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1. Introduction:
Give a short introduction of yourself with a smile/ joke
(rapport building) and add your credibility and connect to the
2. Opening:
What is the one thing we don’t want our patrons/ guests to do?
Encourage answers. A “complaint” is the one thing we don’t
want them to make. What should we do so that our patrons/
guests don’t complain? Encourage answers. Today I will share
a formula with you which would help us reduce complaints.

3. WIFM:
When the patrons/ guests gets what he/ she expects for the
money he/ she paid and does not
compliment nor complain about the experience. Once the complaints are reduced, we are less
stressed and can perform better. Our job satisfaction increases as seniors, and guests are happy.
We will enjoy work more. This may not increase our promotion chances but neither are we in the
limelight for the wrong reasons.

4. Body/ Content:
When the patrons/ guests are satisfied as per their expectations, how do they feel? Seek answers.
The formula for good service is “HAPPY’...
H Hygiene and safety – From the time the patrons/ guests enters the Cinema, everything he
comes across should be clean, neat and hygienic, and safe. The seats are clean, dining trays
are clean, no hair at head rest, lights on the steps to indicate seat is functioning, Ushers
available if the lights are off, toilets are clean and smelling fresh, security check of bags at
the entrance.
A Ambience – This means the décor and the feel that you experience. Though it is intangible,
we cannot touch or feel it, its presence adds to our good experience. These include factors
like the air conditioning, lights, seats (comfort, look), washrooms, café, presentation of food,
auditoriums smelling fresh.
P Personnel – Personnel should be smartly dressed, courteous and professional always. Look
happy with a genuine smile while doing your job, no matter how tired you are.
P Products – It includes all the tangible things that Miraj offers and we can touch and
experience. The food offered, tickets, and seats should be up to the set standard.
Y You – What would you expect if you were the patron/ guest? If you provide all those things,
then the passenger will not complain.
5. Activity:
Participants would be divided into teams and would have to act out two skits of 5 minutes
duration. The topics would be a situation handled in the ‘bad service way’ and the same
situation handled in the ‘good service way’. They would get 10 minutes to prepare. The team
performing gets points out of 20 for their presentation. The other teams get +2 for each point
on identifying the 5 factors of HAPPY from their act on good service. After the briefing,
clarify their doubts if any. Then divide them into teams (or if teams are already made
continue with the same). After every act, a short debrief by the trainer to reinforce HAPPY.

6. Close:
Declare score, recap HAPPY. When the patrons/ guests receive service as per their
expectations, they feel satisfied and do not complain.

7. Review:

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