2017 Coverage Probability of Multiple UAVs Supported Ground Network

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Coverage probability of multiple UAVs D2D transmitter/receiver pair and link from the ith interfering D2D

supported ground network transmitter to the typical D2D receiver, respectively. Pu is the transmit
power of UAV which is a constant. Xu i is the distance between the
Zijun Guo, Zhiqing Wei✉, Zhiyong Feng and Ning Fan ith UAV transmitter and the receiver of typical downlink user. Ci is
the channel gain between the ith UAV and the receiver of typical
In disaster recovery, ground network consisting of mobile terminals of D2D user. Finally, the coverage probabilities of downlink user and
rescue vehicles and civilians may be disconnected due to severe the D2D user are
environment. In this situation, multiple unmanned aerial vehicles        
(UAVs) form an aerial network to enhance the connectivity of the Pcov, d b = P SINRd2d . b , Pcov, du b = P SINRdu . b
ground network. When two nodes in ground network are disconnected,
they adopt UAVs as relays to transmit data. Otherwise, they communi-
where b is the SINR threshold.
cate with device-to-device manner. With this framework, the coverage
probability of these two kinds of users is analysed. Besides, the optimal Analysis of coverage probability: The coverage probability of D2D user
altitude of UAVs to maximise the capacity of ground network is is derived in the following theorem.
achieved. A guideline is provided for the design of multiple UAVs
support wireless network. Theorem 1: With the fixed distance of D2D pair d0 , the coverage
probability of D2D user is
Introduction: In disaster recovery scenario, unmanned aerial vehicles    
  −2p2 ld b(2/ad ) d0ad −bNd0ad
(UAVs) can be deployed to provide communications services to the Pcov, d b = exp   exp
mobile terminals that are implemented in vehicles and carried by civi- ad sin (2p/ad ) Pd
lians on ground [1]. Since UAVs can provide line-of-sight connections 1
to the ground nodes [2], the connectivity and capacity of ground × exp (ldu p −h2 (1 − exp (sCh−au ))fc (C)dC)
network can be improved. Zhou et al. in [3] provided an aerial– 0
ground cooperative vehicular networking architecture, where UAVs 1

act as relays of vehicular ad hoc network on ground. Specifically, × exp (ldu p (bC)s g(1 − s, sCh−au )fc (C)dC)
Mozaffari et al. in [4] modelled the coexistence between UAV
network and a device-to-device (D2D) communication network on where fc (C) = (mm /G(m))C m−1 exp (−mC)
ground. Besides, there are some literatures studying the modelling of The proof of this result is as follows. The coverage probability of D2D
air–ground channel [5, 6], which is a typical channel for the air–ground user is
communication in aerial–ground cooperative networking. In this Letter,  
  P d d −a d g
we study the scenario where multiple UAVs form an aerial network to Pcov, d b = P(SINRd2d . b) = P c 0 .b
relay the data of ground nodes. When two nodes of ground are dis- Id + Iu + N
  c  ad 
connected, they adopt UAV as relay to transmit data and the ground b Id + Iu + N d0
node which is receiving signal from UAV is defined as downlink =P g.
user. When two ground nodes are connected, they communicate with
D2D mode. We analyse the coverage probability of downlink user Since we assumed that the channel model between D2D users is
and D2D user. Besides, we achieved the capacity of ground network. Rayleigh model, the random variable   g follows exponential distribution.
Finally, the optimal altitude of UAVs is achieved to maximise the We take the expectation of Pcov, d b over Idc and Iu . Then we have
capacity of ground network.   
b(Idc + Iu + N )d0ad
Pcov, d (b) = EIdc , Iu exp −
System model: Multiple UAVs form an aerial network to support the Pd
ground network. The wireless channel W is divided into non- −bd0ad Idc −bd0ad Iu
overlapping channels W1 , W2 and W3 . To improve the spectrum = EIdc exp EIu exp
Pd Pd
efficiency, the channels of air-to-air link and ground subnetwork are  
−bd0ad N
both W1 . Since the aerial network and ground network are separated × exp (1)
with distance h, namely the height of UAVs, the interference can be
controlled by tuning the value of h. However, because there are many According to Laplace transform, we have
line of sight (LOS) links from UAVs to ground nodes, the frequency  ad    
bands of air-to-ground (A2G) link and ground-to-air (G2A) link are bd0 −bd0ad Idc
LIdc = EIdc exp
W2 and W3 , respectively, to control the interference. The distribution P Pd
 dad     (2)
of users in ground network follows a homogeneous Poisson point bd0 −bd0ad Iu
process F including downlink users and D2D users. The density of LIu = EIu exp
Pd Pd
downlink users is ldu and the density of D2D users is ld [The density  ad 
is defined as the number of users per unit area.]. Assume that the dis- The Laplace transform LId (bd0 /Pd ) is as follows [8]:

tance between the transmitter and receiver of D2D mode is fixed. We  ad    

model the A2G channel with Nakagami-m model [7], because the bd0 −bd0ad
LIdc = Edi , gi exp Pd di gi
value of m can be tuned according to the probability of line-of-sight. Pd i
Besides, we model the ground-to-ground channel with Rayleigh model.  
The received signal of a typical D2D user is Y1 = Pr, d + Idc + Iu + N , 2p2 ld b2/ad d02 (3)
= exp −
and the received signal of a typical downlink user is ad sin (2p/ad )
Y2 = Pr, u + Iuc + N , where Pr, d is the received signal power of D2D  ad   1 
receiver, Idc is the interference from other D2D users to the typical LIu = exp EC − (1 − exp(sC(h2 + r2 )−2/au ))l′ (r)dr ,
Pd 0
D2D user, Iu is the interference from other UAVs to the typical D2D
user, Pr, u is the received signal power of the typical downlink user, Iuc where s = (− bd0ad /Pd )
is the total interference from other UAVs to the typical downlink user Assume A = ( 0 (1 − exp (sC(h2 + r2 )−2/au ))l′ (r)dr), where the
and N is the power of noise. Hence, the signal-to-interference-plus-noise details follow directly from the results in [9]. We have
ratios (SINRs) of the typical D2D user and downlink   user are
SINRd2d = (Pr, d /(Idc + Iu + N )) and SINRdu = Pr, u / Iuc + N . A = ldu p − 1 − exp(sCh−au )h2 + bC g(1 − s, sCh−au ) (4)
Moreover, we have the  detailed expressions of each item, namely
where s = 2/au . Finally, we have
Pr, d =Pd d0−ad g0 , Idc = i=0 Pd di−ad gi , Pr, u = Pu Xu − au
0 C0 and
c −a u
Iu = i=0 Pd Xu i Ci , i = 0 denotes the transmitter/receiver pair of  ad   1 
typical user. Pd is the transmit power of D2D user which is a constant. LIu = exp −ldu p −h2 (1 − exp (sCh−au ))fc (C)dC
Pd 0
d0 and di are the fixed distance between the typical D2D pair and the  1 
random distance between the typical D2D receiver and the ith D2D × exp −ldu p (bC)s g(1 − s, sCh−au )fc (C)dC (5)
transmitter, respectively. g0 and gi are the channel gains of the typical 0

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 22nd June 2017 Vol. 53 No. 13 pp. 885–887

According to Theorem 1, the coverage probability of D2D user is a According to Theorem 2, the coverage probability of downlink user is a
function of the transmit power of D2D user Pd , the altitude of UAVs function of Pu , m, h, ld , ldu and b. The sum rates for downlink users and
h, the density of D2D users ld , the density of downlink users ldu and D2D users are as follows [4]:
the SINR threshold b.
Cdu = W log2 (1 + b)Pcov, du (b)
Theorem 2: The coverage probability of downlink user is Cd = W log2 (1 + b)Pcov, d (b)
  Considering the total downlink users and D2D users in unit area, the
Pcov, du b = 1
  sum rate Csum can be derived as a function of the coverage probabilities
g m, (mbE[Xu a0 u ]E[Iuc ]/Pu ) + (mbE[Xu a0 u ]N /Pu ) and the number of users as follows:

Csum = ldu Cdu + ld Cd (13)
In Fig. 1, the theoretical results and Monte Carlo results fit well. With
where the increase of m, the sum rate is also increasing. Besides, the sum
 2−au  rate is a unimodal function of the height of UAVs h. Thus, there
EIuc [Iuc ] = 2pldu Pu (7) exists an optimal h that can maximise the sum rates of downlink users
2 − au
and D2D users.
1  a  
E[Xu a0 u ] = ld pr h2 + r2 u exp −ld pr2 dr (8) Conclusion: In this Letter, coverage probabilities of typical D2D user
and downlink user are derived and the optimal altitude of UAVs to
The proof of this result is as follows. The coverage probability of down- maximise the sum rate of ground network is calculated. This Letter
link user is provides a guideline for the design of multiple UAVs support wireless
 au  network.
  Pu Xu −
0 C
Pcov, du = P SINRDU . b = P . b
Iuc + N Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Natural
b Iu + N Xu a0 u Science Foundation of China (nos. 61601055, 61631003) and the
=1−P C , (9) National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (no. 61525101)
Since we assume the A2G channel is Nakagami-m channel, the channel
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017
gain follows gamma distribution. Thus, the cumulative density function
Submitted: 18 March 2017 E-first: 25 May 2017
(CDF) of channel gain is FC (x) = (g(m, xm)/G(m)). According to the
doi: 10.1049/el.2017.0800
CDF of channel gain, we have
One or more of the Figures in this Letter are available in colour online.
  g m, mb Iu +N E[Xu a0 u ]/Pu Zijun Guo, Zhiqing Wei, Zhiyong Feng and Ning Fan (Wireless
Pcov,du b = 1−EIuc
G(m) Technology Innovation Institute, Beijing University of Posts and
     Telecommunications, Beijing, People’s Republic of China)
g m, mbE[Xu 0 ]E[Iuc ]/Pu + mbE[Xu a0 u ]N /Pu
= 1− ✉ E-mail: weizhiqing@bupt.edu.cn
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ELECTRONICS LETTERS 22nd June 2017 Vol. 53 No. 13 pp. 885–887

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