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by Katharine Philipson • illustrated by Carl Pearce


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Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U2 W5 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 28 PDF
Comprehension Vocabulary
Strategy: Reread bounced, imagine,
Skill: Point of View inventor, observer

Vocabulary Strategy ELL Vocabulary

Similes petition, solve

Word count: 934

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ISBN: 978-0-02-119275-5
MHID: 0-02-119275-8

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Essential Question
How do people figure things out?

by Katharine Philipson • illustrated by Carl Pearce

Chapter 1
Jed’s Problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chapter 2
A Challenge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Chapter 3
Jed’s Victory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Respond to Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Thomas, the Mess Monster . . . 17
Focus on Literary Elements. . . . . . . . . . . 20

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Chapter 1
Jed’s Problem
Jed followed his brother and sisters along the
road. Jed had to walk a mile to the bus. The
railroad ran between Jed’s house and the school.
The closest place to cross the railroad tracks was
five miles away.
Dad said that people wanted to build a
footbridge over the railroad tracks. The bridge
was never built.

railroad tracks

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The bus got to school just before class started.

The problem was that Jed wanted to get to
school early. Leo, Jed’s best friend, had just
gotten back from a trip. Jed and Leo had a lot
to catch up on. Jed wanted to tell Leo that he
had been chosen for the school’s track team.

In Other Words find out about. En español,

catch up on quiere decir ponerse al día.

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The track team had a meeting. The coach said
that practice would be on Tuesdays after school.
Jed was worried. He knew his mom had
to work late on Tuesdays. She wouldn’t be
able to pick him up.
Jed was sad because he could not be on the
track team. Jed’s heart felt as heavy as a rock.

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Dad Mom


Jed told his family what had happened.

Jed asked, “Could we get the town’s people
to build a bridge over the train tracks? We really
need a footbridge. If we had a footbridge, we
could walk to and from school.”
Dad said, “I don’t think they will build
a bridge.”
Mom looked at Jed’s sad face and said,
“I’ll try to talk to the town’s people tomorrow.”
Jed said, “Thanks, Mom.”


Why did Jed want the town

to build a footbridge?

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Chapter 2
A Challenge
Jed ran all the way home from the bus the
next day. “How did it go?” Jed asked Mom.
“The town’s people said not enough people
wanted the bridge,” Mom said.
Mom said, “You want to be an inventor.
Inventors solve problems. Maybe you could solve
this problem.”
Jed couldn’t imagine how to solve the
problem. He went outside to play ball. As Jed
bounced the ball, he had an idea.
“Maybe we can prove that people want
a bridge,” Jed said to his mother.
Jed’s mother smiled. “I knew you’d come up
with an idea. You deserve a pat on the back,”
she said.

In Other Words congratulations.

En español, a pat on the back quiere
decir una palmadita en la espalda.

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On the weekend, Jed and Dad took a petition
around the neighborhood. Lots of people signed
the petition. People wanted the footbridge built.
Jed asked the kids at school, too.
Jed sent the petition to the town’s people.
A few weeks later Jed got a letter from them.
They said they would meet to talk about the
bridge. The town’s people invited Jed to come to
the meeting as an observer.

Language Written like this, town’s is a singular

Detective possessive noun. How would it be
written if it were plural possessive?

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Jed’s family went to the meeting with Jed.
Some people wanted the footbridge. Some people
spoke against having the footbridge.
The leader of the town’s people stood up and
spoke. She said, “We need to vote on whether
to build a footbridge or not. Before we vote,
let’s listen to Jed speak.”
Jed was nervous about speaking in front of
so many people. Then Jed thought of how much
he wanted that bridge.
Jed said that more children could walk
to school if a bridge were built. He said that
walking was good exercise. When Jed finished
talking, everyone clapped.

Language Jed’s is a possessive noun. Find another

Detective possessive noun on page 6.

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It was time to vote. Half of the town’s people
voted to build the bridge. The other half of the
people voted not to build the bridge. The leader
of the town’s people had the last vote.
The leader said, “Jed can really face a problem.
He has shown how our town would be better
off having a footbridge over the railroad tracks.
I vote to build the bridge.”


Why did Jed choose to speak to the town’s

people even though he was nervous?

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Chapter 3
Jed’s Victory
Jed and his friends watched as the footbridge
was being built. Watching the bridge being built
was exciting. Jed thought he might build bridges
one day.


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The bridge was finished and people walked
over the bridge a lot.
Leo pointed at the sign. It read,
Jed Scrivener Bridge.
“Jed, you have a bridge named after you!”
Leo said.




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Jed and his brother and sisters walked across

the bridge to school the next day.
Jed’s teacher said to the class, “We will learn
how to solve problems for the next few weeks.
We will study how Jed figured out a way to fix
his problem.”


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Jed was happy about the sign and what his
teacher had said. Mostly, Jed was happy about
being able to join the track team next year!


Why did the teacher use what

Jed did as an example of how
to solve problems?


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Summarize Details

Summarize The Long Walk.

Use your Point of View Chart
to help you.
Point of View

Text Evidence
1. The Long Walk is realistic fiction. The story
is made up but the characters are realistic.
Do the characters in this story seem real?

2. How do you know that the story is told from

Jed’s point of view? Give an example.

3. “Jed’s heart felt as heavy as a rock.” What does

that mean? SIMILES

4. Describe how you think Jed felt as he watched

the bridge being built. WRITE ABOUT READING


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Compare Texts
Read about another boy who has a problem,
and how it is solved.

the Mess Monster
Thomas was a messy child—
that’s what his mother said.
He never did his laundry
or even made his bed.

He had piles and piles of clothes

stuffed behind the closet door.
His books and toys and games
lay scattered on the floor.

“His bedroom is a nightmare!”

his mom would often moan.
“We can’t get him to clean it!”
his dad said with a groan.
Text: Sara Mitchell, Illustration: Hannah Wood


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Then summer vacation started,
and Cousin Annie came to stay.
Annie was a tidy girl
who put her things away.

“You cannot live like this!”

Annie said with a frown.
She opened all the windows
and swept the cobwebs down.

“I like my room this way,”

Thomas said with a grin.
Then he tripped over some trash
that hadn’t made it to the bin.

Thomas’s arms went flying—

knocking the fish tank from the wall.
“Catch my fish,” cried Thomas,
“or I will lose them all!”
Text: Sara Mitchell, Illustration: Hannah Wood


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Cousin Annie took a flying leap
and caught the tank mid-air.
She put it on the shelf
with the greatest care.

Then Annie said to Thomas,

“This mess has got to stop!
I will show you how to clean your room.
Now go and get a mop!”
Text: Sara Mitchell, Illustration: Hannah Wood

Make Connections
What was Thomas’s problem? How did Annie
Are Jed and Annie alike? TEXT TO TEXT


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Rhyme and Alliteration Poems often use literary
elements such as rhyme and alliteration. Rhyme
is the repetition of a similar sound at the end
of two or more words. An example of rhyme
is, We’ll meet you, At the zoo. Alliteration is the
repetition of the consonant at the beginning of two
or more words that are close to one another. An
example of alliteration is, a wet, windy, and wild day.

Read and Find Read Thomas, the Mess Monster. Find

an example of rhyme. Find an example of alliteration
in stanza 6.

Your Turn
With a partner, choose a subject to write
a poem about. Write one stanza each. Try
to include some rhyme and alliteration.


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Literature Circles


Who is the main character
in this story?

Where did the story take place?

What was Jed’s problem?
How did Jed solve his problem?

What was the most interesting thing
you learned in The Long Walk?

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Figure It Out

GR M • Benchmark 28 • Lexile [t/k]

Grade 3 • Unit 2 Week 5

ISBN-13 978-0-02-119275-5
MHID 0-02-119275-8

9 780021 192755

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