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Question 1: Which of the following muscles can flex the thigh and extend the lower leg?

A. Semimembranous muscle
B. Chance
C. Rectus femoris muscle
D. Latissimus dorsi muscle
E. Gastrocnemius muscle
Question 2: Which of the following muscles has a tendon located in a groove on the underside
of the cuboid bone?
A. Triceps
B. Peroneus brevis
C. Peroneus longus
D. Tibialis anterior muscle
E. Posterior tibial muscle
Question 3: Which of the following muscles has a tendon located in a groove on the underside
of the talar process of the calcaneus?
A. Short digital flexor muscles
B. Flexor digitorum longus muscle
C. Short thumb flexor muscle
D. Long thumb flexor muscle
E. Posterior tibial muscle
Question 4: Losing the ability to stretch the leg at the knee joint is a sign of paralysis:
A. Semitendinosus muscle
B. Chance
C. Slim muscle
D. Quadriceps
E. Biceps femoris
Question 5: Which of the following muscles can dorsiflex the foot and tilt the foot inward?
A. Peroneus longus
B. Extensor pollicis longus
C. Extensor digitorum longus muscle
D. Peroneus muscle
E. Peroneus brevis
Question 6: Which of the following descriptions of the closed tendon foramen is correct?
A. It is a gap between the adductor longus and adductor magnus
B. It is where the femoral artery and 2 veins of the artery pass
C. It is the passage point of the obturator nerve
D. It is the lower end of the adductor canal
E. It lies at the level of the knee joint gap
Question 7: Which description is correct about the quadriceps muscle?
A. It has 4 origins attached to 4 different positions of the femur
B. It only has the effect of stretching the lower leg at the knee joint
C. It has an antagonistic effect on the muscles in the posterior thigh area
D. It is caused by the action of the femoral and obturator nerves
E. It attaches to the kneecap and fibula head
Question 8: correctly describe the muscles of the lower leg:
A. They are supplied only by branches of the posterior tibial artery
B. They all have origins attached to the tibia and fibula
C. They are both motorized by branches of the tibial nerve
D. They cover the inside of the tibia
E. They do not attach all the way to the calcaneus
Question 9: All of the following descriptions about the gluteus maximus are correct, except:
A. There is an origin attached to the iliac crest and sacrum
B. Covers the back of the ischial nerve
C. Attach all the way to the trochanteric fossa
D. Only innervated by the inferior gluteal nerve
E. Only covers part of the gluteal muscle
Question 10: All of the following descriptions about the iliopsoas muscle are correct except:
A. There is an origin attached to the lumbar vertebrae and attached to the pelvis
B. Has the effect of folding the thighs into the body
C. Due to a branch of the lumbar plexus and a branch from the motor femoral nerve
D. Closely related to the femoral nerve (the fascia covers the femoral nerve)
E. Is the strongest thigh flexor muscle
Question 11: The following muscles all directly contribute to stabilizing the knee joint,
A. Slipper muscle
B. Semimembranous muscle
C. Chance
D. Biceps femoris
E. Gastrocnemius muscle
Question 12: The following muscles directly contribute to the wall of the adductor canal
A. Chance
B. Latissimus dorsi muscle
C. Adductor longus
D. Slim muscle
E. Adductor magnus major
Question 13: The adductor canal contains all of the following structures except:
A. Femoral artery
B. Femoral vein
C. Saphenous nerve
D. Great saphenous vein
E. Nerve to the vastus medialis muscle
--- end---
1.C 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.C
8.C 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.D 13.D

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