Philosophy Mirror Mirror On The Wall

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Who am I?
I see myself as a distinct individual, even though there are billions of
people like me. I consider myself unique because there is no one
else exactly like me. Everything that defines me sets me apart
from others, making me truly one-of-a-kind. To echo the
philosophical statement by René Descartes, "I think, therefore I
am," we can assert our existence. Descartes' words underscore
the significance of thinking, suggesting that our capacity for
thought validates our right to life. In essence, this quote implies
that because we can think, we are alive. Saying "I am" signifies
that we exist as thinking beings. I can think and doubt, hence I
exist. Reflecting on Socrates' words, "The unexamined life is not
worth living," it implies that if we don't question our existence,
we don't deserve to be alive. Without thinking and
acknowledging life, we are merely existing, not truly living. To
answer the question of who I am, after pondering these quotes, I
believe I am an entity that lives because I think. I am a human
endowed with knowledge and wisdom, which gives my life
purpose and meaning.
Why am I here?
I exist in this universe because I was born, and my presence serves
multiple purposes. I am here because humans have existed for
countless centuries, and I represent the continuation of our
species. Following Socrates' wisdom, I am here to scrutinize my
life, making it truly worth living. Descartes' words also
emphasize that we are here and alive because we possess the
capacity to think. I have been given life, and I owe it to myself
to question and contemplate its meaning. All living beings have
a purpose in the universe, a role to fulfill. We are called upon to
utilize our existence to truly live.
What should I do in my life?
What is the point of living if you lack the curiosity to understand your
purpose? We should engage in humane and ethical actions that
reflect our capabilities; otherwise, we are merely existing, not
truly living. It is our responsibility to examine the precious life
we have been granted and demonstrate our worthiness by
striving to be the best versions of ourselves. In accordance with
the teachings of Socrates and Descartes, we should prioritize the
pursuit of knowledge and wisdom as fundamental aspects of our

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