toilets
Percentage of districts verified to be open defecation
100% 32%
Installed sewage treatment capacity as a proportion of
68.79% 37.58%
sewage generated in urban areas
Percentage annual ground water withdrawal against
70% 62%
net annual availability

Top Performers Worst Performers

• Gujarat (100%) • Bihar

• Chandigarh (100%) • Puducherry
• Dadra & Nagar Haveli (100%)
• Lakshadweep (100%)
Goal 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
National Target Current
Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Percentage of households electrified 100% 95%
Percentage of households using Clean Cooking Fuel 100% 43.8%
Renewable share of installed generating capacity (%) 40% 17.51%

Top Performers Worst Performers

• Tamil Nadu • Meghalaya

• Chandigarh • Delhi
Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth
National Target Current
Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Annual growth rate of GDP per capita (at constant price
10 6.5%
of 2011-12)
Average unemployment rate per 1000 persons for
14.83 63.5
males and females
Percentage of households with a Bank account 100% 99.99%
Number of ATMs per 1,00,000 population 50.95 16.84

Top Performers Worst Performers

• Goa • Manipur
• Daman & Diu • Lakshadweep
Goal 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
National Target Current
Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Percentage of targeted habitations connected by all-
weather roads under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak 100% 47.38%
Number of mobile connections per 100 persons in rural
100 83
and urban areas (Mobile Tele density)
Number of Internet Subscribers per 100 population 100 33
Percentage of Gram Panchayats covered under Bharat
100% 42.43%

Top Performers Worst Performers

• Manipur • Nagaland, Mizoram, Goa

• Delhi (100%) • Andaman & Nicobar Islands,
• Puucherry (100%) Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman
& Diu, Lakshadweep
Goal 10 – Reduced Inequalities
National Target Current
Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Palma ratio of Household Expenditure in Urban India 1 1.41
Palma ratio of Household Expenditure in Rural India 1 0.92
Ratio of Transgender Labour force participation rate to
1 0.64
Male Labour force participation rate
Percentage of Scheduled Caste Sub Plan fund utilized) 100% 77.67%
Percentage of Tribal Sub Plan fund utilized 100% 82.98%

Palma Ratio – Measured as the ratio of the monthly consumption expenditure of the top 10
percent households to the monthly consumption expenditure of the bottom 40 percent
• 10% of the richest households spend 1.41 times the poorest 40 percent of the
households on monthly consumption.
• 10% of the households spend 0.92 times the bottom 40 percent of the households
on monthly consumption.

Top Performers Worst Performers

• Meghalaya, Mizoram, • Uttar Pradesh

Telangana - 100% • Chandigarh
• Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman
& Diu, Lakshadweep
Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
National Target Current
Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Houses completed under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
(PMAY) as a percentage of net demand assessment for 100 3.2%
Percentage of urban households living in slums 0 5.41%
Percentage of wards with 100% door to door waste
100% 73.58%
Percentage of waste processed 100% 24.8%

Top Performers Worst Performers

•Goa •Jammu and Kashmir

•Andaman & Nicorbar •Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Goal 15 – Life on Land
National Target Current
Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Percentage of total land area covered under forest 33% 21.54%
Decadal change in extent of water bodies within forests
0 18.24%
from 2005 to 2015 (%)
0.21% (6,778
Change in forest area from 2015 to 2017 (%) 0%
Percentage change in estimated population of wild
0% 20%
elephants over 5-year period (2012-17)

Top Performers Worst Performers

• Assam, Chhatisgarh, Goa, • Haryana

Manipur, Odisha, Uttarakhand - • Puducherry
• Dadra & Nagar Haveli and
Lakshadweep - 100%
Goal 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
National Target Current
Indicator selected For SDG India Index
Value for 2030 Status
Reported murders per 1 lakh population 1.2 2.4
Reported cognizable crimes against children per 1 lakh
0 24
Estimated number of courts per 10 lakh persons 33.76 13
Estimated reported corruption crimes per 1 crore
17 34
Percentage of births registered 100% 88.3%
Percentage of population covered under Aadhaar 100% 90%

Top Performers Worst Performers

• Himachal Pradesh • Meghalaya

• Puducherry • Dadra & Nagar Haveli

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