2019 Self-Organizing Relay Selection in UAV Communication Networks - A Matching Game Perspective

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Self-Organizing Relay Selection in

UAV Communication Networks:
A Matching Game Perspective
Dianxiong Liu, Yuhua Xu, Jinlong Wang, Yitao Xu, Alagan Anpalagan, Qihui Wu, Hai Wang, and Liang Shen

Abstract cult for all UAVs to connect with the satellite. With
large-scale deployment and intensive cooperation
For large UAV networks, timely communica- of UAVs, it is meaningful to discuss the internal
tion is needed to accomplish a series of missions communication [4] of UAVs. In more extreme
accurately and effectively. The relay technology cases, if satellite communications are disrupted,
will play an important role in UAV networks by effective internal communications can guarantee
helping drones communicate with long-distance the completion of the mission.
drones, which solves the problem of the limited In internal communication, the technology of
transmission power of drones. In this article, relay short haul communication is used. As shown in
selection is seen as the entry point to improve Fig. 1, due to the complexity of the spatial distri-
the performance of self-organizing networks bution, the UAV network needs to be divided into
with multiple optimizing factors. Different from several coalitions to finish comprehensive missions.
ground relay models, relay selection in UAV com- Within the network, the internal communication
munication networks presents new challenges, of UAVs involves control information exchange
including heterogeneous, dynamic, dense and and service information fusion. Information shar-
limited information characteristics. More effective ing mainly implements the information interaction
schemes with distributed, fast, robust and scal- among coalitions of UAVs, so as to configure the
able features are required to solve the optimizing UAV coalitions and assign tasks. The information
problem. After discussing challenges and require- fusion mainly refers to the information exchange
ments, we find that the matching game is suitable between the units within the UAVs, so drones can
to model the complex relay model. The advantag- assess the overall situation and accomplish tasks.
es of the matching game in self-organizing UAV Because of the transmission power constraint
communications are discussed. We provide exten- of drones, it is difficult to achieve reliable commu-
sive applications of matching markets, and then nications among the whole UAV network. Some
propose a novel classification of matching game drones should be used as relay devices to improve
which focuses on the competitive relationship the quality of the communication. However, the
between players. Specifically, basic preliminary large scale of UAVs, the self-organization of UAV
models are presented and future research direc- coalitions and the intensive external interference
tions of matching game in UAV relay models are make the relay selection of UAV communication
discussed. more difficult. Considering the complexity of UAV
communication, this article mainly provides a new
Introduction perspective on developing distributed and robust
With the increasing development of unmanned relay selection technologies in UAV communica-
aerial vehicle (UAV) technology, large-scale tion networks.
multi-UAV systems [1] play an important role in Compared with the additional trajectory plan-
military and civilian fields, such as in wars, emer- ning of UAVs within the network, relay transmis-
gency communications and Internet of Things sion can optimize UAV communication based on
[2]. Maintaining the communication of large- the formation configuration, without destroying
scale UAV networks becomes an important and the stability of the network. Moreover, based on
timely issue. relay transmission rather than additional mobility
From the perspective of requirements, the com- can save the energy consumption of UAVs so as
munication of UAVs can be classified into internal to extend the endurance in the case of ensuring
communication and external communication. In the normal communication of the UAV network.
external communication, UAV networks mainly Therefore, this article mainly develops the relaying
exchange information with the higher command optimization. Dynamic strategies combined with
center via satellite communication. However, due the mobile UAVs are also considered.
to the limited transmission capacity, the heavy Due to the dynamic networks, limited abilities
UAV-to-infrastructure communication hardware of drones and diversified tasks, it is hard to apply
and the unreliable communication [3], it is diffi- existing approaches of relay selection to the com-

Dianxiong Liu, Yuhua Xu (corresponding author), Jinlong Wang, Yitao Xu, Hai Wang and Liang Shen are with
Digital Object Identifier: Army Engineering University, Nanjing, China; Alagan Anpalagan is with Ryerson University;
10.1109/MWC.001.1700434 Qihui Wu is with Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

1 1536-1284/19/$25.00 © 2019 IEEE IEEE Wireless Communications • Accepted for Publication

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this magazine. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

Because of the trans-

mission power con-
straint of drones, it is
difficult to achieve reli-
Satellite able communications
among the whole UAV
network. Some drones
should be used as relay
devices to improve the
Coalition leader quality of the commu-
nication. However, the
large scale of UAVs,
the self-organization
of UAV coalitions and
Drones in the Coalition the intensive external
interference make the
relay selection of UAV
communication more
Higher command
Relay between Relay between External difficult.
Coalition of UAVs centers
individual devices coalitions communication
FIGURE 1. A model of the future UAV communication networks.

munication scenarios of large scale UAV alliance UAV Swarms: The multi-UAV system is ana-
networks [2]. Moreover, the problem of relay lyzed from the perspective of the formation con-
selection in UAV communication networks can figuration, which mainly emphasizes the external
not be solved by centralized methods, because physical features of UAV networks. Analysis from
lots of factors in relay selection strategies, such as this perspective makes the models more intuitive,
power control, interference management and car- so problems of transportation planning and control
rier selection, may result in heavy communication [8] are generally solved by this point of view.
overhead. As a result, it is timely to develop dis- Flying Ad-Hoc Network (FANET): Develops
tributed selection approaches for future UAV relay the networking technology of UAV networks. By
networks. analyzing the communication link, the architec-
After exploring some relay selection cases, this ture of multi-UAV communication networks can
article analyzes some fundamental challenges and be optimized effectively. From this perspective,
requirements of self-organizing relay selection in problems of the topology construction and routing
UAV networks. Then, following the attractive fea- protocol are mainly studied [4].
tures of matching game market [5], we propose Multi-tier Drone Architecture: It is analyzed
and discuss advantages of the matching game for from the perspective of layers of structure [9]. By
self-organizing relay selection in UAV communica- analyzing different types, flight altitudes and com-
tion networks. munication objectives of UAVs, multi-tiers UAVs
Matching game is powerful to tackle the prob- are developed to improve the spectral efficiency
lem of resource allocation by modeling the rela- of users in cellular networks. It is also an efficient
tionship of players between two distinct sets. It perspective for the multi-UAV system.
has recently attracted extensive attention in wire- Different from these research works, we analyze
less networks [6, 7], such as cell association and UAV networks from the perspective of resource
cooperative spectrum sharing. Moreover, some optimization. The optimization of relay models
preliminary matching solutions have been studied among UAVs is discussed, which makes the topic
in ground relay models. However, the inherent fea- more targeted so as to research into transmission
tures and fundamental challenges of relay selection situations, challenges, and corresponding solutions.
in UAV communication networks need to be fur- We develop effective matching models of resource
ther studied. The matching game also needs to be optimization based on the formation and commu-
developed to solve the resource assignment prob- nication architectures. The optimizing models pro-
lems effectively. Compared with existing match- posed in this article can be applied to the existing
ing models [6, 7], we mainly focus on UAV relay classification framework in different analytical per-
models based on the featured matching models. spectives.
The classification of relay models and special fea- The rest of this article is organized as follows.
tures of future UAV communication networks are In the following section, after introducing the main
explored. Focusing on the internal competition classification of internal UAV relay models, the
relationship among drones, we propose a novel requirements and challenges of relay selection in
classification of matching models in wireless net- UAV communication networks are analyzed. Fol-
works, in which they are classified as matching with lowing that, the matching game model in UAV net-
substitutability, with partial substitutability and with- works is presented. Then, extensive applications of
out substitutability. the matching game model in future UAV commu-
It is noted that from different perspectives of nication networks are discussed, a new classifica-
the multi-UAV system, several UAV architectures tion focusing on the relationship between players is
were proposed in the existing work. proposed, and future research directions are given.

IEEE Wireless Communications • Accepted for Publication 2

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this magazine. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

Without a powerful
centralized controller
Relay Selection for architecture is heterogeneous. The “Gremlins”
UAV program (available: http://www.darpa.mil/
and stable transmission UAV Communication Networks news-events/2015-08-28) and multi-tier drone
conditions, UAVs with In this section, we introduce the relay model from architecture [9] were proposed to develop the
the perspective of task planning. Moreover, by UAV system with various layers. There is a tight
limited transmission exploring the inherent features of UAV commu- relationship between different levels of drones.
power hardly obtain nication networks, we briefly discuss some funda- For example, the reusable drones in “Gremlins”
perfect environmental mental challenges and requirements of optimizing have to maintain stable communications with large
information. UAVs relay selection in UAV communication networks. UAVs. On the other hand, in UAV networks, tasks
are assigned by the system, and the communica-
should make strategies The Classification of tion is to ensure the completion of tasks, while the
according to limited Relay Models in UAV Communications communication requirement of ground networks is
and dynamic infor- Predictably, large UAV formations will be able to generated spontaneously by users. Different from
mation from neighbor accomplish self-organizing air tasks, and a com- relay models in ground networks with single task
drones. In a heteroge- plicated task can be subdivided into several sub- transmission, drones may need to accomplish mul-
neous, dynamic and tasks. Therefore, UAV formations can be divided tiple tasks simultaneously.
into different coalitions according to different Dynamic Networks: The dynamic of UAV
distributed system, lim- tasks. In this case, the relay transmission will run communications poses two challenges. The dras-
ited information as one through the whole UAV communication system. tic change of the external environment and the
constraint of frequency The main applications of relay selection in UAVs rapid change of the formation may cause the
domain is inevitable. are shown as follows. previous communication link to be unavailable,
Relay Transmission Between Coalitions of which requires the rapid adjustment of the selec-
UAVs: Due to the different demands of subtasks, tion strategy of UAV networks. On the other hand,
each coalition performs its subtasks and coordi- the dynamic change of the UAV formation may be
nates with each other so as to achieve the over- the spontaneous movement to perform the task.
all goal or complete the overall task. Therefore, The mobility of drones can be used to ferry the
information exchange is necessary between the transmitted information, including trajectory opti-
coalitions of UAV systems. Figure 1 shows that one mization [10] and the suitable selection of mobile
coalition of UAVs can communicate with remote UAVs.
coalitions relayed by other coalition leaders or Dense Deployment: As mentioned in [1], there
drones that are located between two sides of the may be hundreds of drones in the air simultaneous-
communication. ly. Ground control is not reliable when the UAV
Relay Transmission Between Individual Devic- network is out of the ground and carries out long-
es: One drone needs to establish communication range missions on its own. How to optimize the
links with the coalition leader, and it also needs self-organizing model in such a dense network has
to communicate with the surrounding drones to not been considered in ground relay networks.
coordinate the flight missions. As shown in Fig. 1, Resource optimization for dense deployment envi-
when one drone is too far away from the coali- ronments is different from that for sparse deploy-
tion leader to establish a direct communication ment environments. In particular, the problems
link, relay technology can be used to feed back the of transmission power constraint and interference
timely information. In addition, when drones need among drones are more serious.
to share information with surrounding drones, they Limited Information: Without a powerful cen-
can also choose relay transmission to improve the tralized controller and stable transmission condi-
transmission efficiency. tions, UAVs with limited transmission power hardly
The main differences of the two types are given. obtain perfect environmental information. UAVs
First, the coalition leader needs to communicate should make strategies according to limited and
with other coalitions, which requires a strong trans- dynamic information from neighbor drones. In a
mission capability, while drones in the alliance can heterogeneous, dynamic and distributed system,
be small and reusable with lower transmission capa- limited information as one constraint of frequency
bility. According to the transmission capacity, full domain is inevitable.
duplex and non-orthogonal multiple access tech- By exploring the optimization features, we dis-
nologies can be used in inter-coalition transmission, cuss some featured requirements of relay selection
while the half duplex with light loaded transmission in UAV communication networks, which mainly
can be used in intra-coalition transmission. In self-or- include four features: distributed, fast, robust, and
ganizing systems, there is a competitive relationship scalable.
between coalition leaders for channel access, while Distributed: In UAV communication networks,
available resources within the coalition may be most drones are deployed randomly and dynami-
assigned by the coalition leader. In addition, when cally in order to adapt to the flight tasks. The strat-
a drone needs to communicate with another drone egy of relay selection becomes more diversified
in another coalition, the corresponding protocols of due to the dense deployment of drones. The cen-
channel assignment may be required. tralized controller will process a large amount of
data information and resource consumption. Thus,
Discussion of Relay Selection in UAV Communication selection optimization problems for UAV commu-
nication networks are suitable to be solved in an
Networks: Challenges and Requirements effective self-organizing manner.
The technical challenges of relay selection opti- Fast: The dynamic feature of networks requires
mization in UAV communication networks are drones to spend a shorter time to make decisions,
discussed as follows. because the location of drones may move and the
Heterogeneous: “Heterogeneous” has two sets of active communication drones are random.
layers of meaning. On one hand, the network For example, one drone may change its flight path

3 IEEE Wireless Communications • Accepted for Publication

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this magazine. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

Databases of UAV coalitions

Sensing and Sensing and
information exchange information exchange
among neighbors among neighbors

Peer effect or Substitutability

Source drones with the not or not Relay drones with the
Structure Structure consideration factor
consideration factor
the the
preference preference Type of relay
Type of source
list of list of
Service requirement source relay Transmission need
Energy drones Matching market drones Power consumption
Time of service Time consumption
Route of source Route of relay
Objective Objective
Distributed Fast Robust Scalable Interference

FIGURE 2. The structure of matching game model in UAV communication networks.

during communications. Outdated strategies of the players in the opposing set. The proposed
relay selection may be meaningless in the short matching game can be fully represented once the
term, while the fast strategy can not only avoid use- preference of each player is defined.
less selection but also use the dynamic feature to Figure 2 shows the structure of the matching
improve the transmission. model in UAV communication networks. Driv-
Robust: The relay selection strategies should be en by different tasks, source drones select relay
robust for the dynamic environment. As discussed drones according to transmission objectives,
before, there are several complicated optimiza- types of transmission data, urgency of tasks,
tion factors of UAVs, such as dynamic communi- energy consumption and flight path. During the
cation tasks and varying flight paths. The obtained process, the relay selection and transmitting
information may also be incomplete or corrupted power can be adjusted according to the match-
by noise. Thus, the distributed selection solutions ing results. Similarly, relay drones will filter and
should be robust to address the problems of ran- adjust matching source drones according to sev-
domness, dynamics, and uncertainty in UAV com- eral factors such as the preference of tasks, the
munication networks. energy consumption and the interference with
Scalable: The resource optimization for dense other drones. It can be noted that the informa-
deployments of UAV communication networks is tion required by source drones and relay drones
different from that for sparse deployments. Thus, is different, which is one of the characteristics of
self-organized selection schemes should have the the matching game model.
ability to extend to the application of dense UAV The information is obtained primarily in two
networks. Due to the limited transmission power of ways: one is by sensing the environment and inter-
drones, the multi-hop relay model will be applied acting with other drones, and the other is the infor-
in UAV networks, and the number of transmission mation obtained from the coalition leader.
hops is uncertain. Self-organizing relay selection The Coalition Leader as a Temporary Data-
models should be extended to multi-hop UAV base: Coalitions cooperate with each other to
communication networks. accomplish missions, and coalition leaders are used
to summarize the information of drones within the
Matching Market-Based Optimization for coalition and then interact with the ground control-
ler. Therefore, the coalition leader can be used as a
UAV Communication Models temporary database to provide useful information
In this section, a brief introduction to the structure for drones. For example, drones can request rela-
of matching game [5–7] is given. We will also dis- tive position and the plan of flight trajectory from
cuss the special advantages of matching game in the database. Compared to sensing the environ-
UAV communication networks. ment and interacting with other drones, the data-
In essence, the matching game is defined by base approach is more efficient but not real-time.
two sets of players (S, R) and two preference rela- Sensing and Information Exchange: In large-
tions ≻i, ≻j, permitting each player i ∈ S, j ∈ R to scale communication environments, drones cannot
construct preference lists over one another, that obtain the whole information from the coalition
is, ranking the players in S and R, respectively, leader to make strategies, so they need to sense
according to their individual preferences [5]. There- the surrounding environment information and
fore, the matching game can be expressed as G(S, exchange information among neighbors. For exam-
R, ≻i, ≻j, qi, qj), where the maximum number of ple, channel occupancy can be obtained by energy
each player’s ability to match is called quota, q. detection or feature detection, and the information
Each player uses the preference relation to rank exchange can help with the task cooperation.

IEEE Wireless Communications • Accepted for Publication 4

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this magazine. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

First level

Source drone

Second level
matching R
Relay drone
Data transmission Trajectory

FIGURE 3. Examples of matching models in the future heterogeneous UAV networks: a) a multi-hop relay is modeled as a multi-level
matching market; b) the matching model combines with the trajectory adjustment.

As discussed above, not all the information previous preference lists and the perception pre-
can be stored; drones need to make strategies by diction results.
themselves to ensure more accurate optimization. Finally, the extensibility of the matching scheme
Distributed transmissions have relatively strong in various sizes of networks has been verified in
robustness. When the database is unavailable, it existing works such as [11]. Moreover, multi-tier
is also possible for drones to make individual deci- matching models were preliminary designed and
sions by perceiving the environment. Thus, it is nec- used in the wireless network [12], which veri-
essary to develop the database-assisted distributed fied the availability of the matching game in the
systems. multi-level. In future research, more organic combi-
Based on different requirements and optimi- nation can be developed. The discussion is given in
zation factors, source drones construct individ- the following section.
ual matching lists [5] in which the elements are
relay drones. Similarly, relay drones choose source
drones according to their own requirements. After
Matching Market for
constructing the preference list, the matching Future Heterogeneous Relay Networks
markets with or without peer effects [6] and sub- The authors in [6, 7] discussed the classification
stitutability are formed. The situation of substitut- of matching game according to the practical com-
ability will be discussed later. The matching game is munication scenarios in ground wireless networks.
good at modeling the relationship between source The classification can cope with part of the prob-
drones and relay drones. lems of relay networks. However, novel features
First, in distributed UAV models, source drones and applications of matching game in wireless
select the preferred relay drones according to their networks can be further explored. Matching game
own transmission requirements. Meanwhile, relay theory needs to be explored and extended so that
drones filter source drones by their objectives and new features for future relay models in UAV com-
utilities. Matching game can define individual utili- munication systems can be better applied.
ties for source drones and relay drones. The avail-
able algorithmic implementations allow a largely Extensive Application of Matching Model
distributed solution to the problem of resource Multi-Level Matching Game for Multi-Hop
allocation without obtaining all of the information Relay Models: In UAV communication networks
in networks. with power constraint, source drones that cannot
Second, different from other game models, connect to destination drones by two-hop trans-
stable matching results are the primary objective mission should choose multi-hop relay models.
in the matching market. In the distributed system, Nowadays, distributed relay selection solutions
obtaining the global optimum needs a long time for multi-hop relay models have not been fully
to make decisions, while the fast changing network explored. Considering multiple optimization fac-
environment does not allow such a long decision tors, it is necessary to model complex networks as
period. Pursuing the results of optimal relay selec- suitable distributed models so as to optimize them
tion in the whole network is not reasonable. Stable with low complex methods. For multi-hop com-
matching can respond to the changes effectively, munication, a multi-level matching market can be
and also maintain the stability of network commu- modeled, which is the extension of the general
nications. Therefore, stable matching is more suit- matching market. Global matching networks can
able for UAV communication networks. be divided into multi-level markets and solved by
Third, in the matching game, each player will matching approaches.
learn and update the preference list during the Figure 3a shows that if two source drones with
matching process [6]. Due to the nature of the limited transmission power want to connect with
matching game, the previous learning list can guide one destination drone, the communication should
the matching of players in the selection process. If pass through three-hop transmissions. When
current matching results are broken by the change source drones choose relay drones at the first level,
of the environment in the matching process, play- the possible matching conditions of relay drones at
ers can make a faster adjustment according to the the next level should be evaluated, which provides

5 IEEE Wireless Communications • Accepted for Publication

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Because of the
The resource dominated by s1 resource competition,
source drones can
The resource dominated by s2 s , r  s , r  s , r 
1 j j 2 j j 3 j
adjust their selection
strategies according to
The resource of rj such The resource dominated by s3 the matching results.
as one unit time Based on the multi-lev-
el matching model, the
Class I: Matching with Class II: Matching with Class III: Matching problem of multi-hop
substitutability partial substitutability without substitutability
route selection can be
solved by distributed
methods. Therefore,
multi-level matching
provides an appro-
In the matching game with I n the m a t c h i n g game w i t h priate perspective for
substitutability, resource is partial substitutability, resource is In the matching game without
substitutability, players share multi-hop relay models
always divided with fixed not divided into fixed blocks. The
quotas, and players dominate mutual complementary players the resource together instead of in UAV networks.
resource blocks fixedly. Lower share the resource, while the other replacing the other players.
priority players will be replaced. players will be replaced.

FIGURE 4. A novel classification of matching game focusing on the relationship of internal competition in
wireless network.

a good reference factor for the matching filter. scient and used to improve the quality of transmis-
Next, the selected relay drones will attend to the sion.
next level matching market and match relay drones Matching Game with and without Substitut-
at the next level. Because of the resource com- ability: Conventional classification consists of a
petition, source drones can adjust their selection one-to-one model, many-to-one model and many-
strategies according to the matching results. Based to-many model, which is one of the classifications
on the multi-level matching model, the problem based on the structure of matching market. The
of multi-hop route selection can be solved by dis- authors in [6] classified the matching market as
tributed methods. Therefore, multi-level matching classic matching, matching with externalities and
provides an appropriate perspective for multi-hop matching with dynamics, which do not refer to the
relay models in UAV networks. inherently competitive relationships between play-
Dynamic Matching Game Combined with the ers. To capture the features of the inherent rela-
Trajectory Optimization: Trajectory and propul- tionship of players in the matching game beyond
sion energy consumption are the key problems of the existing classes, classification according to the
UAV dynamics [13], and it is reasonable to devel- relationship of competitors is discussed next and
op the relative mobility of UAVs within networks. illustrated in Fig. 4.
Different from air-to-ground trajectory optimization Class I: Matching with Substitutability: This
[10, 13], UAVs in the network have certain relative class constitutes the popular and baseline class,
positions to finish the flight mission. The trajectory in which the relationship between players is sole-
of multiple UAVs within the formation cannot be ly competitive. Players replace other competitors
adjusted arbitrarily. During flying as a formation, when they are successfully accepted by players in
drones can adjust their relative trajectories within a the opposing set. Existing literature of matching
reasonable range. Therefore, it is worth researching game in wireless networks always modeled the
into the cooperation transmission of multi-drones network as the matching market with substitutabil-
based on topology adjustment and trajectory plan- ity. The most prominent example is the resource
ning. allocation model with fixed matching quotas such
While UAVs are driven by tasks or impacted by as base station association with a fixed number of
the environment to adjust their relative position, channels.
they can be used to ferry information [10] from the Class II: Matching with Partial Substitutabil-
other UAVs. Depending on the original trajectory ity: In the second class, competitive relationships
instead of additional flight can save additional pro- exist among matching applicants. Receiving match-
pulsion energy as much as possible. As shown in ing requests, players filter the applicants accord-
Fig. 3b, if UAVs adjust the flight formation during ing to the priority. However, priority is not the
communication, source UAVs can make use of the only filtering criterion for refusal or acceptance.
adjustment and select the appropriate communica- Matching with partial substitutability considers the
tion mode effectively (select static UAVs or coop- internal factors of competition such as resource
erate with mobile UAVs to help the transmission). surplus or tolerance limit of resource demands. The
Here, dynamic matching model can be developed, most prominent example is the resource allocation
where source drones and relay drones make strat- model with unfixed matching quotas, such as chan-
egies in advance according to future dynamic nel association considering unfixed time resource.
adjustments. Different from existing matching work Class III: Matching without Substitutability:
which tried to avoid the influence of dynamics [6], Matching market without substitutability [14] can
the adjustment of the UAV network can be pre- be used to model future networks with resource

IEEE Wireless Communications • Accepted for Publication 6

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this magazine. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

sharing. This matching model has been used

in social networks. For example, one laboratory
needs different types of professors to cooperatively
complete research tasks.
The global satisfaction performance of source nodes
In this class, the priority of players is not the cri-
terion for filtering. Players do not accept or reject
0.8 a matching connection according to the unilateral
performance of applicants. The performance of the
whole network or the applicants with other con-
0.7 nections can be considered in the matching pro-
cess. This class is suitable for fully sharing networks,
such as spectrum sharing equally with unfixed quo-
0.6 tas.
Preliminary Applications of the
0.5 The proposed matching game with partially substitutability Proposed Classification in Relay Networks
The centralized algorithm maximizing the global throughput Classic Matching with Substitutability: The
The centralized algorithm maximizing the minimum throughput classic matching model which is well studied in
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 the existing research. Authors such as in [6, 7,
The number of sources in the relay network 5] verified that the communication systems with
(a) fixed resource blocks can achieve stable results
1 efficiently by the matching schemes.
Multi-User Selection with Partial Substitut-
0.95 ability: In [11], we studied the problem of relay
selection with multi-nodes using a many-to-one
0.9 matching model. The source nodes’ preferences
capture the data rates while the relay nodes filter
source nodes according to the transmission effi-
Global satisfaction

Global optimum (exhaustive search) ciency and the residual resource. Due to the uncer-
0.8 The proposed matching game without substitutability tain quota and the heterogeneous requirements,
The best response of many−to−many selection some source nodes with high data rates cannot
The many to many random selection
0.75 replace those with low data rates in the match-
ing process. The reason is that the chosen source
0.7 nodes are more complementary for the resource
of relay nodes. It is illustrated in Fig. 5a that the
proposed distributed matching approach based on
the matching game with partial substitutability has
a significant advantage in terms of satisfaction for
0 50 100 150 200 250 all network sizes.
Iteration time Many-to-Many Matching Networks without
(b) Substitutability: In [15], we consider a UAV com-
munication network with multi-drones equipped
with a multi-access interface: 20 source drones
sharing 10 relay radios of five relay drones. Choos-
ing the same channel resource, source drones will
share the time resource of relay drones equally.
The chosen relay drones take into consideration
not only their own performance but also the
Global satisfaction

matching results of other relay drones. In this case,

the relay model of UAV communication networks
8 source drones leave can be modeled as a matching market without sub-
the relay system. 5 source drones enter
the relay system.
The average convergence performance of the
distributed relay selection model is shown in Fig.
5b. The solution based on the matching game with-
out substitutability catches up with the global opti-
mum. It can be noted that matching game without
substitutability is better than other relay selection
solutions such as the best response solution, which
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 validates the performance of matching game in the
model without substitutability.
(c) The robustness of the matching algorithm is also
investigated. At iteration t = 15 and t = 30, we let
FIGURE 5. Simulation results of preliminary applications of the proposed clas- eight source drones leave the model and five new
sification in relay models: a) The global satisfaction of the matching game source drones enter the model, respectively. The
with partial substitutability in relay models with heterogeneous tasks; b) The results in Fig. 5c show that the system can quickly
matching game without substitutability achieving the nearly global optimum converge to a stable result after the perturbations
of satisfaction in non-substitutive relay models; c) Dynamics of satisfaction occur. This verifies that the matching game algo-
performance with perturbations. At iteration t = 15 and 30, 8 source drones rithm is robust to the dynamics of communication
leave the system and 5 new source drones enter the system, respectively. tasks in UAV networks.

7 IEEE Wireless Communications • Accepted for Publication

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this magazine. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

Future Research Directions ence Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China

(No. SBK2019020930), the Postdoctoral Sci-
In practice, drones in
the network belong
It can be seen that the matching game for self-or- ence Fund of China (No. 2018M633684), and to different UAV
ganizing relay selection optimization in UAV by the research fund of the National University coalitions, which
communication networks has definitely drawn of Defense Technology with contract No. ZK18-
an exciting future, while current research is still 03-20. Dianxiong Liu would like to thank Ms. have different service
far away from the expected vision. We list below Mengyun Tang for her helpful discussion, which requirements or types.
some future research problems for matching improved this work significantly. In addition, the same
game models and relay selection in UAV commu- type of drones may
nication networks. References have heterogeneous
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Conclusion ny Matching Game Without Substitutability,” Proc. IEEE/CIC
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This article provided a distributed matching model
perspective for relay selection in UAV communi- Biographies
cation networks. First, the article introduced dif- Dianxiong Liu (dianxiongliu@163.com) received his B.S. degree
from the School of Physics & Telecommunication Engineering,
ferent situations of relay selections in large UAV South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, in 2014,
communication networks, and pointed out the and his M.S. degree in communications and information systems
challenges and requirements of relay models. from the College of Communications Engineering, PLA Universi-
Then, the fundamental concepts of the match- ty of Science and Technology in 2017. He is currently pursuing
a Ph.D. degree at the Army Engineering University of PLA. His
ing theory and the advantages in UAV commu- research interests include wireless communications and UAV
nication networks were presented. In order to communication networks.
understand the selection issues of relay models,
this article showed the extensive applications of Yuhua Xu (yuhuaenator@gmail.com) received his B.S. degree
in communications engineering, and Ph.D. degree in com-
the matching game in wireless networks. The pre- munications and information systems from the College of
liminary simulations validated the performances Communications Engineering, PLA University of Science and
of the relay selection strategies. Finally, research Technology, in 2006 and 2014, respectively. He is current-
directions of the matching model in UAV commu- ly with the College of Communications Engineering, Army
Engineering University of PLA. His research interests focus on
nication networks were discussed. opportunistic spectrum access, UAV communication networks,
and game theory. He was selected to receive the IEEE Signal
Acknowledgments Processing Society’s 2015 Young Author Best Paper Award,
This work was supported by the National Science and the Funds for the Distinguished Young Scholars of Jiangsu
Province in 2016.
Foundation of China under Grant No. 61771488,
No. 61901520, No. 61801492, No. 61931011 Jinlong Wang (wjl543@sina.com) received the B.S. degree in
and No. 61971439; in part by the Natural Sci- mobile communications, and the M.S. and the Ph.D. degrees

IEEE Wireless Communications • Accepted for Publication 8

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this magazine. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

in communications engineering and information systems from Qihui Wu (wuqihui2014@sina.com) is a professor in the College
the Institute of Communications Engineering, Nanjing, China, of Electronic and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of
in 1983, 1986, and 1992, respectively. He is currently a pro- Aeronautics and Astronautics, China. From 2005 to 2007, he
fessor with the Army Engineering University of PLA, China. He was an associate professor with the College of Communications
currently is the Vice Chair of the IEEE Communications Society Engineering, PLA University of Science and Technology, Nan-
Nanjing Chapter. jing, China, where he served as a professor from 2008 to 2016.
From March 2011 to September 2011, he was an advanced
Yitao Xu (yitaoxu@126.com) received the B.S. degree in optical visiting scholar at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ.
communications and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in communi-
cations and information systems from the Institute of Communi- Hai Wang (haiwang@ieee.org) received the B.S. degree in carrier
cations Engineering, Nanjing, China, in 1994, 2000, and 2004, communications, and the M.S. and the Ph.D. degrees in commu-
respectively. He is currently a professor with the Army Engineer- nications engineering and information systems from the Institute
ing University of PLA, China. His research interests focus on 5G of Communications Engineering, Nanjing, China, in 1993, 1996,
and signal processing for wireless communications. and 1999, respectively. He is currently a professor with the Army
Engineering University of PLA, China. His research interests focus
A lagan A npalagan (alagan@ee.ryerson.ca) received BASc., on wireless networking and ad hoc networking.
MASc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
University of Toronto. He is a registered Professional Engi- L iang S hen (shenliang671104@sina.com) received the B.S.
neer in the province of Ontario, Canada, a Senior Member degree in communications engineering and the M.S. degree
of IEEE, and Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and in communications and information systems from the Institute
Technology. He is a Professor in the Department of Electrical of Communications Engineering, Nanjing, China, in 1988 and
and Computer Engineering at Ryerson University, where he 1991, respectively. He is currently a professor with the Army
directs a research group working on radio resource manage- Engineering University of PLA, China. His current research inter-
ment (RRM) and radio access and networking (RAN) within ests are information theory and digital signal processing, and
the WINCORE Lab. wireless networking.

9 IEEE Wireless Communications • Accepted for Publication

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